

Unit 1

1. During the owners' absence, the lawn became dreadfully ______.

A. sloppy B. slipshod C. slovenly D. unkempt

2. All my pupils are talented, but Susie is really ______.

ng dous ional lous

3. The more unpopular an opinion is, the more necessary it is that the holder should

be somewhat ______ in his observance of conventionalities.

lious lous ious ous

4. The nurse ______ the wound for the injured before stitching it.

ied ed

5. Trees in the schoolyard are regularly _____ by workers assigned for the job.

d d d

6. The Romans used to ____ criminals with a whip that had three knotted strands.

r late e e

7. The lorry lost its _____ as it tried to ascend the steep hill.

ous um o ne

8. Negotiations between workers and management reached an _____ since neither

side would compromise in any way.

e ion ose

9. Geraniums thrive if you _____ them from indoors to your garden in hot weather.

tute ute lant ose

10. Only a(n) _____ senate committee can make a decision in this case.

isan y c zed


Unit 2

1. For street children, drugs offer the chance to _____ their hopeless poverty.

2. A cry of _____ burst from her lips when the surgeon told her about her son's death.

pation r h

3. They advised that the president _____ a messenger to the neighboring country.

ch r it ct

4. The other members of the Cabinet _____ the Secretary of Interior when he

purchased Alaska because it was not considered valuable at that time.

d ed d sed

5. The success of the play shows that the reviewers' fears were completely _____.

ded ed ified eful

6. Only an artist could _____ the fine shades of color in the painting.


7. We will have to settle this in court if your father insists upon being _____.

ate ant

8. When you have _____ your notes, please send a copy to and keep the

original to our files.

ibed ribed ibed bed

9. It has been announced that a _____ of distinguished translators have been invited to

be judges of the translation composition.

l l

10. Contrary to popular belief, this snake is quite ______.

s erous ous ous


mob threw petrol bombs at the police, who responded by _____ riot gear.

head ministress was _____ with dismay the girls on the playground.

has been a growing worry on the part of parents over the influence of

television advertising on _____ young mind.

has been in a real _____ since he lost the chance to improve his position.

religious groups suggested that the language be _____ in adapting the

prize-winning novel for television.

dancers had a _____ audience when they were _____ across the floor.

Chinese tourists made themselves understood in Italy by _____.

was stunned by the confession he _____.

(; ing; tible; ; zed; e,gliding

ime; d )

Unit 3

1. Is it true that all politicians love the _____ of power?

ngs gs

2. It is advisable that speakers pause fro time to time to let their words soak _____.


3. The studio audience was disappointed to learn that the guest speaker was _____.

osed nt nt ble

4. Anyone with a _____ of common sense could have seen that the plan wouldn't


e tion m

5. In the opera "La Boheme" we get a picture of the _____ life by the young artists of


ious ing cuous ious

6. One of Willa Cather's major _____ in her writing was the need for artists to free

themselves from inhibiting influences.

eries upations ssants ssions

7. Expected noises are usually more _____ than unexpected ones of the like


llable able nable vable

8. A dictionary will always give us the _____ of a word; frequently, it will also give

us its connotation.

tion station tion tion

9. Having dialed their number all day only to hear a busy signal, she became _____

and called the operator for assistance.

itized ated lized rated

10. Current research indicated that vitamin C has, _____ , very limited effects on the

duration of the common cold.

best best large large


1. Maria, playing an evening match, ______ a 6-0 win over the Belgian.

2. The conflict is _____ the point of peaceful resolution.

3. Her scheme _____ on her so she lost all her money.

4. The organization aims at helping the aged widowers who live in a state of _____.

5. The convenience of online learning has proven a _____ to millions.

6. Does the lizard have greater ______ powers than the snake?

7. The cost of living has been _____ since the new economic law was introduced.

8. Grass fires are reported to have _____ the land near the largest farm of the


(d off anged t rative

ting )

Unit 4.

1._____ and begging has become rare in this Asian metropolis.

A. Vaccination e cy ce

is looking for a more _____ place to live in.

ial ssional ng ant

Italian hostage was released near Kabul today after more than six weeks of


e ity er plation

teacher is anxious that student absenteeism has got _____.

hand hand hand of hand

an in-house search failed to reveal the culprit, an outside investigation was


ated d ed d

Morse requested from the Congress of the United States an _____ to

construct an experimental telegraph line.

nt iasticism riation

is _____ about her chances of winning a gold medal in the world

championships next month.


inspection shows _____ the cracks in the woodwork.

were many soldiers present and he appeared only for a few seconds, so Mara

only caught a _____ of him.


of us was aware of the critical points involved, so our choice was rather


ary ng g


chers warn that the drug may cause unpleasant side effects although it is

extremely _____.

travelogue is written in ______ language.

documentary _____ the personal and the political to chart the history of three

generations of the Song family.

4. They offered a ________ resistance when the opposition charged.

5. _____ by the honours lavished upon him, he soon lost his orientation.

guests had reached the _____ when we made the last-minute preparation for the

dinner party.

the working class young men, gambling is but a _____ habit.

Byzantine buildings have a strangely _____ beauty, and they remains as

glamorous today as they were centuries ago.

( esque es cated o

s shable)

Unit 5.

1. The young blacksmith was not used to meeting such elevated _____ as bishops and


ages alities nel as

2. The explorers were _____ by the landscapes they found in the wild north of


d d n ned

3. It is high time the nurses realized that there is great _____ between the amount of

work they do and what they get paid for it.

pancy ity ce entiation

4. The _____ rain is bad for crops.

ve ant ite te

5. Young as he is, Oliver wisely _____ his money.

ves ds s

6. Chronic fatigue is also one of the _____ features of depression.

t e iastical ysical

7. All the factory's employees are _____ to at least three weeks' holiday with pay each


odated ited ed ed

8. What seems confusing or fragmented at first might well become _____ a third time.

and prudent nd and affirmative

and wholesome and organic

9. He proposed to the aging billionairess more because of _____ than because of love.

e on ery isy

10. I detest her _____ because she is no better than we are.

ian ation iness


1. The woman walked out of the store _____ (rage) and decided to punish the sales

clerk next day.

2. The attorney managed to discover the _____ (contest) proof of the defendant's


3. The Statue of Liberty is _____ (emblem) of the United States, the Eiffel Tower

France, and the Great Wall China.

4. Tom and Nicole are _____ (reconcile) separated and will probably divorce soon.

5. As a rule, students in this institute are _____ (hierarchy) according to ability.

6. With a new dressing code introduced, sports clothes are no longer considered

_____ (seem) for wearing in the office.

7. Sailing has been prohibited in those _____ (treachery) waters.

8. _____ (mountainous) is a popular sport in many countries.

(lly estably atic ncilably chized

ly erous ineering )

Unit 6.

1. The wartime _____ of the two nations subsided into mutual distrust when peace

finally came.

on ity ion n

2. Allegations of bribery have led to disciplinary _____ being taken against the two

government officials.

ures dings ssion sions

3. Their _____ gossip is malicious and dangerous.

ual ious ed d

4. With prices _____ so much, it is impossible for the trading firm to plan a budget.

ing ing ting ating

5. My father's long service with the organization was _____ with a present.

sed ed ledged ized

6. At the ceremony, the newly promoted officers swore an _____, promising to be

loyal to the country and head of state.

ation n

7. As an industry, biotechnology stands to _____ electronics in dollar volume and

perhaps surpass it in social impact by 2020.

t d

8. In thinking only of your present needs and ignoring the future, you are being rather


able ous

9. Some particles and other air pollutants are often _____ in the atmosphere, thus

forming smog.

d d

10. The cotton plant produces fluty pods, called bolls, which contain long and short

fibers _____ each seed.

into ed to to d drown to


1. Metal-wheeled chariots are the _____ of the tanks of modern warfare.

2. Sofia does not mind his _____ ; she is quite reserved, too.

3. The the spokesman was _____ by his inability to answer the question in the

televised press conference.

4. After the war, voters began to show a strong _____ for the politics of both parties.

5. She is portrayed as a woman of _____ wisdom in the documentary.

6. Professor Higgins advised me to delete _____ words in the essay.

7. Rumor has it that rebels have _____ heavy causalities on government forces.

8. It is our firm _____ that a step forward should be taken.

(ype nce ied thy ative luous

ted tion)

Unit 7

1. The patient read about car racing and experienced _____ thrills.

ive e ous us

2. The doctors planned to give a _____ of tests to each patient.

y sion tude

3. Willian was greeted with all the _____ of an official state visit.

s arities try

4. I hardly see my _____ grandparents as they live abroad.

al nal ral l

5. The sultry weather in the tropics encourages a life of _____ according to some

European reserchers.

nce nce sm ture

6. Leo's fear of flying was more than mere nervousness; it was a real _____.


7. Adminission to these postgraduate courses is open to students with at least an

_____ bachelor's degree.

rdinary nding ited ate

8. Uses of this particular chemical have been somewhat restricted because of

laboratory evidence that it or some _____ in it can cause birth defects in test animals.

ity inant

9. Charges of political _____ were brought against the Home Minister.

ery ry hness shness

10. Martin _____ his offer to take pictures at the graduation dance, so we had to find a


d d ded


1. The employees of the _____ (avarice) tycoon have long been over-worked and


2. A(n) _____ (realistic) is identified as one who indulges in daydreaming.

3. Diana was _____ (determine) polite despite the interviewer's aggressive


4. An expert was needed to _____ (authentic) the original Van Gogh painting from its


5. The stewardess went out of her way to _____ (genial) the otherwise distressing

atmosphere onboard.

6. The students made an _____ (attitude) survey on and outside campus on some hot


7. Atomic energy may _____ (timid) the human race into bringing order into its

international affairs, which, without the pressure of fear, it would not do so, as Albert

Einstein predicted.

8. The pauper was driven to steal food through _____ (brutality) necessity.

(ious ist inedly ticate ize

dinal date )

Unit 8

should be _____ on the bottom of shoes used for running.


2._____ to and fro, the heavily-loaded wagon came _____ toward him.

ng, exclaiming g, flooding

ing, rumbling ng, reasonating

anxiety still _____ in my mind after submitting the dissertation I had made

painstaking effort to complete.

d d d

aging gentleman has _____ the bank to pay his taxes.

orated sioned ated ed

gh he was born in London, Arthur knocked _____ India nearly all his life.

6.I had the _____ feeling that I had met this strange foreigner before.

y c dish

fans _____ Roger's appearance on stage with thunderous applause.

ved d ed ed

_____ of the urban development was apparent to the architects.

ion tion ude ude

a ______ of rage he tried to kill his own brother.

two causes of environmental crisis are population presures, especially the

pressures of large metropolitan populations, and the desire ----- a highly _____ one

----- to bring a decent life at the lowest possible cost to the largest possible number of


dable nible guishable e


1. The Premier reiterated that the three foreign merchants are _____(dispute) against

the international law.

2. The dean of admissions was deeply impressed with her _____ (ardent) in the

pursuit of art.

3. _____ (tangible) such as goodwill and dedication can only be perceived by the


4. It is perfectly natural for a businessman to be dismayed at an _____ (appreciate)


5. In economics, _____ (produce) is the amount of output created per unit input used.

6. She felt wronged when the critics dismissed her new book as _____ (read).

7. She admitted with anguish the _____ (communicate) between her father and her


8. Captain Miller was awarded the Military Cross for _____ (gallant) in combat.

(utably y ibles eciated tivity

able unicability try)

Unit 9

1. They traveled around the country to _____ a policy of nonresistance.

im gate ate m

2. All these crimes were committed in _____ disregard of the law.

nt rous rous nt

3. In which of the three European countries were old aristocratic institutions destroyed

by the revolutionary _____, Sweden,France or Britain?

ysm er rophe ty

4. The soccer fans could not _____ crying out at the wonderful goal.

r n

5. Every Chinese citizen is _____ to equal protection under the law.

red ed ted sioned

6. The Constitution of the South American country provides for oath or _____ by


ation iction

7. William seemed _____ when the massager told him that he was once again denied

a promotion.

8. The Prime Minister called on the whole nation to work together to stand _____ the


9. No matter how hard one tries, there is no way to _____ taxes.

se vent te

10. He won last year's presidential election by a _____.

r ide ip


1. There was soething in the darker _____ of my unconscious that was upsetting me.

2. In both the solar and lunar calendars 365 days _____ a year.

3. It is a most _____ system to allow a person to die because he or she doesn't have

medical insurance.

4. The incident taught her a lesson that there is no place for _____ in business.

5. It is predicted that his public _____ of the conference decision will enhance his

standing as a leader.

6. He is the youngest man ever to be _____ in that parish.

7. The new book is about the _____ massacre of Indians at Wounded Knee.

8. They indignantly recalled their experience of being _____ for being Jewish.

(es tute tous ent ation ed

us uted)

Unit 10

1. We are caught on the _____ of a dilemma; both options are undesirable.

tes es

2. Thousands of slaves had to toil and moil in the _____ heat of the South.

ous rous ss

3. Not all the farmers agree to _____ the importation of raw fruits and vegetables.

e br ribe ibe

4. The rich heiress kept _____ the reporter's questions about her recent imprisonment.

ing g ng g

5. The election was a mere _____ since it was fixed.

6. s failed to become a Congressman by only a small _____.

7. The human fetus usually becomes _____ by only a small _____.

y ast

8. What _____ is this? ----- Are you trying to tell me that the dead can live again?

ysics ogy raft gy

9. Because he had invited two girls to the dance, she founde herself in a terrible


ity ormity mation ament

10. The kids spoke a(n) _____ of their own that no one else understood.

lary ct


Unit 11

1. The retired admiral was a(n) _____ old gentleman. His presence awed everyone


2. The grasshopper is an insect that can _____ about twenty times the length of its

own body.

3. Kevin can't be trusted with the secret ----- he'll _____ it all over the school.


4. Feeling as hungry as a bear, the man greedily _____ the food into his mouth.

ted d ed

5. During the last _____ minutes of the tied rugby game, all the spectarors got to their

feet and thunderous sheers reverberated in the stadium.

ic ed ic

6. The chairman will _____ resign in view of the complete failure of the spectators

got to their feet and thunderous cheers reverberated in the stadium.

tely lly cally ably

7. _____, people and objects are presented in flat, often angular, abstract manner in

Jacob Lawrence's paintings.

can be realized always recognizable

able to recognize can be recognizable

8. The farmers more anxious for rain than the people in the city because they had

mora at _____.

9. I suggest they were _____ of help from the Royal Literary Fund.

ing ed

10. A friendship may be _____, casual, situational or deep and lasting.

ous luous icial


Unit 12

1. Recent research bore _____ claims that certain colors can bring about profpund

psychological changes.


2. Her husband's fame has made her used to the glare of _____.

ity anda ction h

3. I _____ to answer the journalist's rude remarks.

ned ed d ed

4. They went out of their way to look for a _____ location for the new shopping mall.

l s e me

5. No one could tell wether he married the widow for _____ motives or he loved her


ary ive rested erested

6. I was overcome by _____ at the check-out counter when I discovered I had left my

wallet at home.

cs on n

7. This thought is quite in _____ with the long-existing aspirations of Chinese people.


8. In that country, guests tend to feel they are not highly _____ if the invitation to a

dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date.

d ped ed

9. The doctor warned me that adequate diet was of _____ importance in effecting a


ing g ing unt

10. The moment the virtuoso appeared on the stage, cheers and applause _____ in a

single sustained roar.

trated ted led


1. The _____ principal offered unwanted advice to everybody present.

2. After counseling she faced her difficulties with a _____ spirit.

3. They have long been _____ of free speech.

4. That is no more than a stream of _____, outlining many problems but offering few


5. We all expect her to _____ her refusal with an explanation.

6. It is disheartening to hear such _____ criticism from one's best friend.

7. The little girl showed great _____ in not crying.

8. His failure is attributable to his lack of moral _____.

(ous ied ons udes ing

int )

Unit 13.

1. They think it is _____ on the part of government to promise not to increase income


on on tion sion


2. The director of the trustees is in the best position to _____ out the significance of

that statement.

y s

3. It is impossible to find the _____ remains of dinosaurs on the planet today.

al al sial

4. She had _____ problems with her last car; it never worked well.

ible hted nable

5. It's a bit optimistic to expect a politician to tell you the _____ truth.

red ble rable ished

6. The lover of democracy has a(n) _____ toward totalitarianism.

y thy hy

7. The canals round the city are often _____ because the water does not circulate


rous med al tic

8. In order to control and defeat the dreadful diseases that plague humanity, _____

activity is necessary.

ting ted ning ned

9. Although the plan has _____ value, it cannot be used at the moment.

xical tal ous sic

10. The rebels were all arrested and indicted for _____ against the legitimate


te racy


1. The government was once again challenged when the committee declared their

decision _____.

2. The city dwellers have _____ feelings towards the migrant workers.

3. He grew up with the _____ and taboos typical of an Irish Catholic kid in Boston.

4. _____ the dean's objections the conference took place.

5. For decades the queen has governed the country in _____ with her advisers.

6. The news about the earthquake _____ John because his daughter happened to be

traveling in that area.

7. The new ambassador is to present his _____ to the president tomorrow morning.

8. _____ as I can see, the contestants are all dissatisfied with arrangement.

(cable lent hstanding t

ed tials r)

Unit 14.

1. Even the most sophisticated reader can be perplexed by the _____ plot of novel.

uing ate sic ing

2. A _____ character helped him to recover from the misfortune.

al ent ary t


3. He _____ every nerve for a superme blow.

d d

4. Every great and original writer must himself create the taste by which he is to be


ed ved sed ed

5. I did not realized that it was a(n) _____reference to my late father.

t g on e

6. The State Council spokeman declared that a security zone was to be set up to

prevent terrorist _____.

ions lations lments rations

7. Everything about the man is borrowed, temporary and _____ as a soap bubble -----

even his name.

e e re ic

8. The professor is popular as he can explain a(n) _____ theory in very simple terms.

se ant C. Incommunicable nible

9. If one knows in advance that an examination is going to be easy, one has no _____

tp study very much.

nce e sion ive

10. The hikers walked _____ to keep warm on the freezing night.

y y ingly arly


1. The _____ (rapacious) of the soldiers was explicitly exhibited when they looted the

house of the defeated city.

2. The royal family complain that the press invades their capacity _____ (justify)

every day.

3. There has been growing concern about the _____ (rigid) of gobernment policy.

4. His administration was plagued by one petty scandal after another, _____

(cumulate) very damaging.

5. The housewife turned out to be a very _____ (cultural) woman; she knew a lot

about art, music and painting.

6. Jeffery Hart argued, "The central ideas of liberalism have _____ (ossification)."

7. According to a recent survey, in this city alone there live more than one million

_____ (divorce).

8. Capitain Miller was awarded the Military Cross for _____ (gallant).

(y ifiably y tively ed ed

aes try)


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