

持续动词与瞬间动词英语的行为动词有持续性动词和瞬间性动词之分,使用中应注意两者的区别。持续性动词表示一个动作可持续一段时间,此类动词有 do, live, have,keep, wear, sleep, wait, work, play, stay, know, sing, dance, write, study, rest,talk, walk等.瞬时性动词表示不能持续的动作,这种动作发生后立即结束,此类动词有 open, close, finish, begin, come, go, arrive, reach, leave, move, borrow,buy, die, lend, join, catch, get, win, fail等

一、持续性动词表示一个动作可以持续一段时间或更长时间。常见的有study, play, do,read, learn, drive, write, clean, slean, sleep, speak, talk, wait, fly, stay, write,sit, stand, lie, keep等。

二、瞬间性动词表示一个动作发生在一瞬间,非常短暂。亦称终止性动词。常见的有begin, start, finish, go, come, leave, find, get up, arrive, reach, get to, enter,hear, stop, open, close, become, buy, borrow, lend, happen, join, lose, renew,die, take away, put up, set out, put on, get on/off等。以上已集中了初中教材的大部分持续性动词及瞬间性动词。

三、用法1、以上两类动词都能用于现在完成时,表示动作到现在为止已结束,例如:He has studied English for three years.(他学英语已有3年了。)He has joined the Party.(他已入党了。)Mum isn’t at home. She has gone to the library.(妈妈不在家,她去图书馆了。)2、持续性动词在完成时中能与表示持续一段时间的状语连用,而瞬间性动词则不能。例如:His parents talked with the teacher for half an hour.(他的父母跟老师谈了半个小时。)My mother has lain in bde for 3 days.(我母亲生病卧床已经三天了。)My parents have lived in Shanghai since 1950.(我父母亲从1950年起就住

在上海了。)3、瞬间性动词在完成时中如要与表示持续一段时间的状语连用,通常有两种方法: (1)用意思相当的持续性动词来替换,例如:He has been in the army/a soldier for htree years.(他参军已有3年了。)不能用has joinedShe has been up for quite some time.(她起床已有好久了。)不能用hasgot upHas your brother been away from home for a long time?(你哥哥离家已有好久了吗?)不能用has left (2)用it is…since…结构来替换瞬间动词,例如:电影已经开映5分钟了。(两种方法)The film has been on for five ’s five minutes since the film began.他离开上海已有3天了。(两种方法)He has been away from Shanghai for three is three days since he left Shanghai.这本书我还给图书馆已有两周了。(一种方法)It’s two weeks since I returned the book to the library.他到他妹妹已有多久了?(一种方法)How long is it since be found his sister?4、瞬间动词的否定形式可以与表示一段时间的状语连用,例如:I haven’t seen you for a long time.(好久没见到你了。

初中课本中的常用瞬间动词相应持续性动词关系如下:1、go——be away 2、come——be here3、come back——be back 4、leave——be away(be not here)5、buy——have 6、borrow——keep7、die——be dead 8、begin——be on9、finish——be over 10、open——be open11、close——be closed 12、lose——be lost13、get to know——know 14、turn on——be on15、get up——be up 16、sit down——sit/be seated17、join——be in(…)或be a…member18、become——be

二者转化a)用延续性动词代替终止性动词1、用have代替buyMy brother has had(不能用has bought) this bike for almost four years.2、用keep或have代替borrowI have kept(不能用have borrowed) the book for quite a few days.3、用be替代becomeHow long has your sister been a teacher?4、用have a cold代替catch a coldTom has had a cold since the day before yesterday.5、用wear代替put onb)用“be+形容词”代终止性动词1、be+married代marry2、be+ill代fall (get) ill3、be+dead代die 4、be+asleep代fall (get) asleep5、be+awake代wake/wake up 6、be+gone代lose,die,sell,leave7、be+open代open 8、be closed代close/shut9、be+missing(gone,lost)代losec)用“be+副词”代终止性动词1“be+on”代start,begin2“be+up”代get up3“be+back(to)”代return to,come back to,go back to4“be here (there)”代come(arrive,reach,get) here或go (arrive,reach,get) there等等d)用“be+介词短语”代终止性动词1.“be in/at +地点”代替go to /come to2.用be in the army 代替join the army3.“be in/at +地点”代替move to

常用的就是:leave→be away, borrow→keep, buy→have, begin/start→beon, die→be dead, move to→live in, finish→be over, join→be in/be amember of, open sth.→keep sth. open, fall ill→be ill, get up→be up, catch acold→have a cold。


示的动作行为是瞬时发生并完成的,动作本身没有持续性。由于其瞬时终止性,也被称为终止动词。这类动词严格意义上不能与表示时段的持续性时间状语一起使用,也不能用于进行时态中。如果定要用与持续性时间状语连用,则必须把瞬时性动词改为相对应的状态动词或持续动词或用It is+持续时间状语+since+含瞬时性动词的结构,而用在进行时态中则句意发生改变。瞬时性动词上述语法特征在英语动词运用中易被忽视而出错。下面以瞬时性动词在几种时态中的运用分别加以说明。一、瞬时性动词在一般现在时态中的用法瞬时性动词在一般现在时中的用被称为瞬间现在时,表示动作的完成与说话几乎是同时的,转瞬即逝,甚至可以是语音未落,动作已完成。这一用法常见于快速体育运动的实况报导中。如:1、Jennings shoots and –yes,it’s a goal .The crowd are cheering and theother players are running up to congratulate him.詹宁斯射出了一球,哦,好,正中目标。观众欢呼起来,其他的队员也跑向他向他祝贺。2、Tom passes the ball to Jim,Jim shoots and the goalkeeper leaps for it but– Yes ,it’s a goal. 汤姆传球给吉姆,吉姆射门,守门员跃起救球,但是球仍射进球门。

瞬间现在时也常见于戏法表演、实验技术操作等解说词中。如:1、Now I put the cake mixture into this bowl and a drop of vanilla essence.现在我把蛋糕混合物放进碗里,还有一点香油。2、I place the test tube over the flames ;now you can see that the liquid isbeginning to change colour. 我把试管置于火焰上;现在你可以看到液体开始变了。

瞬间现在时还常见于一些专门和日常用语中。如:1、I declare the meeting open.我宣布会议开始。(会议主持人的正式用语)2、I pronounce you man and wife. 我宣布你们结为夫妻。(牧师证婚用语)3、I sentence you to ten – year imprisonment.我宣布判你入狱十年。(法官宣判用语)4、We promise you a bike.我们答应给你买辆自行车。5、I wish you all a happy New Year.我祝你们新年快乐。上述专门用语或日常用语一般都用第一人称和表示说话动作动词,动词表示与说话时间几乎同时发生和守成短暂行为。可作类似用法的词还

有:agree, apologize, deny, name, object, say, suggest, sympathize,acknowledge.

瞬时性动词一般过去时和一般将来时用法则表示动作在过去某个瞬间或将来某个瞬间完成或会完成的动作行为,如:1、I met an old friend yesterday.昨天我遇见一位老朋友。2、She will arrive at five o’clock.她会在5点钟到达。

二、瞬时性动词在完成时态中的用法瞬时性动词在完成时中分两种情况:一种没有时间状语,一种跟有表示延续的时间状语。前者的用法同瞬时性动词在一般时态中的用法。如:1、John left here at six o’clock .约翰在6点钟离开这儿。John has left here.约翰已离开这儿了。2、The film began at eight o’clock .电影在8点钟开映。 The film has begun.电影已开映了。延续性时间状语与瞬时性动词完成时态连用时,表示的时间延续段始于动词发生时,越过说话时刻,向将来时域延续到状语确定的时间尽头,说明结果状态的持续,而不是说明动作本身的持续,翻译成汉语时有明显改变。如:1、I have exchanged job with him for tow months.我跟他调换了工作,为期两个月。(不能译为:我跟他调换工作已有两个月。)2、Father has come back for three days.父亲回来了,准备呆三天。(不能译为:父亲已回来三天了。)3、The secretary has gone out for the day.秘书外出了,要在外面呆一天。(不能译为:秘书已出去一天了。)4、The police have suspended his driving license for one year.警察已吊销了他的驾驶执照,为期一年。(不能译为:警察已吊销他的驾驶执照一年了。)从上述例句可以看出,用于瞬时性动词现在完成时中的延续性时间状语表示时间,因为延续到将来时域,所以总是计划性的。这种计划性只适用于瞬间意志行为动词,即动作发生的结果状态的持续可以人为支配的瞬时性动词。所以延续性时间状语只能与瞬间意志行为动词连用,表示结果状态的持续时间,而非动作的持续时间。


1、I lost my pen for a while.我的笔丢过一阵子。 I have lost my pen for a while.(×)2、Our business stopped growing for three months.我们的业务有3个月没有增长。Our business stopped growing for three months. (×)3、The fog grounded the airplanes at the airport for 12 hours.大雾把飞机困在机场达12个小时之久。The fog has grounded the airplanes at the air-port for 12 hours. (×)至于瞬间永久结果动词,其任何时态都不能饰以延续性时间状语。如不能说:1、The man has died for many years2、The flood has destroyed the bridge for several months.3、have received the letter for a week now.4、She has killed the chicken for 30 minutes now.

而对始于过去某时延续到目前为止的时间,瞬时性动词应以下列形式表达:1、I exchanged jobs with him two months ago./ It is has been two monthssince I exchanged jobs with him.我是两个月前跟他调换工作的。/我跟他调换工作已有两个月了。2、How long ago did you get up?/How long have you been up?你起床多久了?3、The man died many years ago./The man has been dead for many years.那人去世许多年了。4、I received the letter a week ago./It’s been a week since I received theletter.我一个星期前接到这封的。这封信我已接到了一个星期了。上述例句中,把一些瞬时性动词改成表示状态或持续动词后,就可以与持续性时间状语连用。

下面是一些常用瞬时性动词与其对应的状态动词或持续动词。come – be go – be leave – be away(from)

begin – be on buy – have borrow – keepmarry –be married die – be dead put on – wear1、John has come here.约翰已来这里了。 John has been here for three days.约翰已来这里三天了。2、The Greens have gone to Canada.格林一家去了加拿大。

The Greens have been in Canada for a week.格林一家去加拿大已一周了。3、She has left the city.她已经离开了这个城市。 She has been away from the city for one year.她已经离开这个城市有两年了。4、The film has begun.电影已开映了。 The film has been on for five minutes.电影已开映5分钟了。5、Marry has married.玛丽已结婚。 Marry has been married for two years.玛丽结婚已两年。6、His father has died.他父亲去世了。 His father has been dead for three years.他父亲去世已3年。7、Tom has bought a piano.汤姆买了一架钢琴。 Tom has had a piano for six months.汤姆买了一架钢琴已有六个月了。8、He has put on the blue jacket.他已穿了那件蓝茄克衫。 He has worn the blue jacket for four days.那件蓝茄克衫他已穿了4天了。9、I have borrowed a computer.我借了一台电脑。I have kept a computer for a year.我借了一台电脑已有一年了。应当注意的是,不是所有的瞬时性动词都有与之对应的状态动词或持续动词。如果瞬时性动词没有对应的状态动词时。应用It is + 时段 + since+ 含过去时的瞬间谓语动词的结构表示。如:1、It is two weeks since they finished the task.他们完成任务已两周了。2、It is three months since he have up smoking.他戒烟已三月了。3、It is five years since he lived here.他住在这里已五年了。

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