英语人教版高中必修二(2019新编)-Unit 4 Journey Across a Vast L

2023年12月28日发(作者:磁力屋 最好用)

Using Language & Other Parts



1.idiom n.习语;成语

2.alongside prep. 在……旁边;与……一起

adv. 在旁边

3.shore n. 岸;滨

4.steel n. 钢;钢铁工业

5.accent n. 口音

6.cobblestone adj. 铺有鹅卵石的

7.coherent adj. 有条理的;清楚易懂的

8.anyhow adv. (结束交谈或转换话题时)不过;反正

9.proceed vi. 行进;继续做

10.toast n. 烤面包片;吐司;干杯

vt. 为……干杯

vi. 烤(尤指面包)

11.dusk n. 黄昏;傍晚

12.owe vt. 欠(账、债、情等)

13.contrary adj. 相反的;相对立的



1.astonish vt.使十分惊讶;使吃惊→astonishing adj.惊人的;令人惊讶的→astonished adj.感到惊讶的→astonishment n.惊讶

2.misty adj.多雾的;模糊的→mist n.薄雾;水汽

3.advertisement n.广告;启事→advertiser n.广告商;登广告者→advertise vi.& vt.(为……)做广告;登广告→advertising n.广告活动;广告业

4.photographer n.摄影师;拍照者→photograph n.照片 v.拍照→photography n.摄影术



1.go on a 去……旅游2.in 与……相比

3.owe it to oneself to do sth 自己应该做某事4. 与……相反

5.come for sb 来接某人



, the next station is my stop!(教材P43)反正我下站就到了!

ng in the distance, they were astonished to see misty clouds rising from the great Niagara

Falls, which is on the south side of the lake.(教材P44)她们站在远处眺望,看到湖的南边从尼亚加拉大瀑布上升腾而起的水雾,感到非常震撼。

owe it to yourselves to stay longer.(教材P44)你们应该多待一会儿。

4. Standing in the distance, they were astonished to see misty clouds rising from the great


Niagara Falls, which is on the south side of the lake.(教材P44)她们站在远处眺望,看到湖的南边从尼亚加拉大瀑布上升腾而起的水雾,感到非常震撼。





After Li Daiyu and her cousin arrived in Toronto, the largest and wealthiest city in Canada 【1】,they only had

a few hours to kill before they had to proceed① to the next leg② of their trip to Montreal, so they went on a tour of③

the went up the CN Tower and looked across the shores④ of Lake ng in the distance, they

were astonished⑤ to see misty⑥ clouds rising from the great Niagara Falls, which is on the south side of the lake

【2】.Water from the lake flows into the Niagara River and over the falls on its way to the sea.


【2】本句为复合句。Standing in the distance为现在分词短语作状语;see misty clouds rising from the great

Niagara Falls为“see sb/sth doing”结构;lake为which引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰the great Niagara


The girls saw hundreds of skyscrapers⑦ of glass and steel⑧, and old-fashioned⑨ cars rolling they

walked north from the harbour area, Li Daiyu said, “Lin Fei, one of my mother’s old schoolmates, lives here.I

should phone her and see if she’s available⑩ for dinner.”

They met Lin Fei around dusk⑪ over dinner at a restaurant in downtown cousins chatted with

Lin Fei, who had moved to Canada many years earlier.

“This is the largest Chinatown in have a few more in the Greater Toronto Area, so you can guess

that there are a lot of Chinese people in Canada! Chinese people have been coming here for more than a hundred

ore, we can get all kinds of great food here from all over China,” Lin Fei told train left late

that night and arrived in Montreal early the next the station,in contrast to⑫ Toronto, they heard

people talking in were surprised to see that all the signs and advertisements⑬ were in French and many

people spoke English with an accent⑭【3】.



“We don’t leave until this evening,”said Liu Qian.“Let’s go Montreal is close to the water.”

They spent the afternoon in lovely shops and visiting artists in their workplaces along St Paul they sat in a

restaurant alongside the broad St Lawrence River, a young man sat down with them.

“Hello, my name is Jean-Philippe.I’m a photographer⑮,” he said, “and I was wondering where you are


The girls told him they were from China and were on a train trip across they told him they had

only one day in Montreal, he said,“That’s too owe⑯ it to yourselves to stay l⑰, Montreal is

a city with wonderful sights and of us speak both English and French, and the city has unique Quebec

culture and are fantastic restaurants and clubs around, , we love good coffee, toast⑱,

and good music, of course!”

That night the train was speeding⑲ along the St Lawrence River towards the Gulf of St Lawrence and down to

the distant east coast towards the province of Nova Scotia and its largest city, cousins dreamt happily

of the beautiful cobblestone⑳ streets, old brick buildings, and the red maple leaves of Montreal.














知识点睛一.contrary adj.相反的;相对立的 n.相反的事实(或事情)

Well, contrary to what many people believe, there are a lot of vast and empty spaces in China, actually.(教材P43)嗯,与许多人想的相反,实际上中国有很多广阔而空旷的地方。

【精讲】contrary to 相反的;相对立的

on the contrary 正相反;恰恰相反

to the contrary 相反的;相反地

①It wasn’t a good the contrary, it was a huge mistake.这不是好事。恰恰相反,这是一个巨大的错误。

②There is no evidence to the contrary.没有相反的证据。

二.anyhow adv.(结束交谈或转换话题时)不过;反正

Anyhow, the next station is my stop!(教材P43)反正我下站就到了!


易混词 含义


somehow We must find money for the rent somehow.



anyhow It may rain, but I shall go out anyhow.


三.astonish vt.使十分惊讶;使吃惊

Standing in the distance, they were astonished to see misty clouds rising from the great Niagara Falls, which is on

the south side of the lake.(教材P44)她们站在远处眺望,看到湖的南边从尼亚加拉大瀑布上升腾而起的水雾,感到非常震撼。

【精讲】(1)It astonishes 令某人吃惊的是……

What astonishes (sth/that从句) 使某人吃惊的是……

(2)astonished adj. 吃惊的

be astonished at/by sth 对某事感到惊讶

be astonished to find/ 惊讶地发现/听说/看见……

(3)astonishing adj. 令人惊讶的

(4)astonishment n. 惊讶,惊异

in astonishment 惊讶地

①We were astonished to find the temple still in its original condition.


②We were all astonished at the news that he had passed his driving test.


③It astonished me that he could be so thoughtless.


④To the astonishment of the public, up to now, the government hasn’t reacted to the problem.


⑤After I told her the news, she stared at me in astonishment.


四.owe vt.欠(账、债、情等)

You owe it to yourselves to stay longer.(教材P44)你们应该多待一会儿。

【精讲】(1)owe sth to sb=owe sb sth 欠(某人人情);欠某人某物;把……归功于某人

owe sb an explanation/apology 该向某人解释/致歉

owe sb a lot/a great deal 非常感激某人

(2)owing adj. 未付的;欠着的

owing to prep. 由于;因为

①I owe my parents a lot for everything they’ve done for me.


②Owing to the shower, the baseball game was interrupted.


[名师提醒] owing to的近义表达有:as a result of, thanks to, due to, because of, on account of, as a consequence


五.Standing in the distance, they were astonished to see misty clouds rising from the great Niagara Falls,

which is on the south side of the lake.(教材P44)她们站在远处眺望,看到湖的南边从尼亚加拉大瀑布上升腾而起的水雾,感到非常震撼。



see sb do




②I saw him playing (play) near the river.

see sb doing 看到动作正在进行


③I saw him knocked (knock) down by a car.

see sb done 看到某人被……




④As soon as he entered the office,he noticed his cup broken.



⑤I heard the students sing an English song.

→The students were heard to sing (sing) an English song.


⑥I heard the students singing an English song.

→The students were heard singing an English song.



①I saw him enter the hall.


题组A 基础过关练


1. (相反的) to our prediction, the final examination turned out to be quite easy.

2.If you want to become a better (摄影师), the only way is through repetition.

3.Exposed to so many (广告), we can’t help being persuaded into buying something we don’t

really need.

4.He speaks with a strong northern (口音), from which we can conclude he is from the north.

5.It us that the cheap machine broke down only a week later.

6.She with her work after she completely recovered from the operation.

7.Learners must not only master new sounds, but also learn conversational .

8.The robot is not intended to replace workers, but to work other employees.

【答案】ry rapher isements shed



1.David paused to consult his notes, and then proceeded his speech.

2.She owes it to herself (finish) the work by the end of the day.

3.China’s new generation high-speed train can travel a speed of 350 km/h.

4.I owe you all the help you have given me.

5.I was astonished how different the weather was in different cities.

6.She was to hear the news and stood there still.(astonish)

7.That big companies have misused users’ private information by sharing it with (advertise) is


8.Anger is a common emotion when we experience, see and feel someone or something is not right or contrary

our views.

9.I am going to advertise someone to clean my house.

10. the contrary, if you are around people who are happy, their emotional state will be infectious.

【答案】 2. to /shed ,astonishing isers /Quite


, be close to, go on a tour of, dream of, look across, in the distance, roll by, all kinds of, in contrast to, with

an accent

1.Many people throughout history have a world without war.

2.You it your staff to be honest with them.

3.The probability zero.

4.Many people spoke English .

5.At the station, Toronto, they heard people talking in French.

6.He collected plants.

7.The girls saw hundreds of skyscrapers of glass and steel,and old-fashioned cars .

8.The sound of the car died away .

9.I to the other side of the canyon.

10.The head inspection of all the classrooms.

【答案】1. dreamt of close an contrast kinds g the

on a tour of

题组B 能力提升练


1. the patient teaching of the coach and support of my family and friends.


2. , they’ve done a good job.


3.Because of his honesty and warmth, .


4.After staying in England for a year, .


5. , is an area of scenic beauty.


【答案】 success shall be owed their inexperience/Given that they’re inexperienced, make him

has developed a slight English i Lake, the largest inland lake in China


Li Daiyu and her cousin 1. (stay) in Toronto for only a few went on 2. tour of the

city went up the CN Tower and looked across the shores of Lake ng in the distance, they

were 3. (astonish)to see misty clouds rising from the great Niagara saw many skyscrapers of

glass and steel, and old-fashioned cars 4. (roll) by as their conversation with Lin Fei,who had

moved to Canada many years 5. (early), they knew that there are many Chinese people living there.

It was not until late that night that the two girls left Toronto and early the next morning the train arrived in

Montreal, 6. they learned that most of the residents speak both English 7. went

downtown and spent the afternoon in lovely shops and visiting 8. (art) in their workplaces along St Paul

sitting in a restaurant,they met a 9. (photograph) who told 10. the city has unique

Quebec culture and traditions and there are fantastic restaurants and clubs around the city.

That night they boarded the train heading towards the Gulf of St Lawrence and the girls’ journey across

Canada proceeded.


2.a 【解析】考查冠词。这是一个固定词组,go on a 意为“去……旅游”。

3.astonished 【解析】考查形容词。此处表示人的感受,故应用astonished。

4.rolling 【解析】考查非谓语动词。空处在句中作宾补,表示正在进行的主动动作,故应用现在分词。

5.earlier 【解析】考查形容词的比较级。此处表示林菲多年以前早早地就搬到了加拿大,暗含比较的意味。

6.where 【解析】考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,所填词引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为Montreal,且所填词在定语从句中作地点状语,故应用where。

7.and 【解析】考查连词。为常见搭配,表示“……和……都”。

8.artists 【解析】考查词性转换。根据句意可知,此处指艺术家们,故应用artists。

9.photographer 考查词形转换。根据空后的who told可知,空处指人,且前面有不定冠词a,故填photographer。

10.them 【解析】考查代词。此处指代they,作told的宾语,故应用them。

题组C 培优拔尖练


The Hotel Wake-up Call Gets Personal

Here’s a wake-up call: The hotel front desk will do one better than ringing your phone in the

’ll send an actual human being to your ’t won’t come in and kiss you good

morning. 1

Never mind that most travelers nowadays have smart phones with built-in alarm clocks. 2 Here are some

the Wolcott Hotel, if a wake-up call is unanswered, they will send an employee to your Las

Ventanas al Paraiso, an employee shows up at your room to wake you up with tea, coffee and breakfast

the Mandarin Oriental, a person rather than an automated system will call to wake you up. 3

Hotels have always taken the wake-up call seriously. 4 If you don’t get your call within five minutes of the

requested time, you won’t have to pay for your ers, too, still want to have an option of a wake-up

call.A study of 285 guests at Crowne Plaza found that 53% considered a wake-up call very important.

5 In the late 1980s, hotels turned to automated all you’d get was a ring and the ever-competitive race for loyal customers, however, many hotels are now getting creative with the wake-up

hotels even have recordings of celebrity more hotels will go back to the old in-person

system of wake-up calls.

A.But they might bring you coffee.

B.If you don’t answer, you’ll get a wake-up knock.

C.Crowne Plaza, for instance, has a wake-up call guarantee.

D.But the wake-up call became less personal over the years.

E.The hotel gets 15 to 30 requests for wake-up calls each day.

F.The human wake-up call is a way to personalize a guest’s stay.

G.Some guests sleep through the call, while others turn their phone ringers off.

【语篇解读】 本文是说明文,介绍了宾馆叫醒服务的相关情况。

1.A 【解析】细节句。本段介绍了宾馆真人叫醒服务。空格前介绍了他们不会怎样做,可推断空格处应说明他们将会怎么做,故选A项(但是,他们可能给你带来咖啡)。

2.F 【解析】过渡句。空格后列举了一些真人叫醒服务的例子,而第二段的首句介绍了现在绝大部分旅行者都有带内置闹钟的智能手机。由此可知空格处应涉及从传统闹钟叫醒到现在真人叫醒的转变,故选F项。

3.B 【解析】细节句。空格前介绍了在Mandarin Oriental宾馆,不是自动叫醒系统提供叫醒服务,而是服务人员给客人打电话。由此可推断下文可能介绍如果客人没有回应怎么办,故选B项。

4.C 【解析】过渡句。空格前介绍了宾馆都非常重视叫醒服务。空格后列举了如果没有在规定时间五分


5.D 【解析】细节句。空格后介绍了在20世纪80年代晚期,宾馆开始使用自动叫醒系统,由此推知宾馆叫醒服务变得越来越没有人情味,故选D项。

本文发布于:2024-09-22 04:18:51,感谢您对本站的认可!



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