MOMENTUM & mpm125中英文保养清单

2023年12月28日发(作者:across from什么意思)

 Momentum/Mpm125 Preventive MaintenanceSchedule(Momentum/Mpm125保养清单)NO:1Maintenance ScheduleTOOL & MATERIALSdaily: .Clean lint-free cloths 无尘纸 .sppedline-approved solvent 合格溶剂FREQUENCYdaily日保养ITEMCleaning the Work Table Surface清洁工作台表面PROCEDURETo clean the work table:1 Select View (pull-down) > Diagnostics, then click the Motion Control tab to display the Motion Control dialog.(选择MOTION CONTROL对话框)2 Select the WORKNEST Z axis, then click the Home button at the bottom of the screen.(复位Z轴)3 Clean the work table surface using a clean lint-free cloth dampened with isopropyl alcohol (or other approved solvent). Make sure to wipe the table area under the front and rear track assemblies as well.4 Clean the board support (lifters) using a clean lint-free cloth and cotton swabs (both dampened with isopropyl alcohol or other approved solvent). Pay special attention to the underside of the lifters when cleaning.(清洁工作台表面和夹板刀片,板支撑)2weekly周保养Inspecting/Cleaning the Centernest To inspect/clean the centernest components:Components检查和清洁中心工作台部分1 Click the Unclamp Stencil button (on the small tool bar) and remove thestencil from the printer.(移去钢网)2 Click the Move Vision Gantry to Rear button on the small tool bar. Thevision system moves to the rear of the printer.(移相机到后面)3 Inspect the following centernest components for paste deposits. Cleanusing solvents approved by Speedline and a clean cloth or brush.(清洁工作台)• transport track transport belts and pulleys(清洁传递皮带和皮带轮)• worktable surface(清洁工作台表面)• vacuum holes in worktable (pay particular attention to these). Holesmay be plugged if vacuum not used.(清洁工作台真空吸孔)4 Inspect the board support (lifters) and surrounding area for pastedeposits and wipe with a clean cloth or small brush and solvent asneeded. (Use a cloth to catch paste accumulations that are brushedaway.)(检查和清洁板支撑部分)Pay special attention to the underside of the lifters when sure to remove all paste build-up.(注意支撑下表面的锡膏)Ensure that all tooling and foreign objects are removed from theunderside of the rails or damage can occur.(注意拿去所有顶针)5 Inspect the rail width linear slides and ballscrews at each side of thetable for paste deposits and build-up. Clean with a lint-free cloth. Ifnecessary, use a small amount of an approved solvent, but make surethat the solvent is completely dry and does not migrate into the linearslide bearing or ballscrew nut.(检查和清洁调宽丝杆,线性滑轨并润滑)When done, apply a very thin coat of 3 in 1 oil. inspect/clean the transporttrack board sensors检查和清洁板传递感应器To inspect/clean the transport track board sensors:1 Click the Unclamp Stencil button (on the small tool bar) and remove thestencil from the printer.(重移钢网)2 Click the Move Vision Gantry to Rear icon on the small tool bar. Thevision system moves to the rear of the printer.(移动相机到后面)3 Inspect the transport track board sensors for paste deposits or dustwhich will affect sensitivity. Clean the board sensors as needed, using aclean, soft cloth.(用软布清洁传递的进出板感应器)ATTENTIONSolvents can damage sensors. If required, use only asmall amount of isopropyl alcohol to remove paste : .Brush, soft bristle, non-scratching (small) 软刷子 • Clean lint-free cloths and isopropyl alcoho 软麻布和酒精 • Cotton swabs 棉签 • Non-flammable mix of deionized water 去离子水 • Speedline-approved cleaning solvent 合格清洁剂 • 3 in 1 oil 3合1润滑油 • Protective goggles 防护眼镜 • Rubber gloves 橡胶手套3weekly周保养

4 Select View > Diagnostics (from the main screen) and click the I/OStatus tab.(进入IO测试感应器)Test the board sensors for proper operation as follows:• Pass a board over the board sensors at the left and right ends of thetracks while watching the I/O Status following fieldsshould display ON (in the Value column) as each sensor detects theboard:(放一块板测试感应器)• CONVSEG2_X_LIM_P (right side)• CONVSEG2_X_LIM_N (left side)ATTENTIONBoard sensors that fail the input test should be replaced.5 Click Close to exit back to the main screen.(退回主画面)6 Select Operations > Initialize (or click the Initialize button on the largetool bar) to move all components to their home positions(复位机器)4weeklyinspect/clean the transportTo inspect/clean the transport track transport belts:周保养track transport belts检查和清洁板传递皮带1 Open the front hood.(打开前门)2 Click the Unclamp Stencil button (on the small tool bar) and remove thestencil from the printer.(移去钢网)3 Click the Move Vision Gantry to Rear button on the small tool bar. Thevision system moves to the rear of the printer.(移动相机到后面)4 Inspect the transport track transport belts for wear or paste Cut Hazard(检查传递皮带)Be careful of sharp edges if foil clamps are present.5 Clean the belts as necessary using Speedline-approved solvent and aclean cloth or small brush(清洁皮带)5weeklyInspecting/Cleaning the Print HeadTo inspect/clean the print head:周保养检查和清洁印刷头1 Select View > Diagnostics (from the main screen) and click on theMotion Control tab.(进入MOTION画面)2 Click the Head Y axis and jog the print head forward.(移动印刷头到前面)3 Loosen the clamps and remove the squeegee blades from the the blades aside:(移去刮刀)4 Inspect the holders for paste deposits. Clean as necessary with a cleancloth, small brush, cotton swabs and solvent:(清洁刮刀座)5 Replace the squeegee blades in the holders. Make sure to tighten theclamps.(安装刮刀)6 Click Close to return to the main operating screen.(重回主画面)7 Close the front hood.(关闭前门)6weeklyInspecting/Cleaning the VisionTo inspect/clean the vision probe assembly:周保养Probe Assembly检查和清洁相机1 Click the Unclamp Stencil button (on the tool bar) and remove thestencil from the printer.(移去钢网)2 Select View > Diagnostics (from the main screen) and click on theMotion Control tab.(进入MOTION控制)3 Click on the Vision Gantry Y axis and jog the vision assembly to the frontof the printer.(移动相机到后面)4 Click on the Vision Gantry X axis and jog the vision probe assembly tothe center of the vision gantry for easier viewing.(移动相机到X方向中心)5 Open the front hood.(关闭前门)ATTENTIONSolvents with an Acetone base will break down the glue andcoatings used to manufacture the cubes within the vision probeassembly. Only use a non-flammable mix of deionized water andisopropyl alcohol when cleaning the vision probe. Failure to complymay result in equipment damage. BE CAREFUL NOT TO SCRATCH

THE CUBES.6 Inspect the top and bottom camera cubes for paste deposits. Wipe witha clean, soft cloth and isopropyl alcohol if necessary.(清洁相机凌镜)7 Inspect the board stop sensor for paste deposits, dust and other debriswhich may affect ultrasonic switch sensitivity. Clean the sensor asneeded, using a small amount of deionized water and a clean, lint-free (小心清洁停板感应器)7monthly月保养Inspecting/Draining theMain Air Filter Bowl检查气体过滤器To inspect/drain the filter bowl:1 Open the front doors.(打开前门)2 Inspect the filter bowl as follows:3 Close the front Actiona Locate the air filter assembly just behind the valve stackmounted at the right front of the machine.b Inspect the sight window on the filter bowl. If any liquid at allis visible through the sight window, drain the filter bowl asfollows:1. Place a catch container or absorbent cloth under the filterbowl drain tubes.(放一块布在过滤杯下面)2. Push the red button to open the condensate drainfitting on the bottom of the filter bowls.(移动过滤杯,取过滤芯)3. After all condensate has been removed, close the drainvalve on the bottom of the filter bowl.(清洁过滤芯后装回)4. Clean up any spilled liquid(清洁泄漏的液体)To inspect the interlock switch:1 Select View > Configuration and click the Machine tab.(进入配置)2 In the Interlock Bypass section of the screen, click Enable Bypass Mode(so that a check mark is present in the box).(激活门BYPASS模式)3 Click OK to save changes and return to the main screen.(重回主画面)4 Ensure that the BYPASS key on the front of the printer is set to ACTIVE.5 Power down the printer.(证实BYPASS开关后关掉机器再证实开关)6 To verify that the power interlock switch will function properly:Step Actiona Open the front hood.b Attempt to power up the printer. If the interlock switch isfunctioning properly, the printer will not power up. If theprinter does power up, replace the faulty inspect the E-stops:1 Open the front hood.(打开前门)2 Power down the printer.(关掉机器)3 Verify that both E-stops are in the “Up” position.(证实急停开关在UP位)4 Press the first E-stop button.(压下急停开关)5 Press the green “On” button on the printer and verify that the printerremains powered down.(压ON键证实)6 Reset the E-stop button.(复位急停开关)7 Move to the second E-stop button and perform steps 4 through 6.(证实其它开关8 When both E-stops have been tested, and are in the “Up” position,press the green “On” button. Verify that the printer powers up clean/lubricate the transport track assembly:Step Action1 Remove the lower side panels from the left and right sides of the monthly: • Clean lint-free cloth 软麻布 • Force gauge 压力规 • Speedline-approved solvent 合格溶剂 • Protective goggles 防护眼镜 • Rubber gloves 橡胶手套 • 3 in 1 oil 3合1润滑油 • Sharp tweezer 摄子 • Phillips head screwdriver 六角扳手8monthly月保养Inspecting the InterlockSwitch检查门锁开关9monthly月保养Inspecting the Emergency Stop Buttons (E-Stops)检查急停开关10monthly月保养Cleaning the Transport TrackAssembly清洁传递轨道

printer.(移去左右两边的侧门盖)2 Clean the transport track width lead screws and linear guidesas follows:(清洁丝杆和线性滑轨,见下面步骤:)3 Reinstall the side panels.(重新装回门盖)4 Click Close to return to the main screen.(回到主画面)Step Actiona Select View > Diagnostics (from the main screen) and clickthe Motion Control tab.(进入MOTION控制)b Click the Track Center axis and jog the transport tracks fullyopen until the software limit is reached.(移动传递轨道到最宽)c At the left and right sides of the machine, clean the exposedlead screws using a clean, lint-free cloth.(清洁丝杆)d At the left and right sides of the machine, clean the exposedlinear guides using a clean, lint-free cloth. Wipe the length ofthe guides and screws with a clean, lint-free cloth dampenedwith 3 in 1 oil. Apply oil sparingly and remove excess. Toomuch oil will migrate into the ball-nut/guide truck and breakdown the grease.(清洁滑轨)e Jog the tracks fully closed to gain access to the remainder ofthe guides and screws.(移动传递轨道到最窄)f Clean the remainder of the guides and screws using a clean,lint-free cloth.(再清洁丝杆和滑轨)g Wipe the remainder of the guides and screws with a clean,lint-free cloth dampened with 3 in 1 oil. Apply oil sparinglyand remove excess. Too much oil will migrate into the ballnut/guide truck and break down the grease(润滑丝杆和滑轨)11monthlyInspecting the TransportTo inspect the board width drive timing belt:月保养Track Board Width Drive BeltStep Action检查调宽轨道驱动皮带1 Using one of the following methods, initiate a Change Wiper Paperroutine to bring the wiper to the front of the machine:• From the main screen, select Utilities (pull-down menu) > WiperOperations > Change Wiper Paper• From the main screen, click the Change Wiper Paper button on thelarge tool bar(选择更换擦网纸)2 Remove the upper cover from the rear of the machine.(移动后面门盖)3 Inspect the belt for signs of wear (frayed edges) or damage.(检查传递皮带)If you need to replace the belt call Speedline Field Service.4 Position a straight edge from the adjustable idler pulley to the doubleflanged timing pulley on the transport track timing belt.(检查皮带轮)5 Position a force gauge on the belt at half the span between the idlerpulleys.(用压力表测量皮带压力在0.55-0.65磅)6 Deflect the belt at 0.250 inch (6.35mm) and measure the force. Correctforce is 0.55 - 0.65 pounds (250-295g).7CAUTIONBe careful not to overtighten the belt. It is better if thebelt remains slightly loose.(注意皮带不能太紧)If necessary, adjust the belt tension by rotating the eccentric shaft onthe belt idler pulleys.(如果需要,调节皮带张力)8 Reinstall the upper cover on the rear of the machine12monthlyChecking the Light TowerTo check light tower operation:月保养检查信号灯Step Action1 Select View (pull-down) > Diagnostics, then click the I/O Status tab todisplay the I/O Status dialog.(进入IO测试)2 Double-click the following outputs and ensure that the correspondinglight tower lamps illuminate:(双击灯塔的状态看灯泡好坏)

• LIGHT_TOWER_AMBER• LIGHT-TOWER_BLUE• LIGHT_TOWER_GREEN. If the machine is in the READY state(flashing green) you will see a momentary pause in the flashinggreen light instead of an OFF or ON state.• LIGHT_TOWER_RED3 Click Close to return to the main screen13monthly月保养Defragmenting the Computer Hard Drive电脑硬盘碎片整理To defragment the computer:Step Action1 From the Windows XP Start menu, select All Programs > Accessories >System Tools > Disk Defragmenter:(进入电脑附件-系统工具-磁盘碎片处理)2 Click the Defragment button at the Disk Defragmenter screen:(进行碎片处理)3 You can pause or stop the defragmentation process at any time byselecting the Pause or Stop inspect/clean the cables and tubing, and board support (lifters):Support Blades To inspect/clean the board support (lifters):Step Action1 Inspect all cables and tubing (electrical and pneumatic) for proper strainrelief.(检查所有线,气管)2 Check for possible interference during travel movements. Use wire tieswhere needed to secure tubing.(检查所有阻碍)Step Action1 Inspect board support (lifters) for straightness.(检查板支撑)2 If board supports appear bent or damaged contact Speedline Field14monthly月保养Inspecting the XYY Cables/Tubing and Transport Track Support检查工作台线,气管,板支撑15quarterly季保养Cleaning the Print Head Carriage清洁印刷头驱动架To clean the ball screw and linear bearing rails:Step Action1 Remove the upper and lower side panels for better access to the ballscrew and linear rails.(移去后面门盖)2 Select View > Diagnostics (from the main screen) and click the MotionControl tab.(进入MOTION控制菜单)3 Select the Head Y axis and jog the print head assembly fully to the rearof the printer.(移动印刷头到后面)4 Clean the ball screw and both linear rails with a clean, lint-free cloth.5 Wipe the length of the ball screw and each linear rail with a clean, lintfreecloth dampened with 3 in 1 oil.(清洁滚珠丝杆并润滑)6 Grease the ballnut per the lubrication chart provided in Section H.7 Grease the linear rails per the lubrication chart provided in Section H.8 Click Close to return to the main screen.(加油到轴承座用油)To clean and lubricate the vision linear rails and bearing blocks:Step Action1 Remove the lower side panels from the left and right sides of theprinter.(移动左右两边的门盖)2 Select View > Diagnostics (from the main screen) and click the MotionControl tab.(进入MOTION控制菜单)3 Remove the vision covers.(移动相机上盖板)4 Clean/lubricate the vision probe rail:(清洁和润滑相机x导轨)5 Clean/lubricate the vision gantry rails:(清洁润滑相机架轨道)6 Replace the vision covers.(重新装回相机盖)7 Click Close to return to the main screen.(回到主菜单)Step Actiona Select the Vision Gantry Y axis and jog the vision gantry allthe way to the front of the printer.b Select the VisionGantry X axis and jog the vision probeassembly all the way to the left side of the printer (as viewed16quarterly季保养Cleaning the Vision Linear Railsand Bearing Blocks清洁相机轴承和丝杆quarterly: • Clean lint-free cloth 软麻布 • Speedline-approved solvent 合格溶剂 • Protective goggles 防护眼镜 • Rubber gloves 橡胶手套 • 70G Cartridge Grease Gun (PN 38659) 加油 • 70G Cartridge Lithium Grease (PN 38660) 润滑油

when facing the front of the printer). This will allow you towipe most of the x axis linear bearing rail (from left to right).c Locate and wipe the rail with a clean, lint-free cloth. Accessto the rail is through the front of the printer.d Select the Vision Gantry X axis and jog the vision probe tothe center of the printer. Wipe the remainder of the rail witha clean, lint-free cloth.e Pump lithium grease (two pumps maximum) into both visionprobe bearing blocks using the supplied grease gun. Wipeoff any excess Actiona With the vision gantry positioned all the way forward, locateand wipe the left and right side vision gantry rails with aclean, lint-free cloth. Access to the rails is through the leftand right sides of the printer.b Select the Vision Gantry Y axis and jog the vision gantrytoward the back of the printer (just enough to access theremaining portion of the left and right rails). Wipe theremainder of the rails with a clean, lint-free cloth.c Pump lithium grease (two pumps maximum) into all fourvision gantry bearing blocks using the supplied grease off any excess gre17annual年保养Replacing the Transport Track Transport Belts更换传递皮带To replace the belts:Step ActionATTENTIONView is of left side rear buffer rail assembly.1 Power down the printer.(关掉印刷机)2 Remove the side panels directly above and below the transport tracks.3 Loosen (do not remove) the screws securing the left and right sideboard guides to the top of the rail.(移动左右门盖和松开左右导轨上盖片)4 Loosen the screw securing the spring-loaded idler pulley to the the pulley to the left to release the tension on the belt, then retightenthe pulley:(松开皮带调节珑)5 Remove the old belt and install the new, making sure that it is properlyrouted around the pulleys.(移去皮带并安装一根新皮带)6 Re-loosen the screw securing the spring-loaded idler pulley. The propertension is now applied to the belt.(调紧皮带)7 Position and resecure the buffer rail cap removed in step 2.8 Repeat the above for the three remaining buffer rail belts.9 Replace all panels.10 Power up the printerTo replace the brushes:Step Action1 Power down the printer.(关掉机器)2 Remove the transport track covers from the left and right sides of the3 Locate the two anti-static brushes.(移动左右边盖到静电刷)4 Remove the two screws securing the first anti-static brush to the railassembly:(移动两个静电刷并安装新的)Install a new brush in its place.5 Repeat the above for the remaining anti-static brush.6 Replace the printer side panels.7 Power up the printerTo replace the filters:Step ActionChemical Hazardannual: • Clean lint-free cloth 软麻布 • Speedline-approved solvent 合格溶剂 • Protective goggles 防护眼镜 • Rubber gloves 橡胶手套18annual年保养Replacing the Transport Track Anti-Static Brushes更换传递静电刷19annual年保养Replacing Stencil WiperSolvent Filters更换擦网溶剂过滤器

Caution. Solvent may cause skin irritation or eye injury. Alwayswear protective gloves and safety glasses when handling solvent’s Material Safety Data Sheet before use. Failure tocomply may result in personal injury.1 Power down the printer.(关掉机器)2 Open the two front access doors.(打开前门下盖)3 Locate the two solvent filters:(到过滤芯)4 Using a wrench, remove the filter cap to expose the filter:5 Pull the filter out of its holder and install a new filter.6 Reinstall the filter cap.(用扳手取掉过滤帽,更换一个新的过滤芯)7 Power up the printer.(打开机器)8 Click the Prime Solvent Line button on the main screen tool bar tolaunch the prime solvent line wizard:(喷溶剂检查效果)9 Follow the wizard to prime the solvent line.20annual年保养Inspecting/Replacing the Main Air Filter检查和更换气体过滤器To inspect/replace the main air filter:Step Action1 Open the two front access doors.2 Inspect the main air filter as follows:3 Close the two front access doors. (打开前门下盖)Step Actiona Locate the air filter assembly (on the pneumatics panel onthe right side wall of the printer).(到过滤芯)b Replace the element every two years or when the pressuredrop becomes 0.1 MPa (whichever comes first) to preventdamage to the element.(更换过滤芯每两年或气压在0.1MPA以下)

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