


1. Venice - Venetia

Venice is a unique city built on water in the middle of a lagoon. It is considered to be one of Italy's

most beautiful and romantic cities. The heart of Venice is Piazza San Marco with its magnificent

church. There are many museums, palaces, and churches to visit and wandering along the canals is

interesting. Venice is in the northwest of Italy and historically was a bridge between East and


In Venice: the Academy Galleries house the major collections of Venetian painting from 1300 to

1700; the G. Franchetti Gallery houses important paintings, while Guggenheim collection exhibits

international works of contemporary art. In the Palazzo Grassi, exhibitions of international interest

are organized every year. In this beautiful city there are also: the Museum of the eighteenth

century life in Venice with tapestries, attire, furniture and paintings; the National Gallery of

Modern Art, the Oriental Museum and the Corer Museum, which is reserved to Renaissance

masterpieces. In Verona the Civic Museum of Art, which is devoted to the great Verona painting,

the Archaeological Museum and the Museum of Frescoes can be visited. Vicenza offers: the Civic

Museum (ethnology and archaeology) and the Pinacoteca. In Padua the famous Scrovegni Chapel,

with Giotto’s frescoes, can be admired; the Civic Museum and the botanic garden, the oldest in

Europe, can be admired. In Treviso there is the Museum of the Casa Trevigiana with modern

furniture and sculptures. Rovigo has the Gallery of the Concordi (Venetian school from the

fifteenth to the eighteenth century) and the Civic Museum of the Palestine Civilization.

Venice Attractions: One of the best things to do in Venice is to take some time wandering along

the canals off the main tourist track. Venice has many fine attractions and museums. Here are

some of the top things to see in Venice:

San Marco Square - Piazza San Marco is

the main square of Venice surrounded by

chic sidewalk cafes and fancy shops.

While it's a great place to enjoy the

scenery and people, you will definitely pay

top price to sit at an outdoor table. In the

evening, you can listen to live music, too.

Walking in the piazza and taking photos is,

of course, free.

Saint Mark's Basilica - Basilica di San

Marco is a beautiful church blending the architecture of East and West. It was consecrated in 832


Doge's Palace - Palazzo Ducal, also on St. Mark's Square, is the most impressive building in

Venice and well worth a tour. It was the political and judicial hub of Venetian government until the

fall of the Venetian Republic in 1797. The palace was connected to its prisons by the famous

"Bridge of Sighs."

Grand Canal - Canal Grande is the main thoroughfare of Venice. It's full of all kinds of boats and

lined with beautiful buildings.

Rialto Bridge (Ponte di Rialto), the main bridge crossing the Grand Canal in the heart of Venice, is

over 400 years old. Nearby is the Rialto Market, an interesting and lively food market with lots of

little shops.

Galleria del'Accademia is one of Italy's best art museums with 24 rooms in 3 historic buildings.

Get there early to avoid the crowds.


威尼斯,意大利北部威尼托大区首府,威尼斯省省会,世界著名的历史文化名城,威尼斯画派的发源地,其建筑,绘画,雕塑,歌剧 等 在世界有着极其重要的地位和影响。威尼斯是一个独特的城市建立在水中央的泻湖。它被认为是意大利最美丽和浪漫的城市。心脏是威尼斯的圣马可广场以其宏伟的教堂。有许多博物馆、宫殿、和教堂访问和漫步运河是有趣的。威尼斯是西北的意大利和历史上是东西方之间的一座桥梁。在威尼斯:学院画廊的房子主要集合的威尼斯绘画;从1300年到1700年通用Franchetti画廊房屋重要的画作,而格瓦拉追随者藏品展览国际当代艺术的作品。意大利葛、展览的国际利益组织每年。在这个美丽的城市也有:博物馆十八世纪生活在威尼斯和挂毯、服装、家具和绘画;国家现代艺术画廊,东方博物馆,去博物馆,是保留对文艺复兴的杰作。圣马克大教堂-迪圣马可大教堂是一个美丽的教堂混合架构的东部和西部。它是献身于公元832年。总督宫——公爵,也在圣马可广场,是最令人印象深刻的建筑在威尼斯和值得参观。这是政治和司法中心的威尼斯政府倒台前1797年威尼斯共和国的。这座宫殿是连接到它的监狱被著名的“叹息之桥”。大运河——运河Grande是威尼斯的一条主干道。它充满了各种各样的船只和排列着美丽的建筑。



威尼斯有Marco Polo airport和San Giuseppe airport两个机场

⊿ Marco Polo airport

电话:041 260 9260



⊿ San Giuseppe airport

电话:042 231 5331

介绍:威尼斯豪华小航班专用机场,位于特雷维佐的西北部5公里处,离威尼斯30公里,开车大约1小时。原来只供专机起飞用,现在也变成全民使用的民用机场,不过规模比Marco Polo airport稍小,地理位置也较远些。



威尼斯老城突出于大海的潟湖之上,从梅斯特雷(Venezia Mestre)车站到桑塔·露琪亚(Venezia Santa Lucia)车站之间的铁路两侧被海水环绕,风景非常优美。

⊿ Stazione di Santa Lucia火车站





2. Rome - Roma

Rome is the capital of modern Italy. Rome is full of history everywhere you look. It has many

ancient monuments, interesting medieval churches, beautiful fountains, museums, and

Renaissance palaces. Modern Rome is a bustling and lively city and has some excellent

restaurants and nightlife. The Vatican and St. Peter's are also found in Rome.

1) The Pantheon

Rome's Pantheon, the temple of all the gods,

was built between AD 118-125 by Emperor

Hadrian. In the 7th century it was made

into a church by early Christians and now is

lined with tombs. Go inside to see the

spectacular dome. Admission is free.

The Pantheon is the best preserved

building of ancient Rome and today is

surrounded by a pleasant and lively

piazza, a nice place to sit in the evening and enjoy a drink. A good nearby restaurant is Armando's,

on a street coming off the piazza.

2) The Colosseum of Rome

Ancient Rome's huge amphitheater,

holding up to 55,000 people, was

built by Emperor Vespasian in AD 80

and was the scene of many deadly

gladiatorial and wild animal fights.

Today you may see men dressed in

gladiatorial costume as you walk

between the Colosseum and the

nearby Arch of Constantine, built in AD

315. On Sundays, the Via dei Fori

Imperial leading to the Colosseum is closed to traffic so it's a great place for a stroll (if you don't

mind the souvenir vendors).









A线:Ottaviano(梵蒂冈),Sagan(西班牙广场),Barberini(威内特大道),Repubblica(共和国广场),Termini(主火车站),S Giovanni(拉特拉诺·圣乔凡尼教堂)。

B线:Colosseo(圆形竞技场、古罗马广场),Circo Massimo(卡拉卡拉浴场)



橘的市内公共汽车行驶时间是5∶30~24∶00,线路很密集,几乎涵盖整个市区。116、117路电车在古迹密布的市中心环线行驶,因为不排放废气,所以行驶线路可以非常靠近古代遗迹。夜间公共汽车行驶时间是0∶10~5∶30,编号上标有字母“N”。罗马还有一种蓝的旅游巴士,团队游客必须乘坐 这种巴士,票价比一般公共汽车贵,但直接到达景点,省时省力。






85路:San Silvestro广场至Via Corso大道、威尼斯广场、圆形竞技场、古罗马广场;


118路:古阿匹亚路至San Callisto墓窖、卡拉卡拉浴场、圆形竞技场。








到达方式:乘64路公车到Largo d. Torre Argentina站下。或由纳沃纳广场向西步行即到。



古罗马的巨大的圆形剧场,手里拿着多达55000人,是Vespasian皇帝修建的公元80年,是许多致命的现场表演和野生动物打斗。今天你可能看到男人穿着角斗士服装当你走在竞技场和附近的弓的康斯坦丁,建于公元315年。在星期天通过dei Fori帝国导致罗马竞技场是封锁并因此它是一个很棒的地方散步(如果您不介意纪念品小贩)。

斗兽场和旁边的帕拉蒂诺山有个联票,是12欧元。斗兽场也可以用ROMA PASS进入

3. Florence - Firenze

Florence is one of the most important Renaissance architectural and art centers. Its Duomo and

Baptistery are magnificent but crowded with tourists as is their large piazza. Florence has several

interesting museums with many famous paintings and sculptures. There are also Medici palaces

and gardens. Florence is in Tuscany.

Florence Top Attractions:

Florence's Archaeological Museum - housed in a palace with great Egyptian and Etruscan

collections. Via Della Colonna, Admission less than 5 Euros.

Baptistery of John the Baptist - dates from the 11th century, with three sets of amazing bronze


Il Duomo (Cathedral de Santa Maria del Fiore) - The Florentine Gothic duomo was begun in 1296

and consecrated in 1436. Brunelleschi's Dome is a masterpiece of construction. Piazza del Duomo.

Entrance is free, but in summer you may have to wait in line to get in. Fees to see the excavations

or go up into the cupola.

Uffizi Gallery - housed in a 1560 Medici palazzo,

the recent renovations have meant that visitors

don't have to wait outside and the galleries have

expanded. There's a good view of Florence from

the upper floors. Piazzale degli Uffizi 6, 8 Euros to


The Pity Palace and Boboli Gardens. The palace

encompasses several museums and holds paintings

from some of Italy's most celebrated masters. The

Renaissance gardens are a delight. Piazza Pitti,

south of the Arno. Various entry fees.

Dante's House (Casa di Dante) - ok, it's a little

offbeat, but I liked the medieval section of the city

and visiting a house of the famous Dante. Via S. Margherita, 1, 3 Euros, closed Tuesday.

The Ponte Vecchio - The Old Bridge looks from the outside as if it were still crowded with the

crammed blacksmith and butcher shops of the medieval period, but it's all glittery gold and tourist

baubles today. Spared from bombing in WWII, it used to be built of wood but a rebuild in the

1300's made it mostly stone. Free, unless you run afoul of a jewelry or porcelain statue salesman.

The Church of San Lorenzo - It's not impressive from the outside, but it's probably the oldest

religious structure in Florence. They say it was probably founded before year 400 and its art

holdings include stuff by Donatello and Bronzing.















4. Turin - Torino

Turin hosts the winter Olympics in February, 2006. It is a major cultural hub with excellent

museums, elegant shops, and good restaurants. There are also some very nice examples of baroque

architecture and historic palaces. It has many historic cafes, artisan workshops, and arcades. Turin

is in the northeast of Italy, between the PoRiver and the foothills of the Alps.

Turin Attractions: Turin has many museums. Walking around the city with its arcades, Baroque

buildings, and beautiful piazzas can be very enjoyable.

The Via Po is an interesting walking street with long arcades and many historic palaces and cafes.

Start at Piazza Castillo.

Mole Antonelliana, a 167 meter tall tower built between 1798 and 1888, houses an excellent

cinema museum. A panoramic lift takes you to the top of the tower for some expansive views of

the city.

Palazzo Carignano is the birthplace of Vittorio Emmanuelle II in 1820. The Unification of Italy

was proclaimed here in 1861. It now houses the Museo del Risorgimento and you can see the

royal apartments Royal Armory, too.

Museo Egizio is the third most important Egyptian museum in the world. It is housed in a huge

baroque palace which also holds the Galleria Sagauda with a large collection of historic paintings.

Piazza San Carlo, known as the "drawing room of Turin", is a beautiful baroque square with the

twin churches of San Carlo and Santa Cristina as well as the above museum.

Piazza Castillo and Palazzo Realer are at the center of Turin. The square is a pedestrian area with

benches and small fountains, ringed by beautiful, grand buildings.

Il Quadrilateral is an interesting maze of backstreets with sprawling markets and splendid

churches. This is another good place wander.

Elegant and historic bars and cafes are everywhere in central Turin. Try a bicorn, a local layered

drink made with coffee, chocolate, and cream. Cafes in Turin also serve other interesting trendy

coffee drinks.



圣卡罗广场(Piazza San Carlo)四周的建筑组成了一个美不胜收的城市建筑。南边的圣卡洛教堂()和圣克里斯






5. Milan - Milano

Duomo & Piazza del Duomo:Grand gothic architecture, as the world's second largest church, the

world's largest gothic architecture. Founded in 1386, completed in 1813, Mark Twain called it "a

written with marble of poetry". But the roof appreciate 2245 marble statue. Piazza del duomo

located in the city centre, is the symbol of the Milan. It contains duomo and monumento equestre

a vittorio emanuele II, here often have visitors, pigeons to linger. Milan man usually in a hurry

rush to stores, office. In the big square, duomo before birth, there are two churches: Santa Tecla

and Santa Maria Maggiore.

Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II Classic and luxuriant shopping area, there are many Bar and senior

restaurant. A cloister cross, a symbol of America, Asia, Africa, Europe four mainlands Mosaic.

Teatro Della Scala Located in the other end of the arcade, who is the dream of performance


Santa Maria delle Grazie Leonardo Da Vinci created in the major "last supper", 1999 years

just to repair completed, is open to visit.

Corso Vitt. Emanuele & via Monte Napoleon World-class designer works do collection in

this. Passenger service center: near the church Palazzo di Turismo.

Milan, Blake gallery Italian painting exhibition hall. Located in Milan, was founded in

1809 by napoleon I. First the display of the collection of fine arts institute for Milan

paintings in succession after the increase, with Renaissance paintings give priority to,

otherwise the Netherlands and Flanders painter of some of the work. The famous such as G.

Of the entire virgin son like ", a. Mann’s "the mourning the Christ of Virginia, Alessandria

del piero Della Fran ·, one of the cutting of the mine and offering fang painting", Raphael's

"the virgin's wedding", "" list of reading" the miracle of SAN Marco ", and so on. GuanZhi

for 17 the century palace built by F.M. Ricky's design, a total of 38 rooms. Blake pull

gallery is the city of Milan a famous galleries. Originally for Christian church schools,

1651 by the architects in the kenites design, 1870 for Milan have national library, become

the art museum, astronomy, presently for the gallery. The whole building is divided into 40

rooms; accept there are many famous artists.



(Duomo & Piazza del Duomo):雄伟壮观的哥德式建筑,为世界第二大教堂,世界最大的哥特式建筑。始建于1386年,完成于1813年,马克吐温称之为“一首用大理石写成的诗歌”。 可登上屋顶欣赏2245尊大理石雕像。piazza del duomo 位于市中心,是米兰市的象征。它包含duomo和monumento equestre a vittorio

emanuele II,这里经常有游人,鸽子逗留。米兰人通常匆匆忙忙奔向商店,办公地点。在大广场,duomo诞生之前,有两个教堂:Santa Tecla 和Santa Maria Maggiore.


(Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II):古典又华丽的购物区,有许多Bar及高级的餐厅。回廊呈十字交叉,有象征美洲、亚洲、非洲、欧洲四大陆的镶嵌画。


(Teatro della Scala):位于拱廊的另一端,是声乐家们梦寐以求的表演舞台。隔壁有博物馆。


(Santa Maria delle Grazie):内有达芬奇的旷世钜作“最后的晚餐”,1999年中刚修复完成,现已开放参观。


(Corso Vitt. Emanuele & Via Monte Napoleon):世界级设计师的作品尽集于此。 旅客服务中心:在教堂旁的Palazzo di Turismo。








Malpensa快车:每30分钟一班,终点站为Stazione Cadorna,车程40分钟。像所有的郊区列车一样,Malpensa快车在高峰时段非常拥挤,特别是到机场方向。


省钱小贴士:如果愿意多花一点时间并且不怕麻烦,可以选择在Saronno转车,在售票处买一张机场到Saronno车票加一张Saronno到米兰市区的车票,共8.1欧元。如果在Busto Arsizio FN转车,两张票只需要5.95欧元,但时间更长。






73路公共汽车:车站在到达大厅外,每10分钟一班。终点为市中心San Babila广场,可以转乘地铁MM1线。


Orio al Serio机场:代码BGY,一些廉价航空公司的航班在这里起降。位于米兰东北45公里左右,到市区的交通不太方便。




Zani Viaggi:中途停靠地铁MM2线Cascina Gobba站。成人单程票价6.7欧元。







中央车站(Stazione Centrale FS):是米兰主要的火车站。车站建筑雄伟壮丽,是欧洲著名的火车站之一。





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