


On January 9, 2003, Mexico initiated a case in the International Court of Justice against the

United States, alleging violations of Articles 5 and 36 under the Vienna Convention on Consular

Relations of April 24, 1963 concerning Mexican nationals who were convicted and sentenced to

death in U.S. state courts in California, Texas, Illinois, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Nevada, Ohio,

Oklahoma, and Oregon.

More specifically, Mexico contends that its citizens who were charged and convicted of

crimes in the U.S. were not told that they had to the right to consular assistance and access under

the Vienna Convention.


Ruling on the merits of the case, the Court first addresses the question of whether the 52

individuals concerned had Mexican nationality only, or whether some of them were also United

States nationals, as claimed by that State. Concluding that the United States has not proved that

claim, the Court finds that the United States did have obligations (to provide consular information)

under Article 36, paragraph 1 (b) , of the Vienna Convention towards the 52 Mexican nationals.


The Court then examines the meaning of the expression “without delay” used in paragraph 1

(b) of Article 36. It finds that the duty to provide consular information exists once it is realized

that the person is a foreign national, or once there are grounds to think so, but considers that, in the

light inter alia of the Convention's travaux préparatoires the term “without delay” is not

necessarily to be interpreted as meaning “immediately upon arrest”. The Court then concludes that,

on the basis of this interpretation, the United States has nonetheless violated its obligation to

provide consular notification in all of the cases save one.

法院随后检查的“毫不拖延”(二)第36条第1款中的表达意义。它认为,提供领事信息的义务存在,一旦它是实现,人是1外国国家,或曾经有有理由这样认为,但认为,在的光“公约”的准备工作除其他外工作文件毫不拖延一词“ “不一定被解释为意味着”后,立即逮捕“。然后,法院的结论认为,这种解释的基础上,美国仍然违反其义务,提供领事通知,在所有的情况下,保存一个。

The Court then takes note of the interrelated nature of the three subparagraphs (a) , (b) and

(c) of paragraph 1 of Article 36 of the Vienna Convention and finds, in 49 of the cases, that the

United States has also violated its obligation under subparagraph (a) to enable Mexican consular

officers to communicate with, have access to and visit their nationals; while, in 34 cases, it finds

that the United States has also, in addition, violated its obligation under subparagraph (c) to enable

Mexican consular officers to arrange for legal representation of their nationals. 法院随后需要注意的三个(a)项的相互关联性,(b)项和第(三)“维也纳公约”第36条第1款,并发现,在49的情况下,美国还违反(一)项规定的义务,使墨西哥的领事官员交流,访问,并参观他们的国民;同时,在34例,认为美国还,此外,侵犯其根据(c)项,使墨西哥的领事官员安排法律代表其国民的义务。

The Court then turns to Mexico's submission in relation to paragraph 2 of Article 36,

whereby it claims that the United States violated its obligations under that paragraph by failing to

provide “meaningful and effective review and reconsideration of convictions and sentences

impaired by a violation of Article 36 (1)”, inter alia as a result of the operation of the “procedural

default” rule. The Court begins by observing that the procedural default rule has not been

revised since it drew attention in its Judgment in the LaGrand case to the problems which its

application could cause for defendants who sought to rely on violations of the Vienna Convention

in appeal proceedings. The Court finds that in three cases paragraph 2 of Article 36 has been

violated by the United States, but that the possibility of judicial re-examination is still open in 49

of the cases. 法院则变成墨西哥的意见书第36,即它宣称,美国违反不以提供“有意义和有效的审查和复议的定罪和违反第二十损害的句子该段所规定的义务第二款36(1)“作为一个操作的结果,除其他外 ”默认程 序“的规则。通过观察程序的默认规则没有被修改,因为它在其判决中注意的问题,它的应用程序可能会导致被告试图依靠违反“维也纳条约法公约”在上诉程序在拉格朗案提请法院开始。法院认定,在三种情况下,第36条第2款已违反美国,但是,在49的情况下仍然是开放的司法复审的可能性。

Turning to the legal consequences of the above‑found breaches and to what legal remedies

should be considered, the Court notes that Mexico seeks reparation in the form of “restitutio in

integrum” , that is to say partial or total annulment of conviction and sentence, as the “necessary

and sole remedy”. The Court, citing the decision of its predecessor, the Permanent Court of

International Justice, in the Chorzów Factory case, points out that what is required to make good

the breach of an obligation under international law is “reparation in an adequate form”. Following

its Judgment in the LaGrand case the Court finds that in the present case adequate reparation for

violations of Article 36 should be provided by review and reconsideration of the convictions and

sentences of the Mexican nationals by United States courts. 谈到上述发现的违规行为的法律后果,并应考虑什么样的法律补救办法,法院注意到,墨西哥要求赔偿“恢复原状”的形式,也就是说定罪和判刑的部分或全部废止, “必要的和唯一的补救措施”。法院,理由是其前身常设国际法院在霍茹夫工厂案,决定,指出需要什么,根据国际法规定的义务的违反,是“以适当形式的赔偿”。继其在拉格朗一案的判决,法院认定,在本案中,违反第36条的充分的赔偿,应提供由美国法院对墨西哥国民的定罪和判刑的审查和复议。

The Court considers that the choice of means for review and reconsideration should be left

to the United States, but that it is to be carried out by taking account of the violation of rights

under the Vienna Convention. 法院认为,审查和复议手段的选择应离开美国,但它是权利的侵犯,根据“维也纳条约法公约”进行的。

The Court then addresses the function of executive clemency. 然后法院解决行政赦免的功能。 Having found that it is the judicial process that is suited for the task 经发现,这是司法程序,适合任务 of review and 审查和 reconsideration, the Court finds that the clemency 复议,法院认定的宽大处理 process, as currently practised within the United States 过程中,由于目前在美国实行 criminal justice system, is not sufficient in itself to serve that purpose, although

appropriate clemency procedures can supplement judicial review and reconsideration. 刑事司法系统,是不是本身就足以达到这一目的,尽管适当的宽大处理程序可以补充司法审查和复议。

Finally, with regard to Mexico's request for the cessation of wrongful acts by the United

States, the Court finds no evidence of a “regular and continuing” pattern of breaches by the United

States of Article 36 of the Vienna Convention. 最后,关于墨西哥对停止不法行为美国的请求,法院认为没有证据显示美国违反“维也纳公约”第36条的“定期和持续的”模式。 And as to

its request for guarantees and assurances of non‑repetition the Court recognizes the United States

efforts to encourage implementation of its obligations under the Vienna Convention and considers

that that commitment by the United States meets Mexico's request. 和其要求的担保和保证不重



阿韦纳和其他墨西哥国民案( 墨西哥诉美利坚合众国 ),标志着一个转折点,关于第36判例。 The International Court of Justice's unprecedented decision of 2004 expressly

recognized the interdependence of both individual and State's rights, by asserting that

“ violations of the rights of the individual under article 36 may entail a violation of the rights of

the sending State, and that violations of the rights of the latter may entail a violation of the rights

of the individual” ( IC J Reports 2004, p. 36 ).国际法院法官的2004年前所未有的决定,明确承认无论个人和国家的权利的相互依存关系,声称,“第36条下的个人权利的侵犯可能涉及违反发送国的权利,并且认为侵犯后者的权利可能带来的个人权利的侵犯“(ICJ报告,2004年,第36页 )。

Moreover, the Court stated that the fact that in this case the ruling concerned only Mexican

nationals cannot be taken to imply that the conclusions reached by it in the Avena case do not

apply to other foreign nationals finding themselves in similar situations in other countries.此外,法院还指出,不能采取暗示, 阿韦纳案件所达成的结论并不适用于其他外国国民在类似的情况在其他国家寻自己的事实,在这种情况下,裁决只涉及墨西哥国民。

These cases may eventually carry significant consequences for countries legally imposing the

death penalty: “That is, only where the most rigorous standards of fairness and legality of

international jurisprudence are scrupulously followed.” (Catherine M. Amirfar, “The Avena Case

in the International Court of Justice”, in German Law Journal No. 4, April, 2004.)这些情况可能最终为依法判处死刑的国家进行的重大后果:“也就是说,只有在国际法理的公平性和合法性的最严格的标准,都严格遵循。”

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