
2023年12月16日发(作者:give me five什么意思)



Lesson 70 Red for danger危险的红

How was the drunk removed from the ring?

During a bullfight, a drunk suddenly wandered into the

middle of the ring. The crowd began to shout, but the drunk was

unaware of the danger. The bull was busy with the matador at

the time, but it suddenly caught sight of the drunk who was

shouting rude remarks and waving a red cap. Apparently

sensitive to criticism, the bull forgot all about the matador and

charged at the drunk. The crowd suddenly grew quiet. The drunk,

however, seemed quite sure of himself. When the bull got close

to him, he clumsily stepped aside to let it pass. The crowd broke

into cheers and the drunk bowed. By this time, however, three

men had come into the ring and they quickly dragged the drunk

to safety. Even the bull seemed to feel sorry for him, for it looked

on sympathetically until the drunk was out of the way before

once more turning its attention to the matador.



【New words and expressions】(16)

bullfight n. 斗牛(活动)

like a red rag to a bull令人暴怒的事物

bully n. 恃强凌弱的人

coward n. 懦马弓者

eg. Cowards die many times before their death; the valiant

never taste of death but once.

懦夫在死之前,已死去多次;而勇士一生只死一次。 (—语出莎士比亚的悲剧《裘力斯,恺撒》) bull 公牛

cow 母牛

steer 菜牛

OX 大公牛

Oxen (pl. )


bull market 牛市

bear market 負宾市

bullfight 斗牛(活动)


bulldog 斗牛的狗

bull-headed 卤莽的,顽固的


1)n. (口)醉酒者,醉鬼(person who is drunk)

drunkard n.酒鬼,酒徒 (person who often gets drunk)

2) adj.醉的,酒醉的(通常做表语)

eg. He was blind drunk./He was dead drunk. 他烂醉如泥。get

drunk 喝醉了

as drunk as a lord 酩酊大醉

3) adj. (因感动,高兴等)沉醉的,陶醉的 (常做表语)

eg. He is drunk with success. 他沉醉于胜利中。

drunk with sth陶醉,飘飘然忘乎所以

drunk with power

drunk with success

drunken adj. 酒醉的;常酗酒的;酒醉引起的(行为)

a drunken man 醉汉

drunken driving 酒醉后开车


l)v. 游荡,闲逛;漫步,溜达

wanderer 漂泊者,流浪汉

eg. He wandered in as if he had nothing to do.

eg. She was wandering up and down the road.

eg. He was wandering about in the forest. 他在森林里徘徊。


eg. His mind is wandering. 他心不在焉。

eg. She wanders in her conversation.她的谈话杂乱无章。3) v.


eg. The climbers wandered off in the mountains.



eg. He wandered from the subject.

/He wandered off the subject. 他说得离了题。


eg. I wonder who he is.

eg. I wonder at you ignorance


l)n. 圆形竞技场地

bullring 斗牛场

circus ring 马戏场

circus 广场,古罗马竞技场,马戏团

arena 圆形剧场或运动场地中心的平地

2)n. 环,环状物

a wedding ring

an engagement ring订婚戒指

ring-finger 左手无名指

3)v. 打电话,铃响

ring sb/call sb

eg. The telephone has being ringing for 10 minutes.

unaware adj. 不知道的,未察觉的



be unaware of sth

be unaware that

eg. He was unaware of the danger./He was unaware that he

was in danger. aware

1)adj. 察觉到的,感觉到的,知悉的

be aware of

eg. He wasn't aware of the danger.

be aware+从句

eg. Are you aware that you have hurt his feelings?

eg. Are you aware that you are sitting on my hat?

cg. I became aware how she might feel.

2) adj. (对...))意识敏锐的,有..知识的

eg. She is a politically aware woman 她是位政治意识敏锐的女性。


l)n. 意见,评论,感想,发言

rude remarks 粗话

violent language/strong language 粗话

2)v. (把意见,感想)说出,叙述,发言(比say正式)

remark that

eg. she remarked that it was getting warmer and warmer.

eg. "Money is the most important thing." He remarked

ironically. 他用嘲讽的口气说:”钱是最重要的东西”。

remark on/remark upon


eg. The guests remarked on her new dress.


apparently adv. 明显地(obviously)



eg. It was apparent to all of us that he was lying.


an apparent advantage


with apparent indifference


eg. In spite of her apparent indifference, she was warm-hearted. It is apparent +to sb +that


eg. It is apparent to us that he hasn't done his work Properly.

apparently adv.


eg. The car apparently slid around the corner.



eg. He is apparently right. (It is apparent that he is right. )




eg. She is very sensitive to the cold.

eg. She is very sensitive to the heat.

a sensitive ear 聪明的耳朵

a sensitive skin 过敏的皮肤


eg. You should not be so sensitive to criticism.

eg. My sister is sensitive about her thick legs.


sensitivity n. 敏感性,敏感度



a sensible man 通晓事理的人

eg. It's sensible of you to take his advice.

2)adj. 可感觉到的( noticeable)

a sensible difference 可察觉的区别

sensibility n. 感觉能力

the sensibility of the skin 皮肤的感觉能力,

sense n. 感觉,辨识力,意识

the sense of humor

a man of good sense 通情达理的人

common sense 常识

sentimental adj. 情感的,多愁善感的

sentimental movie 引人落泪的电影

criticism n. 批评,评论

literary criticism文学评论

eg. His new novel had favorable criticisms. 他的新小说颇受好评。criticize V. 批评,评论

eg. He criticized the American film favorably.


eg. She' s always criticizing her friend for being selfish

critic n. (文学,美术,音乐等的)评论家,批评家

a literary critic文艺评论家

eg. He is famous as an art critic.

critical adj.


a critical writer评论家

a critical essay 评论


a critical reader

a critical attitude

be critical of sb


a critical situation危急的状况

a matter of critical importance 非常重要的问题

eg. We are at a critical time in our history.

critically adv. 批评地,苛刻地


1)vi. 冲

charge at

eg. The wounded lion suddenly charged at me. eg. The bull

charged at the drunk.

2)v. 索价,要价

eg. He charged me 500 dollars for this dish. 3)V. 控告

charge sb with

eg. He was charged with murder.

4)n. 照管,照料,负责

be in charge of

take charge of

be in charge of the plan

be in charge of the company

clumsily adv. 笨拙地

eg. He painted a flower clumsily.

clumsy adj. 笨手笨脚的(wooden,be all thumbs) a clumsy


eg. He is clumsy with using chopsticks.

He is clumsy at using chopsticks.


1) v. 鞠躬,点头

bow sb in鞠躬迎入

bow sb out鞠躬送出

2)n. 鞠躬

eg. He made a low bow.

make one's bow (演员等)初次在观众前露面。

take a bow (演员)鞠躬谢幕。

3)n. 蝴蝶结;射箭用的弓

arrow 箭

bow-leg 罗圈腿

safety n。安全,安全地带(反义词danger)

safety first安全第一

safety-belt 安全带/seat-belt



1)adj. 安全的(反义词dangerous)

eg. Put your wallet in the safe place.

It is safe + to do做…是安全的

eg. It is safe to swim in the river.

2)adj. 平安的(多于come , arrive, return等动词连用)

eg. They arrived safe. 他们平安抵达。

eg. The kidnapped boy was found safe.那个遭的男孩被发现平安无事。safe and sound 安然无恙

play it safe 不冒险,慎重行事

sympathetically adv. 同情地

sympathetic adj. 表同情的

sympathetic words

eg. She was very sympathetic when I failed in the exam.

be sympathetic to:对…表示同意

eg. He was sympathetic to our proposal.

sympathetically adv. 同情地,同感地


1)n. 同情,惻隐之心,怜悯

feel sympathy for the victims of the accident

feel sympathy with the victims of the accident

send a letter of sympathy寄一封慰问信

eg. You have my sympathy. 我很同情你。

2)n. 同意,共鸣,支持


eg. I have sympathy with his opinion.

sympathize v. (对某人)同情. 赞成

sympathize with

eg. I didn't want you to sympathize with me.

sympathizer n. 同情者

与介词for, with, of, to,at,from, in,on,about搭配的形容词:for:

eager 渴望的

enough 足够的

famous 以…而闻名

fit 适合

grateful(or to) 因...而感激

qualified(or in) 能胜任

ready 准备好

responsible 对...负责

sorry 对…感到遗憾

sufficient 充足的

thankful(or to) 感谢

valid 有效期


angry(with sb/at sth) 生气busy(or at)忙于consistent 与…一致content 对...满足familiar(or to) 对…熟悉patient 有耐心的

popular 为…所喜爱,欢迎of:

afraid 害怕

ahead 在…前面

aware 知道

capable 能够

careful(or with) 小心certain 确信

conscious 意识到envious 妒忌

fond 爱好

guilty 有罪

ignorant 不了解independent 独立于jealous 妒忌的

kind(or to) 对…和蔼north 在…的北面south 在…的南面east 在...的东面west 在…的西面short 缺乏

shy 顾虑

sure 肯定

worthy 值得的


close 接近于contrary 与...相反cruel 对...残忍

dear 很...重要

equal 与...平等faithful 忠于

fatal 对...是致命的harmful 对...有害的identical 与...相同的indifferent 对…不关心inferior 劣于

liable 对...有义务new 对…没经验

obedient 对…服从

obvious 对…清楚

polite 对…礼貌

previous 先于

rude 对…粗鲁

sensitive 对...敏感

similar 与...相似

useful 对…有用


bad 不善于

clever 擅于

efficient 能胜任的

expert(or in) 能熟练的good 善于

indignant 对…愤慨

quick 很快

sad(or about) 因。o。而悲伤slow 对…迟钝

skillful(or in) 熟练


away 距¨. 远的

different 不同

far 远离

safe 无危险的


deficient 缺乏

fortunate 在…很幸运

honest 对。o。诚实

weak 在…薄弱


dependent 依赖于

intent 专心于

keen 热心于


curious 对。o。好奇的

doubtful(or of) 对。o。有疑问

enthusiastic 对…热心

reluctant(or to) 勉强

right(or in) 在…是正确的

uneasy 对…感到不安

eg. Where there is a will, there is a way.

用for, with, of, to, at, from, in, on,about.填空:

l. George is jealous of his younger sister.

2. She is well-qualified for in languages and very efficient at

her work.

3. We are fortunate in having sufficient supplies of fuel for/in


4. Contrary to my expectations, there was no need to be

uneasy about the results of the match.

5. I am not familiar with his . novels and not very keen on

reading them.

Red for danger危险的红

paint the town red (口)胡闹,出去狂欢痛饮

be in the red 亏空,负债

eg. We were in the red last year.

red tape 官样文章

During a bullfight, a drunk suddenly wandered into the

middle of the ring. The crowd began to shout, but the drunk was

unaware of the danger.

began to shout /began shouting

the drunk was unaware of the danger.

/the drunk was unconscious of the danger.

/the drunk was unaware that he was in danger.

/the drunk was unconscious that he was in danger.

The bull was busy with the matador at the time, but it

suddenly caught sight of the drunk who was shouting rude

remarks and waving a red cap.

at the time/then/at that time

caught sight of/ begin to see

Apparently sensitive to criticism, the bull forgot all about the

matador and charged at the drunk.

(being) sensitive to criticism,


forget all about 完全忘记

charge at 沖过去

The crowd suddenly grew quiet. The drunk, however, seemed

quite sure of himself.

seem quite sure of 显得对…相当有把握

be sure of

eg. You are sure of a warm welcome when you come to China.

be sure to do

eg. Be sure to come early next time.

When the bull got close to him, he clumsily stepped aside to

let it pass. get close to sb靠近…,逼近¨

step aside 站到一旁,让开. 让位

step on 踩到

eg. That woman stepped on my foot, but didn't apologize.

step in 走进

eg. Step in, please.


1)n. 步调,步伐

in step步调一致(反义. out of step)

eg. Watch your step!小心脚下!当心,

2)n. (接近目标的)一步,一个阶段

a step toward success

step by step逐步地,…一步步地

3)n. 手段,措施

take an unusual step采取非常措施

4)n. 阶级,晋升

get one' s step 升级

5)n. (楼梯. 梯子的)梯级

a door step 门阶

on the bottom step



stepbrother 异父(母)兄弟

stepchild 丈夫与其前妻或妻子与其前夫所生的孩子


let sb do/let sth do

The crowd broke into cheers and the drunk bowed.

break into cheers 欢呼

break into cheers

break into laughter

break into tears

break into angry speech

break into song

break into

1)突然发出(做出) (不用被动语态)


break out瀑发

eg. Fire broke out in the neighborhood last night.

break out crying

break out singing

break out laughing

break through 突破(障碍等)

break up (关系)毀坏,破坏


eg. Their marriage broke up.

eg. What broke up their friendship?

By this time, however, three men had come into the ring and

they quickly dragged the drunk to safety.


l)v. 拖拽. 拖动

eg. We dragged the carpet out of the room.

eg. He dragged the table into the corner.

2)v. (东西)在地上拖着

eg. The bride' s dress dragged along behind her.

3)v. (强迫)硬拖(某人),拖人,拉进

Drag +sb+ (adv) in/into/out/out of

eg. She dragged her child out to the dentist' s.

eg. The country was dragged into the war

drag one' s feet/drag one' s heels


drag down使(人)虚弱,把(人)拖垮

Even the bull seemed to feel sorry for him, for it looked on

sympathetically until the drunk was out of the way before once

more turning its attention to the matador.

look on 旁观


...until the drunk was out of the way before once more

turning its attention to the matador.

out of


get out of a room

2)在…的范围外(反义词within, in)

eg. He lives a few miles out of the city

Out of sight

out of hearing


be out of film 胶卷用光了

be out of patience 不能忍受

be out of cash

be out of work


Out of fashion 过时了

Out of control 失控


out of kindness出于好意


eg. Choose one out of these ten.

turn one' s attention to o转移注意力

pay one' s attention to

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