



题型有:1. Get the person to talk. Try to get him or her to tell you not only about

the depression itself, but about the fears, wishes, or losses that underlie it. This is

often difficult, of course, but it can be very useful. If nothing else, it will reassure the

person that someone cares. 2. Don’t tell a depressed person that things are “not

that bad. “ To him or her, they are. 3. Keep the person active. Depression causes

apathy and lethargy (倦怠), which lead to more depression, and so on. Productive or

entertaining activities can help break this vicious cycle. Very often a change of scene

or a vacation can be effective. 4. If you are struggling with depression yourself,

make yourself do something, however trivial it may seem. Make your bed or clean up

your room, for example. You will be able to tell yourself you’ve accomplished

something. 5. If serious depression reaction persists for more than two weeks, you

should begin to seek medical help. 6. If you have a depressive reaction after a

major illness, surgery, or traumatic (外伤的) event, it’s probably not depression in the

clinical sense. Just get plenty of rest and wait it out.

11. The purpose of getting a depressed person to talk is to reassure him


A.things are not that bad

B.someone is concerned about him

C.it will not do to keep silent

D.you can help him out of the trouble


解析:本题问使情绪沮丧的人说些什么的目的是为了什么。根据文章中的第一个如何帮助人摆脱沮丧心情的方法,使情绪低落的人聊天,试着让她或他告诉你她(他)的沮丧的心情以及潜在的恐惧、希望、失落等。当然,这么做起来并不容易,但会很有用。因为它可以使情绪低落的人安心,感到有人关心。因此,本题的正确答案应是B“使他相信有人关心他”。 知识模块:阅读

12. All the following will prove helpful for a depressed person


A.keeping him active

B.letting him have a vacation

C.waiting for him to tell you his trouble

D.involving him in entertaining activities



好方法。作者在第一自然段最后一句话中提出问题:应该坚持自己的观点而等着他自己突然摆脱低落的情绪吗?显然,作者是不赞同等着让情绪低落的人自己告诉别人他的沮丧和摆脱低落的情绪的。因此,本题的正确答案应是C“等着让情绪低落的人自己告诉你他的烦恼”。 知识模块:阅读

13. In order to fight against your own depression, you should______.

A.drop everything you are doing

B.avoid anyone who comes to offer help

C.go to doctors as soon as possible

D.do something no matter how unimportant it seems to be


解析:本题是一道具体细节题。问为了消除自己的低落情绪,应该怎样做。利用查阅式阅读法,我们看到文章中第四个方法就是如何使自己摆脱沮丧的心情的。文章指出,应该使自己做点什么事,不管这事有多么不重要,如整理床铺、打扫房间等。这样自己能有一些成就感。因此,本题的正确答案应是D。 知识模块:阅读

14. What does the phrase “sit tight” in the last sentence of the first paragraph


A.Take a fixed seat.

B.Stick firmly to one’s opinion.

C.Sit closed in a small place.

D.Fasten the seat belt.


解析:本题是一道词组含义类问题。问第一段最后一句话中的sit tight是什么意思。根据文章上下文,我们可以推断出该词组是指“坚持目标、意见;固执己见”等。因此,本题的正确答案应是B。 知识模块:阅读

15. What is the main idea of this passage?

A.How to help those suffering from depression after a serious illness.

B.How to get those you are concerned about out of depression.

C.How to help oneself overcome the depression feeling.

D.How to help oneself and others get out of low spirits.


解析:本题问全文的主题是什么。利用浏览式阅读法,根据文章各段所讲述的内容,不难看出全文主要是在介绍如何帮助自己和他人摆脱低落的情绪的方法的。因此,本题的正确答案应是D。 知识模块:阅读

For centuries Dutch engineers have been fighting a war against water. Their

main enemy is the sea. A large part of the country is below sea level. In fact, Holland

is also called the “Netherlands,” which means “low lands. “ Very tall and strong walls,

called dykes, have been built to keep out the sea. But in very rough weather the sea

may suddenly burst through a dyke, great damage can be caused by floods when this

happens. Three large rivers are also part of the problem. These rivers are the

Rhine, the Maas and the Scheldt. They flow through Holland into the North Sea. They

have cut many passages across the country. At low tide, the rivers flow into the sea as

usual. But at high tide the sea can flow into the rivers. This is because the land is so

low. The battles against water never end, but they have made Holland a bigger

and better country. In order to prevent floods, the engineers take, or reclaim (开垦,改造) land that was under water. The Dutch have been reclaiming land for seven

hundred years. Land is usually reclaimed from a passage between two islands.

Two dykes are built across the passage, so they block the water between them. Then

the engineers dig long canals and pump the water into them. At low tide, the canals

empty the water into the sea. Because the land is so low, water from the sea and

rivers can rise up through the ground. For this reason, the pumps continue working

even when the land has been drained (that is, when the water has been pumped away).

The dykes contain gates, and through these the water is pumped out. In many parts of

Holland, pumps must be working all the time. If they stopped, there would be very

bad floods. A piece of reclaimed land is called a polder (新辟的低地), and

Holland has thousands of polders. Some are very large, but others are quite small.

There are farms on many of the polders. Corn and other crops grow well on the

drained land, and it gives good grass for cattle. Many small towns and villages stand

on polders. Even Amsterdam’s great airport, Schiphol, was built on reclaimed land.

This land used to be under the old Lake Haarlem.

16. Which of the following can be chosen as the best title of this passage?

A.The Dykes in the Netherlands.

B.The Three Large Rivers in Holland.

C.The Fighting Against Water in Holland.

D.The Reclaiming of Land in the Netherlands.


解析:本题问下面哪个选项可用作本文的最佳标题。通读全文,文章第一段指出:几个世纪以来荷兰的工程师一直在与水作斗争。他们的主要敌人是海洋。这个国家的大部分土地都低于海平面。实际上荷兰也叫尼德兰,它的意思是“低地”。人们建起又高又坚固的墙,称做海堤来阻挡海水。但是,在天气恶劣时,海水可能会冲垮海堤,这样洪水就会带来巨大的损失。接着在文章的后面部分,作者讲到三条大河也是问题的一部分。它们经荷兰流入北海,它们在荷兰的土地上冲出许多河道。在退潮时,河水像往常一样流人大海,但涨潮时海水会流入到河流中,这是因为陆地太低。因此同水的斗争永无休止。为了阻止洪水,工程师们从水底开发或开垦土地。所以全文是围绕着荷兰人与水的斗争来写的。因此,本题的正确答案应是C。 知识模块:阅读

17. The engineers in Holland reclaim land from the sea in order to______.

A.prevent floods

B.make the country larger

C.make Holland better

D.build farm land


解析:本题是一道具体细节题。问荷兰的工程师从海洋里来开垦土地的目的是为了什么。利用查阅式阅读法,我们可以在文章的第三段中到相关的内容。这段指出,同水的斗争没有止境,但却使荷兰的国土变得更广更好。为了阻止洪水,工程师们从水底开发土地,或者说开垦土地。荷兰人这样开垦土地已经有700多年了。因此,本题的正确答案应是A“为了阻止洪水”。 知识模块:阅读

18. If the pumps stop working there will be a very bad flood because______.

A.at high tide the water will run back

B.the land is so low that water will rise up through the drained land

C.the battle against water has no end

D.in rough weather the sea may burst through the dykes


解析:本题是一道具体细节题。问如果抽水机停止工作,将会有更严重的洪水,原因是什么。根据文章第五段,由于荷兰的陆地太低,海里、河里的水会从地下冒出来。因此,即使水已经被排干(或水已被抽走),抽水机还得继续工作。这些堤坝都有闸门,水是通过它们抽出去的。在荷兰许多地方,抽水机必须一直工作,要是停止运转的话,就会导致严重的洪水灾害。因此,本题的正确答案应是B“因为荷兰的陆地地势太低,如果抽水机停止工作,水会从抽干了的土地里又流出来”。 知识模块:阅读

19. We can infer from the passage that______.

A.because the land is so low, the sea can flow back into the rivers at high tide

B.Dutch engineers do not reclaim land from a passage between two islands

C.water is the main enemy of Holland because it has a lot of rivers

D.the fighting against water has made the country higher and better


解析:本题是一道引申推断类问题。问我们可以从文章中推断出什么。针对每个选项的内容,利用查阅式阅读法,结合原文相关部分,我们可以出本题的正确答案应是A“由于陆地太低,涨潮时,海水会倒流人河流中”。参见题解1及文章第二段内容。B“荷兰工程师不是在两个小岛间的通道下开垦土地的”。根据文章第四段,人们通常是从两个小岛间的通道下开垦土地的。他们在通道两端筑起河堤把水关起来。然后,工程师们挖出一些长长的运河道把水抽进去。在退潮时这些运河道就把河水排入大海了。此选项不正确。C“由于荷兰有许多河流,因此水是荷兰人的一大天敌”。根据文章内容,荷兰人与水作斗争不仅因为河水,还因为海水。D“与水的斗争使得荷兰这个国家变得更高了、更好了”。参见题解2。 知识模块:阅读

20. The author writes this passage to______the readers.






解析:本题是一道作者写作目的类问题。问作者写本文的目的是为了什么。根据文章内容和体裁及作者所使用的词句,我们可以推断出本题的正确答案应是D“是为了给人们提供信息,告知大家某些事情”。 知识模块:阅读

One hundred and thirteen million Americans have at least one bank-issued

credit card. They give their owners automatic credit on stores, restaurants, and hotels,

at home, across the country, and even abroad, and they make many banking services

available as well. More and more of these credit cards can be read automatically,

making it possible to withdraw or deposit money in scattered locations, whether or not

the local branch bank is open. For many of us the “cashless society” is not on the

horizon—it’s already here. While computers offer these conveniences to

consumers, they have many advantages for sellers too. Electronic cash registers can

do much more than simply ring up sales. They can keep a wide range of records,

including who sold what, when, and to whom. This information allows businessmen

to keep track of their list of goods by showing which items are being sold and how

fast they are moving. Decisions to record or return goods to suppliers can then be

made. At the same time these computers record which hours are busiest and which

employees are the most efficient, allowing personnel and staffing assignments to be

made accordingly. And they also identify preferred customers for promotional

campaigns. Computers are relied on by manufacturers for similar reasons. Computer

analyzed marketing reports can help to decide which products to emphasize now,

which to develop for the future, and which to drop. Computers keep track of goods in

stock, of raw materials on hand, and even of the production process itself.

Numerous other commercial enterprises, from theaters to magazine publishers, from

gas and electric utilities to milk processors, bring better and more efficient services to

consumers through the use of computer.

21. According to the passage, the credit card enables its owner to______.

A.withdraw as much money from the bank as he wishes

B.obtain more convenient services than other people do

C.enjoy greater trust from the storekeeper

D.cash money wherever he wishes to



式阅读法,我们可以在文章的第一段中到相关信息。第一段利用一系列的实例说明了信用卡给其使用者带来的诸多方便,第二段第一句的前半句也总结概括了第一段的段落大意。因此,本题的正确答案应是B“可以为其带来更多的、别的人享受不到的便利”。 知识模块:阅读

22. From the last sentence of the first paragraph we learn that______.

A.in the future all the Americans will use credit cards

B.credit cards are mainly used in the United States today

C.nowadays many Americans do not pay in cash

D.it is now more convenient to use credit cards than before


解析:问从第一段最后一句话我们可以了解到什么。文章第一段最后一句指出:对许多美国人来说,“无现金社会”已经来到,而不是将要来到。因此,本题的正确答案应是C“现在许多美国人在消费时不用现金付费了”。 知识模块:阅读

23. The phrase “ring up sales” (Line 2, Para. 2) most probably means______.

A.make an order of goods

B.record sales on a cash register

C.call the sales manager

D.keep track of the goods in stock


解析:本题是一道词组含义类问题。问文章第二段中的短语ring up sales的意思可能是什么。根据文章上下文,“register”义为:计数器,记录器。原文中ring up义为:将……记录在计数器内,sales义为:销售额。同一段后文指出:除了记录销售额以外,计算机在商业上还有更广泛的用途,而记录销售额是电子收款机最基本的功能。因此,本题的正确答案应是B“用记录器记录销售额”。 知识模块:阅读

24. What is this passage mainly about?

A.Approaches to the commercial use of computers.

B.Conveniences brought about by computers in business.

C.Significance of automation in commercial enterprises.

D.Advantages of credit cards in business.


解析:本题问文章的主题是什么。通读全文内容,我们可以发现本文的主旨陈述在第二段第一句。该句意为:计算机在给消费者诸多方便的同时,也给销售者带来许多方便。最后一段还指出了计算机在其他方面的使用给消费者带来的益处。可见,电子收款机与信用卡的使用都是计算机在商业上应用的实例,本文旨在指出计算机的应用在商业上给人们带来的诸多方便。因此,本题的正确答案应是B。 知识模块:阅读

25. All the following can benefit from computers according to the passage







解析:本题是一道具体细节题。问下面哪种人不是文章中提到的可以从计算机中受益的人。本篇文章的主题是计算机在商业中给商人、销售者、消费者带来的益处,并未提到给教师带来好处,因此本题的正确答案应选C。 知识模块:阅读

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