报价说明(中英文)Quotation Description


Project Name:项目名称:招标编号:Quotation Description报价说明 This is a fixed lump sum price contract based on all the bidding documents included in the Bid Package.此报价是基于组成招标文件包的所有招标文件报价。12 Bidder must calculate the actual quantities based on the bidding documents and bear the risk of all quantities.投标人必须按招标文件自行计算工程量,并承担工程量的风险。3 Bidder shall put the additional items into the Price Breakdown if bidder consider these costs are necessary and indispensible during the construction stage. Otherwise, Ownerwill consider that all the work defined in the bidding document shall be included in the Bid Sum.如果投标人认为存在施工阶段所必须的其它费用,由投标人在价格清单内偏差项中列出.否则,业主将认为所有标书规定的施工范围内的工作都已包含在投标总价内.4 The integrated unit price listed in the Price Breakdown must include the following items:在分部分项工程量清单与计价表中的综合单价,应包含以下项目:5 Labor, material, machinery & equipment charge to carry out the entire scope of works (e,damage & loss of materials; the cost of repetitive-use material forconstruction; goods assembling, fitting & fixing in position; on & off site transportation & temporary storage) .为完成所有施工范围内工作发生的人工,材料,机械费用,包括材料的损耗、毁坏和损失、施工周转材料费用、货品装配,部件组装及固定就位、场内场外的运输和临时仓储等。6 Engineering of System, Shop-drawing designing & submit for Approval, System Testing & commissioning , Training & other work as per "Scope of Work ".系统的工程设计,深化图纸绘制并提供送审,系统测试及调试,人员培训和其它工作。7 Overhead charge, profit, government related cost, insurance cost, risk cost, all government & authority tax and levy incurred as the result of this project.管理费,利润,风险费及由此工程项目施工过程引起的所有政府和其它部门的税收和征收费用。8 Necessary scaffold fee and high elevation construction fee shall be included in integrated unit price.必要的脚手架费用及施工超高费用含于相关项目综合单价内。9 Any other cost necessary and indispensible to carry out the entire scope of works.其它为完成所有施工范围内工作的相关费用(包括材料试验费等)。10 Daily labor rates shall be based on 8 working hours per day.人工费以每工日为8小时为基础。 Daily operation rates of plant shall be based on 8 working hours per day.设备台班运行费用以每台班为8小时运转为基础1112Increased cost for night construction, maintenance cost of machineries and equipments, construction cost in the winter and rainy season, delivery and transportation expense,etc..夜间施工增加费;非夜间施工照明费,工程及设备保护费;冬雨季施工费;现场倒运、搬运费,成品保护费等。13 Final contract price shall be the same as the original contract price in principle and theory. the cost shall not be adjusted when any change arises including manpower, material,mechanical equipment, field condition, unanticipated obstacles in construction andt government-related charge.合同价、最终结算价原则上一致,当人工、材料、机械、现场条件、施工中不可预见的障碍及政策性费率变化等调整时,结算时不予调整,由投标人在投标报价中综合考虑。14 The final total bidding price must base on the latest updated design document , bid document, addendum and clarification etc.. Items listed in Price Breakdown is only forreference. For any items not listed in Price Breakdown, bidder should list the detailed content under the ‘Others’ item in Price Breakdown. 最终报价要以最终的招标图纸、招标文件、补遗、澄清等为准,价格清单所列项目仅作报价的参考,如价格清单没有列项,由投标人在偏差项详细列出。工程量清单中的工程量等内容仅作为投标人参考,如投标人认为工程量清单中存在偏差项,请在工程量清单中的价格清单中的各偏差项目列项中以“项”为单位进行报价,并需要在偏差明细表中与价格清单中对应的偏差项位置进行详细偏差项报价。15The contractor shall review the bidding document, clarify all the mistakes and inconsistent during the bidding period. Once sign the contract, the document which described thelargest engineering quantity will be regard as the work scope, the contractor will not ask for compensation for that. 承包商应认真审阅发包文件,对图纸存在的错误和不一致性,应在投标阶段进行澄清,一旦签订合同,以工程量最大的文件描述作为合同范围,承包商不得另行追加费应用;16For the construction part that have to be approved by an expert meeting (for example, the dig of the deep pit), all such meeting shall be list in the tendering document. Thecontractor has the responsibility to invite the experts and pay the relative fee.对需要专家论证才可以进行施工的部分(如深基坑开挖),在回标文件中应将此类会议予以列表说明,总承包上有义务邀请相应的专家并支付相应的费用;版本:A-4105of4

Project Name:项目名称:招标编号:Quotation Description报价说明The drawing description is a general version from the design institute. Some of the item is not applicate for this project. if all the other documents doesn’t mention these items,please ignore these design description.图纸说明采用了设计院的通用模板,部分内容不适用本项目,如果在其他文件中不涉及此部分内容,请忽略此这部分设计说明。1718For some drawing that doesn’t reach the construction depth, will be improved by the engineer from the contractor. The contractor shall provide a plan for this engineering job, theLDI will review the drawing and issue the drawing for third party review if the revise part is big enough.对设计图纸中未达到施工深度的图纸,由承包商组织设计人员进行深化。对由承包商深化设计的图纸,应给出出图计划,图纸完成后需要由设计院进行审核。修改工作量大的图纸,则应重新出图并进行二次审图。The contractor shall make the as-built drawing based on the blue print drawing. If the site adjustment is too much to complete it on the blue print drawing, the contractor mustmodify on the electrical version provided by the LDI, the as-built drawing shall be reviewed and issued by the LDI. If the revise work is big enough, the drawing shall be reviewedby the third party review company.承包商应在设计院提供的蓝图上绘制竣工图,如果现场改动较大,无法在蓝图上完成竣工图,则承包商应该在设计院的电子版图纸上进行修改,修改完毕由设计院审核并出图。修改工作量大的图纸,则应进行二次审图。The contractor shall do the space management work for the indoor and outdoor pipes and optimize the layout. The typical pipe bridge section shall be made and the steelstructure of the pipe bridge shall be optimized. This work shall be finished in the two month after signing the contract. The company which use the BIM skill to do this job will begave the priority consideration.承包商应该对室内外主要管线进行空间管理并优化布置,对典型管廊绘制断面图并进行管廊桥架钢结构的优化设计,在签订合同后二个月内完成此项工作。使用BIM技术进行此项工作的公司将会被优先考虑。192021a. The contactor should be responsible for the shop drawing designing and improvement and bear its cost ,which should be included in the contract lump sum price. any costarising form the above designing will not be considered and adjusted.b. further more, the contractor should consider and include the work quantities arising from the shop drawing designing and improvement (such as purlin, steel work around thedoor and window penetration) in the bidding price.a.施工过程中投标人需负责施工过程中图纸的完善及深化设计,所发生的设计费由投标人综合考虑,列入投标报价中,结算时,此项费用不调整。b.另外投标人在投标报价中需考虑施工过程中图纸的完善及深化设计所引起的工程量及费用的变化(例如檩条、门窗洞口的钢结构等),并将此部分的费用列入投标报价中。22If the contractor use the specialty subcontractor, the name and qualification document shall be provided in the tendering document. The contractor is responsibilities to do thecoordination work to all subcontractor.承包商如有专业分包,则需要在投标文件中列出分包商的公司名称和企业资质。总承包商负责对所有分包商进行界面协调。23The material brand and the grade shall be provided in the BOQ.承包商在确定设备及材料价格时,应标注相应的品牌和等级;24For the specialty contractor purchased by the client (for example, the communication work), the contractor shall provide the necessary coordination and supporting work.对业主采购的专业分包(如通信),总承包商必须提供必要的协调支持工作25 For any item not submitted in the total price by bidder, but included or defined or described in construction drawings,bidding document, addendum and clarification etc., theowner considers that these items have been included in total price. 如果投标人的报价有丢项、漏项,而图纸或招标文件、补遗、澄清等有描述或说明,业主则视为该丢项、漏项已包含在总价当中。26 The total cost includes engineering fee, measure fee, permit fee, and cost other than change order and additional requirement from the owner will not be adjusted andconsidered.总造价包括分部分项工程费、安全文明施工措施费 (包括 EHS 费)和政策性文件规费、税金。除由于业主原因发生设计变更及现场要求外其他均应含在投标报价中,一律不做调整。27The cost can not be adjusted because they are included in the risk factor except the work change and contract adjustment due to the owner, and they shall be adjustedaccording to the unit price of the contract.除由于业主原因引起的设计变更和合同内容调整而引起的工程量变化,可参照合同单价并经业主同意后方可进行调整,其余均含在风险系数中,不作调整。28For any incoherence and conflict in the bidding document, the highest standard will be followed and implemented如果在招标文件中有不一致的地方,按高标准执行。29For installation engineering, the high elevation cost should be included in the Integrated Unit Price. For whatever format and method of the price list in the bidding document, thishigh elevation cost is regarded to have been included in the Integrated Unit Price.安装工程中,施工超高费这项费用组价在清单的相应综合单价中,投标人在报价时无论如何报价,均认为此项费用已经包括在相应的投标综合单价中。版本:A-4104of4

Project Name:项目名称:招标编号:Quotation Description报价说明30the contractor should be responsible for all the procurement for all the materials and equipment, whose brand should be within the "Brand List of Materials and Equipment" andacquire the owner's approval in advance. the contractor should take into consideration of the time period of vender manufacture and delivery and take proactive preparation. Anychange order request will be refused regarding the material and equipment not included in the "Brand List of Materials and Equipment"招标清单材料设备全部为承包人自行采购,承包人采购的材料设备须按招标文件中“材料/设备推荐品牌”清单中的品牌选购并且获得业主的最终批准方可使用,投标人必须认真考虑各种设备材料的采购周期并提前准备,除招标文件中“材料/设备推荐品牌”清单中的品牌,投标人不得以任何理由提出招标文件中“材料/设备推荐品牌”清单中推荐品牌以外的品牌的变更。投标人须按招标文件中“材料/设备推荐品牌”清单中的品牌进行推荐,投标人推荐品牌仅供业主参考,不代表中标后业主一定要使用投标人推荐的品牌,项目使用的品牌须最终经业主审批方可使用。31The anti-corrosion painting cost should be included in the embedded-part price预埋件的综合单价包括除锈刷油等32For the site-leveling work in the tendering document, the bidder should do site investigation and soil examination, of which condition will be the site condition when hand over tocontractor. The bidder should take the present site condition into the bidding price.招标文件中的平整场地项目,投标人应该到工程现场实地踏勘,交地条件以现场实际情况为准。投标人根据现场的实际情况报价进行报价。33The contractor should be responsible for all the survey cost which will be charged by the government, all the surveying cost for the project should be included in the biddingprice.关于本建筑施工所需政府规划部门的定位放线费用,投标人自行考虑并包括在投标报价中。34The contractor is responsible for the remaining soil transportation of excavation and leveling material and deliver the soil to some place appointed by the owner. The soil shouldbe kept in tidy manner and owned by the owner. The contractor will not has any right to deal with the disposal soil and all the cost should be included into bidding price.现场余土外运指承包人将余土运到红线附近业主指定区域,按要求堆放整齐,所有余土归业主所有,承包商不得私自处理剩余土方。投标人需充分考虑土方倒运,并报括在投标报价中。35If there is no quotation about already listed in the PRICE BREAKDOWN, This item will have not any cost changes in the future and no longer be adjusted.对于价格清单中的列项如投标人未填写价格,则该列项视为对业主的优惠并且针对该项无论将来发生任何变更都不再进行费用的增减调整。36For all the rebar installation such as floor slab, all the temporary, one-time-used auxiliary works and material, such as the desk-rebar should be included into the price list. Forany quantity deviation from the bidder, the bidder should list it in the price list.板钢筋在价格清单中已考虑施工措施马凳筋, 如投标人认为有偏差, 请将偏差内容填写在相应的价格清单偏差项中。37All the cost related to the rebar installation and connection should be included in the Integrated Unit Price, including but not limited to the electrical welding connection, screwconnection and cylinder connection inbetween rebars钢筋部分的制作安装综合单价要包括钢筋施工过程中所采取的电渣压力焊、螺纹连接或套筒连接等连接方式所需的全部费用。38All the cost related to the formwork installation should be included into the Integrated Unit Price, including but not limited to the screws fixing the formwork of each side.模板的综合单价要包括对拉螺栓等施工措施所需的全部费用。39The bidder can do price list in the deviation items for any deviation and discrepancy the bidder insist between the BOQ of tendering document and actual quantity.如果投标人认为招标人提供的价格清单中工程量清单的项和工程量有误差,可以在偏差项目清单中详细报价。40The construction site handed over from the owner to the contractor are soil ground, which needs to be hardened by the contractor within the area of temporary office, operationarea, material area, personnel and auto road(only the road connecting the temporary facility and construction area). The basic requirement to the hardening is gravel-basedconcrete finishing with no crack for normal operation. And the contractor is responsible for the road daily maintenance.业主提供承包人所有的施工现场(包括二次搬迁的场地)为原土地面,承包人需对其自己施工所需的施工现场的临时办公区、加工区、材料堆放区、人行及车行通道等区域进行地面硬化(人行及车行通道硬化仅限于临时设施区域内部及通向施工区域之间的道路)。基本硬化要求为碎石垫层加砼面层,并保证满足正常使用要求条件下不会产生明显裂纹。承包人需在整个施工期间对此进行维护并保证正常使用。41The owner will provide the connection joints for domestic water and electricity supply, and the contractor will be responsible for the installation of water meter, electricity meterand distribution cabinet. The location of such connection joints, 500m around away from site for electricity, 200m around away from site for water.由业主在工地现场提供水电接驳点,由承包人负责安装水表、电表及管线配电箱等。其中接驳点,电源距施工现场约500米,水距施工现场约200米。42Contractor should be responsible for the cost arising from government examination and approval, testing, acceptance within his own scope of work.承包商须承担其自己工作的所有相关的审批、检测、验收等费用。版本:A-4103of4

Project Name:项目名称:招标编号:Quotation Description报价说明43The CSA contractor is the general contractor of its unite building, and has the responsibility to cooperate with other trade contractors for examination and acceptance and bearrelative cost. The General Contractor has the responsibility to collect and compile the acceptance document for the unit building acceptance, including chopping, edition,application delivery, to final acceptance by the City Archive Station and Quality Inspection Station. The cost above should be included in the bidding price.该项目的土建中标单位被视为该单体总承包,须与其它专业承包商(本单体)配合并办理验收和竣工手续,费用须包含在投标报价中并一次包干。作为该单体建筑的总承包商将负责收集其它专业包商(本单体)的验收资料并将他们合并成完整的资料,包括在资料上盖上总承包商的章、组卷、递交,最终达到进档案馆的要求并获得档案馆的认可书以及质监站出具的备案表。相关的费用应考虑并包括在合同总价中。44Insurance cost should be borne by contractor including general construction insurance, 3re party insurance, equipment and machinery insurance, labor compensation insuranceand comprehensive insurance for outsourcing manpower covering all the personnel, material and equipment施工期间的保险费均由承包商承担,包括建筑工程一切险、第三方责任险、意外伤害险、机械设备险、工人赔偿保险和外来务工人员综合保险费等,涵盖人员(工人和管理人员)、材料、机械等。45Contractor should provide the samples and specifications of equipment and material for the owner and TEB's approval, the equipment and material recommended must complywith the contract document, and for each equipment and material, there will be at least 2 vendors provided. And the contractor will be responsible all the cost for samplecollection in bidding price.承包商应提供设备和材料的样品和/或样本给业主和项目管理公司批准,所推荐的设备和材料应遵循合同文件的要求,每种最少2个指定供应商。承包商负责收集设备和材料的样品和/或样本,相关的费用应考虑并包含在合同总价中。46The cost for Safety and Housekeeping Constructions Measure Cost (including EHS Cost) should be fixed lump sum price.安全文明施工措施费 (包括 EHS 费)为一次性包干费用。47Not only the characteristic description in the price list, but also the designing document, technical requirement and clarification are needed to be taken into consideration for allthe cost required to finish the work.价格清单中的特征描述列仅为部分描述,投标报价需要跟据图纸、技术要求等招标文件及澄清文件的要求进行报价,需要考虑完成该项工作的所有工作内容的费用。48All the doors rates should include following items, frame,lock, handle,door closer , hardware and fittings )&Window(rates for following items shall includes all related accessariesactivities and materials etc.所有门的单价中应包括门框及配件等包括门拉手、门锁、闭门器、五金件等)&窗(单价需包括相应辅助工序及辅助材料等)49For any discrepancy and conflict between English and Chinese, Chinese has the priority.如有中英文冲突,以中文为准。50日期:2017年8月1日 版本:版本:A-4102of4

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