



学生姓名: **

学 院: 土木工程学院

专 业: 搬砖

班 级: 优秀班

学 号: 没有

指导老师: L

2010年 某 月 某 日


IE (I) 中的

《Parking Management Strategy for the Walled City of Jaipur》

Parking Management Strategy for the Walled City of Jaipur

Jaipur is a very fast growing metropolitan city which has recorded exponential growth of

population in the last four decades. The growth of vehicle population in Jaipur is very

alarming. The public transport system is very weak and this is propelling the growth of

individual modes of transport. The economic activities are congregating and intensifying in

the walled city of Jaipur as a result of which a large number of passenger and goods

transport trips originate and end in the walled city. This situation is warranting the need for

adequate parking facilities and appropriate management policies, if the activities of walled

city are to sustain. This paper presents the surveys carried out to assess the parking demand

and supply within the walled city of Jaipur. The parking demand is projected for the

horizon year and the shortfall is estimated. The private sector participation to meet the

projected demand by implementing parking management and pricing policies is also

illustrated in the paper.

Keywords: Parking accumulation; Parking duration; Parking demand; Parking design;

Parking policy


Metropolitan centres in the country are increasing both in number and population. There

were 23 such cities in 1991 and these are expected to be 40 by the turn of the century1.

Most of these cities have developed from historical times. The economic

activities like trade, commerce and administration created in the old parts of the cities are

getting densified rapidly. In some cities the historic spots of tourist interest are also located

in these old parts. Consequently the intensity of journeys to these activity centres are increasing.

The improvement in the economic status of the people coupled with availability of personal modes

of transport

has contributed to the growth in vehicular traffic to the activity centres. The

resulting scenario is that the roads leading to these centres are flooded with vehicles of all

types resulting in congestion. Another typical feature of these areas is that the carriageway

and foot paths, meant respectively for vehicular and pedestrian traffic, are occupied by

hawkers and vendors reducing the capacity of carriageways adding to the problems of

crawling traffic and choked roads. As of today the commercial areas in every


city are faced with problems of parking, congestion, accidents and environmental pollution.

The planners and administrators, concerned with these problems, are trying to

find solutions. The present paper describes one of the attempts of planners in

finding out solution to the parking problems of walled city in Jaipur. The paper includes

description of the parking problems in walled


of Jaipur, field studies conducted to assess

the characteristics of parking and remedial measures suggested along with a suitable

parking policy.


Jaipur is one of the metropolitan cities in the country with a population of over 1.5 million

and is observed to be growing at 49% per decade1. Besides being the capital city of

Rajasthan, the city of Jaipur is a major tourist centre in the country as well. Major portions

of economic activities of the city are located in walled city area, spreading over 6.7 km2.

This area is, besides having heavily concentrated activities, a very important

tourist centre and attracts tourists from all over the globe. The economic activities in the

form of wholesale trade, commerce, household industries, administration and tourist spots

generate heavy traffic to and from these areas. The limited road space of the area is

congested with vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The shopkeepers and vendors also occupy

the sidewalks and carriageways. Consequently the traffic in these areas is facing acute

congestion, bottlenecks and hazards. The environmental pollution as well as physical and

visual intrusions are also some of the other problems increasingly faced by the residents

and the visitors to the area.

Parking demand in the walled city area is met mainly by roadside parking along all major

roads and there is no major off-street parking facility. With the ever increasing parking

demand the vehicles are parked in two rows on carriageways. Footpaths are also filled with

parked vehicles. While there is heavy demand for parking, the limited enforcement of

regulatory measures fail to control and manage the parking problems. The Jaipur

Development Authority ( JDA) concerned with the growing demand for parking and the

related problems, (ie, traffic circulation, congestion etc), requested the Central Road

Research Institute. New Delhi, to

study the parking problems and suggest policies and


of management. In the light of the resource and time


as well as severity of problems, the scope of the study was restricted to Kishanpole

bazaar in the west,

Tripolia bazaar in the north, Mirza Ismail Road (M I Road) in the south and Johari bazaar

in the east as shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1 Map showing the study area


The study was taken up with the following objectives:

o to assess the parking demand and characteristics of the study area;

o to assess the traffic operating conditions on the major roads within the study area;

o to project the parking demand of the future;

o to explore the possibilities of augmenting the parking spaces; and

o to develop parking management schemes and policies to meet the parking

demand of the present and future.


With a view to assess the existing parking demand, parking supply, traffic volume and

traffic speed on major roads and related data was collected by carrying out

field surveys, namely,

o traffic volume survey;

o speed and delay survey of traffic;

o parking duration and accumulation surveys;

o users opinion survey;

o inventory of regulatory measures of parking; and

o inventory of parking spaces.

Traffic Volume Survey

This survey was carried out between 0900 h and 1300 h and between 1600 h and 2000 h on

a normal working day at mid- block locations of the following road sections:

o Kishanpole Bazaar;

o Chaura Rastha;


o Johari Bazaar; and

o Tripolia Bazaar.

Speed and Delay Surveys

Speed and delay studies were conducted on all the major road sections to obtain average

journey speeds and related delays during the morning and evening peak hours. The

road sections included in the survey are:

o Kishanpole Bazaar;

o Chaura Rastha;

o Johari Bazaar;

o Tripolia Bazaar;

o Nehru Bazaar;

o Bapu Bazaar; and

o Mirza Ismail Road.

Parking Surveys

These surveys were carried out to assess the parking demand, parking characteristics,

parking accumulation and duration within the study area.

Users Survey

Both two-wheeler and four-wheeler users were interviewed on sampling basis to

obtain the data on socio-economic characteristics, purpose of the trip, origin of trip,

duration of parking, time needed to walk to the final destination and problems faced while

parking. The interviews covered all the seven road sections mentioned in the speed and

delay studies.

Inventory of Regulation and Control

The inventory of regulatory and control measures that are in vogue have been identified

and the prevailing enforcement measures have been studied through field inspection. The

inventory survey covered all the road sections mentioned in speed and delay studies.

Inventory of Off-street Parking Facilities

Inventory of the two available off-street parking facilities in the vicinity of the study area

has been carried out. This included the assessment of the available spaces and

their effectiveness

as parking lots.


The data collected through surveys have been analysed to understand the nature and

magnitude of the traffic problems and parking characteristics. These aspects

of traffic are

discussed here.

Traffic Volume


The road sections in the study area are found to carry traffic not only terminating to the

activities located in the study area but also to other areas (through traffic). The peak hour

traffic and composition presented in Table 1 show that the traffic volume ranges from 3600

vehicles/h to 8200

vehicles/h. The maximum flow was

observed on Tripolia Bazaar. It is

interesting to note that the two-wheelers, cycles and cycle rickshaws accounted for

more than 85% of the traffic. Tripolia Bazaar has maximum percentage of non-motorised

traffic (more than 50%).

Parking Accumulation

Vehicles parked in the study area comprised two-wheelers, cycles, cycle rickshaws, four

wheelers and goods vehicles, such as, pedal carts and cycle carts. Amongst

these two- wheeler and cycle rickshaws were dominant. Peak parking demand of vehicles

on selected road sections is presented in Table 2. The table shows that Tripolia Bazaar

ranks high with

1882 vehicles followed by Johari Bazaar with 1604 parking

demand for the entire study area in terms of equivalent car

spaces (ECS) was worked out to be 3985. The hourly variations in terms of the vehicles

parked on different road sections are presented in Figure 2. From the figure it can be

observed that the accumulation reaches maximum by 1200 h and declines gradually by

afternoon and again

becomes maximum in the evening by 1830 h.

Parking Duration

Data on duration of parking of the cars and two-wheelers in the study area has been

analysed. Cumulative percentages of cars and two-wheelers parked for different time

duration are presented in Figure 3. It can be seen from the figure that 60% of cars and 55%

of two-wheelers were parked for less than half an hour. Similarly, 78% of cars and 75% of

two-wheelers are parked for less than one hour. The parking duration of two- wheelers is

observed to be more than that of cars. This may be due to the shop keepers owning

two-wheelers and parking them for more time. The number of cars and two-wheelers

entering the parking lots on the day of survey are also presented in Table 3. As

shown in the table a total of 6000 cars and 25 900 two-wheelers enter the various parking

lots in the study area between 0900 h and 2100 h.

Users Survey

The data of users survey was analysed to know the purpose of their visit to the area, the

duration of parking, problems faced while parking etc.

Trip Purpose: The purpose of the trips to the study area revealed the following salient


o Shopping for self followed by trading for business were the main purposes of their


visit to the study area; and

o 20% to 30% of the trips were for work.

Parking Duration: The analysis of parking duration according to trip purpose revealed that

as expected users reporting work as trip purpose are found to be parking for longer

duration whilst those reporting shopping and trade as trip purpose are found to be parking

for shorter duration (Table 4).

Walking Times: Analysis of walking times from parking lots to the ultimate destination

revealed the following salient features:

o Along all the road sections nearly 80% of the users reported walking time of

5 min from the place of parking to the ultimate destination; and

o On Bapu Bazaar nearly 26% reported walking time of more than 15 min indicating

the shortage of parking spaces closer to their place of destination.

Users Problems: Under the problems reported by the users the time spent in

locating the place for parking was predominant. Further, the regulation of one

hour restriction on parking at Johari Bazaar was another problem. This is the only section

where parking time restriction is strictly implemented. Insecurity for the vehicles is another

major problem reported by the users.

Trip Origins

The analysis of the data relating to the place of origin of the parkers, visiting the study area,

revealed that the walled city attracts trips from all parts of the city. The pattern of the trips

is presented in Figure 4, in the form of desire line diagram2. Trips are also attracted from

far off places like Sanganer and Mansarover thus indicating that the walled city continues

to be the main centre for wholesale and retail trade.

Existing Parking Regulations and Control

The measures in force are:

o Organised parking of cars, two-wheelers and goods vehicles along the kerb side in the

study area;


‘Parking’and‘No Parking’zones are specified through sign boards

though the signs are not clear and conspicuous; and

o Time restriction on duration of parking in some areas.

The field inspection showed that‘No Parking’restrictions are not observed by the users.

The time restriction of one hour is enforced only on cars parked in the Johari Bazaar area.

Off-street Parking Lots

There are only two off-street parking lots in the vicinity of the study area, namely, Sanjay

Market near Sanganeri gate and Ramnivas Garden. The Sanjay Market parking lot can


estimatedly accommodate about 50 cars. The circulation and parking arrangements as well

as the entry and exit are not designed and regulated on any scientific basis and this results

in haphazard parking and inefficient use of the available space. Ramnivas Garden

parking lot caters mainly to the requirement of the visitors to the garden and the present

parking lot can accommodate about 40 cars and 50 two- wheelers. Parking

fee is also charged at this parking lot. The visitors to the bazaar area have the problem of

crossing the heavy traffic moving on Mirza Ismail Road, and this discour- ages the

visitors from parking at this lot.

Existing Parking Supply

Kerbside parking is allowed on all the road sections in the study area and can

accommodate a total of 2645 ECS. The section wise details of the ECS for various road

sections are presented in Table 5.

Projection of Parking Demand

The growth in parking demand is directly related to growth in activities located in the

study area coupled with increase in

vehicle ownership in the city besides economic status

of the people visiting the area. The growth levels in trade and commerce which is

the main activity in the study area was considered for parking demand projection.

The planned growth for these activities in the city is 4.9%, 5.9% and 6.2% per annum3,4.

Parking demand has been worked out using these growth rates. The space and

infrastructure available in the study area may not allow a higher growth of 6.2% per annum

in activities. But to account for increasing growth trend of vehicle ownership/economic

status in the projection of parking demand, a growth rate of 6.2% per annum


considered appropriate and hence the same was adopted in this study.

Parking demands have been projected separately for cars and two-wheelers for the year

2001 and 2011 AD. Table 6 presents the mode wise and road section wise projected

parking demand in comparison with base year.


The study area has limited parking spaces with five road sec- tions. These road sections

carry traffic to and from the activities located in the study area in addition to the through

traffic. The kerbside parking is allowed on both sides of road sections.

(i) Because of the road traffic and parked vehicles the traffic rawls at a speed of less than

15 kmph.


Due to inadequate parking space and ever increasing parking demand the vehicles can

be seen parked in two rows on the carriageway and even footpaths are occupied with

parked vehicles.



The perceptions of the people visiting the area are that they face problems in locating a

parking space and the restriction of parking to one hour duration is

a problem.


The available spaces can meet only two-thirds of the demand thus leaving an

unsatisfied demand of one- third.


The existing off-street parking lots are ill managed and are lacking in design and suffer

from the absence of systematic design and regulations.


The projected parking demand shows that the parking spaces have to be created in

the form of off- street parking lots besides regulating the present kerbside parking.

(vii) Parking accumulation reaches maximum by 1200 h in the morning and comes down

for couple of hours in the afternoon and



maximum accumulation during

evening hour.

(viii)Sixty percent of cars and 55% of two-wheeler are parked for less than half an hour.


The parking space available can cope with only two-third of the present demand and the

projected parking demand is much higher.

Presently no parking fee is being charged for kerbside parking. In the absence of parking

fee the user can move from one

deterrent to the growth of parking demand up to certain

time period. With the continuous increase in economic status of the residents, the parking

demand is bound to increase. Therefore, there is a need to evolve strategies to meet the

growing demand through demand management and capacity augmentation.








斋浦尔这个都市的城市机动车拥有量和人口数一直在增长。在1991年共有23个这样的城市,预计到这个世纪底将会达到40个。这些城市大部分都历史悠久,像古老区域中贸易,商业和政府区域的经济活动增长比较迅速。尤其一些城市的历史景点也设在这些区域,密集的旅行导致这些城市区域活动更加频繁。为了避免这些活动中心交通的快速增长,应将人们经济状况连同私人交通发展模式共同改善。改善的方案就是建议限制所有类型的车辆进入这些区域,另一种方案就是为车辆和行人分别划分各自的通道,来解决由于小贩和供应商占领街道从而引起的交通阻塞问题。截至今天商业领域的每一个城市所面对的问题都是停车、交通挤塞情况、事故和环境污染。 针对这些问题,设计者和管理者正在努力寻解决办法。本文介绍了设计者在针对斋浦尔停车问题所采用的方案。本文主要内容包括斋浦尔停车问题概述,以及对有关停车特征和建立合适的停车政策方面的研究


斋浦尔是人口超过一百五十万的大城市之一,而且以每十年49%的速度增长。 斋浦尔除了作为拉贾斯坦邦的首都之外,而且还是这个国家重要的旅游中心。这个城市经济活动的大部分主要集中在城寨区,覆盖面积大约为六点七平方公里。这个地方除了有高度集中的活动,同时还是吸引全国各地游客前来旅游的重要的旅游中心。这些区域经济活动的形式主要是批发业、商业、家庭工业、政府和旅游等重交通的活动。而有限的道路空间被车辆和行人交通量占得满满的,同时店主和小贩也占了人行道和机动车道。因此这些地区正面临严重交通挤塞,瓶颈和危险的问题。同时像物理和化学之类的环境污染也是这个区域的居住者和游客必须要面对的问题之一。 城寨区的停车需求主要集中在沿着主要干道旁的非机动停车但却没有分离停车设施的区域。伴随着停车需求的增加,城市车辆停放在机动车道的中间。当停车需求比较大,但现有的措施政策却不能解决停车问题时,有些车辆就停在了步行街上。斋浦尔发展管理局邀请了中央道路研究所研究日益增长的停车需求以及与其相关的问题(即,交通流通,交通挤塞等问题)。针对这些问题,新新德里研究了停车问题,并提出了有关政策和管理的计划。由于资源和时间的限制,我们研究的





◆ 评估研究区域的停车需求和停车特征

◆ 评估研究区域主要道路上的交通运营情况

◆ 对未来停车需求的规划

◆ 探究扩大停车位的可行性

◆ 针对目前和未来停车需求所制订的停车管理计划和政策



◆ 交通量调查;

◆ 车辆行驶速度以及延误的调查

◆ 累积停车时间的调查

◆ 居民意见调查

◆ 现有的停车管理政策

◆ 现有的停车位



kishanpole街; chaura rastha; johari街; tripolia街



kishanpole街; chaura rastha ; johari街; bapu街

tripolia街; 尼赫鲁街; 米尔扎依斯迈路















研究区域中的车辆包括两轮机动车,自行车,人力车,四轮机动车及运货车,比如踏板大车和机器脚踏车。其中,两轮机动车和人力车有着很大的比重。图表2显示了在所选择的路段高峰时间车辆的停车需求。图表显示崔波莱市集需要1882停车泊位,进跟着它的是Johari Bazaar需要1604个停车泊位。整个研究区域中的停车需求根据车辆空间来计算需要3985。表2显示了不同时段在不同的路段中车辆的停放情况。根据表2可以观察到,最大的车量为1200辆/时,到下午时车辆减少,晚上最大的车辆为1830辆/时。分析了车辆停放持续时间的数据和在研究的区域中两轮机动车的数据。表3显示了不同时段汽车和两轮机动车的所占的百分比。可以看到,60℅的汽车和55℅的两轮机动车停放的时间不超过半个小时。同样,78℅的汽车和75℅的两轮机动车停放的时间不超过一个小时。两轮机动车停放的时间超过了汽车停放的时间。这主要是由于商店主拥有两轮机动车,停放了较多的时间。表3也显示了在调查日当天进入停车厂的汽车和两轮机动车的数量。根据显示,在早上9点到晚上9点之间共有6000辆汽车和25900两轮机动车进入各个不同的停车厂。







2.在Bapu Bazaar,大约26%的人需要超过15分钟的时间,这意味着,在接近他们目的地的周围并没有足够的停车场。



是最主要的问题,第二,Johari Bazaar一小时停车时间限制的规定是另一个问题。Johari Bazaar是唯一的停车时间限制被严格执行的区域。第三,车辆在停放区域的安全也是一个很重要的问题。


对数据的分析涉及到停放车辆人来源的地点,他们往返所研究的区域显示了这个城市已经吸引了城市各个地方的人。表四揭示了往返人的各种各样的目的,在表2中也用需求曲线的形式对此进行了展示。这也吸引了从比较远的地方来的人,比如Sanganer and Mansarover。这意味着这座城市已逐渐成为零售业和批发业的商业中心。




2.停车区域和非停车区域用标记板的形式标明,尽管这些标识不是很明白,也不是很 显著


现场检验显示非停车区域不能停车的规则并没有很好的被车辆使用人遵守,对停放时间限制的规定也只在Johari Bazaar地区进行了实施。


在研究区域的附近只有两个街道外的停车区域,一个是Sanganeri gate附近的Sanjay Market,另一个是Ramnivas 花园。Sanjay 市场的停车场大约能供应50辆左右的泊位停放。车流量和停车管理及如何进出停车场并没有科学的设计和规定。这导致了车辆随便的停放及可供利用的停车空间并没有被很好的利用。Ramnivas 花园停车场主要服务于来这顾客车辆的停车问题,这个停车场大概能共40辆左右的汽车及50辆左右的两轮机动车停放。在这个停车厂,停车费用也被征收。来bazaar 区域的游客在前往Mirza Ismail 路的途中有很多的车辆,这也妨碍了游客前往这个停车场停车。




停车需求的增长和所研究区域活动的增长、车辆拥有数量的增长及往返这个区域人们的经济状况直接相关。在商业和贸易活动上的增长是所研究区域中的主要活动,也被认为是停车规划考虑的主要因素。这些活动预计的增长率是每年4.9%, 5.9% and 6.2%。停车需求也根据这些增长率规划。研究区域内可供车辆停放的空间和基础设施不允许每年超过6.2%的增长率。但是根据在停车需求规划中车辆拥有量和人们的经济状况的增长趋势,每年6.2%的增长率被认为是合适的,因此在此项研究中也被采用。





(i)因为公路交通的状况和停放的车辆,车辆行使的速度应该小于15 kmph.














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标签:停车   区域   车辆   需求   研究
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