

Lesson Two In the Laboratory 打印本页

一、词 汇

laboratory n. 实验室

enroll v. 登记,注册

reach v. 伸手取

specimen n. 标本,样品

alcohol n. 酒精

disappointed adj. 失望的,沮丧的

disappointment n. 失望,沮丧

gaze v. 凝视,盯着

challenging adj. 有挑战性的

unpleasant adj. 讨厌的,使人不愉快的

set v. 着手;决心

disgusting adj. 十分讨厌的,令人恶心的

ghastly adj. 苍白的,死人一般的

beneath prep. 在„下面

sideways adv. adj. 侧面的;横向的

magnifying glass n. 放大镜

instrument n. 仪器,器械

limited adj. 受限制的,有限的

field n. 范围,领域

desperation n. 绝望

scale n. (鱼、蛇等的)鳞,鳞片

nonsense n. 无意义的行为

strike v. (一种想法)突然产生

feature n. 特点,特征

creature n. (包括人类的)生物,动物

encouraging adj. 激励的,振奋人心的

attentively adv. 专心地,聚精会神地

brief adj. 简洁的,简短的

air n. 神态,样子

earnestly adv. 认真地

visible 可见的,看得见的

plainly adv. 明白地,易懂地

misery n. 苦恼,痛苦,不幸

wretched adj. 讨厌的,悲惨的,可怜的

criticism n. 批评

close n. 终结,结束

inquire v. 询问

next best adj. 次好的,居第二位的

disconcerting adj. 令人紧张的,使人心慌的

account n. 说明,解说;报告

reassuring adj. 使人放心的,给人打气的

symmetrical adj. 对称的

paired adj. 成对的

thoroughly adv. 完全地,彻底地

repay v. 回报,偿还

wakeful adj. 不眠的,睡不着的

most adv. 非常,很,极

enthusiastically adv. 热情地,热心地

point n. 特征,品质

artificial adj. 人造的,人工的

aid n. 辅助器具

repeat v. 重说;重做

similarity n. 相似之处

family n. (生物)科

part v. 使分开,分离

part with 丢掉,卖掉,放弃

observe v. 观察,注意到

orderly adj. 有秩序的,有条理的

arrangement n. 排列;安排

urge v. 驱策;激励;推动

connection n. 联系;关系

in connection with 与„„相关联

law n. 规律


I entered Professor Agassiz's laboratory, and told him I had enrolled my name in

the Scientific School as a student of natural history.

one's name 注册某人的名字;the Scientific School:自然科学院

natural history:自然史

"When do you wish to begin?"

"Now," I replied.

This seemed to please him, and with an energetic "Very well!" he reached from a shelf

a huge jar of specimens in yellow alcohol. "Take this fish," he said, "and look at it;

by and by I will ask what you have seen." With that he left me. I was disappointed, for

gazing at a fish did not seem to be challenging enough to an eager student, and the alcohol

had a very unpleasant smell. But I said nothing and began to work immediately.

seemed to please him, and with an energetic "Very well!" he reached from a

shelf a huge jar of specimens in yellow alcohol.

seem to do sth. 好像„


and by I will ask what you have seen."

By and by: before long, soon 过一会,不久

gazing at a fish did not seem to be challenging enough to an eager student:

gazing at a fish 是动名词短语,作主语。


the alcohol had a very unpleasant smell.

And 引出另一个并列从句,意思是“而且,此外尚有„”


I said nothing and began to work immediately.


In ten minutes I had seen all that could be seen in the fish, and started to look

for the Professor---who had, however, left. Half an hour passed---an hour ----another

hour; the fish began to look disgusting. I turned it over and around; looked it in the

face---- ghastly; from behind, beneath, above, sideways-----just as ghastly. I must not

use a magnifying glass, nor instruments of any kind. Just my two hands, my two eyes,

and the fish: it seemed a most limited field of study. With a feeling of desperation

again I looked at that fish. I pushed my finger down its throat to feel how sharp the

teeth were. I began to count the scales in the different rows, until I was convinced

that was nonsense. At last a happy thought struck me --- I would draw the fish; and now

with surprise I began to discover new features in the creature. Just then the Professor


ten minutes had seen all that could be seen in the fish


fish began to look disgusting


it in the face---- ghastly; from behind, beneath, above, sideways-----just

as ghastly.

look sb./sth. in the face / eyes : 正视(某人或某事)。


10.I must not use a magnifying glass, nor instruments of any kind.

must not :一定不许,一定不要,表强烈地阻止


seemed a most limited field of study.

most: very


a feeling of desperation again I looked at that fish.


13.I began to count the scales in the different rows, until I was convinced that

was nonsense.

row: 横排 queue :纵列,队伍(手写板)

be convinced „确信„


last a happy thought struck me.

strike: 突然有了想法、主意

A good idea struck me.


It struck him how foolish his behavior had been.


15.I would draw the fish; and now with surprise I began to discover new features

in the creature.


"That is right," said he, "a pencil is one of the best of eyes." With these encouraging

words, he added, "Well, what is it like?"

16."That is right," said he, "a pencil is one of the best of eyes."

eyes 在这里指"观察力"


He listened attentively to my brief description. When I finished, he waited as if

expecting more, and then, with air of disappointment.

waited as if expecting more


then, with air of disappointment:


"You have not looked very carefully; why," he continued more earnestly, "you haven't

even seen one of the most visible features of the animal, which is as plainly before

your eyes as the fish itself; look again, look again!" and he left me to my misery.

have not looked very carefully; why:

你可没有仔细观察。Why 在这里是感叹词,表示惊讶。

is as plainly before your eyes as the fish itself:


he left me to my misery.


I was hurt. Still more of that wretched fish! But now I set myself to my task with

a will, and discovered one new thing after another, until I saw how just the Professor's

criticism had been. The afternoon passed quickly; and when, towards its close, the

Professor inquired, "Do you see it yet?"

21.I was hurt.


more of that wretched fish!


I saw how just the Professor's criticism had been.


just =fair在这里作形容词,表公正的

s its close


"No," I replied, "I do not, but I see how little I saw before."

25.but I see how little I saw before.


"That is next best, "said he earnestly, "But I won't hear you now; put away your

fish and go home; perhaps you will be ready with a better answer in the morning. I will

examine you before you look at the fish."

is next best

next best: 仅次于


was disconcerting. Not only must I think of my fish all night, studying,

without the object before me, what this unknown but most visible feature might be, but

also, without reviewing my discoveries, I must give an exact account of them the next



The friendly greeting from the professor the next morning was reassuring. He seemed

to be quite as anxious as I that I should see for myself what he saw.

seemed to be quite as anxious as I that I should see for myself what he saw.

be anxious that „急切做某事


"Do you perhaps mean," I asked, "that the fish has symmetrical sides with paired


fish has symmetrical sides with paired organs


His thoroughly pleased "of course!" repaid the wakeful hours of the previous night.

After he had talked most happily and enthusiastically ---as he always did ---upon the

importance of this point, I asked what I should do next.

thoroughly pleased "of course!" repaid the wakeful hours of the previous



"Oh, look at your fish!" he said, and left me alone again. In a little more than

an hour he returned, and heard my new list.

"That is good, that is good!" he repeated, "but that is not all; go on." And so for

three long days he placed that fish before my eyes, forbidding me to look at anything

else, or to use any artificial aid. "look, look, look," was his repeated instruction.

that is not all


The fourth day, a second fish of the same group was placed beside the first, and

I was told to point out the similarities and differences between the two; another

followed, until the entire family lay before me.

32.a second fish of the same group was placed beside the first

a second:又一个,另外的 the second:第二的


r followed, until the entire family lay before me.


This was the best lesson I ever had. It has influenced the way I have studied ever

since. It was something the Professor gave me, which we could not buy, with which we

could not part.

has influenced the way I have studied ever since.

ever since: 从那以后一直


was something the Professor gave me, which we could not buy, with which we

could not part.


While training the students in the method of observing facts and their orderly

arrangement, Professor Agassiz urged them not to be content with just facts. "Facts are

stupid things," he would say, "until brought into connection with some general law."

training the students in the method of observing facts and their orderly



37."Facts are stupid things," he would say, "until brought into connection with some

general law."


Useful Expressions

seem to (do) 好像,似乎

forbid sb. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事

be content with 满足于

enroll in 成为„的一员

He wanted to enroll(his name) in the swimming class.

He wants his best friend at college to enroll in the same club.

enroll 录取

160 new students have been enrolled in the English Department this year.


We enrolled him as a member of the society.


be convinced that 确信




Louise could hear someone singing far away.

The Jewish man wanted me trying to read that paper.

1.用于这一句型的动词,一类是感知动词(catch, discover, feel, find, hear, leave,

notice, observe, overhear, perceive, see, smell, sport, spy和watch),另一类是使役动词(get, have, keep, set和start)。


I was watched (by the Jewish man) trying to read that paper.


She watched her son cross the road.


She watched her son crossing the road.


(二)Vocabulary Exercises

Form words according to the following rules of word formation.


national国家的 natural自然界的 exceptional 例外的 traditional 传统的 editorial编辑的


pleasant使人愉快的 determinant 决定性的 repentant感到或表示懊悔的 tolerant忍受的 different 不同的

1)Add -al/-ial to the following words to from adjectives, making changes in spelling

wherever necessary.

center culture manager region

2. Add -ant/-enl to the following words to from adjectives, making changes in spelling

wherever necessary.

hesitate urge resist

(三)语法 must can could may


mustn't do sth. 一定不要(注意:不是不必须)

You mustn't watch that movie.





He must be at home now. 他现在肯定在家。

(2)用"主语+must be doing"

They must be playing football now.


He must be watering the trees now.


(3)must have done 对过去行为的肯定推测

He looks familiar. We must have seen him before.


The room is empty. They must have left.




You can each take three books home.


You can't park your car here.



She can solve the problem all by herself.


Sometimes he can sit reading for hours on end in the library.



The snow is thick. You can ski on the hills.



could 是can的过去时,但在用法上,他却又许多特殊的地方。

1)Could you„表达较客气的请求

Could you please show me the way to the bus stop?


2)"could + have done"表示过去的能力


I could have lent you the money. Why didn't you ask me?


I could have bought the jacket if I had had enough money on me that day.



The room is in a mess. Who could have done it?




You may park your car here if you pay a fee.


You may leave the office as soon as you finish your work.




Ann may/might know Tom's mew address.


(2)"may/might + have done"表示过去的可能性

You may/might have heard of it before.


He may/might have done it but up to now we haven't got any evidence to prove it.


't need to do 本来不需要做,而且也没

He didn't need to buy the jacket, so he went back home.

needn't have done 本来不需要做,但是做了

You needn't have washed my clothing. I can wash myself.


need doing

need to be done

My jacket needs washing.

My jacket needs to be washed.









第2题、Professor Agassiz’s first assignment for Scudder is to look at a fish from

a huge jar of specimens and then describe to him what he had seen in the fish.

第3题、Scudder didn’t find his first assignment exciting and challenging because

he thought that gazing at a fish was not challenging enough and the alcohol had a very

unpleasant smell.

第4题、 The professor forbid Scudder to use any artificial aids because he wanted

his student to learn how to observe things carefully with his own eyes.

第6题、Scudder began to change his attitude towards observing that fish when he

started to draw the fish and found new features which he had not discovered before.

第7题、Scudder observed the most visible feature of the fish was that the fish had

symmetrical sides with paired organs.

第12题、 Scudder learned from his first lesson how to observe facts and their orderly

arrangement and how to connect them to some general law.


words according to the following rules of word formation.

1)Add -al/-ial to the following words to from adjectives, making changes in spelling

wherever necessary.

center→central culture→cultural manage r→managerial region→regional

2. Add -ant/-ent to the following words to from adjectives, making changes in spelling

wherever necessary.

hesitate→hesitant urge→urgent resist→resistant

ate the following sentences into English

1)Using words or expressions from the text.


The dog seems to understand what its owner wants.


He gazed at the picture for a long time, thinking about the past.


Though the general manager knew that he would meet a lot of difficulties, he set

himself to work with a will.


A good idea struck me suddenly. Why not beep him right now.


The newspaper gave a two-page account of the Princess's funeral.


Chinese government urged the United Nations to solve the problems of the region



She was not content with her current English level, so she enrolled in evening class.


We should put away our differences and work for our common goal.


In this country, middle school boys are forbidden to wear long hair.


The doctor is convinced that she doesn't need to lose weight.

2)Using Verb pattern 18.


We tried to keep him talking.


The joke set me laughing.


I smell something burning.


I hear my parents quarrelling in bed room.


The old man was watching children playing football.

suitable prepositions or adverbs in the blanks.

1)I was walking in the garden when someone jumped out behind a tree.

2)I went to the lecture hall half an hour before the talk in order to secure a seat

the front row.

3)Write and tell me about your life there as a teacher.

4)He turned the toy over and over in his hand, not knowing how to make it work.

5)She was out of breath and told us the news in broken sentences.

6)The baby was sleeping. So they were talking in a low voice.

7) To his surprise, he found his own name was on the list.

8)At last the police caught the man and took several pictures of him, from different


9)Every time I pass the school, I think of my first English teacher.

10)I have great respect for those cancer patients who look death in the face.

11) “Good-bye and good luck!” with these words, he turned and got on the train.

12)The professor placed one fish after_ another _before_ the student and told him

to point out their differences.

the correct words from the list below in the blanks.

as noise continued hurried examined

following set further passenger parked

One day a motorist (汽车驾驶人)had to stop soon after he had (1) set out from

a country village for London because he heard a strange (2) noise from the back of

his car. He got out and (3) examined the wheels carefully, but as he found nothing

wrong, he (4) continued on his way. Soon the noise began again and now it was louder

than ever. On turning his head, he saw something that looked like a big, dark cloud (5)

following his car. When he stopped in village (6) further on, he was told that a queen

bee (蜂王) must have hidden in his car, (7) as there were thousands of bees nearby.

In order to escape the bees, the man drove away quickly to London. He (8) parked

his car outside a hotel and went in for a drink. Then a customer (9) hurried in to

tell him that his car was covered with bees. The poor motorist telephoned the police.

The police sent a been-keeper who soon found the unwelcome(10) passenger , a queen

bee, hidden near the wheels.


te the following sentences with

may, must, or


1) A: May I speak to Mr. Smith?

B: I’m afraid he’s out at the moment. Could you ring back later?

2) We might as well stay here till the weather improves.

3) He said that we could use his computer whenever we liked.

4) His eyesight is poor; he must wear glasses at least in class.

5) You ought to buy a house now. Prices may go up.

6) You must stay at home until I come back in the afternoon.

7) English children must stay at school till 16.

8) May all your wishes come true!

te the following sentences with must, may, can, could, or need plus the

correct infinitive forms.

1) Nobody knew for sure where these people came from. They may have came (come)

from some southern part of the U.S.

2) A: Did you hear the noise last night?

B: No, I must have been (be) asleep.

3) A: We have sent for a doctor.

B: You needn’t have done (do) that. I feel quite all right now.

4) A: I think I saw John in the library yesterday.

B: You can’t have seen (see) him; he is still in Japan.

5) A: I had to walk 20 miles to get there.

B: That must have been (be) very hard.

6) A: Where do you think I can find Tom?

B: I think he is on the beach. He might have been swimming (swim) in the sea

right now.

7) A: I’ve bought some bread.

B: You needn’t have bought (buy) any because we still have plenty at home.

8) A: I felt sick after supper last night.

B: The beef we had for supper must have gone (go) bad.

9) He may have left (leave) for England. But so far, nobody is sure of that.

10) You couldn’t have seen (not see) an airplane in such weather.

You must have been (be) dreaming.

ate the following sentences into English, using nodal verbs.


It's eight o'clock now. He must have left at home.

3)那位老人不可能看见什么人走进受害者(the victim)的房间,他是盲人。

That old man couldn't have seen somebody came into the victim's room, because he

was a blind.


You needn't have watered those rose. It's rain soon.

7) 房间这么干净,昨晚肯定有人来打扫过。

The room is very clean. Somebody must have cleaned it.



Sequoyah was a young Cherokee (柴罗基部落)Indian, son of a white trader and an Indian

squaw(印地安女人). At an early age, he became fascinated by "the talking leaf", an

expression that he used to describe the white man's written records. Although many

believed this "the talking leaf" to be a gift from the Great Spirit, Sequoyah refused

to accept that theory. Like other Indians of the period, he was illiterate, but his

determination to remedy the situation led to the invention of a unique 86-character

alphabet based on the sound patterns that he heard.

His family and friends thought him mad, but while recuperating(复原)from a hunting

accident, he diligently and independently set out to create a form of communication for

his own people as well as for other Indians. In 1821, after twelve years of work, he

had successfully developed a written language that would enable thousands of Indians

to read and write.

Sequoyah's desire to preserve words and events for later generations has caused him

to be remembered among the important inventors. The giant redwood trees(红杉树)of

California, called "sequoias" in his honor, will further imprint(铭刻)his name in


1. What is the most important reason that Sequoyah will be remembered?

A. California redwoods were named in his honor

B. He was illiterate

C. He created a unique alphabet

D. He recovered from his madness and helped mankind.

did Sequoyah's family react to his idea of developing his own "talking leaf"

arranged for his hunting accident

thought he was crazy

decided to help him

asked him to teach them to read and write

3. What prompted Sequoyah to develop his alphabet?

A. People were writing things about him that he couldn't read.

B. He wanted to become famous.

C. After his hunting accident, he needed something to keep him busy.

D. He wanted the history of his people preserved for future generations.

4. The word illiterate means most nearly .


to read or write

5 Which of the following is NOT true?

ah developed a form of writing with the help of the Cheroke tribe.

B. Sequoyah was a very observant young man

C. Sequoyah spent twelve years developing his alphabet

D. Sequoyah was honored by having some trees named after him.




2.预习下册Lesson 3

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