NCL31000ASGEVB User Guide


NCL31000ASGEVB UserGuideEVBUM2798/DIntroductionThis guide explains how to use the NCL31000ASGEVBwith an USB to I2C interface or with an arduinomicrocontroller board of choice to evaluate the ConnectionsThe NCL31000ASGEVB (Figure 1) is an arduino shieldform factor containing a single NCL31000MNITWG LEDdriver. These few steps are required to get t a lab power supply from 24 V to 57 V tothe DC IN connector. A reverse polarity protectioncircuit is in place to protect the system againstfaulty t a LED string rated for 16 V to 42 V to theLED ally, connect an NTC from the LED moduleto the TLED connector to measure the LED boardtemperature. If doing so, remove R24 and shortR33, see section LED t a microcontroller to the arduino interfaceconnectors and develop firmware to evaluate alternative for step 4 is to use an USB to I2Cinterface to send commands from the PC L BOARD USER’S MANUALMicro−Controller InterfaceThe NCL31000 hardware requires at least a GNDconnection and an I2C or SPI connection to control the mainfunctions of the chip. The SCL/SDA and connections aredesignated to Arduino pins D15 and D14. All Nucleo boardscan be programmed to route an I2C peripheral to these default I2C address is 0x52. This is configurablewithzero−ohm NCL310xx devices are internally hardwired to useeither SPI or I2C. For now, NCL31000ASGEVB is onlyavailable with the I2C version populated. Note that the SPIslave in NCL310xx only supports Mode Visual Light Communication, preferably a DACconnection or alternatively 2 x PWM connections areneeded. See section Dimming and VLC − connection is not specified by the Arduinohardware interface and different microcontroller boardsconnect the DAC to different pins. By default,theNCL31000ASGEVB assumes the DAC can beconnected to A2 or D13 (see Schematic). This is compatiblewith the ST Nucleo 1. NCL31000ASGEVB© Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2021June, 2021 − Rev. 11Publication Order Number:EVBUM2798/D

EVBUM2798/DDC−DCsTwo DC−DC supplies are available to supply differentparts of the application. VDD1 is a fixed 3.3 V supply ratedto deliver up to 150 mA and VDD2 is configurable, but onthe EVB it is set for 5 V. It can source up to 500 mA. VDD1and VDD2 are not connected to the arduino interface soVDD1 does not by default supply the arduino board becausethe arduino interface standard does not provide a 3V3 supplyconnection. Some arduino micro−controller boards can beadjusted so that they can be supplied with 3V3. For example,the nucleo boards normally need one or more solder bridgeconfiguration changes to be able to get powered from a 3V3supply. See the VDD1_EXT connection in the VDD2 cannot be used to supply the micro−controllersince it has to be enabled first in a register after startup. Thus,by default, without making any changes to the hardware, themicro−controller board has to be supplied by the USBconnection or another Powersense resistor and the dissipation when going above 1.6 ALED current or so. See the Thermal section for more gTo make dimming possible, enable the LED driver bysetting the LED_EN bit in the CTRL register and close thePWM_EN jumper on the are 5 ways to dim the LEDs. The selection for thefirst three methods is made with the DIMSEL jumpers. SeeFigure EVB has a significant copper cooling plane for thetop fet of the LED driver. It is therefore possible to driveLED loads up to 100 W with this EVB. 2 NTC’s are placedonto the cooling plane to measure the plane’s temperature toestimate the top fet junction temperature. One NTC isconnected to the TLED metrology measurement pin so thatthe temperature can be monitored over I2C. The secondNTC is electrically connected on one side to the copperplane and one side floating so that a multimeter can measurethe voltage over the NTC. This is an alternative NTC sensingmethod. To measure the NTC voltage from the LED board,make the connection to the TLED connector and solder R24and remove R33 to disable the top fet is best to replace the sense resistor with 50 mW or placea second resistor in parallel to reduce the temperature of theFigure 2. Dimsel•MDAC: DAC in MCU connected to DIM pin (Arduino:••A2 or D13)ADIM: Analog dimming. A low−pass filtered DCsignal converted from a PWM signal from MCU(Arduino: D5)ADIMP: potmeter on the EVB connected to DIM pinThe others are (DIMSEL does not matter):•PWMDIM: PWM dimming. PWM from MCU directlyto PWM pin (Arduino: D9)•INTDIM: The internal 7−bit 2

EVBUM2798/DINTDIMThe internal 7−bit DAC can be used to DIM the 128 dimming steps in the entire range this methodprovides a coarse method to dim the LEDs. The lowestcurrent value is about 10 mA if a 100 mW sense resistor isused. If deep dimming or VLC is not needed this methodmay suffice. No extra hardware is needed, only the I2C orSPI e ADIM signal can dim the LEDs with a higheraccuracy and precision compared to the other methods. It ispossible to accurately dim down to about 0.1% of themaximum range. The accuracy at these low dimming valuesis dominated by the relative offset error, which is no morethan a few mV’s or approximately 0.1% of VREF. Theprecision or resolution is defined by the amount of steps theduty−cycle has in the PWM period. For example, if an 8−bittimer is used, 256 steps are available. PWM oversamplingcan increase this ADIM method is an alternative to the INTDIMmethod. Switching between these methods is possible bycontrolling the INTDIMEN bit. To use the ADIM method,the micro−controller must provide a PWM signal with afrequency preferably between 1 to 10 kHz. The duty−cycledefines the dim value. This PWM signal is filtered heavilyand the resulting average value is presented to the DIMinput. The resulting LED current is thus a constant current,not a PWM’ed current. This ADIM or the MDAC methodcan use VLC. Next to low pass filtering the PWM signal, thefiltering circuit also couples the VLC signal on the DIMsignal. To make use of this method configure the DIMSELjumper for ADIM and pull the PWM pin high by closing thePWM The PWMDIM does not provide the widest dim range orbest accuracy and should not be used as the primary dimmethod, but it can be used on top of the ADIM method toachieve hybrid dimming and dim to even lower LEDcurrents. For example, set ADIM to 220 mV and apply aPWM signal of 1 kHz and 25% duty−cycle to achieve anaverageinternalDIMvoltageof:

200 mV + 0.25 * 20 mV = 205 mVImportant to note is that the measured LED current fromthe ILED metrology register is not valid when usingPWMDIM. This is because the ADC sampling is in the rangeof 100 ms and the PWMDIM frequency is the range of400Hz and higher and thus oversampling is not possible andno averaging can be is method uses the DAC in the micro−controller, ifavailable. This method can dim the LEDs and still have thepossibility to use VLC. To use the DAC, route it to A2 or D13on the Arduino interface (possible for Nucleo−64 orNucleo−144 connections) and configure DIMSEL jumperfor ’MDAC’. When using the DAC you cannot use theSPI_CLK and thus only I2C is an option. One exception isthe Nucleo−64 boards, which connect the DAC to A2 on theArduino interface. Also pull the PWM pin high by closingthe PWM he potmeter on the EVB can be used to apply a voltageon the dim pin and manually control the LED current. Tomake use of this method configure the DIMSEL jumper forADIMP and pull the PWM pin high by closing the IndicationThe boards have four LEDs. Two green LEDs to indicatethe 3V3 (VDD1) and 5 V (VDD2) supplies are active. Notethat VDD1 must be active on power up. This is a good checkto see if the board (supplies) is operational. VDD2 isdisabled at startup and can be enabled in a register. Theorange INTB LED is active if the INTB line is low. This isthe case when a fault bit is active or became active since thelast read. The red FAULT LED can be used by themicro−

− YellowDotThe YellowDot program is a luminaire certificationprogram that allows manufacturers to test and certify thattheir LED luminaires are interoperable with Signify’s indoorpositioning technology. A key aspect of YellowDot readyLED drivers is that data can be transmitted by modulatingdata onto the LED current and thus in the light output. TheNCL310xx products are Yellow−dot compatible. Thismeans that it is possible to modulate the LED currentconform to the Yellow–dot specification. Contact Signifyfor more information about this program and the technicalrequirements. Modulating the data on the DIM pin can bedone either by using the MDAC (preferred) method or byusing the ADIM method together with the PWMVLC with MDACThe DAC voltage controls the DIM voltage no data is transmitted, it should regulate a stable DCvalue to provide a stable LED current. When transmittingdata, the DAC voltage swings between the 3 voltage levelsat the symbol with ADIM + PWMVLCAn alternative for the DAC is to use 2 PWM signals. Oneis for setting the DC dim value using the ADIM method andthe other PWM signal is connected to the PWMVLC PWMVLC data is coupled onto the DIM signal. Thefrequency must be about 200 kHz or more. A digital one isrepresented by a duty−cycle of 50% + k. A digital zero isrepresented by a duty−cycle of 50% − k. The resulting signalis a 200 kHz PWM signal for which the duty−cycle variesbetween 2 values (0.5 − k and 0.5 + k). The symbol rate ofthe VLC signal (typ: 4 kHz) is defined by the rate at whichthe duty−cycles alternate. The ’k’ value defines theamplitude of the VLC signal. After filtering the 3

EVBUM2798/Dsignal is a 4 kHz AC signal with a given amplitude. Thissignal is capacitively coupled on the DIM signal so for thisto work the ADIM dimming method must be used to definethe DC DIM lThe highest temperatures on the board are to be expectedin the top fet of the LED driver and in the sense resistor ofthe LED Sense Resistorinterconnected by via’s. See Figure 3. The red area is thecopper plane on the top copper. This copper plane is a bitoverkill for applications that do not require 90 W or is best to keep the sense resistor value as small aspossible without impacting the dynamic dimming range toomuch. Keep the power dissipation in the 6430 packagebelow 400 mW. Ideally 200 mW. It is possible to add a senseresistor in parallel to spread the dissipation (1% or better).For example, a 120 mW 6430 package with a 0.62 W 3216package in parallel gives 100 mW and a better spreading l PlaneFigure 3. Copper PlaneThe power dissipation in the top fet is dominated byswitching and conduction losses. The device used on theboard is carefully selected to achieve the lowest powerdissipation. Still, mainly depending on the input voltage,switching frequency and during highest current, the powerdissipation (Pt) can reach up to about 1.2 W in this device.A copper cooling plane is required to transfer enough heatto the environment to keep the temperature of the fet in 4check. The cooling plane is about 3 x 2 cm. It is present on3 layers: top, bottom, and one internal layer. The remaininginternal layer is reserved for a ground plane. The copperextends to the edges of the board. The layers areErratumBoards with version «ncl31000as» and date«25/03/2021» had a mistake in the arduino pinout. HeadersJ6 and J7 are swapped in the layout and do not correspondwith the correct arduino placement. Modifications havebeen made to these connectors so that the board can still beplugged on top of an arduino mcu. 5 pins have been cut and3connections e of this patch the arduino shield fits an arduinomicrocontroller board and it can be used as expected exceptfor the PWM1 pin which is not available due to this 4

EVBUM2798/DSCHEMATICReverse polarity protection + overvoltage protectionHViVINPQ1R1100 kM2G1TP6VBBD12VBBHVi280 W @ 100 MHzL 1HViVBB1L 28 W @ 100 MHzHViVBB_LEDVBB_LEDTP7TP4VINPJ5DCINA1A2C6R2100 kR11100 m 1% 3 WiHVVSSSVSSSGND22 mF100 VC8100 n100 VC9100 n100 VC756 mF80 VGNDPSNSP_CH1PSNSN_CH1Arduino headersJ112345678Board pin−outCS2ADIM2ADIM1D4PWMVLCINTBD1D012345678Arduino pin−outD15SCLD14SDAD13D12D11D10D9D8TP57TP58TP59GNDGNDGNDR44IORE FNR STT P1NCVDD 2T P2NCVDD1_ E X TT P3NCSB 2*GNDGNDGNDVI NJ7GNDSCLSDAAVDDGNDSCK/DACMISOMOSIPWM2PWM1CS1PowerJ2123456A 0A 1A2/D A CA 3A 4A 5D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0ADI M1Headers J6 and J7 are swapped in the layoutand do not correspond with the correct arduinoplacement. Modifications have been made tothese connectors so that the board can still beplugged on top of an arduino mcu. The PWM1pin is not available due to this inJ6RSL10 headersDIO0LED_FAULTDIO6SCLDIO5SDA5VOUT3V3OUTSB1*VDD2J42RSL10Strata EEPROM & HOT PLUG DetectionPulse INT# on plug eventINT#L ED_POEDEVDETADIM2PWM1INTBADIM1PWMVLCRSTDIO1DIO2DIO3DIO3DIO12DIO13DIO1434 k, 1 mF = 50 ms negative pulseSystem can also mask INT# for level based gate of first FET low to disable pulse INT# 1R3100 kSD ASCLVDD 1861237U1VCCSCLA0A1A2WPVSSSDA5VDD 1C516VGNDDEVDET1 mR433 k4GNDCAT24C512WI−GT3GNDGNDGNDVDD1StatusVDD1R1 22.2 kVDD2R1 31 kLED_FAULTR1 42.2 kR1 5390 EVDD1R 833 kR 9100 kR1 010 k3INT#12R1639 k1Q52N7002WT1G3L E D13V3L E D25VGNDL E D3FAULTLED4/INTINTBQ42N7002W T1G1 m16 5



















SN10 nC2250 V10 n50 VGNDGNDiSNR3720 kTP29TEMPTP30LDSNSPTP31LDSNSNC33100 n100 VR40100 m1%1 WC35470 p100 VC36470 p100 VA2A1J9TLEDVREFGNDGNDGNDGNDR43100 6


Qty1DesignatorD1ManufacturerON SemiconductorPart 5245BT1GValueFootprintDescriptionONSC−SOD−123−2−42Zener Voltage Regulator, 500mW,5−04_V2−Pin SOD−123, Pb−Free,

Tape and ReelSSQ−108−03−X−SBoard−To−Board Connector,2.54mm, 8 Contacts, Receptacle,Through Hole, 1RowsBoard−To−Board Connector,2.54mm, 6 Contacts, Receptacle,Through Hole, 1Rows1J1SamtecSSQ−108−03−F−S1J2SamtecSSQ−106−03−G−SSSQ−106−03−X−S1111J3J4J5J6Weidmueller186296721SC_SMT_3_81_90G_0OMNIMATE Signal − series

2BC/SC 3.81Male Box Header WR−BHD, THT,Angled, pitch 2.54 mm, 16 pinsWeidmuellerSamtec1862960000SSQ−110−03−G−SSC_SMT_3_81_90G_0OMNIMATE Signal − series

2BC/SC 3.81SSQ−110−03−X−SBoard−To−Board Connector,2.54mm, 10 Contacts,

Receptacle, Through Hole,1RowsBoard−To−Board Connector,2.54mm, 8 Contacts, Receptacle,Through Hole, 1 Rows1J7SamtecSSQ−108−03−G−SSSQ−108−03−X−S111111112J9L3L4L5L6U1U2U4D8, D9Weidmueller18629670SC_SMT_3_81_90G_0OMNIMATE Signal − series

2BC/SC 3.81WE−PD−XXLSMD 0806WE−PD 7345WE−PD 1050SMD−Shielded Power InductorWE−PD, L = 47.0 mHPower Multilayer Inductor

WE−PMI, L = 0.24 mHSMD−Shielded Power InductorWE−PD, L = 390 mHSMD−Shielded Power InductorWE−PD, L = 100 mHWurth ElectronicsWurth ElectronicsWurth Electronics74479876124C7447772397447714101CAT24C512WI−GT3FP−751BD−01−IPC_CIC EEPROM 512K I2C 1 MHZ8SOICFP−419A−02−MFG485EPONSC−SOD−323−2−47Low Leakage Switching Diode,7−02_V2−Pin SOD−323, Pb−Free,

Tape and ReelONSC−SC−70−3−419−Small Signal MOSFET, 60 V,04_V340mA, Single, N−Channel, 3−PinSC70, Pb−Free, Tape and ReelFP−NCP18−0_15−IPC_NTC Thermistor for TemperatureCSensor, 0603, 100 kO, 1%,0.032mA, 5 V ONSC−SOT−23−3−318 Schottky Barrier Diodes, 3−Pin−08_VSOT−23, Pb−Free, Tape and Reel1005−SB−2Solder bridgeIC BUFFER NON−INVERT 5.5 VSC88AON SemiconductorON SemiconductorON SemiconductorNL17SZ125DFT2GNCL31000BAS21AHT1G2Q4, Q5ON Semiconductor2N7002WT1G2Rt1, Rt2NCP18WF104F12RB35D5, D6, D7SB1, SB2,SB3, SB4,SB9R5, R7,R33, R46,R47R42ON SemiconductorBAT54ALT1G5CRG0603ZR OERESC1608LResistor1RL1220S−R20−7

EVBUM2798/DTable 1. BILL OF MATERIAL (continued)12115R41R13, R31C10C15C3, C5,C13, C17,C25R44TDKTDKTDKRCWE0603R750FKEACRGCQ0603F1K0CGA3E2X7R2A102M080AACGA3E2X7R2A102M080AAC1608X7R1C105K080ACD3082−050.75E1 k1 n1 n1 mRESC1608NRESC1608LCAPC1608LCAPC1608LCAPC1608LResistorResistorCapacitorCapacitorCapacitor1Harwin2 pinsGroundbar D3082−052 (1 x 2) Position Shunt ConnectorNon−Insulated 0.400 (10.16 mm)GoldRESC1608LRESC1608LCAPC2012NCAPC2012N61300621121ResistorResistorCapacitorCapacitorBoard−To−Board Connector,

Vertical, 2.54 mm, 6 Contacts,Header, WR−PHD Series,Through HoleResistorCapacitorCapacitorWE−MPSB EMI Multilayer PowerSuppression Bead, size 0603,

8 W @ 100MHzResistor12111R20R12, R14C12C19J8TDKTDKWurth ElectronicsCPF0603F2K0C1CRGCQ0603F2K2C2012X7R1C225K125ABC2012X7R1C225K125AB61300621121 2 k2.2 k 2.2 m 2.2 m2.54 mm THTDual PinHeader, 6p4k74.7 n4.7 n8 W @100MHz10 k3111R18, R21,R22C14C37L2TDKTDKWurth ElectronicsCRG0603F4K7CGA3E2X7R1H472M080AAC1608X7R2A472K080AA7427922808RESC1608LCAPC1608LCAPC1608LWE−MPSB_06035R10, R17,R19, R32,R39C20, C21,C22R37C38, C40C6D10KEMETNichiconON SemiconductorTDKCRGCQ0603F10KRESC1608L31211CGA3E2X7R1H103K080AACPF0603F20KC1C1206C226K9PACTUUVR2A220MEDNSPM0051MUT5G10 n20 k22 m22 mF30kV ESD70A 8/20msSurge33E33 k39 k47 k47 mF56 mF80 V, 13 A,55 mW80 V, 6 A,36.5 mWCAPC1608LRESC1608LCAPC3216NCAPPR2.5−6.3x11Case 517CZCapacitorResistorCapacitorCapacitorTransient Voltage Suppressors12112111R38R4, R8R16R35C39, C41C7Q6Q7KEMETKEMETON SemiconductorCRGCQ0603F33RCRGCQ0603F33KCRGH0603F39KCRGCQ0603F47KC1210C476M9PACA759MS566M1KAAE045NVTFS6H888NFDMA037N08LCRESC2012LRESC1608LRESC1608LRESC1608LCAPC3225NCAPPR5−10x12.5MKT−MLP08TCase 511DBResistorResistorResistorResistorCapacitorCapacitorPower MOSFET 80 V, 55 m, 13 A,Single N−ChannelMOSFET FET 80 V 3.7 8

EVBUM2798/DTable 1. BILL OF MATERIAL (continued)41R25, R26,R29, R30P1VishayCRGCQ0603F100RTS53YJ103MR10100 E100 kRESC1608LTS53YJResistor5 mm Square Surface MountMiniature Trimmers Single−TurnCermet Sealed 5 K 250 mW35.4V 20%ResistorResistorResistorCapacitorCapacitor51134R1, R2, R3,R9, R43R40R11C11, C18,C23C8, C9,C28, C33AVXTDKCRGCQ0603F100KLVM25FVR100E−TRCRA2512−FZ−R100ELF06033C104KAT4AC2012X7R2A104K125AA100 k100 m100 m 1%3W100 n100 9

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The board is only intendedfor research, development, demonstration and evaluation purposes and will only be used in laboratory/development areas by persons with an engineering/technical training and familiarwith the risks associated with handling electrical/mechanical components, systems and subsystems. This person assumes full responsibility/liability for proper and safe handling. Anyother use, resale or redistribution for any other purpose is strictly BOARD IS PROVIDED BY ONSEMI TO YOU “AS IS” AND WITHOUT ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER. WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING,ONSEMI (AND ITS LICENSORS/SUPPLIERS) HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES IN RELATION TO THE BOARD, ANYMODIFICATIONS, OR THIS AGREEMENT, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY AND ALLREPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, NON−INFRINGEMENT, AND THOSE ARISING FROM ACOURSE OF DEALING, TRADE USAGE, TRADE CUSTOM OR TRADE reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any are responsible for determining whether the board will be suitable for your intended use or application or will achieve your intended results. Prior to using or distributing any systemsthat have been evaluated, designed or tested using the board, you agree to test and validate your design to confirm the functionality for your application. Any technical, applications ordesign information or advice, quality characterization, reliability data or other services provided by onsemi shall not constitute any representation or warranty by onsemi, and no additionalobligations or liabilities shall arise from onsemi having provided such information or products including the boards are not designed, intended, or authorized for use in life support systems, or any FDA Class 3 medical devices or medical devices with a similaror equivalent classification in a foreign jurisdiction, or any devices intended for implantation in the human body. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless onsemi, its directors,officers, employees, representatives, agents, subsidiaries, affiliates, distributors, and assigns, against any and all liabilities, losses, costs, damages, judgments, and expenses, arisingout of any claim, demand, investigation, lawsuit, regulatory action or cause of action arising out of or associated with any unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that onsemi wasnegligent regarding the design or manufacture of any products and/or the evaluation board/kit does not fall within the scope of the European Union directives regarding electromagnetic compatibility, restricted substances (RoHS), recycling (WEEE), FCC,CE or UL, and may not meet the technical requirements of these or other related WARNING – This evaluation board/kit is intended for use for engineering development, demonstration, or evaluation purposes only and is not considered by onsemi to be a finishedend product fit for general consumer use. It may generate, use, or radiate radio frequency energy and has not been tested for compliance with the limits of computing devices pursuantto part 15 of FCC rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against radio frequency interference. Operation of this equipment may cause interference with radiocommunications, in which case the user shall be responsible, at its expense, to take whatever measures may be required to correct this does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of TIONS OF LIABILITY: onsemi shall not be liable for any special, consequential, incidental, indirect or punitive damages, including, but not limited to the costs of requalification,delay, loss of profits or goodwill, arising out of or in connection with the board, even if onsemi is advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event shall onsemi’s aggregate liabilityfrom any obligation arising out of or in connection with the board, under any theory of liability, exceed the purchase price paid for the board, if board is provided to you subject to the license and other terms per onsemi’s standard terms and conditions of sale. For more information and documentation, please ONAL INFORMATIONTECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS:Technical Library: /design/resources/technical−documentationonsemi Website: INE SUPPORT: /supportFor additional information, please contact your local Sales Representative /support/sales1

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