
2023年12月29日发(作者:《很软很甜》by 孤骨)

Guidance for Industry

Changes to an Approved



U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Food and Drug Administration

Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)

April 2004


Revision 1


This guidance provides recommendations to holders of new drug applications (NDAs) and abbreviated new

drug applications (ANDAs) who intend to make post approval changes in accordance with section 506A of

the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act) and § 314.70 (21 CFR 314.70). The guidance covers

recommended reporting categories for postapproval changes for drugs other than specified biotechnology

and specified synthetic biological products. It supersedes the guidance of the same title published November

1999. Recommendations are provided for postapproval changes in (1) components and composition, (2)

manufacturing sites, (3) manufacturing process, (4) specifications, (5) container closure system, and (6)

labeling, as well as (7) miscellaneous changes and (8) multiple related changes.

本指南给打算将已批准变更的新药上市申请和新药报审简表申请的持有者提供建议,使其按照联邦食品、药品、化妆品法案的506A部分和§ 314.70 (21 CFR 314.70)。该指南包括建议对药品除了其他指定的生物技术和特定的合成生物制品的已批准变更进行报告类别。它取代了发表于1999年11月同一标题的指导原则。为以下已批准的变更提供建议(1)成分和组成 (2)厂址 (3)生产工艺 (4)质量标准 (5)包装 (6)标签 (7)其它变更 (8)复杂相关变更

Recommendations on reporting categories for changes relating to specified biotechnology and specified

synthetic biological products regulated by CDER are found in the guidance for industry

建议由药品评价和研究中心规定对有关指定生物技术和特定的合成生物制品的变更进行报告类别,出现在企业的指南中 。

Paperwork Reduction Act Public Burden Statement: This guidance contains information collection

provisions that are subject to review by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under the Paperwork

Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520). The collection(s) of information in this guidance

were approved under OMB Control No. 0910-0538 (until August 31, 2005). 文书工作减少法案:本指南包含资料的收集贮藏受到管理和预算办公室(OMB)的审查,根据1995年的文书工作减少方案(44 U.S.C.


On November 21, 1997, the President signed the Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of 1997

(the Modernization Act).3 Section 116 of the Modernization Act amended the the Act by adding section

506A, which provides requirements for making and reporting manufacturing changes to an approved

application and for distributing a drug product made with such changes. The FDA has revised its regulations

on supplements and other changes to an approved application (21 CFR 314.70) to conform to section 506A

of the Act.

1997年11月21日,总统签署了美国食品和药物管理局1997现代化法案(现代化法案)。 第116条现代化法修正法案,增加了第506A条,要求对已批准申请的任何变更以及销售变更后产品的行为必须报告。对一个获批准的申请(21 CFR 314.70),FDA已经在补充和变更内容上修订规章,以符合法案第506A条。

This guidance does not provide recommendations on the specific information that should be developed by an

applicant to assess the effect of the change on the identity, strength (e.g., assay, content uniformity), quality

(e.g., physical, chemical, and biological properties), purity (e.g., impurities and degradation products), or

potency (e.g., biological activity, bioavailability, bioequivalence) of a drug product as these factors may

relate to the safety or effectiveness of the drug product. An applicant should consider all relevant CDER

guidance documents for recommendations on the information that should be submitted to support a given


作为可能关系到药品安全性和有效性的以下因素,药品的特征、剂量(例如含量测定、含量均一性)、质量(例如,物理、化学和生物学特性) 、纯度(例如,杂质和降解产物) ,或药效(例如,生物活性、生物利用度、生物等效性),申请人评估以上因素变更效果的具体信息,本指南不提供建议。申请者应该考虑所有相关的药品评价和研究中心的指导文件,建议资料应该提交以支持某一特定的变更。

CDER has published guidances, including the SUPAC (scale-up and postapproval changes) guidances, that

provide recommendations on reporting categories. To the extent that the recommendations on reporting

categories in this guidance are found to be inconsistent with guidances published before this guidance was

finalized, the recommended reporting categories in such previously published guidances are superseded by

this guidance. This guidance does not provide extensive recommendations on reporting categories for

components and composition changes (see section V). Therefore, recommended reporting categories for

components and composition changes provided in previously published guidances, such as the SUPAC

guidances, still apply. Section 506A of the Act and § 314.70(c) provide for two types of

changes-being¬effected supplements (see section II), while previously there was only one type. It is

important for applicants to use this guidance to determine which type of changes-being-effected supplement

is recommended. CDER intends to update the previously published guidances to make them consistent with

this guidance.


314.70(c)提供了“有待生效的补充文件”的两种类型(查看第II),然而先前的只有一种类型。对于申请者,运用本指南来决定用哪个 “有待生效的补充文件”是很重要的。CDER打算更新先前公布的指南使其和本指南一致。

If guidance for either recommended reporting categories or information that should be submitted to support a

particular change is not available, the appropriate CDER chemistry or microbiology review staff can be

consulted for advice.


FDA's guidance documents, in general, do not establish legally enforceable responsibilities. Instead,

guidances describe the Agency's current thinking on a topic and should be viewed only as recommendations,

unless specific regulatory or statutory requirements are cited. The use of the word should in Agency

guidances means that something is suggested or recommended, but not required. Insofar as this guidance

adjusts reporting categories pursuant to section 506A of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and 21

CFR 314.70, it does have binding effect. If you have any questions about the effect of any portion of this

guidance, contact the Office of Pharmaceutical Science, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research

(HFD-003), Food and Drug Association, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857.

FDA的指导文件,大体上没有建立依法强制执行的责任。相反,指南叙述该机构目前正在考虑的话题且仅作为建议,除非特定的法令要求被引用。词的使用在机构的指南应该意味着一些建议或推荐,但不是要求。在本指导的范围内调整报告类别,依据联邦食品、药品和化妆品法第506A和21 CFR

314.70 ,它确实有约束力。如果你有关于本指导任一部份作用的任何问题,联络医药科学办公室、药物评价和研究中心( HFD-003 ) 、美国食品和药物管理局、5600渔民巷,美国马里兰州罗克维尔市20857。


Section 506A of the Act and § 314.70 provide for four reporting categories that are distinguished in the

following paragraphs.

法案的第506A和§ 314.70提供了在以下各段落中有区分的4个报告类别。

A major change is a change that has a substantial potential to have an adverse effect on the identity, strength,

quality, purity, or potency of a drug product as these factors may relate to the safety or effectiveness of the

drug product. A major change requires the submission of a supplement and approval by FDA prior to

distribution of the drug product made using the change. This type of supplement is called, and should be

clearly labeled, a Prior Approval Supplement (§ 314.70(b)). An applicant may ask FDA to expedite its

review of a prior approval supplement for public health reasons (e.g., drug shortage) or if a delay in making

the change described in it would impose an extraordinary hardship on the applicant. This type of supplement

is called, and should be clearly labeled, a Prior Approval Supplement - Expedited Review Requested (§

314.70(b)(4)).5 FDA is most likely to grant requests for expedited review based on extraordinary hardship

for manufacturing changes made necessary by catastrophic events (e.g., fire) or by events that could not be

reasonably foreseen and for which the applicant could not plan.


A moderate change is a change that has a moderate potential to have an adverse effect on the identity,

strength, quality, purity, or potency of the drug product as these factors may relate to the safety or

effectiveness of the drug product. There are two types of moderate change. One type of moderate change

requires the submission of a supplement to FDA at least 30 days before the distribution of the drug product

made using the change. This type of supplement is called, and should be clearly labeled, a Supplement -

Changes Being Effected in 30 Days (§ 314.70(c)(3)). The drug product made using a moderate change

cannot be distributed if FDA informs the applicant within 30 days of receipt of the supplement that a prior

approval supplement is required (§ 314.70(c)(5)(i)). For each change, the supplement must contain

information determined by FDA to be appropriate and must include the information developed by the

applicant in assessing the effects of the change (§ 314.70(a)(2) and (c)(4)). If FDA informs the applicant

within 30 days of receipt of the supplement that information is missing, distribution must be delayed until

the supplement has been amended to provide the missing information (§ 314.70(c)(5)(ii)).


FDA may identify certain moderate changes for which distribution can occur when FDA receives the

supplement (§ 314.70(c)(6)). This type of supplement is called, and should be clearly labeled, a Supplement

- Changes Being Effected. If, after review, FDA disapproves a changes-being-effected-in-30-days

supplement or changes-being-effected supplement, FDA may order the manufacturer to cease distribution of

the drug products made using the disapproved change (§314.70(c)(7)).

FDA可能规定某些中等变更FDA接收到补充申请时产品可以销售,这类补充申请应有明显标识,称作“已完成变更的补充申请”。如果评审结束后,FDA不批准“30天后生效的变更补充文件”或“已生效的变更补充文件”,FDA可以要求生产厂家停止销售变更后生产的产品 (§314.70(c)(7))。

A minor change is a change that has minimal potential to have an adverse effect on the identity, strength,

quality, purity, or potency of the drug product as these factors may relate to the safety or effectiveness of the

drug product. The applicant must describe minor changes in its next Annual Report (§ 314.70(d)).

小变更指对药品特征、剂量、质量、纯度或药效有最小的潜在不良影响、可能与药品的安全性和有效性相关的变更。申请人必须在下一次年度报告中描述小变更(§ 314.70(d))。

Under § 314.70(e), an applicant can submit one or more protocols (i.e., comparability protocols) describing

tests, studies, and acceptance criteria to be achieved to demonstrate the absence of an adverse effect from

specified types of changes. A comparability protocol can be used to reduce the reporting category for

specified changes. A proposed comparability protocol that was not approved as part of the original

application must be submitted as a prior approval supplement (314.70(e)). On February 25, 2003, FDA

issued a draft guidance on comparability protocols entitled Comparability protocols - Chemistry,

Manufacturing, and Controls Information.

根据314.70(e),申请人可以提交1个或多个方案(如相比性方案),描述检测、研究、可接受标准,以证明特定的变更不会有不良影响。相比性方案可减少特定变更的报告范围。提交的相比性方案在原始申报资料中没有包括,必须作为“批准前变更申请”提交。见Comparability protocols - Chemistry,

Manufacturing, and Controls Information。


Other than for editorial changes in previously submitted information (e.g., correction of spelling or

typographical errors, reformatting of batch records), an applicant must notify FDA about each change in

each condition established in an approved application beyond the variations already provided for in the

application (§ 314.70(a)(1)).



A supplement or annual report must include a list of all changes contained in the supplement or annual report.

On the list, FDA recommends that the applicant describe each change in enough detail to allow FDA to

quickly determine whether the appropriate reporting category has been used. For supplements, this list must

be provided in the cover letter (§ 314.70(a)(6)). In annual reports, the list should be included in the summary

section (§ 314.81(b)(2)(i)). The applicant must describe each change fully in the supplement or annual

report (§ 314.70(a)(1)).


314.70(a)(6))。在年报里,目录应包括在简节中(§ 314.81(b)(2)(i))。申请者必须说明每个变更都在增刊和年报里。

An applicant making a change to an approved application under section 506A of the Act must also conform

to other applicable laws and regulations, including current good manufacturing practice (CGMP)

requirements of the Act (21 U.S.C. 351(a)(2)(B)) and applicable regulations in Title 21 of the Code of

Federal Regulations (e.g., 21 CFR parts 210, 211, 314). For example, manufacturers must comply with

relevant CGMP validation and recordkeeping requirements and ensure that relevant records are readily

available for examination by authorized FDA personnel during an inspection.

申请者依据法案的第506A部分对已批准的申请作出变更,必须同时符合其它适用的法律和规章,包括现行的药品生产管理规范(CGMP)要求的法案(21 U.S.C. 351(a)(2)(B))和美国联邦行政法规(e.g., 21

CFR parts 210, 211, 314)的21部中适用的规章。例如,生产厂家必须服从相关CGMP验证和保留记录的要求,确保有关的记录在检查期间随时可供获授权的FDA工作人员检查。

A changes-being-effected supplement providing for labeling changes under § 314.70(c)(6)(iii) must include

12 copies of the final printed labeling (§ 314.70(c)(1)). In accordance with § 314.70(a)(4), an applicant also

must promptly revise all promotional labeling and drug advertising to make it consistent with any labeling

change implemented in accordance with § 314.70(b) or (c).

“已生效的变更补充”提供了标签变更,依据§ 314.70(c)(6)(iii)必须包括12份最后打印的标签(§

314.70(c)(1))。按照§ 314.70(a)(4),申请者还必须及时修改所有宣传标识和药品广告,使之符合任何标签变更,应按照 § 314.70(b) or (c)实施。

Except for supplements providing only for a change in labeling, an applicant must include in each

supplement and amendment to a supplement a statement certifying that a field copy has been provided in

accordance with 21 CFR 314.440(a)(4)6 (§ 314.70(a)(5)).

除了在标签中只补充一个变更,申请者必须包括有每个补充和修改的资料来补充说明,证明副本已按照21 CFR 314.440(a)(4)6 (§ 314.70(a)(5))提供。


A. Assessment of the Effects of the Change 评估变更效果

The holder of an approved application under section 505 of the Act must assess the effects of the change

before distributing a drug product made with a manufacturing change (§ 314.70(a)(2)).7 For each change,

the supplement or annual report must contain information determined by FDA to be appropriate and must

include the information developed by the applicant in assessing the effects of the change (section 506A(b),

(c)(1), (d)(2)(A), and (d)(3)(A) of the Act). The type of information that must be included in a supplemental

application or an annual report is specified in § 314.70(b)(3), (c)(4), and (d)(3).

按照法案第505条,在发行有生产变更的药品前(§ 314.70(a)(2)),已批准申请的持有人必须评估变更效果。对每个变更,增刊或年报必须包含由FDA确定的合适的资料和申请者在评估变更效果所取得的资料(section 506A(b), (c)(1), (d)(2)(A), and (d)(3)(A) of the Act)。该类型的资料必须包括在补充申请或年报里,特别是在§ 314.70(b)(3), (c)(4), and (d)(3)中。

1. Conformance to Specifications

An assessment of the effects of a change on the identity, strength, quality, purity, and potency of the drug

product should include a determination that the drug substance intermediates, drug substance, in-process

materials, and/or drug product affected by the change conform to the approved specifications.8 A

specification is a quality standard (i.e., tests, analytical procedures, and acceptance criteria) provided in an

approved application to confirm the quality of drug substances, drug products, intermediates, raw materials,

reagents, components, in-process materials, container closure systems, and other materials used in the

production of a drug substance or drug product. Acceptance criteria are numerical limits, ranges, or other

criteria for the tests described (§ 314.3(b)). Conformance to a specification means that the material, when

tested according to the analytical procedures listed in the specification, will meet the listed acceptance


对药品的特征、剂量、质量、纯度和药效变更效果进行评估,应该包括原料药中间体、原料药、中控物料和/或被符合已批准质量标准变更影响的制剂。规格是一个(例如,试验、分析步骤、可接受标准)在已批准的申请里提供证实原料药、成品、中间体、原材料、反应物、成分、中控物料、包装,和原料药或制剂生产过程中使用的其它物质的质量标准。可接受标准是个描述测试的数值界限,范围,或其他的标准(§ 314.3(b))。符合质量标准的意思是,当物料根据质量标准中所列出的分析步骤检验,将符合所列出的可接受标准。

2. Additional Testing 附加试验

In addition to confirming that the material affected by manufacturing changes continues to meet its

specification, we recommend that the applicant perform additional testing, when appropriate, to assess

whether the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of the drug product as these factors may relate to

the safety or effectiveness of the drug product have been or will be affected. The assessment should include,

as appropriate, evaluation of any changes in the chemical, physical, microbiological, biological,

bioavailability, and/or stability profiles. This additional assessment could involve testing of the postchange

drug product itself or, if appropriate, the material directly affected by the change. The type of additional

testing that an applicant should perform would depend on the type of manufacturing change, the type of drug

substance and/or drug product, and the effect of the change on the quality of the drug product. For example:

除了证实被生产变更影响的物料仍然符合它的质量标准,我们建议申请者实行附加试验,适当的时候评估可能关系到药品安全性和有效性的特征、剂量、质量、纯度或药效是否已经或将被影响 。评估


Evaluation of changes in the impurity or degradant profile could first involve profiling using appropriate

chromatographic techniques and then, depending on the observed changes in the impurity profile, toxicology

tests to qualify a new impurity or degradant or to qualify an impurity that is above a previously qualified



Evaluation of the hardness or friability of a tablet after certain changes.


Assessment of the effect of a change on bioequivalence when required under 21 CFR part 320 could

include, for example, multipoint and/or multimedia dissolution profiling and/or an in vivo bioequivalence



Evaluation of extractables from new packaging components or moisture permeability of a new container

closure system. 对新包装组分通透性或新的容器密封系统的水份渗透性进行评估测试。

An applicant should refer to all relevant CDER guidance documents for recommendations on the

information that should be submitted to support a given change. If guidance for information that should be

submitted to support a particular change is not available, applicants can consult the appropriate CDER

chemistry or microbiology review staff for advice.


B. Equivalence 等价

When testing is performed, the applicant should usually assess the extent to which the manufacturing change

has affected the identity, strength, quality, purity, and potency of the drug product. Typically this is

accomplished by comparing test results from pre- and postchange material and determining if the test results

are equivalent. Simply stated: Is the drug product made after the change equivalent to the drug product made

before the change?


An exception to this general approach is that when bioequivalence is redocumented for certain ANDA

postapproval changes, FDA recommends that the comparator be the reference listed drug. Equivalence

comparisons frequently have a criterion for comparison with calculation of confidence intervals relative to a

predetermined equivalence interval.

这方面的例外情况是,如果要对某个已批准的ADDA进行变更,要求重新进行生物等效性研究, FDA


For this, as well as for other reasons, equivalent does not necessarily mean identical. Equivalence may also

relate to maintenance of a quality characteristic (e.g., stability) rather than a single performance of a test.


C. Adverse Effect 不良作用

Some manufacturing changes have an adverse effect on the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of

the drug product. In many cases, the applicant chooses not to implement these manufacturing changes, but

sometimes the applicant wishes to do so. If an assessment indicates that a change has adversely affected the

identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of the drug product, FDA recommends that the change be

submitted in a prior approval supplement regardless of the recommended reporting category for the

change. For example, a process change recommended for a changes-being-effected-in-30¬days supplement

could cause the formation of a new degradant that requires qualification and/or identification.10 The

applicant's degradation qualification procedures may indicate that there are no safety concerns relating to the

new degradant. Even so, we recommend that the applicant submit this change in a prior approval supplement

with appropriate information to support the continued safety and effectiveness of the drug product. During

the review of the prior approval supplement, the FDA will assess the impact of any adverse effect on the

drug product as this change may relate to the safety or effectiveness of the drug product.


Applicants are encouraged to consult with the appropriate CDER chemistry or microbiology review staff if

there are any questions on whether a change in a characteristic would be viewed by CDER as adversely

affecting the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of the drug product.



Changes in the qualitative or quantitative formulation, including inactive ingredients, as provided in the

approved application, are considered major changes requiring a prior approval supplement, unless exempted

by regulation or guidance (§ 314.70(b)(2)(i)). The deletion or reduction of an ingredient intended to affect

only the color of the drug product may be reported in an annual report (§ 314.70(d)(2)(ii)). Guidance on

changes in components and composition that may be submitted in a changes-being-effected supplement or

annual report is not included in this document because of the complexity of the recommendations, but may

be covered in one or more guidance documents describing post-approval changes (e.g., SUPAC documents).

处方质量或数量改变,包括非活性成分,认为是大变更,要求提交“批准前变更申请”,除非有法规或指南豁免(§ 314.70(b)(2)(i))。只是影响药品颜的某种成分的取消或减少可以在年度报告中报告(§314.70(d)(2)(ii))。本指南不包括在“有待生效的变更补充文件”或年度报告中提交的变更。


A. General Considerations

CDER must be notified when a manufacturer changes to a manufacturing site that is different from those

specified in the approved application (314.70(a)). Sites can include those used by an applicant to (1)

manufacture or process drug products,12 in-process materials, drug substances, or drug substance

intermediates, (2) package drug products, (3) label drug products, and (4) test components, drug product

containers, closures, packaging materials, in-process materials, or drug products. Sites include those owned

by the applicant or contract sites used by an applicant. Testing sites include those performing physical,

chemical, biological, and microbiological testing to monitor, accept, or reject materials, as well as those

performing stability testing. Sites used to label drug products are considered those that perform labeling of

the drug product's primary or secondary packaging components. Sites performing operations that place

identifying information on the dosage form itself (e.g., ink imprint on a filled capsule) are considered to be

facilities that manufacture or process the drug product. FDA recommends that the supplement or annual

report identify whether the proposed manufacturing site is an alternative to or replacement for the site or

sites provided for in the approved application.


FDA recommends that a move to a different manufacturing site, when it is a type of site routinely subject to

FDA inspection, be submitted as a prior approval supplement if the site does not have a satisfactory CGMP

inspection13 for the type of operation14 being moved (see sections VI.B.1 and 2).


For labeling, secondary packaging, and testing site changes, the potential for adverse effect on the identity,

strength, quality, purity, or potency of a drug product as these factors may relate to the safety or

effectiveness of the drug product is considered to be independent of the type of drug product dosage form or

specific type of operation being performed. Therefore, the recommended reporting category for any one of

these manufacturing site changes will be the same for all types of drug products and operations. For

manufacturing sites used to (1) manufacture or process drug products, in-process materials, drug substances,

or drug substance intermediates or (2) perform primary packaging operations, the potential for adverse effect

depends on factors such as the type of drug substance or drug product and operation being

performed. Therefore, recommended reporting categories may differ depending on the type of drug product

and operations.



Except for the situations described in sections VI.B.4, VI.C.1.b, and VI.D.5, construction activities at a

manufacturing site or moving production operations within a building or between buildings at the same

manufacturing site do not have to be reported to CDER.

除了描述VI.B.4, VI.C.1.b, and VI.D.5的情况,在生产场所或活动的生产操作里、在相同生产场所、一个建筑物或两个建筑物之间的建筑活动不需要报告给CDER 。

We recommend that a move to a manufacturing site that involves other changes (e.g., process, equipment) be

evaluated as a multiple related change (see section XII) to determine the appropriate reporting category.


B. Major Changes (Prior Approval Supplement) 大变更

The following are examples of changes considered to have a substantial potential to have an adverse effect

on the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of a drug product as these factors may relate to the safety

or effectiveness of the drug product.


1 A move to a different manufacturing site, except one used to manufacture or process a drug substance

intermediate, when the new manufacturing site has never been inspected by FDA for the type of operation

that is being moved or the move results in a restart at the new manufacturing site of a type of operation that

has been discontinued for more than two years.


2 A move to a different manufacturing site, except one used to manufacture or process a drug substance

intermediate, when the new manufacturing site does not have a satisfactory CGMP inspection for the type of

operation being moved.


3 A move to a different manufacturing site for (1) the manufacture, processing, or primary packaging of drug

products when the primary packaging components control the dose delivered to the patient or the

formulation modifies the rate or extent of availability of the drug, or (2) the manufacture or processing of

in-process materials with modified-release characteristics. Examples of these types of drug products include

modified-release solid oral dosage forms,15 transdermal systems, liposomal drug products, depot drug

products, oral and nasal metered-dose inhalers (MDIs), dry powder inhalers (DPIs), and nasal spray pumps.


4 Transfer of the manufacture of an aseptically processed sterile drug substance or aseptically processed

sterile drug product to (1) a newly constructed or refurbished aseptic processing facility or area or (2) an

existing aseptic processing facility or area that does not manufacture similar (including container types and

sizes) approved drug products. An example would be transferring the manufacture of a lyophilized drug

product to an existing aseptic process area where no approved lyophilized drug products are manufactured or

where the approved lyophilized drug products being manufactured have different container types and/or

sizes than the container of the drug product being transferred. See section VI.C.1.b for recommendations for

other manufacturing site changes relating to aseptically processed sterile drug substance or aseptically

processed sterile drug product.


5. Transfer of the manufacture of a finished drug product sterilized by terminal processes to a newly

constructed facility at a different manufacturing site. Once this change has been approved, subsequent site

changes to the facility for similar drug product types and processes may be submitted as a

changes-being-effected-in-30-days supplement (see section VI.C.1.a).


C. Moderate Changes (Supplement - Changes Being Effected) 中等变更(即将进行的变更的补充申请)

The following are examples of changes considered to have a moderate potential to have an adverse effect on

the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of a drug product as these factors may relate to the safety or

effectiveness of the drug product. If the new site does not have a satisfactory CGMP inspection for the type

of operation being moved (see sections VI.B.1 and 2), then FDA recommends that the changes listed below

(excluding changes relating to drug substance intermediate manufacturing sites) be submitted in a prior

approval supplement.

下面的例子是对药品特征、剂量、质量、纯度或药效有中等的潜在不良影响,可能与药品的安全性和有效性相关的变更。如果对正在被移动的该类型操作(see sections VI.B.1 and 2),其新地点没有令人满意的CGMP检查,FDA建议变更清单(包括有关原料药中间体的变更)提交在“批准前变更补充申请”。

1. Supplement - Changes Being Effected in 30 Days 补充文件-30后变更生效

a. A move to a different manufacturing site for the manufacture or processing of any drug product,

in-process material, or drug substance that is not otherwise provided for in this guidance.


b. For aseptically processed sterile drug substance or aseptically processed sterile drug product, a move to an

aseptic processing facility or area at the same or different manufacturing site except as provided for in

section VI.B.4.

无菌原料药或制剂搬迁至相同或不同厂址的无菌加工厂房或加工区域,section VI.B.4除外

c. A move to a different manufacturing site for the primary packaging of (1) any drug product that is not

otherwise listed as a major change and (2) modified-release solid oral dosage form drug products.


d. A move to a different manufacturing site for testing if (1) the test procedures approved in the application

or procedures that have been implemented via an annual report are used, (2) all postapproval commitments

made by the applicant relating to the test procedures have been fulfilled (e.g., providing methods validation

samples), and (3) the new testing facility has the capability to perform the intended testing.


2. Supplement - Changes Being Effected 补充文件-变更已生效

A move to a different manufacturing site for the manufacture or processing of the final intermediate.


D. Minor Changes (Annual Report) 小变更(年度报告)

The following are examples of changes considered to have a minimal potential to have an adverse effect on

the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of a drug product as these factors may relate to the safety or

effectiveness of the drug product. If the new site does not have a satisfactory CGMP inspection for the type

of operation being moved, then FDA recommends that the changes listed below (excluding changes relating

to drug substance intermediate manufacturing sites) be submitted in a prior approval supplement (see

sections VI.B.1 and 2).


1 A move to a different manufacturing site for secondary packaging.


2 A move to a different manufacturing site for labeling.


3 A move to a different manufacturing site for the manufacture or processing of drug substance

intermediates other than the final intermediate.


4 A change in the contract sterilization site for packaging components when the process is not materially

different from that provided for in the approved application


5 A transfer of the manufacture of a finished product sterilized by terminal processes to a newly constructed

building or existing building at the same manufacturing site.


6 A move to a different manufacturing site for the ink imprinting of solid oral dosage form drug products.



A. General Considerations

The potential for adverse effects on the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of a drug product as

these factors may relate to the safety or effectiveness of the drug product depends on the type of

manufacturing process and the changes being instituted for the drug substance or drug product. In some

cases, there may be a substantial potential for adverse effect regardless of direct testing of the drug substance

or drug product for conformance with the approved specification. When there is a substantial potential for

adverse effects, a change must be submitted in a prior approval supplement (section 506A(c) of the Act).


制剂,取决于该类型生产工艺和正在开始的改变。在某些情况下,可能有重大的潜在不良影响不管原料药或制剂的直接检测和已批准的质量标准一致。当有重大潜在不良影响时,变更必须提交在“批准前变更补充申请” (section 506A(c) of the Act)。

B. Major Changes (Prior Approval Supplement) 大变更

The following are examples of changes considered to have a substantial potential to have an adverse effect

on the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of a drug product as these factors may relate to the safety

or effectiveness of the drug product.


1 Changes that may affect the controlled (or modified) release, metering or other characteristics (e.g.,

particle size) of the dose delivered to the patient, including the addition or deletion of a code imprint by

embossing, debossing, or engraving on a modified-release solid oral dosage form.


2. Changes that may affect drug product sterility assurance including, where appropriate, process changes for

sterile drug substances and sterile packaging components. These include:


Changes in the sterilization method (e.g., gas, dry heat, irradiation). These include changes from sterile

filtered or aseptic processing to terminal sterilization, or vice versa.


Addition, deletion, or substitution of sterilization steps or procedures for handling sterile materials in an

aseptic processing operation.


Replacing sterilizers that operate by one set of principles with sterilizers that operate by another principle

(e.g., substituting a gravity displacement steam process with a process using superheated water spray).


Addition to an aseptic processing line of new equipment made of different materials (e.g., stainless steel

versus glass, changes between plastics) that will come in contact with sterilized bulk solution or sterile drug

components, or deletion of equipment from an aseptic processing line.


Replacing a Class 100 aseptic fill area with a barrier system or isolator for aseptic filling. Once this change

has been approved, subsequent process changes for similar product types in the same barrier system or

isolator may be submitted as a changes-being-effected-in-30-days supplement.


Replacement or addition of lyophilization equipment of a different size that uses different operating

parameters or lengthens the overall process time.


Changes from bioburden-based terminal sterilization to the use of an overkill process, and vice versa.


Changes to aseptic processing methods, including scale, that extend the total processing, including bulk

storage time, by more than 50 percent beyond the validated limits in the approved application.


Changes in sterilizer load configurations that are outside the range of previously validated loads.


Changes in materials or pore size rating of filters used in aseptic processing.


3. The following changes for a natural product


Changes in the virus or adventitious agent removal or inactivation methods.


This applies to any material where such procedures are necessary, including drug substance, drug product,

reagents, and excipients.


For drug substance and drug product, changes in the source material (e.g., microorganism, plant) or cell



For drug substance and drug product, establishment of a new master cell bank or seed.


4. Any fundamental change in the manufacturing process or technology from that currently used by the

applicant. For example:


a. Drug product 制剂

Dry to wet granulation or vice versa. 干法改为湿法或反之

Change from one type of drying process to another (e.g., oven tray, fluid bed, microwave).


b. Drug substance 原料药

Filtration to centrifugation or vice versa. 过滤改为离心或反之

Change in the route of synthesis of a drug substance 原料药合成途径改变

5. The following changes for drug substance 原料药下述变更

Any process change made after the final intermediate processing step in drug substance manufacture.


Changes in the synthesis or manufacture of the drug substance that may affect its impurity profile and/or the

physical, chemical, or biological properties.


6. Addition of an ink code imprint or change to or in the ink used for an existing imprint code for a solid oral

dosage form drug product when the ink as changed is not currently used on CDER-approved drug



7. Establishing a new procedure for reprocessing a batch of drug substance or drug product that fails to meet

the approved specification.


C. Moderate Changes (Supplement - Changes Being Effected) 中等变更

The following are examples of changes considered to have a moderate potential to have an adverse effect on

the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of a drug product as these factors may relate to the safety or

effectiveness of the drug product.


1. Supplement - Changes Being Effected in 30 Days 30天后进行的变更补充申请

a. For drug products, any change in the process, process parameters, and/or equipment except as otherwise

provided for in this guidance.


b. For drug substances, any change in process and/or process parameters except as otherwise provided for

in this guidance.


c. For natural protein drug substances and natural protein drug products:


Any change in the process, process parameters, and/or equipment except as otherwise provided for in this

guidance (e.g., section VII.B.5, VII.D.7).


An increase or decrease in production scale during finishing steps that involves different equipment.


Replacement of equipment with equipment of different design that does not affect the process methodology

or process operating parameters.


d. For sterile drug products, drug substances, and components, as appropriate:


Changes in dry heat depyrogenation processes for glass container systems for drug substances and drug

products that are produced by terminal sterilization processes or aseptic processing.


Changes to filtration parameters for aseptic processing (including flow rate, pressure, time, or volume, but

not filter materials or pore size rating) when additional validation studies for the new parameters should be



Filtration process changes that provide for a change from single to dual sterilizing filters in series, or for

repeated filtration of a bulk.


Changes from one qualified sterilization chamber to another for in-process or terminal sterilization that

result in changes to validated operating parameters (time, temperature, F0, and others).


Changes in scale of manufacturing for terminally sterilized drug products that increase the bulk solution

storage time by more than 50 percent beyond the validated limits in the approved application when

bioburden limits are unchanged.



e. For drug substances, redefinition of an intermediate, excluding the final intermediate, as a starting material.


2. Supplement - Changes Being Effected 已进行的变更补充申请

a. A change in methods or controls that provides increased assurance that the drug substance or drug

product will have the characteristics of identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency that it purports or is

represented to possess.


b. For sterile drug products, elimination of in-process filtration performed as part of the manufacture of a

terminally sterilized drug product.


D. Minor Changes (Annual Report) 小变更(年报)

The following are examples of changes considered to have a minimal potential to have an adverse effect on

the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of a drug product as these factors may relate to the safety or

effectiveness of the drug product.


1 For drug products, changes to equipment of the same design and operating principle and/or changes in

scale except as otherwise provided for in this guidance (e.g., section VII.C.1.c, VII.D.7).


2 A minor change in an existing code imprint for a dosage form. For example, changing from a numeric to

alphanumeric code.


3 Addition of an ink code imprint or a change in the ink used in an existing code imprint for a solid oral

dosage form drug product when the ink is currently used on CDER-approved drug products.


4 Addition or deletion of a code imprint by embossing, debossing, or engraving on a solid dosage form drug

product other than a modified-release dosage form.


5 A change in the order of addition of ingredients for solution dosage forms or solutions used in unit

operations (e.g., granulation solutions).


1 Changes in scale of manufacturing for terminally sterilized drug products that increase the bulk solution

storage time by no more than 50 percent beyond the validated limits in the approved application when

bioburden limits are unchanged.


7. For natural protein drug products and natural protein drug substances:


An increase or decrease in production scale during finishing steps that does not involve an equipment



Replacement of equipment with equipment of the same design, operating principle, and capacity with no

change in production scale.



A. General Considerations

All changes in specifications from those in the approved application must be submitted in a prior approval

supplement unless otherwise exempted by regulation or guidance (§ 314.70(b)(2)(i)). Specifications (i.e.,

tests, analytical procedures, and acceptance criteria) are the quality standards provided in an approved

application to confirm the quality of drug substances, drug products, intermediates, raw materials, reagents,

components, in-process materials, container closure systems, and other materials used in the production of a

drug substance or drug product. For the purpose of defining specifications, acceptance criteria are numerical

limits, ranges, or other criteria for the tests described. Examples of a test, an analytical procedure, and an

acceptance criterion are, respectively, an assay, a specific, fully described high pressure liquid

chromatography (HPLC) procedure, and a range of 98.0–102.0 percent. The recommendations in this

section also apply to specifications associated with sterility assurance that are included in NDA and ANDA


从那些已批准申请的质量标准里的所有变更必须提交在“批准前变更补充申请”,除非另有被规章或指导原则豁免的(§ 314.70(b)(2)(i))。规程(例如,检测、分析步骤、可接受标准)是在已批准的申请里提供证实原料药、制剂、中间体、原材料、反应物、成分、中控物料、包装,和原料药或制剂生产过程中使用的其它物质的质量标准。质量标准和可接受标准的目的是明确数值界限,范围,或为检验所描述的其他标准。实例检验,一个分析规程和一个可接受标准为各自检测、完全特定的高效液相步骤、范围98.0%-102.0%。本条中的建议也适用于和无菌保证有联系的质量标准,包括在NDA和ANDA。

A regulatory analytical procedure is the procedure in the approved application that is designated for use in

evaluating a defined characteristic of the drug substance or drug product. Section 501(b) of the Act

recognizes the analytical procedures in the U.S. Pharmacopeia/National Formulary (USP/NF) as the

regulatory analytical procedures for compendial items. Tests and associated acceptance criteria and

regulatory analytical procedures in addition to those specified in the USP/NF may be required for approving

compendial items (section 505 of the Act).

获批准的法定分析规程是能被指定用于评估原料药或制剂的确定性质的规程。美国药典/国家处方集的法定分析规程是根据法案的第501(b)确定的分析规程。对正在批准的简明条款除了那些在USP/NF中详细说明的,还有检测和有联系的可接受标准,法定分析规程,可能都被要求在其中。(section 505

of the Act)

The applicant may include in its application alternatives to the approved regulatory analytical procedures for

testing the drug substance and drug product. However, for purposes of determining compliance with the Act,

regulatory analytical procedures are used.


In sections B through D below, the use of the term analytical procedure without a qualifier such as

regulatory or alternative refers to an analytical procedure used to test materials other than the drug substance

or drug product.


B. Major Changes (Prior Approval Supplement) 大变更

The following are examples of changes in specifications considered to have a substantial potential to have an

adverse effect on the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of a drug product as these factors may

relate to the safety or effectiveness of the drug product.


1 Relaxing an acceptance criterion except as otherwise provided for in this guidance (e.g., section VIII.C.1.b,



2 Deleting any part of a specification except as otherwise provided for in this guidance (e.g., section



3 Establishing a new regulatory analytical procedure including designation of an alternative analytical

procedure as a regulatory procedure.


4 A change in a regulatory analytical procedure that does not provide the same or increased assurance of the

identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of the material being tested as the regulatory analytical

procedure described in the approved application.


5 A change in an analytical procedure used for testing components, packaging components, the final

intermediate, in-process materials after the final intermediate, or starting materials introduced after the final

intermediate that does not provide the same or increased assurance of the identity, strength, quality, purity,

or potency of the material being tested as the analytical procedure described in the approved application

except as otherwise noted. For example, a change from an HPLC procedure that distinguishes impurities to

(1) an HPLC procedure that does not, (2) another type of analytical procedure (e.g., titrimetric) that does not,

or (3) an HPLC procedure that distinguishes impurities but the limit of detection and/or limit of quantitation

is higher.


6 Relating to testing of raw materials for viruses or adventitious agents:19


(1) relaxing an acceptance criterion, (2) deleting a test, or (3) a change in the analytical procedure that does

not provide the same or increased assurance of the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of the

material being tested as the analytical procedure described in the approved application.


C. Moderate Changes (Supplement - Changes Being Effected) 中等变更

The following are examples of changes in specifications considered to have a moderate potential to have an

adverse effect on the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of a drug product as these factors may

relate to the safety or effectiveness of the drug product.



1. Supplement - Changes Being Effected in 30 Days 增补-变更30天后生效

a. Any change in a regulatory analytical procedure other than those identified as major changes or editorial



b. Relaxing an acceptance criterion or deleting a test for raw materials used in drug substance manufacturing,

in-process materials prior to the final intermediate, starting materials introduced prior to the final drug

substance intermediate, or drug substance intermediates (excluding final intermediate) except as provided for

in section VIII.B.6.


c. A change in an analytical procedure used for testing raw materials used in drug substance manufacturing,

in-process materials prior to the intermediate, starting materials introduced prior to the final drug substance

intermediate, or drug substance intermediates (excluding final intermediate) that does not provide the same

or increased assurance of the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of the material being tested as the

analytical procedure described in the approved application except as provided for in section VIII.B.6.


d. Relaxing an in-process acceptance criterion associated with microbiological monitoring of the

production environment, materials, and components that are included in NDA and ANDA submissions. For

example, increasing the microbiological alert or action limits for critical processing environments in an

aseptic fill facility or increasing the acceptance limit for bioburden in bulk solution intended for filtration

and aseptic filling.


e. Relaxing an acceptance criterion or deleting a test to comply with an official compendium that is

consistent with FDA statutory and regulatory requirements (§ 314.70(c)(2)(iii)).


2. Supplement - Changes Being Effected

a. An addition to a specification that provides increased assurance that the drug substance or drug product

will have the characteristics of identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency that it purports or is represented

to possess. For example, adding a new test and associated analytical procedure and acceptance criterion.


b. A change in an analytical procedure used for testing components, packaging components, the final

intermediate, in-process materials after the final intermediate, or starting materials introduced after the final

intermediate that provides the same or increased assurance of the identity, strength, quality, purity, or

potency of the material being tested as the analytical procedure described in the approved application.


D. Minor Changes (Annual Report) 小变更

The following are examples of changes in specifications considered to have a minimal potential to have an

adverse effect on the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of a drug product as these factors may

relate to the safety or effectiveness of the drug product.


1 Any change in a specification made to comply with an official compendium, except the changes described

in section VIII.C.1.e, that is consistent with FDA statutory and regulatory requirements (§ 314.70(d)(2)(i)).

质量标准的变更,以符合药典要求,section VIII.C.1.e提到的除外

2 For drug substance and drug product, the addition or revision of an alternative analytical procedure that

provides the same or increased assurance of the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of the material

being tested as the analytical procedure described in the approved application or deletion of an alternative

analytical procedure.


3 Tightening of acceptance criteria 质量标准变严

4 A change in an analytical procedure used for testing raw materials used in drug substance synthesis,

starting materials introduced prior to the final drug substance intermediate, in-process materials prior to the

final intermediate, or drug substance intermediates (excluding final intermediate) that provides the same or

increased assurance of the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of the material being tested as the

analytical procedure described in the approved application.



A. General Considerations

The potential for adverse effect on the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of a drug product as

these factors may relate to the safety or effectiveness of the drug product when making a change to or in the

container closure system is generally dependent on the route of administration of the drug product,

performance of the container closure system, and the likelihood of interaction between the packaging

component and the dosage form. In some cases there may be a substantial potential for adverse effect,

regardless of direct drug product testing for conformance with the approved specification.


A change to or in a packaging component will often result in a new or revised specification for the

packaging component. This situation does not have to be considered a multiple related change. Only the

reporting category for the packaging change needs to be considered.


B. Major Changes (Prior Approval Supplement) 大变更

The following are examples of changes considered to have a substantial potential to have an adverse effect

on the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of a drug product as these factors may relate to the safety

or effectiveness of the drug product.


1 For liquid (e.g., solution, suspension, elixir) and semisolid (e.g., creams, ointments) dosage forms, a

change to or in polymeric materials (e.g., plastic, rubber) of primary packaging components, when the

composition of the component as changed has never been used in a CDER-approved drug product of the

same dosage form and same route of administration. For example, a polymeric material that has been used in

a CDER-approved topical ointment would not be considered CDER-approved for an ophthalmic ointment.


2 For liquid (e.g., solution, suspension, elixir) and semisolid (e.g., creams, ointments) dosage forms in

permeable or semipermeable container closure systems, a change from an ink and/or adhesive used on the

permeable or semipermeable packaging component to an ink or adhesive that has never been used in a

CDER-approved drug product of the same dosage form and same route of administration and with the same

type of permeable or semipermeable packaging component (e.g., low density polyethylene, polyvinyl



3 A change in the primary packaging components for any drug product when the primary packaging

components control20 the dose delivered to the patient (e.g., the valve or actuator of a metered-dose inhaler).


4 For sterile drug products, any change that may affect drug product sterility assurance, such as:21


A change from a glass ampule to a glass vial with an elastomeric closure.


A change to a flexible container system (bag) from another container system.


A change to a prefilled syringe dosage form from another container system.


A change from a single unit dose container to a multiple dose container system.


Changes that add or delete silicone treatments to container closure systems (such as elastomeric closures or

syringe barrels).


Changes in the size and/or shape of a container for a sterile drug product.


1 Deletion of a secondary packaging component intended to provide additional protection to the drug

product (e.g., carton to protect from light, overwrap to limit transmission of moisture or gases) or a change in

the composition of, or the addition of, a secondary packaging component that may affect the impurity profile

of the drug product.


2 A change to a new container closure system if the new container closure system does not provide the same

or better protective properties than the approved container closure system.


C. Moderate Changes (Supplement - Changes Being Effected) 中等变更

The following are examples of changes considered to have a moderate potential to have an adverse effect on

the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of a drug product as these factors may relate to the safety or

effectiveness of the drug product.


1. Supplement - Changes Being Effected in 30 Days 增补-变更30天后生效

a. A change to or in a container closure system, except as otherwise provided for in this guidance, that does

not affect the quality of the drug product.


b. Changes in the size or shape of a container for a sterile drug substance.


c. A change in the number of units (e.g., tablets, capsules) or labeled amount (e.g., grams, milliliters) of a

nonsterile drug product in a unit-of-use container.22


2. Supplement - Changes Being Effected

a. A change in the size and/or shape of a container for a nonsterile drug product, except for solid dosage

forms (see section IX.D.2), without a change from one container closure system to another (§



b. A change in the labeled amount (e.g., grams, milliliters) of drug product for a nonsterile drug product in

a multiple-unit container,23 except for solid dosage forms (see section IX.D.3) .


c. A change in or addition or deletion of a desiccant.


D. Minor Changes (Annual Report) 小变更

The following are examples of changes considered to have a minimal potential to have an adverse effect on

the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of a drug product as these factors may relate to the safety or

effectiveness of the drug product.


1 A change in the container closure system for a nonsterile drug product, based on a showing of equivalency

to the approved system under a protocol approved in the application or published in an official compendium

(§ 314.70(d)(2)(v)).


2 A change in the size and/or shape of a container for a nonsterile solid dosage form (§ 314.70(d)(2)(iv)).


3 A change in the number of units (e.g., tablets, capsules) or labeled amount (e.g., grams) of nonsterile solid

dosage form in a multiple-unit container.


4 The following changes in the container closure system of solid oral dosage form drug products as long as

the new package provides the same or better protective properties (e.g., light, moisture) and any new primary

packaging component materials have been used in and been in contact with CDER-approved solid oral

dosage form drug products:24


Adding or changing a child-resistant closure, changing from a metal to plastic screw cap, or changing from a

plastic to metal screw cap.


Changing from one plastic container to another of the same type of plastic (e.g., high density polyethylene

(HDPE) container to another HDPE container).


Changes in packaging materials used to control odor (e.g., charcoal packets).


Changes in bottle filler (e.g., change in weight of cotton or amount used) without changes in the type of

filler (e.g., cotton to rayon).


Increasing the wall thickness of the container.


A change in or addition of a cap liner.


A change in or addition of a seal (e.g., heat induction seal).


A change in an antioxidant, colorant, stabilizer, or mold releasing agent for production of the container

and/or closure to one that is used at similar levels in the packaging of CDER-approved solid oral dosage

form drug products.


A change to a new container closure system when the container closure system is already approved in the

NDA or ANDA for other strengths of the drug product.


5. The following changes in the container closure system of nonsterile liquid drug products as long as the

new package provides the same or better protective properties and any new primary packaging component

materials have been used in and been in contact with CDER-approved liquid drug products with the same

route of administration (i.e., the material in contact with a liquid topical should already have been used with

other CDER-approved liquid topical drug products):


Adding or changing a child-resistant closure, changing from a metal to plastic screw cap, or changing from a

plastic to metal screw cap.


Increasing the wall thickness of the container.


A change in or addition of a cap liner.


A change in or addition of a seal (e.g., heat induction seal).


1 A change in the container closure system of unit dose packaging (e.g., blister packs) for nonsterile solid

dosage form drug products as long as the new package provides the same or better protective properties and

any new primary packaging component materials have been used in and been in contact with

CDER-approved drug products of the same type (e.g., solid oral dosage form, rectal suppository).


2 The following changes in the container closure system of nonsterile semisolid drug products as long as the

new package provides the same or better protective properties and any new primary packaging component

materials have been used in and been in contact with CDER-approved semisolid drug products:


Changes in the closure or cap. 封口或盖的改变

Increasing the wall thickness of the container. 增加容器壁的厚度

A change in or addition of a cap liner. 改变或加入瓶盖垫片

A change in or addition of a seal. 改变或加入封口膜

A change in the crimp sealant. 改变密封剂

8. A change in the flip seal cap color as long as the cap color is consistent with any established color coding

system for that class of drug products.



A. General Considerations 基本情况

A drug product labeling change includes changes in the package insert, package labeling, or container label.

In accordance with § 314.70(a)(4), an applicant must promptly revise all promotional labeling and drug

advertising to make it consistent with any labeling change implemented in accordance with paragraphs (b) or

(c) of § 314.70. All labeling changes for ANDA drug products must be consistent with section 505(j) of the


药品的标签变更包括说明书、包装标签、容器标签的改变。按照§ 314.70(a)(4),申请者必须迅速重新修正所有增加的标签和药品广告来保持核变更标签的一致性,按照§ 314.70的(b) or (c)段执行。对于新药的所有标签变更必须符合法案第505(j)。

B. Major Changes (Prior Approval Supplement) 大变更

Any proposed change in the labeling, except changes designated as moderate or minor by regulation or

guidance, must be submitted as a prior approval supplement (§ 314.70(b)(2)(v)(A)). If applicable, any

change to a Medication Guide required under 21 CFR part 208, except for changes in the information

specified in § 208.20(b)(8)(iii) and (b)(8)(iv), must be submitted in a prior approval supplement (§

314.70(b)(v)(B)). The following list contains some examples of changes currently considered by CDER to

fall into this reporting category.

任何打算在标签上的变更,除了由规章或指南制定的中等或较小的变更,必须作为批准前的变更补充提交(§ 314.70(b)(2)(v)(A))。依据21 CFR part 208,任何用药指南要求的变更,除了在§ 208.20(b)(8)(iii)

和 (b)(8)(iv)指定资料的变更,必须提交在批准前变更补充申请里(§ 314.70(b)(v)(B))。以下项目包含当前被CDER考虑为变更的一些例子,属于这个报告范围。

1 Changes based on postmarketing study results, including, but not limited to, labeling changes associated

with new indications and usage.


2 Change in, or addition of, pharmacoeconomic claims based on clinical studies.


3 Changes to the clinical pharmacology or the clinical study section reflecting new or modified data.


4 Changes based on data from preclinical studies. 根据临床前研究数据进行的变更

1 Revision (expansion or contraction) of population based on data. 人数修订

2 Claims of superiority to another drug product. 相对另外一种药品优越性的声明

3 Change in the labeled storage conditions, unless exempted by regulation or guidance.


C. Moderate Changes (Supplement - Changes Being Effected) 中等变更

Under § 314.70(c)(6)(iii), a changes-being-effected supplement must be submitted for any labeling change

that (1) adds or strengthens a contraindication, warning, precaution, or adverse reaction, (2) adds or

strengthens a statement about drug abuse, dependence, psychological effect, or overdosage, (3) adds or

strengthens an instruction about dosage and administration that is intended to increase the safe use of the

drug product, (4) deletes false, misleading, or unsupported indications for use or claims for effectiveness, or

(5) normally requires a supplement submission and approval prior to distribution of the drug product that

FDA specifically requests be submitted under this provision. A changes-being-effected supplement that

provides for a labeling change under §§ 314.70(c)(6)(iii) must include 12 copies of final printed labeling (§

314.70(c)(1)). The following list includes some examples of changes currently considered by CDER to fall

into this reporting category.

依据§ 314.70(c)(6)(iii),对以下任一标签的变更,必须提交已生效的变更补充申请(1)增加或加强了禁忌症,警告和防范措施,或不良反应(2)增加或增强了关于药物滥用,依赖性,心理作用,或过量用药的申明(3)有意增加药物安全性相关的药品剂量和用法的指令(4)删除虚假,误导,或无支持的适应症或对功效的申明(5)正常要求补充提交和批准前药品的分发,依据这个提交FDA具体的要求。依据§§ 314.70(c),已完成的变更补充申请提供了标签的变更(6)必须提交12份最终打印的标签(§ 314.70(c)(1))。以下项目包含当前被CDER考虑为变更的一些例子,属于这个报告范围。

Addition of an adverse event due to information reported to the applicant or Agency. /依据报告至申请者或代理机构的信息添加一个副反应事件。

Addition of a precaution arising out of a postmarketing study/添加一个产生于上市后研究中的用药警戒。

Clarification of the administration statement to ensure proper administration of the drug product./用药指南澄清声明,以确保药物产品的正确用药。

D. Minor Changes (Annual Report) 小变更(年度报告)

Labeling with editorial or similar minor changes or with a change in the information concerning the

description of the drug product or information about how the drug is supplied that does not involve a change

in the dosage strength or dosage form should be described in an annual report (§ 314.70(d)(2)(ix) and

(d)((2)(x)) . The following list includes some examples currently considered by CDER to fall into this

reporting category.

编辑的或相似的较小变更,关于药品描述变更的信息或不包括在剂量强度或剂型的变更,应该叙述在年报里(§ 314.70(d)(2)(ix) and (d)((2)(x))。以下项目包含当前被CDER考虑为变更的一些例子,属于这个报告范围。

1 Changes in the layout of the package or container label that are consistent with FDA regulations (e.g., 21

CFR part 201) without a change in the content of the labeling. /包装或容器标签版式改变,符合FDA法规要求,并且不改变标签内容。

2 Editorial changes, such as adding a distributor's name. /编辑信息改变,例如添加一个经销商名称。

3 Foreign language versions of the labeling if no change is made to the content of the approved labeling and

a certified translation is included. /标签添加外语版本,内容对比已经批准的标签无任何改变,并且翻译内容经过确证。

4 Labeling changes made to comply with an official compendium. /改变标签使其符合官方文件。


A. Major Changes (Prior Approval Supplement) 大变更(批准前的增补)

The following are examples of changes considered to have a substantial potential to have an adverse effect

on the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of a drug product as these factors may relate to the safety

or effectiveness of the drug product.


1 Changes requiring completion of studies in accordance with 21 CFR part 320 to demonstrate equivalence

of the drug product to the drug product as manufactured without the change or to the reference listed drug (§

314.70(b)(2)(ii)). /依据21 CFR 320部分,需要完成变更后产品与变更前产品或标准对照药品之间的生物等效性研究来证明其等效的变更。

2 Addition of a stability protocol or comparability protocol. /添加稳定性研究方案或可比性方案。

3 Changes to an approved stability protocol or comparability protocol unless otherwise provided for in this

guidance (e.g., VIII.C, VIII.D, XI.C.2). /对已核准的稳定性研究方案或可比性方案进行变更,在本指南中有特殊规定的除外(例如:III.C, VIII.D, XI.C.2)

4 An extension of an expiration dating period based on (1) data obtained under a new or revised stability

testing protocol that has not been approved in the application or (2) full shelf life data on pilot scale batches

using an approved protocol. /有效期延长,基于(1)数据来自于一个新的或修订后的未经申请批准的稳定性方案,或(2)关键批次规模的使用已批准方案进行的完整的贮存期限数据。

5 Changes to a drug product under an application that is subject to a validity assessment because of

significant questions regarding the integrity of the data supporting that application (§ 314.70(b)(2)(viii)). /药物产品变更,该产品基于一个由于显著的支持数据完整性问题存在而被要求进行有效性评估的申请。(§ 314.70(b)(2)(viii))

B. Moderate Changes (Supplement - Changes Being Effected) 中等变更(增补-变更已生效)

The following are examples of changes considered to have a moderate potential to have an adverse effect on

the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of a drug product as these factors may relate to the safety or

effectiveness of the drug product.


1. Supplement - Changes Being Effected in 30 Days / 增补-变更30天后生效

Reduction of an expiration dating period to provide increased assurance of the identity, strength, quality,

purity, or potency of the drug product. Extension of an expiration date that has previously been reduced

under this provision should be submitted in a changes-being-effected-in-30-days supplement even if the

extension is based on data obtained under a protocol approved in the application. /为了加强保证提高药物产品的特性、剂量、质量、纯度、或药效,缩短失效期。由于以上原因而缩短的有效期,对其进行延长应递交“30天后生效的变更补充申请”,同样适用于数据来源为经批准的申请中的方案。

2. Supplement - Changes Being Effected/增补-变更已生效

No changes have been identified. 此类未定义任何变更。

C. Minor Changes (Annual Report) 轻微变更(年度报告)

The following are examples of changes considered to have a minimal potential to have an adverse effect on

the identity, strength, quality, purity, or potency of a drug product as these factors may relate to the safety or

effectiveness of the drug product.


1. An extension of an expiration dating period based on full shelf life data on production batches obtained

under a protocol approved in the application (§ 314.70(d)(2)(vi)). /有效期延长,数据基于生产批次规模的使用已批准方案进行的完整的贮存期限数据

1 Addition of time points to the stability protocol or deletion of time points beyond the approved expiration

dating period. /在已批准的有效期外添加或删除稳定性方案中的时间点。

2 A change from previously approved stability storage conditions to storage conditions recommended in

International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) guidances. /贮存条件由已经批准的稳定性贮存条件改变至ICH指南推荐的条件。

4. Non-USP reference standards: /在没有USP对照品:

Replacement of an in-house reference standard or reference panel (or panel member) according to

procedures in an approved application. /依据经批准的申请中的方法,替代内部对照品或标准对照组

Tightening of acceptance criteria for existing reference standards to provide greater assurance of drug

product purity and potency. /减小已有标准对照品的可接受范围,以提高药物产品纯度和效力的可信性。


Multiple related changes involve various combinations of individual changes. For example, a site change

may also involve equipment and manufacturing process changes or a components and composition change

may necessitate a change in a specification. For multiple related changes where the recommended reporting

categories for the individual changes differ, CDER recommends that the submission be in accordance with

the most restrictive of the categories recommended for the individual changes. When the multiple related

changes all have the same recommended reporting category, CDER recommends that the submission be in

accordance with the reporting category for the individual changes.



All owners or operators of all drug establishments (not exempt by regulation) that engage in the manufacture,

preparation, propagation, compounding, or processing of a drug or drugs are required to register with the

FDA (21 CFR 207.20). An establishment means a place of business under one management at one general

physical location (§ 207.3(a)(7)). A general physical location is reasonably construed to include separate

buildings within the same city if the activities in the buildings are closely related to the same business

enterprise, are under the supervision of the same local management, and are all inspected at the same time

(ORA Field Management Directive No. 132).

从事生产、制备、繁殖、配料或药物加工的所有药物工厂的拥有者或经营者(不能被法规免除),或药物需登记在FDA(21 CFR 207.20)。公司意味着在一个普通物理位置管理下的营业地点(§

207.3(a)(7))。一般的物理位置合理解释为包括在同一城市里单独的建筑物,如果建筑物里的活动与相同的企业有密切的关系,则由当地相同的管理部门监督,在同一时间接受检查 。

For the purposes of determining the reporting category for moves between buildings, the terms same

manufacturing site and different manufacturing site mean: 对建筑物间的移动,为确定报告范围,相同生产地点和不同生产地点的意思是:

Domestic Establishments 国内企业

Same manufacturing site: 相同的生产地点

• The new and old buildings are included under the same drug establishment registration number25



• The same FDA district office is responsible for inspecting the operations in both the new and old



Different manufacturing site: 不同生产地点

• The new and old buildings have different drug establishment registration numbers 新旧建筑物有不同的注册地址。


• Different FDA district offices are responsible for inspecting operations in the new and old buildings. 不同地区的FDA 办公室负责新旧建筑物的审查

For domestic establishments, the terms same manufacturing site and different manufacturing site supersede

the terms contiguous campus, same campus, and different campus as used in the SUPAC guidances.

Foreign Establishments 国外企业

25 The registration number is the number assigned to the establishment as part of the registration process

(e.g., ORA Field Management Directive No. 92).

Foreign establishments are not currently required to register with the FDA. On May 14, 1999, FDA

published a proposed rule to require registration of foreign establishments (64 FR 26330). Until registration

of foreign establishments is required, same and different manufacturing sites mean:

当前外国企业不要求登记在FDA。1999年5月14日,FDA出版了拟议的条例来要求外国企业的登记(64 FR 26330).直到外国企业要求登记,相同和不同生产地点的意思为:

Same manufacturing site: 相同生产地点

A contiguous or unbroken site or a set of buildings in adjacent city blocks. 邻近或连续的地点,或相邻城市街区的一套建筑物

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