


A. Role Reversal

I. Words and Phrases

1. bacon 腌猪肉,熏猪肉

2. stroller (婴幼儿的)小推车

3. diaper 尿布

4. attorney 律师

5. deleterious 有害的

II. Questions

1. What are the traditional roles in a family?

Mom stays at home and dad goes out to bring home the


2. What are the findings from a major heart study?

Men who have been stay-at-home dads for at least 10 years

have an 80% greater chance of dying from heart disease than

those who traditionally work outside the home.

3. Why do these men stay at home baby-sitting their children?

Because their wives’ incomes are higher.

B. The Private Life of Plants (1)

Episode 1: Traveling

I. Words

1. dock 羊蹄

2. hazel 榛子

3. foxglove 毛地黄

4. bramble 悬钩子

5. earth-star 地星

6. bird-cage plant 角叶月

7. wood anemone / windflower银莲

8. spore 孢子

9. puffball 马勃菌

10. dandelion 蒲公英

II. Questions

2. Why we human beings are seldom aware of the dramas

happening to plants?

We and plants live on a different time scale.

4. When we condense 3 months into 20 seconds, what

dramatic changes of plants can we see?

The desolation of winter quickly warms into the riot of spring.

6. Why do bird-cage plants travel to find a new place?

The desert dunes are always moving and a sheltered site can

suddenly become intolerably exposed.

10. How do the seeds of dandelions fly?

A special apparatus is needed by the seeds of dandelions to

fly. Each seed of the dandelion is fitted with its own individual


C. Polar Bears

I. Words

1. walrus 海象

2. skinny 皮的,皮包骨的

3. jeopardize 危及,处于危险状况

4. ratify 批准,认可

5. protocol 条约,草案

II. Questions

will happen in the Arctic Ocean in 100 years by the

end of each summer if

the trend continues?

There will be no ice at all in the Arctic Ocean.

D. The Private Life of Plants (2)

Episode 2: Growing

I. Words

1. canopy 罩盖,天蓬

2. fern (蕨类植物)羊齿植物

3. pore 气孔

4. sapling 树苗

5. chestnut 栗子树,栗子

6. sycamore 枫树,梧桐

7. larch 落叶松

8. begonia 秋海棠

9. chlorophyll 叶绿素

10. photosynthesis 光合作用

11. mimicry 模拟;拟态12. shrivel 起皱纹

13. pebble 鹅卵

14. gravel 碎石子

15. nectar 甘露

16. caterpillar 毛毛虫

17. bogus 假的

18. passion flower 西番莲

19. mimosa 含羞草

20. carnivorous plants 食肉植物

II. Questions

will happen to leaves if water lies on their surface?

It clogs up the pores. / It blocks the pores.

www./doc/, the examples given

in this episode to explain how plants use mimicry to

defend themselves?

Pebble plants

Passion flowers

is the dramatic solution a sensitive mimosa possesses

to defend itself?

One touch makes it fold its leaflets; another tap, and it falls

towards the ground.

www./doc/, the carnivorous

plants given in this episode?

Flytrap Pitcher plants

E. Two Ozone Holes

I. Words

1. refractor 折射器

2. sunscreen 防晒霜

3. ultraviolet 紫外线

4. plankton 浮游生物

5. cataract 白内障

6. fluke 侥幸

7. aerosol 喷雾器,烟雾剂

8. coolant 冷却剂

9. halon a compound gas

fluorocarbons (CFCs) 含氯氟烃化合物

II. Questions

has happened to the ozone layer over the South Pole

every August for the

past 20 years?

The ozone layer has been thinning out, thus creating a hole.

is the function of the ozone layer?

To protect us from the sun’s ultraviolet rays.

are the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays on human


They can cause skin cancer, cataracts and other harmful

health effects.

F. An Inconvenient Truth

I. Words

1. infrared radiation 远红外线

2. culprit 犯人

3. vulnerable 脆弱的,易受伤的

4. lukewarm 微温的

5. pixel 像素

6. smallpox 天花

7. polio 脊髓灰质炎,小儿麻痹症

8. sustenance 生计,生活

9. devastate 摧毁

10. apartheid 种族隔离

II. Questions

are the three factors causing the collision between

our civilization and the



The scientific and technological revolution.

Our way of thinking.

2. How to balance the economy and the environment?

G. Journey of Life (1)

Program One: Life in the Sea

I. Words

1. bizarre 古怪的,奇异的

2. predator 食肉动物

3. gill slits 鳃裂

4. amniotic fluid 羊水

5. embryo 胚胎

6. mayhem 恐慌,混乱

7. cauldron 大锅large pot

8. haven 安全的地方,避难所

9. lethal 致命的

10. jellyfish 水母,海蜇

II. Questions

living things have to fight to survive. Who can survive


Only the best suited individuals can survive --- it’s known

as “survival of the fittest”.

3. What was the planet Earth like 3.8 billion years ago?

The atmosphere was thin; there was no oxygen, no protective

ozone layers. But there were massive volcanic eruptions and

meteor impacts.

is an enormous variety of life on the planet. How did

it come about?

1) 3 billion years ago --- single-cell living things

2)670 million years ago --- cells pulling together

3)Around 570 million years ago --- animals’ soft bodies

turned hard

Program Two: Life on Land I. Words

1. alien 外星人的adj.

2. dinosaur 恐龙

3. buoyancy 浮力

4. kelp 海带

5. arthropod 节肢动物

6. armor 盔甲

7. burrow 窝,洞穴

8. louse 虱子

9. vertebrate 脊椎动物

10. fin 鳍

II. Questions

was the planet Earth like 500 million years ago?

No shade,no ozone layer to shield us from the solar radiation.

You could fry or freeze in the same day.

did all life begin? And why?

In the sea. Because in the sea where temperatures hardly

changes and where water protects against the pull of gravity and

the burning sun.

H. Journey of Life (2)

Program Three: Life in the Sky

I. Words

1. airborne 空运的;空气传播的

2. rock hyrax 岩蹄兔

3. defy challenge to do sth. impossible

4. sprout 使发芽;使生长

5. flap 拍打

6. bask 取暖

7. tendon 腱,筋8. (larva)幼虫

9. jackpot 意外获得成功

10. descendant 后裔

11. swamp沼泽

12. vicious 恶性的

13. swat 拍,打

14. munch 用力咀嚼15. gorge 狼吞虎咽

II. Questions

are the good reasons for life to get into the air?

Wings provide animals with extra strike power, flying is the

fastest, most efficient way to allows you to find food,

explore new territory or escape from danger.

are the two explanations as to how insects sprout


One explanation is that insects love to sunbathe. The other

is that it may have started in water.

Program Four: Living Together

I. Words

1. huddle 挤作一团

2. pinnacle 尖顶

3. spawn 卵,产卵

4. engulf 吞食;狼吞虎咽

5. unleash 解开束缚

6. cricket 蟋蟀

7. mantis 螳螂

8. orchid 兰花9. assassin 刺客

10. fang 毒牙

11. raven 大乌鸦

12. fieldfare 田鸫

13. lurk 埋伏

14. foil 阻碍

15. bluff 故弄玄虚,虚张声势

II. Questions

is the relationship between penguins and leopard


They are predators and prey.

do we say that the predators and prey are locked in

an intense relationship?

Because when predators find better ways to catch and kill,

their prey has to improve their self-defense. That is to say, neither

can afford to be left behind.

4. What are the example given to explain the natural

selection driven some creatures to extremes?


Snapping turtle

do fieldfares drive a hungry raven away from their


By dropping bombs.

I. Phobias

I. Words

1. phobia 恐惧症

2. toddler 小孩蹒跚

3. buggy 婴儿车

4. petrify 极恐怖的

5. reassurance 放心

6. python 蟒蛇

7. counterpart 相同地位

8. footage 电影镜头

9. captivity 坐牢

10. ferry 码头,船

11. strand 搁浅

12. crumble 弄碎

13. canine 狗14. lavish.奢侈

15. trauma 外伤

16. slack 涣散

17. leash 牵狗用的皮带

18. adrenaline 肾上腺素

19. berate 责骂

20. tax 负担责任

21. tennis elbow 肘关节

22. bursitis 滑囊炎

23. Labrador 导盲犬

24. steeple 塔尖

25. scaffold 脚手架

II. Questions

is phobia?

When fear gets out of control, we call it phobia.

is the percentage of people with phobias?


we inherit specific phobias from our parents?


J. Great Wildlife Moments

I. Words

1. oil slick 浮油

2. biomass 生物量

3. feast 盛宴

4. shoal 鱼

5. frenzy 狂乱

6. gully 沟渠

7. trek 艰苦的跋涉

8. perilous 危险的,冒险的9. phosphate 磷矿石,磷酸盐

10. carnage 大屠杀

11. pouch 育儿袋

12. Aurora australis 南极光

13. recede move away

14. sleek 光滑,圆滑

15. rookery 栖地

16. roller coaster 过山车

17. droplet 小滴

18. bide 等候19. ingenious clever

20. clearing 空旷地

II. Questions

consists of the caravan of hunting sardines?

Cape gannets, sharks and dolphins.

do red crabs head for the shore to spawn?

Because they are unable to raise their young on land.

does the Aurora australis occur?

The Aurora australis occurs when subatomic particles

travelling through space enter the earth’s magnetic field.

emperor penguins, who is responsible for hatching the


The male penguins.

can an eagle eat a tortoise?

The eagle flies to a favorite site, gains its height and lets the

tortoise go.

K. Secrets of the Sexes

I. Words

1. saliva 唾液

2. masculine 男性的,刚毅的

3. bloke 家伙

4. rig 装置

5. dashboard 仪表板,汽车的仪表盘

6. pathetic 可怜的

7. petty 不重要的

8. daft 傻的9. congregation 会众

10. leisure complex 休闲娱乐中心

11. trivia 琐事

12. to place sb. on a pedestal 崇拜某人

13. flounder 挣扎

14. infidelity 不忠

15. rove 环顾

II. Questions

are the differences between men and women?

Men are more things oriented while women are more people


are the two reasons for the marriage to end in divorce?

The first reason is unfaithful to your spouse. The second

reason is constant arguing.

people say “love makes people blind”?

The reward system floods with feeling good chemicals, and

another part of the brain used for critical thinking switches off.

L. Wild Weather

Episode One: Wind

I. Words

1. intrepid 无畏的,刚毅的

2. awesome 令人敬畏的

3. Celsius 摄氏

4. hurricane 飓风

5. tropopause 对流层顶

6. tornado 龙卷风

7. doldrums 无风带8. swelter 炎热

9. Beaufort scale 蒲福氏风级

10. funnel 漏斗

11. lash 鞭打whip

12. squall 狂风sudden strong wind

13. rubble 碎石

II. Questions

do we say that the weather is the last wild thing on


There are two reasons. First, we can not predict it. Second,

we can not control it. describe the formation of wind

Warm air rises from the Equator and hits the tropopause. It

then slides north and south before sinking back down to earth

and returning to the Equator as the winds that we feel on land or


will happen when the force of wind is 12 (that is, 75

miles an hour)?

Property will be destroyed: houses will be demolished and

trees will be flattened. Episode Two: Wet

I. Words

1. monsoon 雨季

2. devious 迂回的

3. tactics 战术,策略,手段

4. blonde 金发碧眼的人

5. swirl 打漩

6. scorching 灼热的

7. ion 离子

II. Questions

describe the formation of raindrops

A cloud is just a swirling mass of water vapor. Floating within

it are

comparatively huge particles of dust and pollen. The vapor is

attracted to the surface. It takes billions of molecules to make a

droplet. They collide with each other getting bigger and heavier.

It makes a million droplet raindrop to make a raindrop two

millimeters wide.

does the rain make people feel good?

As water falls through the air, tiny particles in the air called

ions become negatively charged. This makes them sticky which

cleans the air by literally dragging dirt and dust particles to the

ground leaving the air fresh and clear. The cleaner the air, the

quicker the oxygen is delivered around the body. And it is this

that makes us feel good.

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