高考英语外刊专项突破之完形填空:Is massacring an invasive

2023年12月29日发(作者:假面骑士black sun)

Is massacring an invasive species a virtuous sport?





原文节选:The New Yorker



Rachel Bowman is a diver who specializes in the hunting, catching, and killing of

lionfish(狮子鱼), a species 1.________ Indo-Pacific waters. Lionfish have also long

been popular in aquariums. Tens of thousands of American homes have them in

saltwater tanks. Lionfish spend their days 2.________in the water, which makes them

particularly well suited to the job of being looked at.

At some point in the past half century, somewhere in the warmer latitudes of the

Western Hemisphere, lionfish jumped from aquariums to natural salt water. Lionfish

have succeeded 3.________in their new environment—there are now many millions

of them in the Western Atlantic—and this is bad news: they are destructive to native

species, 4.________other sea creatures and upending the equilibrium of reef life.

Although there is an 5.________conservation benefit to eliminating lionfish,

Bowman does not think of herself 6.________as an environmentalist. She sees her

targets as invaders, and considers it her job to 7.________them.

“What you're hunting isn't prey— it's the 8.________” she told me, adding,

“Isn't it nice to be on the side of the good 9.________?”She also appreciates the fact

that there are no 10.________about lionfish killing. “No bag limits, sex limits, sea-sons limits, boat limits, gear limits,”she said. “Lionfish is the only species that is

one- hundred-per-cent wide open."

Hunting them is a 11.________to an era when you could go into the water and

come out of it with whatever you wanted—to an era, paradoxically, before

conservation measures were needed. Their goal is a 12.________, usable ecosystem:

killing a lionfish saves a yellow tail snapper that, in turn, can be caught for dinner.

Hunting lionfish is 13.________but labor-intensive. They won't chase a hook, and a

dragnet is impractical, because it would snag on the reefs where they live.

Lionfish must be killed one by one, with a pole spear. There are many

14.________on these poles—three-foot, sevenfoot, three-pronged, five-pronged—and

they have such names as the Lionfish Buster and the Lionator. In the past two decades,

many divers have made hunting lionfish their 15.________, but nobody appears to

have done it with the 16.________of Bowman. In the ten years that she has been

diving, she has gone out roughly three times a week.

An image of a lionfish spear is 17.________on her arm. On the Internet, there is a

photograph of Bowman holding a pole spear studded with more than a dozen freshly

killed lionfish—a gaudy fish kebab. Lionfish can be 18.________: their spines

contain one of the most powerful neurotoxin in the 19.________world; their Mohawk

is venomous, as are the two spikes on their pelvic fins and the three by their anal

glands. Like most lionfish hunters, Bowman has been stung repeatedly—at least thirty

times, she told me. She wears gloves when she dives, but that makes

20.________difference. “You can tell me you have a puncture-proof glove, blah blah

blah,” she said. “But I'm gonna laugh at you."

1. A. curious about B. native to

2. A. hovering

C. aware of D. careful with

B. preventing C. adopting D. analyzing

B. strangely ly

B. working C. satisfying

D. likely

D. devouring

3. A. instead

4. A. learning

5. A. convenient

6. ally

7. A. lock

B. obvious C. awkward D. exciting

ically tely D. primarily

B. repair C. repel D. grasp

8. A. animal

9. A. places

B. enemy C. wildlife D. friend

B. actions s

D. productions

D. entertainment

D. admitted

10. A. regulations B. communications C. operations

11. ack ation C. comeback

12. A. realized

13. A. flexible

14. A. path

B. balanced C. agreed

B. starting ying D. comfortable

B. position C. direction ion

15. A. obsession

16. ality

17. A. lifted

B. attention C. appreciation D. imagination

ity C. equality lity

B. turned C. tattooed D. seized

18. A. dangerous B. curious C. anxious D. serious

19. A. weak

答案速查:1-5 BACDB 6-10 DCBDA 11-15 ABCDA 16-20 BCADB



1. 【答案】B

B. challenged C. fantastic D. aquatic

20. A. few B. little C. most D. more


A. curious about 对......好奇

B. native to 原产于

C. aware of 意识到

D. careful with 对......小心

根据语境“lionfish(狮子鱼), Indo-Pacific waters. Off the coast of Indonesia or Australia, ”可知,狮子鱼是一种产于印度太平洋水域的物种。在印度尼西亚或澳大利亚的海岸外。故选B。

2. 【答案】A


A. hovering 徘徊

B. preventing 阻止

C. adopting 收养

D. analyzing 分析

根据文中的“ Lionfish spend their days in the water, which makes them particularly well suited to

the job of being looked at.” 可知,狮子鱼整天在水里徘徊,这种习性使它们特别适合成为被观察的对象。故选A。

3. 【答案】C


A. instead 相反地

B. strangely 奇怪地

C. mightily 非常,很

D. likely 可能地

根据文中的“ there are now many millions of them in the Western Atlantic”可知,在大西洋狮子鱼有百万条,说明狮子鱼融入新环境非常成功。故选C。

4. 【答案】D


A. learning 学习

B. working 工作

C. satisfying 满意

D. devouring 吞噬

根据文中的“ they are destructive to native species”可知,狮子鱼在新的水域作为入侵生物破坏能力强,会吞噬其他海洋生物。故选D。

5. 【答案】B


A. convenient 方便的

B. obvious 显然的

C. awkward 尴尬的

D. exciting 激动的

根据文中的“Although there is a benefit to eliminating lionfish, Bowman does not think of herself

primarily as an environmentalist. ”可知,鲍曼并不是把自己当作环保主义者,但捕猎狮子鱼确实对环境有好处,很明显的好处。故选B。



A. eventually 最终地

B. dramatically 戏剧化地

C. completely 完全地

D. primarily 最初地

根据文中的“She sees her targets as invaders, and considers it her job to repel them. ”可知,鲍曼捕猎狮子鱼是把它当作入侵者,并不是一开始就把自己当作环保主义者。故选D。



A. lock 上锁

B. repair 修复

C. repel 驱逐

D. grasp 抓住

根据文中的“She sees her targets as invaders ”可知,鲍曼把狮子鱼当做是入侵者,要驱逐这个外来物种。故选C。

8. 【答案】B


A. animal 动物

B. enemy 敌人

C. wildlife 野生动物

D. friend 朋友

根据文中的“What you're hunting isn't prey”以及下文“Isn't it nice to be on the side of the good

guys?” 可知,鲍曼认为狮子鱼不单单是猎物,但是应该当成敌人对待。故选B。

9. 【答案】D


A. places 地方

B. actions 行动

C. effects 影响

D. guys 人们


10. 【答案】A


A. regulations 规则

B. communications 交流

C. operations 操作

D. productions 产量

根据文中的“ ‘No bag limits, sex limits, seasons limits, boat limits, gear limits,’she said.

‘Lionfish is the only species that is one- hundred-per-cent wide open.’”可知,这个地区没有限制人们对于狮子鱼的捕猎,任何限制都没有。故选A。

11. 【答案】A


A. throwback 返祖;复古

B. exploration 勘察;研究

C. comeback 恢复,复出

D. entertainment 娱乐表演;招待

根据文中的“when you could go into the water and come out of it with whatever you wanted—to

an era, paradoxically, before conservation measures were needed.”可知,作者认为猎杀狮子鱼不受限制回到了以前未制定限制的时代。故选A。

12. 【答案】B


A. realized 意识到

B. balanced 使......平衡

C. agreed 同意

D. admitted 承认

根据文中的“killing a lionfish saves a yellow tail snapper that, in turn, can be caught for dinner. ”可知,鲍曼他们这些捕猎者认为猎杀了狮子鱼其实在挽救别的生物,而且猎杀来的的狮子鱼给人类提供了事物,一举两得,这也是平衡生态的一种方法。故选B。

13. 【答案】C


A. flexible 灵活的

B. starting 开始的

C. satisfying 满意的

D. comfortable 舒适的

根据文中的“Their goal is a balanced, usable ecosystem: killing a lionfish saves a yellow tail

snapper that, in turn, can be caught for dinner. Hunting lionfish is satisfying but labor-intensive.”可知,前文中说的是平衡的生态系统,后文but转折词后面出现的“费力的”意思,but前意思与其相反,选择感情彩较好的词。故选C。

14. 【答案】D


A. path 道路;途径

B. position 位置;地点

C. direction 方向;趋势

D. variation 变化;差异

根据文中的“three-foot, sevenfoot, three-pronged, five-pronged ”可知,鱼竿的种类有很多,尺寸有很多变化。故选D。

15. 【答案】A


A. obsession 痴迷,困扰

B. attention 注意;注意力

C. appreciation 欣赏,鉴赏

D. imagination 想像力,想像

根据文中的“many divers have made hunting lionfish their obsession, but nobody appears to have

done it with the intensity of Bowman. In the ten years that she has been diving, she has gone out

roughly three times a week.”可知,鲍曼捕捉狮子鱼非常频繁,她很痴迷于这个事情,但是其他人没有她那么痴迷。故选A。

16. 【答案】B


A. personality 个性,性格

B. intensity 强烈,剧烈

C. equality 均等,平等

D. speciality 特菜,特产

根据文中的“In the ten years that she has been diving, she has gone out roughly three times a

week. ”可知,鲍曼经常捕鱼,她潜水的次数非常密集,强度很大。故选B。

17. 【答案】C


A. lifted 提升的

B. turned 被转动的

C. tattooed 给......刺花纹

D. seized 抓住的

根据文中的“An image on her arm. ”可知,鲍曼在自己的手臂上纹上了狮子鱼的图案。故选C。

18. 【答案】A


A. dangerous 危险的

B. curious 好奇的

C. anxious 焦虑的

D. serious 严肃的

根据文中的“ their spines contain one of the most powerful neurotoxins in the aquatic world ”可知,狮子鱼是危险的:它们的刺含有水生世界中最强大的神经毒素之一。故选A。

19. 【答案】D


A. weak 虚弱的

B. challenged 有挑战的

C. fantastic 极好的

D. aquatic 水生的

根据文中的“their spines contain one of the most powerful neurotoxins in the aquatic world”可以知道狮子鱼生活在水中,他体内的毒素是水生世界最强毒素之一。故选D。

20. 【答案】B


A. few 少数的

B. little 微不足道的

C. most 大多数的

D. more 更多的

根据文中的“ Bowman has been stung repeatedly—at least thirty times, she told me. She wears

gloves when she dives, but that makes little difference.”可知,鲍曼背刺过很多次,她潜水时会戴手套,但是句中出现了转折词,后面意思与前句形成转折关系,所以戴手套也没有多少区别。故选B。


Rachel Bowman is a diver who specializes

in the

hunting, catching, and killing of

lionfish(狮子鱼), a species native to


Pacific waters. Off the coast of

Indonesia or Australia, an adult typically


to about twelve inches; groupers,

eels, and sharks are its natural predators,

and in many countries divers cannot spear

one without a permit. Lionfish have also


been popular in aquariums. Tens of

thousands of American homes have them

in saltwater tanks. Lionfish spend their

days hovering in the water, which makes

them particularly well suited to the job of


1. specialize

vi. 专门研究(或从事),专攻;专营

2. predator

n. 捕食性动物; 掠夺者

3. spear

n. 矛,标;嫩枝,幼芽


4. hover

v. 翱翔,盘旋;徘徊,守候;处于不稳定状态;上下波动,左右摇摆;

5. native to


6. suit to


being looked at.


are also striking, with shimmery white

bodies overlaid with bold red or orange stripes, a


of spikes on their backs, and clashing

patterns on their fins and faces. They look at once


and tacky. Bowman, who is forty-three,

recalls that, in 2012, “when I first saw one, I

thought it was a fish dressed up for Mardi Gras.”

She wasn’t staring through aquarium glass,

though, or diving off Japan. She was in the waters

of the Florida Keys, a few miles from where she





7. striking


8. shimmery

adj. 闪烁的;微微发亮的

9. overlaid

v. 覆盖;放在……上面;

10. stripe

n. 条纹,线条

11. spike

n. 尖状物,金属钉,尖木;

12. clashing

adj.(颜、风格等) 不协调

13. sleek

adj. 线条流畅的,造型优美的;时髦阔气的;

2012年,“当我第一次看到一条鱼时,我以为14. tacky


have succeeded mightily in their new

environment—there are now many millions of


in the Western Atlantic—and this is bad


they are destructive to native species,

devouring other sea creatures and upending the

equilibrium of reef life. Although there is an


conservation benefit to eliminating

Bowman does not think of herself lionfish,

primarily as an environmentalist. She sees her

as invaders, and considers it her job to targets

repel them. “What you're hunting isn't prey— it's

” she told me, adding, “Isn't it nice to the enemy

be on

the side of the good guys?”She also

appreciates the fact that there are no regulations

about lionfish killing. “No bag limits, sex limits,

seasons limits, boat limits, gear limits,”she said.


17. mightily

adv. 很,非常,很大程度上

18. destructive

adj. 破坏性的,毁灭性的

19. devour

v. 吞噬,毁灭

20. upend

v. 使颠倒,倒放

21. equilibrium

n. 平衡,均衡

22. eliminate

v. 剔除,根除;铲除,杀害

23. primarily

adv. 主要地,首要地,根本地

24. invader

n. 侵略者

25. repel

v. 击退,驱逐;抵御,驱除

Hunting them is a throwback to an era

when you could go into the water and come

out of it with whatever you wanted—to an

era, paradoxically, before conservation

measures were needed. Lionfish divers are

a close-knit community, staying in one

another's houses, trading diving stories, and

amiably competing for who can kill the


fish. Their goal is a balanced, usable

ecosystem: killing a lionfish saves a yellow

tail snapper that, in turn, can be caught for

dinner. Hunting lionfish is satisfying but


-intensive. They won't chase a hook,

and a dragnet is impractical, because it

would snag on the reefs where they live.


30. throwback

n. 返祖者;复古

31. paradoxically

adv. 自相矛盾地;反常地

32. close-knit

adj. 紧密的;严谨的

33. amiably

adv. 亲切地;和蔼可亲地

34. snapper

n. 鲷鱼

35. labor-intensive

adj. 劳动密集型的

36. dragnet

n. 搜索网;收集装置

37. impractical

adj. 不明智的,不切实际的


Lionfish must be killed one by one, with a

spear: a metal rod, with jagged pole


at the end, that you launch through


water by deploying a rubber sling.


are many variation on these poles

—three-foot, sevenfoot, three-pronged,


-pronged—and they have such names

as the Lionfish Buster and the Lionator. In


past two decades, many divers have

made hunting lionfish their obsession, but

nobody appears to have done it with the

intensity of Bowman. In the ten years that


has been diving, she has gone out

roughly three times a week.



38. spear

n. 矛;标

39. rod

n. 棒,杆;钓竿,鱼竿

40. jagged

adj. 锯齿状的;参差不齐的

41. prong

n. 尖齿

42. deploy

v. 部署,调度;利用

43. sling

n. 投石器

44. variation

n. 变化,变动

45. obsession

An image of a lionfish spear is tattooed on


arm. On the Internet, there is a

photograph of Bowman holding a pole

studded with more than a dozen spear


killed lionfish—a gaudy fish

. Lionfish can be dangerous: their kebab


contain one of the most powerful

neurotoxins in the aquatic world; their

Mohawk is venomous, as are the two

spikes on their pelvic fins and the three by


anal glands. Like most lionfish

hunters, Bowman has been stung

repeatedly—at least thirty times, she told

me. She wears gloves when she dives, but

that makes little difference. “You can tell

me you have a puncture-proof glove, blah


48. tattoo


49. stud

v. 用饰钉(或类似物)装饰

50. gaudy

adj. 华而不实的;俗丽的

51. kebab

n. 烤肉串

52. spine

n. 脊髓,脊柱

53. neurotoxin

n. [生化] 神经毒素

54. aquatic

adj. 水生的,水栖的

55. venomous

She recently sent me an image of herself on

a dive boat during last year's Emerald Coast


Lionfish Tournament—a gruelling

two-day competition off Destin, in the


Panhandle, that is the largest such

in the world. At this year's event, event


was even more money at stake:

almost a hundred thousand dollars in total.

The team that caught the most lionfish was

to receive a cash award of ten thousand

dollars. A five-thousand-dollar prize would

be given to whoever caught the largest

lionfish. Lionfish are edible and

marketable, so the winners would also

make thousands of dollars selling their



59. Tournament


60. gruelling

adj. 折磨人的;繁重累人的;使人精疲力尽的

61. at stake


62. edible

adj. 可食用的

63. marketable

adj. 市场的;可销售的


Sentence 01

Lionfish have succeeded mightily in their new environment—there are now many

millions of them in the Western Atlantic—and this is bad news: they are destructive to

native species, devouring other sea creatures and upending the equilibrium of reef life.



Lionfish have succeeded

in their new environment

there are now many millions of

them in the Western Atlantic




this is bad news

to the 'mind' as opposed to the mechanical

side of the body

Sentence 02

In the past two decades, many divers have made hunting lionfish their obsession, but

nobody appears to have done it with the intensity of Bowman.



In the past two decades

many divers have made



~ sth sth:

made hunting lionfish their obsession



appears to have done it



with the intensity of Bowman




























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