高中英语新人教版(2019)修二Unit 5 词汇拓展


新人教版必修二Unit 5 词汇详解

Listening and Speaking

1、classical adj 古典的;经典的;


classical music古典音乐

a classical composer古典音乐作曲家

classical ballet/dance古典芭蕾舞/舞蹈




classic指经典的、优秀的、一流的,如a classic movie (经典影片);也可表示典型的,如a classic example(典型实例)。

2、energy n 能源;能量;精力;活力;


I like to listen to it when I exercise. It gives me energy.我喜欢在运动的时候听音乐。它给我能量。


(1) be full of energy精力充沛

have the energy to dosth.有精力做某事

apply/devote one’s 把某人的精力花在.....上

(2) energetic adj. 精力充沛的,精神饱满的;积极的


energy, strength, power与force





Reading and Thinking

1、opportunity n机会;时机;

教材原句:Imagine having the opportunity to sing together with hundreds of other people

while youare at home alone. 想象一下,当你独自在家的时候,有机会和几百个人一起唱歌。


the opportunity to do sth.做某事的机会

have an opportunity to do sth.有机会做某事

take/seize/use an opportunity把握住/抓住/利用机会

miss/lose/waste an opportunity错过/失去/浪费掉机会

2、perform vt /vi 表演;演出 vt 履行;执行;做=carry out vi 工作;运转;


Virtual choir members record themselves while they perform alone on video.虚拟合唱团成员在独自表演时录制视频。


perform an opera表演一场歌剧

perform an experiment/operation做实验/手术

perform one’ s promise/duty履行诺言/职责

perform a task执行任务

perform a role in在....中起作用

perform well/poorly/badly运转得好/差


performance n.表演;演技;表现 performer n.表演者;演员

3、ordinary adj 普通的;平凡的;


A virtual choir helps connect ordinary people together.虚拟唱诗班有助于将普通人联系在一起。


in the ordinary way一般地,通常地

out of the ordinary不寻常,出乎意料


ordinary, common, usual与 general

ordinary (事情)每天发生,十分平淡无奇; (人)无特别之处,很一般;

an ordinary young man一个普通的年轻人

common (多指物)很常见,不稀奇

common sense常识common practice惯例

usual 常见、常闻和常做的事或举动,强调惯常性;

as usual照例


general opinion普遍观点

4、enable vt 使能够;使可能;

教材原句:A virtual choir enables them to add their voices to those of other individuals and

become part of the global community.虚拟合唱团使他们能够将自己的声音加入到其他人的声音中,成为全球社区的一部分。


enable sb. todosth.使某人有能力做某事,使某人能够做某事

enable better communication使沟通更顺畅

5、prove vt证明;展现;


It has proved to be a positive influence on the lives of many people.事实证明,它对许多人的生活产生了积极的影响。



It’s 已经证实.......

prove sb. /sth. (to be) +n. /adj.证明某人/某物

prove (to be) +n. /adj.证明

6、award n 奖(可数);奖品;奖金; vt 授予;颁发;奖励;判给;


The virtual choir was the idea of award-winning composer and conductor Eric Whitacre.虚拟合唱团是获奖作曲家兼指挥家埃里克.惠塔克的主意。


get/receive/win an award (for.. )因…获奖

give sb. an award给某人颁奖

present an award颁奖

award sb. sth. =award sth. to sb.授予某人某种荣誉


award, reward与prize




(a)reward for (doing) sth.(做)某事的奖励


first prize一等奖

7、fall in love with 爱上


He fell in love with Mozart ’s 他爱上了莫扎特的古典音乐.....


fall in love with爱上(表动作)

be in lovewith爱上,喜欢(表状态)

fall asleep入睡(表动作)

be asleep在睡觉(表状态)

get into trouble陷入困境(表动作)

be in trouble处于困境中(表状态)

catch fire着火(表动作)

be onfire着火(表状态)

get in touch with .....取得联系(表动作)

keep in touch with .....保持联系(表状态)



8、stage n 时期;阶段;舞台;


…which was first seen on stage on 23 July 2014 in the UK. ....该合唱团于2014年7月23日在英国首次登台演出。


the early stages of a child’s development儿童成长的早期

the first stage of the scientific experiment科学实验的第一阶段

reach/get to a stage到达某一阶段

go throughastage经历某一阶段

at this/that stage在这个/那个阶段

at an early/a late stage在初期/后期

set the stage for为....创造条件


当先行词是stage, case, situation, position,point等表抽象地点的名词,且定语从句中缺少地点状语时,定语从句常用where或in which引导。

9、altogether adv 全部;总共;


Altogether, 2,292 young people from 80 countries joined in to sing Whitacre’s song “What





(1)(表示总数或总额)总共,一共(=in total)

There are 50 students altogether in our class.我们班总共50名学生。


The results were not altogether surprising.结果并不完全出人意料。

(3)总之,总而言之(用以总结,=all in all)

It was an interesting job, and we learnt that many new things; altogether, we saw nothing to


Discovering Useful Structures

1、gradual adj逐渐的;渐进的;


Though he was affected by gradual blindness soon after 尽管演出后不久他就逐渐失明.....


(1) gradual growth逐渐成长

a gradual change in climate气候的逐渐变化

a gradual process一个循序渐进的过程

a gradual increase in the birth rate出生率逐渐增长

(2) gradually adv.逐渐地;逐步地

have gradually changed逐渐变化

2、capable adj有能力的;有才能的;


..Henry was still capable of writingcompositions..亨利仍然有能力作曲....


be capable of (doing) sth. 有能力(做)某事

3、relief n(焦虑、痛苦的)减轻或消除(+from /of sth.);宽慰、轻松、解脱


..he found that creating music was a relief and cure for his illness. ...他发现创作音乐对自己的疾病来说是一种缓解和.


in relief如释重负;松了口气

to one’s relief令某人欣慰的是

much to one’ s relief/to one ’s great relief令某人非常欣慰的是

It is a relief to see/have/know..看到/拥有/知道.....是件令人宽慰的事。

What a relief!终于放心了!


relieve vt.减轻,缓解→relief n.

4、cure vt 治愈;治好疾病;解决问题; n 药物;;措施


cure sb. of sth.治愈某人的疾病;矫正/改正某人的不良行为

a cure for.. ...的方法


cure强调“治愈”这一结果,而treat 强调的过程。cure 用作动词,其后跟sb. of sth.或直接跟sth.作宾语。



rob sb. of sth.抢劫某人某物

remind sb. of sth.提醒某人某事

inform sb. ofsth.通知某人某事

cheat sb. ofsth.欺骗某人某事

warm sb. ofsth.警告某人某事

accuse sb. of sth.控告某人某事

5、be/get absorbed in sth./sb.被…吸引住;专心致志


When he got absorbed in his world 当他沉浸在他的音乐世界里时....


absorb/attract one’s attention吸引某人的注意力

absorb oneself in=be absorbed in全神贯注于,专注于



be absorbed in全神贯注于;热衷于

be lost in陷于; 为.....所吸引

be buried in埋头于;专心于

be occupied in忙于

be devoted to专心于;致力于

focus on把注意力集中于....

concentrate on把注意力集中于

6、previous adj先前的;以往的

教材原句: ...he felt as if he could see the beauty of the world around him, like he had in his

previous life. ... 他觉得他仿佛能“看到”周围世界的美,就像他以往的生活一样。


previous to .....以前(to是介词)

previous adj. +-ly→previously adv.以前,先前


senior to .....级别高/年长

junior to .....级别低/年龄小

superior to比....好

inferior to比.....差

7、unemployed adj失业的;待业的;


Dave was unemployed so he had time to consider what job he really wanted.戴夫失业了,所以他有时间考虑他真正想要的工作。


(1) an unemployed builder失业的建筑工人

become unemployed失业

the unemployed失业者(一类人)

(2) employ vt. 雇用;使用

employment n.就业;工作;使用

employ sb. as sth.雇用某人.....

employ sb. to dosth.雇用某人做某事

be employed in doing sth. = employ oneselfin doing sth.从事某事,忙于做某事out of employment=out of work失业

full-time/part- time employment全职/兼职工作

8、impact n 巨大影响;强大作用;冲击力; v 影响


Well known as a ssuccessful band, the Impact members show quite a few striking qualities.



(1) have an impact on/upon .对.....有 影响

impact on/upon ......有影响

(2) affect/influence sb. /sth. .对.....有影响

have an effect/infuence on/upon .....有影响

9、aim n 目的;目标; vi/vt 力求达到;力争做到;瞄准 vt目的是;旨在


Filled with team spirit, they act as a whole,always aiming for glory. 充满团队精神,他们作为一个整体,总是追求荣誉。


(1) with the aim of带.....的目标

achieve one’s aim实现某人的目标

take aim at瞄准....旨在......

(2) aim at瞄准;针对;以...为目标be aimed at目标是,目的是,旨在;针对

aim to do .....目的在于.....


aim n. &v.→aimless adj.漫无目的的→aimlessly adv.无目标地

Listening and Talking,Reading

for Writing,Assessing Your Progress

1、set sth up安装好设备;建起;建立;创建;开办;


people to set up equipmnent摆放好乐器的人


set up the equipment安装设备

set up one’s business成立公司

set up roadblocks设置路障


set about doing sth.开始/着手做某事

set out to do sth.开始/着手做某事

set aside把....放到一旁;留出(钱或时间)

set off动身,出发;使爆炸

set out (for)出发(去),动身(去)

set down记下,写下;放下;制定,规定

set fre to点燃

set sb. free释放某人

set a date确定日期

set an example树立榜样


The fisherman was set free. 渔夫被释放了。

He set down his suitcase, set up a tent and set fire to some wood to get warm. 他放下行李箱,搭了个帐篷,点燃了一些木头取暖。

After he had set a date for going home, he set about preparing to set out next week.在确定了回家的日期之后,他开始做准备下周出发。

2、equipment n 设备;装备;

people to set up equipment摆放好乐器的人


equip vt.装备;配备


be 配有


be equipped for..为....配备.....


equipment为不可数名词,表示“一件设备”用a piece of equipment, 不能说an equipment。

3、try out 参加…的选拔(+for sth);试用;测试;试验;


Who can try out as a performer?谁能试着成为一名演员?


try on试穿,试戴

try for谋求,争取;报名,申请

try to do sth.尽力做某事

try doingsth.尝试做某事

try one’s best (to do sth.)竭尽所能(做某事)

have a try试一试

4、talent n 天才;人才;天资;天赋;才干(+for )


What can those who think they do not have musical talent do?那些认为自已没有音乐天赋的人能做什么呢?


have a talent for .....方面有天赋

show a talent for展现......面的天赋

show talent显示天赋


(1) talented adj.有才能的,有才干的

be talented in在....方面有才能

(2) gift n. 天赋,天才,才能

gifted adj.有天赋的,有才华的

be gifted with..具.....

be gifted in .....方面有才能

5、assume vt以为;假设;


So can I assume that the aim of the festivalis to raise money?所以我能认为这个节日的目的是筹集资金吗?


assume + sb. /sth. (+to be) +adj.以为.....是.....


Let’s assume (that)... 我们假设.....


assuming conj.假定,假设

assumption n.假定,假设

assuming (that)..假定.....

make an assumption作出假设,认为


assuming that.. .“假定..... 常作独立成分。


supposing/providing.. 假如/如果....




6、in addition (to sb. /sth.)除…以外(还)


How else could you help in addition to what has already been mentioned?除了已经提到



(1) in addition to“除...之外(还)”,是短语介词,后接名词、代词或动名词

(2) in addition“除此之外,另外”,是副词,单独作状语


in adition可用于句首、句中或句末,用于句首或句中时,通常用逗号与句子的其他部分隔开。

in addtion = besides/moreover/furthermore/what’s more 此外(还),加之

7、treatment n;对待;处理


Then one day, I had to go through a two-hour medical treatment.后来有一天,我不得不接受两个小时的。


a ...的方法

treat sb. well/badly对待某人好/不好

treat sb. as..把某人看作......

treat sb. for..某人的.....

treat sb. /用....款待某人/自己

It’s my treat.我请客。

8、from (then ) on从(那)时起


The song made me feel so much better that from then on I began to listen to music all

the time. 这首歌让我感觉好多了,从那时起我开始一直听音乐。


from now/then on从现在/那时起

fromthat momenton从那时起

at this/that moment就在这/那时候

9、lean vt 依靠;倾斜


It was the rock I leant on to become strong and to get through those hard times. 正是靠着摇滚乐,我才能变得坚强,才能度过那些艰难的时期。


lean on依靠,依赖( ....的帮助和支持)(=depend on); 对.....施加压力

lean to/toward (s)倾向,偏向(尤指某意见或利益)

lean against/on sth.倚靠;靠在


lean--leant/leaned- leant/leaned

10、get through 处理;完成; 接通电话; 正是通过; 获得采纳; 消耗掉;用完;



It was the rock I leant on to become strongand to get through those hard times.正是靠着摇滚乐,我才能变得坚强,才能度过那些艰难的时期。


get across(使)被理解,(把 )讲清楚

get away (from) (从)...脱离,逃脱......

get away with被放过,(做坏事)不受惩罚

get down to (doing) sth. 开始认真地做某事

get hold of抓住

get in插话;收获

get on/along ....处得好;(事情)进展顺利(多用于进行时)

get out (of... )出去,离开;逃脱,摆脱

get over爬过;克服(困难); .....恢复过来

get rid of摆脱;除掉

11、satisfaction n满足; 满意; 欣慰;


Moreover,music gave me hope and a sense of satisfaction.此外,音乐给了我希望和满足感。


(1) get satisfaction from从某事中得到满足感

with satisfaction满足地

to one’s satisfaction= to the satisfaction of sb.使某人满意

a satisfaction to sb.对某人来说是一件满意的事

(2) satisfy vt.使满足,使满意

satisfy one’s needs/demands满足某人的要求

satisfied adj.感到满意的

be satisfied 乐意做.....

12、various adj各种不同的;各种各样的;


At the same time, we all go through various periods when we feel sad or alone.我们都会经历感到悲伤或孤独的各种不同的时期。


(1) vary vi. &vt.变化;使相异

vary with随....变化


vary in在.....方面相异

(2) variety n.种类,种种;多样性

a variety of= varieties of各种各样的

13、reaction n反应;回应


Encouraged by this first performance and the positive reaction of the audience , I

have continued to play the piano and enjoy it more every day.



(1) in reaction to针对.....的反应

(2)react v.回应;抗拒;发生反应

react to …对.....起反应

react against反抗,反对


in reactionto与react to中的to均为介词,后接名词或者动名词作宾语。



Would you prefer doing..你喜欢做....?

What would you prefer to do?你更喜欢做什么?

Would you ?.你喜欢做....还是......?

What would you rather do?你宁愿做什么呢?

I’ to ...与.......相 比, 我更喜.....

I’d rather have…我宁愿有....而不.....

15、the way 后跟定语从句


During those times, music can help you in the same way that it helped me.在那些时间里,音乐可以像帮助我一样帮助你。


本句是主从复合句。it helped me是定语从句,修饰the same way,从句用了关系词that,此处that还可以替换为in which或省略不用。


在含有定语从句的复合句中,the way作先行词时有以下三种情况:

(1)关系词在定语从句中作状语,关系词用in which, that或省略;


(3)关系团在从句中作宾语,关系词用that, which或省略。

本文发布于:2024-09-21 16:46:44,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:音乐   治疗   才能   工作   天赋
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