2022年高考英语一轮复习:阅读理解+七选五 组合练习题3(word版,含答案


2022年高考英语一轮复习阅读理解+七选五 组合练习题3

Part A


Six annoying “facts” people have to finally stop believing in

1. Walt Disney did not create Mickey Mouse.

His close friend and collaborator Ub Iwerks did, though he was “denied credit”

for creating this major piece of pop culture history. Iwerks came up with the

character in 1928.

2. Albert Einstein never flunked a math class as a child.

When the adult Einstein was shown a newspaper article claiming he had, he

replied, “Before I was 15, I had mastered differential and integral calculus.(微积分)”

While Einstein achieved high grades throughout his childhood education, he

“hated the strict protocols followed by teachers and rote learning demanded of

students” at the schools he attended.

3. Napoleon Bonaparte was not short.

Despite the fact that his name has become synonymous with “angry short

man,” Napoleon Bonaparte was actually of average height for the time period in

which he lived. His contemporaries described him as being 5'2", but the French

measured height differently back in the day, so he was actually around 5'5". That

made him just “an inch or so below the period’s average adult male height.”

4. Isaac Newton didn't discover gravity because an apple struck him on the


Rather, he witnessed an apple falling and wondered why objects always fall

down instead of up or sideways, a thought that inspired his Law of Universal


5. Bats are not blind.

No, bats are not blind. Bats have small eyes with very sensitive vision, which

helps them see in conditions we might consider pitch black. They don't have the

sharp and colorful vision humans have, but they don't need that.

6. Black holes.

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Not really “holes,” but rather hugely dense objects with massive gravitational


1. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. Unable to achieve high grades at school, Einstein hated the rigid rules.

B. Bats have small eyes but with the same sharp and colorful vision as humans.

C. Newton discovered gravity out of curiosity but by accident.

D. Black holes are huge objects with massive gravitational push.

2. The text is written here in order to_______________.

A. present some common beliefs.


C. relate some interesting stories. D. list some historical facts.

B. clarify some popular

3. Which section of a magazine may this text be found in?

A. Entertainment

Popular science


We all know that a healthy life means getting both plenty of exercise and

enough good-quality sleep, but reality often gets in the way. The new research

indicates that doing enough exercise could make up for some of the unhealthy

impacts of bad sleep. While the health benefits of exercise and sleep are nothing

new, it's the relationship between them that is interesting in this particular study —

it could even give doctors another option to suggest for patients dealing with sleep


“We found those who had both the poorest sleep quality and who exercised

the least were most at risk of death from heart disease, stroke, and cancer,” says

epidemiologist Bo-Huei Huang, from the University of Sydney in Australia.

Participants were grouped into three levels of physical activity (high, medium

or low) and were also given a sleep quality score from 0-5 based on the amount of

shut-eye they got, how late they stayed up, insomnia, snoring and daytime


B. History C. Education D.

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Those with the highest risk of dying from cancer or heart disease during the

study period were those with the worst quality sleep and who didn't meet the WHO

recommended guidelines for exercise. That risk went down for people with poor

quality sleep but who did meet the exercise guidelines.

In the case of all forms of cancer, for example, those at the unhealthiest end of

the sleep and exercise scale had a 45 percent higher risk of dying from cancer than

those with good sleep scores who kept physically active. However, that risk just

about disappeared for those who didn't score well on sleep but did score well on

physical activity.

For now it's not clear why more exercise might make up for poor sleep, as far as

our health goes. It could be that the increased activity is counteracting

inflammation(炎症), or reducing irregularities in glucose metabolism, suggest the


“Considering that physical activity is perhaps more modifiable than sleep, our

study offers people more health incentives to be physically active.” says population

health researcher Emmanuel Stamatakis, from the University of Sydney.

4. This research is of particular interest in that ______________.

A. it’s in this study that exercise is known to be beneficial to sleep.

B. this study offers people more health treatments to be physical active.

C. it could enable doctors to cure patients of their sleeping condition.

D. the relationship between exercise and sleep is updated in this study.

5. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. Those who had the poorest sleep quality were most at risk of death from

heart disease.

B. Those scoring lowest on sleep and exercise scale were more likely to die

from cancer.

C. There’s no risk of cancer for those who didn't sleep well but did score well

on physical activity.

D. It's evident that in terms of health more exercise could make up for poor


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6. What does the underlined word in Paragraph 6 mean?

A. interacting


can this passage most probably be taken from?

A. A research findings report

C. A poor sleep study report



A growing body of research is revealing associations between birth defects(缺陷) and a father's age, alcohol use and environmental factors, say researchers at

Georgetown University Medical Center. They say these defects result from

epigenetic changes that can potentially affect multiple generations.

The study, published in the American Journal of Stem Cells, suggest both

parents contribute to the health status of their offspring------a common sense

conclusion which science is only now beginning to demonstrate, says the study's

senior investigator, Joanna Kitlinska, PhD, an associate professor in biochemistry,

and molecular and cellular biology.

“We know the nutritional, hormonal and psychological environment provided

by the mother permanently influences organ structure, cellular response and gene

expression in her offspring,” she says.

“But our study shows the same thing to be true with fathers— his lifestyle,

and how old he is, can be reflected in molecules that control gene function,” she

says. “In this way, a father can affect not only his immediate offspring, but future

generations as well.”

For example, a newborn can be diagnosed with fetal(胎儿的) alcohol spectrum

disorder(FASD), even though the mother has never consumed alcohol, Kitlinska

says. “Up to 75 percent of children with FASD have biological fathers who are

alcoholics, suggesting that preconceptual paternal alcohol consumption negatively

impacts their offspring.”

Advanced age of a father is correlated with elevated rates of certain diseases,

B. A medical examination report

D. A physical activity study

B. increasing C. preventing D.

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and birth defects in his children. A limited diet during a father’s preadolescence

has been linked to reduced risk of cardiovascular death in his children and

grandchildren. Paternal obesity is linked to enlarged fat cells, changes in metabolic

regulation, diabetes, obesity and development of brain cancer. Psychosocial stress

on the father is linked to defective behavioral traits in his offspring. And paternal

alcohol use leads to decreased newborn birth weight, marked reduction in overall

brain size and impaired cognitive function.

“This new field of inherited paternal epigenetics needs to be organized into

clinically applicable recommendations and lifestyle alternations,” Kitlinska says.

“And to really understand the epigenetic influences of a child, we need to study

the interplay between maternal and paternal effects, as opposed to considering

each in isolation.”

8. What’s the message the writer conveys in the passage?

A. Both parents contribute to the health status of their offspring.

B. Father’s age and lifestyle are tied to birth defects.

C. Father plays a more critical role in birth defects.

D. Birth defects can potentially affect multiple generations.

9. What can we infer from the example in Paragraph 5?

A. FASD can only be diagnosed in a newborn whose father is addicted to alcohol.

B. A newborn will not contract FASD if his mother has never consumed alcohol.

C. A father’s lifestyle can negatively impact his offspring.

D. Most children have biological fathers who are alcoholics.

10. Which of the following situations is less likely to lead to children’s birth defects?

A. Having a father with a limited diet.


C. Having an overweight father.

psychosocial stress.

11. What will the research probably continue to focus on in the part that follows?

A. The maternal epigenetic influences of a child

B. The ways to avoid negative paternal influence on children.

D. Having a father with

B. Having a father who is an

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C. The clinical application of the research findings.

D. The interaction between maternal and paternal effects.


Ivy League schools are considered to be the most prestigious of all colleges in

the United States. These schools are primarily located in the Northeastern part of

the country. There are eight total colleges that are considered to be Ivy League.

These schools are Brown, Harvard, Cornell, Princeton, Dartmouth, Yale, and

Columbia universities and the University of Pennsylvania. Of all institutions of

higher learning, these elite schools are considered to be the most outstanding and

the most sought-after in terms of acceptance and graduation.

The term “Ivy League” came about in 1954 when the NCAA athletic

conference for Division I was formed. At the time, the elitism of these schools was

really due to their prestige in the realm of sports like basketball. Although the term

“Ivy League” was not created until the 1950s, many of these schools were in

existence as far back as 1636, when John Harvard became the first benefactor of

Harvard University.

Although this group of elite schools is considered to be part of one big league

of the elite, there have been plenty of internal rivalries over the years. The sports

that these colleges play were so popular that some teams began playing games in

New York City so spectators could come from far away and watch the games. The

popularity of both the athletes who played and the college team rivalries brought

in a good deal of attention to the schools as well as revenue from ticket sales. There

have also been academic rivalries between schools. Mostly, these rivalries are a

matter of opinion in terms of which school has the most honor graduates, which

schools offer the most prestigious scholarships, and what famous graduates have

come from each school.

Each Ivy League college has its own unique accomplishments that make it

important. All carry a certain reputation with them, and each school has programs

that excel primarily in the medical and law fields, making them some of the most

sought-after schools in the world. Their admission process is very selective, which

helps the schools ensure that they only accept the best and brightest. Many famous

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people have graduated from Ivy League schools, including recent presidents

George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama. This prestige leads many to

believe that these colleges are only for the wealthy and elite. Often, companies look

for Ivy League graduates as potential employees, usually preferred by law firms,

medical facilities, and large corporations. It has long been coveted to have earned a

degree from an Ivy League school. Today, the Ivy League schools are still excellent

in both academia and in sports, and they have left a legacy of higher education

with an exceptional track record and reputation to go along with them.

12. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. Ivy League schools were initially famous for their reputation in sports.

B. Ivy League schools didn’t come into existence until the 1950s.

C. Ivy League schools do not compete with each other within the league.

D. Ivy League schools are most popular for their excellence in the medical and

law fields.

13. Which of the following aspects is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. The history of the Ivy League

B. The rivalry of the Ivy League

C. The accomplishments and cultural impacts of the Ivy League

D. The future development of the Ivy League

14. Why do many people believe that Ivy League colleges are only for the wealthy

and elite?

A. Because they are the most sought-after schools in the world.

B. Because they have selective admission process to help ensure the quality

of their students.

C. Because many famous people have graduated from Ivy League schools.

D. Because many companies look for Ivy League graduates as potential


15. What does the underlined word “coveted” in the last paragraph probably


A. advocated B. desired C. restricted D.

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Part B


Mindless Eating :You may also be a mindless eater!

Every one of us has moments of mindless eating. For example, you may

unintentionally munch through a whole bag of chips while watching TV._____16_____.

People tend to reach out for food as an easily available when they are upset, bored

or stressful. However, when we consume various snacks mechanically, we end up

feeling more unhappy and even guilty.

Mindful eating: enjoy your food!

_______17______. It means paying attention to the present moment with curiosity,

openness as well as means being present with your food and eating

process with all your consciousness and awareness.

Before eating, you should assess whether you are hungry or not. Ask yourself

honestly: Am I truly physically hungry or do I just want to use food as a way to

escape the unwanted feelings hidden in the depth of my heart? If it is so, what are

they? Boredom, depression, stress or fear? ____18_____.

You should eat only when you are hungry.

During the eating process, you should eat slowly without distractions of any

kind. Don't watch TV or be glued to your cell phone screens._____19______.Chew and

savor each and every bite and fully appreciate this moment.

It is also very important that you should never lose track of your feelings: feel

the decrease in hunger and increase in fullness of your stomach. About halfway

through the meal, you need to check in with yourself and ask the question: Am I

satisfied? Do I need to keep eating? Stop when you are satisfied and no longer

hungry. _______20_______.

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Start practice mindful eating now and you will benefit a lot from it!

A. Always remember those negative emotions will never get handled by simply

eating food.

B. Instead, you should direct all your attention to the food in front of you.

C. This conscious check-in and honest self-inquiry have proved to be effective in

preventing overeating.

D. Mindfulness is exactly the opposite of mindlessness.

E. You should often keep in mind you must feel your level of hunger.

F. However, you should choose those healthier stuff that can energize your body.

G. More often than not, we eat not because of hunger but for comfort.


1-3:CBD 4-7: DBCA 8-11: BCAD 12-15:ADCB

16-20:G D A B C

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