



How would you use a radio or a telephone if you had no electricity or batteries?

These 1 bothered(使烦恼) British inventor Trevor Baylis. So in 1996

he 2 a wind-up(装有发条的)radio. It doesn't need electricity or batteries.

You wind it up 3 hand. It plays for about an hour. Then, you wind it

up 4 . Today it's made in South Africa.

Then in 1999, Baylis invented a mobile telephone that is powered by 5 The

shoes contain (含有)a small battery that is powered when you 6 . This

battery is connected to a mobile phone. These two simple inventions can bring

modern 7 to all parts of the world.

Baylis doesn't have a university degree in engineering.

In 8 ,he left high school before graduating(毕业).He just loves 9

things to help people. He never knows 10 ideas will come to him. The idea

for the telephone came to him in a dream.

1. A. dreams B. problems C. winders

2. ed B. improved C. borrowed

3. B. at

4. B. slowly C. again y

5. A. sun B. shoes

6. A. sleep C. rest

7. A. communications B. exhibitions tions ctions

B. order C. need D. time

B. selling C. making D. collecting

B. because C. unless D. when


Scientists study the world and learn about things using a process called the scientific

method(方法). By asking important questions and 1 the answers, it is

possible to make amazing discoveries! Sometimes a scientist is 2 to answer

his own questions, but if he has taken good notes another scientist may come along

later who is able to use new knowledge to answer it.

When you use the scientific method to 3 an experiment, you start by

making observations(观察) about something that 4 you. Based on your


observations, you make a hypothesis. This is using 5 you know to make a

smart guess about what you think could happen. Then you are ready to begin your

experiment. All 6 your experiment you take down notes, which are

7__ experiment date(资料). You are constantly making observations during this

time. You may make discoveries that cause you to improve your experiment as you

go. 8 , you conclude your experiment and begin to look over your notes

to decide what it all means. Based on what you have learned, you make a final

statement about 9 your hypothesis was correct or not. You have to have

reasons and evidence to support what you are saying.

Using the scientific method can be difficult, but rewarding. Because all the steps are

organized in a process, the 10 are more valid(可信的). When you provide

observations as evidence to support what you are saying, your ideas are more likely to

be accepted.

1.A. waiting for

2.A. unable

3.A. read

4.A. hurts

5.A. what

6.A. without

7.A. controlled

8.A. Obviously

9.A. whether

10 A. problem


B. searching for C. worrying about D. complaining about

B. sure C. ready D. surprised

B. refuse C. prevent D. conduct

B. represents C. interests D. attacks

B. when C. why D. which

B. including C. except D. during

B. arranged C. called D. carried

B. Suddenly C. Finally D. Mostly

B. what C. how D. when

B. results C. services D. Aims

You have probably heard the expression,“It’s raining cats and dogs outside.”That

means 1 it,S raining very hard I not that 2 cats and dogs are falling

from the 3 .However,one day in June,1882,it really did rain 4

over Dubuque,Iowa.The frogs 5 falling along with hailstones(冰雹)during a 6 storm.

Hail is formed when drops of rainwater are 7 by heavy winds and are

carried high up into the air.There the raindrops become frozen.Many drops may

freeze 8 to form balls of ice;these ice balls,or hailstones,then 9

to earth.


During the storm in Dubuque,the strong winds lifted small frogs from nearby

ponds(池塘) 10 the air along with raindrops.When some of these frogs

became covered with ice,both hailstones and“frog-stones”fell onto the ground.












Recently, I felt like I reached a very low point in life. My relationships weren't good, I

wasn't enjoying my classes, and I felt like I had nothing to 1 .My life seemed to

be full of endless homework, tests and loneliness. Nothing anyone said seemed 2

to me. I wasn't sure what to do about myself. All I wanted was to be happy again, but

I didn't know who or what would 3 that.

During these days, I had trouble sleeping. I had to take sleeping pills but still woke up

in the midnight. I had no 4 but to tell my dad. He 5 the book The Secret. I


bought the e-book online and read the whole thing that night. I'm 6 quite a

stubborn person, but the effect on my mood after finishing the book was 7 .

Suddenly, I felt like life was beautiful again. I had never felt such a deep and

quick 8 in my life before.

In fact, the book's message was very simple—think positively(积极地).The book had

many success stories about how people were able to 9 money, soul mates(心灵伙伴)and old friends back into their lives. I started learning to thank everything in my

life like them. Little by little, I realized that The Secret could only work 10 I

believed these people's success stories.

Now I'm sure I can bring myself happiness.

16. A. take care of B. come up with


B. blind









C.why D.if

C.dead D.real

C.sky D.building

C.dogs D.birds

C.began D.forgot

C.weekly D.common

C.changed D.caught

C.so D.almost

C.keep D.fall

C.after D.by

C. look down on


D. look forward to

17. A. helpful

18. A. serve

19. A. problem

20. A. borrowed

21. A. normally

22. A. realistic

23. A. breath

24. A. attract

25. A. until


B. colourful

B. offer

B. idea

B. collected

B. mainly

B. common

B. notice

B. control

B. When

C. peaceful

C. answer

C. need

C. returned

C. finally

C. obvious

C. surprise

C. imagine

C. unless

D. powerful

D. prevent

D. doubt

D. recommended

D. probably

D. serious

D. change

D. mention

D. before

My parents have always loved everything ab out India, so a year ago we went on

holiday there. It’s a wonderful 1 with beautiful scenes and interesting people .

However, I didn’t enjoy Indian 2 very much.

On the second day we planned to see an old palace. At the 3 they said. “If you

go by train, it’ll take you only two hours to get there.” However, the hot 4 took

over four hours. I was very 5 when we got there , so we had some rice and

vegetables with bread in a small restaurant. We were 6 to find it was quite nice.

I wasn’t full up though and I saw a man nearby eating some little meatballs.

I said to my dad, “I’ve been eating rice all week. Can I have some meatballs please?”

Well, they looked delicious so I ate the first one very 7 . I was just putting the

second one in my mouth when I felt myself 8 —my mouth was on fire! I started

to cough(咳嗽)and there were tears (泪水)in my eyes. I couldn’t 9 how spicy

(辛辣的) it was!

I drank about ten glasses of water but the worst thing was everyone was laughing at

me. You couldn’t make me eat another Indian meatball for all the 10 in the


1.A. town

2.A. food

3.A. palace

4 .A. sail

5. A. hungry


7.A. quietly

8.A. burning

9.A. feel

10. A. diet

B. city

B. scenes

B. hotel

B. walk

B. curious

B. surprised

B. easily

B. watering

B. believe

B. luck

C. country D. restaurant

C. people D. costumes

C. airport D. entrance

C. drive D. ride

C. cheerful D. nervous

C. bored D. tired

C. quickly D. gently

C. crying D. smiling

C. think D. know

C. time D. money



Evelyn Glennie was the first lady of solo percussion in Scotland. In an interview, she

talked about how she became a percussion soloist(打击乐器独奏演员)in spite of


“Early on I decided not to allow the 1 of others to stop me from becoming a

musician. I grew up on a farm in northeast Scotland and began 2 piano lessons

when I was eight. The older I got, the more my passion(酷爱)for music grew. But I

also began to lose my 3 . Doctors told me that the nerve damage(神经损伤)

was the 4 and by age twelve, I was completely deaf. But my love for music

never left me.”

“My 5 was to become a percussion soloist, even though there were none at

that time. To perform, I learned to ‘hear’ music differently from others. I play in my

stocking feet and can 6 the pitch of a note(音调高低)by the vibrations(振动)I feel through my body and through my imagination. My sound world exists by

making use of almost every 7 that I have.”

“I decided to be a musician even though I was deaf, and applied to the famous

Royal Academy of Music in London. No other deaf student had 8 this before

and some teachers disagreed with me. Because of my performance, I finally entered

the academy and went on to 9 with the academy’s highest honors a few years


“I’ve been a soloist for more than ten years. 10 the doctor thought I was

totally deaf, it didn’t mean that my passion couldn’t be realized. I would encourage

people not to allow themselves to be limited by others. Follow your passion; follow

your heart. They will lead you to the place you want to go.”

1.A. conditions B. opinions C. advantages D. commendations

2.A. enjoying B. choosing C. taking D. giving

3.A. sight B. hearing C. touch D. taste

4.A. evidence B. result C. excuse D. cause

5.A. job B. opinion C. promise D. goal

6.A. tell B. see C. hear D. smell

7.A. feeling B. effort C. sense D. idea

8.A. done B. accepted C. advised D. refused

9.A. study B. offer C. graduate D. educate

10.A. As B. Although C. Because D. Since


Natural resources are things that we use that come from Earth. Out natural resources

are limited(有限的). This means that they will not 1 forever. Some are

renewable, like when you plant a new tree when you 2 one down. Others are

not renewable, like when you dig coal(煤)out of the 3 . Once it is used, it is



People realize the 4 that Earth’s natural resources are limited, and can do

things to help Conserve(节约)those resources. 5 you try to conserve a natural

resource, you try to use less of it, so it does not get used up so 6 . One way that

people conserve fuel, like gasoline, is by riding a bicycle or walking when

the 7 is short instead of driving everywhere.

Water is a very important natural resource because we all need it to stay 8 .

We can conserve water 9 making sure that our pipes and taps do not leak(漏). We can also make 10 choices to conserve water, like only using the

dishwasher or washing machine when they are full. Everyone can make

contributions to protecting natural resources.

1. A. last B. spread C. burn D. change

2. A. turn B. cut C. put D. move

3. A. station B. building C. ground D. brick

4. A. news B. plan C. decision D. fact

5. A. When B. Although C. Whatever D. Whether

6. A. slowly B. hard C. regularly D. fast

7. A. money B. space C. place D. distance

8. A. alive B. alone C. asleep D. awake

9. A. about B. for C. by D. with

10. A. generous B. funny C. wise D. surprising


Jenny was a nurse in a children’s hospital. One evening there was a big dance at the

hospital. Most of the doctors and nurses would be there, but of cause them had to

be 15 to look after the children. Jenny was not among the 16 ones who

were free to go to the dance. She enjoyed dancing very much ,so when she had to

start 17 that evening while her friends were getting ready to go to the dance,she

felt very 18 for herself. She went to each sick child one after another and said

good night. 19 she came to a little boy called Tommy. Tommy was only 11

years old ,but he already talked like an 20 . Poor Tommy had a very serious

illness,and now he was hardly able to 21 any part of his body except his hands.

But he was always happy and always thinking about others instead of himself.

When Jenny came up to his bed, he said, “I’m very sorry that you have


to 22 the dance because of us. But we’re going to have a party for you. If you

look in my 23 , you’ll find a piece of cake. I saved it from my supper today, so

it’s quite 24 ” “And I’d get up and dance with you myself if I was able to,”he


Suddenly the hospital dance seemed very far away and not at all important to Jenny.

15. A. allowed B. invited C. left D. made

16. A. lucky B. active C. jealous D. wise

17. A. dancing B. working C. drinking D. relaxing

18. A. grateful B. happy C. sorry D. proud

19. A. Lucky B. Hopefully C. Firstly D. Finally

20. A. actor B. alien C. angel D. adult

21. A. touch B. wave C. move D. clean

22. A. miss B. attend C. forget D. host

23. A. dustbin B. drawer C. wallet D. bed

24. A. rare B. sweet C. tasty D. fresh


"You know, Ann," my friend Nick said, "Lisa and Anita were just talking about you." I

immediately got __11__. "They said that you join the Students Union just because the

teacher likes you, not because you are excellent."

I __12__ to keep myself from crying, getting down to my knees. After Nick told me

everything my supposed best friends said about me, I felt I was __13__.

Lisa and Anita came in, acting as if (好像) __14__ had happened. Lisa was still my

deskmate and Anita was still my partner for our history project. I was __15__ that

they were able to pretend we had the perfect friendship. __16__ they'd said such

hurtful things.

I felt like I didn't have a friend in the world, all because of rumor (谣言).

The tongue can be our worst __17__. Rumors do harm to friendship. They are like

sharp knives, breaking one's dignity (尊严) into pieces. When we say __18__ things

abut others, we're hurting their hearts.

So how was I to act next? I thought of __19__ them back. But instead, I told them

directly they had hurt me. Lisa started __20__ and Anita was speechless. I knew they

were both sorry for what they had said. They said sorry to me, and I forgave them

__21__ I was still unhappy. Sure, things were a little embarrassing (尴尬的) at first,


but soon enough everything was back to the way it had been before. I still __22__

rumors from time to time. Talking about others is a part of our life, but the more I

learn about the friendship, the more I realize the importance of tolerating others.

11. A. relaxed B. nervous C. scared D. energetic

12. A. struggled B. decided C. continued D. preferred

13. A. different B. wrong C. sick D. alone

14. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing

15. A. surprised B. satisfied C. frightened D. worried

16. A. simply B. especially C. obviously D. probably

17. A. criminal B. victim C. suspect D. enemy

18. A. unpopular B. unlucky C. unkind D. unusual

19. A. attacking B. arguing C. bringing D. pulling

20. A. shouting B. keeping C. fighting D. crying

21. A. because B. although C. after D. unless

22. A. play with B. agree with C. deal with D. help with









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