



1. moral: adj. 道德的; 道义上的 n. 品行;

道德; 寓意

morally adv.道德上 immoral adj. 不道德的

a moral question : 道德问题

traditional moral values 传统的道德观念

act morally 循规蹈矩

2. virtue: n. 高尚的道德; 美德; 优秀品质

virtual adj. 实质上的,实际上的,虚拟的

3. dilemma: n.困境; 进退两难的境地

face a dilemma: 面临左右为难的困境

be in a dilemma: 处于进退两难的境地

5. faint: v.昏倒;晕厥 adj.不清楚的; 微弱的

faint from hunger 饿昏过去

a faint memory 模糊的记忆

a faint light 微弱的光线

a faint smile 淡淡的微笑

a faint chance很小的机会

there is a faint hope 有一线希望

6. illustrate: v.(举例)说明;阐明; 给(书或文章)加插图

illustration n. 图解

illustrative adj. 解释性的

illustrator n. 插图画家

an illustrated book 一本有插画的书

illustrate sth with sth 用…来讲解…

illustrate what I mean 解释我的意思

to illustrate my point 为了说明的的观点

7. precious: adj. 珍稀的; 宝贵的

precious time/memories/ treasure 珍贵的时间/记忆/财宝

be precious to sb 对某人来说很珍贵

8. entrust: v. 委托; 交付

entrust sth to sb = entrust sb with sth:


be entrusted with sth./sb.被委托以某事/某人

9. carry sb through sth: 帮助某人渡过难关

carry him through the hardships 帮助他度


carry through his plan 完成他的计划

carry out 实行;履行;执行

carry on[with/doing sth] 继续[做某事]

carry away 运走;使…失去自制力

carry sb. back[ to sth.] 使某人回想起[某事]

10. marriage ['mærɪdʒ]: n. 结婚; 婚姻; 婚礼wedding

marry [ˈmærɪ]: v. 结婚; 为…主持婚礼

marry sb: 和…结婚; 嫁; 娶; 为...主持婚礼

be/get married to sb: 和…结婚

ty: n. 大部分;大多数

major: adj.主要的; 大的; 重要的


【major in+专业】

the majority of 大多数

the majority 大众,大多数人

the vast majority 绝大多数

be in the majority 占多数

major causes/source 主要原因/来源

play a major role in… 在…中扮演主角

The majority做主语,谓语动词可以用单数也可以 用复数

in: v. 抱怨; 埋怨; 发牢骚

complaint: n. 投诉; 抱怨; 控告; 不满complain[to sb] about/of sth: [向某人]抱怨/埋怨某事

complain [to sb] that… [向某人]抱怨/投诉…

make a complaint 提出投诉

make a complaint to sb. about sth.向某人抱怨…

a letter of complaint 投诉信

注意complain 后面不能直接跟人作宾语,




(向我抱怨说)no one could tell her the

feature of the house.

第 1 页

(5)We should think how to deal with the =coworker /workmate

problems instead of : v. 拒绝接受;不录用; 拒收

_____________________ n. 废品,次品;不合格者

(抱怨别人的错误). ion: n. 拒绝接受;否决

◆一句多译 reject a decision/an offer/a suggestion:

(6) 他总是向我抱怨生活有压力。 拒绝一个决定/一项提议/一个建He is always________________________ 议

the stressful life. reject sb./sth: 拒绝接受 ; 不录用 ; 拒

=He is always_______________________ 收

the stressful life. a rejection letter 一封回绝信

15. school/tuition fees 学费=tuition for refuse: v. 拒绝; 回绝; 推却;

school refuse : 拒绝做什么

extra/legal/medical fees 额外/律师/医疗 refuse sth: 拒绝; 回绝; 推却

费用 26. appoint: v. 任命;委派 disappoint: v. 使charge a fee 收取费用 an entrance fee 入失望

场费 appoint sb (as) sth: 任命某人当什么

d : vt.回答;回复; vi. 做出反应; appoint sb to sth: 派某人任某职

回应 appoint sb to do sth: 派某人做某事

response: n. 响应; 反应;回答;答复 appoint a time/place for sth/to do sth

answer: v./n. 回答; 答复 约定时间/地点做…

: 对...回答/回应/回复 appointment: n. 任命; 预约; 约会; 委任

注意:respond常用作不及物动词,后接宾have an appointment with sb. 和某人有约语时,要加介词to,这与reply用法一样,会

而answer后直接接宾语。 make an appointment 预约

se: n. 反应;回答;回复 by appointment按约定

in : 作为…的答复;响应, 回keep/cancel an appointment 遵守/取消约会

答…; an appointment letter 任命书

make no response to 对…没做回应 appointed adj. 约定的,指定的

: n.协会;联合会;工会 at the appointed time 在约定的时间

unite: v. 统一;联合;联手;团结 (1) Salmon,disabled,is attended(照united: adj. 联合的; 统一的; 团结的 料) throughout her school days by a

The Students’/ Student Union: 学生会

nurse_________(appoint)to guard her.

19. scholarship: n.奖学金 (2) I hate to rush you,(我不想催你)but I

scholar: n. 学者; 奖学金获得者 have another (appoint).

: v. 聘任;雇用;租用 n. 租借; 租用 (3)To his joy,he ___________ (appoint)

hire sth out [短期] 出租某物 as manager. After all, this represented his

hire sb. to do sth. 雇用某人做某事 ability. And the moment he received

hire的反义词:fire vt.开除,解雇 the_____________( appoint)letter,he

21. physician: n.医师;(尤指)内科医生 called and made an _________ (appoint)

phycial adj. 肉体的,物质的,有形的,with his former teacher,for whose help

物理的 he was grateful.

physician order 医嘱

nt physician:住院医师 27. clinic n. 诊所;门诊部

gue n.同事;同僚 clinician n. 临床医师

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clinical adj. 临床的 The staff + 动词单数/复数

Clinically adv. 临床地 Eg: The staff is/are working.

28. faraway: adj. 遥远的 37. retire: v. 退休; 退职;退出

far away: 在远处 retire from office/service/the world/: 退 far away from 远离,离…远 职/退役/脱离社会

in the distance: 在远处

retire as… 从…职位上退休

a faraway look/expression

retire from one’s job: 退休

心不在焉的表情 retired adj. 退休的

: vt. 选举,推选 a retired worker/teacher:退休工人/教师

30. election: n. 选举;推选;当选 retiring adj. 将要退休的

run for election : 参加竞选 retirement n. 退休,退职,退休生活

在“elect+sb.+职务”的结构中,总统、市长 take early retirement 提前退休

等独一无二的职位前不用任何冠词。 1、She was forced to retire from teaching

: n. 十年;十年期 because of ill health.

in the decade: 在这十年 2、The country’s official retiring age is

in the next decade: 在下个十年 65.[退休年龄]

in the past/last decade 在过去的十年中 (1) He has agreed to struggle on(奋斗),33. tend: v. 照顾; 照料; 倾向; 趋于 though he hopes to retire______

tendency n. 趋势;倾向 his position.

have a tendency to do sth. 倾向于做某事 (2) They will hold a party in celebration

to do sth: 易于做某事; 往往会发of her___________

生某事 (retire).

tend (to) sb/sth: 照料,照顾 (3) The other day a _________ (retire)tend to/towards + 名词: 倾向于…; 趋于… couple came to my office.

look after: 照顾; 照料 (4) My father______________ (从……take (good) care of : 照顾; 照料 退休)teaching 3 years ago.

(1)Typically,people tend __________ : n.节省物;节省;节约;(复数)储蓄(make)mistakes when tired. 金;存款

(2)The nurses were tending save: v. 救; 挽救; 储蓄; 救助;

those injured by firecrackers. 攒钱; 收集; 收藏

(3)I have a tendency save sb. from doing sth. 省了某人做某事的(talk)too much when nervous. 时间

(4) The modern furniture designs tend

39. kindergarten: n.学前班; 幼儿园

nursery: n. 托儿所


infant n.婴儿,幼儿

(5)People (往ple: n.道德原则; 法则; 原则

往需要)less sleep as they get older.

principal adj. 最重要的,主要的,资h: v.发表(作品); 出版


publisher n. 出版人[或机构];发行人 n. 校长,主要演员,主角,当事人


a man of principle 有道德准则的人

publish to the world 公之于世

be against one’s principles 违背某人的 publish under one’s real name 用真名原则


stick to your principle 恪守你的原则

print: v. 打印; 印刷;登载; 刊登

in principle 原则上,按道理,基本上

36. staff: n. 员工; 全体职员

on principle 依据[道德]原则

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(1) Anyway,I can’t cheat in the

exams—it’s __________________( 违背我的原则).

(2) (原则上),the new

software should make the accounting

system a lot simpler.


(3)Though poor,he still ________________


e: adj.被动的; 顺从的

n. 被动式,被动语态

passive voice 被动语态

active: adj. 积极的; 忙碌的; 活跃的

: adj. 害怕的; 对…感到惊慌/恐惧的

vt. 惊吓,使害怕 vi.受惊吓

scary adj. 恐怖的,吓人的

be scared/afraid/frightened of[doing]sth:


be scared to do sth. 害怕做某事

scare sb. into doing sth. 恐吓某人做某事

scare…off/away 把…吓跑

a scary moment / movie

恐怖的一刻 /恐怖片

44. sharp:


sharply adv. 急剧地,尖刻地,严厉地

sharpen v. [使]锋利,[使]提高

a sharp knife 锋利的刀

a sharp bend 急拐弯

a sharp pain 一阵剧痛

have sharp eyes 有敏锐的眼睛

have a sharp tongue 说话尖刻

a man with a sharp mind


a sharp drop/increse in prices 价格的骤降/骤升

a sharp rise in crime


a sharp increase in unemployment


45. insurance: n.保险; 保险业

insure vt. 确保,保证,给…保险

vi. 确保,投保

an/the insurance company


China Life Insurance Company:


life/car/travel/household insurance


take out insurance against ...




have insurance on…


tic: adj.精力充沛的;充满活力的

keep energetic 保持活力

energetic exercise 剧烈运动

energetically adv.精力充沛地,积极地

talk energetically 满怀热情地说

energy: n. 精力; 力量; 能源

renewable energy 可再生能源

apply/devote/put one’s energy to sth.


be full of energy 充满活力

traditional sources of energy


have the energy to do sth.



strength,force,energy 与 power


strength 体力;强度;强项

force 武力,暴力;部队

energy 精力,活力;能量

power 权力;能力;动力

(1)The teenagers have many virtues,who

are lively and (energy).

(2) He works so hard that he doesn’t

have the energy (exercise).

(3) You are always ___________

(精力充沛的). Can you tell me the secret?

(4) Do you wake up every morning


ready to start a new day?

第 4 页

e: v.接替; 取代; 更换

operate on/upon… 给...动手术

replacement n. 取代,代替 operate a computer/company 操作计算机 replace A with B 用B取代A /经营一家公司

A be replaced by B 被…取代 be easy to operate 容易操作

replace sb. as… 取代某人当… operating costs/table 运营成本/手术台

eg: replace supper with snacks operator n. 操作员,经营者

用零食代替晚饭 50. whisper: v. 悄声说;耳语;低语

replace the old with the new 除旧迎新 n. 耳语(声); 低语(声); 传言; 谣传

◆归纳拓展 in a whisper: 悄悄地


whisper about sth. 密谈某事

in place of sb. whisper to sb. 对某人窃窃私语

=in one’s place,

it is whispered that… 有人私下说…

take the place of sb. 【whisper后接双宾语时,间接宾语无论在= take one’s place


instead of 代替;而不是 whisper sth to sb= whisper to sb sth

(1)He replaced the pudding ________ 类似的结构还有:

mashed potatoes. explain sth to sb = explain to sb sth

(2) It is still under discussion whether the announce sth to sb = announce to sb sht

old bus station should (replace) introduce sth to sb = introduce to sb sth

with a modern hotel or not. suggest sth to sb = suggest to sb sth

(3) If your passport is stolen,you should report sth to sb = report to sb sth

apply for a__________(replace)

immediately. 51. midnight: n.子夜;午夜

48. accident: n.事故;车祸;失事 [指偶然发 at noon/midnight: 在中午/半夜

生的不幸事故] = in the middle of the day/night

accidental adj. 意外的,偶然 work until midnight 工作到半夜

accidentally adv. 意外地,偶然地 : -er

have an accident 出事故 n.进口; 进口商品 v. 进口;输入;引进

a fatal accident 致命的事故 n. 出口,出口商品 vt. 出口, avoid an accident 避免事故 输出,传播 -er

cause an accident 引发事故

export sth. (from…) to… (从… )向…出口 by accident 偶然地,意外地 某物

event 指重大事件或比赛项目 incident: n.(行星的)极;地极

n. 事变;冲突; (严重)事件; 暴力事件 (坐着时的)大腿部;(跑道等的)一[可以指小事件,也可指政治上的具有影响圈 v .轻拍,轻打。

力的事件或事变] [baɪt]: v. (bite-bit--bitten ) 咬;叮;蜇

幻灯片52 n.咬; (咬下的)一口; 咬伤

49. operation: n. 手术;企业;经营 be bitten by…: 对…着迷; 热衷于;被…do an operation: 做手术 咬了

put sth. into operation 使…运转,启动 beat[biːt] (beat-beat--beaten)

come into operation 投入运营 v.打;敲打;打败; (心脏)跳动

in operation 在运行 bite one’s tongue 忍住不说

have an operation on sb. 给某人做手术 bite off 咬掉

operate: v. 操作; 使用; 控制; 动手术 take/have a bite of… 咬…

第 5 页

give sb. a bite 咬某人一口

: n. 嘴唇 bite one’s lip: 竭力忍住不说话; 抑制情感的流露

58. assist : v.帮助; 援助 assistant n.助手,助理assistance n. 援助,帮助,支持

assist sb in doing…: 帮助某人做…

assist sb in(doing)/with sth:


assist sb to do sth: 帮助某人做…

with the assistance of… 在…的帮助下

give/ offer assistance to sb. 给某人以援助

59. first aid: 急救

do/make/offer/give first aid (to sb) 进行急救 financial aid 经济援助

first aid kit: 急救箱come to one’s

aid=come to the aid of sb帮某人的忙

in aid of 为了帮助…

aid v. 帮助,协助

aid sb. in [doing] sth.帮助某人做某事

aid sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人

aid sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事

60. pass away: 去世

pass by 经过

pass… on[to…] 转交,传给

pass down 把…传给后人[常用被动语态]

die: v. 死亡

death : n. 死;死亡

dead: adj. 死的

deadly: adj. 致命的

an n.主席;主持人;董事长

chairman of board/directors董事长/department 系(科)主任

63. in memory of ...: 作为对…的纪念

n. 记忆力,记忆

have a good/bad memory: 有好的/差的记忆力

memorize v.记住,熟记

memorize English words 记英语单词

1)Chairman Mao Zedong wrote an article

in memory of

him, in which he praised Dr. Bethune

as a hero to be

remembered in China.

2)We will set up a monument(纪念碑) in

memory of the

dead in the earthquake.

3)In memory of the great scientist, a new

library has been


64. chain : n. 一连串(人或事);链子; 连锁商店

break a chain: 弄断链子

a chain of supermarkets

= a supermarket chain: 连锁超市

a chain of restaurants 连锁餐厅

department store/ restaurant/hotel



a chain reaction 连锁反应

food chain 食物链

1)I am sure you have heard the famous

country music

song “Chain of Love”.

2)She wore a heavy gold chain around her


ss: n.(餐馆的)女服务员;女侍者

waiter: n. 男服务员; 男侍者

actor: n. 男演员

actress: n. 女演员

host: n. 男主人

hostess: n. 女主人

67. pregnant: adj.怀孕的,妊娠的;充盈着

be pregnant with [a child]…: 怀上[孩子]

be pregnant with admiration 饱含欣赏之情

give birth to…: 生(孩子/动物)

a pregnant woman 一位怀孕的妇女

pregnancy n. 妊娠,怀孕

during pregnancy 在怀孕期间

se: v. 装扮;假扮;掩盖 n. 伪装;化装用具

disguise sb./oneself as… 把某人/自己伪装成…

in disguise: 伪装; 假装; 乔装打扮

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71. spill: v.(使)洒出; (使)溢出 (spilt -- do/cause harm/ damage to sb/sth = be

spilt; spilled -- spilled) harmful to 对…有害,伤害…

spill(sth.)out 喷涌出来,倾诉… be harmless to 对…无害

spill over 溢出 spill into… 洒向…/流 come to no harm 没有受到伤害/损害

入…/涌向… do more harm than good 弊大于利

it is no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难 it does no harm to do sth.

收 =there is no harm in doing sth

spit (spat/spit,…) : v. 吐; 吐痰;吐口水 做某事无妨/做某事无害

spit in someone’s eye 轻视某人

: n.力量; 威力

spit on/at/in…: 吐口水 mighty adj. 强有力的,巨大的,非凡的

No spitting! 严禁吐痰! adv. 非常,极其

72. trip over (sth.): 被…绊倒

with all one’s might 用尽全力

trip over the stone 被石头绊倒 power: n. 力量; 体力; 电力

trip and fall 绊了一下摔倒了 strength: n. 强度; 力量; 体力; 毅力

trip: v. 绊; 绊倒; 将…绊倒; 使跌倒 n. 80. a great/good deal (of + 不可数名词): 大旅行; 旅游 量

: v. 跛行;一瘸一拐地走 -ed a lot of = lots of = plenty of + 不可数名 lame: adj. 跛的; 瘸的 -d 词/名词复数: 大量; 许多

sb. be lame/blind/: learn a great deal 学到了很多

某人(腿/眼睛/耳朵)是瘸的/瞎的/聋的 know a great deal about sb. 对某人了解很 : n. 眼泪; 泪水 v. 撕裂/掉/碎/破/多

开 feel a great deal better 感觉好多了

burst into tears=burst out crying突然大哭 mean a great deal 意义重大

起来 le : adj. 灵活的;可变通的;易弯曲 be filled with tears 眼里充满泪水 的

move sb. to tears 把某人感动得流泪 inflexible adj. 顽固的,不易弯曲的

be close to tears 几乎落泪 -ly

hold back one’s tears 忍住泪水 flexible policy 灵活的政策

r: n. 绝望 v.绝望;感到无望 flexible mind 头脑灵活

despair of sb./sth.: 对...绝望; 丧失信心 be flexible in 在某方面灵活的

despair of[doing] sth 对做某事感到绝望 87. tension : n.紧张关系; 紧张; 焦虑

lose heart: 泄气; 灰心 lose hope: 失望 reduce/relieve/ease tension 减压

77. in despair: 处于绝望中

a tension between…and… …间的紧张关系

give up the struggle in despair 绝望中放弃 create an atmosphere of tension 制造紧张斗争 a cry of despair 绝望的叫声 气氛

drive sb. to despair 把某人逼得走投无路 tense: adj. 紧张的; 担心的

78. harm: n./v. 伤害; 损害 nervous: adj. 神经质的; 焦虑的;

harmful adj. 有害的harmless adj. 无 担忧的; 惶恐的

害的 anxious: adj. 焦虑的; 忧虑的;

渴望的; 担心的

第 7 页

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