



1. 动词现在分词单独作定语,通常放在所修饰词前。例如

The sleeping boy is Tom.

2. 现在分词短语作定语放在所修饰词的后面,意思同定语从句差不多。例如 :

Tell the children playing outside not to make too much noise. = Tell the children who are playing outside not to

make too much noise.

3. 现在分词可相当于非限制性定语,常用逗号分开。例如:

Tom, wearing beautiful clothes, followed me down the hill. = Tom, who is wearing beautiful clothes, followed

me down the hill.

4. 有时现在分词可以和副词或名词构成复合词作定语。例如:

This is an English-speaking country.


现在分词作表语多表示主语的特征。如amusing, discouraging, puzzling, refreshing, astonishing, exciting 等。例如:

The story is moving.


We all found his equipment interesting. (主表关系)

I saw Mary going upstairs then. (主谓关系)


现在分词作状语,其逻辑主语一般是句中的主语,如果不是,需在V-ing 形式前加名词或代词主格作逻辑主语。

1. 作原因状语,相当于原因状语从句。例如:

Being ill, Mary didn't come to school yesterday.

2. 作时间状语,相当于时间状语从句。例如:

Seeing their teacher coming, the students stopped talking.


While waiting for the plane, I had a long talk with Simon.

3. 作条件状语。

V-ing 形式作条件状语时,相当于一个条件状语从句。例如:

Working harder, you'll be No. 1 in your class.

4. 作让步状语,相当于让步状语从句。例如:

Weighing almost two hundred jin, the stone was moved by him alone.

5. 作结果状语。例如:

He died, leaving nothing but debts.

6. 作伴随状语或方式状语。例如:

He sat by the roadside, begging.

(五) 现在分词的完成式表示它发生在主句谓语动词表示的动作之前。例如 :

Having finished his homework, he left the classroom.

(六) 现在分词的被动式

当句子的主语是动作的承受者时,用V-ing 形式的被动式。例如:

The factory being built now is a big one.

(七) 现在分词的否定形式是由“not + 现在分词”构成。例如:


Not having been invited to the party, she had to stay home.


pictures___ very interesting. A. is B. are C. to be D. be

2.______ the bad news made him cry. A. Hear B. Heard C. Hearing D. Is hearing

3._____ a desert had always been a risk adventure.

A. being crossed B. Having crossed C. Crossing D. To have crossed

he came , I’d finished _______ the whole book.

A. to read B. to have read C. reading D. read

5. I always enjoy ____ to popular music at night.

A. to listen B. listening C. that I can listen D. if I can listen

are considering ________ a trip around the island.

A. take b. to take C. to be taking D. taking

7.I hope you don’t mind ____ at your newspaper.

A. I look B. my looking C. I looking D. my to look

a man’s heart stops ______ , he dies.

A. to beat B. beating C. beat D. beaten

9.I can’t help _______ he is still alive.

A. thinking B. think C. to think D. thought of

far as I am concerned , I prefer reading ________ .

A. than meat B. for joy C. instead of sleeping D to drinking

11. It goes without _______ that knowledge is important.

A. talking B. telling C. saying D. mentioning

12. We are looking forward ______ our friends next week.

A. to see B. to seeing C. to be seeing D. shall see

spent a lot of money _____ books and magazines.

A. buy B. buying C. to buy D. bought

silkworm is an insect worth _____.

A. to know B. knowing C. to be known D. being known

went out without ______ good-bye to us.

A. say B. to say C. saying D. being said

curious student kept on _______ questions.

A. asks B. asking C. to ask D. asked

is such a strange person; there’s _____ what he’ll do next.

A. no knowing B. not to know C. not known D. being unknown

she heard the bad news, she burst______.

A. into crying B. out to tears C. crying D. out crying

19. You must never cross the street without _

A. waiting B/ to wait C. waiting for D. to wait for

20. Scientists succeed _____ protein out of old newspapers.

A. to make B. at making C. making D. in making

21.I became ______ after watching too much television.

A. bored B. boring C. bore D. bores

22.I felt ____ by his interest in my new invention.

A. encourage B to encourage C. was encouraged D. encouraged

sat there ______ a novel.


A. read B. reading C. reads D. had read

24. Don’t wake up the______ child.

A. sleep B. slept C. sleeping D. sleepy

25.A proverb goes: “A ___ stone gathers no moss.”

A. roll B. rolling C. rolled D. rolls

heavy rain kept us _____ for two hours.

A. wait B. waited C. waiting D. to wait

27.I found a dog ______ over by a car on the road.

A. to run B. run C. ran D. running

28. We found the baby ____ on the floor.

A. slept B. sleep C. asleep D. sleeping

saw a woman ______ near the dog , so he walked up to her.

A. stood B. stands C. to stand D. standing

got their car ____ at the garage.

A. be washed B. washed C. being washed D. to have been washed

31. _____ with his report , I told him to write it all over again.

A. Dissatisfactory B. Not being satisfied C. Having not satisfied D. Dissatisfying

32._____ our shoes in our hands , we crossed the stream.

A. To carry B. Carrying C. Carried D. Carry

33._____ my homework, I went home .

A. Having finished B. Finished C. Being finished D. Finish

34.____ the door unlocked, I went in.

A. Finding B. Found C. Had found D. Have found

35.______ a careless fellow, he forget all about it.

A. Is B. Be C. Being D. Was

36._____ carefully, this letter is very beautiful

A. Type B. Typing C. Typed D. To typed

s can do many amazing things when properly___.

A. train B. training C. trained D. to train

38. You must be careful when ___ on the highway.

A. you driving B. are driving C. driving D. you were driving

_____ , I will go to the party tonight.

A. invite B. inviting C. to invite D. invited

nds of products ____ from coal are now in daily use.

A. made B. make C. making D. to make

s are machines ___ power or motion.

A. produce B. producing C. produced D. which producing

this battle some soldiers were wounded , and some _____.

A. miss B. missed C. missing D. to miss

43Weather ____ , we will have a picnic tomorrow.

A. permit B. permits C. permitted D. permitting

vacation ____ over , the students came back to school. A. is B. are C. was D. being

45.____, we left off our work.

A. After setting the sun B. Having set the sun C. The sun having set D. Being the sun set.

46.___ the painting, he gave a sigh of relief.


A. Finishing B. Has finished C. Being finished D. Having finished

47.___ the way to take, the traveller went on his journey.

A. Telling B. Having told C. Having been told D. Have told

United States has developed into a modern nation in a very short time___ with many other countries.

A. compares B. comparing C. to compare D. compared

you find something in your writing that needs _____ , you should mark it on the paper.

A. to be correcting B. correct C. to correct D. correcting

of us objected to ____ George to the birthday party.

A. invite B. inviting C. have invited D. invited


1. I can’t stand ________ with Jane in the same office. She just refuses ________talking while she was working.

A. working; stopping B. to work; stopping C. working; to stop D. to work; to stop

2. Don’t sit there ________nothing. Come and help me with this table.

A. do B. to do C. doing D. and doing

3. The wild flower looked like a soft orange blanket ________the desert.

A. covering B. covered C. cover D. to cover

4. Tom’s never willing to alter any of his opinions. It’s no use ________with him.

A. to argue B. arguing C. argued D. having argued

5. The storm left, ________a lot of damage to this area.

A. caused B. to have caused C. to cause D. having caused

6.________ , the more expensive the camera, the better its quality.

A. General speaking B. Speaking general

C. Generally speaking D. Speaking generally

7. “You can’t catch me!” Jane shouted, ________away.

A. run B. running C. to run D. ran

8. I couldn’t do my homework with all that noise________.

A. going on B. goes on C. went on D. to go on

9. He got well-prepared for the job interview, for he couldn’t risk________ the good opportunity.

A. to lose B. losing C. to be lost D. being lost

10.________for many years, the two brothers can’t recognize each other.

A. Being separated B. Having separated

C. Having been separated D. To be separated

11. The manager, ________it clear to us that he didn’t agree with us, left the meeting room.

A. who has made B. having made C. made D. making

12. I really can’t understand ________her like that.

A. you treat B. you to treat C. why treat D. you treating

13. Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and ________ jokes.

A. turning up B. putting up C. making up D. showing up

14. Reading is an experience quite different from watching TV; there are pictures______ in your mind instead of

before your eyes!

A. to form B. form C. forming D. having formed

15. Don’t leave the water ________while you brush your teeth.

A. run B. running C. being run D. to run

16. According to a recent survey, children spend up to 25 hours a week ________ TV.

A. to watch B. to watching C. watching D. watch


17. The man insisted ________a taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearby.

A. find B. to find C. on finding D. in finding

18. Having been ill in bed for nearly a month, he had a hard time________ the exam.

A. pass B. to pass C. passed D. passing

19. He looked around and caught a man________ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.

A. put B. to be putting C. to put D. putting

20. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found________ in the kitchen.

A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked

21. The discovery of new evidence led to________.

A. the thief having caught B. catch the thief C. the thief being caught D. the thief to be caught

22. I couldn’t find my key to the car when ________home.

A. leaving B. to leave C. left D. having left

23. Though________ money, his parents managed to send him to university.

A. lacked B. lacking of C. lacking D. lacked in

24.________to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin.

A. Exposed B. Having exposed C. Being exposed D. After being exposed

25. I really appreciate________ to relax with you on this nice island.

A. to have had time B. having time C. to have time D. to having time

26. One learns a language by making mistakes and ________ them.

A. correct B. correcting C. corrects D. to correct

27. Mr Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to________ some schools for poor children.

A. set up B. setting up C. have set up D. having set up

28. Sometimes new ideas have to be tested many times before________ .

A. accept fully B. fully accepting C. fully been accepted D. being fully accepted

29.________this, you should have no trouble with the difficult work.

A. Knowing B. If you are knowing C. From knowing D. If you had known

30. Never________ faith in himself, the scientist went on with his research.

A. losing B. to lose C. lose D. to be lost

31.________made her very happy.

A. Her parents will come B. Her parents to come C. Her parents came D. Her parents’ coming

32. The________ girl was last seen________ near the park.

A. missing; playing B. missing; play

C. missed; play D. missed; to play

33. Tony was very unhappy for________ to the party.

A. having not been invited B. not having invited

C. having not invited D. not having been invited

34. When he was young, he used to go there and watch________ .

A. to repair bikes B. bikes to be repaired

C. bikes being repaired D. repairing bikes

35. After the party, the children were allowed to finish off the________ sandwiches and cakes.

A. remaining B. rest C. leaving D. remained

36. A policeman reported________ an old lady risk________ very fast on the highway.

A. to see; driving B. seeing; driving C. to see; drive D. to see; driven

37. I really appreciate________ to help me, but I am sure that I can manage by myself.

A. your offering B. that you offer C. you to offer D. that you are offering


38. What worried the boy most was________ to go to school.

A. his not allowing B. his not being allowed

C. his being not allowed D. having not been allowed

39. Slowly she opened the letter,________ .

A. her hands slightly trembling B. trembling her hands slightly

C. her hands trembled slightly D. slightly her hands were trembled

40. —What do you think of the book?

—Oh, excellent. It’s worth________ a second time.

A. to read B. to be read C. reading D. being read

41. It was___ computer games that took the boy a lot of time that he ought to have spent on his lessons.

A. to have played B. playing C. played D. having played

42. The old man told the story in a________ voice and the little girl felt very ________.

A. frightening; frightened B. frightened; frightening

C. frightening; frightening D. frightened; frightened

43. How many of us_______ , say, a meeting that has nothing to with us is not important at all.

A. to attend B. attending C. have attend D. attend

44. —Did you tell her the news?

—No, of course not.

—But________ from what she said, she must have known about it.

A. judge B. judged C. being judged D. judging

45. He sat________ to her________ the stairs.

A. to listen; to climb B. to listen; climb C. listening; climb D. listening; to climb

46.________of danger in the street at night, she had to go home, with a friend________ her.

A. Warned; followed B. Warning; following

C. Having warned; following D. Having been warned; followed

47.________full preparations, we decided to put off the meeting till next week.

A. Not being made B. Having not made

C. Making not D. Not having made

48.________to give up smoking, he threw away his________ cigarettes.

A. Determined; remained B. Determined; remaining

C. Determining; remained D. Determining; remaining

49. Have you forgotten________ a ruler from Betty? Please remember________ it to her tomorrow.

A. borrowing; to return B. borrowing; returning

C. to borrow; to return D. to borrow; returning

50. —We didn’t find the Blacks________ the lecture.

—No one had told them about________ a lecture the following day.

A. attended; there to be B. attending; there being

C. attend; there was D. to attend; there be


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