

EPISODE 1 “46 Linden Street”


On a ferryboat in New York Harbor. We can see the Statue of Liberty. Richard

Stewart, 30, is taking pictures.

Richard:Excuse me. 1 My name is 2 Richard Stewart I'm a photographer3. May I 4

take a picture of you and your little boy?

Mrs. Vann:What's it for? 5

Richard:It's for a book.

Mrs. Vann:You're writing a book?

Richard:It's a book of pictures 6. I call it Family Album, U.S.A.

Mrs. Vann:Oh, that's a nice idea Well, it's fine if you take our picture. I'm Martha

vann. [She offers her hand.]7

Richard:Thank you. I appreciate your help. 8 [to the little boy]I'm 9 Richard. What's

your name?


Richard:How old are you, Gerald?


Richard:And where do you live?

Mrs. Vann:We live in California10.

Richard:Well, welcome to New York.11 OK, just a second. 12 [He takes out a

reflector 13 to have more light for his photographs.] I'm almost ready here.

[Alexandra, a sixteen-year-old girl, is watching.]

Alexandra:Can I help you?

Richard:Oh, please. [He gives her the reflector to hold. Then he speaks to Mrs. Vann

and her son.] Hold Gerald's hand, please. Great! Now point14 to the buildings.

Terrific! 15 Give Mommy a kiss, 16 Gerald. Nice! Thank you, Gerald. And thank

you, Mrs. Vann.

Mrs. Vann:Oh, my pleasure 17 We'll be looking for your book.18

Richard:Thank you. ,19 Gerald.[to Alexandra]Thanks 20 again.

Alexandra:Oh, you're welcome 21.

Richard:Hey, 22 let me take your picture!

Alexandra:Wonderful. Please.

Richard:Are you from New York?

Alexandra:No, I'm from Greece23. I'm an exchange student24.

Richard:When did you come here?

Alexandra:Three months ago.

Richard:Your English is very good.

Alexandra:Thanks. 25 I studied English in school. [They sit on a bench.]

Richard:Would you like some coffee?

Alexandra:No, thank you. Tell me about your book.

Richard:Oh, it's not finished yet, but I have some of the pictures. Would you like to

see them?

Alexandra:Yes. I'd like that.

Richard:Here they are. 26[He opens his bag and takes out a photo album27.]Family

Album, U.S.A. It's an album of pictures of the United States:the cities, the special

places, and the people. [He shows her the photos.] And these are pictures of people

working:steelworkers, 28 bankers,29 police, street vendors, 30 ambulance drivers,31

doctors… Oh, this is my father. He's a doctor. This is my mother.

“It's an album of pictures of the United States.”

Alexandra:What's her name?

Richard:Ellen. My younger brother, Robbie. He goes to high school. This is my sister

Susan. She works for a toy32 company. Here's my grandfather. He lives in

Florida. And this is my wife Marilyn.

Alexandra:Oh, she's very pretty.

Richard:Thanks. 33 And what about34 your family?

Alexandra:They are in Thessaloniki. That's a large city in northern Greece. But now

I'm living in the Bronx35.

Richard:With a Greek-American family?

Alexandra:No. Hispanic. 36

Richard:[He hears a foghorn.] Oh no! It's five thirty37. Will you excuse me? I

have to meet my wife.

Alexandra:It was nice meeting you.38

Richard:It was a pleasure meeting you,39 too. Thanks for your help. And good luck!

I've got to go. 40 By the way, 41 I'm Richard. What's your name?


Richard:Bye-bye, Alexandra. Thanks.

Alexandra:Bye-bye. [Richard hurries off the boat. Alexandra sees that he forgot

one of his bags. She takes it and begins to follow him.] Richard! Richard! You left

your bag!



1.Excuse me.对不起,麻烦你。 Use this expression to get someone's attention. 这是一个用于在与别人交谈时引起对方注意的惯用短语。

2.My name is…我名叫……。 Use this phrase to introduce yourself. 自我介绍时所用的短语。

3.photographer:A photographer's job is to take pictures with a camera. 摄影师。

4.May I…=Can I…? 我可以……吗?Use“May I” or“Can I” to ask for permission.

May is more polite than can. 此短语用于征求对方许可时。

May I…?等于Can I…? 但前者比后者更为客气些。例如:May I take a picture of

you and Yourlittle boy? 我可以为你和你的小男孩儿拍张照片吗?

5.What's it for?(拍照片)做什么用?

6.pictures:photographs. 照片。

7.She offers her hand. 她(向对方)伸出手。

8.I appreciate your help. = Thank you for helping me. 谢谢你的帮助。

9.I'm…我是……。 use I'm to introduce yourself. 这也是用于自我介绍的短语。


11.Well, welcome to New York. 噢,欢迎你们到纽约来。

12.OK, just a second. 好,请稍等一下。


14.point:to use your finger to show direction. 指向,指着。

15.Terrific! If you say something is terrific, you mean that you are very pleased with

it or are very impressed by it. [美俚]极妙,了不起的。

16.Give Mommy a kiss. 亲亲妈妈。

17.my pleasure:别客气。 Use this expression after someone says Thank you. 这是用来回敬别人说“谢谢”的惯用语。

18.We'll be looking for your book. 我们一定去买你的书。

19.bye, = Good-bye. 再见。

20.thanks:=Thank you.谢谢。

21.You're welcome. 不用谢,别客气。 Use this expression after someone says

Thank you. 意思及用法同:“My pleasure”。

22.Hey.嘿! This word shows that Richard has a new idea. It is a very informal word.



24.exchange student:An exchange student goes to school in a different country for a

short time and lives with a family in that country. 交换学生。

25.Thanks. 不仅用于接受了别人的帮助之后,还用于听到别人的表扬或赞扬之后。

26.Here they are. =They are here. 就在这里。 Thisword order is common when

you find something and want to show it. 当你把东西给别人看时就用这句话。单数时用Here it is。

27.photo album:a book of photographs.相片簿,影集。

28.steel workers:钢铁工人。


30.street vendors:街头小贩。

31.ambulance drivers:救护车驾驶员。

32.toy:something a child plays with. 玩具。

33.Thanks. 同样用于听到别人表扬或赞扬你的亲属时。

34.what about…=Tell me about…跟我谈谈……好吗?

35.the Bronx:one of the five boroughs, or areas, of New York City. The other

boroughs are Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island. 纽约市的五个行政区之一。

36.Hispanic:Spanish-speaking. 西班牙语系的,拉丁美洲的。Alexandra和一个讲西班牙语的家庭一起生活。

37.five thirty:五点半。

38.It was nice meeting you. =39。

39.It was a pleasure meeting you. 很高兴认识你。与新朋友第一次见面时可用此用语告别。

40.I've got to go.=I must go.我得走了。

41.By the way…:顺便说一下。 Use this phrase to change the topic of





下面是Focus In的文字部分,供参考

ACTⅠ Family Album, U.S.A.

He's 17.

It's an album of pictures of the United States.

Richard takes many pictures for his album.

He photographs the cities like New Yorkand other special places.

He photographs people working:police, ambulance drivers, steel workers, and


Philip Stewart, Richard's father, is a doctor.

He's a pediatrician, a children's doctor.

And Richard's mother, Ellen Stewart, is a home maker

His brother Robbie, Ellen Stewart, is a home maker.

Richard has one sister.

Her name is Susan.

She works for a toy company in New York City.

Malcolm Stewart is Richard's grandfather.

He's 72 years old and lives in Florida.

And this is Richard's wife, Marilyn Stewart.

She is a fashion designer and a sales clerk in a boutique in New York City.

You'll meet Marilyn Stewart and all of the other Stewarts in Family Album, U.S.A.

Useful Language

●introduce yourself:自我介绍

My name is…


●ask for permission:征求同意

May I take a picture of you and your little boy?

●introduce a conversation:引出话题

By the way…

●thank someone:向人道谢

I appreciate your help.

Thank you.

Thanks again.

●respond to someone thanking you:回答别人的道谢

My pleasure.

You're welcome.

●start talking to a stranger:与陌生人攀谈

Excuse me.

●say good-bye after meeting someone for the first


It was nice meeting you.

It was a pleasure meeting you.

●describe something:描述事、物

A small canvas bag.

●compliment someone:赞美别人

I think it looks terrific on you.

●make suggestions:提出建议

Try this (sweater).

How about green?


I'm sorry I'm so late.

I'm really sorry.

●ask for help:请求协助

Can you help me?

●reassure someone:为人打气

Don't worry.

●ask if someone found something:询问别人是否捡到东西

Did anyone find a small canvas bag?

●introduce someone:介绍别人

Let me introduce you.

This is…

●respond to an introduction:介绍后回答

How do you do?

It's nice to meet you.

●correct yourself:改正言辞错误

It's Richard's film! I mean, Alexandra Pappas.


Would you like something to eat?

Would you like to call home?

Can I drive you home?

●thank someone:向人道谢

I'm so glad you took the time and trouble to return (the bag).

●respond to thanks:回答别人的道谢

It was no trouble.

●accept an offer:接受别人好意

I'd appreciate that.

●refuse an offer:婉拒别人好意

No, thanks.

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