


每一轮太阳的升起都会开启新的一天 一个全新的开端With

every sun comes a new day. A new beginning.

一份希望 相信今天会比昨天更美好A hope that things will be

better today than they were yesterday.

但对我来说不是这样 我叫小伊But not for me. My name is Eep.

这是我的家人 咕噜一家And this is my family, the Croods.

要是你看到我们身上披的动物皮毛和我们倾斜的额头If you

weren't clued in already by the animal skins

还是一头雾水的话 我就直说了 我们是山洞人and sloping

foreheads, we're cavemen.

我们大多时间都住在山洞里 一片漆黑NMost days we spend in

our cave, in the dark.

夜复一夜 日复一日Night after night, day after day.

再怎么样也是家嘛Yep, home sweet home.

实在不得已外出时 我们要在这个残酷的敌对世界中拼命觅食When we did go out, we struggled to find food in a harsh and hostile


而我负责拼命保护我的家人And I struggled to survive my family.

我们是这里最后剩下来的原始人了 本来是有邻居的NWe were

the last ones around. There used to be neighbors.

高特一家 惨死在一只猛犸脚下NThe Gorts, smashed by a


霍克一家 被一条沙蛇吞下了肚NThe Horks, swallowed by a sand


厄夫一家 被蚊子叮死了NThe Erfs, mosquito bite.

斯洛格一家 普普通通的感冒NThrogs, common cold.

还有咕噜一家 也就是我们NAnd the Croods, that's us.

咕噜一家之所以活了下来 全因为我爸爸NThe Croods made it,

because of my dad.

他很强壮 而且他守规矩NHe was strong, and he followed the


那些画在山洞墙壁上的规矩NThe ones painted on the cave walls.

任何新鲜事物都是不好的 好奇心是不好的NAnything new is bad,

curiosity is bad.

夜晚外出是不好的 基本上 任何有意思的都是不好的NGoing

out at night is bad. Basically, anything fun is bad.

欢迎来到我的世界NWelcome to my world.

但这个故事是关于 所有那些如何在瞬间发生翻天巨变NBut this

is a story about how all that changed in an instant.

因为我们不知道我们的世界...NBecause what we didn't know was


就要终结了Nwas about to come to an end.

而山洞墙壁上的规矩里可没写到这些NAnd there were no rules

on our cave walls to prepare us for that.

你应该等我暗号的 小伊?NYou are supposed to wait for my signal.



哦! 不!NOw! No!

我们都在洞里闷了一辈子了NWe've been in that cave forever.

三天可不算一辈子NThree days is not forever.

在咱们家就算NIt is with this family.

小伊你能下来吗? 你一惊一乍的NEep, would you come down

here? You're being so dramatic.

别 珊迪 回这儿来NNo, Sandy, come back here.

记着暗号 等暗号的才是好姑娘 乌嘎NRemember the signal.

Good girls wait for the signal. Ugga.

我一抓到珊迪 就回去 然后你再给暗号NAs soon as I get Sandy,

I'll go back in, and you can give the signal.

不 我是说 你现在已经出来了NNo, I mean, you're already out


老爸 我等着你的暗号呢NI'm waiting for the signal, Dad.

无所谓了 坦克 出来就是了NNever mind, Thunk. Just come out.

但你要是不给暗号 我怎么知道你是不是我爸?NBut if you don't

give the signal, how do I know you're my dad?

暗号不是为了让你确认是我NThe signal isn't so you know it's me.

是为了证明我还没被什么动物吃掉NIt's so you know I wasn't

eaten by an animal.

那为什么还把暗号弄成动物叫? 这样不会眉毛胡子一把抓吗?NThen why is the signal an animal noise? Doesn't that just

confuse things?

我不管 我还等着我的暗号呢NI don't know. I'm still waiting for

the signal.

妈 我们该走了NMom, we're ready to leave.


还活着呢NStill alive.

还早着呢NIt's still early.

而你还是那么胖NAnd you're still fat.

早餐编队!NBreakfast formation!

我要看到货真价实的山洞人行动 我们速战速决NI want to see

some real caveman action out there. We do this fast.

我们大张旗鼓 我们举家合作NWe do this loud. We do this as a


永远不忘恐惧心!NAnd never not be afraid!


耶 早饭NYay, breakfast.

谁上?NWho's up?

我们投掷决定 她在空中的时候喊正反NWe'll flip for it. Call her

in the air.


反 坦克上 到位NTails. Thunk is in. Positions.

好 坦克...NOkay.


上啊 坦克NCome on, Thunk.

干得漂亮 带回山洞NWay to go. Take it to the cave.

快放娃娃去追!NRelease the baby!

追上他们 珊迪! 上!NGet them, Sandy! Go!

追上他们 老妈!NGet them, Mom!

老婆子不行了 小伊 为我复仇!NOld lady down! Eep, avenge me!



注意了!NHeads up!

嘿 老爸 咱们能现在吃吗?NHey Dad, can we eat now?

等一回家就吃NJust wait till we get home.

小伊 刹车了NEep, put on the brakes.


- 有谁饿了? - 好样儿的! 老爸N- Who is hungry? - All right!

Good one, Dad.

给你 坦克 喝吧NHere you go, Thunk. Drink up.

- 抱歉 老爸 - 看来今晚得吃快餐了N- Sorry, Dad. - Looks like

fast food tonight.

没关系 我上周吃过了NThat's all right. I ate last week.

两关节报警!NTwo knuckle warning!

来 咕噜们 来 来NCome on, Croods. Go, go.

来 来 黑暗带来死亡 众所周知NCome on, come on. Darkness

brings death. We know this.

满月了 今晚要洗澡NThe moon is full. Bath night.

- 快逃命吧! - 你也得洗 老妈N- Run for your life! - You too,


我不想弄掉我的保护层NI don't want to lose my protective layer.

老妈 你身上有蚂蚁了NMom, you've got ants.

看见没? 珊迪就不闹NSee? Sandy doesn't fuss.

她还在外面?NIs she still out there?

你知道她讨厌山洞的 瓜哥NYou know she hates the cave, Grug.

请明天再回来NPlease come back tomorrow.

她怎么可以不喜欢山洞? 这么舒服NHow could she not like the

cave? It's so cozy.

这儿有点暗 瓜哥NIt is a little dark, Grug.

也没那么暗吧NIt's not that dark.



回来吧 我得关洞口了NCome on, I have to close the cave.


好吧 好吧NOkay, okay.

回来吧NCome on.

小伊! 快下来!NEep! Come down!

- 刚才太险了 - 我注意着呢 我没事N- That was too close. - I

was watching. I was fine.

- 你在那上面干嘛呢 小伊? - 我不知道N- What were you doing

up there, Eep? - I don't know.

- 你在什么呢? - 没什么N- What were you looking for? -


- 那你上去干嘛? - 我不知道N- Then why did you go up there? - I

don't know.

你为什么不知道?NWhy don't you know?

别去寻觅什么东西了NStop looking for things.

恐惧让我们活命 小伊 永远不忘恐惧心NFear keeps us alive, Eep.

Never not be afraid.

这都有什么意义?NWhat is the point of all this?

你说什么?NWhat was that?

我们为什么在这儿? 我们做这些又是为了什么?NWhy are we

here? What are we doing this for?

没人说生存很有趣NNo one said survival was fun.

没什么是有趣的NNothing is fun.

- 你下来吗? - 瓜哥N- Would you come down here? - Grug.

- 小伊 - 瓜哥N- Eep. - Grug.

- 好 - 下来!N- Yes. - Off!

- 是 我知道 好吧 我只是想... - 下来N- Yes, I know. Okay, I'm

- Off.

我只是想不通为什么她需要她自己的岩架 就是这样NI just don't

see why she needs her own ledge, that's all.

- 就是有关这个 - 她在努力弄明白一些事情...N- That's what this

is about. - She's working through

而且她需要自己的空间Nand she needs her own space.

什么事情? 要花多久?NWhat things? How long is this going to


真的假的? 她已经不听我的话了 嘿!NReally? She already doesn't

listen to me. Hey!

看见没? 她在听呢NSee? She's listening.

要是她想生存 必须守我们的规矩NIf she wants to survive, she

has to follow our rules.

讲个故事怎么样? 小伊最喜欢了NHow about a story? Eep loves


这主意不错... 讲个故事如何?NThat's a How about a

story, huh?

好啊 给我们讲个故事NYeah, tell us a story.

好的 我能借一下那个吗? 谢了NOkay. Can I borrow that? Thank


小伊 你曾经的最爱NEep, your old favorite.

我多少年没玩过那玩意儿了NI haven't played with that thing in


今晚我们讲脆脆熊的故事NTonight we'll hear the story of Krispy


很久很久以前 这只小熊还活着NA long time ago, this little bear

was alive.

她还活着是因为她听她父亲的话...NShe was alive because she

listened to

并且一生循规蹈矩 在黑暗与恐惧中度过Nand lived her life in

routine and darkness and terror.

所以她很幸福NSo she was happy.

但是脆脆有个致命问题NBut Krispy had one terrible problem.

她充满了... 好奇心NShe was curiosity.

- 瓜哥 - 好 好N- Grug. - Yes. yes.

有一天 她在一棵树里的时候...NAnd one day, while she was in a

这只好奇的小熊想爬到树顶Nthe curious little bear wanted to

climb to the top.

她一爬到树顶...NAnd no sooner than she climbed to

看到了新的事物 就死了!Nshe saw something new and died!

- 就这样? - 没错!N- Just like that? - Yes!

她临终时的恐惧仍定格在她的脸上NHer last moments of terror

still frozen on her face.

每天的结局都如出一辙NSame ending as every day.

我懂了 老爸 我永远不会尝试新鲜事物NI get it, Dad. I will

never do anything new or different.

好样的 坦克NGood man, Thunk.

好了 每个人磨磨牙 堆成一堆睡了NAll right, everyone sharpen

your teeth, and let's pile up.


你居然会说话NYou talk.

我是个人 和你一样NI'm a person, like you.

也许有点不一样NSort of like you.

好吧 好吧NOkay, okay.

嘿 嘿 嘿!NHey, hey, hey!

你能不能别...NWould you

痒死了NThat tickles.

嘿 嘿 嘿!NHey, hey, hey!


我不该出来的NI'm not supposed to be out here.

小伊不见了NEep is gone.

什么? 瓜哥!NWhat? Grug!

待在洞里NStay in the cave.

哇哦 你真的很壮NWow. You are really strong.

嘿! 不行! 那是我的NHey! No! It's mine.

- 求你了! 等等 - 不行!N- Please! Wait. - No!

- 快灭了! 我能搞定! - 不行! 是我抓到它的!N- It's dying! I can

fix it! - No! I caught it!

求你了! 求你了NPlease! Please.

我厌恶黑暗NI hate the dark.

来 来 来NCome on, come on, come on.

你说什么它就照做?NIt does what you tell it?

是啊 差不多NYeah. Sort of.

太阳?NThe sun?

不 不 不 是火NNo, no, no. Fire.

嗨 火NHi, fire.

没有生命的NIt's not alive.

但你刚才说它就要死了NBut you said it was dying.


它从你那里来?NIt comes from where you come from?

不 不 我弄出来的NNo. No, I make it.

- 给我弄一些 - 好吧N- Make some for me. - Okay.


它不是从我体内出来的NIt doesn't come out of me.

快! 快弄!NMake! Make it!

你很擅长这个NYou do this a lot.

你死了吗?NAre you dead?

你要是死了 火能归我吗?NCan I have your fire if you're dead?


嘿 那些冰冰凉的!NHey, those are cold!

你觉得该走了? 听音壳 启动NYou think? Listening shells,


我赞同NI concur.

虎妞 咱们得赶快走NTiger girl, we need to leave immediately.

我都不认识你NI don't even know you.

我叫盖NI'm Guy.


这个是皮带猴 负责做饭 聊天 指路NAnd this is Belt. Cook,

conversationalist, navigator.

还有 帮我提着裤子NAlso, keeps my pants up.

"提着裤子"是什么?NWhat are "pants up"?

你是谁?NWho are you?


我来讲讲清楚 小伊 世界要终结了NLet me clarify, Eep. The

world is ending.


我把它叫做"剧终"NI'm calling it "The End."

你怎么知道的?NHow do you know?

我看见过 正朝这边来NI have seen it. It's coming this way.

一开始 天摇地动 然后 大地撕裂 万物坠入NFirst, the ground is

going to shake. Then it breaks open. Everything falls in.

火焰 岩浆NFire. Lava.

我不想那么夸张 但是...NI don't mean to sound too dramatic,

相信我 我们现在脚下的一切都将化为乌有NBelieve me,

everything we are standing on will be gone.

我们得去高地 我知道一座山 那边走NWe got to get to high

ground. I know a mountain, that way.

这是我们唯一的机会NIt's our only chance.

跟我来NCome with me.

我不能NI can't.



要是你活下来 叫我NIf you survive, call me.

谢谢你NThank you.




你受伤了吗? 什么东西抓你走的?NAre you hurt? What took you?

没有什么东西 我自己离开的NNothing. I left on my own.

你什么?NYou what?

老爸 听我解释NDad, let me explain.

你从不让我说话NYou never let me talk.

你被关禁闭了NYou're grounded.




瓜哥! 发生什么了?NGrug! What happened?

你知道吗 我现在气得都没法跟她讲话NYou know what, I am so

mad right now that I can't talk to her.


你们不会相信的 我发现了新东西NYou will never believe it. I

found something new.


新东西是个大问题!NNew is a big problem!

等等 等等!NWait, wait!

小伊 待在家庭御战圈内NEep. Stay inside the family kill circle.

- 没什么不好的 - "新"总是不好的N- It wasn't bad. - "New" is

always bad.

不 他人很好NNo. He was nice.

什么? 你说什么? 他?NWhat? Excuse me? He?

我以为他是头疣猪 结果是个男孩NI thought he was a warthog,

but then he turned into a boy.


通常事实恰恰相反NUsually it's the reverse.

小伊有头公猪 小伊有头公...NEep's got a boy hog. Eep's got a

是有个男孩NThere was a boy.

看着 我要叫他过来NWatch. I'm going to call him.

你们到底怎么了啊?NWhat is wrong with you?

它很危险NIt was dangerous.

它很漂亮!NIt was beautiful!

你想知道什么叫危险? 看这儿!NYou want to see dangerous?


我的鼻子!NMy sniffer!

好了 够了!NOkay, that's it!

我们要回山洞了...NWe're going back to

而你要一直待在山洞里 直到你要...Nand you're going to stay in

there until you're



你不能永远关着我!NYou can't keep me inside forever!

他说过会这样的NHe said this would happen.

快到山洞里!NGet to the cave!


小心!NLook out!


大家都没事吧?NIs everyone okay?


瓜哥 我们的山洞...NGrug,

没了Nit's gone.


你们快来看NYou really need to see this.

我们该去那!NWe should go there!

不 谁也不许去NNo. No one is going anywhere.

那个男孩还说了什么?NWhat else did that boy say?


快跑! 跑!NJust go! Just go!


一 二 三 四 五...NOne, two, three, four,


我们这是在哪?NWhere are we?

不知道 我也不确定NI don't know. I'm not sure.


一个比较低的地方NIn a lower place.

但有件事板上钉钉了 我们不能原路返回了NBut one thing is for

sure, we can't go back the way we came.

珊迪? 你发现什么了?NSandy? What is it?

不 不 不 等一下 回来 珊迪!NNo, no, no. Wait. Come back,


我们不能像这样暴露自己NWe can't be out in the open like this.

我们需要一个山洞NWe need a cave.

现在 踩着我的步伐走NNow, step where I step.

好 安静NOkay. Stay quiet.

希望那些大个的动物还不知道我们在这NHopefully, nothing big

knows we're here yet.











我想问 我们要一个跟之前一模一样的山洞吗?Njust to be clear,

are we looking for the exact same cave?

如果是我的话... 我只是提个意见...NIf it I'm just

throwing this

如果由我来选山洞的话...Nif it was me choosing

我会选一个小点的NI would go with a smaller cave.



交给我NI'll take care of this.

上 老爸 收拾它们! 给它们好看!NAll right, Dad, get them! Go

get them!

打得好...NNow you got

老天 他们还真...NMan, they'

我喜欢这个NI'm loving this.

爸 我明白了NDad, I got it.

你别再往它们的拳头上撞就行了NJust stop running into their


瓜哥 你要是玩完了 我们就走吧NGrug, when you're done, we

should get going.

这还差不多 你们打不过我的!NThat's right. You can't get past this!

爬树! 快爬! 快!NClimb! Climb! Climb!


进去! 快!NGo! Go!

进去! 快! 赶紧进去NCome on! Hurry up. Let's go.

看! 这个山洞有舌头 真酷!NLook! This cave has a tongue.



一 二 三 四 五 六NThat's one, two, three, four, five, six.


如果我们把夺命矮胖猫算上的话Nif we're counting Chunky the

Death Cat.

它怕黑NIt's scared of the dark.

等等 我们也怕黑NWait, we're scared of the dark.

围成御敌圈!NKill circle!



- 野人! - "野人"?N- Cavies! - "Cavies"?

山洞人! 退后! 他们跟动物没什么两样NCavemen! Stand back!

They're practically animals.

- 你看见他们突出的倾斜脑门了吗? - 看见了N- You see their

bony, sloping foreheads? - Yeah.

还有硕大的原始人牙齿?NThe huge primitive teeth?


还有过多的体毛NThe excessive body hair.

那个还有个尾巴NThat one has got a tail.


闭上眼睛 我现在不得不杀了他们NAll right. Close your eyes. I'm

going to have to take their lives.

不! 没有必要 他们是我的家人NNo! It won't help. They're my



太阳在他手里!NThe sun is in his hands!

不 不 这是"火"NNo, no. It's "fire."

它是哪来的?NWhere did it come from?

他弄出来的NHe made it.

给我也弄点NMake some for me!

他身上没有NIt doesn't come out of him.

快弄点出来 快!NMake. Make it!

你跟你女儿还真像啊NYou're a lot like your daughter.

这下好了 他被玩坏了NGreat, now he's broken.

一个太阳宝宝NIt's a baby sun.

嘿 退后 我们还不知道它想要什么NHey, stay back. We don't

know what it wants.

现在 我们都坐在这 等着太阳出现NNow, we'll all sit here and

wait for the sun to come back.

明天 我们会到一个新山洞...NAnd tomorrow we'll find a new

假装今天什么都没发生Nand pretend today never happened.

这不是很趣吗 小伊?NIsn't this fun, Eep?

小伊 别碰他NEep, don't touch him.

谁知道他去过哪NGoodness knows where he's been.

爸 珊迪在伤害火NDad, Sandy is hurting fire.

珊迪 不 火不是用来玩的NSandy, no. Fire is not a plaything.

多可爱的小宝贝啊NWhat a cute little guy.

嘿 退后NHey. Stay back.

不 不 别动 停下!NNo, no, no, wait!

它喜欢我NIt likes me.

嘿! 它在咬我!NHey! It's biting me!

坦克! 试试躲进高高的干草里!NThunk! Try hiding from it in the

tall, dry grass!

不 停下 拜托了 我才九岁啊NNo, stop. Please, I'm only nine.

他们在咬我!NThey're biting me!

越来越多的火宝宝NMore fire babies.


你爸 他想杀了我NSo, your dad, he is trying to kill me.

是 但我不会让他杀了你的NYeah. But I won't let him.

挺住 儿子 回来!NHold on, son. Come back!

不 停下! 让我走!NNo, stop! Let me go!

走开! 走! 走!NGet out! Out! Out!

尝尝这个 宝宝们!NEat up, babies!

不 别碰我!NNo, stop touching me!


我赢了!NI win!

如果你熟悉他们的话 他们就没那么可怕了NThey're not so scary

once you get to know them.

你们是什么人啊?NWho are you people?

抱歉NI'm sorry.

我们是咕噜家族!NWe're the Croods!

那你是谁?NAnd you are?


你好 盖NHi, Guy.


看起来像魔法NIt looks like magic.

闻起来像食物NAnd smells like food.

不 别吃 那是新的NNo, don't eat it, it's new.

还活着!NStill alive!

来吧 继续吃NCome on, keep eating.

嘿 盖在哪?NHey, where is Guy?


要去哪啊?NGoing somewhere?

山上? 高地? 世界末日 还记得我跟你说过的话吗?NThe

mountain? High ground? End of the world, remember?

世界末日已经来了 我们的山洞都被毁了NThat already happened.

It destroyed our cave.

不 那只是末日的开始NNo. That was just the beginning of the end.

末日的末日就要来了NThe end of the end is still coming.

小伊 放下他NEep. Drop it.

我们不能让他走!NWe can't let him go!

要是我们在日落之前不到山洞怎么办?NWhat if we don't find a

cave before sunset?

要是一连几天都不到怎么办?NWhat if it takes a few days?

那些鸟又回来了怎么办?NWhat if the birds come back?

我们需要他的火 笨蛋!NWe need his fire, dummy!

好 我们到山洞之前 你跟我们呆在一起NFine. You're staying

with us until we find a cave.

什么? 不 我不要 别把我扯进来!NWhat? No, I'm not. Don't make

me a part of this!

你们想呆在这随你们的便 让我走NStay here if you want, but let

me go.

我有梦想...NI've got

有任务 有活着的理由!Na mission, a reason to live!

现在没有了NNot anymore.

我有个点子NI've got an idea.

咱们去那座山吧NLet's go to that mountain.

太远了NIt's too far.

老爸只想一个山洞NDad really has his heart set on a cave.

那个山上就有山洞啊NThere are caves on that mountain.

你去过那吗?NHave you been there?

那是个山NIt's a mountain.

山都很安全 山上有很多山洞的NMountains are safe. Mountains

have caves.

还有水 有树枝NAnd water. And sticks.

妈? 你听见了吗? 我能拥有自己的树枝了!NMom? Did you hear

that? I can get my own stick!

对 树枝和山洞 山洞和树枝NYes. Sticks and caves. Caves and


数不清的树枝 咱们走吧NCrazy sticks. Let's go.


那个东西真奇怪NThat thing is weird.

不 不 别激动 珊迪NNo, no, no. It's okay, Sandy.

那是皮带猴NThat's just Belt.

我决定了NI've made a decision.

我们去那座山NWe're going to that mountain.

别问我为什么 是我的直觉NDon't ask me why. Just a hunch.

跟着感觉走NJust feels right.

我不确定 瓜哥 我们从来没走过那么远的路NI don't know, Grug.

We've never really walked that far.

我觉得我的脚走不了那么远的路NI don't think my feet can do


我是活不到那了NI'll never live long enough to get there.

咱们走起吧NLet's do it.

来吧 设想一下NCome on, just think.

我们一大家子背起行囊 踏上漫长的跨国之旅?NOur whole

family packed together on a long, slow, trip across country?

不分昼夜 彼此相依NDays and nights with just each other.

我们讲故事 说玩笑NWe'll tell stories. We'll laugh.

我们这一家子会更亲密的NWe'll become closer as a family.

把她弄下来!NGet her off!

你要是没准备好挑战她 就别直视她的眼睛NIf you're not ready

to challenge her, then don't look her in the eye.

你能不能把你那大粗胳膊放在自己那边NCould you keep your

big giant arms on your side of the trail?

多有趣啊? 我们一家人第一次一起远行NIsn't this fun? We're

taking our first trip together.

别再撞我了 小心我把你的舌头拔掉!NStop shoving, or I will pull

out your tongue!

你想让我管管这一家子吗? 想吗?NDo you want me to turn this

family around? Do you?

要是想的话 我能很快让他们安静下来!NBecause I will turn this

family around so fast!

爸 我得去撒尿!NDad, I gotta go!

- 别这样 你能忍住的 - 我觉得忍不住了N- Come on, you can

hold it. - I don't think so.

珊迪 把那个东西吐出来NSandy, take that out of your mouth.

- 我好感动啊... - GranN- I' - Gran.

爸 我还是得撒尿!NDad, I still gotta go!

好吧 去挑个有坑的地方 速战速决NFine. Just go behind one of

those lumpy things and make it fast.

- 有东西咬我! - 你该咬N- Something bit me! - I don't blame it.

爸 我能不能扛他一会?NDad, can I take a turn carrying him?


- 现在能了吗? - 不能N- How about now? - No.

- 现在呢? - 不能N- Now? - No.


我可以一整天都回答你NI can do this all day long.

不能 不能 不能 还是不能NNo, no, no and still no.

我不能做个饿死鬼NI'm not dying on an empty stomach.

瓜哥 我们都很累了!NGrug, we're all pretty tired!

我们到那再吃NWe'll eat when we get there.

走太久了!NIt's taking too long!

我要吃点儿点心NI'm grabbing a snack.

别吃他 他会割伤你的NDon't do that. He will cut you.

他不是食物 他是宠物 我的宠物NThat's not food, he's a pet. My


什么是宠物?NWhat's a pet?

就是不能吃的动物NAn animal you don't eat.

我们叫他们"孩子"NWe call those "children."

人不该养宠物 奇怪又不正常NNo man should have a pet. It's

weird and wrong.

- 那是食物! - 不要 拜托!N- It's food! - No, please!

不是那个 是那个!NNot that. That!

食物解决一切问题NFood fixes everything.

拿出你的捕猎气势NShow me your hunting face.

不是你 你还被禁足呢NNot you. You're still grounded.

快点 坦克NCome on, Thunk.

我脚疼NMy feet hurt.

- 你很焦虑啊 - 我不焦虑N- You look tense. - I'm not tense.

这个女孩生气是因为没能做他们在做的事NAngry girl wants to

be doing what they're doing.

我没准备好NI wasn't ready.

挺住 坦克 我来了!NHang on, Thunk, I'm coming!

你为什么让我去?NWhy are you doing this?

他们干嘛呢?NWhat are they doing?


把它弄下来! 你离我远点NGet it off! You stay away from me.

不 说真的 他们干嘛呢?NNo, seriously, what are they doing?

你有一堆蛋 再下一个不就得了NYou've got a ton of eggs. Just

make another egg.

你要折腾死我了NNow you're just rubbing it in.

来吧 谁想来点蝎子?NThere, who's hungry for scorpion?

蛋和鸟呢?NWhat happened to the egg and the bird?

跟丢了NWe lost him.

但是那个鸟把我踩进土里的时候...NBut when the bird stepped on

me and pushed me into

有个蝎子夹住了我...Nthe scorpion grabbed a hold

然后顺其自然的 我们就吃他了Nand one thing led to another and

here we are eating him.

所以这是双赢NSo, win-win.

不够 不够! 我还要吃NNot enough. Not enough! I need more.

我还要吃NI need more.

看看她 她不会把我吃了吧 不会吧?NLook at that. She's not going

to eat me, right?

你太瘦了NYou're too skinny.

如果她想挑个人吃的话 那人会是...NIf she was going to eat

anyone it


她不松口了!NShe's locked her jaw!

拿根棍! 拿根棍!NGet a stick! Get a stick!

走开!NStay away!

你个变态老禽兽!NYou sick old monster!

快! 把棍子塞进她嘴里!NHurry! Put the stick in her mouth!

把住她 用石头NHold her still. Use a rock.

乌嘎 打她的腿不就得了?NUgga, would you just hit her legs?

你干嘛滚走?NWhy are you rolling away?

我只是想吃点东西NI just want something to eat.

晚餐你就吃虫子吧 要多少有多少!NYou have bug for dinner.

Plenty of bug!


你可以帮我打猎NI'll let you help me hunt.


不用留晚饭给我 我快成晚餐了NDon't wait on me. They're all

over me.

把我的事迹传下去NTell my story.


你管这叫什么?NWhat do you call this?

陷阱NA trap.

它有什么用?NWhat does it do?


你寂寞多久了?NHow long have you been alone?

那 我们要怎么做?NSo, what do we do?

你的演技怎么样?NHow's your acting?

你演得很不错嘛NYou're good at this.

抱歉NNo. Sorry.


- 哦 这个是你的 - 抱歉N- Yeah, that's yours. - Excuse me.


- 这是我的胳膊 - 好 我拿走N- That's my arm. - Okay, I'm

moving it.

绕过去NGoing under.

它没有走到你的陷阱里NIt didn't step in your trapything.

是啊 我发现了!NYeah, I noticed!

小伊哪去了?NWhere's Eep?

她真棒NShe's awesome.


老爸 不要!NDad, no!

味道绝佳呀NIt's an avalanche of flavor.

看来我们不会剩饭了NLooks like we won't be having any


"剩饭"是什么?NWhat are "left overs"?

就是食物吃不完了 只能剩下些NYou know, when you have so

much food to eat, you have some left over.

我们从来没有吃不完的时候NWe never have that much food.

瓜哥 讲个故事怎么样?NGrug, how about a story?

好主意 有人想听故事吗?NThat's a good idea. How about a story?

故事 给我们讲故事吧!NYeah, story, tell us a story!

很久以前 有一只小老虎...NOnce upon a time, there was a little

她和家人一起住在山洞里Nwho lived in a cave with her family.

她们家有很多规矩...NThere were a lot

但最重要的一条是 不准晚上离开山洞Nbut the big, simple one

was to never leave the cave at night.

山洞的门非常重 所以你们觉得记住这条规矩难吗NAnd the door

was so heavy, you'd think it would be easy to remember.

太容易记了!NSo easy to remember!

我知道NI know.

但有天晚上 大家都睡着了...NBut, while everyone

她溜了出去Nshe went out anyway.

- 不! - 就是这样!N- No! - Yes!

她刚一出去 山洞就被毁掉了...NAnd no sooner than she did, their


然后全家不得不开始了漫长苦楚的旅程...Nand everyone had to

go on this long,

途中结识了一个怪胎...Nwith some weirdo

最后都死掉了!Nand die!

讲完了NThe end.

没有出人意料的结局NI did not see that coming. Twist ending.

我的故事从来不会这样结束NMy stories never end like that.

太棒了! 今晚能听两个故事!NYes! Two stories in one night!

好吧 但我的故事没有瓜哥的好听NOkay. But it won't be as good

as Grug's.

很久以前 有只美丽的小老虎NOnce upon a time, there was a

beautiful tiger.

她和家人一起住在山洞里NShe lived in a cave with the rest of her


她的爸爸妈妈告诉她 "你想去哪里都可以...NHer father and

mother told her, "You may go anywhere

"但不准去悬崖 因为你会掉下去"N"but never go near the cliff, for

you could fall."

然后死掉 真是个好故事NAnd die. Good story.

但她却背着家人...NBut when no one

来到了悬崖边...Nshe'd go near

她越走近悬崖边...Nfor the closer she came to

听到的越多 看到的越多...Nthe more she could hear, the more she

感受到的越多Nthe more she could feel.


她站在了悬崖边缘Nshe stood at the very edge.

她看到了亮光NShe saw a light.

她伸出手去触摸...NShe leaned out to

可是滑了一下Nand she slipped.

然后掉下去了NAnd she fell.

她飞起来了NAnd she flew.

飞去哪儿了?NWhere did she fly?



一个太阳多得数不清的地方NA place with more suns in the sky

than you can count.

那里肯定很明亮NIt would be so bright.

那是个与今天和昨天都不同的地方NA place not like today, or


那里一切都更美好NA place where things are better.

明天不是个地方NTomorrow isn't a place.

你看不到它!NYou can't see it!

它是个地方NYes, it is.

我看过NI've seen it.

我要去的就是那里NThat's where I'm going.

我们该闭上眼睛睡觉了NWe are going to shut our eyes and sleep.

醒来的时候...NAnd when we

我们要一个有满足我们所有需要的地方Nwe're going to find

the place that has everything we want.


山洞NA cave.

就差一点 我们就掉进去了NThat was too close. It almost caught


我看着呢 我们没事NI was watching. We were fine.

我们得走快点NWe gotta move faster.

除了"散步" 你们还有别的速度吗?NDo you people have any other

speed aside from "wander"?

还能再蹒跚点吗NI'll take a shamble at this point.

嘿 有空吗?NHey, do you have a minute?

小老虎怎么会飞呢?NHow did the tiger fly?

我只有被放出来才讲故事NI only share when I'm outside the log.

那样我才会有幽默感NI'm funny that way.

那让我来吧NLeave this to me.

嘿 坦克...NHey,

你脸上有蜘蛛Nyou have a spider on your face.


他逃走了!NHe's loose!

不要踩那些奇怪的尖石头NDo not step on those weird pointy


你是说这些石头?NDo you mean these rocks?

千万不要踩这些石头!NDo not step on these rocks!

让开 姑娘们NStep aside, girls.

嘿? 没人听我的! 没人听我的话NHello? Nobody's listening! No

one is listening.

你们不能踩那些石头!NYou cannot walk on those!

快回来!NGet back here now!

我们活下去的希望没了NThere goes our chance for survival.

圆木也没了!NAnd our log!


跳着走也没用 跳起来不痛...NJumping doesn't help. It does

落下去就惨了Nbut it doesn't get better.


不要手脚并用 手根本帮不上什么忙NDon't walk on your hands.

The hands do not help at all.

来吧NCome on.

我能帮你们...NI can

但我们的规矩需要改一改Nbut we're going to have to make a few

changes around here.

不许再把我塞进圆木里NThe log ride is over.

扔掉圆木NDrop the log.

把它踢开NNow, kick it away.



好吧 聪明的盖...NOkay, smart "Guy"...

现在怎么办?Nnow what?

鱼儿乖 鱼儿乖NGood fish, good fish.

好了 你可以看了NOkay. Now you can look.

我爱它们! 我的脚呢?NI love them! Where are my feet?

还在这儿啊!NThey're still there!


你真重NYou're really heavy.


谢谢你!NThank you!

嘿 等等!NHey. Wait!


她站起来了 我们没事 我也没事NShe's up. We're good. I'm good.

鞋子太棒了! 你是怎么想到这个主意的?NThese shoes are great!

Where do you get these ideas?

我管这个叫 "脑子"NI'm calling it a "brain."

我确信想法都是从这里出来的NI'm pretty sure it's where ideas

come from.

老爸 我没有脑子NDad, I don't have a brain.

我们没有脑子过的也很好NWe've gotten along just fine without

brains until now.

穴居人不需要脑子 我们有这个NCavemen don't need brains. We

have these.

这就是我要说的! 弱者才需要想想法NThat's what I'm talking

about! Ideas are for weaklings.

我们向那座山进发吧!NNow, let's get to that mountain!

哇! 我喜欢这样!NWow! I love those!

乖鱼儿 别吃我的脚NGood fish. Don't eat my feet.

小老虎是怎么飞的?NSo, how did the tiger fly?

她跳到了太阳上...NShe jumped on

骑着它飞到了明天Nand rode it to Tomorrow.

不 不 不NNo, no, no.

嗨 老爸!NHi, Dad!

拜 老爸!NBye, Dad!

你们见过下雨 对吧?NYou've seen rain before, right?

我们不常出来NWe don't get out much.

小伊 有危险NEep, looks dangerous.

老爸 你什么都说有危险NDad, you say that about everything.


是吗? 好的NReally? Okay.

不 不 这样不好!NNo, no, no. Not cool!

然后熊说 "你的山洞? 我上周就开始在这里存骨头了"NSo, the

bear says, "Your cave? I've been dumping my bones here since last


上周!NLast week!

多搞笑的故事!NThat's a funny story!

这不是故事 是个笑话NIt's not a story. It's a joke.

"笑话"是什么?NWhat's a "joke"?

就是编个故事逗别人笑NYou know, just making something up to

make you laugh.

- 你一个 - 谢谢N- One for you. - Thanks.

你一个 这一个给你NOne for you. And this one's for you.


好了! 够了!NOkay! That's enough!

我不明白为什么孩子们也需要贝壳NI don't see why the kids need

their own shells.

如果有人遇到了麻烦 我们可以互相呼救NSo if anyone gets in

trouble, we can call the others.

等等 你的意思是我们要分开走?NWait, you're saying we should

split up?

这样就能同时尝试不同的路线 这是最快的方法NWe can try

more paths at once. It's the fastest way through.

咕噜一家永远一起行动 你的方法不安全NCroods stick together.

Your way isn't safe.

他们能行的NThey can handle it.

我们能行的 老爸NWe can do it, Dad.

不 不 不行NNo, no, no.

我的任务是保证你们的安全NIt's my job to keep you safe.

这里我说了算 我们不会分开走NI'm still in charge and we are not

splitting up.

除了你们俩要分开NExcept for you two.

就这么定了NAnd that's final.


大家都好吗?NIs everyone all right?

我们没事 瓜哥NWe're okay, Grug.

老爸? 我有点害怕NDad? I'm freaking out a little bit.

告诉我该怎么做 我该怎么做? 现在该怎么做?NJust tell me what

to do. What do I do? What do I do right now?

待在那儿别动 我去你NStay where you are. I'll find you.

不 这样太慢了NNo. Too slow.

大家听好 往前走 我们会出去的NEverybody, keep moving

forward and we'll get out.




记住 别害怕NRemember, never not be afraid.

你能做到!NYou can do this!

没事的 没事的NIt's going to be okay, it's going to be okay.

我要晕过去了NI'm going to pass out.

珊迪 珊迪!NSandy. Sandy!

再给我一个NGive me another one.

你的东西掉了NYou dropped these.

跟我走吧NCome with me.

来吧 孩子! 抓住!NHere, boy! Catch!

哟呵!NYoo- hoo!





我去他NI'll go get him.

好孩子! 谁是好孩子?NGood boy! Who's a good boy?

你是! 你是! 看看你呀!NYou are! Yes, you are! Look at you!

你需要个名字 你想要名字吗?NYou need a name. You want a


我要叫你道格拉斯NI'm going to call you Douglas.

你会什么把戏吗? 转一圈NCan you do tricks? Roll over.

来吧 道格拉斯 转一圈NCome on, Douglas, roll over.

好孩子 道格拉斯!NGood boy, Douglas!

我曾经坠入爱河NI was in love once.

他打猎来 我采果NHe was a hunter. I was a gatherer.

那是一段佳话啊NIt was quite a scandal.

我们互相喂浆果 我们一起跳舞NWe fed each other berries, we


但是我父亲用石头砸碎他 把我卖给了你爷爷NThen my father

smashed him with a rock and traded me to your grandfather.


都给我下来NGet down here.

瓜哥 他们没事的 盖和他们在一起NGrug, they're okay. Guy is

with them.

盖和他们在一起 好吧NGuy is with them. Okay.

谢谢NThank you.

谢谢你告诉我那个有趣的盖的消息NThank you for bringing me

that interesting Guy update.

好 我要上去...NOkay. I'm going to

你也跟着来吧 别再拖我们后腿了!Nand why don't you join us

when you stop being a big drag!

一起睡吗?NSleep pile?

想听故事吗?NHow about a story?


然后托格说 "知道吗? 这是我画的"NAnd then Torg said, "Know

it? I drew it."

这不可能NThat makes no sense.

我知道你带领我们不容易...NI know it was hard for you to bring us

但这几天他们过得很愉快Nbut they had the best day of their lives.

谢谢你NThank you for that.

给你们看点东西NI want to show you something.

天上有数不清的太阳NMore suns in the sky than you can count.

每一个曾划过天空的太阳 都在这里休息NEvery sun that crosses

our sky comes to rest up there.


在那里我们会很安全NThat's where we'll be safe.

我要和盖一起去NI'm going with Guy.

不许去 我的小宝贝NNo. Not my little girl.

和我们一起去吧NCome with us.

我不能扔下瓜哥NI can't go without Grug.

我可不这样 算我一个NThat makes one of us. Count me in.

真的么 妈? 现在?NReally, Mom? Now?

瓜哥保护不了我们NGrug has no idea how to protect us.

其实 他什么主意都想不出来!NIn fact, he has no ideas at all!

不是这样的 记不记得上次他...NNo, that's not true. What about

that one time

承认吧NFace it.

如果他真的曾经有过想法...NIf he actually had an idea of his

我会激动得心脏病发而死!NI'd have a heart attack and die!


- 爸爸! - 爸爸!N- Dad! - Dad!

那么大个人 怎么可能凭空消失了?NHe's a big guy. How could he

just disappear like that?

嘿 嘿 等等! 我们问问那个丑女人 看她有没有见过爸爸NHey,

hey, wait! Let's ask that ugly lady if she's seen Dad.

没见过他NHaven't seen him.

你在做什么?NWhat are you doing?

嗯 哇NYeah. Wow.

我整晚都没睡着 冒出了许多的想法NI was up all night, because

all these ideas just kept coming to me.

那是条蛇吗?NIs that a snake?

是腰带 比你那条先进NBelt, new and improved.

啊! 它还能自动收缩! 啊!NAh! It's even self-tightening! Ah!

你脑袋上的是什么?NWhat is that on your head?

这叫做绝望NIt's called desperation.

这叫假发 瓜哥假发NI call it a "rug." Rhymes with "Grug."

而这家伙 我叫它"坐骑"NAnd this one, I call it a "ride."

瓜哥坐骑 挺押韵NRhymes with "Grug."

一点也不押韵...NThat doesn'

它可比用鞋子走路快多了NIt's going to get us places faster than


耶! 要跟上啊!NYeah! Try to keep up!

我希望我刚才也能骑上一段NI wish I had a ride.

画像是过去的事了NAnd painting is a thing of the past.

现在来看看"拍照"NI call this a "snapshot."

再来一次吧 我觉得我刚才闭眼了NLet's do it again. I think I


我叫它们"墨镜"NI call them "shades."

太阳再也不刺眼了NThe sun doesn't hurt my eyes anymore.

你怎么想到这些神奇的主意的?NWhere do you get these great


因为我没有大脑...NSince I don't have

它们就从我的胃里钻出来 深深地下沉...Nthey're coming from my

stomach, down

再上升进入我的思想Nand then up again into my mind.

瓜哥 我们得继续前进了NGrug, we have to keep moving.

看 我有想法 我有思想NSee, I got ideas. I got thoughts.

像这个 我把它叫作"移动房屋"NLike this. I call it a "mobile


这不算有点厉害吗?NIsn't that something?

我把这家伙叫作"升降机"NAnd I'm calling this one a "lifterator."


我知道 这很糟糕NI know. It's bad.

我真为他感到遗憾NI almost feel sorry for him.

不过现在不为他遗憾了NNo, I don't.

你想做什么 瓜哥?NWhat are you trying to do, Grug?

我想 如果我有想法...NSee, I thought if I could


小伊或许就会听我的话Nmaybe Eep would listen to me.

或许她就不会想和盖走了NAnd maybe she wouldn't want to go

with Guy.


这就是你做这些的目的?NIs that what this is all about?

我还希望同时能让你妈妈疯掉NAnd I also thought it would kill

your mother.

所以是双赢的局面NSo, you know, win-win.

我们到了!NWe're here!

- 哇 - 哇N- Wow. - Wow.


大家都进去NEveryone inside.

快走 快 快走NCome on. Hurry up. Let's go.

快走 走!NLet's go. Go!


不要再躲在山洞里了 瓜哥NNo more caves, Grug.


我们要跳上太阳 骑着它和盖一起冲向明天!NWe're going to jump

on the sun and ride it to Tomorrow with Guy!

等等 这么说你们都要这么做?NWait, wait. So you're all going to

do this?


对不起 爸爸NSorry, Dad.

你不要再担心我们所有人了NYou have to stop worrying for all of


我的责任就是担心你们! 我的责任就是遵守规矩!NIt's my job to

worry! It's my job to follow the rules!

规矩在这里不适用了!NThe rules don't work out here!

规矩让我们活下来!NThey kept us alive!

那不是生活! 那只是不死掉而已NThat wasn't living! That was

just not dying.

这是有区别的NThere's a difference.

乌嘎 大伙 你们得听我说NUgga, everyone, you have to listen to


如果听你的 我们早就死了!NWe would be dead if we listened to


我们现在要跟着盖NWe have to follow Guy now.


盖? 快跑NGuy? Run.

这样没有意义!NThis is pointless!

我们没时间了 所有东西都在倒塌NWe're running out of time.

Everything is collapsing.

你这样很不理性 会适得其反!NYou're being irrational and


你说话还文绉绉的 听着火大!NBig words anger me!

继续说啊NKeep talking.


你还记得今天早上你是什么样的吗? 你变了NYou remember

how you were this morning? You changed.

变成了有思想的人 现代人NIdea man. Modern man.

我就是个穴居人!NI am a caveman!

不 不 不 等等!NNo, no, no, wait!


这什么玩意 我怎么打不到你了?NWhat is this stuff that saves you

from my punches?


别这样 我... 我得回到他们身边去NNo, please. I... I have to get

back to them.

别挣扎NStop struggling.


瓜哥 停下!NGrug, stop!

没有人能从这东西里逃脱NNo one gets out of this.


这是真的NI know.


家人 没错NFamily. Yeah.


那事发生的时候 我还很小NI was little when it happened.

我父母告诉我的最后一件事就是...NLast thing my parents told me

"别躲藏N"Don't hide.


"跟着太阳N"Follow the sun.

"你会到达明天的"N"You'll make it to Tomorrow."

你跟随着光明NYou followed the light.

我女儿真的很像你NMy daughter is a lot like you.


她像你NShe's like you.

她爱你 但总是忘了说出来NShe loves you, but always forgets to

say it.

就像你忘了告诉她一样NJust like you forget to tell her.

我总是忙于让他们都活下去 所以忘记了NI guess I was just busy

keeping them all alive.

没关系 你在尽父亲的责任NIt's okay. That's what dads do.

没错NThat's right.

但困在这里 我无法保护他们NBut we can't do that from here.

我们需要你的一个想法NWe need one of your ideas.

加油 你可以的NCome on. You can do it.

皮带猴! 紧急想法发生器 启动!NBelt! Emergency Idea Generator,


我想到了NI've got it.


嗯 我知道 但他已经尽力了NYeah, I know. But he's doing the best

本文发布于:2024-09-22 18:26:22,感谢您对本站的认可!



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