


1、 Ultimate

1、 第一位:Ultimate

n. 终极;根本;基本原则

adj. 最终的;极限的;根本的

From the Latin, this means the last in a list of items. But it’s so widely used to indicate the best; agoogle search for “ultimate phone” gives 307 million hits. I’d argue that the last phone has yet tobe made. This is probably the most misused word on

the Internet; type “ultimate” into google andthousands of hits come up, pretty much all of them using it as “the best”. However, for a change,this is the ultimate entry in this list.

在拉丁语中,它用于表示列表中的最后一项,但却经常被用来形容“最好的”。在谷歌引擎上搜索“ultimate phone最好的电话”的次数高达30700万。对此我坚持认为是“最后一通电话”。该词可能是网上误用最多的单词了。在谷歌中输入“ultimate”,会出现上千个搜索结果,但大多数都把它用作“最好的”。不过,换个话题说,这的确是本文最后一个词目了。



vt. 十中抽一,取十分之一;大批杀害

Decimation was a Roman punishment where one in ten me

n was killed. So when something isdecimated, it implies that ten percent of it is destroyed.

“Devastate” is almost certainly a betterword for most usages

and yet: “New York City budget will decimate libraries”.

“Decimation”曾用来形容古罗马的一项刑罚:十个人中死一个。所以当 “decimate”用于形容一件事情时,它意味着毁灭了十分之一的程度。“纽约市的预算将会毁掉图书馆”中的“decimate毁掉”一词用“Devastate”更合适。所以相对来说,“Devastate”更常用。



adj. 无私的;公正的;冷漠的;廉洁的

v. 使不再有利害关系;使无兴趣(disinterest的过去分词)

Does “disinterested” mean the same as “uninterested”? No. Here’s an example of misuse:

“TomTom Disinterested in Windows Phone 7 Too?”.

“Disinterested” means that a party isindependent; so a dispute might be settled by a disinterested party.

“Uninterested” means theparty has no interest.

“I asked John if he wanted to go to the cricket, but he was completelyuninterested.”






n. 帕那刻亚(古希腊医药女神);万灵药;灵丹妙药

“Panacea” means a cure all; it comes from the same Greek root as “panorama”. It shouldn’t beused to imply a cure for a single thing, and yet here is a newspaper saying:

“SOUTH AFRICA:Welfare payments – a panacea for poverty?”

“panacea”意指包治百病的灵药,它与希腊语“panorama全景”含有同一词根。它不能用来形容对单一事物的,而有家报纸上却说“南非:社会福利——穷人的 “a panacea”一种灵丹?”



adv. 逐字地;照字面地;确实地,真正地;[口语]差不多,简直(用于加强语..)

This is such a widely known misused word that examples are less common, as most people knowto avoid the term – which

should be used to describe something that is actually happening (forexample,

“He literally danced with joy.”) but should not be used for emphasis (“Steam was literallycoming out of his ears.”) This example quotes a, now deceased, reverend gentleman who seemedto rejoice in, frankly, daft opinions, including one about a “literal homosexual steamroller”:

这个词被错误使用的频率相当高,但大多人都选择词避而不用,因而错用实例不多。它本用来描述正在发生的某事,如,“他正高兴的手舞足蹈”。但是不能被用作强调,如“蒸汽确实从他的耳朵里冒出来。”坦白的说,这个例子形容已故绅士享受“literal homosexual steamroller(“正要扑倒对方的同性恋”)的愚蠢画面。



adj. 慢性的;长期的;习惯性的

Chronic is originally a medical term meaning “long term”; it has the same root as “chronometer”.Someone suffering from chronic pain has long term pain. It’s often used to mean “very bad”

– infact “acute” should be used instead. Despite that, it’s easy to find recent examples: “O’Brien: INMin ‘chronic’ state”.

“Chronic” 原为医学术语,意指“长期”,它与

“chronometer精密计时器” 含有相同的词根。如“患慢性病的人,承受着长期痛苦。”但它却常被用于形容“严重的”— 事实上, 应该用 “acute”一词来替代。除了这个错用之外,还有其他的事例,如最近的奥伯里恩说道“INM 为一种慢性病。



n. 较少;较小

prep. 减去;少掉;不足

adj. 较少的;较小的

adv. 较少地;较小地;更小地

Less is used when comparing quantities that can’t be counted; for example,

“I’d like less milk.” Ifyou’re comparing quantities (like bagels, for example) then “fewer” should be used. But you don’twin many competitions with a tie break if you point out that “25

words or less” should actually be“25 words or fewer.” The an

tonyms “more than” and “greater than” get similarly mmers will know the comparison operators are referred to as “greater than and less than”; itshould really be “greater than and fewer than”.

“Less” 用于形容不可数名词,如“我想喝一点牛奶。”如果形容可数名词,如百吉饼之类,这时,那就应该用 “fewer”。 但如果你比赛平局时你指出“25字或less(更少)”其实就是 “25字或fewer(更少)。”这种误用同样也出现在反义词 “more than” 和

“greater than”。程序员知道指代

“greaterthan and less than(比。。。大,比。。。小)”的比较运算符实为 “greater than and fewerthan(比。。。大,比。。。小)”。



n. 巨大;暴行;极恶

“Enormity” means “extreme evil”, but it’s often used to mean “enormousness”. US President,George HW Bush missed this one when he said after being elected that he “Couldn’t believe theenormity of the situation.” A perfect example of irony (which, in the context I have just used it, iscorrect).




n. 瞬间;立即;片刻

adj. 立即的;紧急的;紧迫的

Nowadays, it’s almost universally assumed that “instant” actually means “quickly” or “withoutintervention.” Obviously, it doesn’t. It actually refers to a precise moment in time. Google Instant isa good example of this word being abused.




vt. 反驳,驳斥;驳倒

“Refute” means to “disprove with evidence” and yet it’s commonly used, even by professionalwriters, to mean “rebut” which carries a similar meaning but isn’t quite so strong,

as it can alsomean “argue against.” The example here (“Simon Cowell refutes ‘scandalous’ claims he helpedbillionaire hide assets from wife he was divorcing”) is from a recent Daily Mail

article. For thoseoutside the UK, the Daily Mail is a newspaper which regularly rages against falling educationalstandards. A special mention to Sarah Palin who invented a new word “refudiate”; the usagesuggests she meant repudiate.


“反驳”之意,但“rebut”的语气不如 “refute”强。有个例子来自近期的每日邮报文章:西蒙?科威尔 “refute驳斥” “丑闻”,声称他帮百万富翁私藏财产,躲过前妻视线。对于那些没有生活在英国的人来说,每日邮报只是个不定时抱怨一下教育水平下降的报纸。值得一提的是,莎拉?佩林创建了新词汇“refudiate(否认)”, 用法等同于


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