


9A Unit 5 单词知识点讲义

1. pleasant adj. 令人愉快的

more pleasant/the most pleasant.

a pleasant trip/ day/moment

Art is something pleasant .艺术是令人愉快的事情

I have found sth more pleasant than art.

—How was your recent trip to Thailand?

—I’ve never had one before.

A.the more pleasant B.a more pleasant C.a most pleasant D.the most pleasant

Yancheng, a green city, is a _______place for us to live in. (please)

unpleasant adj. 使人不愉快的 (修饰物)

It was an unpleasant trip because it kept raining for a few days.

please v.使人满意,使人高兴

pleased adj.高兴的,满意的 (主语是人)

be pleased/happy/satisfied with ……. 对---满意

My teacher is pleased with my answer.

=My teacher_________ __________ ________

my answer.

pleasure n. 愉快,高兴,乐事 (U)

---Thank you.

-- It’s a/ my pleasure.=My pleasure.

---Would you please help me with my math?

---With pleasure.

--Can you tell me your last ____________trip, please?

---With________. I’m very __________with it.

2. drama n.

watch a drama show join the Drama Club

raphy n. 摄影,照相术

love photography 热爱摄影

I’m interested in ________. (摄影)

photograph/‘fəʊtəɡrɑːf/ =photo 照片,相片

form 艺术形式 form n. 形式

an art form different art forms

in the form of 以---形式

In the future, food will be in the form of pills.

n.表格 fill in the forms 填表

v. 形成,使成形,塑造How is your personality formed?.

(music) n. listen to pop music

classical music/ country music/ folk music/ rock music/jazz

古典/乡村/民间/摇滚音乐 / 爵士乐

6. musical adj. 音乐的 n. 音乐剧

His musical talent is amazing.


nation---national tradition--traditional (传统的)

music n.(U) a piece of music musician音乐家

What a wonderful music show/programme!

n.(常用作不可数名词) 天赋,才能

musical/acting talent 音乐才能/影技

have a talent/ gift for music 有音乐天赋

talent show 才艺表演 his talent for maths

a girl of/ with a lot of talent一个多才多艺的女孩

talented adj.有才能的;有天赋的

a talented person

7. boundary (a dividing line)边界/疆界 n. boundaries pl.

music without boundaries无国界音乐

n. a gold medal 金牌

t [priˈzent] vt. (give sth to someone especially at an important

event) 颁发;提交

A lot of medals were presented to the winners at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.


present sth.= present sth. to sb.


His friend presented him with a bike.=His friend presented a bike to him.


被动 sth. be presented to sb./ sb. be presented with sth.

A medal was presented to him for his bravery.

The young man (赠送)the young woman with some roses yesterday.

presentation n.陈述;赠送物;报告 /ˌprezn'teɪʃn/

present n. 现在

at present=at the moment=now

礼物 buy a present for sb.

adj. 现在的,出席的

be present at the meeting

be absent from school

10. winner

They are the winners of the match.


Can you tell me those (win) names?

runner/ swimmer/ beginner

loser n.失败者

win--won –won

win a game/match/a prize

er n. /kəmˈpəʊzə(r) /作曲家

(a person who writes music)

Tan Dun is a world-famous composer.

compose v.作曲,创作

12. central (in the centre of an area) adj. 中心的

centre n. 中心

the youth centre 青少年活动中心

in central Hunan= in the centre of Hunan在湖南的中部

中央的 Central Conservatory of Music

ment n. 乐器

have no musical instruments 没有乐器

an instrument a musical instrument

He can play almost every musical instrument.


14. common (not special) adj. 普通的,一般的 ,常见的;共同的 uncommon

common people / problem/ sense/topics平民/ 普遍问题/ 常识/共同话题

in common 共同

We have nothing in common.


15. object n. 物品 an object

make music with common objects 用一些普通东西制作音乐

object clause 宾语从句

16. stone n. be made of stone (指材料,不可数)

The bridge_______________(由石头制成).

a stone bridge石桥/ throw a stone 扔石头

Kill two birds with one stone.

一石二鸟。/ 一箭双雕。

17. musician n. 音乐家

want to be a musician

great musicians from around the world


Xian Xinghai is one of the greatest (music) in China.

known/ famous for winning an Oscar


be known/ famous as a writer 作为一个作家而著名

Sanya _______________its beautiful beaches.

19. control (make sth work in the way you want) vt. 控制

controlling -- controlled

control your voice/control yourself 克制自己

The traffic lights are controlled by the computer. 交通信号灯由电脑控制。

At last , the fire was (控制)by the firemen.

n.控制 under / out of control n. 在掌控中/ 失控

Don’t worry. We have everything under control. 别担心,一切都在掌控之中。 n. 流动

by controlling the speed of water flow


v. 流动 flow-flowed- flowed flow away 流走

21. successfully adv.

successful adj. success n. succeed vi.

do sth. successfully= succeed in doing sth.

The climbers tried their best and reached the top of the mountain

He wants to be a writer.

The party was a great .

ional adj. 传统的

use traditional Chinese music


The Spring Festival is our traditional festival.

tradition n. 传统

23. bell n. 铃,钟 ring the bell 按门铃

answer the bell 应铃声开门

the sounds of an ancient Chinese bell 古代中国的钟声

24. though= although


不与but 连用,可与still /yet 连用

Though he felt tired, (yet) he didn’t stop to have a rest.

He felt very tired, but he didn’t stop to have a rest.

_______he was tired, he continued working in his office.

A. Since B. Although

C. As soon as D. Because

______Lin Fang has to work late, she always wears a smile on her face.

A. Because B. If C. Until D. Though

even though/if 即使 (不能用although 代替 )

He is an honest man, I must say, even though I don’t like him.

They are still going on walking though they are tired.

25. dividing line n.分界线,界限

divide vt. divide …into …

be divided into

adv. 高度地,高地

praise sth. highly =speak/think highly of sth. 高度赞美

Many countries speak (高度地)of China's high-speed railway technologies.

People think highly of Tan’s music. 人们高度赞美谭盾的音乐。

high adj.

win /receive high praise from the art community

height n. 身高

He is 1.75m in height.= He is 1.75m tall.

27. breath n. [breθ]

out of breath上气不接下气 hold one’s breath屏住呼吸

take a deep breath深呼吸

breathe [briːð] vt&vi breathe heavily 呼吸急促,气喘吁吁

Fish can’t breathe without water.

vi. 持续 lasted

The meeting lasted (for )one and a half hours.

How long will the bad weather last?

last adj. last week/ night

adv. When did you see her last?

lasting adj.持久的

have a lasting value/ friendship

t ['kɒnsət]

n. go to the concert at the concert

the ticket for the concert

There were two (音乐会)at our school hall last months.

y n. 乡下(不可数)= countryside

in the country ; country life/ music

国家(可数) come from different countries

n. cowboys

cowboy film

n. play the guitar/ piano/ violin

a guitar player

play football/ card/ chess

/ˈvælju:/ n. 价值

valuable adj.宝贵的,有价值的

be of great value= be very valuable

This film is very valuable.

=This film is_________________.

They gave us some valuable advice.

34. drum n. 鼓

use drums a lot 经常使用鼓

35. African adj. &n. Africans

an African American (非洲裔)美国黑人

people in African areas

Africa n. 非洲

people in Africa / come from Africa

American/ Asian/ Australian /European

America/ Asia/ Australia /Europe

up 编造,化妆,弥补

make up a story/ dialogue 编故事/对话

make (up) an excuse借口


Nine players make up a team.


be made up of…. 由----组成

Our football team is made up of nine players.

be made of/ from/ in / by……

Jack is dishonest. He always some excuses for doing something wrong.

A. makes up B. sets up

C. takes up D. picks up

colour n. 地方

have strong local colour

t (this evening) adv. & n.

listen to tonight’s news on the radio

There______(be) a concert tonight, isn’t there?

ture n. 文学

foreign literature 外国文学

the Nobel Prize for Literature诺贝尔文学奖

41. praise vt. praising/praised

praise him for his courage

He was ________for his success.

praise n. (不可数) win high praise from…

(talent) n. 天赋,才能(常作可数名词)


have a gift for……对……有天赋

The little girl has a gift for painting/ music.

He is a man of gifts.他是个多才多艺的人。

n. 污点,

make dirty marks

分数 high/low marks

vt&vi 做标记 mark with a pencil

标志 mark the beginning of …..

44. encourage vt. 鼓励

encourage sb. (not) to do sth.

Our teachers often encourage us to study hard.

Miss Gao always encourages the students ______(speak) English in class.

Each of us __________________more reading in and after class.

Mike’s parents always encourage her ____her opinions.

A. express

C. to express

B. expressing

D. expresses

courage n. (不可数)

have much/ no courage to do sth.


9A Unit 6 单词知识点讲义

adj 完毕,结束

be done =be finished

A dog’s work is never done.

/watch the chat show

A lot of famous people always talk about their lives on the chat show.


Comedies always make you happy and they have happy endings.

documentary –documentaries

You can learn a lot about nature, history and real-life events from them.

series 系列剧

Drama series are very long . They have the same subject and characters.

a series of stories 一系列故事

part in the game show

talk show; talent show

-life adj 真实生活的

real-life events 真实生活的事件

ue n 对话

(U) There is not much dialogue in Tom an Jerry.

make up a dialogue 编一个对话(指两人之间的对话, 可数)

-up n (尤指新闻)概要,摘要

a weekly round-up of sth ….的一周概要

a weekly round-up of what is happening in sport 发生在体育上的一周摘要

-to-date(latest)adj 最新的,现代的

up-to-date information/news 最新信息/新闻

an up-to-date novel

n 迷,狂热爱好者(a person who likes sth. or sb. very much)

The football fans cheered for their team.

11.a number of 一些,若干,后接可数名词复数


A number of boys _________(be) playing in the playground.

a large/great /small number of

A large number of visitors come to China every year.

A small number of students ride bikes to school in Japan.

the number of表示“……的数量”,后接可数名词复数,但作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。


The number of students is becoming smaller and smaller.

The number of the students in our class is 36.

What’s the number of the students in your class?

---A number of volunteers ____ willing to teach in China’s rural areas.

---Yes, the number of them is getting ____.

A. is, bigger and bigger B. are, bigger and bigger

C. is, more and more D. are, more and more

In our school library there ___a number of books on science, and the number of them

__growing larger and larger.

adj 即将来临的

the coming weekend/exam

The students are preparing for the coming exam.

a. “包含”“包括”“涉及”

The book _______( cover) many different topics.

b. “盖”“遮盖”

cover sth .with sth. 用某物覆盖某物

be covered with sth 被覆盖……

He covered the food with a piece of paper.

Two- thirds of the earth ___________(cover) with water.

c. 占有----的面积

cover/have an area of

Our school covers an area of 500 square metres.

d. 报道,电视报道

1) Look! The reporter ____________(cover) news.

2)cover sth live/be covered live 被现场直播

This year’s Beijing Music Awards will be covered live this Saturday.


n. “盖子”“罩”“封面”

The _________ of the magazine is very beautiful.

14. (1) live adj. /adv. “现场直播的”“实况转播的”

The football match is covered live on TV.

(2) alive 表语形容词,意为“活着的”“在世的”,作定语时,要放在被修饰名词之后

She kept the little cat alive by feeding it warm milk.

(3)living adj. “活着的”,可用作表语,也可用作定语. n. 生计

living things/make a living/earn one’s living “谋生”

(4)lively adj. “活泼的”“充满生机的”,可用作表语或定语,修饰人或物.

He had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting.

adj 亚洲(人)的

many Asian pop stars许多亚洲流行明星

China is an Asian country.

Asia n .亚洲

vi 投票,选举

vote for/against… 投票赞成/反对

vote online for their favourite singers


17. music video =(MV) n 音乐视频.

watch a music video

ce vt. 宣布,宣告announcement n.公告

announce the results 宣布结果

The results will be announced in two hours.


message n 短语,短消息

send text messages to… 到…

For further information, you can send text messages to 10086.

take a message for sb 为某人代口信

leave a message to sb 留口信给某人

n. 谋杀

murder in a country house在乡村小屋的谋杀

v .谋杀 be murdered by sb with sth 被某人用某物杀死

The man was murdered by a man with a knife.

n. murderer 杀人犯,凶手

n 恐怖

a horror film 一部恐怖片

be full of horror 充满了恐怖

vt. 导演,指导

direct a film 导演一部电影

a film directed by a famous director 一部由一个著名导演导演的电影

adj. 直接的,直达的

take a direct flight to Chengdu

n. direction 方向,指导

He walked in the other direction. 他向着另外一个方向走。

in the direction of….

run in all directions

director n.


Zhang Yimou is one of the most famous directors in China.

Lost in Thailand is a Chinese comedy ______(direct) by Xu Zheng.

The audience can enjoy young ________(direct) films from different countries.

y (rich)adj 富有的


a wealthy man /doctor

n. wealth 财富

y n. 神秘,疑案故事

be full of horror and mysteries充满恐怖和神秘 enjoy solving mysteries喜欢解谜

(may的过去式) 或许,可能

It might be worth thinking about.


(frightened) adj 害怕,恐惧

get scared easily 容易受惊吓

(if… not) conj.除非,如果不


Unless you try your best , you will not realize your dream.


Unless it rains tomorrow, we will play football in the park.

= If it doesn’t rain tomorrow ,we will play football.


4)We will go for an outing if it doesn’t rain tomorrow.

We will go for an outing it tomorrow.

28. animal-lover n 喜欢动物的人

an animal-lover

n 景象,风光,现场

see scenes from India 看见来自印度的风光

What a beautiful scene!

30. record vt. 录制,录像,录音

record sth

He recorded what I said. 他把我说的录下来了。

n. 记录 break/keep the record of

n. recorder 收录机,记录员

vt&vi 攻击,进攻

attack sb./sth with ….

n. attacker 袭击者

adj 雄性的,男性的

female adj 女性的;雌性的;

(s) n 录影棚,录音室

in the studio 在录音棚里

the minibus in the studio在摄影棚里的微型公共汽车

vt. 观看

TV viewing habits 电视观看习惯

n. 观点 ;景,风景

give their views on TV ads


your point of view 你的观点

—sillier—silliest adj 傻的,愚蠢的

not clever/stupid/foolish

It’s silly of sb to do sth 对某人来说,做某事太蠢了

n. 浪费 a waste of time

Watching TV ads is just a waste of time.

n. 废料,废物

v. 浪费 waste time /money

adj. waste water /gas 废水/废气


with a gun in one’s hand


9A Unit 7 单词知识点讲义

1. superstar n. 超级明星

superman / supermarket

tomorrow’s TV superstar 明天的电视超级明星

2. in your dreams 你做梦, 你妄想

You cannot visit that place, even in your dreams.


3. so … that 如此…… 以至于

so +adj. that 从句

He is so kind that he always helps others.

so + adv. that 从句

He ran so fast that I couldn’t catch up with him.

such … that 如此…… 以至于

such +a/an +adj. +n. (可数名词单数) that 从句

=so +adj. + a/an +n. (单数) that从句

He is such a kind boy that he always helps others.

=He is so kind a boy that he always helps others.

such +adj. + n. (可数名词复数) that从句

They are such interesting books that I can’t stop reading them.

such +adj. + n. (不可数名词) that 从句

It was such bad weather that I had to stay at home.

It was _____lovely weather _____we decided to spend the day on the beach.

A. such a, that B. such, that

C. such, as D. so, that

The music show was ______success that we enjoyed ourselves very much.

A. such a great B. a such great

C. so a great D. a so great

so many/much/few/little + n.+ that从句

He had so few friends that almost nobody wanted to help him.

They had so little food this morning that they feel hungry now.

such a little boy/sheep (如此小的男孩/绵羊)

4. action film n. 动作片

in an action film 在一部动作片中

6. science fiction 科幻电影;科幻小说

watch science fiction films 看科幻电影

read science fictions 读科幻小说

7. western n. 西部电影;西部小说;

a western/westerns

adj 西方的

in the western part of China

modern Western music

8. industry n. 工业;产业

enter the film industry进入电影业

in the film industry 在电影界

9. storyteller n. 讲故事的人

bookseller 书商,售书员

10. script n. 剧本

Millie is such a good storyteller that she can write exciting scripts.

Millie 是如此一个好的讲故事的人,以至于她能写出念人兴奋的剧本。

create a TV drama script 创作一部电视剧剧本

11. all-time adj. 一向的, 空前的

my all-time favorite actor 我一向最喜欢的演员

12. actress n. 女演员 actor n. 男演员

waitress n. 女服务员 waiter hostess

13. loss n. 丧失;损失;失败

the loss of … …… 的丧失

the loss of a great beauty 一个美人的失去

lose v. 失去 lost-lost

lose one’s way = get lost 迷路

lose a game 输了一场比赛

lose oneself in computer games

lost adj. 丢失的

the lost boy=the missing boy 迷路的孩子

14. humanitarian 人道主义者 (a person who cares a lot about people)

a great humanitarian 一个伟大的人道主义者

15. ballet n. 芭蕾

become a successful ballet dancer


take/have ballet lessons 上芭蕾课

16. charm n. 魅力 (having an attractive quality)

someone of great charm 有魅力的人

one’s beauty and charm 某人的美丽和魅力

the charm of … …… 的魅力

the charm of the song 这首歌的魅力

adj. charming 令人着迷的,迷人的,吸引人的 charming China 魅力中国

17. catch one’s attention 吸引某人的注意 attract/draw one’s attention

pay attention to…

bring sb./sth. to the attention of…

18. insist v. 坚持认为;坚持

(be sure to say that sth. is true)

insist on sth. 坚信某事

insist on his answer 坚信他的答案

insist on doing sth. 坚持做某事

Though he is ill, he insists on studying.


You should insist on _____________(practice) speaking English.

insist that +从句

I insist that he is correct. 我认定他是正确的。

19. lead n. 角,扮演主角的演员 (the main character)

play the lead role of … 扮演……的角

He played the lead of a young princess in the film.

play the lead role in … 在……中扮演角

take the lead处于领先地位

20. role n. 角

play some major roles 扮演主要的角

play an important role/part in….在……中起重要作用

play the role of…扮演……的角

play a/the role in……在……扮演角

Computers play an important role in our life.

21. base vt. 以…… 为基础

be based on/upon 以…… 为基础

What he said was based on facts.


a play based upon/on her novel


22. major adj. 主要的,较大的

play the major role of … 扮演…… 主要角

23. mark vt. 表明; 标志

mark the beginning of her successful career


vi. 做标记 mark with a pencil

n.分数; get high/low marks 得高分/低分

n. 污迹;污点 make dirty marks

24. princess n. 公主 prince n. 王子

25. lifetime n. 终身;一生

during in one’s lifetime 在某人一生中

26. nomination n. 提名

nominate v.提名,任命

four more nominations = four nominations more = another four nominations

27. final adj. 最终的;最后的

in the final exams 在期末考试中

make a final decision

n. 决赛

go to the final 进入决赛

finally (adv. )=at last/in the end

Finally, they succeeded in working out this problem.

28. appearance n. 出现; 露面; 外貌

make one’s final appearance


make one’s first appearance


describe one’s appearance 描述……的外貌

appear vi.

The sun has appeared. Let’s go camping .

appear in a fixed order

29. angel n. 天使 an angel 一个天使

30. beyond prep. 超出; 除……之外

go beyond the film industry 超出电影事业

beyond one’s ability 超出某人的能力

Her success was beyond what she thought.


--This problem is far ______me. I’m afraid I can’t work it out.

---Don’t worry, we will help you.

A. beyond B. beside C. behind D. between

31. effort n. 努力(可数);艰难的尝试; 精力(不可数)

put all one’s effort into …


She puts all her effort into teaching/ her work.

She won many awards because of her efforts in this area.

因为她的努力, 在这个领域她获得了很多奖。

make an effort to do sth. 努力做某事

The local clubs are making every __________(努力) to interest more young people.

He lifted up the stone without effort.

32. pass away (委婉语)去世 die

His grandfather passed away last year.

pass by 经过 pass on 递交

pass through 经过,穿过

33. peacefully adv. 宁静地; 和平地

pass away peacefully 宁静地去世

peaceful adj.

Blue can make us feel relaxed and peaceful.

peace n.

bring peace to one’s mind and body/live in peace

love peace War and Peace

34. attractive adj. 漂亮的;有吸引力的

have an attractive quality 有吸引人的品质

attract v. 吸引 attract one’s attention

attraction n. tourist attractions

35. rush hour 交通高峰期

in /during the rush hour 在交通高峰期

avoid the rush hour 避免交通高峰期

36. park vt. &vi. 停车

No parking. 禁止停车

park one’s car 停车


My father is looking for a place to park his car.

37. car park n.停车场

in / at the car park 在停车场

38. row n. (一)排;(一)行

a row of … 一排……

sit in the front/first/last row 坐在前/第一/最后一排

in a row 成一排(行)

v. 划船 go rowing 去划船 row a boat 划船

39. amazed adj. 大为惊奇 very surprised

be amazed at / by …惊讶于……

be amazed at /by her beauty 惊讶于她的美丽

He is amazed at the news. 他对这个消息感到惊讶

be amazed to do sth. 惊讶地做某事

I am amazed to see such an accident.

amaze v. amazing adj. amazement n.

What amazing news! 令人惊叹的消息!

40. mistake vt. 误以为

mistake- mistook – mistaken

She mistook the meaning of your words.


mistake … for … 把… 误以为…

mistake her for a real princess


She is often __________for her younger sister. (mistake)

n. make mistakes犯错误

do sth. by mistake误做了某事

I took your umbrella _______ _________.

41. kung fu n. 功夫

introduce Chinese kung fu to your friends 向你的朋友介绍中国功夫

a Chinese kung fu superstar

42. DVD = digital videodisc n. 数码影碟

43. actor n. 演员

visitor director collector editor

44. tale n. 故事; 讲述; 叙述 (story )

She told us tales of her childhood.


Tales of Old Beijing 老北京的故事

45. dinosaur(s) n. 恐龙

46. fall in love with sb. 爱上某人 (动作)

be in love with sb.爱着某人 (状态)

be in love with sth. 喜爱某物

The man fell in love with the woman last year.

The man has ____ ______ ______ _____the woman since last year.

He is in love with his own work.

含fall 短语:

fall ill / fall asleep / fall behind

fall over/ fall off/from the bike / fall down /

fall into the river

47. special offer n. 特价优惠

There is a special offer on Wednesday. 星期三有特价优惠。

There is a discount on last year’s style. 打折

48. cancel vt. 取消; 终止

cancelling; cancelled

cancel the party/match/meeting 取消聚会/比赛/会议


If it rains tomorrow, we’ll have to cancel the match.

The match was __________(取消)because of bad weather.

I don't know the competition of model planes_____________(cancel) the other day.

49. neither adv. “也不”


—I don't like this dress. 我不喜欢这件连衣裙。

—Neither / Nor do I. 我也不喜欢。

If you don't go to the concert, neither / nor will I. 如果你不去听音乐会,我也不去



Neither/Nor +助动词/情态动词+主语.

--I’m not going swimming this afternoon.

--______. I have to help my mother do some cleaning.

A. So am I B. So I am

C. Neither am I D. Neither I am

---We’ve never been to Paris, what about Linda?

---_____. She hopes to visit it some day.

Neither has she

C. So has she

B. Neither does she

D. So does she


If he can do it, so can I.

She likes music and so do I.

neither adj.


I will take part in neither game.


neither pron. 表示“两者都不,双方均不”。

Neither of the letters is from my best friend.


—Which one would you like better?


—Neither. 两个都不喜欢。

neither conj. 常用短语为.,表示“既不……也不……”。就近原则

Neither he nor I am well educated.


50. stupid adj. 愚蠢的 foolish/silly

make a stupid mistake 犯了一个愚蠢的错误

It is stupid of sb. to do sth.


It is very stupid of you to ask this question.


51. stuntman n. 特技替身演stuntmen (pl.)

work as a stuntman 做替身演员

52. consider vt.考虑. 认为;

consider sb. as… consider sb. (to be) …

认为某人…… ;把某人看作……


They consider Jim (to be) the cleverest boy in their class.

They consider Jim as the cleverest boy in their class.

be considered as… 被认为……

Jackie Chan ______ _______ _________a superstar by many people.

consider doing sth. 考虑做某事

We are considering going to Beijing。


Why not consider _______(do) it in another way? Maybe you’ll succeed.

consider that +从句

Do you consider that we can finish the project ahead of time?


They consider that Jim is the cleverest boy in their class.


9A Unit 8 单词知识点讲义

1. detective n. 侦探

He wants to be a detective when he grows up.

I like reading detective stories 看侦探故事

2. clue n. 线索

look for clues to something important


the answer to the question

the key to the door

the way to sp.

the witness to the murder谋杀案的目击者

3. missing adj. 缺少的;丢失的

go missing 失踪,不见

a missinglost child一个丢失的迷路的孩子

4. murder n./v. 谋杀,杀害

murderer n. 凶手

murder sb. /a murder in Sun Town

One day a young man was murdered in the forest.

The police caught the murderer at last.

5. suspect n.犯罪嫌疑人

make notes on the suspects给嫌疑人录口供

6. medium adj.中等的

an office worker of medium height


medium size 中等尺寸

7. untidy adj. 不整洁的 tidy --tidier-tidiest

an untidy roomperson

look untidy and nervous

8. guilty adj.有罪的 guilt n. 犯罪

be guilty of…有……罪

be guilty of theftmurderkidnapping(罪名)犯了盗窃谋杀罪

adj.内疚的 feel guilty about…对……感到内疚

9. truth n. 事实,真相

to tell the truth说实话

They want to find out the _________.

true adj. come true

After years’ of hard work, his dream came true.

truly adv.

I’m trulyreally sorry for being absent from the meeting.


10. guess(es) v. 猜测

guess the meaning of the new word猜生词的意思

I guess that he is not telling the truth.


11. lie n./ vi. 说谎

lie -lied -lied撒谎

Don’t believe her because she always lies.

lie- lay- lain躺 lying

He has lain in bed for three years.

The boy lying under the tree is my friend.

lie 位于 lie- lay- lain

Shanghai lies in the east of China.


n. 谎言

tell lies / lie to sb. 对某人撒谎

The boy often tells lies, so nobody would like to make friends with him.

12. confirm vt. 证实;确认

The police have confirmed that the victim was a computer engineer.


13. victim n. 受害者

the victims of the car accident

14. crime n. 犯罪活动;罪行

at the scene of the crime在犯罪现场

at the time of the crime在案发时

15. somewhere adv. 在某处

somewhere else 别的某地

go somewhere =go to some place

I remembered putting my mobile phones somewhere, but now I can’t find it.

Let’s go out and have supper somewhere.

anywhere 任何地方,常用于否定句和疑问句中

You can’t see it anywhere.

everywhere 到处,处处 =here and there

The town is dirty. You can see the waste everywhere.

nowhere 无处

If we keep taking the land, some wild animals will have nowhere to live.

16. contact vt. 联系

contact /call sb. on+电话号码 e-mail sb at

17. wound vt. 使…受伤

wound sb.

He was wounded with a knife他被刀伤了。

He was wounded in the arm.他胳膊受了伤。

wounded adj. Luckily, nobody was wounded in the accident.

18. bleed (bled—bled) vi.流血,出血

bleed to death流血致死

The victim was wounded with a knife and bled to death .

blood n.血donate blood

19. enemy n. 仇人,敌人

an enemy / enemies

make sb. some enemies跟人结仇

make an enemy 树敌

20. single adj. 单身的,单个的

a single man一个单身汉

She decided to remain single.

21. well-paid adj. 收入高的

a well-paid job

well-known, well-dressed

22. charge vt. 指控;控告

charge sb. with (doing) sth. 指控某人(做)某事

The man was charged with murder. 那个人被指控谋杀。

The young man was charged with breaking into several computer systems


23. break into强行闯入

The robber broke into the bank and took away a lot of money.

break down坏了

break out(战争)爆发

24. system n. 系统

several systems/ computer systems

25. suppose vt. 猜想;料想

suppose that+从句…

I suppose that he will come to the party.

Mr. Wang supposes that he can’t finish the work.

若主语为第一人称,suppose, think, believe等词后面的宾语从句谓语的否定要转移到主句的谓语上

I don’t suppose that he will agree.


suppose sb./sth. (to be)….

All his neighbours supposed him to be an artist.

I supposed the girl to be a teacher.

be supposed to do sth.应该做某事


Teenagers are ______ _______ be brave enough to ask questions.

You were ____to close the windows. Why were you so careless?

allowed B. believed C. supposed D. caused

I suppose so.= I think so.

I don’t suppose so.=I don’t think so.

26. only adj. 仅有的;唯一的

the only child唯一的孩子

only/quite a few 只有一些相当多

very few 相当少

He has only a few friends .

27. report vt. 举报;报告

report sb. sth.=report sth. to sb.

Tom reported his job to his boss.

It is reported that two people died in the traffic accident.

n. weather report / a school report/ a news report

give sb. a report on sth.给某人做……的报告

28. breathe v. 呼吸


breathe heavily喘粗气

breath n. take a deeep breath深呼吸 out of breath 气喘吁吁 hole one’s breath


29. heavily adv. 沉重地;猛烈地

rainsnow heavily(hard)

adj. a heavy rainsnow ; a strong wind

30. reward n. 报酬,奖金

get sth. as a reward

offer sb. a reward of 50000yuan给某人提供50000元的奖金

31. arrest n./v. 逮捕

v. arrest sb. The police arrested the murderer.

The man was arrested for murder.

n. be under arrest被捕

the arrest of sb. 某人的逮捕

32. couple n. 夫妇,一对

the old couple这对老夫妇

The elderly couple have a son and a daughter.

invite ten couples to the party


n.几个,两三个 a couple ofseverala few fingerprints几个手印指纹

33. probably adv. maybe/ perhaps


The murder probably happened on a windy night.

probable adj. 可能的

It is probable that he will be late.

34. criminal adj. criminal records犯罪记录

35. female adj. 雌性的 male

male/ female wolves

36. boss n. 老板,上司

This is one of the bosses’ watch.= This watch belongs to one of the bosses.

37. commit vt. 犯罪 committed

commit murder犯了谋杀罪

38. turn out 原来是,结果是

turn out to be true结果是真的

The film turned out to be a great success.

It turned out that he had nothing to do with this case.结果他跟这个案子没有关联

turn updownintoonoff

39. have nothingsomething to do with与…无关有关

He had nothing to do with this murder.他和这桩谋杀案无关。

40. hurry n./v. 急忙,匆忙

hurry to school=go to school in a hurry

in a hurry 匆忙地,急急忙忙 in no hurry不着急

be in a hurry to do sth. 匆忙做某事

He was in a hurry to catch a bus.

Hurry up, or we will be late.

41. kidnapping n.

kidnap v. kidnapped kidnapper n.犯

42. wealth n. 财富(U)

a man with lots of wealth=a wealthy man

a man of great wealth 拥有巨额财富的一位男士


Ma Yun is one of the __________men in China.

43. prison n. 监狱

prisoner 囚犯

put sb. into prison把某人关进监狱

be inout of prison坐牢出狱

be in prison for….因……入狱

He has been in __________for six months.

44. safety n. 安全

carrytake sb. to safety把某人带到安全地带 food safety 食品安全

safe adj.

It is not safe for such a little child to stay at home alone.

safely adv.

The plane landed safely in the end. 安全着陆

45. lock vt. lock the door锁门

John went out and ______the door behind him.(锁)

n. 锁 the lock to the door

The door is locked.门是锁着的。

46. shut vt. 关上 shut –shut


shut all the windows关上所有的窗户

shut up=shut your mouth闭嘴

shut off 关掉,切断(电源等)

47. guard vt. 守卫,保卫

guard against….防止,提防

guard against any possible danger around us


n. 哨兵,警戒

The guard will not let anyone through the gate without a pass.

be on guard 担任警戒

48. necklace n. 项链

take the necklace to the police

find a gold necklace outside the door


49. theft n. 偷窃 thief—thieves

50. get alongon with 与…和睦相处

get on well with my classmates与同学相处得好

She gets along well with her parents.


How do you get along with your new classmates?


Humans should ____ _____ _____ _____animals.

get along (with sth.) (某方面)进行、进展

--How are you getting along with your work?

--Very well.


51. steal v. 偷,窃取 stole-- stolen

steal jewellery from the jewellery shop


steal sth. from sb. 偷走某人某物

rob sb. of sth. 抢劫某人某物

The thief ______the wallet from me.

They ______the bank of much money.

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