高三英语二轮复习学案-名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选:The Flying Fish_


高三英语培优·名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选 The Flying Fish(答案在最后)


心灵鸡汤精选The Flying Fish








Your big opportunity might be right where you are now.

—Napoleon Hill

One summer my family and I went on a vacation to Sunriver, Oregon. We rented a cabin and

a small powerboat at Big Lava Lake and were ready for a week of serious fishing. Our first

morning, we packed a big picnic lunch, fishing poles and Mom’s camera. She loves to take a

picture of the proud person with his or her catch, a rare thing in our family of unlucky anglers. We

went down to the lake with high hopes of catching “the big one.” Little did we know just how big

our catch that day would be.

It was a really bright, sunny morning. The sky was pale blue and full of big, fluffy white

clouds. The blue-green lake sat in the middle of the surrounding mountains like a spoonful of

gravy in the middle of your mashed potatoes. The entire area, including the lake shore, was

covered with huge, dark green pine trees, which filled the air with their beautiful smell. You could

see their giant reflections on the quiet surface of the lake.

We motored as far away from the other boats on the lake as possible. After anchoring the boat,

we set up our fishing lines in five different directions. Then we opened up our picnic lunch, passed

out sandwiches and started to relax.

“There’s nothing like a peaceful day on the lake,” Dad said, enjoying his peanut butter and

jelly sandwich. “Your Uncle Pat would say, ‘The family that fishes together, stays together.’ What

a beautiful day.”

After a while, we realized that the reason our end of the lake was so uncrowded was because

our end had no fish.

“Hey, how come we always seem to pick the side of the lake where we’re never gonna catch

anything?” my brother Ethan asked.

“Just be patient. You guys will catch something. You always do,” Mom said, trying to

encourage us.

“Something big enough for a family of five would be nice,” grinned my brother Colin. “I

think I’ll just relax while I wait for those big fish down there, just lining up for my bait . . .”

The loud buzz of a small plane overhead interrupted him. Above the engine noise, Mom cried

out, “Look, everybody. This will be so exciting. It’s a pontoon plane that’s about to land on the


“No, it’s not, Trish. That pilot’s in trouble!” Dad shouted.

Dad was right. The plane that Mom thought was able to float on the water was actually a

plane that needed to make an emergency landing, and the pilot had chosen our lake to land on!

Within seconds, the plane crashed on its belly, as though it were doing a giant cannonball. Splash

Huge waves filled the lake. The nose of the plane was pointing downward—the plane was sinking


Dad, who knew right from the beginning that the pilot was in trouble, immediately tried to

start the motor of our boat. The boat jerked forward, throwing our bits of sandwiches on the deck

and tangling up all of our fishing lines. Food and fishhooks were flying everywhere! We were

hurrying and scurrying as our parents called out commands and our family charged into action. At

first, it was like a comedy movie. But my parents were great. They kept their cool. “Everybody

stay calm! Don’t stand up! Pull in your lines! You guys sit down! Grab the extra life jacket! Let’s

go! Let’s hustle! This is an emergency!”

Dad gave the engine full throttle, and its ten horsepower puttered as fast as it could. We only

had to go a few hundred feet, but it seemed to take forever. We could see the pilot—a gray-haired

man wearing a checkered shirt, blue jeans and cowboy boots. He had climbed onto the plane’s

wing while the nose was sinking and the tail was pointing straight up. He was standing on the

wing, holding an old brown suitcase, waiting for us to come to his rescue. He seemed so calm, just

standing there, like he was waiting outside at a bus stop.

When we finally reached the pilot, Mom grabbed a life jacket and threw it out onto the water

for him. By that time, the plane had sunk. The pilot was clinging for dear life to his suitcase,

which he seemed to be using as a life preserver. He seemed to have difficulty swimming and

couldn’t get to the life jacket that was only five feet away from him. After several tries, Mom and

Dad hoisted the pilot by the belt loops of his jeans onto our boat. He was safely on board.

“Oh my gosh. . . . Thank you, thank you!” The pilot’s face was frozen with fear. “My

goodness, thank you. . . . My name’s Wave, Wave Young. . . . I’ve been flying for over forty

years . . . ” he stammered. He seemed out of breath and really shaken up.

“Hi, I’m Mike; this is my wife, Trish; our children, Megan, Ethan and Colin,” Dad said,

trying to put the pilot at ease.

“I knew I had engine trouble and knew I was coming down, so I tried to land on the lake. A

couple years back, another pilot landed in those beautiful pines and started a big forest fire. I

didn’t want to do the same!” Wave’s voice was shaking.

“Did you say your name is Wave? I can see why. . . . ”

“Colin!” I whispered under my breath. We all laughed a little nervously, even Wave.

“Well, thank God you people were here. I don’t know what I’d have done without you. I was

in such shock I couldn’t even swim! Thank God you were here to rescue me.”

Once he was comfortably seated on the boat, we rushed the pilot ashore to let the waiting

paramedics and other emergency crews take care of him. Even though we still had rental time left

on the boat, we turned it in early because, as Dad said, “I think we’re done fishing for the day.”

We said our good-byes, and as a crowd formed, we decided to sneak out of the way, get into our

car and head back for the day.

“I’m really proud of you kids. You were terrific. You handled that emergency really well,”

Dad told us, his face beaming with pride.

“What do you think you guys learned from all this today?” Mom asked as she turned back

toward us in the car.

“We were on the wrong side of the lake again for fishing, but this time it turned out good,”

Ethan answered shyly.

“We learned how important it is to be ready for emergencies,” Colin added.

“And you never know when God will use you to help someone,” I said to my family. “We

were there for a reason. We were the only people on that side of the lake. The pilot was so scared

that he couldn’t swim. If we had gone to the other side of the lake, we couldn’t have reached him

in time to save him.”

That night we saw video coverage of Wave’s plane crash on the evening news. Amazingly,

Mom had also snapped an awesome picture of Wave standing on the wing of his plane, right

before we reached him. She gave the photo to the local paper, which printed it the next morning

on the front page.

We still need to frame that photo of “the big one.” We could hang it somewhere in our home

to keep our memory of that day alive. And maybe we wouldn’t have a picture of a fish, but we

would have a picture of a pilot we fished out—and that would sure be the biggest “flying fish”

anyone had ever seen!



[ˈæŋɡlə(r)] n.________________________________________

[ˈflʌfi] adj.________________________________

[ˈɡreɪvi] n.________________________________

[mæʃ] vt.________________________________

[ɡrɪn] vi.________________________________

[beɪt] n.________________________________

[bʌz] n.________________________________

n [pɒnˈtuːn] n.________________________________

[splæʃ] v.________________________________

[dʒɜːk] v.________________________________

[ˈtæŋɡ(ə)l] v.________________________________

[ˈskʌri] vi.________________________________

[ˈhʌsl] vt.________________________________

le [ˈθrɒtl] n.________________________________

[ˈpʌtə(r)] vi.________________________________

[klɪŋ] vi.________________________________

[hɔɪst] vt.________________________________

[luːp] n.________________________________

r [ˈstæmə(r)] vi.________________________________

dic [ˌpærəˈmedɪk] n.________________________________

[sniːk] v.________________________________

ic [təˈrɪfɪk] adj.________________________________

[biːm] v.________________________________

[snæp] vt.________________________________

[freɪm] vt.________________________________



several tries, Mom and Dad ______________ the pilot by the belt loops of his jeans onto

our boat.


pilot’s face ____________________________ fear.


3.“My goodness, thank you. . . . My name’s Wave, Wave Young. . . . I’ve been flying for over

forty years . . . ” he_______________________. He seemed out of breath and really shaken up.

“我的天,谢谢你们. . . 我的名字是 . . . 我开飞机已经四十多年了… ”他结结巴巴地说。他似乎上气不接下气,浑身发抖。

’s voice was_______________________.


5.“You were terrific.” Dad told us, his face _______________________ with pride.

“你们很棒。” 爸爸告诉我们,脸上洋溢着骄傲。

sky was _______________________blue and full of big, fluffy white clouds.


entire area, including the lake shore, was covered with huge, dark green pine trees, which

_______________________ the air with their beautiful smell.




As flying through the blue sky, 5,000 feet above the Pacific Ocean, 23-year-old pilot Sydnie

Uemoto heard the sound—a subtle change in the noise as the engines began to operate hard.

Her co-pilot, 26-year-old Dave McMahon, heard it, too. They were just two young pilots,

taking a short trip with no passengers. Then, without warning, the pilots lost power to the engines.

The next few minutes were in disorder. Nothing worked. At about 1, 000 feet above the ocean

the plane fell quickly, Uemoto made the last distress call. “We’re 25 miles northwest of Kona,”

she said to air traffic control. “We're going down.”

Uemoto held the controls tightly. She knew the chances of survival were slim. “Just land as if

you're landing on the ground,” Uemoto told herself. As the plane rushed toward the ocean, she

forced herself to imagine a runway spreading along the water.

McMahon and Uemoto were thrown forward violently. McMahon opened his eyes to wait for

death. He realized that he was, incredibly, OK. Uemoto was next to him, shocked and bleeding,

but still conscious. She rose to her feet hard and felt the blood pouring down her face. “Get out!”

McMahon shouted loudly. The water was knee-high inside the plane, and it would be flooded in


Uemoto made every effort through the water toward the door, picking up two life preservers

along the way. By the time she’d climbed out onto the wing, the water was covering the seats of

the plane. As the plane sank, they jumped into the ocean. Within seconds, the plane disappeared

from the surface.

The waves broke around them. McMahon and Uemoto had done the impossible by surviving

a crash landing into the ocean. Uemoto, however, was frightened and started to cry. McMahon

tried to calm her by making small talk.

“When will the rescuers get here?” Uemoto asked.

“They're coming,” McMahon said. “We're just going to be here.”



After a couple of hours, a plane appeared in the sky, circling the area.

But McMahon and Uemoto didn't give up hope.




[ˈæŋɡlə(r)] n.垂钓者

[ˈflʌfi] adj.轻软状的, 松软的

[ˈɡreɪvi] n.肉汁

[mæʃ] vt.捣碎(食物)

[ɡrɪn] vi.咧着嘴笑

[beɪt] n.鱼饵, 诱饵

[bʌz] n.嗡嗡声, 蜂鸣声

n [pɒnˈtuːn] n.浮桥平台

[splæʃ] v.泼洒,哗啦哗啦地溅

[dʒɜːk] v.急拉,猛推

[ˈtæŋɡ(ə)l] v.使缠结, 乱作一团

[ˈskʌri] vi.碎步疾跑

[ˈhʌsl] vt.推搡,猛推

le [ˈθrɒtl] n.节流阀,节流杆

[ˈpʌtə(r)] vi.船或车辆嘟嘟作响

[klɪŋ] vi.抓紧,紧握,紧抱

[hɔɪst] vt.吊起,提升,拉高

[luːp] n.环形, 环状物, 圆圈

r [ˈstæmə(r)] vi.口吃, 结结巴巴地说

dic [ˌpærəˈmedɪk] n.护理人员

[sniːk] v.偷偷地走, 溜

ic [təˈrɪfɪk] adj.极好的, 了不起的

[biːm] v.笑容满面, 眉开眼笑

[snæp] vt.拍照, 摄影

[freɪm] vt.给…做框, 给…镶边



several tries, Mom and Dad hoisted the pilot by the belt loops of his jeans onto our boat.


pilot’s face was frozen with fear.


3.“My goodness, thank you. . . . My name’s Wave, Wave Young. . . . I’ve been flying for over

forty years . . . ” he stammered. He seemed out of breath and really shaken up.

“我的天,谢谢你们. . . 我的名字是 . . . 我开飞机已经四十多年了… ”他结结巴巴地说。他似乎上气不接下气,浑身发抖。

’s voice was shaking.


5.“You were terrific.” Dad told us, his face beaming with pride.

“你们很棒。” 爸爸告诉我们,脸上洋溢着骄傲。

sky was pale blue and full of big, fluffy white clouds.


entire area, including the lake shore, was covered with huge, dark green pine trees, which

filled the air with their beautiful smell.



After a couple of hours, a plane appeared in the sky, circling the area. It flew directly

overhead as McMahon waved his hand. And then, without any sign of recognition, the plane

continued on its way. Help had arrived, but then shockingly disappeared over the sight. Over the

next several hours, plane after plane flew overhead, circling in search of the lost pilots. Each time,

McMahon and Uemoto did what they could to be seen. But each time, the potential rescue plane

continued its flight without recognizing them.

Para. 2:

But McMahon and Uemoto didn't give up hope. Suddenly, a rescue helicopter arrived near

them. McMahon and Uemoto became excited. They shouted and waved their life preservers.

Luckily, the rescuers in the helicopter saw them this time. They helped McMahon and Uemoto get

out of the water and they survived. The rescuers provided them with some food and water. Later,

they were sent to hospital. After a few tests by the doctor, they went home safely.

本文发布于:2024-09-22 22:32:09,感谢您对本站的认可!



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