




Car crashes are the top killer of American teenagers. Most of the

crashes result from distracted driving - not paying attention to the road.

Ryan Didone was a fifteen-year-old passenger in a car that hit a tree.

He was one of the nation's more than thirty thousand victims of traffic

crashes in 2008. Nearly four thousand deaths, about twelve percent

involved drivers age fifteen to twenty.

Ryan's father, Thomas Didone, is a police captain in Maryland. "It

was an inexperienced, immature driver driving at night with a carload of

kids。 He was distracted, he was going too fast, and it ended up causing

one death and some seriously injured。" He shares the story of his son’s

death to help educate teens and their families about distracted driving。

Jim Jennings from the Allstate Insurance Company says the number

one cause of distracted-driving accidents is the mobile phone。 He says

talking on the phone or reaching for it is like drinking four beers and

driving。 ”If you're texting while driving, you are twenty—three times

more likely to get into an accident than somebody who isn’t。"

Government and private groups are using public service

announcements and events to bring more attention to the problem. For

example, the insurance industry recently held a safety event for teen drivers.

At first, nineteen-year-old Kevin Schumann easily avoided large,

inflatable dolls thrown in front of the car to represent children。 He also

avoided orange cones representing the edge of the road. Then, as part of


the test, he started texting。 He hit several cones and at least one

doll. ”That's what really opened up the experience for me to prove how

bad it is to really text and drive。”

Debbie Pickford of Allstate Insurance says teens are especially at risk

from distracted driving —and not just because they lack experience on the

roads。 "According to the research, teens don't really have fully developed

brains until they're twenty—five years old。 You put those two things

together and you get a much, much higher risk.”

A new law proposes a graduated driver licensing system. Graduated

means teenagers start with restrictions like on night driving and numbers

of passengers. They could not get a full driver's license until age eighteen。

45。 Of all the following, which is the best title for the passage?

A. Car Crashes—the Top Killer B. Drunken Driving

C. Distracted Driving D。 How to Avoid Car


46. According to Jim Jennings, what might be the main cause of distracted

driving accidents?

A。 Speed. B。 Age. C. Experience。 D。


47。 Which of the following statements is true?

A。 Thomas Didone is responsible for his son Ryan’s death。

B。 The insurance companies benefit a lot from teen driving.

C。 Kevin Schumann took the test to learn the risk of texting while



D。 Debbie Pickford thinks that people cannot drive until brains are fully


48。 According to the new law, _________.

A。 it will be harder for young people to get a full driver’s license

B。 people will not be allowed to touch the wheel until they are 18

C. young people are forbidden to take any passengers in their cars

D。 people can't drive until they graduate from colleges or


参考答案45、C 46--50 DCA

This is our country, America. The country where everyone is supposed

to have a shot at financial success。 The country of dreams and ambition。

Yet, caused by the endless pursuit of individual profit, our country is a

mess。 And we owe it all to capitalism。

We live in a society where people are forced to live without health

coverage. A country where the poor can hardly feed themselves while the

rich decide which one of their 10 homes to stay at for the night。 All of

these sad things arise out of capitalism.

Sadly, our country values little more than money。 It motivates our

decisions and even influences entire political parties。 We have gotten to

the point in society where a human life comes secondary to our financial


security。 Any rational society would value life above all else and realize

that health is a basic human right. Yet in our world, money comes first.

I never once have claimed to be an economist and have no interest in

debating the financial advantages of any economic system. Yet socialism

surely looks better than what we have.

If we lived in a socialist society, we would be a country without such

an unfair wealth distribution. We would value friendship over business and

we would treat one another as humans. Most importantly, however, is

that money would stop controlling our lives and we could act how humans

should act.

Capitalism has created an “every man for himself” existence。

Everything is a battle for limited resources and fuels. We have become so

accustomed to the life value that we will do whatever we have to look out

for ourselves. Yet is this really the kind of life we want?

We have become so illusioned。 We are tired of the misdirection. All

economic systems have their issues, but I feel like ours is turning our

country into something it shouldn't be。 The good of man falls secondary

to money。 In our world, it is all about dollars and cents, which,

unfortunately for most, makes no sense.

51. In the author's opinion, the root cause of the present situation in his

country is __________。

A。 money B。 people’s value C. social unfairness D。

social system



解析】细节理解题.根据we owe it all to capitalism所有的一切都是因为是资本主义社会,也就是他们国家的制度,故选D.

52. According to the passage, which is NOT the characteristic of


A. individualism B. endless pursuit of wealth

C。 humanism D。 great gap between the rich and the poor


【解析】细节理解题.individualism个人利己主义; endless pursuit of

wealth 无休止追求财富;humanism 人道主义;great gap between the

rich and the poor富人和穷人的距离拉大;根据Capitalism has created

an “every man for himself” existence。利己主义;caused by the endless

pursuit of individual profit, 无休止追求财富;If we lived in a socialist

society, we would be a country without such an unfair wealth distribution.


53. How does the author feel about his country?

A. concerned B. angry C. skeptical D。 hopeless


【解析】细节理解题.concerned关心的; angry生气的; skeptical 怀疑的; hopeless绝望的。根据Yet is this really the kind of life we want?

I feel like ours is turning our country into something it shouldn’t be。这里显示出作者很关心自己的国家,故选A.


54。 Which of the following would the author agree with?

A. Life should be placed at the top of our considerations。

B. Socialism is perfect.

C。 Health is equally important as wealth.

D. The pursuit for wealth should be restricted。


【解析】细节理解题。根据Any rational society would value life above all

else 及The good of man falls secondary to money.作者同意钱放在第二位,生命放在第一位,故选A。

55. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?

A. How to Save America B。 Capitalism Is in Trouble

C. Why Is America in Trouble D。 America Is in Trouble




Hospitals not only treat infections — they can also cause them.

In the United States alone, the number of infections in hospitals is

estimated at close to two million each year。 About one hundred thousand

patients die。

A new government report notes that very little progress has been

made in reducing what are called health care—associated infections. The

most common are infections of the urinary tract(尿路), surgical site and



Many infections have been increasing even as hospitals have made

efforts to improve. About forty percent of all health care-associated

infections are linked to the use of catheters。 A tube is placed inside the

body to collect urine(尿液), so the patient does not have to get out of


But the latest report says urinary tract infections after surgery

increased more than three and a half percent。 It says catheters should be

used only if necessary。

Another way to prevent infections is to give patients antibiotics

before surgery. Doctors are advised to give them within the hour before

the operation。 Patients who get antibiotics earlier than one hour are more

likely to get an infected surgical wound. Also, doctors are advised to

discontinue the antibiotics within twenty-four hours after the surgery. The

report says longer than that is usually not necessary。 It can increase the

risk of antibiotic resistance。

Kathleen Sebelius is secretary of health and human services. She

noted that racial and ethnic minorities were less likely to have insurance

and less likely to get the treatments they needed. She called the report

numbers ”troubling."

But she also said the health care reforms passed by Congress will

improve the quality of care for all Americans. She said the new law will

reward quality over quantity of care, creating a system that prevents


diseases before more costly treatment is required。

do we learn about healthcare-associated infections from this


A。 It is a new disease that is discovered by American doctors。

B. It is not reported in other countries but the United States。

C。 It is connected with what doctors do to treat their patients.

D. It is so deadly that it kills two million people every year.

50。 In this passage antibiotics are used to _______。

A. reduce pain B。 prevent infections

C。 shorten operation time D。 make patients sleep

51. From the last paragraph but one we know Kathleen Sebelius


A。 very optimistic about the situation

B。 quite worried about the minorities

C. suffering from the infection herself

D。 blaming doctors for their slow response

52。 What can be inferred from the passage?

A。 Antibiotics may be the most effective way to resist infection after


B. Some ethnic minorities without insurance are in need of basic


C。 Hospitals are where infections are least likely to take place。

D. Hospitals have made great progress in reducing healthcare-associated



参考答案49、CB 51—-55 AB

I left baseball, not for physical reasons but because it was my season

for change。 So I decided to walk away and once I did, like the vast

majority of players, I was lost。 It would be the first time since I learned to

swing a bat that I would spend an entire summer without ever putting on a

uniform。 Once you leaves the pitch it’s no longer you against that

fastball, it is you against yourself。

So you swim around trying to figure out what young, retired baseball

players do with their lives。 For me, the moment was completely without

the guiding wisdom of my father, who could communicate with me with

just a nod of his head, but he passed away two years ago。

Since my retirement, I have searched for the next passion. It is a

discouraging journey, and many players never find that next love, even

though they kept looking.

Of course my father could never be replaced。 His passion was

writing。 He left behind a body of poetry that guides me now.

I didn’t stay lost forever。 I found something that I wasn’t

looking for: a voice through writing. Writing introduced me to people

who were otherwise strangers and made them guests at my table。 Only

later did I understand that this would be a bridge to understanding my


father in another way. A way that led me to connect to a passion I didn’t

realize we both shared。

After my first book was published, I realized that writing was passion

and even therapy(疗法), but now I also thought that maybe I’d found

my next profession。

Thankfully, I always knew my father was proud of me。 But despite

living the dream of so many Americans and reaching its highest level, I

have no doubt that he would be even prouder of what I am doing with my

words。 Words that I can leave for my son to read one day。

53. Why couldn't his father offer him any help at the moment?

A。 Because his father had been dead for two years.

B。 Because his father was busy writing poems。

C. Because his father was away on business。

D. Because his father had a head injury two years ago.

54。 How did the author get over the most difficult time in life?

A。 By swimming the entire summer.

B. By communicating with his father face to face。

C. By turning to his friend for help.

D. By reading his father's works and writing his own。

55。 According to the passage, the author was most likely to become


A. reporter B. writer C. coach

D。 player


56. The author picked up writing as a career mainly because_______.

A。 he couldn’t find any other job after he left baseball

B。 his father asked him to continue his lifelong hobby

C. writing was another way to understand his father

D。 it could help him to make a more comfortable life

参考答案 53、ADB 56-—60 C

A lot of interesting things have happened in the past several months as

people from all walks of life learn how to stretch their money。 A lot of

changes have been accelerated by the fuel shocks during the summer of

2008; in a lot of ways we seem to be reverting to the frugal(economical)

sensibilities of a past generation。 More people are choosing to be more

picky when they swipe their credit cards even if that means not buying

things until they have money in their bank accounts, the days of the

$0-down mortgage(抵押贷款)seem to be murdered, and there is a lot

more acceptance of environmentally-friendly technologies that promise to

reduce our overall dependency on foreign oil even if it means taking a hit

to the excesses that used to define our quality of living。

An interesting new trend being taken by small businesses is the

practice of offering discounted prices to customers willing to pay in cash.

This is not the same as paying “under the table”-—-rather, the store


saves its merchant processing fees and passes those savings on to the

customers. The idea is a good one in principle-——paying in cash forces

consumers to take stock of what they are spending as much as it saves

stores from transaction(交易) fees。

Of course there are drawbacks to the plan。 When people pay in cash,

they tend to be more conservative with their spending since they tangibly(really) feel their money leave their possession. That will cause stores to

lose profits because customers will think twice before buying

high—margin “impulse” products at checkout whereas before they

might not have thought twice before charging it. Increased volume of cash

handling opens stores to loss through employee theft at the till(抽屉),

not to mention controls that need to be put into place to count and

deposit physical currency.

Our family has saved a fortune by switching to cash. When getting to

the bottom of your change jar means no more purchase power until your

next pay period, you really start to appreciate the fine art of merchandising(做买卖) and the expertise applied to make you want to buy more and

more。 Cold hard cash feels more organic, and helps us to appreciate the

effort it takes to maintain our lifestyle.

56. From the passage, we can learn that __________.

A. customers are in a more favorable position by paying in cash。

B. people will not be allowed to use their credit cards if there is no money

in their bank account.


C。 people have adjusted their way of living to the new situation。

D。 people are living better than before by paying in cash.



57. By saying “people from all walks of life learn how to stretch their

money”, the author means that _________.

A。 people walk to work in order to save money。

B。 people of all professions learn to make the best use of their money.

C. people of the whole society learn to earn more money.

D。 all people learn to extend money so that it is worth more.


【解析】句意理解题。all walks of life各行各业;stretch their money充分利用钱;这句应该是来自各行各业的人们都充分利用他们自己的钱,也就是让钱发挥最大的作用,故选B.

58. When the customers pay their goods in cash, the stores will be affected

in the following ways EXCEPT ___________。

A。 the sale of their goods will decrease as the customers are more

reluctant to buy things。

B. there is a potential danger of money loss by their staff.

C。 it brings a burden to the stores as they need to deal with the cash.

D. the stores make less money as they need to give some money back to

the customers.



【解析】细节理解题。根据That will cause stores to lose profits because

customers will think twice因为顾客不是情愿地去买东西所以商店的销售量会有所下降,选项A符合原文;Increased volume of cash

handling opens stores to loss through employee theft at the till(抽屉),

not to mention controls that need to be put into place to count and

deposit physical currency.


59. What caused people to start to use cash instead of credit cards?

A。 The rising prices。 B. High unemployment。

C. The fuel shocks。 D. The economic crisis。


【解析】细节理解题。根据A lot of changes have been accelerated by the

fuel shocks during the summer of 2008; in a lot of ways we seem to be

reverting to the frugal(economical) sensibilities of a past generation.由于燃料的冲击,我们为了节俭,又开始使用现金来代替信用卡,故选C.

60。 What’s the author’s attitude towards the practice of paying in


A。 Approving B. Ridiculous C. Uninterested D.




【解析】细节理解题。approving赞成的; ridiculous荒谬的;

uninterested不感兴趣的; opposed 反对的。根据Cold hard cash

feels more organic, and helps us to appreciate the effort it takes to

maintain our lifestyle。可知作者对于现金支付是赞成的,故选A。

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