




[体会] 请看下列句子,体会occupy在各句中的词义及用法。

1. The bathroom is occupied.


2. The enemy soon occupied the town.


3. Voluntary work occupies a lot of my spare time.


4. Mr. Oliver occupies an important position in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.奥利弗先生在外交部充任要职。

5. The striking office workers have occupied the whole building.


[点拨] occupy 可意为“占用;占据,占领;使忙碌,使从事”。常用结构有:be occupied in

doing sth. / with sth. 忙于(做)某事;occupy oneself in doing sth. / with sth. 使忙于(做)某事。

[联想] occupied adj. 使用中;忙于

occupant n. 占有人;居住者

occupation n. 占领;占有;职业

[例句] She occupied herself with routine office tasks.


The newcomers were occupied in writing letters home.


All outstanding bills will be paid by the previous occupants. 一切未支付的帐单将由原住户偿付。

Please state your name, age and occupation below.


[小试] 根据括号内的汉语提示将下列句子补充完整。

1. The workers ________________ (占据了工厂) and refused to leave.

2. His work _______________(使他忙了一整天).

3. Her time ________________(全部用在) her three children.

Key: 1. occupied the factory

2. occupies him for the whole day3. is fully occupied with


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A)--(n.), (n.)(n.)(adj.) (adj.)

2. absent ________ ( n )

te-- _________ (adv.), _________ (n.)-- ________ (adj.)

-- __________ (adj.), __________ (n.)-- __________ (adj.)

nt--_________ (adj.), __________ (adv.) lish-- __________ (n.)

e-- _________ (adj.), ___________(n.)-- ___________ (n.)

-- __________ (n.), ___________ (v.)-- _______ (adv.)

ise__________ (n.)

B)-- ________ (adj.), ________ (n.) on-- _______________ (adj.)

-- ________________ (n.)4. admire-- _______ (adj.), ______ (n.)

5. admit-- ______________ (n.)6. advance-- ___________________ (adj.)

age-- _________________(adj.)8. advise-- __________________ (n.)

(影响)-- _______ (n.) _____(adj) -- __________________ (adj.)

-- _______ (adj.), _______ (n.)lture-- _______________ (adj.)

13. allow_______ (adj.), _________(n.)-- _____, _____(adj.) ____ (n.)

C)on-- ___________ (adj.)-- _______, ______ (adj.); ______ (n.)

e-- ______ (n.); ____ (adj.)t-- _________________ (adv.)

-- ____________ (n.) ce-- _____________ (n.)

-- ________ (adj.); ______ (n.)-- _________________ (adv.)

s-- _______ (n.)______(adj)ize-- _______ (adj.) ________ (n.)

-- ____________ (n.)-- ___________, ____________ (n.)

t-- _____ (adj.); _____ (n.) iate-- _______________ (n.)

e-- _______________ (n.)-- _________________ (n.)

e-- _________________ (n.)

D)1. arrive-- _____________ (n.)2. assist-- ____________, _____________ (n.)

3. associate-- ___________(n.)4. astonish-- _____ (n.); ____ (adj.)_____(adj)

5. attend-- _____________(n.)6. attract-- __________ (adj.); ____________ (n.)

7. avail-- _____________ (adj.)

.__________ v.2. beautiful__________ n.__________v.

e __________ n. _________(adj.) t __________adj.

__________n._________(adv) ________ v. _______(反形)

C ate ____________ n.

l _________(反)_________(反名)___________v.____________(n)

n____________ ate ___________ n.

n. ____________ ___________ adj.

ter ____________ ___________adj.

2 / 10

____________ _____________ adj.

t _____________ t ___________ adj.


ent ____________ n.

tulate ________ n. t_________ n.

er_____ adj.______ uct______________n.

bute___________ n. ience___________ adj.

t____________ n. s____________ n.

n.__________(n) (人)

D -- ______________ (adj.)--______________ (n.)

--______________ (adj.) -- _______________ (n.)

-- _______ (n.); ____ (v.) -- ______________ (n.)

be-- _______ (n.); _____ (adj.)ine--______ (adj.); _____ (n.)

p--_____(n.)______(adj.)-- ________ (adj.); _________ (n.)

________(adj)_______(n) ult--________________(n.)

antage-- _______(adj.) ee-- ________ (adj.); _____ (n.)

oint-- ______ (adj.); ____ (n.)rage-- _____ (adj.); _____ (n.)

er-- _________ (n.)s-- __________ (n.)

E e _________n._________n.(人) __________ adj.__________(v)

__________n. __________n. (人) age _______n. _______(反)

. __________ adj._________(n) v. __________ n. __________ n.

. __________ n. _________(adj) __________ adv.

e__________n. __________ adj. __________n.

__________ n. n . __________n.

s__________ e __________ adv.

F __________________________________n.

_________________ _________________ adj

_______ adj_________ adj

G1. gentle______________adv.2. gift __________ adj.

3. govern__________ n. ________(人)4. graduate__________ n.

5. guide __________ n.________(人) 6. guilt _________ adj. ________(形反)

H _________ __________adj.

__________ _________ adj.________ adj.

te ________ ________ adj. _______ n.

______adj. _______adv. ______adj._______ (形反).

________ adj. ______adv. ____ adj.______adv.

(u)r _________adj.__________(形反). _________(人).

3 / 10

I 1. ignoreadj. 2. legal_______________(反)

3. ill _________ n. 4. imagine _______n._____ adj.

5. immigrate______ n.6. important ______(反形)_______ adv.

7. impossible ______ (反形). ________adv______(反名).

8. impress ______ n. _______ adj. ______ adv.9. introduce v. _____________ n.

10. invent______n._____(人) 11. invite v._________________n.

J _______adj.2. judge _________ n . 3. justice______________(adj)

K _________(n)_______(adv)

L _________ v. _____(adv) _________________ n.

__________ n. _____(adv) _________________ n.

_______________ __________ adj______ adj

________ n.______(形) _________________ adj.

________ adj_______ adv.______(反形)_______(反形副)

M1. major __________ n.2. manage ________ n(人).________ n.

3. mean _________ n. 4. medical______________ n.5. memory ______ adj.

6. mistake______________ adj.7. mix _________ n.

8. mountain ______________ adj.9. move__________n._________(adj)

10. mud______________adj.11. music _______ adj.___________ n.(人)________ adj. ________ n.2 .nature _________ adj. _______adv

3 necessary ______n.______(反形) 4 noise ________ adj.5 north ________ adj.

O1 occupy _________ n. ________ adj. 2 operate ________ n. _______ n.

3 organize ________ n. ________ n.4 office________adj..

P 1 pain ______ adj 2. patient ________ n._______ n.3 peace ____ adj .

4 perfect ______ adv .5 permit _____ n.6. physics _________ adj. ______ 人

7 poison ______ -----_______adj. ______ adj. ______n.

Plenty ________ adj cs--_______adj. _______(人)

le---__________adv. ___________n.

e--____________n --_________e--__________n.


t---______________n __________adj

---_____________n. ent ---_____________ adj

R --_______adv. _______n. _______v.

--_________adj ________(反形)


_________t---________n. ________adj

ent ______(人) ________(n)10. require _______(n)


S --________n. y--_________adj____________n

4 / 10

nation N1

e--____(人) ____adj____--___________n.

---_____adj--____(n) ___(反形)--____________adj


---_______n._____(adv) --__________adj

---____n. _____n._____(人)--_________n

--__________adj14. starve--___________n

15..strong--______n --________v d--_________n --____________adj

t--________n le--_______ v--________n 19..survive--_______n



--_________iona--_____________adj 人) --__________n




W1. warm--________n --_________n_______(adv)

--__________adj --___________adj --___________adj


A. A)(Keys: 1. ability; inability; disability; unable; disabled2. absence3. absolutely;

absoluteness4. absorbed5. acceptable; acceptance6. accessible7. accidental; accidentally8.

accomplishment9. achievable; achievement 10. action11. activity; activate12. actually; 13.


B)(Keys: 1. addicted; addiction2. additional3. adjustment4. admirable; admiration 5.

admission6. advanced7. advantageous 8. advice9. effect, affective 10. aged 11. agreeable;

agreement12. agricultural13. allowable; allowance 14. amazing / amazed; amazement)

C)(Keys: 1. ambitious2. amusing / amused; amusement3. analysis; analytic4. anciently



ted /appointment 14. appreciation 15. approval 16. argument17. arrangement)

D)Keys: 1. arrival2. assistant / assistance 3. association4. astonishment; astonished /

astonishing5. attendance6. attractive; attraction7. available

: ,beautify able cial y, bravely


C. Keys: 1. calculation2. careless/carelessness/care3. cautious4. celebration5. central 6.

changeable7. characteristic8. cheerful9. choice10 cloudy11. collection12. comfortable13.

competition / competitor14. concentration15. conclusion16 confidence 17. congratulation18.

connection19. considerate/consideration 20. construction21. contribution22. convenient 23.

correction24 on, creator

D. : 1.. dangerous2. darkness3. dated / dateless 4 decision5 depth; deepen6. defense7.

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description; descriptive8 determined; determination9. development; developing / developed10.

devoted; devotion

: 1. different; difference 2. difficulty 3. disadvantageous 4. disagreeable; disagreement


ery8 discussion

E. Keys:1. education,ive,affect3. employment,employer(employee)4.

encouragement, ble,joy

6. entrance,ent,y .ation

ng/excited, sion


Study and use the groups of words correctly in the sentences below. Change the form where


1. relate, relative

(1) All her close________ came to the wedding.

(2) She claims she is________ to royalty.

, morality, immoral, morally

(3) For a teacher to hit a child is not just ________wrong but also illegal.

(4) I have to question the________ of forcing poor people to pay for their medical treatment.

(5) I want to lead a______ life. I want to be honest and always do the right thing.

(6) It is________ for the rich to take advantage of the poor.

3. courage, encourage, courageous, discourage

(7) We were ________to learn foreign languages at school.

(8) He was wrong, and ________enough to think it.

(9) I think he felt ________because of all the criticism he’d received.

(10) It took me several months to get up the ________to ask her to lunch.

4. stream, streamer

(1) The flags________ in the wind.

(2) We decorated the office with________ for Paul’s leaving party.

5. receive, reception

(3) She stood by the door to________ her guests as they arrived.

(4) The wedding will be held at St Martin’s Church and the wedding________ at Crathorne


6. presentation, presence, presenter

(5) BBC News is reporting the death of Yorkshire Television________ by Richard Whitely.

(6) The________ of prizes and certificates will take place in the main meeting.

(7) He’s usually quite polite in my________.

7. prior, priority, prioritize

(8) They had to refuse the dinner invitation because of a________ engagement.

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(9) You must learn to________ your work.

(10) Official business requirements obviously take_____ over personal requests.

8. agree,disagree,agreement

(1)Wewith him since he could not offer convincing reasons.

(2)Jack hasto attend the party with us tomorrow evening.

(3)They finally reached a(n) that all should make efforts to keep this area peaceful.

9. compare,comparative,comparison

(4) The team of scientists are making a study of the two languages.

(5) better.

(6) other important parts, they occupy a secondary position.

10. base,basic,basically

(10)doesn’t always show it.

(11) (12)It is important for you to keep rules of driving in mind.

11. believe, believable, unbelievable

(13)It would such an honest student should have cheated in the exam.

(14)I don’t (15)I think it's


1. relatives, related;

2. morally,morality,moral, immoral

3. encouraged,courageous,discouraged,courage

4. streamed,streamers;

5. receive,reception;

6. presenter,presentation, presence;

7. prior, prioritize,priority

8. disagreed, agreed,agreement

9. comparative,Compare, comparison

10. Unfortunately, unfortunate,fortune

11. Basically,based,basic

12. unbelievablebelievebelievable

Fill in each of the blanks with the appropriate word from the list. Change the form where


your schedule.

2. They have decided proceedings against the newspaper.

3. The UK employment and conciliation mechanisms for setting industrial disputes.

4. Let’s celebrate the of our objectives.

5. Many students are not prepared for higher education.

8. In the current 9. We knew nothing when the President arrived 10. It is important to

that I even have no time to take a break. 2. The firm has already taken type of dish-washer.

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3. The agencies are working together the policy on product distribution.

he was quite successful.

5. The of the house is near the highway.

7. It is a pity that he doesn’t have enough money to the project.

, most people came to visit the exhibition on the day it poured with rain.

9. The town’10. As the goods were damaged, she asking for her money back.

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