




PART I DICTATIONDirections: Listen to the following passage. Altogether

the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be

done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and

third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase,

with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and

during this time you should check your work.


正确答案:Lead Time Lead time is the period between a customer’s order

and the delivery of the final product. / A small order of a pre-existing item / may only

have a few hours’ lead time, / but a larger order of custom-made parts / may have a

lead time of weeks, months or even longer. / It all depends on a number of factors, /

from the time it takes to create the machinery / to the speed of the delivery system. /

Lead time may change according to seasons or holidays / or the overall demand for

the product. 涉及知识点:听写


SECTION A TALKIn this section you will hear a talk. You will hear the talk

ONCE ONLY. While listening, you may look at ANSWER SHEET ONE and write

NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word (s) you fill in

is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet

for have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.

听力原文:Bilingual Education Good morning. Today we will talk about

bilingual education. (1) Bilingual education is an educational program that provides

instruction in both the students’ native language and the language of the host country.

The ways in which bilingual programs are implemented by the different states differ

greatly. (2) One of the most common models of bilingual education in the United

States is called transitional bilingual education. In this kind of program, students learn

ESL while taking all their other classes in their native language. Students must stop

taking classes in their native language after some period of time, usually three years.

After the three-year time limit, students start taking all their classes in English only.

The reasoning for this model is that native language classes should serve as a

transition to English. The main goal of a transitional program is to teach students

English as quickly as possible. (3) Another kind of program is called maintenance

bilingual education. Maintenance programs do not have the same time limit as

transitional programs do. (4) Students can continue taking content-area classes in their

native language for as long as they need to or want to. The idea behind a maintenance

program is that a child’s native language is worth maintaining and developing. In fact,

research has shown that students who know their first language well will be more

successful in learning how to read and write a second language. (5) One of the

problems with maintenance programs is that they are more expensive than transitional

programs. Two-way bilingual education is a program which offers second

language instruction to students whose native language is English, while at the same

time providing ESL to students who speak a language other than English. (6) The

purpose of two-way bilingual education programs is to make all students bilingual.

Finally, there is immersion bilingual education. In these programs, students take

all-English courses for one year or two before they begin to take courses in their

native language. In other words, they are immersed in English for the first year or two.

Many students feel overwhelmed during the first two years. (7) While struggling to

learn English, they lost valuable time that should be spent learning important concepts

in math and science. (8-1) Bilingual education has always been and continues to

be a controversial subject. The history of “English-only” politics dates back to the

early days of the country. Some people are angered by the freedom with which

today’s newcomers speak their native tongue in public. (9) Some critics argue that

bilingual education places an unfair burden on schools, and that taxpayers’ money

should not be spent teaching immigrants in their native language. Many people in

favor of bilingual education agree that some bilingual programs are better than others,

though not all of them are successful. Some supporters of bilingual education argue

that the real reason that critics are opposed to these programs is that these programs

really work. (10) Bilingual proponents say that critics of bilingual education don’t

really want immigrants to be successful at school. (8-2) Whatever happens,

bilingual education will certainly continue to be controversial. That’s all for today’s

lecture. Thank you.

Bilingual EducationI. Bilingual Education—Bilingual education provides

instruction in both the students’ native language and the language of the 【T1】______country.Ⅱ. Various Bilingual Programs1)【T2】______bilingual education—Students learn ESL while taking all their other classes in their native language.—They

take classes in English only after a 3-year time limit.—Native language classes serve

as a transition to English.2)【T3】______bilingual education—Students take

content-area classes in their 【T4】______.—Students who know their first language

well will be more successful in ESL.—However, the problem is the 【T5】______expense of the program.3) Two-way bilingual education—The program offers

second language instruction to students whose native language is English while

providing ESL to other students. The purpose is to make all students 【T6】______.4)

Immersion bilingual education—Students are immersed in English for one year or

two. However, many students feel overwhelmed. While struggling to learn English,

they lost time that should be spent learning more important concepts in 【T7】______.Ⅲ. The 【T8】______ over Bilingual Education1) Critics:—Bilingual education places

an unfair burden on 【T9】______.—Taxpayers’ money should not be spent teaching

immigrants in their native language.2) Proponents:—These programs really work.

Some critics don’t really want 【T10】______to be successful.

正确答案: 涉及知识点:讲座

2. 【T1】


解析:此处主要对bilingual education进行解释,讲座中提到“Bilingual

education is an educational program that provides instruction in both the students’

native language and the language of the host country.”,其中host country指的是“东道国”,或者“移民者所到的国家”,故填入host。 知识模块:讲座

3. 【T2】



of the most common models of bilingual education in the United States is called

transitional bilingual education.”,因此填入Transitional,注意首字母大写。 知识模块:讲座

4. 【T3】


解析:讲座中提到“Another kind of program is called maintenance bilingual

education.”,即另一种教育模式为保持型双语教学,因此填入Maintenance,注意首字母大写。 知识模块:讲座

5. 【T4】

正确答案:native language/mother language/native tongue/mother tongue

解析:讲座中在提到保持型双语教学模式时指出“Students can continue taking

content-area classes in their native language for as long as they need to or want to.”,即学生可以根据自己的需要或意愿使用母语学习课程,因此填入含义为“母语”的词汇即可。 知识模块:讲座

6. 【T5】


解析:讲座中讲到保持型双语教育的缺陷:“One of the problems with

maintenance programs is that they are more expensive than transitional programs.”,即它要比过渡型双语教育费用更高,因此填入higher。 知识模块:讲座

7. 【T6】


解析:讲座中提到“The purpose of two-way bilingual education programs is to

make all students bilingual.”,即双向式双语教育模式的目的是要使所有的学生都掌握两种语言,因此填入bilingual。 知识模块:讲座

8. 【T7】

正确答案:math and science

解析:该题涉及浸入式双语教育模式的特点,讲座中提到“While struggling

to learn English, they lost valuable time that should be spent learning important

concepts in math and science.”,即学生过多地投入到英语学习中,以至于失去了学习数学和科学的宝贵时间,因此填入math and science。 知识模块:讲座

9. 【T8】


解析:讲座中提到“Bilingual education has always been and continues to be a

controversial subject.”,即双语教育一直是并将持续是一个有争议的话题。并且讲座最后也提到“Whatever happens, bilingual education will certainly continue to be

controversial.”,即这种争议将一直持续,因此填入Controversy,注意首字母应大写。 知识模块:讲座

10. 【T9】


解析:讲座中提到“Some critics argue that bilingual education places an unfair

burden on schools, and that taxpayers’money should not be spent teaching

immigrants in their native language.”,即批评者认为双语教育为学校增加了负担,纳税人的钱不应花在说母语的移民者身上,因此应填入schools。 知识模块:讲座

11. 【T10】


解析:此处讲的是支持双语教育者的态度,他们认为那些反对者其实是不希望那么多的移民在学业上有所成就:“Bilingual proponents say that critics of

bilingual education don’t really want immigrants to be successful at school.”,因此填入immigrants。 知识模块:讲座

SECTION B CONVERSATIONSIn this section you will hear two

conversations. At the end of each conversation , five questions will be asked about

what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY.

After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should

read the four choices of [A], [B], [C] and [D], and mark the best answer to each

question on ANSWER SHEET have thirty seconds to preview the


听力原文:M: Good morning, Mrs. Black. Any news?W: Good morning, Mr.

Brown. Yes. (1) I’ve succeeded in persuading our export manager to agree to reduce

the price by ten percent. He made this an exception with an eye to future business.M:

Great! We certainly appreciate that.W: OK. (2) 15 Tunnel Drillers at 57,600 Swiss

francs each, FOB, European Main Ports, is that right? Business is closed at this

price.M: Yes, right. Shall we go over the other terms and conditions of the

transaction?W: All right. We have no objection to the stipulations about the packing

and shipping marks.M: (3) The machines must be well protected against dampness,

moisture, rust, and be able to stand shock and rough handling.W: We’ll see to that.M:

They are to be shipped not later than September, 20.W: There’s no question about

that.M: And what about the terms of payment?W: (4) Payment by the letter of credit,

to be opened by the buyer 15 to 20 days prior to the date of delivery. That’s what we

have agreed upon, isn’t it?M: Yes, quite so.W: We’d like to add the condition that L/C

shall be valid until the 15th day after shipment. YoUKnow, it sometimes takes us a

week or so to get all the shipping documents ready for the presentation and

negotiation. This will give us more leeway.M: That can be done. Any questions about

the inspection and claims?W: (5-1) None whatsoever. The quality and performance of

our machines can stand every possible test. We agree to your conditions.M: Do you

also agree to the condition that all disputes, if unsettled, shall be referred to the

Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission for the Promotion of International Trade?W:

(5-2) Certainly, but I’m sure there will be no occasion for arbitration.M: Well, then,

we’ve agreed on all the major points.W: Yes, Mr. Brown. (5-3) We’re glad the deal

has come off nicely. When can the contract be ready for signature?M: I’ll have it

ready in a couple of days.W: The earlier the better. I’m leaving next week.M: How

about next Monday afternoon at 5? I’ll have a copy of the contract sent to your hotel

in the morning for you to look over.W: That suits us fine. Then, goodbye.M: Goodbye,

Mrs. Black.1. What did the export manager agree?2. What price did they agree

about for one driller in the conversation?3. Which one is NOT their agreement

about packing and shipping of the machines?4. When will the letter of credit be

opened?5. What may be the woman’s feeling about this business discussion?


A.To reduce the price.

B.To reduce the export volume.

C.To change the packing.

D.To change the way of payment.


解析:根据句(1)可知,女士说她成功地劝说出口经理同意降价10%,因此A为答案。 知识模块:对话


A.57,600 French francs.

B.57,600 Swiss francs.




解析:根据句(2)可知,双方之前约定15台隧道钻孔机售价为每台57,600瑞士法郎,且是欧洲主要港口的离岸价。此句中FOB是Free On Board的缩写,意为“离岸价”,为外贸常用缩略语。每台57,600瑞士法郎,故B为答案。 知识模块:对话


A.They must be against dampness, moisture and rust.

B.They must be able to stand shock.

C.They must be able to stand rough handling.

D.They must be air freighted to save time.


解析:根据句(3)可知,男士要求这些机器必须包装得防潮、防水、防锈,还要能够经受得起震动和搬运。A、B、C都被提到了,唯有D在对话中没有提及,用排除法可知D为答案。 知识模块:对话


A.Not later than Sept. 20.

B.15 to 20 days before the date of delivery.

C.15 days after shipment.

D.A week before shipment.


解析:根据句(4)可知,付款方式为信用证,即letter of credit (L/C),必须在交货之前的15到20天由购买方开出,因此B为答案。此处要注意并不是谈论信用证的有效期。 知识模块:对话


A.Regretful and reluctant.

B.Confident and happy.

C.Frustrated and pessimistic.

D.Indifferent and unwilling.


解析:根据句(5-1)和句(5-2)可知,女士对男士所提要求无任何意见,她相信自己产品的质量经得起任何检验,双方不会起争端,不会有仲裁的可能。可见女士是非常自信的。由句(5-3)可知,女士很高兴交易成功。故B为答案。 知识模块:对话

听力原文:M: It is the season for thousands of new college graduates to find a

job. The process can be intimidating, but thanks to a strong economy, there is good

news for the graduates of 2016. (6-1) Vera Black of AIC Company, AIC Personal

Finance, she has some advice to help new grads into the working world. Vera, it’s

good to see you.W: Good morning, Robert. Nice to see you.M: So the job market is

good, ha?W: It’s very good. Employers planned to hire about 14% more grads this

year than last year. Yeah, it’s the best job market we’ve seen in 4 or 5 years.M: And

what do you attribute this hiring surge to?W: Ah, largely a reflection of the economic

conditions. Conditions are good, and hiring is on the up.M: You’ve got some advice

for college grads as they’re looking for a job. The first thing you say is do not rely on

the Internet. Why?W: I mean, do not rely on the Internet as your only job searching

strategy. It’s fine if it’s a component of the strategy, but it should not be your only

strategy. (7) Because only about 15 or 20 percent of the jobs are advertised in any

public medium and only about 5 percent of the job seekers actually end up getting a

job through an advertisement. (8) So your best job searching tool; networking.M:

Networking? What is networking?W: (9) Get out there, go to your college and ask

them for a list of local alumni who are in the field that you’re interested in pursuing.

Find out about relevant trade organizations, attend some varied functions and if you

get some leads, try to set up a few informational interviews.M: And what do you

mean by the informational interviews?W: Just a great way really to learn more about

the industry. You might pick up a few leads or get a few contacts, much better than

sending your resume out blindly.M: I see. OK, you’ve done all these things. Now

you’re ready for the real doing. You wanna go into an interview to get a job.W:

Right.M: (6-2) What advice do you have for the interview?W: (10) First and foremost,

you should go in there confident, and ready to take charge. You should know all about

the company before you go in there. You wanna be a good listener. Because ultimately

whether you get the job could boil down to your interviewing skills and your report

with the interviewers. So you wanna come across confident and poised. You wanna

ask very intelligent questions. And be enthusiastic.M: OK, Vera Black as always,

good you could be here.W: Thank you, Robert.6. What is the talk mainly about?7.

How many job seekers actually get a job through an advertisement?8. According to

Vera Black, what’s the best tool to find a job?9. Which is the right interpretation of

networking?10. What advice is comparatively more important for a job interview?


A.The change of this year’s job market.

B.The importance of networking in job-hunting.

C.Where and how to look for a good job.

D.Advice for job-hunting and interviews.


解析:根据句(6-1)可知,女嘉宾Vera Black在访谈中会就毕业生如何进入职场给出她的建议。根据句(6-2)可知男主持人问她对于面试有何建议,女嘉宾在接下来的访谈中给出了相应建议。可见她的建议包括如何工作进入职场和如何成

功面试,因此D为答案。 知识模块:对话


A.About 14%.

B.About 5%.

C.About 15%.

D.About 20%.


解析:根据句(7)可知,尽管有15%到20%的招聘是在公共媒介上刊登的,但是实际上只有约5%的人是通过广告到工作的,因此B为答案。 知识模块:对话



B.The Internet.

C.The job market.

D.Trade organizations.


解析:根据句(8)可知,女嘉宾认为最好的工作方式是networking,即通过人际关系网工作,因此A为答案。 知识模块:对话


A.The network of many accessible websites.

B.The circle of friends in colleges and universities.

C.The family network of friends and relatives.

D.People and organizations to contact and consult.


解析:根据句(9)可知,networking其实就是去你感兴趣领域的当地大学校友,相关的贸易组织,出席一些聚会,努力达成信息性面试。其实就是去联系、咨询周围的人以及一些相关组织,通过跟他们交流工作,因此D为答案。 知识模块:对话


A.Be confident.

B.Be a good listener.

C.Be enthusiastic.

D.Ask good questions.


解析:根据句(10)可知,当问及对面试的建议时,女嘉宾列出的建议的第一条就是要自信。因此A为答案。 知识模块:对话

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