



1.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in

the brackets.


2.将来过怎样的生活取决于你自己。(be up to)


4.家长嘱咐孩子别在河边嬉戏,以免遭遇不测。(for fear)



1.I’m accustomed to listening to some light music before sleep.

2.It’s up to you what kind of life will lead in the future.

3.There is nothing more exciting than being allowed to take part in the space travel programme.

4.Parents ask their kids not to play by the river for fear that something terrible might happen.

5.While modern society, rich in material resources,has given consumers more choice, it turns

many of them into crazy shoppers.


1.翻译这句话的时候,注意词组:be accustomed to doing“习惯于做……”。

2.这句话使用了句型:It’s up to you +从句,“做….由某人决定”。这里what kind of life will

lead in the future.是主语从句,it是形式主语。

3.这句话使用了There be句型, nothing

后面是形容词做定语,因为是比较的含义用形容词的比较级more exciting,还有词组“被允许做”be allowed to

,以及词组“参加”:take part


4.这句话使用了for fear that

引导目的状语从句,和词组“让某人不要做……”ask sb. not to



表示“尽管,虽然”。词组“富含”be rich in

,主句中使用了词组turn…. into …..“将…变成…”。


2.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in

the brackets.








意带娃旅行开阔眼界。(would rather)



1. The accident caused by ignoring the rules deserves/is worth our deep thinking/ careful


2. We still need to dream/have a dream, but it can’t be realized unless we work hard (on it).

3. It was this experience that enabled/helped me to realize (that) I shouldn't be too busy to

miss the gifts/blessings that life brings to me.

4. There is a confusing phenomenon that many young parents would rather invest much

money in/into early education than travel with kids to expand their horizons.


1.考查ignore的相关用法。分析句子可知,本句为一般现在时,主语为The accident,用过去分词短语caused by ignoring the rules作The accident的后置定语。谓语为deserve/be


accident caused by ignoring the rules deserves/is worth our deep thinking/ careful


2.考查unless的相关用法。分析句子可知,本句为but连接的两个句子,且为一般现在时,还涉及unless引导的条件状语从句。重点动词及动词短语为work hard“努力”,realize“实现”。故翻译为:We still need to dream/have a dream, but it can’t be realized unless

we work hard (on it).

3.考查强调句式。分析句子可知,本句为强调句式,强调句的时态为一般过去时,强调的是this experience,realize后接that引导的宾语从句,宾语从句中出现了句式。错过生活的恩赐为“miss the gifts/blessings”其中gifts/blessings被后面的that引导的定语从句所修饰,且在定语从句中作宾语。故翻译为:It was this experience that enabled/helped me

to realize (that) I shouldn't be too busy to miss the gifts/blessings that life brings to me.

4.考查would rather相关用法。分析句子可知,phenomenon后接that引导的同位语从句,同位语从句中涉及到了would rather do sth than do sth的用法。其中两个动词短语为invest much money in/into early education(很多钱投资在早教上)expand their horizons(扩展视野)。故翻译为:There is a confusing phenomenon that many young parents would

rather invest much money in/into early education than travel with kids to expand their horizons.

3.高中英语翻译题:Directions:Translate the following sentences into English, using the

words given in the brackets.






1. Don’t drink too much coffee at night, or you won’t be able to sleep.

2. It is proved that keeping a happy mind reduces the risk of heart diseases.

3. Optimistic people don’t miss the good old days too much, because they are busy creating

new memories.

4. The pursuit of stability is not a bad thing. (and) There are many times when such an

attitude drives us to improve ourselves, challenge difficulties, and climb peaks.




1.考查祈使句。祈使句 + and/or,前面的祈使句表示条件,or或and引导的分句表示结果这里表示转折关系,故用or。故答案为Don’t drink too much coffee at night, or you won’t be

able to sleep.

2.考查名词性从句。翻译时句中用it作形式主语,真正的主语为从句thatkeeping a happy

mind reduces the risk of heart diseases.,从句翻译时要注意动名词作主语。故答案为It is

proved that keeping a happy mind reduces the risk of heart diseases.

3.考查动词。翻译时注意短语be busy doing忙于做……,时态用一般现在时。故答案为Optimistic people don’t miss the good old days too much, because they are busy creating new


4.考查定语从句。先行词为times,在定语从句中作时间状语,故用关系副词when引导。故答案为The pursuit of stability is not a bad thing. (and) There are many times when such

an attitude drives us to improve ourselves, challenge difficulties, and climb peaks.

4.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in

the brackets.



2.他将代表全班同学在新年晚会上向老师们表示真诚的感谢。(on behalf of)




4.不只是一个人的日常言谈举止,就连他目前正在读的那本书都清楚地向我们表明了他是一个怎样的人。(as well as)



1. He was about to turn off / shut down the computer when the / his cell / mobile phone rang.

2. On behalf of the whole class / all his classmates, he will express / show / extend sincere

gratitude / thanks to the teachers at the New Year / Year’s Party.

3. Every effort that we make can / may not be successful, but whatever is worth our / us doing

is worth our / us doing well. / Every effort that we make is not necessarily successful. … / Every

effort that we put in is not always going to / does not always work, …

4. The book (that / which) a person is reading at present as well as his daily words and deeds /

actions clearly indicates / shows / suggests what kind of person he is.


1.本题考查固定句式,be about to do sth.---when---“正要做某事,这时候”,结合所给汉语可知用一般过去时,故答案为He was about to turn off / shut down the computer when the /

his cell / mobile phone rang.

2.固定词组:on behalf of“代表---”,结合所给汉语可知主句用将来时,答案为On behalf of

the whole class / all his classmates, he will express / show / extend sincere gratitude / thanks to

the teachers at the New Year / Year’s Party.

3.句中使用whatever引导的主语从句和be worth doing sth.结构,结合所给汉语可知effort后要用that引导的定语从句,故答案为Every effort that we make can / may not be successful,

but whatever is worth our / us doing is worth our / us doing well. / Every effort that we make is

not necessarily successful. … / Every effort that we put in is not always going to / does not always

work, …

4.句中使用定语从句和as well as“和---一样”结构,句子主语是as well as之前的内容,谓语与主语一致。再结合所给汉语可知book后加定语从句,答案为The book (that / which) a

person is reading at present as well as his daily words and deeds / actions clearly indicates /

shows / suggests what kind of person he is.

5.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in

the brackets.










1. People may get overwhelmed in the face of sudden dangers, which is quite natural. / One

may get at a loss when facing a sudden danger, which is quite natural.

2. How on earth can a person accomplish such a great project? / How on earth can one

accomplish such a grand project?

3. Not until that moment had he ever talked about his new book with that chief editor. Not

until this had he ever discussed his new book with the chief editor.

4. The situation is constantly changing. To adapt your thinking to new situations, you have to

learn. / Situations are changing continually, so we must study to adapt our thinking to new





1.本题的难点在于用which引导非限定性定语从句,还要注意at a loss或get


2.本题的难点在于on earth表示“究竟”,用such+a+形容词+名词表示“一个如此……的东西”。

3.本题的难点在于Not until位于句首,要用部分倒装。


6.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in

the brackets.

1.这是他第一次一本正经地评价我的衣着。 (comment)


2.住校能使学生有更多的时间和精力投入到学业中。 (enable)







1. This/It is the first time that he has commented on / has made comments on my clothes


2. Living in school on campus enables students to devote more time and energy to their

academic work.

3. What concerns me most is that the kid seems to be blind to / to turn a blind eye to

everything around him but online games.

4. It was because she failed to resist the temptation of money and fame that the famous

actress broke the laws and in the end had to pay a high price for it.




1.考查固定句式。This/It is the first time that+从句,表示“是某人第一次……”,主句是is,从句一般用现在完成时。“对…作出评价”可用固定搭配,可译成“make comments on”或

“comment on”,故“这是他第一次一本正经地评价我的衣着。”可译为“This/It is the first time

that he has commented on / has made comments on my clothes seriously”。

2.考查非谓语作主语。非谓语作主语谓语动词要用单数。使某人有能力做某事,可译为“enable do sth”。故本题可译为“Living in school on campus enables students to devote

more time and energy to their academic work”。

3.考查名词从句。主语从句由what引导,句子做主语谓语动词用单数。“对….视而不见”可译为“to be blind to / to turn a blind eye to”因此本句可译为“What concerns me most is that the

kid seems to be blind to / to turn a blind eye to everything around him but online games. ”

4.考查强调句。这是因为….,可译为“It is /was because….that…”此句为强调句,被强调部分是原因状语从句。本句中没有抵制住….的诱惑为“fail to resist the temptation of…”。因此本句可译为“It was because she failed to resist the temptation of money and fame that the

famous actress broke the laws and in the end had to pay a high price for it.”





( accuse)

2.在二十世纪五十年代,尽管他对古典音乐心怀热情,但他不得不向现实低头。 (despite)







1.Speaking of /talking of /When it comes to the hotpot restaurant opened recently/the newly-build hotpot restaurant in Imperial Palace/Forbidden City, many netizens accuse it of its over-commercialization./ it is accused of its over-commercialization.

2.In the 1950s, despite his passion for classic music, he had to give in to /surrender to

reality/compromise with the reality/give way to reality/come to terms with reality.

3.So fatal/disastrous/deadly/destructive is academic cheating/misconduct/faking that an

incident can ruin a person’s reputation which he has made effort to build up/establish/set


4.A leader with vision/of great vision/ a far-sighted leader/a visionary leader enables his

employees to overcome/get over the weakness, develop/tap the potential and make

joint/combined efforts, thus building an efficient term.



1.考查固定短语和动词时态。固定短语speaking of /talking of /when it comes to表示“说到……;谈起……”;accuse of表示“谴责;指责”;Imperial Palace/Forbidden City“故宫”。本句为一般现在时,可用netizens作主语,谓语动词用原形;也可用it做主语,用一般现在时的被动语态。故翻译为Speaking of /talking of /When it comes to the hotpot restaurant opened

recently/the newly-build hotpot restaurant in Imperial Palace/Forbidden City, many netizens

accuse it of its over-commercialization./ it is accused of its over-commercialization.

2.考查固定短语和动词时态。固定短语in the 1950s“在二十世纪五十年代”;passion

for“对……强烈爱好”;give in/ surrender to/ compromise with/ give way to/ come to terms

with“屈服;投降”;本句考查despite的用法,引导一个让步状语从句,以及句子的让步关系。结合句意主句应用一般过去时。故翻译为In the 1950s, despite his passion for classic

music, he had to give in to /surrender to reality/compromise with the reality/give way to

reality/come to terms with reality.

3.考查固定句式和定语从句。固定短语make effort to“努力……”;build up/establish/set

up/build“建立”;本句为固定结构“so+形容词+谓语+主语+that从句”,表示“如此……以至于……”;且为定语从句修饰先行词reputation,先行词在从句中做宾语,指“名誉”应用which引导。从句中应用现在完成时。故翻译为So fatal/disastrous/deadly/destructive is

academic cheating/misconduct/faking that an incident can ruin a person’s reputation which he

has made effort to build up/establish/set up/build.

4.考查固定短语和thus的用法。表示“有远见的”可翻译为with vision/of great vision/ a far-sighted leader/a visionary leader;固定短语enable sb. to do sth.“能让某人做某事”;overcome/get over“克服”;make joint/combined efforts“共同努力”;thus表示“因此,如此”。故翻译为A leader with vision/of great vision/ a far-sighted leader/a visionary leader

enables his employees to overcome/get over the weakness, develop/tap the potential and make

joint/combined efforts, thus building an efficient term.

8.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in

the brackets.






1.He waited for (several) hours in line/ queued for several hours before he bought/ got the

newly-released iPhone./ Having waited/ after waiting for hours in line, he finally bought the

newly-released iPhone.

2.A statue/ sculpture was presented to City Musuem/ the museum in this city in honour of/ in

memory of/ in remembrance of / to commemorate / to honour the valuable/ precious friendship

between the two cities.

3.Hardly had he entered the restaurant when he was informed/ told that he could order the

food by scanning the code/ QR code with his mobile phone./use his mobile phone to scan the QR

code to order the food.

4.Although faithful/ frank/ honest advice is unpleasant to ear but beneficial to one's behaviour,

children of this age are so rebellious that the more advice you give him, the less likely he is to

follow it./ The more you try to persuade him, the less likely he is to listen to you.


1.考查时态和过去分词作定语。根据汉语提示可知,本句的基础时态是一般过去时;“排队”wait…in line/ queue,“新出的iPhone”the newly-released iPhone,其中一个时间状语从句“过了……才……”…before…;本句还可用“排了好几小时队”的现在分词形式作为伴随状语,再结合其他汉语提示,本句可译为:He had waited for (several) hours in line/ queued for several

hours before he bought/ got the newly-released iPhone. Having waited/ after waiting for hours in

line, he finally bought the newly-released iPhone.


memory of/ in remembrance of/ to commemorate/ to honor,“珍贵的友谊”precious/ valuable

friendship,雕塑 (statue/sculpture)和赠与(present)之间是被动关系,故用一般过去时的被动语态,再结合其它汉语提示,故本句可译为:A statue/ sculpture was presented to City

Musuem/ the museum in this city in honour of/ in memory of/ in remembrance of/ to

commemorate/ to honour the valuable/ precious friendship between the two cities.

3.考查部分倒装和被动语态。根据汉语提示可知,本句的基础时态是一般过去时;“一……就……”hardly…when…,hardly置于句首时要部分倒装,“告知某人做某事”inform/tell sb. to

do sth.,“使用手机扫描二维码”use his mobile phone to scan the QR code/ scan the QR code

with his mobile phone,再结合其它汉语提示,故本句可译为:Hardly had he entered the

restaurant when he was informed / told that he could order the food by scanning the code / QR

code with his mobile phone./use his mobile phone to scan the QR code to order the food.

4.考查让步状语从句和固定句型。根据提示可知,本句的基础时态是一般现在时;“忠言”faithful/ frank/ honest advice,“越……越……”the +

比较级,the +

比较,“这个年纪的孩子”children of this age,“很有可能做某事”be likely to do sth.,“叛逆的”rebellious,“听取某人的建议”follow one's advice,再结合其它汉语提示,故本句可译为:Although faithful/ frank/

honest advice is unpleasant to ear but beneficial to one's behaviour, children of this age are so

rebellious that the more advice you give him, the less likely he is to follow it./ The more you try to

persuade him, the less likely he is to listen to you.



I had hardly fallen asleep when I lay on the bed.我一躺在床上就睡着了。

→Hardly had I fallen asleep when I lay on the bed.

和它用法一样的句型还有no sooner…than…和scarcely…when…,例如:

I had no sooner fallen asleep than I lay on the bed.我一躺在床上就睡着了。

→No sooner had I fallen asleep than I lay on the bed.

9.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in

the brackets.






1.It is worth mentioning that the newly-built teaching building has been equipped with

advanced audio-visual equipment.

2.Before the new product is launched, the boss has demanded that the advertising agency

(should) carry out a survey to collect/gather information about potential clients.

3.When they are facing/ (faced with) many uncertainties, it is natural/normal parents to feel

anxious about their children's academic performance.

4.Bear in mind that as long as we reach every short-term goal step by step, we can make one

breakthrough after another in scientific research




1.考查固定用法。 “Sth. be worth doing worth”为固定用法,意为“某事值得做”。“be

”为固定搭配,意为“配备有......”。此句中的根据语境可知,因此可用it作形式主语,真正的主语是“这座刚落成的教学楼配备了先进的视听设备”。故本句可译为: It is

worth mentioning that the newly-built teaching building has been equipped with advanced

audio-visual equipment.

2.考查demand引导的宾语从句要用虚拟语气。Demand在表示“要求”时,所引导的宾语从句要用虚拟语气should+动词原形,should也可省略。故本句可译为:Before the new

product is launched, the boss has demanded that the advertising agency (should) carry out a

survey to collect/gather information about potential clients.

3.考查face的用法。“某人面对某事时”可用“sb. face sth.”

或用“sb. be ”。根据语境可知,此句是由when引导的状语从句。故本句可译为:When they are facing/ (faced

with) many uncertainties, it is natural/normal parents to feel anxious about their children's

academic performance.

4.考查固定用法。“Bear ...in mind”为固定用法,意为“把......记住”。根据语境可知,bear的宾语中含有一个状语从句,“只要按部就班实现每个短期目标”可译为“as long as we reach

every short-term goal step by step”,第二句中“取得突破”要运用“make one breakthrough”。故本句可译为:Bear in mind that as long as we reach every short-term goal step by step, we can

make one breakthrough after another in scientific research。

10.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in

the brackets

1.就是周三那天他带了盒饭到学校,为此大家很惊语. (it)





1.It was Wednesday when he brought a prepared meal to school, which surprised the others.

2.All the things we are doing now are for the service we offer for the society in the future, so

these efforts are worth paying.

3.This is the first time that a foreigner is involved in the translation work in such important

representative conference in China.

4.Every time I am at a loss for what I should do next, some of my best friend will certainly be

there to give me a hand.


1.考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,when引导时间状语从句修饰Wednesday并在从句中做状语,which引导非限制性定语从句并在从句中做主语;再根据语境可知,句子陈述的是过去的动作,故用一般过去时。综上,故译成It was Wednesday when he brought a

prepared meal to school, which surprised the others.

2.考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,we are doing now是定语从句修饰all the things,we offer for the society in the future是定语从句修饰the service,so是并列连词,前句是因,后句是果;再根据句意可知,be worth doing意为“做……是值得的”;再根据语境可知,句子陈述的是事实信息,故用一般现在时。综上,故译成All the things we are doing

now are for the service we offer for the society in the future, so these efforts are worth paying.

3.考查固定句型。分析句子结构可知,this is the first time that是固定句型,that后时态是现在完成时;根据句意可知,be involved in意为“涉及到”;此句翻译时需注意几个地点状语的排列(由小及大),综上,故译成This is the first time that a foreigner has been involved

in the translation work in such important representative conference in China.

4.考查every time引导的时间状语从句。分析句子结构可知,every time引导时间状语从句,what引导宾语从句,且在从句中做宾语;再根据句意可知,at a loss意为“不知所措”,give sb. a hand意为“帮助某人”;再根据语境可知,句子陈述的是事实信息,故用一般现在时。综上,故译成Every time I am at a loss for what I should do next, some of my best

friend will certainly be there to give me a hand.

本文发布于:2024-09-22 06:49:39,感谢您对本站的认可!



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