

《普通高中英语课程标准 (2017年版)》相较于旧版课标,新课标词汇表增补368词,删减831词。新的课程标准作为对高中英语教材、教学、测评等的基本依据,对高中英语教育定位、教育目标、课程结构、课程内容、学业质量以及实施建议等,做了重新定义和规范。





1. absolutely

— Absolutely! 正是!

2. according to prep 按照;根据

According to a UN report, some 844 animals and plants have disappeared in the last 500 years. 联合国报告指出,在过去的500年里,已有约844个动植物物种消失。

3. actually


4. addict

5. adorable

6. ambitious

7. anticipate vt 期待;预期;预料

A good speaker is able to anticipate an audience’s needs. 优秀的演讲者能够预先考虑到听众的需adj 有抱负的;野心勃勃的

I ought to do something a bit more ambitious. 我应当做些更有雄心的事。

adj 值得崇敬的;可爱的

We have three adorable children. 我们有3个可爱的孩子。

n [C]上瘾的人;对…着迷的人

a TV / football / video game addict 电视迷 / 足球迷 / 电子游戏迷

adv 实际上;事实上

Since “life is a stage”, we are actually all actors and actresses. 既然“生活就是舞台”,那我们实际上adv 完全地;绝对地 (quite);[用于强调] 确实

— They could have told us, could they? 他们本来可以告诉我们的,不是吗?


8. apparently

9. assign


10. barely

11. best

✦ adj [good的最高级]最好的;最优秀的;最适当的

He is the best person for the job. 他是最适合这项工作的人。

✦ adv [well的最高级]最好地;最适当地

Which do you like best? 你最喜欢哪一个?

✦ n [C] [常用the best]最佳的人;最好的事物;最佳状态

I don’t think I can finish it within this week, but I’ll try my best. 我看这星期之内完不成,但我会尽最大的努力。

12. bet

✦ vi & vt (用……) 打赌;(与……) 打赌

He bet me ten dollars that John would come. 他跟我赌10美元,认定约翰会来。

vt 敢说;确信

— Going to the party on Saturday? 星期六去参加聚会吗?

— You bet! 当然!

13. better

✦ adj [good的比较级]更好的;较好的;[well的比较级] (健康状况)有所好转的

You will feel better after a night’s sleep. 睡上一晚,你会感觉好些。

✦ adv [well的比较级]更好地;更适当地;更

You play the piano better than your sister. 你钢琴弹得比你好。

✦ vt & vi 胜过;超过;改善

This achievement cannot be bettered. 这一成就好得不能再好了。

✦ n [U] [可用单数]较好的事物

adv 仅仅;勉强;几乎没有

In fact, I barely slept the night before. 事实上前一天晚上我几乎没睡觉。

vt 分配;指定;指派;归因;确定

Our teachers assign too much homework. 我们老师布置的家庭作业太多了。

adv [句子副词]看来 (好像);显然;据说

I wasn’t there, but apparently the concert was amazing. 我当时不在场,但据说音乐会很精彩。

If they can do them both at the same time, then so much the better. 如果他们可以同时做这两件事,那当然更好。

14. billion

15. blogɒn [C] (计算机) 网络日志;博客

The micro blog has exploded in popularity in recent years, particularly among young people. 近年来微博大受欢迎,尤其是在年轻人当中。➎g

16. boost vt 使增长;使兴旺

Researches have shown that smiling can lower blood pressure, reduce stress and boost happiness. 研究表明微笑可以降低血压、舒缓压力、增进快乐。


17. calendarn [C] 日历;历法

When we tear one page from the calendar, it means our life has been shortened by one day. 每当我们从日历上撕下一页,就意味着我们的生命又减少了一天。

18. calligraphy

19. calorie

20. campus

on campus 在校园里

21. capable

22. capacity

23. career n [C] 事业;职业;生涯;(一段) 工作经历

A year after his retirement, Li Ning began a new career — as a businessman.


n [C] & [U] 容量;能力

The fuel tank has a capacity of 40 litres. 这个油箱能装40升油。

adj 有能力的;能干的

Napoleon was one of the most capable generals in history. 拿破仑是历史上最有能力的将军之一。

n [C] & [U] (大学、学院的) 校园;校区

n [C] 卡路里 (食物的热量单位)

The calorie content in this ice cream is very high. 这种冰激凌的卡路里含量很高。


You can find books about calligraphy on that stack. 您可以在那个书架上到有关书法的书。

num 十亿

billions of 数以十亿计的;大量的

24. cease

cease fire 停火

25. celebrity sɪ'lebrɪtɪ n [C] 名人;名流

If fame is so troublesome, why aren’t all celebrities running away from it? 如果名气让人如此烦恼,名人们为何都不远离它呢?

26. certainly

— Will you help me? 你愿意帮我的忙吗?

— Certainly I will. 当然愿意。

27. charity

28. cite

29. claim

✦ vt 声称;宣称

Scientists are claiming a major breakthrough in the fighting against cancer. 科学家称在抗癌领域取得了重大突破。

✦ vt & vi (根据权利) 要求;索要;认领

So far nobody has claimed the money discovered in the library. 迄今为止,还没有人来认领在图书馆捡到的那些钱。

✦ vt [尤用于新闻报道] 夺去 (生命)

Earthquakes have claimed more than 1.6 million lives in the last hundred years. 在过去的100年中,地震夺去了超过160万人的生命。

✦ n [C] 声称;断言:(对事物的) 权利;所有权;要求;索赔

They made claims they couldn’t live up to. 他们给出了自己无法兑现的说法。

30. client

31. clue n [C] 线索;提示

Write a conversation with the help of the clues. 根据提示编写一段对话。

n [C] 委托人;顾客;客户

The lawyer explained the legal technicalities to his client. 律师给委托人解释法律上的要点。

vt 引用;传讯;表扬;举(例)

The soldier was cited by the king for his bravery. 这士兵由于英勇而受到国王的褒扬。

n [U] 慈善 (事业);慈悲;[C] 慈善机构 / 团体

a charity concert / dinner 慈善音乐会 / 宴会

adv必然;肯定地:[用在答话中表示同意] 当然;没问vi & vt [正式用语] 停止;终止;结束

32. collapse


33. column

In the first two columns list your sources of income. 在前两列写出收入来源。

34. comic ɒ

✦ n 连环图画;喜剧演员

Children like to read comics.孩子们喜欢看连环漫画。

✦ adj 滑稽的;有趣的;喜剧的

The play is a good vehicle for his comic talent. 这个剧本很好地展露了他的喜剧天才。

35. community


36. comparison

37. complain

38. complicated


39. compose

✦ vt [不用于进行时] [正式用语] 构成;组成(make up)

England, Scotland, and Wales compose the island of Great Britain. 英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士组成了大不列颠岛。

✦ vt & vi 创作 (乐曲、诗歌等);撰写

Mozart composed his last opera shortly before his death. 莫扎特去世前不久创作了他的最后一部歌剧。

ɒadj 复杂的;难懂的

The rules of the game are too complicated to explain in a few words. 这个游戏的规则太复杂,三言vi & vt [不用于被动语态] 抱怨

I’ve really got nothing to complain of. 我确实没什么可抱怨的。

n [C] & [U] 比较;比拟

In comparison with last year, the price of beef has increased. 与去年相比,牛肉的价格上涨了。

n [C] 社区;体;团体;界;社会;公众

Worrying about community safety, I prefer to secure my house with new technology. 由于担心社区ɒn [C] 柱;圆柱;柱状物;(表格等的) 栏;列;(报刊等的) 专vi 倒塌;崩溃;瓦解

Having been attacked by terrorists, the tall building collapsed.

40. comprehensive ɒ

✦ adj 全面的;综合 (性) 的:

a comprehensive review / study 全面的审查 / 研究

✦ n [C] 综合中学

41. comprise

42. confidence

43. Confucianism


44. Confucius


45. confused adj 困惑的;糊涂的;混乱的;难懂的

If you have questions or are confused about anything, email me.


46. consultation


47. consumption

48. contactɒ

✦ n [U] 触碰;接触:联系;联络;交往:[常用复数] 社会关系;门路

The pilot lost contact with the control tower. 飞行员与指挥塔失去了联络。

✦ vt (用电话、信件等) 联系 / 联络 (某人)

Please contact me by e-mail if you are interested. 如有兴趣,请发与我联系。

49. contest ɒn [C] 比赛;竞争;竞赛

n [U] 消费 (量);消耗 (量)

Internet shopping is a new way of consumption. 网上购物是当今消费的一种新途径。

ɒn 咨询;请教;协议会

I’ll call you for consultation next time I take a trip somewhere. 下次我再去什么地方玩,也要打电 n 孔子(中国古代教育家、儒家创始人)

Confucius greatly influenced the development of China’s culture and education. 孔子对中国的文化 n 孔子思想;儒家思想

Confucianism is one of the major sources of the Chinese culture. 孔子思想是我国文化的主要源头ɒn 信任;把握;信心;知心话

We have full confidence that we shall succeed. 我们完全有把握取得成功。

vt 构成;包含

Twelve departments comprise this university. 12个系组成了这所大学。

I finally came out of the contest as the first prize winner. 我最终获得比赛一等奖。

50. context

political / social / historical context 政治 / 社会 / 历史背景

51. contract

✦ n [C] 契约;合同

enter into / make / sign a contract with sb 与某人签订合同

✦ vi 缩小;收缩

Metal contracts as it cools. 金属遇冷收缩。

✦ vi & vt 签 (合同)

We’d like to contract in on this project, if possible. 如有可能,我们愿意签订合同参加这一计划。

52. contrast

53. cooperate贯固执己见的人合作。

54. core

✦ adj 基础的;核心的

core curriculum / subjects / values 核心课程 / 科目/ 价值

55. corporate

56. costume

✦ n 服装;剧装

Her funny costume caused much mirthful laughter among the guests. 她那滑稽的服装引得客人哄堂大笑。


adj 法人的;公司的;社团的;共同的;全体的

The owner opened a corporate checking account at the bank. 公司老板在银行开了一个法人账户。

✦ n [C] 果核;核心;最重要的部分

vi 合作;协作;配合

I find it hard to cooperate with those who always stick to their own opinions. 我发现很难与那些一ɒvt & vi (使) 形成对照;(使) 形成对比

n [C] & [U] 差异;对比;对照

His actions contrast sharply with his promises. 他的行动与诺言形成鲜明对比。

the economic and social contrasts between the poor and the rich 穷人和富人之间的经济和社会差ɒ

ɒn [C] & [U] (文章的) 上下文;语境;(事情发生的) 背

✦ vt 提供服装;为……设计服装

Jane costumed a historical play. 简曾为一出历史剧设计服装。

✦ adj 服装打扮的

A friend of mine was asked to a costume ball a short time ago. 不久前,我的一个朋友被邀请参加一个化装舞会。

57. council

58. county

59. coverage

60. creative

61. crisis

the global energy crisis 全球能源危机

62. critical

63. criticize

✦ vi & vt 批评;批判;指责

She does nothing but criticize and complain all the time. 她什么也不做,只是一味地指责和抱怨。

✦ vt 评价;评论 (艺术作品等):

He criticized the American film favorably. 他对那部美国电影给予了好评。

64. crucial

65. current


66. cute adj 漂亮的;逗人喜爱的


Students are placed into classes according to their current language skills.

adj 关键性的;至关重要的

It is crucial that we get this right.我们把这个问题弄明白是极其重要的。


The first 24 hours after the operation are the most critical. 术后24小时最关键。

n [C] & [U] 危机;紧要关头

adj 有创造力的;创造性的

The idea for the advertisement is creative. 这个广告的构思很有创意。

n 新闻报道;覆盖范围;承保范围

The television coverage of the event was rather sparse. 电视上对这件事报道很少。

n [C] (英国的) 郡;(美国的) 县

n [C] 委员会;理事会;(英国的) 地方议会

the UN Security Council 联合国安理会

Leila kept smiling her outrageously cute smile. 莱拉脸上始终挂着非常可爱的笑容。


67. decent

68. definitely

definitely speaking 明确地说

69. definition

70. demonstrate

✦ vt 证明;论证;示范;演示;显示:

Researchers have demonstrated how effective the fit-for-life model of gym class can be. 研究者已经证明这种生活化的体育课是多么的有效。

✦ vi 示威;示威游行

demonstrate against sb / sth 示威反对某人 / 某事

71. deny


72. depress


Raining weather always depresses me. 雨天常让我感到压抑。

73. despite


74. detail

75. detect vt 察觉;发现;侦查出

Many forms of cancer can be cured if detected early. 如果发现得早,许多癌症都可以治愈。

n [C] 细节;琐事;[U] 详情

Tell me more details about the job. 多告诉我一些关于这项工作的具体情况。

prep 不管;尽管;任凭

Joe is a good basketball player despite being short and stout. 尽管又矮又胖,乔依然是个优秀的篮vt 将 (某物) 压下;推下;使抑郁;使沮丧;使萧条;vt否认;否定;拒绝承认;拒绝接受;拒绝给予

There is no denying that protecting the environment is of great importance.

n [C] & [U] 释义;定义

My definition of happiness is “the capacity for enjoyment”. 我对幸福的定义是“快乐的能力”。

adv 确切地;肯定地

adj 相当好的;体面的;适当的;正派的

Are there any decent restaurants around here? 这附近有没有好的餐厅?

76. device

a water-saving device 节水装置

77. dining


78. discipline


79. display

✦ n [C]陈列;展览;表演;(特性、情感或能力的) 显示;表露

There is always a huge public firework display on National Day. 国庆节总会有大型的公开烟火表演。

✦ vt 陈列;展览 ;显示

The paintings that David donated to the school are being displayed in the assembly hall. 戴维送给学校的画作正在会议厅里展览。

80. distinct

81. distribution

82. dolphin

83. domain

84. domestic

domestic and foreign news 国内外新闻

85. dominate

✦ vi & vt 支配;控制


n 领地;领域;范围

Most public domain databases are available freely. 多数公用域数据库都免费开放。

ɒn 海豚

This piece of music was inspired by dolphin sounds. 这首乐曲的创作灵感来自海豚的叫声。

n [U] 分配;配送;分布

The distribution of the magazine is 2000. 该杂志的销售量为2000份。


In Beijing, the four seasons are all very distinct. 北京四季分明。

n [U] 训练;管教;纪律;自制力;[C] 训练办法

The school has a reputation for high standards of discipline.

n [U] 进餐

Ask for a booth, which I found more convivial for dining. 我们要了一个高背椅的隔间,因为觉得n [C] 装置;设备;仪器

He has authority, but he doesn’t try to dominate (others). 他有权威,但并不想控制别人。

✦ vt (山、塔等) 高出于;俯视

The Acropolis dominates the city of Athens. 雅典的卫城高耸于雅典全城之上。

86. dragon


87. drama


A similar drama took place in Washington three years ago. 三年前,华盛顿发生了一场类似的戏剧性事件。

88. dramatic

89. drought

90. duration


91. ease

✦ n [U] 舒适;悠闲;自在;容易;不费力

He passed the exam with ease (= easily). 他轻而易举地通过了考试。

✦ vi & vt 减轻;缓解;(使) 小心缓慢地移动

It would ease my mind to know where he was. 要是知道他在哪儿我就放心了。

92. economic ɒɒadj [只用于名词前]

经济 (学) 的;经济上的;有利可图的

The mine was closed because it was not economic. 煤矿因为盈利状况不佳而关闭了

93. efficient


adj 有效率的;高效能的

You must find a more efficient way of organizing your time. 你必须到一个能更有效地安排时间n [U] 持续;期间

The duration of the movie is 110 minutes. 这部电影的持续时间是110分钟。

n 干旱

The long drought famished many people. 久旱使很多人陷入饥饿。


Her opening words were dramatic. 她的开场白十分动听。

n [C] (一出) 戏;戏剧性事件:[U] 戏剧;戏剧艺术;戏n 龙

Dragons are described as monsters in most western countries. 在大多数西方国家,龙被认为是怪

94. elderly adj [委婉用语] (人) 较老的;上了年纪的

All were very happy with those unexpected gifts, especially little kids and elderly people. 所有人收到那些意想不到的礼物都很高兴,特别是小孩和老人。

95. election

a general election 大选

96. element

97. elsewhere

98. embarrassed


99. emerge

100. emotion n [C] & [U] 感情;情绪;激情

Our facial expressions convey our emotions, such as anger, or joy, or disappointment. 我们的面部表情表达我们的各种情绪,如愤怒、高兴或失望。

101. emphasis

102. enable


103. encounter✦ vt 遇到 (问题等);偶然碰到 (某人)

encounter an old friend 偶然遇到一位老朋友

✦ n [C] 相遇;邂逅

104. engage vt & vi (使) 参加;(使) 参与;吸引 (住);雇用;聘请

vt 使能够;使成为可能

In a word, good listening can really enable us to get closer to each other. 总之,善于倾听确实能使n [C] & [U]强调;重视;重读;重音;加重语气

They put emphasis on quality rather than on quantity. 他们重视质量而不是数量。

vi浮现;出现;(问题等) 冒出;兴起

The moon emerged from behind the clouds. 月亮从云层后露出。

adj 尴尬的

She felt embarrassed about undressing in front of the doctor. 在医生面前脱衣服让她觉得很难为adv 在别处;到别处

If the restaurant is full, we can go elsewhere. 如果这家餐馆客满了,我们就到别处去。

n [C]要素;基本部分;(化学) 元素

Honesty is a vital element of her success. 诚实是她取得成功的关键因素。

n [C] & [U] 选举;推选

Only 10% of American adults engage in regular exercise. 在美国,只有10%的成年人定期进行锻炼。

105. enhance

106. enormous


107. ensure

108. entirely


109. entitle

110. episode

111. equator

112. era

113. essential


114. establish


The company was established in 1980. 这家公司成立于1980年。

vt建立;创立;设立 (set up);确立;立足;得到adj 必不可少的;最重要的;本质的

The words are essential for everybody to learn English. 这些词对于每一个英语学习者来说,都是n [C] 时代;历史时期;年代;纪元

We are now in a great new era of information. 我们现在正处于一个崭新的伟大的信息时代。

n 赤道

The equator is an imaginary line. 赤道是一条实际上并不存在的线。

n 一段情节;片段;轶事;插曲

One of the funniest episodes in the book occurs in chapter 6. 书中最有趣的情节是在第6章。

vt 给……取名 / 命名;使……有权利 / 资格

She read a poem entitled “The Apple Tree”. 她读了一首名为《苹果树》的诗。

adv 全部地;完全地

Towns only a few miles apart can have entirely different dialects. 相距仅几英里的城镇也许会说完vt 确保;保证

We must ensure the purity of drinking water. 我们必须确保饮用水的纯净。

adj 巨大的;庞大的

He knows so much about the subject. His knowledge is enormous. 他对这门学科懂得很多,他的知vt 提高;增加;加强

He made many efforts to enhance his reputation. 他做了许多努力来提高他的声誉。

115. estaten庄园;种植园;房地产;上有大片建筑物的土地

a housing / an industrial estate 住宅区 / 工业园区

116. estimate

✦ vt [常用于被动语态] 估计;估算;估价

The tree is estimated to be at least 700 years old. 这棵树估计至少有700年了。

✦ n [C] 估计;估算;估价

a conservative / rough estimate 保守的 / 粗略的估算

117. eve n [C] (节日或重大事件的) 前夜;前夕

on New Year’s Eve / Christmas Eve 在除夕 (夜) /平安夜

118. exactlyadv 确切地;恰好;正是

— So you think we should sell the house? 这么说你认为我们应该卖掉房子?

— Exactly. 正是。

119. exceptional adj 异常的;例外的;特别的;杰出的This weather is exceptional for June. 六月里这样的天气是反常的。

120. excitedadj 兴奋的;激动的

The children were excited at the thought of the journey. 孩子们一想到旅行就很兴奋。

121. exciting adj 令人兴奋的;使人激动的

The idea was so exciting. 这主意真令人激动。

122. expansion n [C] & [U] 扩大;扩张;扩充

Metals undergo expansion when heated. 金属加热时会膨胀。

123. exposure n [U] & [C] 暴露;揭发

Exposure of the body to strong sunlight can be harmful. 身体受烈日暴晒会造成伤害。

124. extend

✦ vt 伸开;展开;伸出

Extend your left hand. 把左手伸出来。

✦ vt & vi (使) 延伸;(使) 延长;(使) 扩大;(使) 扩展

This road extends to the river. 这条路延伸到河边。

125. extent

126. external

n [U] [常用单数] 程度;范围

I was amazed at the extent of his knowledge. 我对他知识的渊博感到吃惊。

✦ adj 外来的;外部的;外面的;表面的

This news program only covers external events. 这一新闻节目只报道国外消息。

✦ n 外观;外部;外界事物

The external features of the building are very attractive. 这座建筑物的外观是很吸引人的。

127. extinction n [U] 灭绝;绝迹

The World Dinosaur Valley brings back from extinction the most mammoth creatures our planet has

ever known. 恐龙世界将呈现出世界上最多的已然消失的猛犸。

128. extremely


129. fabric

130. facilitate


131. facility fə'sɪləti建筑

The hotel has its own pool and leisure facilities. 这家酒店拥有自己的游泳池和休闲设施。

132. factor


133. fashion

be in / out of fashion 流行 / 过时

134. feature

✦ n [C] 特征;特点

n [U] & [C] (服饰等的) 流行式样;最新款式;时装业

n [C] 因素;要素

The determinate factor of our economy is to control inflation. 我们经济的决定性因素是控制通货n [C] [复数] 设施;设备;(用于某种活动、行业或服务的) 场所;vt 促进;帮助;使 ... 容易

The new underground railway will facilitate the journey to all parts of the city. 新的地下铁路将为n 结构;织物;构造

The whole fabric of the society was changed by the war. 战争改变了整个社会结构。

adv 极其;非常

The book was extremely popular. 这本书非常受欢迎。

the main geographical features 主要的地理特征

面貌的一部分 (指眼、口、鼻等);面貌 (特征)

Her eyes are her best feature. 她五官中眼睛最好看。

(报纸、电视等的) 特写;专题节目

She showed great interest in a special feature on education in today’s newspaper. 她对今天报纸上一个关于教育的专栏特别感兴趣。

✦ vt 是……的特征;以……为特

Round-the-clock service features this store. 24小时服务是这家商店的特。

vi 起重要作用;占重要地位

Fish features in the Japanese diet. 鱼在日本人的饮食中占重要地位。

135. finally

136. financial

Hong Kong is an international financial centre. 香港是个国际金融中心。

137. finding些令人担忧的研究结果。

138. flavour

139. foggy

140. formal

141. fortunately


142. foundation


The foundation of every state is its education of its youth. 对青年人的教育是每个国家的根本。

n [U] 创建;创办;基础;基本原则;根据;adv [句子副词] 幸运地;幸亏

A fire broke out in the market yesterday, but fortunately no one was hurt. 市场里昨天着火了,但幸adj正式的;正式场合用的;正规的;形式 (上) 的

We insist on formal dress for dinner. 我们坚持要求正装赴宴。

ɒadj 有雾的;雾蒙蒙的;模糊的

On foggy days, you can’t see anything. 有雾的日子,你什么都看不清。

n [C] & [U] 味道;风味;特点

The stories have a strong regional flavour. 这些故事带有浓郁的地方特。

n [C] [常用复数] 发现;调查 / 研究结果

Scientists have recently provided us with some worrying findings. 科学家们最近向我们提供了一adj 财政的;金融的

adv 最后;最终

After years of regular treatment, she finally became healthy. 经过多年的定期,她终于康复了。

143. frank

144. frequency

145. frequently


146. frightened

147. fund

✦ n [C] 基金;专款;[复数] 资金;[单数] 基金会

A sale is being held to raise funds for the school. 为学校筹集资金的义卖活动正在进行。

✦ vt 为……提供资金;资助

a government-funded programme 政府资助的项目


148. gap n [C] 缺口;间隔;差距;分歧

Today, the generation gap has not disappeared, but it is getting narrow in many families. 如今,代沟并没有消失,但它在许多家庭中正逐渐缩小。

149. gender

150. generate

151. genius

152. genuinea genuine person 真诚的人

adj 真 (实) 的;真诚的

n [U] [常用单数] 天才;天赋;天才人物

She has a genius for languages. 她有语言天赋。

vt 产生;创造

We can’t generate enough power for the entire city. 我们不能为整个城市产生足够的能量。

n [C] & [U] 性别

adj 受惊的;害怕的

Frightened children were calling for their mothers. 受到惊吓的孩子们呼喊着妈妈。

adv 频繁地;经常地

We should take an active part in sports and outdoor activities frequently. 我们应该经常积极参加体n [U] & [C] 频繁;发生率

Accidents are happening with increasing frequency. 事故正在愈加频繁地发生。

adj 坦白的,直率的;清楚表明的;明显的

My client has been less than frank with me. 我的客户对我不是很坦白。

153. global

adj [通常只用于名词前]全球的;全世界的;全面的;总体Global Positioning System (GPS) 全球定位系统

154. goodbye

✦ int 再见

✦ n [C] 告别

Murray was at the port to wave goodbye to his friend.


155. grab vt抓住;(因忙碌而) 匆忙地吃 / 喝

From this point on, you’ll have free time to explore the city and grab some lunch. 从这一刻开始,你将有自由时间探寻这座城市,吃点儿午餐。

156. gradually adv 逐渐地

In the good care of the nurses, the boy is gradually recovering from his heart operation. 在护士的精心照料下,这个男孩在心脏手术之后正逐渐恢复。

157. greenhouse

greenhouse effect 温室效应

158. guideline


159. guy


160. habitat

161. harmonious


162. hence adv [正式用语] 因此;所以

adj 和谐的;和睦的;音调优美的

Only in this way will our society be more harmonious and hopeful. 只有这样我们的社会才会更加n [C] & [U] (动物) 栖息地;(植物) 生长地

The polar bear’s habitat is the icy waters of the Arctic. 北极熊的栖息地是冰冷的北极海域。

n [C] 男人;小伙子;家伙;伙计

This guy’s a winner, right? 这个小伙子赢了,对吧?

n [C] [常用复数] 指导方针;指导原则

The only guideline is to reach the best possible result. 唯一的指导方针,就是获得最好的可能的结n [C] 温室;暖房

163. highlight

✦ vt 突出;强调;使醒目

I’ve highlighted the important passages in yellow. 我用黄标出了重要的段落。

✦ n [C] 最精彩的场面 / 部分

It is one of the highlights of the match. 这是比赛中最精彩的项目之一。

164. hike haɪk

✦ n 徒步旅行;远足;涨价

He always bring a canteen with him on a hike. 他作徒步旅行时总是带着水壶。

✦ vi 远足;提高

They are going to hike to the top of a mountain. 他们打算徒步旅行到一座大山的顶端。

165. historic

166. household

✦ n [C] 一家人;家庭

An average US household produces about 150 pounds of CO2 a day by driving cars. 一个普通的美国家庭每天开车大约会产生150磅的二氧化碳。

✦ adj [只用于名词前] 家庭的;家用的:

household expenses / products 家庭开支 / 家用产品

167. housing

168. humble

✦ adj 谦逊的;粗陋的;卑下的;微末的

He flew high though he was of humble origin. 他虽出生低微,却胸怀大志。

✦ vt 使……卑下;贬低

They tried to humble your importance in that achievement. 他们企图贬低你在那次功绩中的重要作用。


169. ideal

✦ adj 理想的;完美的

n [U] 住房;房屋

More housing is needed for old people. 需要给老年人提供更多的住房。

ɒadj 有文字记载以前的;史前的

China’s takeover of Hong Kong was a historic event. 中国收回香港是一件具有历史意义的大事。

Ideal study times are after dinner or right after school before dinner. 理想的学习时间是晚餐后,或放学后晚餐前。

✦ n [C] 理想;想象中的人 / 事物

Ideals are like the stars — we never reach them, but like sailors, we chart our course by them. 理想犹如天上的星星,我们虽不能触及,却可以像水手一样靠它们调整航向。

170. identical

171. identify

172. illustrate


173. image

174. impact

175. imply

176. incredible

177. individual

✦ adj [只用于名词前] 单独的;个人的

Each individual leaf on the tree is different. 树上的每片叶子都不相同。

✦ n [C] 个人;个体;人

Together, individuals can make a difference. 万众一心,众志成城。

178. infection

n [U] 传染 [C] 传染病

The infection went round the whole city. 这种传染病传遍了全城。

adj 难以置信的;无法相信的;[口语] 极好的

Incredible! See how much he has changed now. 真令人难以置信!看看他现在变化多大啊!


Are you implying that I’m lying? 你是暗指我在撒谎吗?

n [U] & [C]撞击 (力);冲击 (力);影响;作用

The car hit the stone wall with great impact. 汽车猛烈地撞在石墙上。

n [C] & [U] 影像;图像;形象;印象

He saw the image of his face in the mirror. 他在镜子里看到了自己的脸。

vt给……作插图;(用示例、图画等) 说明;解释

Each group member should find photos and artwork to illustrate your leaflet. 每个小组成员都要vt认出;识别;确认;出

He was too far away to be able to identify faces. 他离得太远,认不出那些面孔。

adj 同一的;相同的

They’re wearing identical clothes. 他们穿着完全相同的衣服。

179. infer

180. influential

✦ adj 有权势的;有影响的

vt 推断

I inferred the fact from the news. 我从这则消息中推断出这个事实。

You may be fated to have a very influential incarnation. 你可能注定是一种非常有权势的化身。

✦ n 有影响力的人物

He met a select group of media influentials. 他会见了一经过挑选的媒介巨头。

181. initiative

✦ adj 自发的

She took an initiative part in the Wildlife Conservation Society. 她主动参加野生动物保护协会。

✦ n 首创精神;主动权;第一步;倡议;项目

It is innovation plus initiative that has kept it thriving. 创新与进取精神使得它蓬勃发展。

182. innerthe inner feelings 内心的感情

183. innovation重要。

184. input n [C] & [U] 投入 (时间、知识等);(计算机) 输入

The input you give your children during study periods will help make studying enjoyable. 在学习期间,你对孩子们的投入会使他们的学习更有乐趣。

185. inquire

186. insight

187. inspection

188. instancefor instance (= for example) 例如

n [C] 例子;事例

n [U] & [C] 检查;视察

I gave the radio a thorough inspection before buying it. 我把收音机彻底检查了一遍才买了下来。

n [C] 顿悟;[U] 洞察力;眼光

The book is filled with remarkable insights. 这本书很有真知卓见。

vt &vi 询问;查究

We inquired the way of a boy. 我们向一个男孩问路。

n [C] 新观念 / 方法;[U]创新;革新

In the age of global competition, design innovation is vital. 在全球激烈竞争的时代,设计创新至关adj 内部的;内心的

189. integrate

classroom instruction.

仅有20% 的教师认为他们感觉能够将技术与课堂教学进行整合。

190. integrity

191. intelligent

192. intense

193. interaction


194. internal

internal organs / injuries 内脏 / 内伤

195. interpret

✦ vt 解释;阐述

Freud attempted to interpret the meaning of dreams. 弗洛伊德试图解释梦的含义。

✦ vt & vi (口头) 翻译

She couldn’t speak English so her children had to interpret for her. 她不会讲英语,所以她的孩子们得给她翻译。

196. intervention

197. investigate

198. investment n [U] & [C] 投资;投资额

Antiques are a very safe investment. 古玩是一种非常保险的投资对象。

vt & vi 调查;侦查;调查研究

The police are investigating the robbery. 警方正在调查这起抢劫案。

n 介入;干预;调停

His untimely intervention annoyed me. 他那不合时宜的干涉让我生气。

adj 内部的;体内的;内心的

n [C] & [U] 交流;互动;相互作用

Price is determined through the interaction of demand and supply.

adj 强烈的;激烈的

He’s been under intense pressure. 他面对着很大的压力。

adj 聪明的;有才智的;有智力的

They’re intelligent, hard-working and lively students. 他们是聪明、勤奋又活泼的学生。

n 完整;完善;正直;诚实

We must respect each other’s territorial integrity. 我们应当尊重彼此的领土完整。

v 整合;结合;取消隔离;求积分

Only 20% of teachers report feeling very well prepared to integrate education technology into

199. involve

200. issue

✦ n [C]议题;争论的问题 (尤指社会或政治方面) ;(令人担忧的) 问题;(报刊的) 号;版次

The environmental issue is a worldwide problem. 环境问题是世界性的问题。

✦ vt公布;发布; (正式) 发给;供给;发行

The minister issued a statement to the press. 部长向新闻界发表了声明。

201. item闻)

We have many items to discuss in our meeting today. 今天的会议我们有很多事项要讨论。


202. joint

✦ n [C] 关节;接缝;接合处

ankle / knee joints 踝 / 膝关节

✦ adj [只用于名词前] 联合的;共同的

a joint account 联名账户

203. journal

204. justify


How can we justify spending so much money on dinner? 我们怎么解释花这么多钱吃饭呢?


205. kit

✦ n 成套工具;工具箱;装备

The plumber lost his kit on the way home. 这位水管工人在回家的路上把工具丢了。

✦ vt 装备

Kit this man out with everything he needs. 他需要什么就给他什么装备。


206. label

vt 证明……正当 / 有理;为……辩护;对……作'dʒɝnln [C]日报;杂志;期刊;日志;日记

a college / science journal 大学学报 / 科学杂志

n [C] (表格、数据等的) 项目;一件商品;一条 / 一则 (新ɒvt包含;需要;涉及;影响;使参加

The work of an elephant trainer involves love and devotion. 驯象师的工作需要爱和奉献。

✦ n [C] 标签;标记

put / place a label on a box 在箱子上贴标签

✦ vt 贴标签于;用标签标明

The file was labelled “Top secret”. 这份文件上标明“绝密”。

207. landscape

an exhibit of landscapes 风景画展

208. laptop

209. later

✦ adv 以后;后来

About fifteen minutes later, the rain stopped. 大约15分钟后,雨停了。

✦ adj [late的比较级] [只用于名词前] 较晚的;以后的:

The match has been postponed to a later date. 比赛已延期举行。

210. launch

✦ vt使 (船) 下水;发射;发动;创办;把……投放市场

China’s first cargo spacecraft Tianzhou-1 was launched into space on April 20, 2017.


✦ n [C] [常用单数] 发射;(新产品的) 投放市场;(新书的) 发行

the launch of the first artificial satellite 首颗人造卫星的发射

211. leadership

212. leisure

leisure time 闲暇时间

213. less

✦ adj [little的比较级,修饰不可数名词] 更少的;较少的:

These days, music fans spend less money in buying records than people used to do. 如今,音乐迷花在买唱片上的钱比以前的人要少。

✦ adv [little的比较级] 更少 / 小地;较少 / 小地

Tom is less clever than his brother. 汤姆不如他兄弟聪明。

✦ pron 更少量;较少数

n [U] 闲暇;业余时间

n [U] 领导;领导力;领导层

under the leadership of sb / under sb’s leadership 在某人的领导下

n [C] 笔记本电脑;便携式电脑

The laptop is three times more expensive than that desktop. 这台手提电脑比那台台式电脑贵三倍。

n [C] 风景;风景画

Flying is less of a risk than driving. 乘飞机比开车风险小。

214. limited adj 有限的;不多的

This dictionary uses a limited number of words, around 2,000, in its definitions. 这本词典使用了大约2 000个左右的有限的词汇来解释单词的释义。

215. literally

216. living

living things 生物

living languages (= languages still spoken) 现用语言

✦ n [C] & [U] 生活;生计

Twenty years ago, I drove a taxi for a living. 20年前,我以开出租车谋生。

217. loan

218. location

219. log ɒvt & vi 记录

How much downtime did we log last week?


220. logical

221. lower

✦ adj [low的比较级] 较低的;较下的;较低级的

Temperatures will be lower over the weekend. 周末气温会更低。

✦ vt 把……放低;把……降下;降低;减低 (价格、声音等)

She lowered her eyes, shaking her head slightly. 她垂下眼睛,轻轻地摇了摇头。

222. lunar

the lunar calendar 阴历

adj 月球的;以月球公转测度的

ɒadj 符合逻辑的;合乎情理的

The article has a logical composition. 这篇文章布局合理。

n [C] 地点;位置

The location of the factory is close to the railway. 工厂地处铁路沿线。

n [C] 贷款;借款

The bank will accommodate him with a loan. 银行将向他提供一笔贷款。

✦ adj活的;活着的;[只用于名词前] 在使用的

adv 照字义;根据字面意思

He translated this article literally. 他一字一句地翻译这篇文章。

223. luxury



224. maintainvt保持;维持;维护;保养;坚持认为

The two countries have always maintained close relations. 这两个国家一直保持着密切的关系。

n 奢侈品;奢侈;豪华

The government has imposed strict controls over the import of luxury goods. 政府对奢侈品的进口

225. massiveadj 大而重的;大规模的

A massive boulder blocked the entrance of the cave. 一块巨大的圆石堵住了山洞的入口。

226. mechanic n [C] 技工;机修工

He worked in a garage as a mechanic. 他在汽车修理厂当技工。

227. membership n [U] 会员身份;会员;会员数

How large / big is the membership? 总共有多少会员?

228. military adj 军事的;军用的

take military action 采取军事行动

229. millimetern [C] 毫米

230. minor adj [常用于名词前,无比较级变化] 较小 / 少的;轻微的

Luckily it was only a minor problem. 幸运的是,那只是个小问题。

231. missing adj 丢失的;失踪的;缺少的

My gloves have been missing for ages. 我的手套已经丢了很久了。

232. mission 'mɪʃənn 使命;代表团;任务;布道

Her mission was to reclaim former criminals. 她的任务是感化过去的罪犯。

233. mobile phone n [C] 移动电话;手机

234. moden [C] 方式;运行方式;模式

flight mode 飞行模式

235. monthly

✦ adj 每月的;按月的

a monthly magazine 月刊

✦ adv 每月;每月一次

These machines have to be checked monthly. 这些机器必须每月检查一次。

✦ n [C] 月刊

This magazine is a monthly. 这本杂志是月刊。

236. mood n [C] 心情;情绪;心境

Having been punished by his boss, he was in a very bad mood.


237. moreover

238. mostly

239. motion

240. motivate vt 使有动力;激发;激励

Researchers have identified several factors that motivate people to get involved in voluntary work.


241. motive


242. mount

243. multiple

✦ adj 多个 (人 / 事件 / 物组成) 的

He is the person with multiple injuries. 他就是那个多处受伤的人。

✦ n [C] 倍数

n (缩写为Mt) [用于山名前,其前不用冠词] 山;峰

Mount Everest / Mount Tai 珠穆朗玛峰 / 泰山

n 动机;目的;主题

The police have excluded robbery as a motive for the murder. 警方已排除该谋杀案中有抢劫的动n [C] & [U] 动;运动;动作

Newton’s laws of motion 牛顿 (三大) 运动定律

adv 主要地;多半

Those who came to dance were mostly young. 来跳舞的多半是年轻人。

adv [句子副词][正式用语] 再者;而且

I don’t like skating; moreover, the ice is too thin. 我不喜欢滑冰;而且,这冰也太薄了。

10 is a multiple of 5. 10是5的倍数。

244. muscle


245. negative

246. nevertheless



247. objective

✦ n [C] 目的;目标

set an objective 设定目标

✦ adj 客观的

an objective assessment / analysis 客观的评价 / 分析

248. obviously ɒadv 显而易见地

Obviously, the ability to talk is something that marks humans off from animals. 显然,说话的能力把人类和动物区分开来。

249. occasion


250. odd弄来的。

251. online ɒ

✦ adj 在线的;联网的

The computer might not support online working. 计算机不能承载联机工作。

✦ adv 在网上

ɒadj奇怪的;怪异的;偶尔发生的; (一双或一套中) 不成对的

It is so odd that I am move to ask her where she get it. 那东西十分希罕, 我禁不住问她是从哪里n [C] (某事发生的) 时刻;场合;时机;机会;盛会

Occasions are quite rare when I have the time to spend a day with my kids. 我能有一天时间陪孩子

adv 然而;不过

He holds an important position in the company; nevertheless, I don’t quite trust him. 他在公司里身adj否定的;负面的;消极的;(电) 负的;(医) 阴性的

In my opinion, the Internet has negative effects on our lives. 在我看来,互联网对我们的生活有负n肌肉;[U] 体力;力气

When you walk you exercise your leg muscles. 走路能锻炼腿部肌肉。

It is faster if you apply online. 如果您是在线申请,那是非常快的。

252. opponent

253. opportunity ɒ n [C] & [U]机会;时机

It is a good opportunity for the only child like me to learn to share and work together. 这是一个像我这样的独生子女学习分享和共同协作的好机会。

254. option

255. organic

organic food 有机食品

256. original


Sadly the library had moved from its original place into another building. 遗憾的是,这个图书馆已经从原来的地方搬到另一座大楼里去了。

257. overall

✦ adj [只用于名词前] 全部的;全面的

the overall cost 全部费用

✦ adv 总共;[句子副词] 总的说来

Overall, prices are still rising. 总的说来,价格还在上涨。

258. overseas

✦ adv 在国外;向海外

He is going to work overseas. 他将去国外工作。

✦ adj 海外的;国外的

I received an overseas phone call from my friend in Paris. 我接到了一个在巴黎的朋友打来的越洋电话。


259. panel

a control panel 控制板

n [C] 嵌板;镶板


ɒn [C] & [U] 选择

The Internet increased options of movie lovers. 互联网增加了电影爱好者的选择。

n [C] 对手;反对者

He knocked down his opponent with a powerful left. 他一记有力的左手拳将对手击倒。

260. passion


261. peak

n [C] & [U] 激情;热爱

One should always be full of passion in his life no matter how old he is. 无论多大岁数,人应该总是✦ n [C]山峰;山顶;高峰;顶峰

Traffic reaches its peak between 8 and 9 in the mornings. 在上午8点至9点之间,交通达到高峰。

✦ adj 最高的;高峰的:

peak hours (交通、用电等的) 高峰时间

✦ vi 达到最高点;达到高峰:

Wind speeds peaked at 105 miles per hour yesterday. 昨天的风速最高达每小时105英里。

262. perceive

263. personality

She has a very strong personality. 她个性很强。

264. pessimistic

265. phase

✦ n 相位;方面;局面;阶段;时期

This is but one phase of the subject. 这仅是问题的一个方面。

✦ vt 逐步执行

The old currency will have been phased out by 1990.


266. philosophy则

His philosophy of life is to learn, earn, contribute, and have fun. 他的人生哲学是学习、赚钱、贡献和娱乐。

267. player

268. poetry n [U] 诗歌

n[U] 玩耍;游戏;嬉戏;戏剧;剧本

Play is very important to a child’s development. 游戏对孩子的成长十分重要。

n [U] 哲学;[C] 哲学体系;(生活、工作的) 准adj 悲观的

The doctors are pessimistic about his chances of recovery. 医生们对他康复的可能性很不乐观。

n [C] & [U]个性;人格

vt [正式用语] 察觉;发觉;看待;理解

They perceive television as entertainment. 他们将电视视为娱乐。

269. polar

270. pose

✦ vi 摆好姿势;佯装

After the wedding we all posed for a photograph. 婚礼之后,我们都摆好姿势合影。

✦ n [C] 姿势;姿态;假装

She adopted an elegant pose. 她摆了一个优美的姿势。

271. precisely


272. prior

prior to 在…之前

273. priority

274. proceed

275. professional

✦ adj 职业的;专业的

He dealt with the problem in a highly professional way. 他处理这个问题非常专业。

✦ n [C] 专业人士;职业选手:

There will be a rise in the demand for health care professionals. 对卫生保健专业人员的需求将会上升。

276. profile

✦ n 侧面;轮廓;形象;简介

She is prettier in profile than at full face. 她的侧面比正面好看。

✦ v 描绘 ... 轮廓;评论人物

She has tried to profile a man typical of New York. 她试图扼要描写一个典型的纽约人。

277. proofn [U] & [C] 证明;证据

vi [正式用语] 继续;继续做;继续进行

We received sanction to proceed with our plans. 我们获准继续进行我们的计划。

ɒn [C] 优先事项;优先权

Education is a top priority. 教育是当务之急。

adj [正式用语] [只用于名词前] 先前的;早前的

adv 精确地;确切地;恰好

It is difficult to know precisely how much impact the changes will have.

adj 极地的;近极地的

Are there any animals in the polar circles? 南极圈和北极圈内有动物存在吗?

There is no proof that he was on the crime spot. 没有证据证明他当时在犯罪现场。

278. property

279. proposal

280. prospect

She was overjoyed at the prospect of visiting Paris. 一想到要去巴黎,她就开心得不得了。

281. protein

282. protest

✦vi & vt 抗议;反对

Animal rights activists protested against keeping wild animals in unnatural conditions. 动物保护主义者反对在非自然条件下养野生动物。

283. pudding

284. pursue



285. qualify vt & vi (使) 具有资格;(使) 合格

The test will qualify you to drive heavy vehicles.


286. quote

✦ vt & vi 引用;援引

He quoted the Bible. 他引用了《圣经》中的话。

✦ n [C] 引语;引文

a Shakespeare quote一段莎士比亚作品的引文

vt [正式用语]追求;(继续) 从事;追赶;追捕

I wanted to be a biologist, but I didn’t pursue my dream. 我本想成为一名生物学家,但我没有追求n [C] & [U] 布丁

n [C] & [U] 抗议;反对

The film director resigned in protest at the decision. 电影导演辞职以抗议此决定。

n [C] & [U] 蛋白质

ɒn [U] 可能性;预期;设想:[C] 前景;前途;视野;n [C] & [U] 建议;提议

He made a proposal that the meeting (should) be postponed. 他提议会议延期。

ɒn [U] 财产;资产;(房)地产

Information is our most important property. 知识是我们最重要的财产。


287. rating


288. reaction

289. realistic


We should encourage pupils to set realistic goals. 我们要鼓励学生设定现实的目标。

290. recall


291. recently

292. recognition


293. recording

294. region


295. release

书等);发布 (新闻等)

He released the bird from its cage. 他将鸟从笼中放了出来。

296. remarkable adj 非凡的;卓越的;引人注目的

vt放开;松开;放出;排放;释放;首映 (电影);发行 (CD、n [C] regulate地区;地带;行政区;范围;领域

Declining birth rate is a major problem in many developing regions too. 不断下降的出生率也是许n [U] 记录;录制;[C]录制品

We’re not recording now. 现在我们没在录音。

n [U] 认出;识别;承认

The town has changed beyond all recognition since I was last here. 自从我上次离开这里,这座小城adv 最近

I caught a bad cold recently. 我最近得了重感冒。

vt [正式用语] [不用于进行时] 回忆;回想;召回;收回:

It’s time to recall those beautiful days we spent together. 现在该回忆一下我们共同度过的那些美 adj 现实的;实际n [U] & [C] 反应;作用

the public reaction to the news 公众对这条新闻的反应

n 等级;评定;收视率;额定值

Everyone like this program, so it enjoys a high audience rating. 大家都喜欢看这个栏目,所以它的

He showed remarkable courage when he faced the danger. 他在面对危险的时候表现出非凡的勇气。

297. resident

rural / urban residents 农村 / 城市居民

298. resistance

299. resolution

conflict resolution 冲突解决

300. resolve

✦ vt 解决

resolve a conflict / an issue / difficulties 解决冲突 /解决问题 / 解决难题

✦ vt & vi [正式用语] 决心;决定

Instead of resolving to lose weight, try an actionable resolution: “I’ll stop having dessert for lunch.”


301. resource

natural / human resources 自然 / 人力资源

302. respective

303. response

304. responsible的。

305. restore

306. restrict

restrict one’s freedom 限制自由

vt 限制;约束

vt 恢复;修复

Her job is restoring old paintings. 她的工作是修复古画。

ɒadj 有责任的;尽责的;作为原由的

Human activity is not responsible for all water shortages. 水资源短缺不完全是由人类活动造成ɒ n [C] & [U] 回答;反应

The government acted in response to economic pressure. 政府为应对经济压力采取了行动。

adj 各自的

He drove them both to their respective homes. 他驾车把他们分别送到家里。

n [C] [常用复数] 资源;物力;财力

ɒ [正式用语]

n [C] & [U] 解决;决心

n [U] 反抗;抵制

Her resistance to the proposal has crumpled. 她对这个建议的抵触情绪已化为乌有了。

n [C] 居民;住户

307. reveal

308. revise

309. romantic

✦ adj浪漫的;传奇 (式) 的;浪漫主义的;不切实际的;虚构的

Shelley was a romantic poet. 雪莱是浪漫派诗人。

✦ n [C] 浪漫的人;浪漫主义作家 / 音乐家 / 艺术家

Romantic is the last thing I am. 我是最不浪漫的人。

310. routea bus route 公交线路

311. rural


312. sample

313. saving

open a savings account 开储蓄账户

314. secondary

secondary education 中等教育

315. series


316. setting

317. shift

✦ vi & vt (使) 转移;(使) 移动;(使) 改变

n [C] 环境;背景

the educational / cultural setting 教育 / 文化背景

n [C] [单复数同] 一系列;连续

Mobile phone users have developed a series of symbols to show how they feel. 手机用户开发出了adj [只用于名词前] 中等的;次要的;第二位的

n [C] 节约;节省物;[复数]储蓄金;存款

n [C] 样本;样品;试用品

free samples of shampoo 洗发水免费试用品

adj 农村的;乡村的

n [C] & [U] 路线;路程;航线;途径

vi & vt 复习;温习;修订;修正

I spent the weekend revising for my exam. 我花了整个周末来复习备考。

vt 揭露;泄露

He did not reveal his secret plan to us. 他没有向我们透露他的秘密计划。

Joe listened, shifting uncomfortably from one foot to another. 乔听着,不安地把重心从一只脚移到另一只脚上。

✦ n [C] 转移;转换;班;轮班

A shift in the wind is expected tonight. 预计今晚风向会有变化。

✦ [U] (计算机) 转换 (键) (shift key)

318. shortage n [C] & [U] 不足;缺乏;短缺

Declining birth rate might cause catastrophic global shortages of work force within a few decades.


319. sign ɪ

✦ n [C] 符号;指示牌;标记;(头、手、眼等的) 示意动作;手势;迹象;征兆

The sign says “No smoking”. 告示牌上写着“禁止吸烟”。

✦ vt & vi签 (名);签字 (于信、文件等):示意;以手势表示

The teacher signed me to enter. 老师打手势示意我进来。

320. significant


321. site

322. slightly

加拿大的人口只有3 000万多一点。

323. solution

324. solve ɒ vt 解决;解答

I’m trying to solve this problem, but I can’t find the right solution. 我正试图解决这个问题,可是不到正确的方法。

325. somewhat

ɒ adv 稍微;有点

The situation has improved somewhat. 情况有所改善。

n [C] [常与to连用]解答;解决方法

Here is the perfect solution to all your problems. 这是解决你所有问题的最佳方法。

adv 略微;稍微 a little

Canada’s population is only slightly over thirty million.

n [C] 地点;遗址;网站

the site of the Battle of Waterloo 滑铁卢战役旧址

adj重要的;重大的;显著的;(数量) 大的

The elevator’s role in American history has been no less significant than that of cars.

326. source

327. species

n [C]源头;发源地;来源:根源;原因:消息来源;原始资料

Every tree has its roots and every river has its source. 木有本,水有源。

n [C] (pl species) (动植物的)物种;种

endangered species 濒危物种

328. stability保物价稳定。

329. stimulate

330. stomachache

331. strategy

332. stretch

✦ vt & vi (被) 拉长;伸;延

The road stretched across the desert into the distance. 这条道路穿过沙漠伸向远方。

✦ n [C] & [U] 伸长;延伸;伸展;连绵

give a stretch 伸懒腰

333. structure


334. stuff

335. subsequent


336. substance n [C] 物质;东西;[U] 事实基础;根据

There is some substance in what he says. 他说的话是有一定根据的。

adj 随后的;后来的

He confessed to other crimes subsequent to the bank robbery. 他供认抢劫银行案後,又坦白了其他n [U] 东西;物品

Get rid of that stuff in the garage. 把车库里那些没有用的东西处理掉。

n [C] & [U] 结构;构造;建筑物

The Great Wall of China is the longest man-made structure ever built.

n [C] 战略;策略

military / economic strategies 军事 / 经济战略

n 胃痛;肚子痛

vt 刺激;激励;鼓舞

Alcohol stimulates the action of the heart. 酒刺激心脏的活动。

n 稳定性;居于修道院

The government has taken a measure to maintain the stability of prices. 政府已经采取了措施以确

337. substantial


338. suburb

live in the suburbs 住在郊区

339. subway

340. sufficient

341. sum

✦ n [C]算术;[常用单数] 总数;总和;全部;金额

The sum of two and two is four. 2加2的总和是4。

✦ vi & vt

sum up 总结;概括

His speech summed up the present situation of economy. 他的演讲概述了目前的经济形势。

342. surf

343. surgery

major heart surgery 心脏大手术

344. survey

✦n [C]调查;全面审视;测量;勘测

The survey shows that more than half of the students like to read news most.


345. suspend


v 暂停;悬浮;中止;勒令停职

As the workers went on strike, the company was obliged to suspend its operations. 由于工人罢工,该 vt调查;全面审视;测量;勘测

We surveyed the damage caused by the fire. 我们调查了火灾造成的损失。

n [U] 外科手术;诊所

vi & vt 冲浪

surf the Internet / Net 网上冲浪;上网

adj [正式用语] 足够的;充足的

Her income is not sufficient to support her family. 她的收入不够养家糊口。

n [C]地道;地铁

a subway train / station 地铁列车 / 站

n [C] [常用复数] 市郊;郊区

adj 大量的;多的

New economic development policies led to substantial and rapid growth. 新的经济发展政策带来了

346. sustain

347. swimminggo swimming 去游泳


348. tackle


349. territory


enemy / foreign territory 敌方 / 外国领土

350. threat


351. threaten

✦ vt 威胁;恐吓;危及到

If a stranger should enter your territory and threaten you, you might shout. 如果有陌生人闯入你的地盘并威胁到你,你可以大喊。

✦ vt & vi 预示 (……的) 凶兆

The dark clouds threatened rain. 乌云密布预示大雨将至。

352. tone n [C]音调;语调;腔调;语气

He talks in a very slow but humourous tone and nobody falls asleep in his class. 他讲话慢条斯理但富有幽默感,所以他的课上没人睡觉。


353. ultimately adv [句子副词] 最后;最终

Ultimately, the success of the product depends on the good marketing.


354. usually adv 通常

n [C] & [U] 威胁;恐吓;构成威胁的人 / 事物;凶兆

Pollution poses a threat to the continued existence of this species. 污染对这一物种的生存造成威n [C] & [U]领土;版图;领地;(具有某种特性的) 地 v 处理;对付;阻截(对方球员);与……交涉

I suggested to him that we should tackle the problem another way. 我向他建议我们用另一种方式n [U] 游泳

vt 保持;维持

The ice will not sustain your weight. 这冰承受不了你的体重。

In communication, a smile is usually a strong sign of a friendly and open attitude.



355. variation n [C] & [U] 变化;差别

After all, there is probably as much variation of pronunciation within the two countries as between

them. 毕竟,两个国家各自内部的口音差别可能跟两国之间的口音差别一样大。

356. vary

✦ vi (大小、形状等) 相异;不同

Test scores vary from school to school. 测验成绩各校不同。

✦ vi 变化;vt 改变:

The weather here varies from hour to hour. 这儿的天气时刻都在变化。

357. venue

358. virtual房子。

virtual reality 虚拟现实 (VR)

359. visible adj 看得见的;明显的

For several hours I made myself highly visible, making sure everyone could see me.


360. vision✦ [U] 视力 (sight);视觉

have good / poor vision 视力好 / 差

✦ [C] 想象;幻象

give her a vision of her future 带给她对未来的憧憬

✦ [U] 远见卓识

a man of great vision 具有远见卓识的人

361. volume

✦ [C] 卷;册

a novel in three volumes 一部三卷本的小说

✦ [C] & [U] 体积;容积;(生产、交通等的) 量



adj [只用于名词前]几乎的;虚拟的

Finding a cheap place to rent is a virtual impossibility in this area. 在这个地区几乎租不到便宜的 n 审判地;集合地;会场,场所;体育场馆;犯罪地点

The lawyer applied for a change of venue. 律师申请改变审判地点。

The volume of traffic on the roads has sharply increased in recent years. 近年来公路运输量急剧增加。

✦ [U] 音量;声量

The television is too loud, turn the volume down. 电视声音太大了,把音量调低点。


362. warning n [C] & [U] 警告;告诫

The government have issued a warning to the citizens that the fish may not be fit to eat.


363. weapon

364. Wi-Fi

365. worse

✦ adj [bad和ill的比较级] 更坏 / 差 / 糟的;病情更重的

Your work is bad but mine is much worse. 你活干得不好,而我干得更糟。

✦ adv [badly和ill的比较级] 更坏;更糟;(病) 更重;更猛烈

It is raining worse than ever. 雨下得比以往都大。

✦ n [U] 更坏的事

366. worst

✦ adj [bad和ill的最高级] 最坏的;最差的;病情最重的;最恶劣的

It was by far the worst speech he had ever made.


✦ adv [badly和ill的最高级] 最坏地;最差地;最恶劣地

Of the four of us, I sang the worst. 四个人当中,我唱得最糟糕。

✦ n [U] [与the连用] 最坏的人 / 事

The worst of the storm seemed to be over. 最猛烈的一阵暴风雨似乎已经过去。

367. wrap

vt (用……) 包;裹;(用……) 缠绕;围住

Zongzi are wrapped in bamboo leaves. 粽子是用竹叶包的。


n [C] 武器;兵器

The fisher used a spear as his weapon. 渔夫用矛作为武器。

368. writern [C] 作者;作家

The writer contrived a happy ending. 作者安排了一个大团圆的结局。

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