Unit 2 Morals and Virtures词汇学案(人教版2019)


2019人教版必修三Unit2 Morals and Virtues 词汇学案(学生版)


1. moral adj. 道德上的;道义上的;品行端正的 【反义词】immoral

It’s ___________ to steal. (moral)

There is nothing ___________ about wanting to earn more money. (moral)

It is also ____________ and probably illegal. (moral)

We thought slavery was ___________ wrong. (moral)

I don’t mean ___________ good life. (moral)

2. faint adj. 眩晕的;虚弱的;微弱的;微小的 vi. 昏厥;晕倒

She suddenly fell forward onto the table and ________. (faint)

A doctor happened to be there when he ________. (faint)

Here is an old poor woman, who ____________ on the road. (faint)

Tom smiled __________ and shook his head. (faint)

He looked __________ embarrassed. (faint)

3. majority n. 多数;大多数 【反义词】minority

___________ majority of my patients come from out of the town.

She was elected by _________ narrow majority.

The majority of wines produced in this area ___________ reds or roses. (be)

The majority of the population ___________ in big cities. (live)

4. fee n. 费用;酬金;会费;入场费;封地 vt.付给某人费用

现在分词 feeing 过去分词feed

service fee 服务费 tuition fee 学费 membership fee 会员费 parking fee 停车费

Your parents will cover your tuition _________ (fee).

School ___________ can make a big hole in your savings. (fee).

5. respond vt. 回答;回复 vi. 作出反应;回应 respond to 响应;回答

response n. 作出反应,回应

I waited to see how she __________. (respond)

Wall Street responded quickly __________ the news.

She never responded ____________ my letter.

“No comment,” was the actor’s ____________. (respond)

He knocked at the door but there was no ___________. (respond)

6. hire vt. 聘任;雇佣;租用 n. 租借;租用 【反义词】fire

for hire 供出租 car hire 租车处

They agreed ______________ a gardener to do the work. (hire)

She ______________ as the sales manager three years ago. (hire)

The first employees _______________ by the company were college athletes. (hire)

She is not a __________ agent for the former president. (hire)

7. reject vt. 拒绝接受;否决(提议、建议或请求)不录用 rejection n. 拒绝接受;否决

The government is expected _______________ the idea of rebuilding the high way. (reject)

His _____________ of our values is far more complete than Dr. Lawrence. (reject)

One of my most able students _____________ by the giant company recently. (reject)

Be prepared for lots of ____________ before you land a job. (reject)

8. appoint vt. 任命;委派;约定;安排时间 appointment n.约会;约定;任命;委派

make an appointment 预约;约会;约定;预约时间

It made sense _____________ a banker to do this job. (appoint)

It is reported that a new manger ______________ to direct the project. (appoint)

He ____________ as captain of the English team last month. (appoint)

She got an ____________ with the _______________ director. (appoint)

It is past the ____________ time. Maybe he isn’t coming. (appoint)

The other day she _____________ to head the research team. (appoint)

He dashed off to make an ______________. (appoint)

9. elect vt. 选举;推选;当选 election n. 选举;推选;当选

The people of the country have voted ____________ a new president. (elect)

The university ___________ him president in 2018. (elect)

Those ___________ to smoke will be seated at a separate carriage. (elect)

He ___________ by the people and was responsible for them. (elect)

She completed a study of ___________ officials who began their political career before the

age of 35. (elect)

The date of the ____________ was fixed. (elect)

After the ___________, price went sky-high. (elect)

10. tend vt. 照顾;照料 vi. 倾向;趋向 tendency n. 倾向;趋向;经常性的行为

tend to do sth. 易于做某事

Men tend __________ weight in middle age. (gain)

Fatness ___________ to run in families. (tend)

He ___________ to sit on the fence when he is at meetings. (tend)

First, formal language ___________ to be more polite. (tend)

There is a growing ____________ to hire casual staff. (tend)

They have a ____________ to show off everywhere. (tend)

11. publish vt. 出版;发表作品 publisher n. 出版者;出版商;发行人

publishing house 出版社;出书局;书局

Whitney _____________ four books in the past ten years. (publish)

It _____________ in hardback last year. (publish)

The newspaper ___________ twice a week. (publish)

Figures ____________ today show another fall in the rate of inflation. (publish)

The ___________ world has never seen an event quite like this. (publish)

He has spoken to a _____________ company. (publish)

12. retire vi. & vt. 退休;退职;退出;退役 retire from 退休;退出

retiree n. 退休人员

retirement n. 退休;退职; 退役

retirement home 养老院

The silver-haired ______________ sits in his room surrounded by photos of sailing boats.


What’s the biggest advantage of going back to school as a ___________? (retire)

She ___________ early on grounds of ill health. (retire)

The shop was opened by a __________ printer. (retire)

She ____________ on medical grounds though she still wanted to work. (retire)

Her ____________ is drawing near. (retire)

Ill health forced him into early ___________. (retire)

13. passive adj.被动的;顺从的;消极的 【反义词】positive adj.乐观的;积极的

【反义词】active adj. 主动的;积极的

the passive voice 被动语态 the active voice 主动语态

passive smoking 被动吸烟

They want ______________ ways of filling their time. That is, they want to live a little

more actively. (passive)

He sat here _____________ , waiting for his father to make the first move. (passive)

14. scare vt. 惊吓;使害怕 vi. 受惊吓 scared 害怕的;感到惊慌或恐惧的

scary adj. 骇人的;恐怖的;胆小的;易受惊吓的

He looks ____________ but he really a gentle giant. (scare)

They will learn how to avoid ____________ people in the process. (scare)

Please stop screaming! You guys _____________ me! (scare)

She ___________ of the dark. She is a big chicken. (scare)

The news made her ___________. (scare)

15. accident n. 事故;车祸;失事 event n. 重大事件;体育赛事

affair n. 公共事务;政治事务;个人私事

by accident 偶然;偶尔;意外的 traffic accident 交通事故

mining accident 矿难 no accident 不出意外;绝非偶然

16. import n. 进口;进口商品 vt. 进口;输入;引进

【反义词】export n. 出口;出口商品 vt. 出口;输出;传播

import duty 进口税 import license 进口许可证

export trade 出口贸易额 export control 出口管制

The company has to pay custom duties on all _____________. (import)

_______________ totaled $ 1.5 billion last year. (import)

Rich countries benefited from ____________ oil from west Asia. (import)

Cheap ___________ goods are flooding the market. (import)

Fish __________ and frozen, which keep prices low. (import)

At the same time the price of food, most of which ____________, has continued to rise.


Software _______________ through a satellite link. (export)

Salt ___________ to countries that cannot meet their needs. (export)

British ____________ have been influenced by the strong pound. (export)

17. bite vt. & vi. (bit, bitten) 咬;叮;蛰 n. (咬下的)一口;咬伤

He sat down and ________ into his sandwich. (bite)

Every year in this country more than 50000 children _____________ by dogs. (bite)

If a snake or a small insect ___________ you, it makes a mark or a hole in your skin. (bite)

After an hour the fish stopped ___________ and we moved on. (bite)

____________ twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we changed our

dogs. (bite)

She _____________ by a dog once and she has been afraid of dogs ever since. (bite)

18. despair n. 绝望 vi. 感到绝望 in despair 处于绝望之中 despairing adj. 绝望的

He flashed her a __________ glance. (despair)

____________ fighters came up to me and asked a few questions. (despair)

He wished to earn a living through writing but __________ of doing so. (despair)

They despaired _________ winning the game. (despair)

19. tear n.眼泪;泪水 v. 撕碎;撕裂;撕破;拉伤;划破 【过去时tore 过去分词torn】

gear gas 催泪瓦斯

She broke down and wept with _______ of joy. (tears)

She __________ the letter up and threw it into the air. (tear)

He had dusty and __________ clothes. (tear)

The notice __________ down a few minutes ago. (tear)



1. It is __________ to steal money from other people. (moral)

Art is not there to improve you _________. (moral)

What can we do to become ________ better? (moral)

2. Let me give another example __________ this difficult point. (illustrate)

She went on to an art school and nowadays she __________ a book. (illustrate)

His last lecture __________ with slides taken on the way. (illustrate)

The kid was reading an _________ book. (illustrate)

He has just written a book, nicely __________. (illustrate)

3. I am going to complain _________ the manager about this.

The couple __________ about the high cost of visiting Europe and refused to go there again. (complain)

I have a number of _________ about the hotel room. (complain)

Why don’t you make a ___________ about your noisy neighbor?(complain)

4. They are likely __________ positively to the requests for aid. (respond)

I am pleased to say that now he is doing well and ___________ to the treatment. (respond)

People ________ to me differently when I told them I was in college. (respond)

I knocked on the door but there was no __________. (respond)

The police say the ____________ has been far better than expected. (respond)

5. She _________ some experts and started her own company. (hire)

Workmen __________ to enlarge the farmhouse in 1989. (hire)

The scientist _________ to design the project disagree with the boss. (hire)

Blacks remain the last _________ and the first fired. (hire)

6. So far, I ____________ five times by all the universities I applied to. (reject)

I have applied for ten jobs, but all I have got is __________. (reject)

The government, he says, ___________ three children from a public school. (reject)

The agreement __________ ten days ago. (reject)

7. Our visitors arrived at the __________ time. (appoint)

A lawyer _________ to represent the kid when his parents were gone. (appoint)

I have an _________at the clinic. (appoint)

She made an __________ to see the doctor. (appoint)

8. He __________ judge in the autumn of 1999. (elect)

In order ___________, she must gain the support of the majority. (elect)

The party failed to win the ________. (elect)

How did you vote at the last ________? (elect)

9. If something _________ to happen, it often happens. (tend)

In New York, everything __________ to be closer together and we build up. (tend)

Several fishermen stood on the beach, _________ their nets. (tend)

10. She has kept herself busy since she ________ at 55. (retire)

I have persuaded her it is time that she ________. (retire)

Would I find life as a _________ boring? (retire)

We all wish you a long and happy ________. (retire)

In his ________, he led a life of ease. (retire)

11. The staff _______ not happy about the recent pay rise. (be)

The organizations __________ by volunteers at that time. (staff)

12. Sometimes it is fun to feel ________. Why else would __________ movies be so

popular? (scare)

The girl was _________ when she saw the _______ snake. (scare)

It is ________ and I think I will __________ to death. (scare)

13. The cost of living has risen ________. (sharp)

The road bent _______ to the right. (sharp)

The plane takes off at 10 o’clock ________. (sharply)

14. The airline ________ flights to 25 countries at present. (operate)

She also ________ a website, where she shares her tips and recipes. (operate)

These patients _____________ on for the cancer but there was no evidence of

recovery. (operate)

15. A strong yuan would make __________ goods expensive. (import)

Three pens that I gave you ___________ from the USA. (import)

The materials of this product ___________ from a US-based firm. (import)

Now 90% of the engines made in the company _________ to Europe. (export)

There have never been any quality problems in our _________ products. (export)

2019人教版必修三Unit2 Morals and Virtues 词汇学案(教师版)


1. moral adj. 道德上的;道义上的;品行端正的 【反义词】immoral

It’s immoral to steal. (moral)

There is nothing immoral about wanting to earn more money. (moral)

It is also immoral and probably illegal. (moral)

We thought slavery was morally wrong. (moral)

I don’t mean morally good life. (moral)

2. faint adj. 眩晕的;虚弱的;微弱的;微小的 vi. 昏厥;晕倒

She suddenly fell forward onto the table and fainted. (faint)

A doctor happened to be there when he fainted. (faint)

Here is an old poor woman, who fainted on the road. (faint)

Tom smiled faintly and shook his head. (faint)

He looked faintly embarrassed. (faint)

3. majority n. 多数;大多数 【反义词】minority

The majority of my patients come from out of the town.

She was elected by a narrow majority.

The majority of wines produced in this area are reds or roses. (be)

The majority of the population is/are in big cities. (live)

4. fee n. 费用;酬金;会费;入场费;封地 vt. 付给某人费用

现在分词 feeing 过去分词feed

service fee 服务费 tuition fee 学费 membership fee 会员费 parking fee 停车费

Your parents will cover your tuition fees. (fee)

School fees can make a big hole in your savings. (fee).

5. respond vt. 回答;回复 vi. 作出反应;回应 respond to 响应;回答

response n. 作出反应,回应

I waited to see how she responded. (respond)

Wall Street responded quickly to the news.

She never responded to my letter.

“No comment,” was the actor’s response. (respond)

He knocked at the door but there was no response. (respond)

6. hire vt. 聘任;雇佣;租用 n. 租借;租用 【反义词】fire

for hire 供出租 car hire 租车处

They agreed to hire a gardener to do the work. (hire)

She was hired as the sales manager three years ago. (hire)

The first employees hired by the company were college athletes. (hire)

She is not a hired agent for the former president. (hire)

7. reject vt. 拒绝接受;否决(提议、建议或请求)不录用 rejection n. 拒绝接受;否决

The government is expected to reject the idea of rebuilding the high way. (reject)

His rejection of our values is far more complete than Dr. Lawrence. (reject)

One of my most able students has been rejected by the giant company recently. (reject)

Be prepared for lots of rejections before you land a job. (reject)

8. appoint vt. 任命;委派;约定;安排时间 appointment n.约会;约定;任命;委派

make an appointment 预约;约会;约定;预约时间

It made sense to appoint a banker to do this job. (appoint)

It is reported that a new manger has been appointed to direct the project. (appoint)

He was appointed as captain of the English team last month. (appoint)

She got an appointment with the appointed director. (appoint)

It is past the appointed time. Maybe he isn’t coming. (appoint)

The other day she was appointed to head the research team. (appoint)

He dashed off to make an ______________. (appoint)

9. elect vt. 选举;推选;当选 election n. 选举;推选;当选

The people of the country have voted to elect a new president. (elect)

The university elected him president in 2018. (elect)

Those electing to smoke will be seated at a separate carriage. (elect)

He was elected by the people and was responsible for them. (elect)

She completed a study of elected officials who began their political career before the

age of 35. (elect)

The date of the election was fixed. (elect)

After the election, price went sky-high. (elect)

10. tend vt. 照顾;照料 vi. 倾向;趋向 tendency n. 倾向;趋向;经常性的行为

tend to do sth. 易于做某事

Men tend to gain weight in middle age. (gain)

Fatness tends to run in families. (tend)

He tends to sit on the fence when he is at meetings. (tend)

First, formal language tends to be more polite. (tend)

There is a growing tendency to hire casual staff. (tend)

They have a tendency to show off everywhere. (tend)

11. publish vt. 出版;发表作品 publisher n. 出版者;出版商;发行人

publishing house 出版社;出书局;书局

Whitney have published four books in the past ten years. (publish)

It was published in hardback last year. (publish)

The newspaper is published twice a week. (publish)

Figures published today show another fall in the rate of inflation. (publish)

The publishing world has never seen an event quite like this. (publish)

He has spoken to a publishing company. (publish)

12. retire vi. & vt. 退休;退职;退出;退役 retire from 退休;退出

retiree n. 退休人员

retirement n. 退休;退职; 退役

retirement home 养老院

The silver-haired retiree sits in his room surrounded by photos of sailing boats.


What’s the biggest advantage of going back to school as a retiree? (retire)

She retired early on grounds of ill health. (retire)

The shop was opened by a retired printer. (retire)

She was retired on medical grounds though she still wanted to work. (retire)

Her retirement is drawing near. (retire)

Ill health forced him into early retirement. (retire)

13. passive adj.被动的;顺从的;消极的 【反义词】positive adj.乐观的;积极的

【反义词】active adj. 主动的;积极的

the passive voice 被动语态 the active voice 主动语态

passive smoking 被动吸烟

They want less passive ways of filling their time. That is, they want to live a little more

actively. (passive)

He sat here passively, waiting for his father to make the first move. (passive)

14. scare vt. 惊吓;使害怕 vi. 受惊吓 scared 害怕的;感到惊慌或恐惧的

scary adj. 骇人的;恐怖的;胆小的;易受惊吓的

He looks scary but he really a gentle giant. (scare)

They will learn how to avoid scaring people in the process. (scare)

Please stop screaming! You guys are scaring me! (scare)

She is scared of the dark. She is a big chicken. (scare)

The news made her scared. (scare)

15. accident n. 事故;车祸;失事 event n. 重大事件;体育赛事

affair n. 公共事务;政治事务;个人私事

by accident 偶然;偶尔;意外的 traffic accident 交通事故

mining accident 矿难 no accident 不出意外;绝非偶然

16. import n. 进口;进口商品 vt. 进口;输入;引进

【反义词】export n. 出口;出口商品 vt. 出口;输出;传播

import duty 进口税 import license 进口许可证

export trade 出口贸易额 export control 出口管制

The company has to pay custom duties on all imports. (import)

Imports totaled $ 1.5 billion last year. (import)

Rich countries benefited from importing oil from west Asia. (import)

Cheap imported goods are flooding the market. (import)

Fish is imported and frozen, which keep prices low. (import)

At the same time the price of food, most of which is imported, has continued to rise. (import)

Software is exported through a satellite link. (export)

Salt is exported to countries that cannot meet their needs. (export)

British exports have been influenced by the strong pound. (export)

17. bite vt. & vi. (bit, bitten) 咬;叮;蛰 n. (咬下的)一口;咬伤

He sat down and bit into his sandwich. (bite)

Every year in this country more than 50000 children are bitten by dogs. (bite)

If a snake or a small insect bites you, it makes a mark or a hole in your skin. (bite)

After an hour the fish stopped biting and we moved on. (bite)

Bitten twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we changed our dogs. (bite)

She was bitten by a dog once and she has been afraid of dogs ever since. (bite)

18. despair n. 绝望 vi. 感到绝望 in despair 处于绝望之中 despairing adj. 绝望的

He flashed her a despairing glance. (despair)

Despairing fighters came up to me and asked a few questions. (despair)

He wished to earn a living through writing but despaired of doing so. (despair)

They despaired of winning the game. (despair)

19. tear n.眼泪;泪水 v. 撕碎;撕裂;撕破;拉伤;划破 【过去时tore 过去分词torn】

gear gas 催泪瓦斯

She broke down and wept with tears of joy. (tears)

She tore the letter up and threw it into the air. (tear)

He had dusty and torn clothes. (tear)

The notice was torn down a few minutes ago. (tear)










绝望;感到无望 vi.
























委托;交付 vt.

收入;收益 n





专业服务费;报酬 n.

力量;威力 n.


反应;回答;回复 n.

协会;联合会;工会 n.

奖学金 n.


租借;租用 n.

医师; (尤指)内科医生 n.


同事;同僚 n.

拒绝接受;不录用 vt.














拒绝接受;否决 n.

任命;委派 vt.

诊所;门诊部 n.

遥远的 adj.

选举;推选 vt.

选举;推选;当选 n.

十年;十年期 n.

在别处;去别处 n.


倾向;趋于 n.

紧张关系;紧张;焦虑 n.

发表(作品);出版 vt.

.员工;全体职员 n.


节省物;节省;节约;n. [pl.]








学前班;幼儿园 n.

道德原则;法则;原则 n.


服从的 adj.



受惊吓 vi.









保险;保险业 n.

精力充沛的;充满活力的 adj.

接替;取代;更换 vt.

事故;车祸;失事 n.

手术;企业;经营 n.



















子夜;午夜 n.


进口;输入;引进 vt.


出口;输出;传播 n.

(行星的)极;地极 n.


一圈 n.


嘴唇 n.

帮助;援助 vt.

(网球等的)球场;法院;法庭 n.

灵活的;可变通的 adj.

主席;主持人;董事长 n.

记忆力;回忆 n.

每;每一 prep.

一连串(人或事);链子;链条 n.

咖啡馆;小餐馆 n.























(餐馆的)女服务员;女侍者 n.

怀孕的;妊娠的 adj.

装扮;假扮;掩盖vt.伪装;化妆用具 n.

枫树;槭树 n.

手推车;运货马车 n.


寓言;寓言故事 n.

跛行;一瘸一拐的走 vi.

眼泪;泪水 n.

因此;所以 adv.















1. It is immoral to steal money from other people. (moral)

Art is not there to improve you morally. (moral)

What can we do to become morally better? (moral)

2. Let me give another example to illustrate this difficult point. (illustrate)

She went on to an art school and nowadays she is illustrating a book. (illustrate)

His last lecture was illustrated with slides taken on the way. (illustrate)

The kid was reading an illustrated book. (illustrate)

He has just written a book, nicely illustrated. (illustrate)

3. I am going to complain to the manager about this.

The couple complained about the high cost of visiting Europe and refused to go there again.


I have a few complaints about the hotel room. (complain)

Why don’t you make a complaint about your noisy neighbor?(complain)

4. They are likely to respond positively to the requests for aid. (respond)

I am pleased to say that now he is doing well and responding to the treatment. (respond)

People responded to me differently when I told them I was in college. (respond)

I knocked on the door but there was no response. (respond)

The police say the response has been far better than expected. (respond)

5. She hired some experts and started her own company. (hire)

Workmen were hired to enlarge the farmhouse in 1989. (hire)

The scientist hired to design the project disagree with the boss. (hire)

Blacks remain the last hired and the first fired. (hire)

6. So far, I have been rejected five times by all the universities I applied to. (reject)

I have applied for ten jobs, but all I have got is rejections. (reject)

The government, he says, has rejected three children from a public school. (reject)

The agreement was rejected ten days ago. (reject)

7. Our visitors arrived at the appointed time. (appoint)

A lawyer was appointed to represent the kid when his parents were gone. (appoint)

I have an appointment at the clinic. (appoint)

She made an appointment to see the doctor. (appoint)

8. He was elected judge in the autumn of 1999. (elect)

In order to be elected, she must gain the support of the majority. (elect)

The party failed to win the election. (elect)

How did you vote at the last election? (elect)

9. If something tends to happen, it often happens. (tend)

In New York, everything tends to be closer together and we build up. (tend)

Several fishermen stood on the beach, tending their nets. (tend)

10. She has kept herself busy since she retired at 55. (retire)

I have persuaded her it is time that she retired. (retire)

Would I find life as a retiree boring? (retire)

We all wish you a long and happy retirement. (retire)

In his retirement, he led a life of ease. (retire)

11. The staff are not happy about the recent pay rise. (be)

The organizations were staffed by volunteers at that time. (staff)

12. Sometimes it is fun to feel scared. Why else would scary movies be so

popular? (scare)

The girl was scared when she saw the scary snake. (scare)

It is scary and I think I will be scared to death. (scare)

13. The cost of living has risen sharply. (sharp)

The road bent sharply to the right. (sharp)

The plane takes off at 10 o’clock sharp. (sharply)

14. The airline operates flights to 25 countries at present. (operate)

She also operates a website, where she shares her tips and recipes. (operate)

These patients had been operated on for the cancer but there was no evidence

of recovery. (operate)

15. A strong yuan would make imported goods expensive. (import)

Three pens that I gave you were imported from the USA. (import)

The materials of this product were imported from a US-based firm. (import)

Now 90% of the engines made in the company _ were exported to Europe.


There have never been any quality problems in our exported products. (export)

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