



1. I confess I hesitated when the editor in chief of The New York Times Magazine told me in late 2014 that I would be

editing a new front-of-book column called Letter of Recommendation, about stuff people really like.


【句子结构】整句话的主干是:I confess I hesitated

枝干:I confess 后接省略了that的宾语从句;when…引导时间状语从句;told me in late 2014 that… 宾语从句;called可以看作是定语从句的省略which is,即过去分词作定语


词组:edit 编辑;hesitate 犹豫

2. Studying abroad is an area that is becoming increasingly interesting for researchers, as more students are choosing to

do a semester, a year or even a degree in another country.


【句子结构】整句话的主干是:Studying abroad is an area

枝干:an area that定语从句;as…引导时间状语从句,翻译成“随着…”;

句型:Studying abroad 现在分词作主语; 定语从句;时间状语从句

词组:study abroad 出国留学;do a semester 攻读一个学期

3. The researchers unexpectedly found that there were more soil bacteria carrying antibiotic-resistant genes when they

were grown with the manure than when they were grown with synthetic nitrogen-based fertilize-even though the cows

were drug-free.


【句子结构】整句话的主干是:there were more soil bacteria carrying…when…than when…

枝干:The researchers unexpectedly found that宾语从句;carrying 现在分词作状语;when引导时间状语从句;than比较级;even though…让步状语从句


词组:be grown with… 用…种植的; drug-free 无药物的

4. Previous research had found that manure from pigs treated with antibiotics contains resistant bacteria, but the cow-pie

results suggest there are more factors promoting resistance besides antibiotic use.


【句子结构】整句话的主干是:manure contains resistant bacteria, but there are more factors

枝干:previous research had found that宾语从句;treated with antibiotics 过去分词作定语;promoting resistance 现在分词作状语


词组:treated with…用…的;factors 因素


1. To get used to seeing another person's body without actually having control of it, participants start by raising their

arms and legs very slowly, so that the others can follow along.


【句子结构】整句话的主干是:participants start by raising their arms and legs very slowly

枝干:to get used to seeing… 不定式表示目的;without doing/by doing 介词短语;so that…引导结果状语从句


词组:get used to doing 习惯于做某事;raise…举起…;follow 跟随

2. The idea is that once you put yourself in another's shoes, you're less likely to think ill of them because your brain has

internalized the feeling of being that person.


【句子结构】整句话的主干是:you’re less likely to think ill of them

枝干:the idea is +that表语从句;once 表示“一旦”连接时间状语从句;because… 原因状语从句


词组:put yourself in another’s shoes 换位思考;internalize… 内化成…

3. Unhealthy health care bills, long emergency-room waits and inability to find a primary care physician just scratch the

surface of the problems that patients face daily.


【句子结构】整句话的主干是:A,B and C just scratch the surface of the problems

枝干:to find a primary care physician 不定式作定语;that 引导定语从句


词组:inability to…未能…;patients 病人

4. The recent numbers show that since 1997, newly graduated U. S. medical students who choose primary care as a

career declined by 50%.


【句子结构】整句话的主干是:U.S. medical students declined by 50%

枝干:the recent numbers show+that宾语从句;who引导的定语从句;newly graduated 复合词


词组:choose…as… 选择…作为…;decline by…下降了…

5. Make primary care more attractive food to medical students by forgiving students loans for those who choose primary

care as a career and harmonizing the marked difference between specialist and primary care physician salaries.


【句子结构】整句话的主干是:make primary care more attractive food to medical students

枝干:by doing 介词短语;those who定语从句,and并列句


词组:forgive 原谅;harmonize the marked difference协调显著的差异


1. That 1,442 kilometre journey, which he finished in June, took just over a month, during which an infected blister (水泡)swelled to the 'size of a tennis ball’.


【句子结构】整句话的主干是:that 1,442 kilometre journey took just over a month.

枝干:,which引导非限制性定语从句;during which…介词+关系词引导定语从句


词组:infected 受到感染的;swell to… 肿胀到…

2. After reaching Adelaide ,he made his way to Melbourne and from there to Sydney .A support team of seven people

trailed from all the way in a four-wheel drive vehicle, which included camping equipment for night shops.


【句子结构】整句话的主干是:he made his way to Melbourne and from there to Sydney,a support team trailed all the




词组:make one’s way to… 前往…;include doing 包含做某事

3. The broad use of terra-cotta was such that workers in clay could generally afford to limit .themselves to either

decorated ware and housewares like cooking pots and storage jars or building materials.


【句子结构】整句话的主干是:The broad use of terra-cotta was…

枝干:such that…方式状语从句;either…or…选择疑问句“要么…要么…”


词组:afford to… 可以承担的起…;limit oneself to… 把某人限制到…

4. The organization's researchers wrote algorithms (算法)that use signals from the collars to automatically detect when

an animal stops moving (indicating it may be dead), slows down (suggesting it may be injured) or heads toward a danger

zone, such as an area known for poaching.


【句子结构】整句话的主干是:The organization’s researchers wrote algorithms

枝干:algorithms that定语从句;when…引导时间状语从句


词组:signal 信号;detect 发现;head toward…朝…地方去



In a case which has already cost the taxpayer

£1,000,000 the judge ruled that it was beyond the powers of the local

authority to add the chemical to the water in order to reduce tooth decay.


【句子结构】整句话的主干是:the judge ruled that it was beyond the powers of the local authorities to add the chemical

to the water

枝干:in a case where定语从句;in 为了


词组:rule 判决;beyond the powers of sb. 超过某人的权力

2. It is argued that growth is good for biodiversity in the long run as there is an environmental Kuznets curve where

environmental conditions get worse in the early stages of modern economic growth, but improve once a growth level has

been reached.


【句子结构】整句话的主干是:growth is good for biodiversity

枝干:it is it作形式主语;as...引导原因状语从句;关系副词引导一个定语从句


词组:economic growth 经济增长;reach a growth level 达到一个增长水平

3. This can be seen in the WWF annual Report, where species population trends are increasing by 7% in high-income

countries and declining in middle- and low-income countries by 31% and 60% respectively.


【句子结构】整句话的主干是:This can be seen in the WWF annual Report

枝干:where引导定语从句;high-income/middle-and low-income 复合词


词组:species population trends 人口趋势增长;high-income 高收入


1. The wind caused by huge road trains, the lorries that thunder across the Outback, was so powerful that he was sometimes

blown off his board.


【句子结构】整句话的主干是:The wind was so powerful

枝干:后置定语,相当于定语从句which is ;so....结果状语从句


词组:由...引起的;be 被吹走;

2. The journey has smashed the previous record for a long-distance skateboard, set by an American, Jack Smith, who

covered 4,800 kilometres across the US in 2003.


【句子结构】整句话的主干是:The journey has smashed the previous record

枝干:set by 过去分词作后置定语;who引导定语从句


词组:smash the record 打破记录;set up the record 创造记录;cover覆盖

3. Whether it was the potters or the vase-painters who initiated changes in firing is unclear; the functions of making and

decorating were usually divided between them, but neither group can have been so specialized that they did not share in the

concerns of the other.


【句子结构】整句话的主干是:whether A or B is unclear; the functions were divided between them,

枝干:定语从句;can have been 情态动词+have done表示肯定的推测;so... 结果状语从句

句型:定语从句;情态动词have done;结果状语从句

词组:initiate change 引领改变;share 分享;speicalized 专业化

4. Unlike traditional tracking collars, many of which send geographical coordinates infrequently or store them onboard for

later retrieval, these devices' real-time feeds enable rangers to react quickly.


【句子结构】整句话的主干是:these devices’ real-time feeds enable rangers to react quickly

枝干:介词短语;many 引导定语从句


词组:store 储存;enable sb. to do sth. 使得某人做某事

5. It also integrates a wealth of other information, including the positions of nearby rangers, vehicles and aircraft, as well as

detected gunshots, camera trap feeds, arrest and crime-scene records, weather, and more.


【句子结构】整句话的主干是:it also integrates a wealth of other information

枝干:including现在分词作状语;as well as连词


词组:a 大量的...;detected 发现的


1. By the time the fire was fully contained in the early hours of Tuesday, April 16, 2019, most of the cathedral’s ceiling,

as well as its wooden spire - which had proudly stood 93 meters above the roof for centuries - had collapsed.


【句子结构】整句话的主干是:most of the cathedral’s ceiling had collapsed.

枝干:By the time… 时间状语从句;which 引导非限制性定语从句;as well as… 连词


词组:contain 控制;stand above 矗立于…;collapse 倒塌

2. The timetable was sped up not because mink had become more adorable, but because they can contract covid-19 and

spread it to humans.


【句子结构】整句话的主干是:the timetable was sped up ,



词组:adorable 可爱的;contract 感染

3. Some members of parliament claim that the compensation paid for destroying the infected minks was higher than the

market price for their fur.


【句子结构】整句话的主干是:the compensation was higher than the market price

枝干:some members of parliment claim that宾语从句;比较级;后置定语;infected 过去分词作形容词修饰minks


词组:支付;infected 受感染的


1. Animals don't have the same social inhibitions(抑制;顾虑)as humans do, and this was certainly the case when Ri

took her dog, Ben, to the local dog park.


【句子结构】整句话的主干是:animals don’t have the same social inhibitions

枝干:as引导方式状语从句;the case when定语从句


词组:certainly 一定地;local当地的

2. Despite this "display of resilience" in the face of sea-level rise, the people of Tel Hreiz eventually left the village and,

over time, both the seawall and village were lost to sea


【句子结构】整句话的主干是:the people of Tel Hreiz eventually left the village



词组:be lost to sea 消失在大海;diplay of resilience 表现出了韧性

3. While the rate at the moment is considerably lower than what these Neolithic people were facing, it is expected that

many of the world's coastal towns and cities will be impacted in the next century.


【句子结构】整句话的主干是:many of the world’s coastal towns and cities will be impacted in the next century.

枝干:while引导让步状语从句;比较级;it is it作形式主语;what these Neolithic people

were facing宾语从句


词组:consider考虑;be impacted 被影响


1. Some were created by famous artists, including a 19-year-old Michelangelo, who in 1494 was appointed by the ruler

of Florence, Italy, to build a snowman in his mansion's courtyard.


【句子结构】整句话的主干是:Some were created by famous artists

枝干:including现在分词作状语;who引导定语从句;to build不定式表示目的


词组:be 被...任命

2. On the third Monday of April, the holiday Sechselauten is kicked off when a cotton snowman called the Boogg is

stuffed with explosive and paraded through town by bakers and other tradesmen who throw bread to the crowds.


【句子结构】整句话的主干是:the holiday Sechselauten is kicked off

枝干:on the third Monday of April 介词短语作时间状语;when引导时间状语从句;who引导定语从句;called作后置定语


词组:be kicked off开始;be 充满;parade 游行

3. Future fitting-room mirrors in clothing stores could subtly adjust your reflection to make you look-and hence feel-happier, encouraging you to like what you see.


【句子结构】整句话的主干是:mirrors could adjust your reflection

枝干:复合词fitting-room;to make you look 不定式表示目的;encouraging现在分词作状语; feel happier 比较级;

what you see 宾语从句


词组:encourage sb. to do 鼓励某人去做某事;

4. Yoshida and his colleagues tested whether manipulating the volunteers' emotional state would influence their






词组:test测试;emotional state 情绪状态;preference 偏好

本文发布于:2024-09-22 08:27:44,感谢您对本站的认可!



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