



1. These figures are surprisingly high and they’ll have to


A) obtain B) maintain C) display D) verify

2. The _____with the most votes will be elected whether he or

she wins more than half the votes or not.

A) sponsor B) candidate C) advocate D) opponent

wealthy lady repeated demand on a premarital

agreement greatly _______her future husband’s pride and ended

up in

his refusal to get married. A) scratched B) bitten C) stuck D)


4. Her skin was dry after_____ to the wind during the trip.

A) exposure B) extension C) exhibition D) expansion

5. She held her hand above her eyes to _______them from the


A) avoid B) shade C) shield D) conceal

6. The company hired a __________to develop a new computer


A) guide B) cashier C) consultant D) assessor

returned her cheque because she hadn’t put her

____on it.

A) signal B) symbol C) sign D) signature

8. The lawyer _____a previous case to support his argument.

A) referred B) recruited C) cited D) imported

9. Students have____greater numbers of women and

minorities on the faculty.

A) calls on B) calls for C)calls up D) calls up

10. Hoping that he might be able to __________some light on

the problem, I asked Mario to look at the engine.

A) pitch B) project C) shed D) shade

11. What he said had some ___on our decision to move to

another area of town.

A)connection B) association C) bearing D) reference

’s some dispute over who actually wrote the play——nobody seems to know for sure.

A) debate B) dispute C) argument D) quarrel

13. She doesn’t usually shout; she must be under _____.

A) possiblity B) control C) influence D) pressure

14. He got the money by ______his brother’s signature on a


A) forging B) forming C) framing D) formatting

15. It manipulates the environment, and it is able to

_____moral duties on those who are inclined to disregard them.

A) compel B)compass C) enforce D) reinforce

16. After the September 11 event, the United States________a

domestic economic recession.

A) overlook B)underlook C) underwent D) withstood

17. She walked into the room with no more than a

______glance at the children standing outside.

A) relaxed B)casual C) indifferent D) flexible

discussion is more neutral only in so far as it is

assumed that the teaching curriculum is no-one’s


A)in brief B)in sequence C)in short D)in particular

19. The fall in the cost of living is directly______to the drop in

the oil price.

A)related B)dependent C)based D)associated

you start to ______. Make sure the road is clear

ahead of you.

A)overtake B)overturn C)overrun D)overcome

1-5 DBDAC 6-10 CDCBC 11-15 CBDAC 16-20 CBDAA


lawyer _______ that his client was innocent and didn’t

murder the girl.

[A] told [B] contended [C] argued [D] struggled

2. The matter was finally settled because both sides made

mutual _______.

[A] cooperation [B] complaint [C] competition [D]


3. As he lay in his hospital bed that night, he cried as he ______

his future.

[A] compared [B] regarded [C] expected [D] contemplated

4. I didn’t get the number of the car that knocked you over,

as it was gone ______. All I know is that it’s a big, brown


[A] in a flash [B] in a sense [C] in a while [D] in a row

5. ________ his learning, he didn’t know how to cope with

the situation.

[A] For that [B] Although [C] For all [D] Apart from

6. _______ their hospitality, we wrote a thank-you note.

[A] In response to [B] Reply to [C] On terms with [D] With

regard to

7. John never _____ his work ______ his family.

[A] put…off [B] put…away [C] put…on [D] put…before

8. Mary is greatly superior ______ her husband in education

and sensitivity.

[A] with [B] to [C] on [D] above

9. His ideas on economy are exactly _______ mine.

[A] with regard to [B] in respect to [C] on terms with [D] in

line with

10. It might be a good idea to ______ your beard before going

to New York for the interview.

[A] tear off [B] put off [C] take off [D] shave off

11. It is difficult to convey ______ shades of meaning in a


[A] fragile [B] delicate [C] mild [D] sensitive

12. During recent years, multimedia has _______ service in the

teaching of foreign languages.

[A] come into [B] turn into [C] look into [D] take into

13. He apologized for his comments and said he had no

intention of _______ the professor.

[A] offending [B] defending [C] arguing [D] complaining

14. His tired face suggested that he ______ really tired after

the long walk.

[A] had been [B] was [C] be [D] should be

15. If you had enough money, what ______?

[A] will you buy [B] would you buy [C] would you have

bought [D] will you have bought

16. To speed up the ______of letters, the Post Office

introduced automatic sorting.

[A] treatment [B] delivery [C] transmission [D] departure

17. The chairman was blamed for letting his secretary

________too much work last week.

[A] take to [B] take out [C] take away [D] take on

18. The boy lay on the ground, his eyes ______ and his hands


[A] closing; trembling [B] closed; trembling [C] closed;

trembled [D] closing; trembled

19. The building project ______ next year is, I think, not easy

______ in time.

[A] being carried out; to complete [B] carried out; to be


[C] to be carried out; to complete [D] to be carried out; to be


20. We are quite sure that we can ______our present

difficulties and finish the task according to schedule.

[A] get across [B] get over [C] get away [D] get off

泛读Unit 8

1. “Can you give me a rough idea of what happened here

without going into ________?” said Ann.

[A] retail [B] entail [C] curtail [D] detail

2. The doctor gave her an injection to ________ the pain.

[A] alleviate [B] elevate [C] allocate [D] accurate

3. It seems that living green is surprisingly easy and ________.

[A] horrible [B] adaptable [C] renewable [D] affordable

4. Last night he saw two dark ________ enter the building, and

then there was the explosion.

[A] features [B] figures [C] sketches [D] images

5. The television is too loud; turn the ________ down.

[A] voice [B] sound [C] volume [D] vacuum

6. He was a good worker who was ________ to his family as

well as to his work.

[A] consistent [B] committed [C] content [D] engaged

7. When you're in Paris you can't help being ________ of the

way the streets are kept clean.

[A] effective [B] relaxed [C] conscious [D] obvious

8. A man without patience is unfit for the work because it

________ patience and carefulness.

[A] calls on [B] calls for [C] calls up [D] calls back

9. This price will allow a good ________ of profit.

[A] bargain [B] margin [C] begin [D] benign

10. I hope all the precautions against air pollution, ________

suggested by the local government, will be seriously considered


[A] while [B] since [C] after [D] as

11. We'll visit Europe next year ________ we have enough


[A] provided [B] unless [C] until [D] lest

12. In Thomas Hardy’s Wessex novels, there is an apparent

________ touch in his description of the simple and beautiful

though primitive rural life.

[A] nostalgic [B] humorous [C] romantic [D] ironic

13. His health had ________ while he was in prison.

[A] deteriorat [B] determined [C] designed [D] derogatory

14. My camera can be ________ to take pictures in cloudy or

sunny conditions.

[A] treated [B] adjusted [C] adopted [D] remedied

15. She finds herself in ________ with her parents over her

future career.

[A] conflict [B] overcome [C] awkward [D] sustain

16. ________ his eyes when she told him that it was time for

them to leave.

[A] Hardly had he opened [B] Scarcely did he open

[C] No sooner did he open [D] He had no sooner opened

17. ________ can we yield to the pressure.

[A] By and large [B] By means of [C] By no means [D] In return

18. Just as relaxation is an important part of our lives, ________


[A] so is [B] as it is [C] and so is [D] the same is

19. By 1990, production in the area is expected to double

________ of 1980.

[A] that [B] it [C] one [D] what

20. I’d rather we ________ our lesson now.

[A] have [B] had [C] should have [D] shall have

泛读Exercise for Unit 4

1. Cancellation of the flight___B____many passengers to

spend the night at the airport.

[A] resulted [B] obliged责任 [C] demanded [D] recommended

2. It has been revealed发现that some government

leaders__C___ their authority and position to get illegal profits for

themselves. [A] employ [B] take [C] abuse [D] overlook

3. Harry was _____A___by a bee when he was collecting the


[A] stung刺痛 [B] bitten [C] stuck [D] scratched

4. Putting in a new window will ___B_____ cutting away part

of the roof.

[A] include [B] involve需要。占用 [C] contain [D] comprise

5. This ticket ___C_____ you to a free meal in our new


[A] gives [B] grants [C] entitles 给...权力 [D] credits

6. American women were ____B____ the right to vote unit 1920

after many years of a hard struggle.

[A] ignored [B] refused [C] neglected [D] denied

7. Our hopes ___B_____ and fell in the same instant.

[A]arose [B] rose [C]raised [D] aroused

8. In developing countries people are ___B_____ into滚滚不息overcrowded cities in great numbers.

[A] breaking [B] pouring [C] filling [D] hurrying

9. please be careful when you are drinking coffee in case you

___B_____ the new carpet.

[A] crash [B] spot ,弄脏 [C] pollute [D] stain

10. I hate people who ___A_____ the end of a film that you

haven’t seen before.

[A] reveal 揭露 [B] rewrite [C] revise [D]reverse

finished their morning work, the clerks stood up

behind their desks, ____A____ themselves.

[A] stretching [B] extending [C ]prolonging [D] expanding

12. Certain animal species ___C_____ completely from the

earth leaving only their rock-like remains for the study by human

beings. [A] faded [B] died [C] vanished [D] yielded

13. His decision ___C_____ some improvement in the work.

[A] affected [B] awarded [C] effected [D] affirmed

14. The patient with chicken pox was ___A_____so that his

disease would not be passed on to others.

[A] isolated [B] separated [C] singled out [D] divided

15. The nurse ___A_____ his pain by giving him a cooling drink.

[A] relieved [B] conclude [C] released [D] reduced

16. Leaves which fall to the ground __D______ and become

part of the soil.

[A] disappear [B] fade [C] close [D] decay

17. Mike just discovered that his passport had __A______three

months ago.

[A] expired [B] amended [C]abolished [D] constrained

18. The old couple decided to ___D_____ a boy and a girl

though they had three children of their own.

[A] adapt [B] bring [C] receive [D] adopt

’ll ___A_____ you for any damage done to your house

while we are in it.

[A] compensate [B] remedy [C]supplement [D] retrieve

you ___A_____ the bottle and cigarettes, you’ll be much


[A] take off [B] get off [C] keep off [D] set off

Unit 1

1Those two ideas are quite distinct ____B______ each other.

A. with

B. from

C. at

D. between

2 She decided to ___B__her employer for wrongful dismissal.

A. accuse

B. sue

C. charge

D. justify

3 The headmaster decided to make an example of the pupil

and _____B_____ him from the school.

A. expell

B. spur

C. spurr

D. expel

4 Please hasten them to send the sample. B

A. phone

B. urge

C. inform

D. assist

5 The president defended the government policy, accusing

the media _____D_____ misinforming the people.

A. for

B. in

C. with

D. of

6 The route was designed to ____D______ traffic congestion.

A. heave

B. pave

C. melt

D. relieve

7 They scouted around for some antiques to furnish their

new apartment. A

A. decorate

B. paint

C. polish

D. provide

8 We talked in a low voice __ A .

A. lest we should wake the baby up

B. lest waking the baby up

C. lest not to wake the baby up

D. lest to wake the baby up

9 Alcohol can _____C_____ a loosening of the tongue.

A. deduce

B. reduce

C. induce

D. produce

10 The Prime Minister said his government would try to

restore public trust. B

A. recover

B. regain

C. relieve

D. release

11 Although she was quite young, she showed a lot of

_____B_____ and was promoted to manager after a year.

A. initial

B. initiative

C. initiate

D. initiation

12 I really admire the way she is able to ___A_______ unfair


A. shrug off

B. shrug through

C. shrug at

D. shrug to

13 The manager knew that if he could not control costs, the

business would finally _____B_____.

A. fall behind

B. fall apart

C. fall out

D. fall off

14 The pillars that ____C___the roof broke in the earthquake,

leading to the collapse of the house.

A. hold on

B. hold out

C. hold up

D. hold off

15 He had no more money but still went on buying things


A. on credit

B. by credit

C. at credit

D. through credit

16 There is a distinct possibility that she'll be your teacher

next term. C

A. little possibility

B. some possibility

C. great possibility

D. no possibility

17 You must _____A_____ much of what he says.

A. discount

B. object

C. inquire

D. chase

18 This article lacks ___D____; the writer keeps jumping from

one subject to another.

A. continuation

B. Continual

C. continuance

D. continuity

19 He ____B______ a sum of money in the bank each month.

A. credit

B. Deposit

C. pay

D. accumulate

20 He could ___B____ us for hours with his interesting stories.

A. amaze

B. amuse

C. confuse

D. bore


1. We had to _C___ a lot of noise when the children were at


[A] go in for [B] hold on to [C] put up with [D] keep pace with

2. The new regulation does not __A__ until the first of March.

[A] take into effect [B] get into effect [C] put into effect [D]

go into effect

3. After dinner, the two men __A__ into the study where they

could talk freely.

[A] retired [B] restored [C] restrained [D] resigned

4. Tom could not __B__ the last problem on the arithmetic


[A] fill out [B] figure out [C] find out [D] filter out

5. Adam has a good position and will pay you back __C__.

[A] lastly [B] inevitably [C] eventually [D] equally

6. The careless man received a ticket for speeding. He __D__

have driven so fast.

[A] can't [B] shouldn't [C] wouldn't [D] mustn't

7. While crossing the mountain area, all the men carried guns

lest they __A__ by wild animals.

[A] should be attacked [B] must be attacked [C] had been

attacked [D] would be attacked

8. Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, completely

__D__ to the outside world.

[A] having been lost [B] losing [C] to be lost [D] lost

9. They always give the vacant seats to __A__ comes first.

[A] whoever [B] who [C] whomever [D] whom

10. He said that the driver must have had an accident;

otherwise he _A___ by then.

[A] would have arrived [B] should arrive [C] must have arrived

[D] would arrive

11. Such crimes may be so complex that months or years go

by before anyone __D__ them.

[A] would have discovered [B] discovered [C] will discover [D]


12. If I _B___ harder at school, I would be sitting in a

comfortable office now.

[A] worked [B] had worked [C] were to work [D] were working

13. __B__ much is known about what occurs during sleep, the

precise function of sleep and its different stages remains largely

in the realm of assumption.

[A] Because [B] Since [C] For [D] While

14. Professor Wang, __C__ for his informative lectures, was

warmly received by his students.

[A] knowing [B] to be known [C] known [D] having known

15. It is high time that such practices __B__.

[A] are ended [B] were ended [C] be ended [D] must be


16. It's necessary __C__ the dictionary immediately.

[A] that he will return [B] that he returned [C] that he return

[D] that he has to return

17. Mr. Smith advised us to withdraw ___C___.

[A] so that to get not involved [B] so as to get not involved

[C] so as not to get involved [D] so that not to get involved

18. __C___ in a seemingly endless war, the general was forced

to evaluate the situation again.

[A]Since the loss of 50,000 soldiers [B]Because of 50,000

soldiers having lost

[C]Having lost over 50,000 soldiers [D]50,000 soldiers were


19. Knowing something as a whole is far from knowing all its


[A] instance [B] character [C] items [D] details

20. __A__ for your laziness, you could have finished the

assignment by now.

[A] Had it not been [B] It were not [C] Weren't it [D] Had not

it been

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