


★group 1) n. ,组,团体

a group of people 一人 a group of trees 一片树林

eg. A group of little girls was playing in the park. 一女孩子在公园里玩。(强调


eg. A group of little girls were playing in the park. (强调个体时,谓语动词用复数)

2) (公司联营)集团

a newspaper group 报业集团 the transportation group 运输集团

3) (流行音乐)乐团

a group of pop singers 一个流行歌手的乐团

groupie (口)流行乐队迷

band n.乐队(如零点乐队, 惟独一个主唱)

4) v. 将……分类eg. He grouped his books into five fields. 他把书分成五类。

5) v. 将…会萃, 使…成

eg. The pupils grouped around the teacher. 学生们围在老师周围。

★pop singer 流行歌手

pop adj. 受欢迎的,通俗的,流行的,大众的(popular的缩写)

pop song(music)流行音乐 pop star : 歌星

★club n. 俱乐部

a football club 足球俱乐部 a golf club 高尔夫俱乐部

join the club 加入俱乐部 night club 夜总会

n. 梅花(纸牌)

the ten of clubs 梅花牌的10点

spade 黑桃,铁锹 heart 红桃,心 diamond 方块,钻石

★performance n. 演出

① n. 执行,完成,履行He is praised for the excellent performance of his duties.

② n. 表现,工作情况His performance in the mathematics exam is not very good.

③ n. 演出,表演 The pop singers will give five performances.

-mance 名词后缀

perform v. 演出

★occasion n. 1)场合,时刻

中文 : 在某种场合, 某种条件下, 某种环境中

英文 : occasion = time 某个时候

on the(this. that) occasion 在这(那)种场合下

2) n. 机会,时间 suitable or right time

occasion for sth 做某事的时机或者场合


eg. I'll buy a car if the occasion comes. 有机会我会买辆车。

occasionally =sometimes 有时候, 偶尔


1 、At present, they are visiting all parts of the country.

★at present =now =at this time 目前,现在

The doctor is very busy at present.

nowadays adv. 目前 up to now =so far 到现在为止

★present 1) n. ['prez nt] 当前,目前

the past, the present and the future 过去,现在和将来

eg. I can't help you at present------I'm too busy.

2) adj. 现存的, 现有的 existing or happening now

the present difficulties 现有的艰难 the present problems 现存的问题

3) adj. 在场的,出席的

eg. Who else was present on that occasion? 当时还有谁在场?

4) n. 礼物 gift 是稍正式的说法

5) v. [pri'zent] 赠送,呈现,呈递,授予

eg. The mayor presented the prizes in person. 市长亲自颁发这些奖项。

eg. The principal presented a diploma [di'pl um ] to each of the graduates.


6) v. 表示,显露(表情等)

present a calm face 神安详

7) v. 介绍,引见(向地位较高的人说)

eg. May I present Mr. Brown to you?

★visit v.拜访、参观; (歌手)巡演

visit+地点 表示去某地

The headmasters of the New Oriental school visited Lanzhou.这指演讲

★allparts of the country 全国各地(all在这里是“各种的,各个”)all parts of the world 全世界各地;介词用in

in all parts of the world 在全世界各地

all over the country 遍布全国 all over the world 遍及全世界


1) n. 部份 spare parts 配件

eg. The early part of her life was spent in a remote village.

eg. Which parts of France have you visited? 你去过法国哪些地方?

2) 角part, role, character

perform the part of the Hamlet 扮演哈姆雷特这一角

or: play the part of the Hamlet



or: act the part of the Hamlet

or: take the part of the Hamlet

或者将上述表达中的part换成role, character。

3) v. 分开

part as friends 友好地分手

They parted at the station. 他们在车站分手了。

2 、They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be

meeting them at the station.

★will be doing 将来进行时态, 用来表示最近的将来正在进行的动作或者说话人设 想已经安排好的事情,将来进行时态的意思往往等于普通将来时态.

We will be acting. 我们将要行动了

most of the young people in the town 镇上的大部份年轻人(介词短语作定语)

most of + the… 大多数的……(一定要加‘the’)

most of the books; most of the time

most of the young people = most young people

most students = most of the students.


① vt.&vi. (偶然)遇见,遇到

We met at a restaurant.

② vt. (约定地点或者时间)和……会面,迎接

meet sb. +地点 去某地接某人

Who will be meet you when you arrive in London?

see sb. off 送行, 目送

③ vt. (经介绍)和……相识/见面

I’d like to meet your brother.

3 、Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Workers' Club.

★last night 昨天夜间;tonight 今天夜间; tomorrow night 明天夜间;next night 第

二天晚上tomorrow evening 明天晚上; yesterday evening 昨天晚上; this evening


★at the Workers' Club 在工人俱乐部

4、The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days. During this time, they will give

five performances.

…will be staying here for five days 逗遛五天

…give five performances 演出五场

5 、As usual, the police will have a difficult time.

★as usual 象往常一样,照例 On that day, he was late for work as usual.



have a good time

have a hard time

have a difficult time




6 、They will be trying to keep order. It is always the same on these occasions.

★tryto do sth. 设法做某事, 竭力做某事


keep order 维持次序 public order 治安


on these occasion(s)每逢这种场合

★the same 表示情况相同


Why are you late? = What took you so long? 你为什么迟到?

【Key structures】


将来进行时由will/shall+be+现在分词构成, 通常用于表示最近或者很久的将来正在 进行的动作。将来进行时常用来表示说话人设想已经安排好的事。

I’ll be working for my exams next month. 下个月我将用功看书准备考试。

By this time tomorrow, I’ll be lying on the beach.

将来进行时与普通将来时有时表达的意思差不多, 但普通将来时中的will时常具




When will you finish these letters? (如上司对下属)

When will you be seeing Mr. White? (如下属对上司)

Mary won’t pay this bill. (她拒绝付帐)

Mary won’t be paying this bill. (将来的事实)

Won’t you join us for dinner? 你来和我们一起吃饭好吗?(邀请)

Won’t you be joining us for dinner? 你会和我们一起吃饭吗?(将来的



1."The meeting is scheduled to begin at 7 o'clock"

"But__C___a delay."

A. it will be B. there'd be C. there will be D. there is

schedule 按计划; delay n. 延迟, 迟延和耽误

it be 它是, be动词的后面一旦加名词, 往往认为主语和名词之间是等号关系

there be 哪儿有(某地有某物),有某事发生

There will be a meeting. 那儿将开会


There was a fire. 发生大火

'll leave for Paris before you___C__next week.

A. will come back B. will be back C. come back D. came back


在状语从句中不可能浮现将来时, 都被普通现在时态取代

next meeting__C___on 1st December

A. has been held B. will hold C. is to be held D. is holding

be to,将来的标志, 是将来还是被动

__C___a will,there is a way.

A. there will have B. has been there C. there is D. there has been.

是个谚语“有志者事竞成”,“哪儿有愿望, 哪儿就有路”

where 引导的是地点主语从句

__B___be Wednesday tomorrow.

A. is going to B. will C. is about to D. is to

Will和be going to普通的情况可以互换, 遇上没有办法打算和计划安排的, 只能

用willbe (单纯的表将来)

be about to 计划打算; be to 计划打算; be going to 计划打算

【Special Difficulties】


普通只对人和某些生物用- ’s,名词所有格放在其所修饰的名词之前,但在上下


① 在单数名词及不以 -s 结尾的人名后加 -'s;

② 在以 -s 结尾的单数名词后加 -'s;

③ 在规则的复数名词的 -s 后面加所有格符号 ';

④ 在以 -s 结尾的人名后面即可以用 's 也可以用所有格符号 ';

⑤ 如果是用and连接的两个人名,则在第二个人名上加-'s;


My brother’s neighbor’s sister is a nurse. 我兄弟的邻居的是一位护士。

⑥ 有些无生命的物体后面也可以用所有格,如与时间有关的:

in twenty minutes' time

3 minutes' walk(drive) 走路或者开车三分钟的路程 a month’s salary


I want ten pounds' worth of minced meat. (minced meat 碎肉)

How much damage was there? 哪儿有多大的损失?

There was a hundred pounds'worth of damage.



I want ( C ).

A.a dollar worth candy a dollar's worth

C.a dollar's worth of candy D.a dollar worth's candy

【Multiple choice questions】

5 During this time, they will give five performances. That's what they'll do ___a___

this time.

a. in b. on c. of d. while

during this time: 在这段期间

during和in之间有区别, 但是它们之间却是近义词

during this time=in this time (this time 这一次)

6 The police will have a difficult time ___a___ .

a. as usuall b. as usual c. than usua d. from usual

as usual 像往常一样

7 The police ___b___ expecting the singers to arrive soon.

a. is b. are c. will d. was

the people,the police,the cattle 集合名词,表示复数

8 They are pop singers. So ___c___ .

a. they are folk singers b. they are public singers

c. everyone likes them d. no one likes them

pop=popular adj. 受欢迎的, everyone likes

folk adj. 民间的, 民族; public adj. 公众的

12 It's always the same on these occasions. It's always the same at ___d___ like


a. situation b. conditions c. place d. times

on these occasions:在一个时候

situation: 情况, in the situation

condition: 状态, 条件, in the condition

11 The Greenwood Boys will give five performances. They will give five ___a___ .

a. recital b. executions c. play d. songs

recital n. 朗诵,(对外公开)的演出

execution n. 演出(倾向技巧);play n. 戏剧; songs n. 歌子


★usually adv. 通常地,一贯地

often adv.往往; 时常; 时常;在大多数情况下

always adv.总是; 永远; 向来; 无例外地;重复地; 有规律地


eg. What do you usually do on Sundays? 周日你通常做什么?

I usually sleep. 我通常睡觉。

I usually go to NCE class. 我通常去上新概念英语课。

never adv.从不, 永不, 从来没有

eg. John never washes his neck. 约翰从不洗他的脖子。

hardly adv.几乎没有, 几乎不;刚刚, 仅仅

eg. I've hardly met him. 我很少见到他。

rarely adv.不常, 很少地, 难得地

seldom adv.很少, 罕见, 难得

eg. I rarely have dinners with my family. 我难得同家人一起吃饭。

or: I seldom have dinners with my family.

occasionally [ə'keıʒənəlı] adv.有时候,偶而

eg. We are occasionally in trouble. 我们偶尔会有麻烦。

sometimes adv.有时, 偶尔

eg. I sometimes get very angry with him. 我有时对他很生气。

often adv.往往; 时常; 时常;在大多数情况下

eg. He often gets drunk. 他时常喝醉。

usually adv. 通常

eg. I usually have my lunch at school. 我通常在学校吃午饭。

almost adv.几乎, 差不多, 差一点; 将近

eg. The door is almost open. 这扇门几乎都是开的。

always adv.总是; 永远; 向来; 无例外地;重复地; 有规律地 (频率最高)

eg. He is always talking about his girl friend as if he had nothing else to talk about.


★police 警察

集合名词,类似的还有: people, cattle

eg. The police are searching for the thief. 警察正在搜捕那个盗贼。

eg. The policeman was injured. 那个警察受伤了。

★keep order 维持秩序

in order 井井有条

out of order 污七八糟

★order v.

order sb to do sth 命令某人去做某事

order a meal 点餐

order a book 订购一本书

order a new suit for oneself 为自己定制一套西服


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