

成长故事·StoriesBlackbeard The Pirate海盗传奇 ——黑胡子

扫一扫,听音频Kate Follett / 文

潘麟之 / 译The Man Behind The StoriesPicture a

pirate in your mind. Do you think of a

cartoon pirate with a beard, an eye patch


and a parrot? Three hundred years ago, real pirates

did sail the seas. One pirate had a name that scared

everyone. He was known as Blackbeard.

Blackbeard’s real name was Edward Teach. He

was born in England about 1680. When he was old


enough, Edward learned to sail a ship.

England was at war with Spain(西班牙).

Edward joined the crew of a ship that


enemy ships(敌船)to help the English navy(海军).

Soon, he decided it would be better to join a pirate

crew, instead.

The leader of the pirate crew Hornigold put


in charge of a pirate ship. They attacked so

many other ships that everyone was afraid of them.

Why Did Sailors Become Pirates

In those days, sailors worked very hard but

made very little money. When a country was at war,

any ship might be hired(雇用) to attack and steal

enemy ships. It was dangerous work. The hired

sailors were paid a small

reward for the ships or

treasure they took. Pirates could attack any ship—even one from their own country. Pirates could keep

all the ships and treasure for themselves!

One day near the Caribbean(加勒比海),

Edward and his pirate crew took over a large, fast,

French ship that they had

captured. The pirate

leader gave the ship to Edward as a reward. Edward

was very excited and added more cannons(加农炮)to make it a very dangerous ship. Then he gave his

ship a new name—the Queen Anne’s Revenge.

The Queen Anne’s Revenge and Edward soon

became very famous. No ship wanted to see the fast

ship and its black pirate flag

chasing them. Edward

was now Blackbeard, the pirate.

Blackbeard Ruled The Sea

Blackbeard scared everyone who saw him.

It was said that he was a huge man with a thick,

braided(编成辫子的), black beard. He stuck

burning fuses()in his beard so it looked as

if his beard was on fire.

Blackbeard soon had four fast ships and a crew of

over 350 men. In 1718, his four ships sailed to Charleston,

South Carolina(南卡罗来纳州,查尔斯顿). They


robbed every ship sailing in and out of Charleston.

Sailing a large ship close to the land is hard to

do. The water isn’t very deep. One day, Blackbeard,

his four ships, and all of his men were sailing

home with their treasure. Blackbeard sailed


Queen Anne’s Revenge too close to the land. His ship

got stuck in the sand near a

coastal town called

Beaufort(博福特). Blackbeard told his men to

move the treasure onto the other ships. He dropped

off many of his men on a nearby island and sailed

away himself, taking the loot(掠夺品)with him.

Had he

wrecked his ship on purpose so he could

keep the treasure for himself?

来纳州的查尔斯顿,把港内所有船只洗劫一空。驾驶一艘大船靠近浅水区的陆地不容易。一天,满载珠宝的“安妮女王复仇号”在回程的路上,由于离陆地太近,遭遇了搁浅。黑胡子和他的手下不得不将船停靠在一个叫博福特的海滨小镇。他下令将财宝转移到其他船只,自己和心腹乘机离开。他们不仅带走了掠夺品,还将大部分同伴遗弃在孤岛上。这是不是故意设计搁浅,然后独吞财宝呢?Blackbeard’s Capture

For a time, it seemed that Blackbeard had

stopped being a pirate. He got married and bought

a house. People around Caribbean stopped worrying

about him.

Blackbeard soon went back to his old life,

though. He went to the sea in his last ship, the


Adventure. Blackbeard began attacking other ships


The governor(总督)of Virginia was tired of

Blackbeard’s attacks. He sent a fighting ship called

the Ranger to find and capture Blackbeard. One

morning, the crew of

the Ranger saw

the Adventure

near the island of Ocracoke(奥克拉科克).

The two ships fought, firing their cannons for

many hours. In the heavy smoke from the cannon


the Ranger’s crew hid so it seemed as though

they had been killed.

Blackbeard thought he had won, so he climbed


the Ranger.

The Ranger’s crew jumped out

from their hiding places and the fight continued.

Blackbeard fought hard, but

the Ranger had too

many men. He was shot five times before he finally


The Ranger’s crew threw Blackbeard’s body into

the sea.

Blackbeard’s true story may be behind the

colorful pirates in many books and movies. The

next time you hear a pirate story, remember one of

the real pirates in history—Blackbeard!

他船只。弗吉尼亚州的总督痛恶黑胡子的袭击。他派遣一艘名为“漫游者号”的战舰,决心捉拿黑胡子。一天早上,船员在奥克拉科克附近发现了“冒险者号”的踪迹。双方展开激战,持续了好几个小时。在火炮滚滚浓烟的掩护下,“漫游者号”玩起了空城计,船员纷纷藏起来,看上去就像被打死了一样。黑胡子自以为稳操胜券,爬上了敌船。结果,“漫游者号”的船员们从藏身之处跳出来,继续战斗。尽管黑胡子试图杀出重围,无奈寡不敌众。他连中五,在不甘中死去。船员把他的尸体扔进了大海。黑胡子的真实故事一直被改编成各类电影及小说。下次你若是再听到任何关于海盗的故事,别忘了这位历史上真正的海盗——黑胡子!pirate /ˈpaɪərət/n.

海盗I painted a pirate ship.


crew /kruː/ n. 全体船员The surviving

crew members were five.幸存的船员有五人。attack /ə'tæk/ v.


reward /rɪ'wɔːd/ n.

奖赏The enemy

attacked our airport last night.敌人昨晚攻击了我们的机场。

生词好句Don’t give children sweets as a reward for being good.

不要因为孩子表现好,就给他们糖果作为奖赏。capture /'kæptʃə/ v.

俘获;夺得chase /tʃeɪs/ v.

追逐;追赶They captured the last city.他们攻占了最后一座城市。

The cat is chasing a mouse.


coastal / kəustəl/ adj.

海滨的;沿海的wreck /rek/ v.

破坏;使……失事She left her coastal house to me.她把海边住宅留给了我。The weather wrecked all our plans.


考点详解in charge of

和in the charge of的区别In charge of

指“掌管;负责”,主语通常是人,表示某人主动掌管某物或某事。如:1)I’m in

charge of twenty-five workers.我管理25名工人。2)I’m in charge of the export department.

我负责出口部。;由……负责”,主语通常不是人,表示某物或某事被掌管、负责。In the charge of

指“由……掌管如:1)This class is in the charge of an experienced teacher.

这个班由一位经验丰富的老师负责。2)The project is in the charge of an experienced worker.

这项工程是由一位有经验的工人负责。Writers usually write for a purpose:

to inform (to give information)to entertain (to make people laugh)to persuade (to make someone think the same way you do)我来挑战During the reading, when you find a strong example of the evidence

supporting one of the purposes, write them down.

不同文章可能有不同的写作目的,但通常有以下三种:1)告知读者某些信息;2)娱乐读者,让人发笑;3)说服读者接受某种观点。在阅读过程中,注意思考作者不同的写作目的。本文写作的主要目的是什么?告知、娱乐还是说服?18The main purpose of this book is to two ships fought, firing their cannons for many hours.


The governor of Virginia sent a fighting ship called

the Ranger to find and capture

To inform:

Had he wrecked his ship on purpose so he could keep the treasure for himself?

He stuck burning fuses() in his beard so it looked as if his beard was on fire.

To entertain:


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标签:海盗   船只   船员   负责
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