


新交际英语阅读教程 1 课后练习参考答案

Unit 1

Part B

Language Focus


1. kernel

2. charismatic

3. filtering

4. impeccable

5. perception

6. acquaintanceship

7. primitive 8. demeanor 9. implication

10. inconsequential 11. subdued 12. rapport


…down the right path

back to

half of the battle

4.a step further

5.a key to

to conclusion

the basis of his favor

an instant the scales








sion cy


l: 1) happening at the beginning of a process, or when

you first see or hear something

2) the first letter of someone’s name

2. fair: 1) used for emphasizing that an amount, size, number,

etc. is large

2) reasonable

3. thrive: 1)being prosperous or successful

2)to become successful or happy in a particular situation

4. clue: 1) an object or fact that someone discovers that helps

them solve a crime or mystery

2) to provide someone with information about someone or


5. compliment: 1) something nice that you say to praise


2) used to greeting someone, or giving them your good



impressions are made in a moment but they are the

most lasting.

in the complex business world, people still depend

on their primitive instincts to

communicate with each other.

3. A handshake made people get closer to each other


knights were carefully touch each other’s clasp to

make sure there were no weapons

hidden the sleeves.

ng a compliment about something one wears could

express your kindness and thus

make you more easygoing.

Part C


is a very unwise cause for John to undertake.

afternoon, he would take a half-an-hour nap in his

swivel chair.

he stood in the wrong line, his waiting time was

greatly prolonged.

hotel owned by the couple is comfortable and


needed to reskill our workforce to cope with massive

technological change.

ican leaders called him a disgrace to the party.

/doc/ lions more suffer from serious sleep

deprivation caused by long work hours.

had an ambition to serve his country even when he

was very young..

Unit 2

Part B

Reading Comprehension


In the 1950s, the United States underwent dramatic

economic development. Because of the GI Bills that had enabled

many veterans from the Second World War to be enrolled at

colleges, there was a huge increase in the number of middle-class

families. Apart from the sharp increase of the income of these

families, a suburban middle-class culture was also formed, in

which the wives were supposed to hold the roles of the mother,

the housekeeper, the entertainer of neighbors and friends, and

the manager of a fa?ade of a happy family to impress other

people. During that period of time, the husbands were the main

source of family income. And it was rare for middle-class wives

to keep jobs. Therefore, women like Julia Weeds might feel

trapped by their families and the suburbs, and their values and

efforts were under-rated. The only way out of their daily routine

was to go to the parties held by their neighbors.

Language Focus






ed ion


1. meant to

into tears

3.a cutting look

g the door

ned with

away from

all over

…on the


1. justification

2. accusation


4. favoritism

5. detestation

6. prematurely

7. combatants

8. persecution


1. v. to throw something using a lot of force; n. the high or

low quality of a sound

2. v. to state that something is not allowed; a. a forbidden

place is one that most people are not allowed to enter

3. n. the light from a burning candle; a. lit only by candles

4. a. unhappy, depressing; n. the feeling of being very

worried or disappointed

5. a. worried; n. a feeling that you care about someone and

want them to be happy and well


1. Francis, taking off his hat and putting down his paper, was

not consciously happy with what

was going on among the kids; he could not understand why

the children were not behaving as they normally did.

2. This was his environment, and he created it through his

hard work, and like any other

creature going back home, he naturally returned to it with a

light heart and full of strength and gladness.

3. Francis feels that finally he might have someone who

would be willing to listen to his story

and to show her concern, since Helen is the oldest child and

with whom he can communicate easily.

4. Julia is already tired and angry. What Francis said just made

him the target of her anger.

quickly made her husband know how her youth,

beauty and wit had been wasted in all

the tedious housework she had to do every day.

Part C


1.At that time, women wore either hats or kerchiefs on their


2.In the hotels in that region, all the beddings were made

of linen.

3.40 years ago, due to the shortage of grains, cornmeal was

the staple food for many people. 4.After the treatment of the

chiropractor, he felt a lot more comfortable.

5.He had a very bad cough and had to go to the hospital.

And as it turned out, the doctor prescribed him some cough


6.At the end of the 19th century, The United States

surpassed the European powers to become the world No. 1

economic power.

7.Many economists anticipated that e-commerce will

develop more rapidly in the next 5 years. 8.China’s economy

has attained astonishing achievements in the past 30 years.

Unit 3

Part B

Reading Comprehension

1. F

2. F

3. T

4. T

5. F

6. F

7. F

8. F

Language Focus










1. ill at ease

2. preying on my mind

3. no point in

4. what will become of

5. by no means

6. at any rate

7. get out of

8. in the back of my mind

9. has come over

10. don’t care much for


prefix + cover: discover, recover

prefix + form: conform, deform, inform, reform

prefix + pose: compose, depose, dispose, impose, repose

prefix + press: compress, depress, impress, repress

prefix + prove: reprove, improve, disapprove


1. dispose

2. conform

3. impose

4. reproved

5. compressed

6. deforms

7. recovering

8. deposed

9. repressed

10. inform


1. We respected all these objects because we thought they

deserved it.

2. As he grew older, he thought it was less suitable for him,

and therefore stopped wearing it.

3. Several years later, it was taken out again, and formally

handed over to George.

4. If you could see the whole trousers, you would find that

they looked very loose in the part

where I sat.

5. In addition, even if we did get over the gate, we still

couldn’t get into the hall, because the

big inside doors were firmly locked.


1. 可是过不了多久,我就发现这个戒指是个麻烦——要留心不让它丢了,是个辛苦的工作。


2. 也真奇怪,凡是父亲用过的东西,好象永远是他这个人的一部分。不管那个东西的后来


3. 在这些个晚上,当我在寝室里脱衣裳的时候,我常常内疚于心,觉得不应让父亲的裤


4. 我最充分地认识这个事实的一个晚上,我记得,是在父亲绝不会赞成的一个女孩子坐在


Part C

Reading Comprehension

1. Refer to paragraph 3 for the answer.

2. When it rains, he gets water; when it’s sunny, he gets

sunlight. As is mentioned in this

paragraph, the solar panels of his system can convert

sunlight to electricity, which powers the electrolyzer. The

electrolyzer splits the molecules of purified tap water into oxygen

and hydrogen, which is stored as energy. Thus both water and

sunlight can be used to produce energy. He “can make fuel out

of [both] sunlight and water.”

3. B

4. A

5. D

6. B


1. Our company plans on capturing a larger segment of the

market this year.

2. The new type of light consumes less electricity.

3. Some teachers in this school employ more traditional


4. We can harness the power of the wind to generate


5. United Nations observers oversaw the election.

6. Their arguments boiled down to a lack of trust in each


7. I insisted that they break down the bill into the separate

charges for parts and labor.

8. Substances consist of small particles called molecules.

9. The stocks can be easily converted to cash.

10. The government of this country has been unable to keep

a lid on inflation.

Unit 4

Part B

Reading Comprehension



The Frenchmen The Englishmen

at the scene frantic with terror; screamed

and gesticulated and flung

themselves about sat calm;

forbidden by instinct to throw themselves about_

afterwards forgot all about the danger;

chattered gaily began to feel it;

had a nervous breakdown; was obliged to go to bed

in general responded at once responded in time 2)

( D) ( A) ( D) ( D) ( D) ( A) ( D) ( D) a)Englishmen act and feel


b)Englishmen are brave.

c)English prose and poetry are of the first rank in the world.

d)The English nature is unpoetical.

e)Englishmen have a cold heart.

f)The English nature is hard to understand.

g)Englishmen are easily annoyed by criticism.

h)Englishmen hold a humorous attitude towards criticism.

Language Focus








…to heart





1. As many as

2. as long as

3. as well as

4. as much as

5. as soon as

6. As far as


1. a case in point

2. In case of

3. as the case may be

4. (just) in case

5. In that case

6. in any case


1. possessive

2. impractical

3. jealousies

4. resentful

5. hospitality

6. unsympathetic

7. obscurity

8. non-existence

9. annoyance

10. metaphorical


Step 3

1. tittered

2. beaming

3. smirked

4. grinning

5. guffawing


1. This physical difference between British and French people

(in this event) is a reflection of

the great difference in their character.

2. A person who acts promptly but feels slowly is more liable

to be brave.

3. Although we often fail to find warm sympathy, romance,

and imagination in the individual

Englishmen around us, these qualities must exist in the

national character of Englishmen.

Otherwise, the great English poetry would not be possible.

4. He never realizes that the man who criticizes him may be

not only jealous, but also telling

the truth, and that if he takes it seriously, he might benefit

from it.

5. Even though his attitude seems to be tolerant and

humorous, the Englishman is in fact

uneasy in face of the criticism as is shown by his

uncomfortable and pretentious titter and guffaw.

Part C

Reading Comprehension

1. Sarcasm.

2. repetition: Americans are queer people; parallelism: They

invade the wilderness, they flood

the mountains, they keep the hotels full.; contrast: The

scenery rushes past them. They learn it, but they don’t see it.

Battles and monuments are announced to them in a rubberneck

bus. They hear them, but they don’t get them.; hyperbole: The

last American who sat down to read died in the days of Henry


3. B

4. A

5. D

6. B


1. The company has to make its accounts and operations as

transparent as possible.

2. I’m haunted with gloomy thoughts and sad memories.

3. He launched a fierce attack on the government’s policies.

4. We need a more sober assessment of the current situation.

5. I can’t understand the mentality of the people who are

behind this terrorist attack.

6. They showed no repentance during their trial.

7. This measure might be a stimulant to the economy.

8. He won’t budge an inch on the issue.

9. Her work is dissected and her motives are questioned in

this article.

10. The candidate stands accused of breaking promises even

before he’s in office.

Part B

Reading Comprehension

1. T

2. T

3. F

4. F

5. T

6. F

7. F

8. F

Language Focus


1. impact

2. intensified

3. spell

4. heightened

5. literal

6. splendor

7. ruined 8. vanishing 9. whizzed 10. fascination 11.

continuous 12. impression 2

1. at the close of

2. take leave to

3. On the contrary

4. put up

5. surrender yourself to

6. cheek by jowl

7. caught a glimpse

8. lighted on



1. suspect

2. dim

3. refuse (reject)

4. Revival


1. interesting

2. extraordinary (uncommon)

3. obedience



1. 与之相反,旅途,无论是否充满希望,无论在陆地还是海上,在我看来都是难以描述的


2. 更远处,我瞥见了环绕着这座城市的山,调温柔。钟声一直响着,想来在但丁或者


3. 这,也是时机恰好的到达。但是我必须要提醒你,在平安夜到达佛罗伦萨也有缺点。因

为游览这座城市的绝佳时机不是深冬,而是早春。如果可以的话,请在午夜到达。4. 所以,如果在白天到达,在最初的五分钟里,你就能够知晓罗马的魅力所在。在佛罗伦


Part C

Further Reading


1. Let us spend a few moments in quiet meditation.

2. Smoking combines with other factors to multiply the risks


3. She sat down and proceeded to tell me about her holiday.

4. What in particular did you like about the last apartment

that we saw?

5. The prime minister's supporters greeted her speech with


6. The top shelf is out of his reach.

7. In the event of fire, the alarm will sound at intervals of 15


8. Some people think that nuclear war would mean the end

of civilization.

9. Vitamins should not be used as a substitute for a healthy


10. The best way to explore the countryside is by walking.

Part B

Reading Comprehension


1. T

2. F




6. F

Language Focus


1. prevails

2. controversial

3. containing

4. generate

5. warranted

6. caution

7. imaginary

8. conceal

9. demonstrated 10. adjust 11. undo 12. reminder


1. as a result of

2. had been subjected to

3. was prone to

4. became aware of

5. rid ... of ...

6. superior to

7. deal with 8. in pursuit of


1. a. a method which is used to produce a desired effect

b. an object or machine which has been invented to fulfill a

particular purpose

2. a. to express an opinion or to make a decision that one

tells people about

b. to do something illegal or something that is considered


3. a. a strong opinion or belief

b. when someone is officially found to be guilty of a

particular crime

4. a. to express firmly your belief that something is true

b. to keep a road, machine, building, et

c. in good condition

5. a. an organization of people with particular political beliefs

which competes in elections to

try to win positions in local or national government

b. one of the people or groups of people involved in an

official argument, arrangement or

similar situation

6. a. outside or after (a stated limit)

b. further away in the distance (than something)

7. a. a sign or result of something

b. serious and careful thought

8. a. to (cause to) work, be in action or have an effect

b. to cut a body open for medical reasons in order to repair,

remove or replace a diseased

or damaged part


1. 如果事情能通过观察解决,那就自己观察吧。亚里士多德本认为女人牙齿比男人的少,他本来可以避免这个错误,只需请他的夫人张开嘴,自己数一下就可以了。

2. 我相信刺猬吃蟑螂,因为一直都被灌输这样的观点;但是如果


3. 对于那些有足够想象力的人来说,想象自己和持不同偏见的人进行争论是个不错的主意。

4. 我有时真的会因为这种假想的对话而改变我的想法,而且我屡次发现在意识到假想对手可能是合理的时候,自己变得不那么教条,不那么自以为是了。

5. 我所知的处理这种人类自负的方法是,提醒自己人类只是浩瀚宇宙的小角落里一颗小星球上的生命史中一段短暂的插曲。我们根本不知道宇宙的其它地方可能存在优于我们的某种生物,就像我们优于水母一样。

Part C


1. The proposals were unpopular and were only accepted in

a modified form.

2. It's a simple dish to prepare, consisting mainly of rice and


3. There was a little portable television switched on behind

the bar.

4. We're looking at the feasibility of building a shopping

centre there.

5. He was disappointed by his failure to secure the job with

the bank.

6. I find that yoga improves my powers of concentration.

7. My initial surprise was soon replaced by delight.

8. There are several hotels in the immediate vicinity of the

central station.

9. Such a large investment inevitably entails some risk.

sly the ultimate responsibility for the present

conflict lies with the aggressor.

Unit 7

Part B

Reading Comprehension


1. T

2. T

3. F

4. T

5. F

6. T

Language Focus


1. perform

2. alter

3. interface

4. enhancement

5. retain

6. potent

7. inevitable

8. evolution

9. feasible 10. Exposure 2

1. interface with

2. fit in

3. stand out

4. as such

5. with regard to

6. be essential to

7. tune out

8. aspire to

9. end up 10. based on


1. speculated

2. enhance

3. desensitization

4. constantly

5. eventuality

6. Observers

7. essence

8. diversion

9. depression 10. Flexible


get stop

g after




along with


g by

behind around

d behind

d over


d up



d away


1. I have not read the book yet because I still have my own

problems remain unsolved, but people who have already read

the book have given some unfavorable/hostile comments.

2. Individuals who can alter the color of their skin would

make it impossible for the unreasonable feeling of not liking

people from certain races to exist. This, to some extent, is a kind

of advantage, sounds somewhat disappointing.

3. Just like closing your eyes to prevent unpleasant views,

instead of focusing on more relevant information, humans could

stop paying attention to things they don’t want to hear.

4. In a world where people are paying more attention to

health and safety, where people are ready to go to the court for

even the slightest injury, having more cartilage in their skeleton

means the reducing of the danger of forceful impact.

5. Although his opinion may be based on unsystematic

observations, and that he doesn’t have a profound/thorough

understanding of evolution, what he proposed is quite


Part C


1. Controversies and criticisms are inevitable because the

new policy violated many people’s vested interests.

2. They distributed a large amount of product brochures to

their prospective/potential consumers at the commodity fair.

3. The rocket attached to the spacecraft is designed to propel

it towards the Moon.

4. Do you believe that there exists in the world any kind of

supernatural beings?

5. If you want to memorize the spelling of an English word

easily, you’d better try to understand some word building and

pronunciation rules.

6. It is extremely difficult for the new immigrants to integrate

themselves into the mainstream society within a short time.

7. Studies found that environments where employees are

surrounded in blue are more conducive to creativity.

8. We don’t have to sacrifice environmental protection to

promote economic growth.

Unit 8

Part B

Reading Comprehension


1. F

2. F

3. T

4. T

5. F

6. T

Language Focus


1. recollections

2. infallible

3. captivate

4. vibrancy

5. elaborate

6. enduring

7. ambivalent

8. celebrity

9. sentiment 10. integral 11. acceleration 12. Conscious


1. dress up

2. come to terms with

3. live up to

4. in my mind's eye

5. dedicated to

6. finish up

7. cheer on

8. delight in

9. point out to 10. set out for


1. consciousness

2. entertainments

3. bear


5. sensitive

6. enthusiasm

7. interconnected

8. impressed

9. communicative 10. Eventualities


connection- close, direct, intimate, strong, causal

friendship- develop, cultivate, start up, establish, destroy

gather- together, rapidly, steadily, carefully, hastily

luminous- almost, very, highly, faintly, slightly


1. No matter what modern technology is adopted, or how

talented the photographer is, the images in the photograph

could never be as good as the moments in the real life.

2. Photographs of my brother and I wearing costumes or

formal clothes for some special occasions can never depicting

the hard moment my parents and Aunt Phyllis spent on the metal


3. But my ambivalent feeling about photographs is also

closely related to what they show in the pictures.

4. So why don’t we just depend on the pictures we have on

our mind, and let the memory provide us with the details of a

certain moment and help us feel the feelings at that moment?

5. And there is one image/picture that could only exist in my

memory/mental collection.

Part C


1. The thief was caught red-handed when he was picking the


2. She can tolerate my bad temper, but my depression is

simply unbearable to her.

3. His words are generally mild, economical and expressive.

4. In order to perform the duty successfully, you must

vanquish your fear first.

5. He needs to be hospitalized immediately because of

coughing up blood.

6. The days when I spending my time rolling dough and

peeling apples by the sea breathed new life into my soul.

7. He threatened to take me to court if I refused to pay him

up/pay him the money.

8. If you have a minute this moment, you might as well stop

by my office and get those documents in person.

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