



Section I Use of English (20 minutes, 10 % )

Read the Jbllowing text. Choose tile best word or phrase jbr eacb, numbered blank.

Most worthwhile careers require some kind of specialized training. Ideally, therefore, the choice of an 01

should be made even before the choice of a curriculum in high school. Actually, 02 , most people make

several job choices during their working _ 03 ,partly because of economic and industrial changes and partly to

04 _ their position. The "one perfect job" does not exist. Young people should 05 enter into a broad

flexible training program that will 06 them for a field of work rather than for a single 07

Unfortunately, many young people have to make career plans 08 benefit of help from a competent

vocational counselor. They choose their lifework on a hit-or-miss 09 because they know little about the

occupational world. Some 10 from job to job; others 11 to work in which they are unhappy and for

which they are not fitted.

One common 12 is choosing an occupation for its real or imagined prestige (reputation) . Too many

high school students choose their professional field, 13 both the relatively small proportion of workers in

the professions and the extremely high educational and personal 14 . The imagined or real prestige of a

profession or a "white-collar" job is 15 good reason for choosing it as life's work. 16 , these

occupations are not always well paid. Since a large proportion of jobs are in mechanical and manual work, the

17 of young people should give serious 18 to these fields.

Before making an occupational choice, a person should have a general idea of what he wants out of life and

how hard he is willing to work to get it. Some people desire social prestige, others 19 satisfaction. Some

want security, others are willing to take 20 for financial gain. Each occupational choice has its demands as

well as its rewards.

01. IA] assignment lB] engagement [C] identification ID] occupation

02. [ a ] however [ B ] therefore [ C ] though [ I) ] moreover

03. [A] phases [ BI periods [ C] lives [ D] times

04. [ A ] boost [ BI secure [C] upgrade [ D] improve

05. IA] since [ Bi ever ICI hence [ D] thereof

06. [A] stir [B] fit [C] fix [DJ suit

07. [ A ] job [ B ] area [ C ] trade [ D ] firm

08. [ A] against [ B ] beyond [ C ] versus [ D] without

09. [ a ] basis [ B ] drive [ C ] policy [ D ] tactics

10. [ A ] flow [ B ] drift [ C ] shift [ D ] float

11. [ A ] proceed [ B ] appeal [ C ] stick [ D ] tend

12. [ A ] misdeed [ B ] mistake [ C ] misdoing [ D ] misbehavior

13. [ A ] considering [ B ] concerning [ C ] dismissing [ D ] disregarding

14. [ a ] preferences [ B ] requirements [ C ] achievements [ D ] prospects

15. [a] one [B] the [C] no ID] so

16. [A] Regrettably [B] Unluckily IC] Nevertheless ID] Moreover

17. [ A ] majority [ B ] whole [ C ] mass [ D ] mainstream

18. [ A ] speculation [ B ] reflection [ C ] consideration [ D ] observation

19. IA] sensual [BI virtual IC] intellectual [D] substantial

20. [ A ] ventures [ B ] chances [ C ] stakes [ D ] risks

Section II Reading comprehension (70 minutes, 50 % )

Part A

Read the following text and answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D.


As the material of genuine development is that of human contacts and associations, so the end, the value

that is the criterion and directing guide of educational work, is social. The acquisition of skills is not an end in

itself. They are things to be put to use, and that use is their contribution to a common and shared life. They are

intended, indeed, to make an individual more capable of self-support and of self-respecting independence. But

unless this end is placed in the context of services rendered to others, skills gained will be put to an egoistic and

selfish use, and may be employed as means of a trained smartness in which one person gets the better of others.

Too often, indeed, the schools, through reliance upon the spur of competition and the awarding of special honors

and prizes, only build up and strengthen the character that makes an individual when he leaves school employ his

special talents and superior skill to outwit his fellows without respect for the welfare of others.

What is true of the skills acquired in school, is true also of the knowledge gained there. The educational end

and the ultimate test of the value of what is learned is its use and application in carrying on and improving the

common life of all. It should never be forgotten that the background of the traditional educational

system is a class society and that opportunity for instruction in certain subjects, especially literary ones and in

mathematics beyond the bases of simple arithmetical subject, was reserved for the wellborn and the well-to-do.

Because of this fact, knowledge of these subjects became a symbol of cultural superiority and social status. For

many persons the possession of knowledge was a means of display, almost of showing off. Useful knowledge, on

the other hand, was necessary only for those who were compelled by their class status to work for a living. The

uselessness of knowledge for all purposes save purely personal culture was proof of its higher quality.

Even after education in many countries was made universal, these standards of value persisted. There is no

greater egoism than that of learning when it is treated simply as a mark of personal distinction to be held and

cherished for its own sake. Yet the only way of eliminating this quality of exclusiveness is that all conditions of

the school environment should tend in actual practice to develop in individuals the realization that knowledge is a

possession held in trust for the furthering of the well-being of all.

21. The author deems it right for schools to offer people

[ A ] means of attaining their ends.

[ B ] opportunities of gaining celebrity.

[ C ] skills needed for serving the public.

[ D ] knowledge for securing decent status.

22. Learned skills may be applied properly as long as

[ A ] they are intended for common good.

[ B ] they submit to general social context.

[ C ] they are used at the cost of self-interest.

[ D] they defy all sorts of egoistic attempts.

23. The author criticizes current education for its

[ A ] stimulation of self-seeking ambitions.

[ B ] advocacy of fighting for affluence.

[ C ] encouragement of merciless rivalry.

[ D ] preference for talented youngsters.

24. Traditional education was unfair because of

[ A] the privileges enjoyed by the noble class.

[ B ] the general devaluation of useful knowledge.

[ C ] the misuse of knowledge for mere self-display.

[ D ] the inability of the poor to afford much training.

25. The phrase "in trust (for)" in the last sentence of the text probably means

[ A ] with firm faith (in) .

[ B ] for the advantage (of)


[ C ] in responsibility (for)

[ D ] on full credit (to)

26. The text ends by suggesting that

[ A ] selfishness is inherent to the pursuit of knowledge.

[ B ] universal education has been changed qualitatively.

[ C ] learning should be prized for the advantages it gives.

[ D ] education must persist in its social criteria of value.

Part B

You are going to read an extract about telegraphic speech. Six paragraphs have been removed from the

extract. Choose from the paragraphs A - G the one which fits each gap (27 - 32) . There is one extra paragraph

which you do not need to use.

Telegraphic Speech

Another way that early child language has been characterized is that early sentences appear to be very much

like telegrams. Because telegraph companies often charge by the word, when one sends a telegram one tries to

eliminate as many of the words as possible while still retaining the essence of what must be communicated.


The words that are retained are content words, such as nouns and verbs; the words that are lost are most often

function words, such as pronouns, articles, prepositions, conjunctions and verbal auxiliaries. Early child language

appears to be very similar. In general, content words such as nouns and verbs are uttered, while other words are



Another difference is that not all function words are omitted. There are three types of function words which

are likely to be used quite early in children's speech. The first is personal pronouns, especially first and second

person and their possessive adjectives. Unlike many function words, these words have relatively clear referents,

and are useful to communicate some of the basic roles in discourse and the concept of objects belonging to



A third class is verb particles, such as up in get up, down in put down, off in take off, or on in put on. Often

the particles are used in place of the entire verb- particle unit instead of the verb alone, as might be expected.


There is reason to believe that the last word is more stressed than other words in a sentence. The third reason

is that the verbs such as get, put, and take often have very general and vague meanings, which are probably

difficult for the child to extract, whereas the meanings of up, down, off, and so on, are easier to understand.


Another trap in the telegraphic speech analogy is that in composing a telegram adults start with a complete

utterance and eliminate function words. One can take the analogy too literally and suggest that children have

more developed syntax than they show, but due to limited memory children express only part of the

syntactic torm they have available to them.


The characterization of early speech as telegraphic applies not 0niy to English, but to early speech in

other languages as well. If one measures development in terms of the percentage of function morphemes

present, one finds a consistent picture across languages.

A The next class of function words used quite early is the demonstrative pronouns this and that. These pronouns

serve a function in adult speech that corresponds to children's first referential utterances, and thus are among the

first words used. These words, too, can be used to refer to the basic roles children first communicate.

B The use of a verb particle in place of the verb is especially noticeable in children who are learning German,


which makes much greater use of verb-particle constructions than does English.

C The first people to study the two-word stage found that there appeared to be a consistent pattern to these early

sentences. Although the child may have a vocabulary of 50 or more words, the first two-word sentences seemed to

be such that one of the words usually seemed to come from a very small set of words.

D As a general characterization, the term telegraphic speech seems quite proper, but one should be cautioned

from taking the analogy too literally. For one thing, children tend to omit inflections, such as the plural ending

on nouns. These inflections are retained by adults in telegrams, as the telegraphcompanies don't charge extra for


E Most observers now believe that children use telegraphic speech because they have not mastered the other

parts of the syntax rather than because of any memory limitations.

F Suppose, for example, one wishes to communicate: My wallet has been stolen. Therefore I need money.

Please send me $ 500 in care of American Express Copenhagen. The telegram would look something like this:


G There are at least three reasons why this happens. One is that such particles often convey the main stress in

the sentence. When a caregiver says: let me pick you up, the main sentence stress is on the up. A second reason is

that such words are often the last word in a sentence.

Part C

You are going to read a passage about how to become more creative. Choose from the list A - G the

headings which best summaries each paragraph ( 33 - 38) of the passage. There is one extra heading that you do

not need to use.

Tips on how to become more creative


Every night, for about 90 minutes, we drift into a strange, shadowy, magical world of our own creation.

Poets, writers, artists and even scientists have found inspiration in their "dreamland" . Dreams are a message from

the subconscious, away of tapping your inner self. Keep a note pad and pen by your bedside, and as soon as you

wake, note down whatever snatches of dreams you can recall. Dreams can solve your problems, give you advice,

reveal your true feelings, and be a source of inspiration.


Have you ever thought of a friend just as she unexpectedly phones you? Or sensed an atmosphere in a

strange house? Or had a feeling which proved correct? Everyone has a sixth sense--but some use it more than

others. To develop your natural psychic abilities, why not start with a simple experiment7 Draw six objects

(anything-- a windmill, even a fruit bowl ) in secret, then ask a friend to "receive" the pictures, one at a time,

while you "send" them in an adjacent room--then swap roles.


What are you aware of right now7 Look at a familiar object in the room as if seeing it for the first

time--explore it with your eyes. Next, listen intently to any sounds you can hear. What can you smell and taste at

this moment? Touch whatever is within reach, run your hand over and around it--how does it feel? During the next

few weeks stimulate all your senses. Visit an art gallery, walk in a pine forest, luxuriate in a scented bubble bath,

go to a concert; swim, have a message. Try to experience it all as if it were totally new to you.


If you're right-handed, develop the skills of your left hand or vice versa-allow it to draw something, switch

TV channels or drink a cup of tea. Try this exercise: write a list of ten adjectives which characterize your

personality using the hand you usually write with. A few days later, repeat the exercise writing with the other

hand. Then compare the two lists. You might be surprised at the secrets of your inner self! For example, on the

first list you might have written that you're "witty", but the second list might say "suspicious" . Then try a similar

exercise, making two lists of "What I would most like to do"



Have you ever longed to paint portraits or watercolours, write a novel, draw cartoons, compose a song,

design your own clothes, set up a business or landscape your garden? If so, why not start now? Yes, you might

discover that your fa'st efforts are laughable-- but try, try again. With a few notable exceptions such as Mozart,

most people have't6 develop their creative talents through sheer hard work. Don't kid yourself that you. haven't

any spare time. It's a question of making time, of seeing your talents as important enough to devote a few hours to

each week. Who knows--you might be the next Laura Ashley or Agatha Christie?


Forget about being told off for daydreaming at school. Daydreaming is good for you! Whether it's a purely

escapist fantasy, or a dream about how life might be in the future, only the right-brain has visions of this kind.

Creative visualization, vividly imagining whatever you desire as if it has already happened--and really

believing in it, is said to be a powerful way of getting what you want. Many top sports people imagine themselves

playing and winning--and it seems to work!

A Activate your senses

B Record your dreams

C Discover your hidden talents

D Develop your intuitive powers

E Try writing with the wrong hand

F Find time for quiet meditation

G Let yourself daydream

Part D

You are going to read a passage about Britain's new drug policy. Decide whether the statements in the box

agree with the information given in the passage. You should choose from the following:

A YES = the statement agrees with the information

B NO = the statement contradicts the information

C NOT GIVEN = there is no information on this in the passage

Britain's new drug policy

For those who believed we were finally making progress on tackling drugs, Nick Davies's report will have

made disappointing reading. We were supposed to be in a new era where treatment was finally being given an

increased priority, and the impossibility of the old policy's goals, stopping the suppliers, was more widely and

realistically accepted. As recently as 1998, some 75% of a ~ 1.4 billion drug control programme went on

enforcement and a mere 13% on treatment. But in a close examination of three aspects of the new

programme--drugs action teams (DATs), drug treatment and testing orders (DTFOs), and arrest-referral

workers--Mr Davies documents frustrating shortcomings.

He went to Bristol where he found the local drugs action team, with a budget of ~3.5m a year, had produced

just five extra beds for drag treatment; the arrest- referral team after three years could provide no evidence that

even one user had completed a treatment course; and in a city with 12, 500 drug users the local courts last year

issued just 48 DTTOs. More serious than these particular policy problems are the structtJra] problems that Mr

Davies finds: the 44 different funding streams; the 68-page treatment plan with its 82 targets; the central

micro-management with its detailed national guidance and constant reporting back. In the words of Ire firmer

manager, who claimed he was left with only 40% of his time to organise services: "They don't know very much

about drugs, but they do know about management and monitoring and data collection. So that's what they do."

To be fair to the policy-makers, a succession of independent auditors have pointed to a wide variation

in local services. Bristol is one of the worst areas. There are 149 DATs nationally. They should not all be judged

by Bristol. But even the good ones will be suffering from the micro-management and multiple funding streams

that Mr Davies documents. Here are two issues that the new national treatment agency must take up.


Whitehall should be reviewing its own policy-making process. DTTOs were an excellent idea, seriously

damaged by poor administration. The admirable aim was to ensure drug users who are committing crimes to feed

their habits, are treated in the community rather than prison. The programmes are designed to be intense and

well-structured to reassure the courts and community. They are expensive (~ 6, 000 a year) but still

far cheaper than prison (~ 35, 000 a year) . Offenders are tested for drugs twice a week, spending at least 15 hours

a week in sessions designed to bring some order to their chaotic lives, with regular reviews by the courts of their

progress. But a recent report by inspectors found the scheme had been unsuccessful because of the failure to

produce a national plan and a launch which coincided with the reorganisation of the two key players--probation

and primary care trusts.

Mr Davies's report also concerns the readiness of Britain to return to an old remedy for dealing with heroin

users: medical prescribing where addicts receive pure heroin rather than the low quality drug from the black

market. It is the low quality drugs that cause the damage, not the heroin, which does not pose a physical threat,

beyond its serious addiction problem. Although dropped by Britain in the last three decades, medical prescribing

has successfully been taken up by Switzerland, Germany and the Netherland

Yes No Not given

39 The article shows a positive attitude towards Britain's new drug policy. IAI lB] IC]

40 Drug treatment in Bristol was unsatisfactory. Ia] lB] ICI

41 Imprisonment of drug users is not an effective solution. [a] [B] IC]

42 The independent auditors have criticized the policy- makers. IAI [B] IC]

43 The idea of DTFOs has been very successful. [ a ] [ B ] [ C ]

44 Taking a small amount of pure heroin is not physically harmful. IA] lB] ICI

45 Some people in Britain are against medical prescribing. IA] lB] [C]



Section m Translation (20 minutes, 20 % )

Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese.

Assessment is broadly defined to include all activities that teachers and students undertake to get

information that can be used diagnostically to alter teaching and learning. [ 46 ] When information from

assessment is used to adapt teaching and learning to meet student needs, it becomes formative assessment. which

includes teacher observation, classroom discussion, and analysis of student work.

When teachers know how students are progressing and where they are having trouble, they can use this

information to make necessary instructional adjustments, such as re-teaching, trying ahemative instructional

approaches, or offering more opportunities for practice.

[47] Black and William (1998) conducted an extensive research review of 250 journal articles and book

chapters to determine whether formative assessment raises academic standards in the classroom. They

concluded that efforts to strengthen formative assessment produce significant learning gains. Formative

assessment apparently helps low-achieving students, including students with learning disabilities, even more

than it helped other students.

[48 ] Feedback given as part of formative assessment helps learners become aware of any gads that exist

between their desired goal and their current knowledge, understanding, or skill and guides them throuAgh actions

necessary to obtain the goal. The most helpful type of feedback on tests and homework provides specific

comments about errors and specific suggestions for improvement and encourages students to focus their attention

thoughtfully on the task rather than on simply getting the right answer. This type of feedback may be particularly

helpful to lower achieving students because it emphasizes that students can improve as a result of effort rather

than be doomed to low achievement due to some presumed lack of innate ability. [ 49 ] Formative assessment

helps support the expectation that all children can learn to high levels and counteracts the cycle in which


students attribute poor pertbrmance to lack of ability and therefore become discouraged and unwilling to invest in

further learning_

While feedback generally originates from a teacher, learners can also play an important role in

formative assessment through self-evaluation. [ 50 ] Two experimental research studies have shown that

students who understand the learning objectives and assessment criteria and have opportunities to reflect on their

work show greater improvement than those who do not. Students with learning disabilities who are taught to use

self-monitoring strategies related to their understanding of reading and writing tasks also show performance gains

( Graham,& Harris, 1992)

Section IV Writing (40 minutes, 20% )

According to a recent survey, college students hold strong mistrusts to college examinations. The bar chart

below shows some students' views on the issue.

Write an essay to state your point of view on this issue. You should use your own ideas, knowledge and

experience to back up your argument. You should write about 300 words.




Section I Use of English

01. D 02. A 03. C 04. D 05. C 06. B 07. A 08. D 09. A 10. B

ll.C 12. B 13. D 14. B 15. C 16. D 17. A 18. C 19. C 20. D

Section II Reading Comprehension

Part A 21. C 22. A 23. C 24. D 25. B 26. D

Part B 27. F 28. D 29. A 30. G 31. B 32. E

PartC 33. B 34. D 35. A 36. E 37. C 38. G

Part D 39. B 40. A 41. A 42. C 43. B 44. A 45. C












Section I Use of English (20 minutes, 10% )

Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase Jbr each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D

on ANSWER SHEET I ( 答题卡)

With its common interest in lawbreaking but its extremely large range of subject matter and widely varying

methods of treatment, the crime novel could make a reasonable 1 to be regarded as a separate branch of

literatt~re. The detective story is probably the most 2 of the crime species. Its creation is often the

relaxation of university teachers, 3 economists, scientists or even poets. 4 may occur more frequently

and mysteriously than might be expected in polite society, 5 the world in which they happen, the village,

Seaside resort, college or studio, is familiar to us, ii' not 6 our own experience, at 7 in the

newspaper or the lives of friends. The characters, 8 .... normally realized superficially, are as recognizably

human and 9 as our less intimate associates. A story set in a more 10 environment, African forest or

Australian bush, ancient China or gaslit London, 11 to our interest in geography or history, and most

detective story writers are 12 in providing a reasonably true background. The 13 ,

carefully-assembled plot, disliked by the modem intellectual 14 and creators of "significant novels", has

found 15 in the murder mystery, with a small number of clues here and there and apparent 16 , all

with appropriate solutions and explanations at the end. 17 the guilt of escapism from Real Life, we secretly

take great delight in the 18 of evil by a vaguely superhuman detective, who sees through and disperses the

19 of suspicion which has stayed so unjustly over the 20 .

1. [ A ] plea [ B ] appeal [ C ] claim [ D ] assertion

2. [ A ] acceptable [ B ] respectable [ C ] debatable [ D ] vulnerable

3. [ A ] literary [ B ] curious [ C ] sensible [ D ] observant

4. [ A ] Schemes [ B ] Assassinations [ C ] Mysteries [ D ] Misfortunes

5. [Al and [B] but ICl as ID] for

6. IA] by [B] in ICl from [D] with

7. [ Al last [B] best ICl most ID] least

8. [ Al if [ B] when [ C] since [ D] though

9. [ A ] consistent [ B ] insistent [ C ] persistent [ D ] competent

10. [ a ] strange [ B ] remote [ C ] primitive [ D ] mysterious

11. [ A ] attracts [ B ] accords [ C ] appeals [ D ] applies

12. [ A ] conscious [ B ] ambitious [ C ] industrious [ D ] conscientious

13. [ A ] elaborate [ B ] accurate [ C ] considerate [ D ] deliberate

14. [ A ] authors [ B ] critics [ C ] novelists [ D ] spectators

15. [ A ] flaw [ B ] trouble [ C ] refuge [ D ] evidence

16. [Al contradictions[B] probabilities ICl implications ID] impossibilities

17. [ a ] With [ B ] For [ C ] Despite [ D ] Without

18. [ A ] unveiling [ B ] unmasking [ C ] unwitting [ D ] unpacking

19. [Al fog [B] mist [C] shade [D] cloud

20. [ a ] victim [ B ] suspect [ C ] innocent [ D ] accused

Section 1I Reading Comprehension (70 minutes, 50 % )

Part A

Read the following text and answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D.

Virtue is not so much a matter of learning specific rules or principles as it is one of developing special skills

of exercising one's capacity for right action. Since "virtue" can mean both "moral goodness" and "successful or

excellent action," comment regarding the teaching of virtue must apply to both senses or uses of the term, narrow

or broad. Both are matters of human action or activity and, as such, are taught performatively.

That virtue is taught and learned performatively has something to do with the normative quality of human

action or activity. Norms are ways of doing something, getting something done, which are taught by doing and


showing how to do. Being normative, however, human actions can go wrong. As Stanley Cavell wrote: "The most

characteristic facts about actions is that they can be performed incorrectly. This is not a moral

assertion, though it points the moral of intelligent activity. These are actions which we perform, and our successful

performance of them depends upon our adopting and following the ways in which the action in question is done

and upon what is normative for it." Thus, in talking about virtue, we are talking about normative matters, matters

taught and learned in terms of unsuccessful human action. As such, we are speaking about the cultivation of

human skills and practices, human ways of acting in this world.

Whether virtue is narrowly or broadly understood, the teaching of virtue is the teaching of a skill within a

practice of form of life, the training of a capacity, not the memorization of rules or guidelines, virtue is embodied

in action; accordingly,our knowledge of virtue is a kind of performative knowledge--both knowledge acquired

through action and knowledge expressed or revealed in action. Our knowledge of virtue is not, then, a matter of

prepositional knowledge, but rather a matter of performative knowledge. This helps account for our relative

inability to define what virtue is with any assurance. Knowing what virtue is, is not the same as knowing what

some kind of object is, because virtue is not an object. And since so much of Western thought uses our knowledge

of objects as the paradigm of knowledge, any kind of knowledge that does not fit the model is apt to seem not

quite or fully knowledge at all. Hence, an inability to articulate the meaning of virtue is not a sign of the lack of

knowledge of virtue. Instead, it is a part of the granunar of virtue: it shows what kind of thing virtue is.

21. The broad definition of virtue differs from the narrow one in its

[ Al dealing with cultural norms.

[ B ] ruling out physical activities.

[ C ] comprising the skillful teaching.

[ D ] involving more than moral honesty.

22. The author would depict the view that some human actions are morally non- normative as

[Al logically persuasive.

[ B] profoundly mistaken.

[ C ] reasonable and practical.

[ D] ambiguous and misleading.

23. Which of the following statements about norms would the author support?

[ A ] Most of them are the result of persistent teaching.

[ B] They are derived from specific rules tbr behavior.

[ C] They are essential to the acquisition of virtue.

[ D] Many of them are sound principles of action.

24. The author argues that teachers of virtue strive primarily to pass on

[ A ] practical capabilities.

[ B ] cultural conventions.

[ C] favorable experiences.

[ D ] traditional principles.

25. It would serve as an example for the "prepositional knowledge" (Par. 3 ) to

[ A ] experiment on a trial and error basis.

[ B ] learn diverse philosophical definitions.

[ C ] practice virtue by imitating moral actions.

[ D] advance arguments without enough evidence.

26. The text is chiefly aimed at

[ A] revealing diverse attitudes toward virtue.

[ B ] insisting on the value of capacity training.

[ C ] arguing for the essence of virtue instruction.

[ D ] providing approaches to the teaching of virtue.

Part B


You are going to read an extract about sign language. Six paragraphs have been removed from the extract.

Choose from the paragraphs A - G the one which fits each gap (27 - 32) . There is one extra paragraph, which you

do not need to use.

Sign Language

Since most deaf children have heating parents and thus do not learn ASL (American Sign Language ) at

home, they normally learn it from the other deaf children when they get to school. However, the minority of deaf

children with deaf parents learn ASL under conditions similar to those of heating children learning spoken



As mentioned earlier, deaf children engage in making soft sounds as much as do hearing children. However,

it has been claimed that babbling falls off in deaf children after six months, presumably due to tile lack of auditory

feedback. It has also been claimed that mirrors hung over the cribs of deaf babies prolong and increase their



The first word (sign) generally appears sooner in ASL than in speaking children. The first sign has been

reported as being at 5 or 6 months; Compared with 10 months in normal children. Two-sign utterances have been

reported in children as young as eight months. Two reasons for such early acquisition have been given. One is the

nature of many signs.


The first signs appear to be of the same types that have been reported for acquisition of vocal language--for

example, signs for things that move or that can be handled by the child.


Children sometimes will make the sign in the wrong orientation. For example, the sign meaning "shoes" is

made by bringing the two fists together, making contact at the side of the hands. One child brought the fists

together so that the knuckles made contact instead. Or they might bring the hand, palm downward to the bottom of

the chin and wiggling the fingers. One child made it by putting the hand in the mouth instead. Or they might use

the wrong hand shape.


Just as one can argue that there are phonological-like errors, so there are similarities in how children alter the

meaning of words. In one area of the acquisition of meaning, one would suspect that deaf children would find it

easier than hearing children. This is the acquisition of the signs corresponding to the personal pronouns me and

you. One would expect deaf children learning ASL not to have any problems with these pronouns, because "me" is

expressed by pointing to oneself and "you" is expressed by pointing to the person or persons being talked to. Thus

ASL uses the obvious natural gestures. Yet deaf parents sign utterances such as Want Mommy help Jane ? Instead

of Want me help you.* Just as hearing parents do in spoken languages.


A There are many different sign languages, which in general are no more intelligible to a user of another sign

language than a French speaker would be to a monolingual English speaker. However, experienced deaf travelers

can establish communication with users of other sign languages much more easily than can speakers of two oral

languages. Deaf people accomplish this by using gestures and mime along with their signs.

B Phonological mistakes generally involve simplification, such as dropping phonemes from the word or

making phonemes within a word more like each other. Of the four aspects of signs, it is logiclly impossible to

leave one out. Although not as extensive as in the case of phonology, there is some evidence of this. Specifically,

of 18 different hand shapes used in making signs to one child, he always used only 9.

C The manual equivalent of babbling, at 3 to 10 months, has been reported. The manual equivalents of happy

sounds begin at a younger age, but one cannot say that there is a difference here, because all infants wave their

arms about. Should this be considered making a sound.* Perhaps if there were statistical evidence that infants of

deaf parents wave their arms more than similarly age infants of hearing parents one could argue that this excess


was making soft sound.

D Just as the first vocal words are pronounced inaccurately, so the first signs are less than perfect imitations of

the adult version. There are four major aspects to the making of any ASL sign: the shape of the hand, the location

of the hand, the movement of the hand, and the orientation of the hand. Children first learning ASL will generally

get some of these aspects right but make mistakes on others.

E The ASL signs meaning "cry", "drink", "eat" and "sleep" all resemble the actual actions and thus can be

figured out and used by children at an earlier age, so the argument goes. The other reason involves the relative

rates of maturation of neuromuscular control of the hands and of the vocal apparatus. After all

normal children often begin to comprehend words four months before they begin to speak.

F A number of such children have been studied for the purposes of comparing ASL acquisition with that of

spoken language. In most respects acquisition of ASL parallels that of spoken language, but there are some slight

differences, as we shall see.

G The deaf parents do this because they know that deaf children make the same comprehension errors, mixing

up the pronouns, that hearing children do. Deaf children learning sign language apparently acquire it as an

arbitrary signal system, just as hearing children acquire speech. It may be true that infants acquire their first signs

sooner because the nature of ASL, but once the acquisition process starts, the nature of signs doesn't seem to help

as much as one might expect.

Part C

You are going to read a passage about how to give an academic talk. Choose from the list A - G the

headings which best summarize each paragraph ( 33 - 38 ) of the passage. There is one extra heading that you do

not need to use.

How to Give an Academic Talk


Written academic language is too complex and too awkward for reading aloud. Just talk--it's easier to

understand, and it allows you to make genuine contact with your audience. Furthermore, it uhimate]y helps you to

think more clearly, by forcing you to communicate your points in ordinary terms. While you are talking, stand up

unless you're literally forced to sit. People can see you better. Standing also puts you in a dominant position. This

may sound politically incorrect, but it's not. Remember, you're the focus. The audience wants you to be in charge.

Listeners need your help to maintain their attention.


Speak loudly and clearly, facing the audience. Make sure, especially when using visual aids, that you

continue to face the audience when you speak. An important element of vocal technique is to focus on the bottom

(the deepest pitch ) of your vocal range, which is its loudest and most authoritative tone. This can be especially

important for women. Speak from the gut, not the throat. Breathe deeply--it's necessary for volume, and will also

help you keep your mind clear. Here are two effective vocal "special effects." First, when you come to a key

phrase that you want people to remember, repeat it. Second, pause for a few seconds at several points in your talk;

this breaks the monotony of a continuous flow of speech. It also gives you a chance to sip some water.


In a conference situation, where talks are short and yours is one of many, your audience is not going to

remember details. In such a situation, less is more. Give them short, striking "punch lines" that they'll remember.

They can always read your written work later, but if you don't get them interested and show them why it's

important, they won't want to.


At a minimum, have an outline of your talk. Some people seem to think they're giving everything away by

showing people what they're going to say before they're said it. But the effect of a good talk outline is exactly the

opposite: it makes your audience want to hear the details. At the same time, it helps them understand the structure

of your thinking. Slides should be extremely concise and visually simple. Slides are maps, not territories; they are

tracking devices that let both you and your audience follow the flow of the talk. So they must not be overfilled.



In conference settings, exceeding your time limit is also incredibly rude, since it cuts into other speakers' time

to speak and/or other people's time to discuss. Don't rely on panel chairs to enforce time limits; do it yourself. You

can make real enemies by insisting on continuing after your time is up--but nobody has ever been criticized

for finishing two minutes early. Nothing is more embarrassing--for both you and your audience--than

getting only halfway through your talk before hitting the time limit. The only way to be sure you time things right

is to rehearse your talk. Timing is a complicated, learned skill that requires a lot of practice--so practice where it's

easy, i. e. at home.


Perhaps the best way to become an excellent speaker yourself is to watch really good, experienced speakers

and model your talks on theirs. Notice/not just what they say, but what they do: how they move, how they use

their voices, how they look at the audience, how they handle timing and questions. If you find an excellent model

and work hard to imitate that person, you can't go wrong.

A Imitate excellent speakers

B Focus on main arguments

C Make the best of your voice

D Respond to the audience

E Talk rather than read

F Time your talk wisely

G Use visual aids

Part D

You are going to read a passage about research on L2 writing. Decide whether the statements in the

box agree with the information given in the passage. You should choose from the following:

A YES : the statement agrees with the information

B NO = the statement contradicts the information

C NOT GIVEN = there is no information on this in the passage

As a teacher of I2 writing for many years, I had puzzled over how my students were learning to write and

correspondingly how I could improve my pedagogy. While teaching writing (and reading ) in an intensive

preparatory program in a Turkish university, I had taken a current-traditional rhetoric approach, stressing the

arrangement of sentences and paragraphs into appropriate patterns within the traditional five-paragraph essay and

correcting liberally with red ink to prevent, I had hoped, grammatical errors from taking root. In addition, I had

read various composition theories pointing out differences between "good" and "not so good" writing and

strategies, and had attempted to "transmit" them to my students. These theories offered only descriptions

of what experienced and inexperienced writers did. They did not explain how new writers became good

writers, nor did they offer me the critical edge I needed to analyze my teaching practice. After all, most students

do improve their writing with sufficient study and practice. Were they improving because of my teaching

practice.9 Because of their own practice? A mix of the two.9

My quest to answer these questions began with returning to the U. S. to pursue a doctorate degree in foreign

language education. Among the courses I took, several dealt with writing, and I studied the research on

composition in school and in the workplace. Most of the research focused on process, product, or socialization

describing differences between "good" writers and "novices," between native-speaker products and those of

non-native speakers, and between newcomers and oldcomers in the workplace or a discipline.

This research did not, however, address the nature of learning. Even the process research did not consider the

processes of learning to write. Rather, it studied differences between experts and beginners. It analyzed what

experts do and asked new writers to try to do the same, a sort of Here you are and There you need to be approach

that notes the two ends but does not map out the crucial path of processes connecting them and through which

good writers acquired their expertise. To link the two ends and evaluate pedagogy critically, I felt it

necessary to attend more directly to the nature of learning. In fields other than writing, I came across current


theories that did address the nature of learning. Three of these were radical constructivism, socioeuhural theory,

and complexity theory. The first two are prominent in educational research (even dominant in the fields of science

and mathematics educational research ),and the third, although not yet widespread, has its adherents

across both social and natural sciences. Nevertheless, they are not well known in I_2 research, and

much less inI2 composition research. Only a few articles have appeared explicitly addressing radical

constructivism in the L2 literature, and although some L2 writing studies have taken approaches fitting together

with it, a review of the table of contents of the Journal of Second Language Writing for the past eight years

emphasizes most researchers' concern with text, strategies, and skills rather than the process of learning to

construct texts and to acquire strategies, skills, and an understanding of writing in a foreign language.

Yes No Not given

39 The author had difficulty in improving his students' writing competence. IAI lB] ICI

40 The author corrected the students' writing with red ink because there were too many ] [BI [C]

41 The author did not think the theories he had read met his needs. [ A ] [ B ] [ C ]

42 The author took some writing courses when returning to the U. S. [ A ] [ B ] [ C ]

43 The process research failed to find ont how students could become expert writers. [A] [B] [C]

44 There is a need to combine process and product research IA] [B] [C]

45 There are theories that could account for the real process of writing. [A][B] [c]


Section m Translation (20 minutes, 20% )

Read the following text carefully and then tranalate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation

should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2 (答题纸

The act of teaching is always a dynamic interaction of individuals (teachers and teachers, teachers and learners,

learners and learners), in which decisions constantly are being made by all concerned. We believe that teaching

must be deliberate and planned.

Not all of the decisions are made as the result of systematic and organized planning. Sometimes the choices

are made intuitively. The use of intuition in teaching is quite prevalent. Many choices must be made intuitively

because the rapid pace of classroom learning demands instant decision-making. In these instances, teachers

depend on experience and quick thinking to provide the most appropriate instructional technique. [ 46 ] We may

assume that the intuition of the experienced teacher is likely to be superior to that of the beginner, and that it is

like an opinion in that its usefulness is dependent on the experiential background on which it is based. Yet, in

many cases, teachers depend on intuition when systematic and organized planning would be more appropriate. For

example, a teacher may believe that a new activity ought to be offered in the school setting, so a particular course

of action is taken. [ 47 ] Sometimes these intuitions prove to be right and the results are beneficial to the

students, but sometimes they are not effective or are inappropriate for the needs of the learners.

Intuition as a sole guide to instructional behavior represents a very limited view of the teaching process.

[ 48 ] Like the proposition that "good teachers are born, not made," the use of intuition alone restricts teachers

from considering teaching as both science and art, which negates the development of a systematic lp~_nning

pattern from which rational and consistent decisions can be made. It implies that intuition is the beginning and end

of instructional effectiveness, rather than one aspect of the teaching process.

[49 ] Too often the teacher who relies exclusively on intuition determines objectives and selects procedures

that are more reflective of instructor needs than student needs. Thus if a teacher feels like lecturing, a lecture is

delivered. If a teacher feels like showing a film, a film it is ! Few of us would tolerate this mode of operation in

arenas outside the realm of education. [ 50 ] Consider for a minute how much confidence you would place in a

bus driver who repeatedly changed the bus route because of a belief that such changes were inherently good and

relieved both the driver and the riders of boredom.

Section IV Writing (40 minutes, 20 % )

Some researchers look into the differences between first and second language learning. The following table


lists some of the research findings. Transform the research findings from the table below into a coherent essay.

You should include all the six features. You should write about 300 words. Write your essay on ANSWER

SHEET 2 (答题纸)

Feature L1 acquisition L2 (foreign language) acquisition

Children normally achieve Adult L2 learners are unlikely to

Overall success

perfect L1 mastery achieve perfect L2 mastery

General failure Success guaranteed Complete success rare

Less than target language compe- tence

Goals Target language competence

Instruction Not needed Helpful or necessary

Negative Correction not found and not Correction generally helpful

evidence necessary or necessary

Emotional Play a major role in

Not involved

factors , determining success




SeC“on I USe OfEn2liSh

01.C 02.B 03.A 04.D 05.B 6.C 7.D 8.D 9.A 10.B ·

11.C 12.D 13.A 14.B 15.C 16.D 17.A 18.B 19.D 20.C

SectiOn Ⅱ Reading ComprehensiOn

Part A 21.D 22.B 23.D 24.A 25.B 26.C

Part B 27.F 28.C 29.E 30.D 31.B 32.C

Part C 33.E 34.C 35.B 36.C 37.F 38.A

Part D 39.C 40.B 41.A 42.B 43.A 44.C 45.A













Section I Use of English (20 minutes, 1.0 % )Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each

numbered blank form A, B, C or D.

The adults in the United States constitute a work force about 81 million people, of whom only 27 million

possess a marketable skill as a result of conscious career development. The remaining 2/3 of the work force, not

01 5 million unemployed, have managed to 02 a livelihood, without special skills or experience.

During their employed 03 , these individuals will hold many different jobs, 04 the most part unrelated

to each other.

05 , about 2.5 million young people a year 06 high school or college, ' with little or no idea of what to

do 07 their lives. I estimate that upwards of 50 percent of our young people now in school or college have

no real goals toward 08 to aim, and that they have very little 09 or help for establishing those goals and

10 them systematically.

There are 11 jobs all over the country. Yet, 17 percent of our under twenty age group are unemployed,

many of them 12 welfare. More than 30 percent of our minority young people of this age group are

unemployed. 13 none of these young people had the 14 of career education or the traditional

technical education 15 in many schools, is it any 16 that student's unrest is the result of the

unchanging institutional 17 that have failed to make learning useful or meaningful for those who now

want more 18 teaching and learning than the system offers? In fact, our 19 of career development

in recent years has done damage to the total educational 20 of both the individual and the nation.

01. [ A ] calculating [ B ] counting [ C ] amounting [ D ] computing

02. [A]build [B] open [C] enter [D] keep

03. [ A ] life [ B ] time [ C ] livelihood [ D ] period

04. [A] in [B] by [C] with [D] for

05. [A] Roughly [ B] Strangely [ C ] Currently [ D ] Obviously

06. [ A ] graduate [ B ] finish [ C ] complete [ D ] leave

07. [A] to [B] with [C] about ID] in

08. [Al what [B] that [C] which [DJ those

09. [ A ] information [ B ] knowledge [ C ] practice [ D ] literacy

10. [ A] promoting [ B] continuing [ C] pursuing [ D] advancing

11. [ A ] potential [ B ] unfilled [ C ] unfitted [ D ] redundant

12. [A] on [B] by [C] in [D] to

13. [ A ] Frequently [ B ] Virtually [ C ] Usually [ D ] Apparently

14. [ A ] benefits [B ] chances [ C ] results [ D ] records

15. [ A ] accessible [B ] assessable [ C ] available [ D ] desirable

16. [ A ] secret [B ] shock [ C ] miracle [ D ] wonder

17. [ A ] programs [ B ] codes [ C ] levels [ D ] orders

18. [ A ] exotic [ B ] profitable [ C ] reasonable [ D ] realistic

19. [ A] neglect [ B ] defect [ C ] fault [ D ] defeat

20. [ A ] deeds [ B ] needs [ C ] causes [ D ] quests

Section II Reading Comprehension (70 minutes, 5O % ) Part A Read the following text and answer the

questions by choosing A, B, C or D.

The place of public education within a democratic society has been widely discussed and debated throughout

the years. Perhaps no one has written more widely on the subject in the United States than "the father of public

education," John Dewey. Dewey asserted that education contains a large social component designed to provide

direction and assure children's development through their participation in the group to which they belong. In


explaining education as a social act, he regarded the classroom as a replica (exact copy) of society.

Dewey believed that just as humans need sleep, food, water and shelter for physiological renewal, they also

need education to renew their minds, assuring that their socialization keeps pace with physiological growth. He

thought that education should provide children with a nurturing atmosphere to encourage the growth of their

as-yet-undeveloped social customs and that the steadying and organizing influences of school should provide

direction indirectly through the selection of the situations in which the youngster participated.

Above all, Dewey saw public education as a catalyst (motive force ) for growth. Since the young came to

school capable of growth, it was the role of education to provide opportunities for that growth to occur. The

successful school environment is one in which a desire for continued growth is created--a desire that extends

throughout one's lif~ beyond the end of formal education. In Dewey's model, the role of education in a

democratic society is not seen as a preparation for some later stage in life, such as adulthood. Rather, education is

seen as a process of growth that never ends, with human beings continuously expanding their capacity for growth.

Neither did Dewey's model see education as a means by which the past was repeated. Instead, education was a

continuous reconstruction of experiences, grounded very much in the present environment.

Since Dewey's model places a heavy emphasis on the social component, the nature of the larger society that

supports the educational system is of vital importance. The ideal larger society, according to Dewey, is one in

which the interests of a group are shared by all of its members and in which interactions with other groups are free

and full. He believed that education in such a society should provide members of the group a stake or interest in

social relationships and the ability to facilitate change without compromising the order and stability of the society.

His teachings continue to play a significant role in the formulation of curriculum geared toward the furthering of

democratic principles within the school system and beyond.

21. Dewey pictured the classroom as a replica of society because

[ A] the classroom is immune to social invasion.

[ B] society imposes its principles on education.

[ C ] the school is a crucial component of society.

[ D ] education comprises social interactions.

22. Dewey's philosophy implies that the lack of education for a child would

[ A ] be mentally destroying.

[ B] be lit~ intimidating.

[ C ] block his physical renewal.

[ D I cause faulty socialization.

23. Dewey considered all of the following as true EXCEPT

[ A 1 his model should affect curriculum formulation.

[ B 1 direction provided by education shouht be subtle.

[ C 1 schools must foster their participants in every way.

[ D] intellectual renewal must go with physical growth.

24. According to Dewey, the goal of education is to

[ A ] satisfy the diverse desires of the youth.

[ B ] impart ready experiences to the young.

[ C ] pave the way for youngsters' ambitions.

[ D ] make profound impacts on the students.

25. Dewey believed that in the ideal society education should

[ A ] promote democratic social principles at large.

[ B ] make social groups enjoy common interests.

[ C ] keep social stability from being endangered.

[ D ] reform the established social order mildly.


26. The author suggests that Dewey's theory

[ A] dominates educational philosophy.

[ B ] is the by-product of social idealism.

[ C ] far exceeds the realm of education.

[ D ] is sure to arouse a social revolution.

Part B

You are going to read an extract about curriculum. Six paragraphs have been removed from the extract.

Choose from the paragraphs A - G the one which fits each gap (27 -32 ) There is one extra paragraph which

you do not need to use.


It seems fairly obvious that if teachers are to be the ones responsible for developing the curriculum, they

need the time, the skills and the support to do so. Support may include curriculum models and guidelines. It

should also include counseling and bilingual support, and may include support from individuals acting in a

curriculum advisory position. The provision of such support cannot be removed from, and must not be seen in

isolation from, the curriculum.


In many institutions, it is customary to identity teachers as ' experienced' or 'inexperienced' according to the

number of years they have been teaching (a common cut-off figure seems to be four or five)


In general, there is a great deal of confusion over the term ' curriculum' Many teachers see 'the curriculum' as

a set of prescriptive statements about what 'should happen' This makes any reference to curriculum matters by

outsiders quite threatening.


This, in fact, returns us to the point that the relationship between planning, teaching and learning is extremely

complex. The notion that there is a simple equation between these three components of the curriculum (i. e. that

'what is planned' = 'what is taught' = 'what is learned') is naive, simplistic and misleading. It is crucial for

those involved in course and program evaluation to be aware of this complexity.


The amount that a teacher working alone can achieve is strictly limited. The best teacher-based curriculum

development occurs as the result of team efforts, when groups of teachers with similar concerns or with similar

students work together to develop a program or course.


In the past, within the Adult Migrant Education Program, there has been a tendency for initiatives which

have curricular implications to be introduced on a grand scale in an unsystematic way with very little monitoring

and evaluation. The adoption of a learner-centered approach to curriculum is a case in point.


Many of the problems which are attributed to lack of curriculum continuity flow directly from the

adoption of a learner-centered philosophy and the requirement, inherent in this philosophy, that the classroom

practitioner be the principal agent of curriculum development. It may well be that a certain amount of

discontinuity is inevitable, the price we pay for the chosen philosophy. There is certainly no single or simple


A Other examples include the development of self-access centers and the introduction of bilingual information

officers. The same may well be said of plans to introduce counseling services, bilingual assistants and curriculum

advisors. There is a great deal to be said for curriculum development to occur through small-scale case studies and

action research projects which are adequately planned, closely monitored and properly evaluated, rather than

through large-scale national initiatives. Teachers are certainly inclined to adopt an innovation which is the result


of successful practice than an untested idea which is thrust upon them.

B If teachers are to be the principal agents of curriculum development, they need to develop a range of skills

which go beyond classroom management and instruction. Curriculum development will therefore be largely a

matter of appropriate staff development.

C One of the points which emerged most strongly from the study was the fact that continuity in language

programs is not just a curricular or pedagogical problem. It is an administrative, management and organizational

problem as well as a counseling and curriculum-support problem.

D Such collaboration may or may not include team teaching. While team teaching is recognized by teachers

as being highly desirable, many reported that they were prevented from adopting a team approach by

administrative and bureaucratic inflexibility.

E There is a need for the scope of curriculum to be expanded to include not only what 'should happen' , but

also what 'does happen' Curriculum practice should thus be derived as much from successful practice as from

statements of intent.

F In terms of the provision of support, other teachers have the highest credibility in the eyes of practitioners.

The practice of removing competent teachers from the classroom to be administrators or advisors results in an

immediate drop in credibility. It may be more desirable to target practitioners who have expertise in a limited

domain, e.g. ' literacy' or ' assessment' , than as ' experts' across the total field of curriculum activity.

G However, it may well be that there is no such thing as an 'experienced' teacher, if by experienced is meant a

teacher who can, at a moment's notice and with minimal support, plan, implement and evaluate a course in any

area of the Program. This was demonstrated by the experience of Sally. It also emerged in interviews where

only one or two per cent of teachers indicated that they would be able to teach in an unfamiliar area without


Part C

You are going to read a passage about the role of textbooks in language teaching. Choose from the list A - G

the headings which best summarize each paragraph (33 -38 ) of the passage. There is one extra heading that you

do not need to use.


Textbooks are a key component in most language programs. In some situations they serve as the basis for

much of the language input learners receive and the language practice that occurs in the classroom. They may

provide the basis for the content of the lessons, the balance of skills taught and the kinds of language practice the

students take part in. In other situations, the textbook may serve primarily to supplement the teacher's instruction.

For learners, the textbook may provide the major source of contact they have with the language apart from input

provided by the teacher.


In the case of inexperienced teachers textbooks may also serve as a form of teacher training--they provide

ideas on how to plan and teach lessons as well as formats that teachers can use. Much of the language teaching

that occurs throughout the world today could not take place without the extensive use of commercial textbooks.

Learning how to use and adapt textbooks is hence an important part of a teacher's professional knowledge.


Textbooks, however, sometimes present inauthentic language since texts, dialogs and other aspects of content

tend to be specially written to incorporate teaching points and are often not representative of real language use.

Textbooks often present an idealized view of the world or fail to represent real issues. Furthermore, if teachers use

textbooks as the primary source of their teaching, leaving the textbook and teacher's manual to make the major

instructional decisions for them, the teacher's role can become reduced to that of a technician whose primarily

function is to present materials prepared by others.



With such an array of commercial textbooks and other kinds of instructional materials to choose from

teachers and others responsible for choosing materials need to be able to make informed judgments about

textbooks and teaching materials. Evaluation, however, can only be done by considering something in relation to

its purpose. A book may be ideal in one situation because it matches the needs of that situation perfectly. It has

just the right amount of material for the program, it is easy to teach, it can be used with little preparation by

inexperienced teachers, and it has an equal coverage of grammar and the four skills. However the same book in a

different situation may turn out to be quite unsuitable.


Two factors are involved in the development of commercial textbooks: those representing the interests of the

author, and those representing the interests of the publisher. The author is generally concerned to produce a text

that teachers will find innovative, creative, relevant to their learners' needs, and that they will enjoy teaching from.

The author is generally hopeful that the book will be successful and make a financial profit since a large

investment of the author's personal time and effort is involved. The publisher is primarily motivated by financial


When developing materials, the publisher will try to satisfy teachers' expectations as to what a textbook at

a certain level should contain. For example, if an introductory ESL textbook does not include the present

continuous in the first level of the book, teachers may feel that it is detective and not wish to use it. In an attempt

to make an author's manuscript usable in as large a market as possible, the publisher often has to change it

substantially. Some of these changes are necessitated by the fact that teachers with very different levels of

experience, training, and teaching skill might be using the book.

A Textbooks have limitations and disadvantages.

B Textbooks can be adapted in classroom teaching.

C Textbooks need to be evaluated before they are adopted.

D Textbooks should meet teachers' needs in classroom teaching.

E Textbook development often serves different purposes.

F Textbooks provide the major source of learning.

G Textbooks facilitate teachers' professional development.

Part D

You are going to read a passage about using the native language in the classroom of second language

teaching. Decide whether the statements in the box agree with the information given in the passage. You should

choose from the following:

A YES = the statement agrees with the information

B NO = the statement contradicts the information

C NOT GIVEN = there is no such information in the passage

Avoiding use of the L1 in the classroom

While fashions in language teaching ebbed and flowed during the twentieth century, certain basic

assumptions were accepted by most language teachers. Though these assumptions have affected many

generations of students and teachers, they are rarely discussed or presented to new teachers but are taken for

granted as the foundation of language teaching.

One of these assumptions is the discouragement of L1 use in the classroom. This convention can be phrased

in stronger or weaker forms. At its strongest, it is' Ban the L1 from the classroom. ' Only in circumstances where

the teacher does not speak the students' L1 or the students have different Lis could this be achieved. At

weakest, the rule is ' Minimize the L1 in the classroom, ' that is to say, use it as little as possible, A more optimistic

version is ' Maximize the I_2 in the classroom' , emphasizing the usefulness of the I22 rather than the harm of the

first. However the assumption is phrased, the L2 is seen as positive, the LI as negative. The L1 is not something to

be utilized in teaching but to be set aside.


Most teaching methods since the 1880s have adopted this Direct Method avoidance of the LI. The

monolingual principle, the unique contribution of the twentieth century to classroom language teaching, rentains

the bedrock notion from which tile others ultimately derive. Communicative language teaching and task-based

learning methods have no necessary relationship with the L1, yet, as we shall see, the only times that the LI is

mentioned is when advice is given on how to minimize its use. The main theoretical treatments of task-based

learning do not, for example, have any locatable mentions of the classroom use of the L1. Most descriptions of

methods portray the ideal classroom as having as little of the L1 as possible, essentially by omitting any reference

to it. Perhaps the only exception is the grammar-translation method, which has little or no public support.

Avoidance of the L1 lies behind many teaching techniques, even if it is seldom spelled out. Most teaching

manuals consider this avoidance as so obvious that no classroom use of the L1 is ever mentioned. Even writers

who are less enthusiastic about avoiding the L1 take issue primarily with the extent to which this is imposed.

Those arguing for the L1 to be mixed with the 2 on a deliberate and consistent basis in the classroom are few and

far between. Thus, this anti-L1 attitude was clearly a mainstream element in twentieth-century language

teaching methodology.

This is not to say that teachers do not actually use the L1 every day. Like nature, the L1 creeps back in,

however many times you throw it out with a pitchfork. Even in English-only US classrooms ' the use of the native

language is so compelling that it emerges even when policies and assumptions mitigate against it The UK

National Curriculum still needs to remind teachers 120 years after the Great Reform that ' the target

language is the normal recaps of communication' Teachers resort to the L1 despite their best

intentions and often feeling guilty for straying i~om the 12 path.

Yes No Not given

39 New teachers are always advised to avoid using El in the classroom. [ A ] [ B ] [ C ]

40 Most people advocate maximization of the I2 in the classroom. [ A ] [ B ] [ C ]

41 Task-based language teaching bans the use of L1. [ A ] [ B ] [ C ]

42 The Direct method requires that teachers use 12 only. [ A ] [ B ] [ C ]

43 The grammar-translation method is criticized for using too much L1. [ A ] [ B ] [ C ]

44 Many writers are now arguing for a reconsideration of the value of LI. [ A ] [ B ] [ C ]

45 The Great Reform discouraged the use of El. [ A] [ B] [C]


Section m Translation (20 minutes 20 % )

Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments

into Chinese.

Who's Afraid of Math, and Why?

The first thing people remember about failing at math is that it felt like sudden death. [ 46 ] Whether the

incident occurred while learning "word problems" in sixth grade, (?ping with equations in high school, or first

cont~gnting calcp!up_and statist!? in college, _failure came suddenly and in a very frighten_lng way. An idea of a

new operation was not just difficult, it was impossible ! And, instead of asking questions or taking the lesson

slowly, most people remember having had the feeling that they would never go any further in mathematics. [47 ]

If we assume that the curriculum was reasonable, and that the new idea was but the next in a series of learnable

concepts, the feeling of utter defeat was simply not rational. And yet ' math anxious' college students and adults

have revealed that no matter how much the teacher reassured them, they could not overcome the feeling.

A common myth about the nature of mathematical ability holds that one either has or does not have a

mathematical mind. [ 48 ] Mathematical imagination and intuitive grasp of mathematical principles may well be

needed to do advanced research, but why should people who can do college-level work in other subjects not be

able to do college-level math as well? Rates of learning may vary. Competency under time pressure may differ.

Certainly low self-esteem will get in the way. But where is the evidence that a student needs a ' mathematical


mind' in order to succeed at learning math?

Consider the effects of this mythology. [ 49 ] Since only a few people are supposed to have this

mathematical mind, part of what makes us so passive in the face of our difficulties in learning mathematics is that

we suspect all the while we may not be one of ' them, ' and we spend our time waiting to find out when our

nonmathematical minds will be exposed. Since our limit will eventually be reached, we see no point in being

methodical or in attending to detail. We are grateful when we survive fractions, word problems, or geometry. If

that certain moment of failure hasn't struck yet, it is only temporarily postponed.

Parents, especially parents of girls, often expect their children to be nonmathematical. Parents are either

poor at math and had their own sudden-death experiences, or, if math came easily for them, they do not know how

it feels to be slow. [ 50] In either case, they unwittingly foster the idea that a mathematical mind is something one

either has or does not have.

Section IV Writing (40 minutes, 20 % )

Some people think elderly people ( say 60 - 70 years old) should retire, while others think they should

continue to work. Write an essay to state your opinion onthis issue in about 300 words.




Section I Use of English

01. B 02. D 03. D 04. C 05. A 06. D 07. B 08. A 09. A 10~C

ll.B 12. A 13. B 14. D 15. A 16. D 17. A 18. D 19. B 20. B

Section II Reading Comprehension

Part A 21. C 22. A 23. C 24. D 25. D 26. C

PartB 27. F 28. G 29. C 30. B 31. D 32. A

PartC 33. F 34. G 35. A 36. C 37. E 38. D

Part D 39. B 40. A 41. B 42. A 43. A 44. B 45. A


Section III Translation






Section Ⅳ Writiing





Section I Use of English (20 minutes, 10 %)Read the following text. Choose the best word for each

numbered blank from A,B, CorD.

Scientist Michael Faraday (1791 -1867 ) discovered how to generate electricity in 1831. But it was

many years before electricity was used around the home. At first, large houses and factories 01 their own

generator's and used electricity for lighting. The 02 filament lamp was demonstrated in 1879. In 1888, the

03 large electricity power station was built in New York. Gradually, 04 people began to realize how

appliances could save 05 in the home, mechanical items, such as early vacuum cleaners, were 06 by

more efficient electrical versions. As the middle classes came to 07 less and less on domestic servants,

labor-saving appliances became 08 popular. Electric motors were applied 09 food mixers and

hairdryers around 1920. Electric kettles, cookers, and heaters, 10 use of the heating effect of an electric

current, 11 also appeared by this time. Some of these items were very similar 12 design to those used


Before the 19th century, people had to light a fire to cook food. By 1879, an electric cooker had been

designed in 13 food was heated by electricity passing through insulated wires 14 round the cooking

pot. In the 1890s, heating elements were made as iron 15 with wires beneath. The modem element, which

can be bent to 16 shape, came into use in the 1920s. The Swan electric kettle 17 1921 was the

first with a totally immersed heating element. Earlier models 18 elements in a separate compartment in the

bottom of the kettle, which 19 a lot of heat. The pressure cooker was invented by a Frenchman Denis Papin

in 1679, 20 cooked the food in a very short time.

01. IAI inserted [BI installed ICI instructed ID] induced

02. [ A ] electricity [ B ] electronic [ C ] electric [ D ] electron

03. [A] first [B] earliest [C] major [D] very

04. IA] when [B] though [C] as [D] while

05. IAI burden [BI work [C] money [D] trouble

06. [ A] abandoned [ B] replaced [CI changed [ D] discarded

07. IAI use [BI relay [C] trust [D] rely

08. [ A] more [ BI extremely [C]less [D] immediately

09. IA] to [B] with [C] on [D] in

10. [A] make [BI made ICI making [D] makes

11. IA] have [BI were IC] had [D] are

12. [a] by [B] with ICI to [D] in

13. [a] which [BI that IC] what [DJ it

14. [a] circled [B] rung [C] wound [D] tamed

15. [al trays [B] plates IC] dishes [D] boards

16. IA] a [BI certain IC] some [D] any

17. IA] of [B] for [C] by [D] in

18. [A] combined [ B] owned [C] had [ D] consisted

19. [A] deserted [B] wasted [C] gave ID] took

20. [a] which [BI it [C] that [D] who

Section II Reading Comprehension (70 minutes, 50 % )

Part A

Read the following text and answer the questions by choosing A. B. C or D.

All of the debates about the role of bioethics as social institution, if not discipline, come at times when the

programs for conducting study of bioethics are in something of generational disturbance. The scholars who lead


those bioethics centers and institutions in the United States, for example, are mostly age 60 or older. But there are

comparatively fewer scholars well into the role of associate professor than there are scholars of recent

appointment to assistant professor. One possible consequence may be that a remarkable number of young scholars

with less scholarly and administrative standing than what is typical of directors of bioethics programs have

assumed the reigns of some of the most-published and longest-standing bioethics organizations. Where their

predecessors had been trained in the strictures of discipline and only came to bioethics at midcareer, these new

leaders were trained to work in the field of bioethics from the beginning of their careers. It is too early to predict

the effect of this very rapid transition, which is accelerating due to the efforts of dozens of medical, nursing,

veterinary, and public-health sc. hoois that do not yet have a serious bioethics program, but want one, and


And perhaps the most confusing part about the debates concerning the status of bioethics has to do with the

relationship between scholars of bioethics and the rapidly multiplying armies of clinicians, clergy, politicians,

researchers, and others who suddenly find themselves "working on bioethics" . On the one hand, academic

specialists in bioethics and their institutes straggle to determine what "counts" for the success of the field: what

kinds of publications, what kinds of skills (clinical ethics consultation? philosophical analysis? Etc. ) and what

kinds of activities. On the other hand. there are thousands of people whose job or volunteer life involves

something they call bioethics. For example, most hospitals around the world are struggling to keep up with

perceived needs for in-house analysis of the ethical implications of policies or cases. At times this takes the form

of an ethics committee grappling to craft policy about futility (~k~) or genetic testing or when not to resuscitate

the patient. At times it takes the form of an institutional review board, responsible for reviewing proposed research

activities involving human subjects, and responsible for the ongoing monitoring of those activities. And at times

this takes the form of education for staff and patients about the various devices and procedures that have come out

of bioethics over the past thirty years. Whatever the form these activities take, there appears to be no more

consensus about what counts as good "part-time" bioethics than there is about academic bioethies scholarship.

This problem is made acute by the incredible growth of bioethics everywhere. And it is aggravated by the lack of

consensus among professional bioethicists, about what counts as sufficient training to be an amateur bioethicist.

21. The debates about the role of bioethics occurred when

[ A] bioethics as a social institution had given way to nursing schools.

[ BI the older associate professors were considered better for bioethics.

[ C] bioethics had become a discipline in universities and colleges.

[ D] a leadership shift was undertaking for current bioethics programs.

22. The most confusing part about debates of bioethics is

[ A] too many amateur bioethicists entered the field.

[ B] who should be involved in the field of bioethics.

[ C ] whether an institutional review board should take control.

[ D ] there isn't any law to regulate the field of bioethics.

23. The text implies that

[ A ] the growth of bioethics has a positive effect.

[ B ] professional bioethicists are a bit jealous.

[ C ] the future of the issue is still vague.

[ D ] the entire debate is rather ridiculous.

24-. What does "not to resuscitate the patient" probably suggest.'?

[ A ] To admit the patient to the hospital.

[ B ] To give up rescuing the patient.

[ C ] To send the patient back home.

[ D ] To stop diagnosing the illness.


25. What does the author think important for bioethics activities.'?

[ A] Social status of those involved.

[ B] The academic quality.

[ C ] Governmental regulations.

[ D ] Consensus within the fields.

26. The best title for this passage is

[ A ] Institutional solution for bioethics.

[ B] Amateur bioethicists are coming for help!

[ C ] What status should bioethics hold7

[ D] What counts as good part-time bioethics?

Part B

You are going to read an extract about environmental movement Six paragraphs have been removed from

the extract. Choose from Paragraphs A-G the one which fits each gap (27 -32) . There is one extra paragraph

which you do not need to use.

Environmental movement hasn't worked well

Those of us who are children of the environmental movement must never forget that we are standing on the

shoulders of al I those who came before us.


At the same time, we believe that the best way to honor their achievements is to acknowledge that modern

environmentalism is no longer capable of dealing with the world's most serious ecological crisis.


From the battles over higher fuel efficiency for cars and trucks to the attempts to reduce carbon emissions

through international treaties, environmental groups repeatedly have tried and failed to win national legislation

that would reduce the threat of global warming. As a result, people in the environmental movement today find

themselves politically less powerful than we were one and a half decades ago.


Nearly all of the more than two-dozen environmentalists we interviewed underscored that climate change

demands that we remake the global economy in ways that will transform the lives of six billion people. All

recognized that it's an undertaking of monumental size and complexity. And all acknowledged that we must

reduce emissions by up to 70 percent as soon as possible.


By failing to question their most basic assumptions about the problem and the solution, environmental

leaders are like generals fighting the last war-in particular the war they fought and won for basic environmental

protections more than 30 years ago. It was then that the community's political strategy became defined around

using science to define the problem as "environmental" and crafting technical policy proposals as solutions.


Environmentalists are learning all the wrong lessons from Europe. We closely examine the policies without

giving much thought to the politics that made the policies possible.


What the environmental movement needs more than anything else right now is to take a collective step back

to rethink everything. We will never be able to turn things around as long as we understand our failures as

essentially tactical, and make proposals that are essentially technical.

[ A] The greatest achievements to reduce global warming are today happening in Europe. Britain has agreed

to cut carbon emissions by 60 percent over 50 years, Holland by 80 percent in 40 years, and Germany by 50

percent in 50 years. Russia may soon approve Kyoto.

[ B] Our thesis is this: the environmental community's narrow definition of its self-interest leads to a kind of


policy literalism that undermines its power. When you look at the long string of global warming defeats under

Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. it is hard not to conclude that the environmental movement's

approach to problems and policies hasn't worked particularly well. And yet there is nothing about the behavior of

environmental groups, and nothing in our interviews with environmental leaders, that indicates that we as a

community are ready to think differently about our work.

[ C ] We resisted the exhortations from early reviewers of this report to say more about what we think must

now be done because we believe that the most important next steps will emerge from teams, not individuals. Over

the coming months we will be meeting with existing and emerging teams of practitioners and funders to develop a

common vision and strategy for moving forward.

[ D] The clean water we drink, the clean air we breathe, and the protected wilderness we treasure are all, in

no small part, thanks to them. We hold a sincere and lasting respect for our parents and elders in the

environmental community. They have worked hard and accomplished a great deal. For that we are deeply grateful.

[E] Yet in lengthy conversations, the vast majority of leaders from the largest environmental organizations

and foundations in the country insisted to us that we are on the right track.

[ F]Over the last 15 years environmental foundations and organizations have invested hundreds of millions

of dollars into combating global warming. We have strikingly little to show for it.

[G]But in their public campaigns, not one of the America's environmental leaders is articulating a vision of

the future commensurate with the magnitude of the crisis. Instead they are promoting technical policy fixes like

pollution controls and higher vehicle mileage standards--proposals that provide neither the popular inspiration nor

the political alliances the community needs to deal with the problem.

Part C

You are going to read a passage about using authentic texts in language teaching. Choose from the list A-G

the headings which best summaries each paragraph (33 -38 ) of the passage. There is one extra heading that you

do not need to use.

Authentic texts in language teaching


Researchers generally define an authentic text as a text originally created to fulfill a social purpose in the

language community for which it was intended. According to this definition, novels, poems, newspaper and

magazine articles, handbooks and manuals, recipes, postcards, telegrams, advertisements, travel brochures, tickets,

timetables, and telephone directories written in the target language for the genre-intended target language

audience can all be considered authentic texts. An overwhelming pedagogical trend toward communicative

language teaching emphasizes the use of authentic language whenever possible so that students can be introduced

to real context and natural examples of language.


Many pedagogical approaches have been cited to support the use of' authentic texts The input

hypothesis theory suggests that authentic texts are more comprehensible and therefore have a greater

communicative value than simplified texts. The whole language instruction advances the view that I2 learners

need to be introduced to enriched context such as authentic texts so that they can use functional language and see

language in its entirety. The theory of cognitive academic language proficiency. (CALP) suggests that rather

than simplifying language, teachers should embed language in meaningful contexts through the use of authentic

language and text.


Supporters of authentic texts often turn to theories of cohesion, which claim that the more language depends

on cohesive devices, the more coherent it is and the easier it is to understand. According to some researches, the

linguistic cohesive devices and resulting coherence found in authentic texts make them more comprehensible than

simplified texts, which depend on distorted information structures. Many other researchers in 152 reading


research have also supported the use of authentic texts, based on the assumption that authentic texts exhibit greater

cohesion. Researchers have suggested that modifications to authentic texts affect the texts' cohesion and



Other researchers in the L2 reading field have argued that recognizing and understanding cohesive devices,

such as conjunctions and other intersentential linguistic devices, are vital to the development of information

processing and reading comprehension skills in L2 learners. It has been argued that good, readers take advantage

of the natural redundancy found in authentic texts, using it to help them reconstruct the entire text even if they

have learned only a portion of the graphic material itself. Moreover, the normal redundancy within authentic texts

helps L2 learners come to understand unfamiliar words without too much disruption in their overall understanding

of the text.

Most simplified texts are created by using readability formulas that cut word and sentence lengths and omit

connectives between sentences in order to shorten them, so they lack the cohesiveness of authentic texts.

Therefore, according to many researchers, attempts at simplification often result in a text that is more difficult to

comprehend and decipher than an authentic text. According to some researchers, the tendency for simplified

language to alter natural language redundancy can make the task of creating meaning more comples for the



Teachers and researchers who criticize the use of authentic texts in beginning and intermediate classrooms

often do so because they believe that I_2 learners find it difficult to process congruently all the stages of linguistic

input found in an authentic text. For this reason, they feel that authentic texts may not only be too lexically and

syntactically complex for I52 learners, but also too conceptually and culturally dense for successful understanding.

Furthermore, critics of authentic texts assume that when average readers are exposed to authentic texts that

exceed their ability levels, their reading processes are disrupted. This disruption not only slows down the learner's

reading process, but it may also have a negative affective toll, possibly, damaging the student's language


A Understanding cohesive devices is an important reading skill.

B The use of authentic texts is theoretically supported.

C Authentic texts are real and natural examples of language.

D Authentic texts are easier to understand.

E Authentic texts are more motivating and interesting.

F Texts exceeding learners'ability do not benefit students.

G Simplified texts are more difficult to comprehend.

Part D

You are going to read a passage about the benefits of learning a second language. Decide whether the

statements in the box agree with the information given in the passage. You should choose from the following:

A YES: the statement agrees with the information

B NO --the statement contradicts the injbrmatioa

C NOT GIVEN = there is no in/brmation on this in the passage

One of the benefits of learning a second language is that it keeps your mind young. As we grow older, one of

our many health concerns is to maintain our mental health and on average our ability to learn new ideas slows

down. We must either fit the new idea into the current framework of our understanding or alter our current

framework of understanding to compensate for the new idea. In either case, this slows down the learning process.

If scientists could only come up with a surefire way to keep the aging brain sharp and agile, it would be a major

breakthrough. Well, they have. Studies have shown that acquiring a second language actually

changes the brain and increases mental acuity. A study on the language region of the brain was conducted by


Andrea Mechelli, a neuro scientist at University College, London, and reported in the science journal Nature.

They found that the grey matter in the language region of the brain was larger in people who speak two languages

than in those who speak only one. Another study, conducted by researchers from York University in Canada has

found that adults who were fluent in two languages were sharper mentally.

It has long been known that education in general has beneficial effects on the brain. People with more

education, and especially those who continue their education in some form, are less likely to have dementia in

old age. In a similar manner to exercising your body to keep it healthy as you grow older, learning in general

exercises the brain and can keep it healthier into old age. It is a sort of a "use it or lose it" philosophy for the

brain. But language acquisition, in particular, has a protective effect on the brain, not only on language related

skills such as vocabulary, but also on non-verbal and cognitive skills.

What is the lesson.'? Get out there and learn a language. The studies have shown that the better the proficiency

in the second language, the more the language region of the brain grows, but even learning the basics of a

second language can help. Continuing the study of the language will, of course, gradually increase these healthy

brain benefits for a longer time. There are additional benefits to studying a language that are not directly brain

related, but can also help the aging brain.

The added socializing of going to a class and meeting new people of varied ages and backgrounds is valuable.

People who keep their socialization skills age better, both physically and mentally. The challenge of going to a

class, organizing one's time for homework and in general, being "up" for the rigors of a new activity gives

everyone, but older people in particular, a healthy boost.

There are many venues where a new language call be learned, such as professional language schools or

adult education classes. Many colleges and universities allow seniors to "audit" classes without having to

matriculate. A language class is an ideal setting for this. Now that scientists have found a way to keep the old

brain healthier, we owe it to ourselves to learn a new language.

Yes No Not given

39 Senior adults who are mentally sharp should learn additional languages. [ A] [ B] [ C ]

40 Learning a second language increases the size of grey matter in the brain. [ A] [ B] [ C ]

41 There is now a way for older people to keep healthy mentally. [ A] [ B] [ C ]

42 Education in general is not as useful as language learning. [ A] [ B] [ C ]

43 Continuing the study of language in an old age will cause health problems. [ A] [ B] [ C ]

44 Learning a language is useful because it helps people socialize. [ A] [ B] [ C ]

45 Language learning slows down the brain aging. [ A] [ B] [ C ]


Section III Translation ( 20 minutes, 20 % ) Read the following text carefully and then translate the

underlined segments into Chinese.

You type a word or phrase into an Internet search engine such as Google or Yahoo, hit return and in an instant,

dozens of "hits" -Web sites containing words that match your query-appear on the computer screen. Now imagine

a similar database that operates not with words but with shapes, specifically, leal' shapes.

It would work like this: carry a camera cell phone into a forest, pick a leaf from a tree and snap its portrait.

[46] In an instant, the phone transmits the image to a computer that matches a shape of the leaf against a

database of leaf shapes from thousands of plant species around the world. Exact matches for the leaf are returned

to the screen of your phone along with species names and detailed botanical information.

Sound farfetched.'? Such a device is already very close to reality, thanks to recent collaboration between the

department of botany at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History and the computer science

departments of Columbia University and the University of Maryland. [ 47 ] Tentatively called the Image

Identification System or H S, the invention has the potential to revolutionize the identification of plant species in


the field and greatly accelerate the naming of new plant species.

[48] For Peter Belhumeur, a computer scientist at Columbia University, who studies the use of computer

vision to identify human faces, it all started years ago in the Connecticut woods. Belhumeur recalls just how hard

it was to use a standard field guide to identify different tree species during walks with his children. "I rarely

found the right answer on the first try," he says.

Brainstorming with computer scientist David Jacob of the University of Maryland about possible new uses

for computer object recognition, "We both thought of leaves," Belhumeur recalls.

So in 2001, [49 ] Belhumeur and Jacobs came to visit John Kress, Director of the Natural History

Museum's Botany (Yfl~l-~) Department, which house the national plant specimens, a resource with 95,

000 catalogued botanical lype specimens-the definitive reference specimens used to identify new plant

species and an additional 4.8 million representatives of plant species from around the world.

[ 50] What the scientists came up with was an ambitious plan to develop an electronic field guide-a portable

system that could automatically identify a tree species from the shape of one leafi They wanted the device to

simultaneously provide researchers in remote locations Internet access to botanical data on species in the

Smithsonian's database.

Section IV Writing (40 minutes, 20 % )

Some people think that for middle school students, listening and speaking skills are more important than

reading and writing skills. Others take the opposite position. Please write an essay to state your position on

this issue. You should write about 300 words, stating and supporting your opinion. Write your essay on ANSWER

SHEEr 2 ( 试卷二答题卡 ) 。




Section I Use of English

01. B 02. C 03. A 04. A 05. A 06. B 07. D 08. A 09. A 10. C

I1. C 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. D 16. D 17. A 18. A 19. B 20. A

Section [I Reading Comprehension

PartA 21. D 22. B 23. C 24. B 25. D 26. C

PartB 27. D 28. G 29. B 30. C 31. A 32. E

PartC 33. C 34. B 35. D 36. A 37. G 38. F

PartD 39. C 40. A 41. A 42. C 43. B 44. A 45. A


Section IlI Translation


47.这个发明试命名为形象识别系统或简称为ⅡS,它有可能会引起植物物 种识别领域的革新,由此极大地促进新植物物种的命名进程。




Section Ⅳ Writing





Section I Use of English (20 minutes, 10 % )

Read the following text. Choose the best word for each numbered blank from A,B, C or D.

Can you "think" yourself younger'?

Anti-aging may be more than herbs, creanls, or exercise. Hcccnllv. More and more people are 01

towards anti-aging psychology, a major claim of 02 is that anti-aging requires you to learn life 03

attitudes, beliefs, and coping skills that 04 youthfulness anti health, h is said only 30% of your aging is

predetermined by your genetic code,, and the 05 is your decisions and attitude.

So can you "think" yourself younger? Many people 06 these sorts of attitude adjustments as opposed

to 07 _ your body with countless chemicals. Often, people say mind over matter, and to a degree 0.8_

psychology works when you are looking 09 better performance on sports or other tests, but you cannot use

your mind to 10 a physical injure, such as a broken bone, or in our 11 , get a wrinkle out of our

forehead. Your attitude can change your 12 personality, and smiling may make other people 13 you

more, but l am not sure it is truly anti-aging.

14 , your attitudes and believes can change your outward appearance and 15 as a possible effective

anti-aging agent 16 by changing your attitude you reduce stress, which is a large 17 in aging. So,

indirectly you can "think" yourself younger if your thoughts lead to less stress, but you will never become younger

18 simply thinking about becoming younger. Thinking positively and anti-aging is not 19 , rather

thinking positively is correlated with anti-aging 20 it reduces stress and helps you live a more active life.

01. [A] turning [B] coming lC] going [D] moving

02. [A what [B] that lC] who [D] which

03. [ Al enhances [ B] enhancing [ C] enhanced [ D] enhance

04. [ Al construct [ B] constitute [C] enhanced [ D] include

05. lA] opposite [B] other lC] others [D] rest

06. [ Al enjoy [ B] prefer [C] like [ D] support

07. [ Al filling [ B] covering [C] checking [ D] changing

08. [ A positive [B] modern iCI advanced [D] reliable

09. A] up [B] at lC] to [I)] for

10. [A]deal [B] al reveal [C] heal [ l)] recover

11. iA] mind [B] case lC] sense [D] time

12. [A] born lB] obvious lC] outward [D] major

13. lA] tolike [B] liked lC] liking [D] like

14. lA] ttowever lB] Although lC] Therefore [D] Furthermore

15. lA] ave lB] act lC] play [D] find

16. iai after lB] but lC] if [D] unless

17. lA] factor lB] question lC] issue [D] problem

18. lA] when lB] for lC] by [D] with

19. [ Al cause [B] caused [C] causation [ D] causing

20. lA] because [B] how lC] while [D] whether

Section 1I Reading Comprehension (70minutes, 50 % )

Part A

Read the following text and answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D.

The True Meaning of Self-Help

According to self-help expert Tony Robbins, walking barefoot across 1 , 000-degree red-hot coals "is an

experience in belief. It teaches people in the most intuitive sense that they can do things they never thought


possible." I've done three fire walks myself, without chanting "cool moss" or thinking positive thoughts. I didn't

get burned. Why? Because charcoal is a poor conductor of heat , particularly through the dead calloused skin on

the bottom of your feet and especially if' you walk across the bed of coals as quickly as fire walkers are likely to

do. Physics explains the "how" of fire walking. To understand the "why", we must turn to psychology.

In 1980 I attended a bicycle industry trade convention whose keynote speaker was Mark Victor Hansen,

well known coauthor of the wildly popular Chicken Soup for the Soul book series. I was surprised that Hansen

didn't require a speaker's fee, until I saw what happened after his talk: people were lined up out the door to

purchase his motivational tapes. I listened to those tapes over and over during training rides in preparation for

bicycle races.

The "over and over" part is the key to understanding the "why" of what journalist Steve Salerno calls the

Self-Help and Actualization Movement (SHAM). In his recent book: How the Self-Help Movement Made

America Helpless, he explains how the talks and tapes offer a momentary lift of inspiration that fades after a few

weeks, turning buyers into repeat customers. Surrounding SHAM is a bulletproof shield: if your life does not get

better, it is your fault-your thoughts were not positive enough. The solution.'? More of the same self-help-or at

least the same message repackaged into new products. Consider the multiple permutations of John Gray's Men

Are from Mars, Women are from Venus. SHAM takes advantage by cleverly marketing the dualism of

victimization and empowerment. SHAM experts insist that we are all victims of our wild and cruel "inner

children" who are produced by painful pasts that create negative "tapes" that replay over and over in our minds.

Liberation comes through empowering yourself with new "life scripts," supplied by the masters themselves, for

prices that range from $ 500 one-day work-shops to Robbins's $ 5, 995 "Date with Destiny" seminar. Do these

programs work? No one knows. According to Salerno, no scientific evidence indicates that any of the countless

SHAM techniques-from fire walking to 12-stepping-works better than doing something else or even doing nothing.

The law of large numbers means that given the millions of people who have tried SHAMs. Inevitably some will

improve. As with alternative, ineffective medicine, the body naturally heals itself and whatever the patient was

doing to help gets the credit.

Patient, heal thyself-the true meaning of self-help.

21. What does Tony Robbins say about fire walks?

[ A] Fire walkers are actually cheaters.

[ B] Fire walkers should have experience.

[ C ] Fire walking is a special experience.

[ D ] Fire walking requires much self-confidence.

22. "...turning buyers into repeat customers" implies

[ A] SHAM may lead to a dramatic shopping inspiration.

[ B] SHAM believers buy more books of similar content.

[ C ] usually SHAM will only last for several weeks.

[ D ] tapes of Steve Salerno's talks are sold at different time.

23. The advantage that SHAM takes is possibly the

[ A ] public indulgence.

[B] economic benefit.

[ C ] scientific advances.

[ D ] believers' vulnerability.

24. What is the author's attitude towards SHAM.*

IAI Admiring.

lB] Indifferent.

[C] Critical..

ID] Understanding.


25. The purpose of mentioning the prices ( for prices that range from $ $5, ) is to

[ A ] satirize the high cost and a not-much-useful activity.

[ B ] recommend some of the worthwhile soul trainings.

[ C ] show the quality discrepancy among such activities.

[ D ] tell readers the actual cost of such activities.

26. Which of the following statements would the author agree with.'?

[ A] SHAM works as effectively as physical healing.

[ B ] SHAM will work together with certain medicine.

[ C ] SHAM may work for only a small number of people.

[ D ] SHAM techniques are better than other techniques.

Part B

You are going to read an extract about the work of the Master of Ceremony. Six paragraphs have been

removed from the extract. Choose from Paragraphs A-G the one which fits each gap (27 -32 ) . There is one

extra paragraph which you do not need to use.

Preparation for the Master of Ceremony

The Master of Ceremony (MC) performs a variety of duties ,luring a program. As the MC you are

responsible for getting things started, keeping the program moving, and closing the meeting. All that occurs

between the opening and closing is your responsibility.


As in preparing for any speaking situation, it may work to your advantage to outline the program and then

the "body" of the presentation before you prepare your introduction and conclusion. In some instances, however,

your welcome may be an established custom, and its preparation may well be your first and easiest task.


In preparing the welcome, remember to start on time. Then, greet your guests and fellow members. Briefly

make your remarks welcoming all present. Never let your welcome be presented impromptu. Plan the wording

carefully as your beginning is likely to set the mood for the entire program. If you are serious or humorous, the

atmosphere will have thus been set for the occasion.


On the other hand, you don't want people waiting for a speaker long after they have completed their dessert.

It is best to prepare a time schedule for your entire program, check it with your caterer and speakers, and then

stick to it as closely as you can.


As you arrange the program, have a reason for putting one event or speaker first, another second, and so on.

This will help you provide continuity and will help the audience to see connections between speakers. In some

instances, you may need to provide impromptu remarks to tie one speaker's presentation to the next speaker.


Finally, as you prepare for the closing, review the suggestions in chapter 33 for the farewell speech. While

the two are not exactly the same, there are similarities. Even the best program needs some sense of finality.

Don't simply dismiss your audience; you need to take a few seconds and thank the audience and tie the program to

them one final time. Plan a way of tying the program to something in the future, and point out the benefits of

having attended the meeting.


As you can see, the preparation for being an MC is very extensive and needs to be planned carefully. Nothing

should be left to chance. On the other hand, you should also prepare to speak, change, and adapt to the

circumstances of the situation at hand. Adapt to the specific remarks of the speakers.

[ A ] On some occasions, you may also need to prepare yourself for either presenting or receiving awards


or gifts. As in the other speeches by the MC, these speeches are generally brief. All you need to do is to highlight

the honoree and stimulate the audience to appreciate the person being honored.

[ B] Next, prepare your introductions and transitional remarks so they tie your program together and provide

continuity. When you speak, make your comments brief and related to the speeches or events that have just

occurred or are about to take place.

[ C ] It is essential that you keep a constant reminder that your purpose as MC is to: get things started, keep

the program moving, and close the meeting. Resist any temptation during your preparation to think the audience

has come to hear you. Whatever the occasion, you are not the featured speaker, so you will not want to "spotlight"

you speeches.

[ D ] As you introduce speakers, remember, it is your responsibility in introducing speakers to arouse interest

in the speaker and the speaker's topic. Again, try to avoid lengthy or too brief introductions. Otherwise, you may

find yourself in a predicament by having used too much of the speaker's time or not have properly prepared the

audience for the speaker.

[ E ] As a follow-up, stop and shake hands and thank all of your guest speakers again. Let them know that

you are pleased with their performance and appreciate their help in making your job easy and enjoyable. Wait

until all guests have departed before leaving. It is generally rude and impolite for the MC to leave the banquet or

dinner before the special guests.

[ F] Sometimes the MC has other responsibilities within the organization. These duties must also be

maintained. Handle these duties first, so the duties do not interfere with your responsibilities as MC. Once you

have accounted for your official duties, you can begin to prepare for the responsibilities of being MC.

[ G] Once the program is under way, it is your responsibility to see that things keep moving. Try to avoid

long gaps of time between events, but you don't want to rush things too quickly either. If it is a dinner or banquet,

you don't want to have people eating their main course while the guest is speaking.

Part C

You are going to read a passage about habits. From the list of headings A-G,choose the best one to

summarize each paragraph ( 33 - 38 ) of the passage. There is one extra heading that you do not need to use.

Habits are bad only if you can't handle them


We are endlessly told we're creatures of habit. Indeed, making this observation as if it were original is one

of the most annoying habits of pop psychologists. The psychologist William James said long ago that life "is but a

mass of habits '" our dressing and undressing, our eating and drinking, our greetings and partings, our giving way

for ladies to precede are things of a type so fixed by repetition as almost to be classed as reflex actions." What

pop psychology can't decide, though, is whether this state of affairs is good or bad.

Are habits, properly controlled, the key to happiness? Or should we be doing all we can to escape habitual



This isn't a question of good versus bad habits: we can agree, presumably, that the habit of eating lots of

vegetables is preferable to that of drinking a three-litre bottle of White Lightning each night. Rather, it's a

disagreement about habituation itself. Since habit is so much more powerful than our conscious decision-making,

what are needed are deliberately chosen routines. No matter how hard you resolve to spend more time with your

spouse, it'll never work as well as developing the habit of a weekly night out or of doing the hardest task first each



Yet on the other hand, as we know all too well, habits lose their power precisely because they're habitual. An

expensive cappuccino, once in a while, is a life-enhancing pleasure; an expensive cappuccino every day soon


becomes a boring routine. Even proven therapeutic techniques, such as keeping a diary, work better when done

occasionally, not routinely.


I don't have an answer to this dilemma. But there is one way to get the best of both worlds: develop habits

and routines that are designed to disrupt your habits and routines, and keep things fresh. One obvious example is

the "weekly review", which time-management experts are always recommending: a habit, yes, but one that

involves stepping out of the daily habitual stream to gain perspective. Or take Bill Gates's famous annual "think

week", in which he holes up in the mountains with a stack of books and journals, to reflect on future paths of

action. You don't need a week in the mountains, though: an hour's walk in the park each week might prove as



A smaller-scale kind of routinised disruption is a method known as burst a, orking, involving tiny, timed

sprints of 5 to 10 minutes, with gaps in between. Each burst brings a microscopic but refreshing sense of newness,

while each tiny deadline adds useful pressure, preventing a descent into torpor. Each break, meanwhile, is a

moment to breathe-a miniature "think week", to step back, assess your direction, and stop the day sliding into



All these techniques use the power of habituation to defeat the downsides of habituation. Like jujitsu (柔道),

you're turning the enemy's strength against him; unlike jujitsu, we physically malcoordinated types can do it, too.

[ A ] There is a way out from habituation.

[ B ] It is possible to change habits deliberately.

[ C ] Breaking routines does not need a lot of time.

[ D ] Things done too much lose their value.

[ E ] Psychologists are not sure about the value of habits.

[ FI Habits are indication of laziness.

[ G ] Disrupting habits and routines may lead to fresh ideas.

Part D

You are going to read a passage about productive postponement. Decide whether the statements in the box

agree with the information given in the passage. You should choose from the following:

A YES = the statement agrees with the information in the passage

B NO = the statement contradicts the information in the passage

C NOT GIVEN: there is no information on this in the passage

Productive postponement

It's a frustrating irony of the universe that the way to get something you really want is often not to want it so

badly. Worry too hard about a task and the anxiety will prevent you performing your best; stop looking for love,

g~es the clich6, and that's when you'll find it. Try too hard to be happy and you'll find yourself on a

misery-inducing treadmill (单调的工作 ) of self-improvement efi%rts, contradictory advice and motivational

seminars conducted by exceptionally dubious men in hotel ballrooms.

The solution is to "let go" of worry, of seeking happiness. But implementing that advice is close to

impossible: it's a tall order just to stop feeling anxious or to stop wanting something you want. Mercifully,

some authors offer a far more palatable alternative: instead of getting embroiled in trying to let go of. Thoughts

and emotions that get in your way, postpone then instead.

Understandably, putting things off has often been considered as undesirable: see the bestseller Excuse Me,

Your Life Is Waiting and similar warnings not to "postpone your dreams" But there's a flipside-a technique

you might call productive postponement. The psychiatrist Robert Leahy, for example, recommends

"worry postponement": writing down your worries as they arise, and scheduling time to fret. It sounds strange, but


there's research evidence for it, and logic: we worriers derive huge payoffs from worrying-we believe, on some

level, that it makes things go better-and so the idea of giving it up can be terrifying. Just putting it off, safe in the

knowledge that you can return to it later, is easier. (If you're worried you'll forget to worry, consider an email

reminder service, and if worrying you'll forget to worry strikes you as absurd, well, consider yourself lucky and

welcome to my world. )

Psychotherapists call techniques such as postponement "metacognitive ", meaning that they make you aware

of your habitual thought processes, and therefore work more lastingly than, say, trying to relieve a particular

worry by addressing its specific content.. Postponement works with perfectionism too. If you can't get rid of the

notion that some task must be done perfectly, can you suspend that requirement just for now, resolving to revert to

your perfectionism at some predetermined point in the near future? The essayist Anne Lamott, in her book Bird

By Bird, calls this the principle of "shitty first drafts", but, like so much of her counsel, it applies beyond writing.

Yes No Not given

39 It is advisable to give up what we are looking for. [ A] [ B] [C]

40 The more we try to get something, the more difficult it becomes. [ A] [ B] [C]

41 If you forget your worries, they will disappear. [ A] [ B] [C]

42 Temporarily postponing things may be a good Way to get what we want. [ A] [ B] [C]

43 If you want to do things perfectly. You have to postpone. [ A ] [ B ] [ C ]

44 Sometimes things can be done better when postponed. [ A] [ B] [ C ]

45 Most people forget about their worries if they postpone worrying about them. [ A] [ B] [ C ]



Section Iii Translation (20 minutes, 20 % )

Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation

should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2(答题纸)

Are Teachers Responsible for Student Learning?

The argument can be made that student learning is both the responsibility and choice of the individual

student. Consider the following quote, which espouses this position:

Because every person is accountable for his or her own behavior but not for what other people do, teachers

must be held accountable for what they do as teachers but not for what their students do as learners. Students are

responsible for their own learning.

Ultimately, this position is quite accurate. As Elliot Eisner acknowledges, it is the students who must

integrate and make sense of new knowledge or practice new skills. [ 46 ] Without their participation, it is

possible that no actual learning will take place; and in fact, in many states in the U.S., high-stakes testing

programs are holding students responsible for their learning by denying promotion, requiring summer school, and

delaying graduation. But is learning solely the responsibility of students7

Most of us would agree that learning is a partnership between teachers and students in which both hold

responsibility. Indeed, many educators believe that teaching has not taken place if students have not learned.

Research clearly suggests that teachers and the quality of their instruction directly affect student learning. [ 47 ]

If teachers can influence learning, then is it not a professional obligation to promote the greatest amount of

learning possible7 The process-product research summarized by Brophy and Good and a host of others has

supported the positive effects of certain teaching practices that enhance student achievement gains. [ 48 ] Clearly,

teachers are the school's primary point of contact with students and in large part determine the outcomes of

educational goals and learning results for students. A substantial body of research has supported the broader

contention that teacher quality-as defined in numerous ways-directly affects student learning. In a sweeping


meta-analysis of available studies on what variables impact school learning, Wang. Haertel, and Walberg found a

"general agreement among experts" regarding these influences. [ 49 ] One of their major conclusions was that

variables such as state, district, and even school-level policy have little direct influence on school learning; it is

variables like psychological factors, instructional characteristics~ and home environment that have more impact.

Schools obviously have the greatest control over instructional characteristics as determined by classroom


[50] Given this research base, we believe that teachers are responsible not only for teaching but also, to some

extent, for learning outcomes. If this position is accepted, then there is the question of how to measure learning


Section IV Writing (40 minutes, 20 % )

In some schools students are streamed (分流) into different groups based on their existing levels. But some

people criticize this as discrimination. Students put into the lower level groups may feel inferior and thus lose

courage to learn. What's your opinion on this issue? Please discuss this issue from theoretical as well practical

points of view in about 300 words.




Section I Use of English

01. A 02. D 03. B 04. B 05. D 06. B 07. A 08. A 09. D 10. C

ll.B 12. C 13. D 14. A 15. B 16. C 17. A 18. C 19. C 20. A

Section II Reading Comprehension

Part A 21. A 22. C 23. D 24. A 25. B 26. A

Part B 27. F 28. B 29. D 30. G 31. A 32. E

Part C 33. E 34. B 35. D 36. G 37. A 38. F

Part D 39. B 40. A 41. B 42. A 43. C 44. A 45. C


Section III Translation






Section IV Writing







Section I Use of English (20 minutes, 10 % )

Section Il Reading Comprehension (70 minutes, 50 % )




3.本试卷一为A型试卷,其答案必须用2B铅笔填涂在A型答题卡上,做在其它类型答题卡或试卷上的无效。答题前,请核对答题卡是否A型卡, 若不是,请要求监考员予以更换。

4.在答题卡上正确的填涂方法为在答案对应的字母上划线,如扫呻[B)[C] [D]。



Section I Use of English (20 minutes, 10 % )

Read the following text. Choose the best word for each numbered blank from A,B, CorD.

Do the languages we speak shape the way we think7 Do 01 merely express thoughts, or do the 02

in languages shape the thoughts we wish to express?

Take "Humpty Dumpty sat on a-.." 03 an example. The nursery rhymereveals 04 Languages

can differ from one another. In English, we have to mark the verb 05 tense, we say "sat" rather than "sit."

06 in Russian, you would have to mark tense and 07 , changing the verb form if Mrs. Dumpty 08 the

sitting. You would also have to decide if the sitting was 09 or not. If our hero sat on the wall for the entire

time he was 10 to, it would be another different form of the verb 11 if he had a great fall. While in

Turkish, you would often have to include in the 12 how you acquired this information. For instance, if you

saw the fellow on the wall with your own eyes, you would use one form of the verb, but if you had simply 13

it, you would use a different form.

Do English, Russian and Turkish speakers 14 attending to, understanding, and

remembering their 15 differently one way or another simply 16 they speak different languages?

These questions 17 all the major controversies in the study of 18 Yet very little empirical work had

been done on these questions until recently. The idea that language might shape thought was considered untestable

at 19

Now, some new research is showing 20 language does profoundly influence how we see the world.

01. IA] we [BI they IC] you [DJ people

02. [A] vocabularies [ B ] expressions [ C ] structures [ D ] usages

03. [A] as [B] for [C] to [DJ with

04. [ a ] how much [ B ] why [ C ] what [ D ] how many

05. [A] of [BI in [C] with ID] for

06. [ A ] But [ B ] However [ C ] NevertheLess [ D ] Though

07. [ A ] mood [ B ] number [ C ] gender [ D ] person

08. IA] took [BI did IC] made [D] acted

09. [ A ] to complete [ B ] complete [ C ] completed [ D ] completing

10. [ A ] meant [ B ] planned [ C ] hoped [ D ] agreed

11. [ A ] rather [ B ] than [ C ] instead [ D ] from


12. [ Al phrase [ B] sentence [ C ] structure [ D] verb

13. [ a ] asked about [ B ] looked around [ C ] felt like [ D ] heard about

14. [ A ] end up [ B ] result in [ C ] lead to [ D ] attribute to

15. [ A ] knowledge [ B ] experiences [ C ] thoughts [ D ] memories

16. [ A ] before [ B ] when [ C ] because [ D ] if

17. [ A ] lead to [B] touch on [C] lie in ID] come up

18. [ A ] mind [ B ] languages [ C ] culture [ D ] nation

19. [ A ] past [ B ] least [ C ] best [ D ] present

20. [ A ] that [ B ] what [ C ] whether [ D ] how

section H Reading Comprehension (70 minutes, 50 %)

Part A Read the following text and answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D.

What should true education doe

When most people think of the word "education," they think of a pupil as a sort of sausage container. Into

this empty container, the teachers are supposed to stuff "education."

But genuine education, as Socrates knew more than two thousands years ago, is not inserting the stuffing of

information into a person, but rather eliciting knowledge from him; it is the drawing out of what is in the mind.

"The most important part of education," once wrote William Ernest Hocking, the distinguished Harvard

philosopher, "is this instruction of a man in what he has inside of him." And, as Edith Hamilton has reminded us,

Socrates never said, "I know, learn from me." He said, rather, "Look into your own selves and find the spark of

truth that God has put into every heart and that only you can develop to fame." In the dialogue called the "Meno,"

Socrates takes an ignorant slave boy, without a day of schooling, and proves to the amazed observers that the boy

really "knows" geometry-because the principles of geometry are already in his mind, waiting to be called out.

So many of the discussions and controversies about the content of education are useless and inconclusive

because they are concerned with what should "go into" the student rather than with what should be taken out, and

how this can best be done.

The college student who once said to me, after a lecture, "I spend so much time studying that I don't have a

chance to learn anything," was expressing his dissatisfaction with the sausage-container view of education.

He was being so stuffed with varied facts, with such an indigestible mass of material, that he had no time

(and was given no encouragement) to draw on his own resources, to use his own mind for analyzing and

synthesizing and evaluating this material.

Education, to have any meaning beyond the purpose of creating well-informed dunces, must elicit from the

pupil what is potential in every human being-the rules of reason, the inner knowledge of what is proper for men to

be and do, the ability to assess evidence and come to conclusions that can generally be agreed on by all open

minds and warm hearts.

Pupils are more like oysters (牡蛎) than sausages. The job of teaching is not to stuff them and then seal them

up, but to help them open and reveal the riches within. There are pearls in each of us, if only we knew how to

develop them with enthusiasm and insistence.

21. What did Socrates say about genuine education7

[ A ] Education should draw students' attention.

[ B ] Education demands to elicit much knowledge.

[ C] Education requires explicit knowledge transfer.

[ D] Education aims to develop students' potentials.

22. As Edith Hamilton reminded us about Socrates, students

[ A ] should learn knowledge from their teachers with modesty.

[ B ] should investigate what the God has put in their hearts.

[ C ] were encouraged to discover the truth themselves.


[ D ] were required to find the spark to fame.

23. The example of the slave boy shows that

[ Al the boy is a genius with rich knowledge.

[ B ] schooling is unnecessary to young people.

[ C ] clever people can learn geometry by themselves.

[ D ] knowledge exists in people's mind waiting to be explored.

24. The underlined phrase "well-informed dunces" refers to

[ A ] well-educated but stupid students.

[ B ] intelligent but inefficient students.

C ] talented but incapable students.

[ D] knowledgeable but inactive students.

25. Which of the following statements is not included in the view of education as


[ A ] Teaching content is primarily decided by teachers.

[ B ] Knowledge is transferred based on learners requirements.

[ C ] Teachers' job is mainly to give students more knowledge.

[ D] Students should acquire as much insights as possible.

26. Which of the following statements is not included in the view of education as oyster?

Al Education intends to explore the pearls in students.

[ B ] Students are encouraged to show their own talents.

[ C ] Knowledge can only be acquired through hard work.

[ D] Teachers' job is mainly to find out students' values.

Part B

You are going to read an extract about the nature of concepts. Six paragraphs have been removed from the

extract. Choose from Paragraphs A-G the one which fits each gap (27-32) . There is one extra paragraph which

you do not need to use.

The nature of concepts

In a totally inorganic world there could be no concepts but with the existence of organisms capable of complex

perceptual responses, concepts become possible. In brief, concepts are properties of organismic experience-more

particularly, they are the abstracted and often cognitively structured class of "mental" experience learned by

organisms in the course of their life histories.


Through language learning, many concepts (classes of experience ) will acquire names, that is, words or

phrases in a particular language, partly because some classes of experience are so important and obvious that

nearly every person acquires them for himself, and partly because language makes possible the diffusion and

sharing of concepts as classes of experience.


We can experience heat, or light, or odor directly, while our experiences of giraffes or atoms, say, may be

characterized as being indirect, coming only through verbal descriptions or other patterns of stimuli that evoke

these concepts.


A further necessary condition for the formation of a concept is that the series of experiences embodying the

concept must be preceded, interspersed, or followed by other experiences that constitute negative instances of the



But concept learning from verbal explanation, as will be noted below, must, as it were, put the learner


through a series of vicarious experiences of positive and negative instances. For example, in telling a child what

a lion is, one must indicate the range of positive and negative instances-the range of variations that could be found

in real lions and the critical respects in which other animals-tigers, leopards, etc. -differ from lions.


The evidence suggests that the learner must be oriented to, and attending to, the relevant stimuli in order to

form a concept. The public test of the formation of a concept is the ability to respond correctly and reliably to new

positive and negative instances of it; we do not wish to imply, however, that a concept has not been formed until it

put to such a test.


It is felt in different positions and with different parts of the body, and experienced with still other

sense-modalities-taste, smell. But underlying all these experiences are common elements sufficient for the infant

to make an identifying response to the particular toy in question-perhaps to the point that he will accept only the

particular specimen that he is familiar with and reject another specimen that is in the least bit different.

[ A ] As the complexity of the concepts increases there is a greater necessity for an appropriate sequencing of

positive and negative instances in order to insure adequate learning of the concept. At least this is true when the

concept has to be formed from non-verbal experiences only.

[ B ] There is evidence that animals other than human beings behave with regard to concepts in this sense,

but we shall confine our attention to human organisms. Because of the continuity of the physical, biological, and

social environment in which human beings live their concepts will show a high degree of similarity.

[ C ] We have been describing what is often called the process of abstraction. We have given a number of

necessary conditions for the formation of a concept; exactly what conditions are sufficient cannot yet be stated,

but in all likelihood this will turn out to be a matter of the number, sequencing, or timing of the instances

presented to the individual.

[ D ] One necessary condition for the formation of a concept is that the individual must have a series of

experiences that are in one or more respects similar; the constellation of "respects" in which they are similar

constitutes the "concept" that underlies them. Experiences that embody it may be called "negative instances."

[ E ] Hence the hypothesis which seemed the simplest for a long time: that habit constitutes a primary fact,

explicable in terms of passively experienced associations, and intelligence grows out of it gradually, by virtue of

the growing complexity of the acquired associations.

[ F] We use the term "experience" in an extremely broad sense-defining it as any internal or perceptual

response to stimulation. We can "have experience of" some aspect of the physical, biological, or social

environment by either direct or indirect means.

[ G] The infant acquires "concepts" of many kinds even before he attains anything like language. One kind of

concept that is acquired by an infant quite early is the concept embodied in the experience of a particular object-a

favorite toy, for example. As the toy is introduced to the infant, it is experienced in different ways-it is seen at

different angles, at different distances, and in different illuminations.

Part C

You are going to read a passage about plagiarism in research papers. From the list of headings A-G, choose

the best one to summarize each paragraph (33-38) of the passage. There is one extra heading that you do not need

to use.

Plagiarism in research papers


A research paper presents the results Of your investigations on a selected topic. Based on your own

thoughts and the facts and ideas you have gathered from a variety of sources, a research paper is a creation that is

uniquely yours. When writing a research paper, using someone else's ideas or phrasing and representing those

ideas as our own, either on purpose or through carelessness, is a serious offense known as plagiarism.



Ideas borrowed or paraphrased include written or spoken material, of course- from whole papers and

paragraphs to sentences, and, indeed, phrases-but it also includes statistics, lab results, art work, etc. "Someone

else" can mean a professional source, such as a published writer or critic in a book, magazine, encyclopedia, or

journal; an electronic resource such as material we discover on the World Wide Web; another student at our school

or anywhere else; a paper-writing "service" (online or otherwise) which offers to sell written papers for a fee.


Let us suppose, for example, that we're doing a paper for Music Appreciation on the child prodigy years of

the composer and pianist Franz Liszt and that we've read about the development of the young artist in several

sources. In Alan Walker's book Franz Liszt: The Virtuoso Years , we read that Liszt's father encouraged him, at

age six, to play the piano from memory, to sight-read music and, above all, to improvise. We can report in our

paper (and in our own words) that Liszt was probably the most gifted of the child prodigies making their mark in

Europe in the mid-nineteenth century-because that is the kind of information we could have obtained from a

number of sources; it has become what we call common knowledge.


However, if we report on the boy's father's role in the prodigy's development, we should give proper credit

to Alan Walker. We could write, for instance, the following: Franz Liszt's father encouraged him, as early as age

six, to practice skills which later served him as an internationally recognized prodigy (Walker,1959) . Or, we could

write something like this: Alan Walker notes that, under the tutelage of his father, Franz Liszt began work in

earnest on his piano playing at the age of six (1959) Not to give Walker credit for this important information is



The penalty for plagiarism is usually determined by the instructor teaching the course involved. In many

schools and colleges, it could involve failure for the paper and it could mean failure for the entire course and even

expulsion from school. Ignorance of the rules about plagiarism is no excuse, and carelessness is just as bad as

purposeful violation. At the very least, however, students who plagiarize have cheated themselves out of the

experience of being responsible members of the academic community and have cheated their classmates by

pretending to contribute something original which is, in fact, a cheap copy.


Within schools and colleges that have a diverse student body, instructors should be aware that some

international students from other cultures may have ideas about using outside resources that differ from the

institution's policies regarding plagiarism; opportunities should be provided for all students to become familiar

with institutional policies regarding plagiarism.

A Possible sources of plagiarism

B Ways of proper acknowledgement

C Definition of plagiarism

D Hidden reasons for plagiarism

E Acceptable borrowing without acknowledging

F Cultural differences in plagiarism

G The price of plagiarism

Part D

You are going to read a passage about the benefit of walking. Decide whether the statements in the box agree

with the information given in the passage. You should choose from the following:

A YES = the statement agrees with the information in the passage

B NO = the statement contradicts the information in the passage

C NOT GIVEN = there is no information on this in the passage


A step in the right direction

A simple walk out in the fresh air often helps focus the mind and clear it of those everyday concerns. "All

truly great thoughts are conceived while walking," observed Nietzsche. "Methinks the moment my legs begin to

move, my thoughts begin to flow," was how Henry Thoreau described an experience many of us have had, be it

tackling challenging work or fretting over problems.

If we still don't know why walking inspires clarity and creativity, it's because there are too many possible

explanations, not too few. An evolutionary psychologist might say we're designed to thrive outside, not at a desk;

a scholar of the psychological phenomenon of "priming" might point to studies suggesting that high ceilings-and

also, perhaps, the sky-prompt unrestrained thinking. A recent study offers more straightforward reasoning. In it,

both children and adults performed a memory exercise better when walking than sitting. The researchers speculate

that the physiological arousal of walking simply makes for better brain functioning, while the normally

detrimental effects of multitasking are eliminated when the tasks are sufficiently different, drawing on separate

"wells" of attention, rather than fighting over one.

The greatest mental benefits of walking are explained not by what it is, but by what it isn't. When you go

outside, you cease what you're doing, and stopping trying to achieve something is often key to achieving it.

Stepping away from work combats the paralyzing effects of perfectionism, because when a task is suspended, the

risk of failure is suspended, too; you're thus freer to dream up insights. And in some hard-to-specify way, even the

distractions of walking seem to help. The writer Ron Rosenbaum takes this to extremes, not just walking while

thinking, but watching TV while writing. "I'm slightly ashamed to admit it, since it sounds like such a horrid

violation of the writer's solitude," he once said. "But I have a theory of 'competing concentration .... if you

have something that you have to focus against.-, it forces you to concentrate."

Naturally, the self-improvement industry has ideas to optimize your inspirational walking-the

Idea Organizer will capture your breakthroughs ( so will a notebook) I'm more skeptical of the merits of a desk

for home treadmills, while the aforementioned evolutionary psychologist would probably advise wearing

Vibrato "foot-gloves" for added authenticity. But all you really need do is go for a walk. "I only went out for a

walk and finally concluded to stay ont till sundown," the naturalist John Muir wrote, "for going out, I found, was

really going in." Though apparently he never had to worry about deadlines.

Yes No Not given

39 Bodily movement and mental activity are related. LA] [BI ICI

40 It's not clear why walking inspires creativity. IAI [BI ICI

41 Fresh air helps to inspire clarity in mind. [ A ] [ B ] [ C ]

42 We can do two or more things at one time. [A] [ B] ICI

43 Temporarily suspending a task is beneficial. IAI [BI ICI

44 We should try to avoid the distraction of walking. [A] ~ BI [C]

45 Walking helps to keep us healthy. [ A ] [ B ] [ C ]





Section m Translation (20 minutes, 20 % )

Section IV writing (40 minutes, 20 % )









Section IH Translation (20 minutes, 20% )

Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your

translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2

(答题纸) .

Teachers have traditionally worked alone. Co-operation with external parties is a necessary challenge

for the entire educational sector. Openness .to various learning environments outside school is one of the

required changes. [ 46 ] The deregulation that has occurred in the managing system and the transfer of

decision-making powers to the local level will increase the significance of co-operation in teaching. Successful

work performance requires competition to be transformed into a strength that arises from co-operation. [ 47 ] This

presents a major challenge to principals in particular, but also to individual teachers, and in addition to the ability

to co-operate, a strong inclination towards it is needed. It is becoming increasingly difficult to identify the basic

skills that an active citizen of the future will need. It is even more difficult to define the substance of these skills in

detail. It has been estimated that information related work will account for more than 60% of all occupations in

working life by 2030. The proportion of manual work will remain below 5%. People will primarily produce

information instead of material goods. People in information professions will need to solve complex problems,

which requires a high level of expertise and information processing skills.

The ability to participate in creative cultural activities is important in the development of expertise. An

expert creates new information and introduces it for common development. Knowledge, skills and competence

will be very different from what they are today. In the future, people will work more and more with the aid of

abstractions and graphical symbols. [ 48 ] In the development of expertise, everyone is also required to have

network competence, since one cannot exactly know the specific skills needed, co-operation between the labor

market and schools is essential.

The expanding provision of educational technology creates opportunities for real-time co-operation. The

importance of information and communications technology (ICT) in building learning environments has

been emphasized in this project. Future learners will largely build their own learning environments while

teachers will assist students with this. Distance-independent communication and study will increase

dramatically. [ 49 ] This is particularly A~rominent in supplementary education as well as in

vocational continuous training. In particular, the principle of lifelong:~ea]leaming requires all teachers to

be sufficiently familiar with and capable o~ding the learner in the use of various new tools.

Mastering the ICTs will bring new dimensions to the concept of exclusion. On the other hand, the

globalization of information and increasingly rapid transfer of information will decrease the certainty brought

about by science and technology. There has been a shift from the age of permanent information to one of changing

belief systems. [ 50 ] In learning ICT skills, it is advisable to bear in mind that learning which aims at repetition

or mechanical memorization will not easily ~yield to new innovations. It is therefore important to sufficiently

understand the main operating principles of both hardware and software, which will allow us to learn and to take

new systems into use. The society of the future will be increasingly based on cultural pluralism and on ideological

diversity. In a world where borders are opening up, tolerance of cultural diversity will be a challenge. Tolerance is

based on high self-esteem and information. On the other hand, the ability to embrace contacts with less familiar

cultures presents a necessary challenge both for individuals and their communities.

Section IV Writing (40 minutes, 20 % )

As an English language teacher, you plan lessons and deliver lessons. Sometimes you feel quite successful,


and sometimes you don't feel so. Reflect on a lesson you just delivered, and discuss its strengths and weaknesses

in about 300 words. Describe what happened in the class and what you did not expect and explain possible





Section | Use of English

01. B 02. C 03. A 04. A 05. D 06. A 07. C 08. B 09. C~ 10.


ll.B 12. D 13. D 14. A 15. B 16. C 17. B 18. A 19. C 20. A

Section II Reading comprehension

Part A: 21. D 22. C 23. D 24. A 25. B 26. C

Part B: 27. B 28. F 29. D 30. A 31. C 32. G

Part C: 33. C 34. A 35. E 36. B 37. G 38. F

Part D: 39. A 40. B 41. C 42. A 43. A 44. B 45. C


Section III Translation






Section Ⅳ Writing



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