人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit 1 单词知识点学案


人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册Unit 1 单词知识点学案

vt. &vi. 承诺, 保证; 忠于; 全心全意投入(工作、活动等)

*Tu Youyou, a committed and patient scientist, was born in Ningbo,

China on 30 December 1930.

屠呦呦, 一个坚定又有耐性的科学家, 于1930年12月30号出生于中国宁波。

*To my pride, there come millions of committed communists in China.


*Liu Hulan committed herself to fight for the happiness of the people of

the whole nation.


*These targets would not be achieved unless other departments showed

equal commitment.

除非其他部门同样努力, 否则这些目标无法达成。


(1)commit (oneself) to do 承诺/保证做某事

commit sth. to 把某物托付给……

commit a crime 犯罪; 犯下罪行

(2)committed adj. 尽心尽力的, 坚定的; 忠诚的



(1) Last year, the community __________(commit) to support those

affected by the crisis by creating employment opportunities and

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n. 委托, 承认(后可跟to doing)

through income support measures.

(2) The solution to this headache is, of course, _________ (commit)

changes frequently!

(3)He was perfectly conscious when he __________ (commit) the crime.

(4)They don’t care where you went, what crime you __________ (commit)


(5)What really matters about a leader is their ___________ (commit) to

getting to the right answer and to doing it in the right way.

te vt. 评价, 评估

*Her team examined over 2, 000 old medical texts, and evaluated 280,

000 plants for their medical properties.

她的团队检查了超过2 000本古老的医学著作, 并评估了28万种植物的药用价值。

*(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)In order that you can stay motivated to achieve the goal,

firstly you need to evaluate yourself properly. 为了保持动力去实现目标,


*Therefore, establishing an evaluation system is necessary for our

course reform. 因此, 对我们的课程改革来讲, 建立一个评价体系是很有必要的。


evaluate as (被)认为

evaluative adj. 可估价的

evaluation n. 评价; [审计] 评估; 估价; 求值

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(1)After tracking and _________(evaluate) students’ exam results, the

teacher __________an evaluation report.

(2)It is well-known that Han Hong has done quantities of charity

devotion, and it’s hard __________(evaluate) her just as a singer.

(3)The key approaches to be used in test and _________(evaluate) have

been proven right.

(4)It is reported that both these locations have military _________

(evaluate) centres.

3. obtain vt. &vi. (尤指经努力)获得, 赢得; (规章、习俗等)存在, 流行

*They then tried boiling fresh wormwood, and using the liquid obtained

from this to treat malaria.

然后, 他们试着把新鲜的苦艾煮沸, 然后用从中提取的液体来疟疾

*Only with a firm determination will we obtain such change.


*(2019·天津高考)And one will not obtain any applicable skills.



obtain from. . . 从……中获得/取得

obtain sth. 获得/取得某物


The longer this situation obtains, the more extensive

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the problems become. ( v. 存在 )

这种局面持续的时间越长, 问题波及的范围就越广。


①He ________(obtain)the property with a bank loan.

②The scientist obtained a substance _____the experiment.

(2)He always managed to ____________________(得到他想要的东西).


acquire v. 多指经过努力逐步获得才能、知识、习惯等, 也可用于对财物等的获得, 该词强调“一经获得就会长期持有”的含义。

attain v. 指经过不懈的努力获得未曾预料到的结果; 也可指达到某一目标。

obtain v. 获得, 买到, 用于正式语体中。

gain v. 指通过较大努力获得某种利益或好处; 亦可指军事上的武力夺取等。

earn v. 挣得, 赢得, 指因工作等而得到报酬或待遇。

achieve v. 得到, 获得, 多指成就、目标、幸福的取得。



(1)It is through learning that the individual ________many habitual

ways of reacting to situations.

(2)The salesperson ________his sales goal for the month.

(3)I ____________that book until now.

(4)An investor _____by buying stocks that go up in value.

(5)How much do you ____a week?

(6)The movie star ________success and wealth.

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4. acknowledge vt. 承认; 感谢

*We acknowledge him as a genius.


*You have to acknowledge that it’s your own fault.


*I wish to acknowledge your assistance in the making of this film. 我希望鸣谢你在拍摄这部电影中给予的帮助。


(1)be acknowledged as. . . 被认为是……

It is universally/generally acknowledged that. . . 公认为/普遍认为……

(2)acknowledgement n. 承认, 感谢


(1)come to power=take office 就职, 上台, 执政

(2)come to/into power 表动作, 非延续性动词, 不能与一段时间连用; 延续性动词形式应用be in power执政, 在位(表状态)。


(1) (2019·全国卷Ⅱ)Her years of hard work have finally

_________________(acknowledge) after a customer nominated(提名)her to

be Cheshire’s Woman Of The Year.

(2) (2)I started to acknowledge failure __exactly what it is: an

unavoidable part of everyone’s life—nothing more and nothing less.

(3) This setting determines when the secondary server sends an

________________(acknowledge) to the primary server.

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(4) Many people _____________(acknowledge) that Ma Yun was

hard-working and fortunate as well.

5. defeat n. 失败, 挫败vt. 击败, 战胜

*Tu Youyou would not acknowledge defeat.


*He declared that we are to defeat those who attempted to tear the world

down in time.

他宣布: 我们迟早会打败那些企图撕裂世界的人。

*This is why most senior high school students suffer defeat every day.


*These setbacks should not be acknowledged as defeat, however.

但是, 这些挫折不能看成是失败。


take defeat 接受失败

suffer defeat 遭受失败


(1)Nian ___________(defeat), and from then on, the color red has been

considered to bring good luck and good fortune to all.

(2)Most of you really believe that the way you get to what you do want is

________(defeat) what you do not want.

(3)Hitler refused to ____________the fact that he himself

___________(defeat) by the people in the end.

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6. conclude vt. 推断出, 得出结论vi. 结束, 终止

*She concluded that boiling the sweet wormwood apparently destroyed

its medical properties.

她总结出来, 煮沸苦艾显然破坏了它的药用性能。

*Every article should have an introduction and conclusion, but these

should not mirror each other.

每篇文章都应该有导言和结论, 但是这些段落不应该千篇一律。

*As an applicant, before concluding the discussion, you may ask about

the next step in the hiring process.

作为一名应聘者, 在这次讨论结束前, 你要问问招聘的下一步程序是做什么。

*He concluded his class with a funny story.


*To conclude, I wish you a Happy New Year.

总之, 祝你们新年快乐。


(1)conclude. . . with. . . 以……结束……

conclude from. . . that. . . 从……中得出结论

to conclude 最后

(2)conclusion n. 结论

得出结论 draw a conclusion

in conclusion 最后, 总之

下结论 make a conclusion


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(1)It is an apparently ideal way __________(conclude) a season of

summer reading.

(2)I wonder who make this decision and how they come to their


(3)(2019·北京高考)They conclude ____when task interdependence is

high, team performance will suffer when there is too much talent.

(4)We will conclude our concert ____the National Anthem.

(5)_______ conclude, what he said makes sense.

(6) I conclude _____your statements that you’re not in favor.

7. insist vi. & vt. 坚持; 坚决要求

*She insisted on/upon (our) going to Beijing by air as it was more


她坚持要(我们)乘飞机去北京, 因为乘飞机更舒适。

*(2019·天津高考)You should respect the views of others, and at the

same time insist on what you think is right.

你应该尊重别人的观点, 同时坚持你认为正确的。

*Though all his friends blamed him, he insisted that he had done

nothing wrong.

尽管他所有的朋友都责备他, 但他坚持认为他没做错任何事。

*My mother insisted that I (should) clean my room first.



insist on/upon (doing) sth. 坚持(做)某事

insist that. . .

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(1)坚持说/认为……(从句内容表示一个事实, 从句谓语按实际需要选择时态)

(2)强烈要求/坚持……(从句用虚拟语气, 即should+动词原形, should可以省略)


Insisting that Tom had stolen his car, Mr Smith insisted that he

(should)be put into prison.

由于坚持认为汤姆偷了他的小汽车, 史密斯先生强烈要求把他关进监狱。


(1)I insisted that he ____(be)wrong.

(2)They insisted on _____(go) there by motorbike.

(3)She insisted that we ____________(turn) in our homework on time.

(4)He insisted ________ making a voyage after graduating from college.


1. distinct adj. 清晰的; 清楚的; 有区别的

*They discovered and tested 380 distinct ancient Chinese medical

treatments that showed promise in the fight against malaria.

他们发现并测试了380种不同的古代中医疗法, 这些疗法显示出对抗疟疾的前

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*At this point, however, an important distinction must be made: God

loves believers with a particular love.

然而我们必须区分这很重要的一点: 上帝对信仰者是一种很特别的爱。

*When I was given the first taste of beer as a teenager, I distinctly

remember wondering why anyone would voluntarily drink the terrible


在我小时候, 当我第一次尝了啤酒的味道时, 我清楚地记得, 当时我在想为什么有人自愿去喝这么难喝的东西。


distinct from




(1)For lack of _______(distinct) culture, some places of interest will not

attract tourists any more.

(2)Yes, anyway you are right, but I am suggesting to you that there is a

__________(distinct) between truth and so-called reality.

(3)But it is getting ________(distinct) better. And a growing number of

them are doing very well.

2. extract n. 提取物; 摘录vt. 提取; 提炼; 摘录; (用力)拔出

*Using a lower temperature to draw out the extract, she found a

substance that worked. 用较低的温度提取提取物, 她发现了一种起作用的与……不同

明显地; 无疑地, 确实地

区别, 差别; 特性; 荣誉, 勋章

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*You must extract all the relative records from it into a text file, which

can then be analysed.

你必须从该文件中将所有相关记录提取到一个文本文件中, 然后才可以进行分析

*After that put the frame into a honey extractor and quickly turn it.

之后把蜂板放入萃取器, 快速旋转。

*The company provided him with amber and the relative measure of


这家公司为他提供了琥珀, 以及相关的提取方法。


extract from 从……提取, 文件的摘录

extractor 提取器

extraction 取出; 抽出


(1)Language teachers often extract examples ________grammar books.

(2)Li Shizhen discovered a variety of herbs whose _______(extract) can

cure certain diseases.

(3)We have an ________(extract) fan in the kitchen to get rid of the smell

of cooking.

(4)Your _________(extract) should instantly begin for there is so little

time left.

(5) Hey, have you realized the cream you are using is the


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3. apparently adv. 显而易见; 看来; 显然

*She concluded that boiling the sweet wormwood apparently destroyed

its medical properties.

她总结出来, 煮沸苦艾显然破坏了它的药用性能。

*(2019·北京高考)The fact is that stars apparently do not follow this

basic principle of sportsmanship.


*It was apparent from her face that she was really upset.


*I thought she had retired, but apparently/obviously/ distinctly she


我原以为她退休了, 很显然她还没有。


It is/was apparent that. . . 很显然……



It is apparent/obvious/distinct that. . .

Apparently/Obviously/Distinctly. . .


(1)Apple has __________(apparent) registered for trademarks for each of

those names.

(2)To understand this tale, we have to start with an ________ (apparently)

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(3)It was ________ (apparent) to everyone that he was angry.

(4)Yes, I think that is true, though it wasn’t ________ (apparently) to me


4. In 1967, the Chinese government formed a team of scientists with the

objective of discovering a new treatment for malaria, and Tu Youyou

was among the first researchers chosen. 1967年, 中国政府组建了一支以探索疟疾新方法为目的的科学家队伍, 屠呦呦是其中首批入选的研究人员。

【句式解构】该句是一个由and连接而成的并列复合句。介词短语with the

objective. . . 作第一个分句的状语, 表示目的。短语中的objective也可用aim/purpose/ goal等替换。第二个分句中chosen是过去分词用作定语, 修饰the first researchers。分词或分词短语作定语经常后置。

*Tu Youyou tried a second time with the aim of finding out the proper

material to cure malaria.

屠呦呦又试了第二回, 希望能到治愈疟疾的合适物质。

*Chairman Mao came here with the purpose of inspecting an important

task carried out.


*When crossing the river, the Red Army take care not to touch the trees

newly planted by the river.

渡河的时候, 红军战士小心翼翼, 以防碰到了河边新种的树木。

*With great care, the 3-year-old boy put away the books newly

distributed at school yesterday.

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【名师点津】With引导的介词短语作状语, 在英语句子中是一个很常见的现象。至于其所作状语的类型, 我们需要根据句子上下文意思和其具体的语法功能来判断。有时, 复杂的with介词短语可以转换为独立主格结构:

With homework finished, he went out to play basketball.


Homework finished, he went out to play basketball.


(1)With a long way _____(go), we should not take it too slightly.

(2)With a hope of ________(enter) Peking University, the boy teenager

works hard day and night.

(3)We are eager to see the 5G era coming, when we can see many

products newly ________(invention) come into use.

(4)My close friend Li Hua is planning to apply for the 2022 Olympic

volunteer position ______(issue) on the newspaper last week.

5. crucial adj. 至关重要的; 关键性的

*(2019·江苏高考)We can learn from the passage that making right

career choices is crucial to personal success.

我们能从这篇文章中学到, 做出正确的职业选择对个人成功至关重要。

*Our Party have found two issues of crucial importance: development

and ecology.

我们党已经发现了两个至关重要的问题: 发展和生态。

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*This type of questioning puts responsibilities on the clients to explain

what they want, which is crucial.

这样的提问可以把责任放到客户身上, 让他们解释自己需要什么, 这很重要。

*Getting this contract is crucial to the future of our company.



crucial to/for sth. 至关重要的; 决定性的

crucially 关键地; 至关重要地

【即学活用】 (1)语法填空

①And, ________(crucial), are there any praising techniques that can be

shown to be effective?

②It is beyond doubt that Africa is absolutely ______(crucially) for

China’s energy strategy.

(2)Broadly speaking, there are __________________(三个关键因素)to


(3)The next 10 weeks is a ____________(重要时期) in your baby’s

development when all of his organs will form.

6. objective n. 目标 adj. 客观的

*In 1967, the Chinese government formed a team of scientists with the

objective of discovering a new treatment for malaria.

1967年, 为了发现一种疟疾的新方法, 中国政府成立了一个科学家小组。

*(2019·天津高考)The author’s view on factual reading is that it would

provide true and objective information.

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作者对事实性阅读的观点是, 它将提供真实和客观的信息。

*We’ll try to look at the issue objectively, from the standpoint of the IT


我们尝试从 IT 专业人员的角度客观地看待这个问题。

*If she does not object to it, why should we?

只要她不反对, 我们为什么要反对?

*We have/take an objection to teaming up with them.



(1)object to sb. /sb’s doing sth. 反对某人做某事

(2)have/take an objection to doing sth. 反对做某事

raise an objection to doing sth. 对做某事提出异议




①Those who ______to this advice typically see no reason to define or

account for system behavior.

②Only in this way can these strategic _________ of active defense be


(3) Hey, dear, do you know the next _____________(考试目标)of mine? 666!

What is yours?

7. analyse vt. 分析

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*She analysed the medical texts again, and by chance, she found one

sentence suggesting a different way to treat the wormwood. 她再次分析了医学文本, 偶然间, 她发现了一句话, 提出了提取苦艾的不同方法。

*(2019·北京高考)Is the main purpose of the passage to analyse the

composition of the ocean food chain?


*On the one hand, everyone possibly makes mistakes, on the other

hand, not all analytical mistakes are equal.

一方面, 每个人都有可能犯错误; 另一方面, 分析方面的错误并不是都一样。

*I know a good world is possible if we leave emotion aside and just work

analytically .

我知道一个美好的世界是可能的, 如果我们将情绪放在一边, 只是进行理性地分析。

*Could you tell me some more about your market analysis that has just

been fulfilled recently?



analytical adj. 分析的; 解析的; 善于分析的

analytically adv. 分析地; 解析地

analysis n. 分析; 分解; 验定(复数为: analyses)


①The fact is, most students should have chance are not taught how to

think __________ (analyse) and critically.

②We should make a concrete _______ (analyse) of each specific

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③The main thing for us is we do need _________(analyse) our position

and ask ourselves: How can we improve?

④Those who have worked with him say he is calm, _________(analyse)

and open-minded.

(2)More recently it has been joined by newest techniques that go beyond

what you say, and ____________________.

最近人们在里面加入了全新技术, 不但能知道你说了什么, 还能分析你是怎么说的。

1. patent n. 专利; 专利证书adj. 有专利的

*Einstein took a job as a clerk in the Swiss patent office.


* But why would a firm with a legal patent strike such a deal?


* After the application is approved, the firm or individual that applied

for it shall be the patentee.

申请被批准后, 申请的公司或者个人为专利权所有人。

* But without patent protection, no company will develop HCELL for

people, even in Europe or Japan.

但是没有专利保护, 没有公司会为人们生产HCELL, 即便是在欧洲或日本也不行。

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patentee n. 专利权所有人

patent office 专利局


(1)We checked in with a couple of _____________(专利专家)to make more

sense of the ruling.

(2)A ________(专利权所有人)has the right to put a clear __________(专利标识)on its _______________(专利产品)or on the package of the said


(3)The reasons are various: First, few essential drugs lost their


2. extraordinary adj. 不一般的; 非凡的

*He published four extraordinary physics papers.


*Our body is an extraordinarily complex mechanism comprising of

trillions of cells.


*This is an extraordinary discovery but there is still a lot more down

there that has to be found.



extraordinarily adv. 非常; 格外地; 非凡地

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extraordinary arrangement 精心安排; 特殊安排


He made, they both said, “an ______________ (extraordinary) good

ambassador’s wife”.

(2)Yes, if you also believe that ordinary people can


3. gradually adv. 逐渐地; 逐步地

*Following this, he gradually became famous throughout the world as

the new Isaac Newton. 在此之后, 他作为新的艾萨克·牛顿, 逐渐闻名于世。

*(2019·北京高考)Whatever colour changes the ocean experiences in the

coming decades will probably be too gradual and unnoticeable, but they

could mean significant changes. 在接下来的几十年里, 无论海洋的颜如何改变, 都可能是渐进的, 不易察觉的, 但这可能意味着重大的变化。

*Most people have no symptoms, and the disease causes a gradual loss

of vision.

大多数患者没有症状表现, 但是, 这种病能导致视力逐渐丧失。


gradual adj. 逐渐的; 逐步的; 渐进的; 渐变的


(2019·北京高考) _________ (gradual), voice manipulation technologies

may weaken the fact that a lot of business is still done over the phone.

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(2) So if you have the same amount of income each year, your

_________________________shrinks. 所以说, 如果你每年的收入都相同的话,


(3) ____________________, the steamer stepped up its speed and left the

harbor. 逐步地, 轮船加快了它的速度并离开了海港。

4. come to power(开始)掌权; 上台

*Circumstances changed in 1933, when Hitler came to power in


1933年希特勒在德国掌权的时候, 情况发生了变化。

*He has been in power for ten years but still doesn’t want to leave.

他已执政十年, 但他仍不想下台。

*I’m sorry it’s beyond my power to make a final decision on the project.

很抱歉, 要对这一工程作出最终决定是我力所不能及的。

*You can depend on it that it is within his power. He can help you.


*She believes that she has the power to solve the problem.



come to power上台执政, 当权

be in power 执政, 当权

beyond one’s power 力所不能及的

within one’s power 力所能及的

have the power to do sth. 有能力做某事

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(1)come to power=take office 就职, 上台, 执政

(2)come to/into power 表动作, 非延续性动词, 不能与一段时间连用; 延续性动词形式应用be in power执政, 在位(表状态)。


(1)I did not work again for twenty years until Mandela and the ANC

___________in 1994. 在曼德拉先生和非洲人国民大会1994年开始执政之前我有20年没有工作。

(2)Sorry, I can’t help you. It’s ________________. 对不起, 我帮不了你。那是我力所不能及的。

(3)I believe I ______________finish the task ahead of time. 我相信我有这个能力提前完成任务。

5. consequence n. 结果; 后果

*As a consequence, he had to flee Germany.

结果, 他不得不逃离德国。

*(2019·江苏高考)This led to an unexpected consequence, though she

had a wonderful time there.

尽管她在那里度过了一段美好的时光, 可是这还是导致了一个意想不到的后果。

*As a consequence, he won the competition.


*Consequently they further lift the price of gold in terms of tomatoes

and potatoes.

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因此, 与番茄和土豆相比他们进一步提高黄金的价格。


(1)as a consequence 因此, 结果

in consequence 因此; 结果

as a consequence of 因此; 由于……

(2)consequent adj. 随之发生的; 作为结果的

(3)consequently adv. 因此; 所以


As a consequence of his illness, he couldn’t attend classes. As a

consequence/In consequence, he fell behind his classmates.

由于生病, 他不能上课。结果, 他落后于他的同班同学。


(1)The accident was the ___________ of careless driving.

(2)The reserves are not an accident; they are the ___________ of

conscious policies.

(3)____________, end users are unable to modify the installation in any


(4)As a ___________ he was a burden to her, something she was forced to

look after.

6. take up a position担任; 任职

*He finally took up a position as a researcher at the Institute for

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Advanced Study in Princeton, USA.


*I know how busy you must be and naturally I wouldn’t want to take up

too much of your time.

我知道你一定很忙, 当然我不想占用你太多的时间。

*“In that moment of babbling, babies seem to be ready to take in more

information,” he said.

“在学话的那个阶段, 婴儿似乎做好准备吸收更多的信息, ”他说。

*Until then, take off your Che Guevera beret and stop congratulating


直到那时, 脱下切格瓦拉的贝雷帽, 停止祝贺你自己吧。


take up 占去, 占据; 开始从事; 拿起

take off

take on

起飞; 脱下; 离开

承担; 呈现; 具有; 流行

take in 吸收; 领会; 欺骗; 接受


(1)In 2019, I moved to New York to _______a position at The New


(2)But they need to understand why they should _______a huge


(3)I could hardly ______what the old man said for he was so weak.

(4)As our plane _______, I told myself that I would absolutely return


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7. encounter v. 偶然碰到; 遇到n. 邂逅; 遭遇

*In fact, Einstein often encountered people on the street.

事实上, 爱因斯坦经常在街上遇到人。

*I had a brief encounter with an angry client.



encounter with sb. /sth. 突然的或意外的(尤指敌对的)相遇


(1)You could then correct any errors that you ___________ (encounter) in

the model.

(2)It brings me to another major trap I frequently ___________ (encounter)

in the past.

(3)Usually, in the past, if I ___________ (encounter) a problem, I would

ask my friends for help.

(4)(2019·天津高考)I read that people are more divided than ever, but

that’s not how the people I _________(encounter) tend to act.

8. remarkable adj. 非凡的; 显著的

*Progress since 2019 has been remarkable, but we have a long way yet

to go, especially in the countryside, and especially for construction


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2019年以来, 我们已经取得了非凡进展, 但是前面的道路仍很漫长, 特别在农村, 特别对建设行业来说也如此。

*People, when they had to, behaved remarkably well.

人们, 当他们不得不时, 表现得非常好。

*He later apologized because what he said was an “inappropriate”




remark n. 注意; 言辞vi. 谈论




These markets have much in common, but each is also


(2)Hey, forget it, dear. ________________________(无论谁写的这条评论)

doesn’t mean to hurt you anyway.

(3)Haiti is still one of __________________(最非凡的), unique places I have

ever been.

9. sum up总结; 概括

*Does the writer sum up how he/she feels about this person? 作者是否总结了他/她对这个人的感觉?

*My meaning, in sum, is that you must stay.

adv. 显著地; 非常地; 引人注目地

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简单地说, 我的意思就是你必须留下来。


sum up 总结; 概述; 计算……的总数

in sum 总而言之; 大体上

a large sum of 一大笔; 大量的


(1)Your character is essentially _________your habits; it is how you

habitually act. 你的性格本质上是你习惯的总和; 它是你习惯的行为方式。

(2)The meeting was, ______, a disaster. 总之, 这次相遇是一个灾难。

10. He had a thick moustache and long white hair, which sometimes

stood on end as though he had just received an electric shock. 他留着浓密的小胡子和长长的白发, 头发有时竖起来, 好像刚受了电击似的。


本句为主从复合句。后面的as though(if)引导方式状语从句。表示“好像”。

*She loves her students as though(if) she were their mother.

她爱她的学生, 就像她是孩子们的母亲。

*She looks as though(if) she were ten years younger.


*She left the room hurriedly as if (she was) angry.

她好像很生气, 急匆匆地离开了房间。

*It seems as if it is going to rain. 似乎要下雨。

*He walks as if he is drunk. 他走起路来好像是醉了。

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【名师点津】as though/if 用法点拨

(1)as though/if也可引导表语从句。

(2)as though/if引导从句时, 常使用虚拟语气, 表示与事实相反的假设。上面课本上的句子就是这个用法。

(3)有时, as if还可用于省略句中(如果as if引导的从句是“主语+系动词”结构,

可省略主语和系动词。这样as if后面就只剩下名词、不定式、形容词/介词短语、或分词)。

(4)当句子所叙述的是真实的或极有可能发生的或存在的事实时, as if从句要用陈述语气。



The old lady treats the boy ______________________.

(2)我感觉好像发烧了。(陈述语气)I feel as if I ___________.


(3)Jack wasn’t saying anything but the teacher smiled at him as

________ he had done something very clever.

(4)She works hard as if/though she never _____ (know)tiredness.


1. passion n. 酷爱; 激情

*While working there, out of a strong passion for knowledge, he

continued to study. 在那里工作时, 出于对知识的强烈热情, 他继续学习。

第 28 页 共 34 页

*(2019·天津高考) Don’t you believe that the author takes novel reading

as a way to develop a passion for learning?


*I simply pursued it because I was passionate about it and loved the



*Right now, each side in that debate passionately believes that the other

side is wrong.

目前, (经济政策)争论中的每一方都强烈地认为另一方是错误的。


(1)have a passion for 对……有强烈的爱好

(2)passionate adj. 热情的; 热烈的, 激昂的; 易怒的



(1)Now you can find your passion ___exercise and have fun with your

kids at the same time.

(2)Most people who become teachers do so because they’re

_________(passion) for/about kids.

(3)But on some really big issues, he makes his view ___________(passion)

known, no matter how hard it is.

2. professor n. 教授

*Always I am mistaken for Professor Einstein.

adv. 热情地; 强烈地; 激昂地

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* “Now,” said the professor as the laughter stopped, “I want you to

recognize that this jar represents your life.”

等到笑声落下, 教授说: “现在, 我要让你们认识到这个罐子象征你们的生活。”

*If you had to choose another profession, what would it be?

如果你不得不选择另一个职业, 那将会是什么?

*The Red Army succeeded in the end, although they were not so

professional at the beginning.

红军虽然一开始并不那么专业, 但是他们最后成功了。


profession n. 职业, 专业; 声明, 宣布, 表白



(1)(2019·全国卷Ⅰ) Mitch Prinstein, ____________(一位……教授)clinical

psychology sorts the popular

into two categories.

(2) It is said that in the case of the ________________(经济学职业), the big

winners are not Asian but European.

(3)Hey, young fellows, remember to study hard, for the profession in the

future is _________________(相当专业)!

3. He had a thick moustache and long white hair, which sometimes

stood on end as though he had just received an electric shock. 他留着浓密的小胡子和长长的白发, 头发有时竖起来, 好像刚受了电击似的。

adj. 教授的; 学者派头的; 教授似的

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stand on end是竖立起来的意思。英语中有一句俚语make one’s hair stand

on end, 其意思是“令人毛骨悚然的”。

*Some of those ghost stories make my hair stand on end, even though I

don’t believe in ghosts.

有几篇鬼故事使我毛骨悚然, 虽然我并不相信鬼。

*After observing this scene, the guard felt the hair on the back of his

neck stand on end.

看了这一幕之后, 门卫感到自己颈后的头发都竖了起来。


stand up v. 站起来; 坚持; 竖立; 站得住脚; 拥护

stand or fall 好坏; 成败

stand for 代表; 支持; 象征; 担任……的候选人

stand out 突出; 站出来; 坚持到底; 坚决反对

stand by 支持; 袖手旁观; 准备; 站在旁边

can’t stand 无法忍受

stand up for 支持, 坚持; 拥护

stand in the way 阻碍


(1)When the famous scientist passed by, all the audience stood ___ with


(2)Hey, dear, do you know what the posture “V” stands ___?

(3)There is a huge stone standing ___on the top of the hill.

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(4)If I am in danger, will you stand ___me, or leave me alone?

4. Albert Einstein, who is perhaps the greatest scientist in modern

physics, is often considered one of the smartest men who ever lived.


本句为主从复合句。主句主干为“Albert Einstein is often considered one

of. . . ”。第一个who引导定语从句, 修饰先行词Albert Einstein。第二个who引导定语从句, 修饰先行词the smartest men。

*The picture (that) we are looking at was drawn by a fifteen-year-old

student whose father is an English teacher.


*Such people as have made great contributions to the world should be

greatly respected by those who are sensible enough.

那些对世界做出巨大贡献的人, 应该受到那些足够明智的人的极大尊重。

*You should meet the stranger who often says hello to you at the place

where there are plenty of people to ensure safety.


【即学活用】用who, whom, that, which, whose填空

(1)The house ______windows face to the north belongs to the man who is

usually mean to others.

(2)The man __________________you met just now is my old friend who

has been living in Beijing for decades.

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(3)The man ________ is walking on the playground where there are many

people is my old friend.

(4)Take the book __________ is lying on the table which is in row one,

line two.

(5)She is such a girl as is always finding fault with other people ____ are

actually innocent.

5. relativity n. 相对论; 相对性

*He made numerous contributions to the world, the most well-known

being the general theory of relativity.

他对世界做出了许多贡献, 其中最著名的是广义相对论。

*(2019·江苏高考)The bone structure of our ancestors developed for

millions of years to support a creature that walked on all fours and has

a relatively small head.

我们祖先的骨骼结构经过数百万年的发展, 支撑着一种四肢行走, 头部相对较小的生物。

*They can make relative judgments with some confidence.



relative adj. 相对的; 有关系的; 成比例的

relatively adv. 相当地; 相对地, 比较地

relative n. 亲戚; 相关物; [语] 关系词; 亲缘关系


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①But where France stands out is in how many people do retire when

they are still ________(relate) young.

②Albert Einstein was able to conceive his theory of ________(relate)

because he thought that time and space might not be immutable.

(2)(2019·江苏高考)Many donators have rushed into fancy programmes

without carefully __________________________________________(评估其相对长期成本和收益)of alternative uses of their money.

(3)Since then he has moved _____________(和一个亲戚) in another part of


(4)In this article, I’ll take you through this ________ _____________(相对简单的过程)with some examples.

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