研究生学术英语 Building Your Vocabulary


研究生学术英语 Building Your Vocabulary

Unit 1 Task 1

Solitary: adj. 独自的,独立的;单个的;唯一的;隐居的

n. 独居者,隐士;单独禁闭

Scaffold: 脚手架;框架 Inscribe: vt. 雕,刻;题写,题献

Contour: n. 外形,轮廓;(地图上表示相同海拔各点的)等高线;概要;电路

Purport: vt. 声称;意图;意味着;打算 n. 意义,要旨;目的,意图

Wipe away: 擦掉,清除;抹掉 Contextual: adj. 上下文的;与语境有关的

Axiomatic: adj. <正>公理的;不证自明的;原则的;格言的

1. Nowadays, there are hundreds of insurance policise that purport to provide

cyber insurance coverage. 如今,有数百家保险公司声称提供网络保险。

2. Even modest price competition can easily wipe away a third or more of

operating income if grocers use lower prices to win customers.


3. Oracle Mobile Cloud aims to provide a more contextual user experience,

which enable s chatbots to switch seamlessly between unstructured conversation

and personalised, structured data exchange.

Oracle Mobile Cloud旨在提供上下文更相关的用户体验,使聊天机器人能够在非结构化对话和个性化结构化数据交换之间无缝切换。

4. In a beautiful mid-19th century paiting by Rosa Bonheur, it's possible to see

asymmetrical "mountains" in the contour of her sheep's hindquarters.

在19世纪中期Rosa Bonheur的一幅美丽的画作中,我们可以在她的羊的后躯轮廓中看到不对称的“山”。

5. He looked pleased: a(n) solitary man, by the look of him, one who cherished

his privacy. 他看上去很高兴:从他的样子来看,他是一个孤僻的人,一个珍惜自己隐私的人。

6. Each step you take provides scaffolding which will enable you to build the

essay a little further.


7. It is axiomatic that all the cites that are infected should be treated if there is to

be any hope of cure.


8. The memoirs of these survivors are rarely inscribed in the chroniclers'

sentimental journeys.


Unit 3 Task 1

Contraption: n. 奇妙的装置;新发明;精巧的设计

Ingenious: adj. 灵巧的;精巧的;设计独特的;有天才的,聪明的

Tacit: adj. 缄默的;心照不宣的;<律>由法律的效力而产生的

Conjecture: n. 推测,猜想;揣度;计划 vt.& vi. 推测,猜想;估量;设想

Mundane: adj. 平凡的;宇宙的;寻常的;世俗的

Humdrum: adj. 乏味的,平凡的 Veracity: n. 诚实,真实

Admonish: vt. 劝告;训诫;(温和地)责备;轻责

Delicacy: n. 精美,娇嫩,雅致;微妙;棘手;周到;佳肴

Supremacy: n. 至高无上;最高权力;最高地位;霸权

Practitioner: n. 从业者;执业医生;习艺者;专门人才

Triobute: (向某人表示敬慕的)致敬(行为)

Proponent: n. 支持者,拥护者;提倡者

Curvature: n. 弯曲;弯曲部分;曲率;曲度

Postulate: vt. 假定;假设;提出要求;n. 假定;先决条件;基本原理

Verify: vt. 核实;证明;判定

Proliferate: vi. 增生,增殖;激增;扩散 vt. 使激增;使扩散

Manipulation: n.(熟练的)操作;操纵;控制;(对账目等的)伪造

Confound: vt. 使混淆,使混乱;挫败 Confounding:(令人)困惑的,惊惶的

Ultimate: adj. 最后的;极限的;首要的;最大的 n. 终极;顶点;基本原理

1. Nor can I conjecture how far I strayed north or south from my course.


2. The renowned thoretical physicist has for years been a(n) proponent of

real-life, NASA-led interstellar travel.


3. My children's teeth never had to have all this contraption on them.


4. I would address you frankly and admonish you to go no more into such

places. 我会坦率地告诉你,并告诫你不要再去这种地方

5. Even people who posulate a creative God usually acknowledge that his

existence shifts the big question rather than resolving it. 甚至那些假定上帝有


6. This video of one of his last, and most impressive, stunts was released as a(n)

tribute to his memory.


7. We came up with a(n) _ingenious plan that would light a fire in the belly of the

digital revolution. 我们想出了一个巧妙的计划,它点燃了数字革命的火焰。

8. He often receives inquiries from sellers eager to verify that their items are

authentic. 他经常收到卖家的询问,他们急于核实自己的物品是否真实。

9. Quality can be found in the most mundane works of man-even within the

rusting gears of a motorcycle engine.


10. There were three main groups competing for supremacy among them.


11. Despite the increase in recognition of autism spectrum disorders in Western

countries, the real cause of the disease continues to confound and confuse

scientists. 尽管西方国家对自闭症谱系障碍的认识有所增加,但该疾病的真正原因仍然让科学家困惑不解。

12. Accordingly, it tends to face less criticism on the basis of veracity and more

on its moral implications.


13. But to recognise that the soul of a man is unknowable is the ultimate

achievement of wisdom.


14. I anticipate no difficulty, though it requires some thought in manipulation .


15. Do you seriously think of becoming a(n) practitioner of medicine?


Unit 4 Task 1

Underlying: adj. 潜在的,含蓄的;基础的;根本的;下层的;[法]优先的

v. 优先于(underlie的ing形式);构成…的基础(或起因)

Compelling: adj. 令人信服的;引人入胜的;非常强烈的

v. 强迫,迫使( compel的现在分词)

Diversity: n. 多样性,多元性;差异,不同 Fallible: adj. 容易犯错的

Multidimensional: adj. 多面的,多维的 Indivisibility: n. 不可分割,除不尽

Elicit: v. 引出;探出 Give rise to: 引起, 导致;造成

1. The book engagingly relates mathematics to compelling real-life problems in

biology and contemporary society and shows how mthematical tools can be used

to gain insight into these modern, common problems to provide effective, real

solutions. 这本书引人入胜地将数学与生物学和当代社会中令人信服的现实问题联系起来,并展示了如何使用数学工具来洞察这些现代常见问题,从而提供有效、真实的解决方案。

2. By analysing the most elegant and intricate pattern known to mathematics, Lisi

has uncovered a(n) underlying relationship among all the universe's particles

and forces, including gravity. 通过分析数学中最优雅和最复杂的模式,Lisi揭示了宇宙所有粒子和力(包括引力)之间的潜在关系。

3. In all demonstrative sciences the rules are certain and infallible; but when we

apply them, our fallible and uncertain faculties are very apt to depart from

them, and fall into error.


4. As part of a study into the mathematical understanding of engineering students, a

questionnaire has been developed which seeks to elicit from students their

concept images attached to key mathematical concepts.


5. In mathematical system theory, a(n) multidimensional system or m-D system

is a system in which not only one dependent variable exists (like time), but there

are several independent variables. 在数学系统理论中,多维系统或m-D系统是一个系统,其中不仅存在一个因变量(如时间),而且存在几个自变量。

6. The movie Hidden Figures tells the story of Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan

and Mary Jackson. These black women represented dozens, if not hundreds, of

black female "computers" whose largely unrecognised intellectual contributions

after World War II give rise to the US space programme.


7. Business leaders are understanding the importance of a cohesive,collaborative

and creative working environment and luckily, are acknowledging that this can be

done most effectively with a(n) diverse workforce.


8. The concept of the interdependence and indivisibility of human rights, as

originally conceived, refutes any suggestion of a hierarchy of rights. 最初设想的人权相互依存和不可分割的概念驳斥了任何关于权利等级的建议。

Unit 5 Task 1

Emergent: adj. 紧急的;浮现的;突然出现的;自然发生的

Monopolise: vt. 垄断; 独占;专卖;专营;占用

Simulate: vt. 假装,冒充;模仿;模拟;[生]拟态

Burgeoning: adj. 迅速成长的,迅速发展的v. 发芽,抽枝( burgeon的现在分词 );迅速发展;发(芽),抽(枝)

Infinitesimally: adv. 无限小地

Underlie: vt. 位于或存在于(某物)之下;构成…的基础(或起因);[经]构成优先于…的财政要求

Haunt: vt. 时常萦绕心头,使困窘;常去;以鬼魂形式出现;时常出现在

vi. 尤指鬼魂重回或常去

n. 〈方〉鬼或其它超自然物体;常去的地方

1. Although in both emotions sympathetic symptoms are present, different

autonomic-somatic patterns undelie aggression and anxiety, respectively.


2. In addition, the results will closely simulate the process that occurs during

real trading, in which traders frequently re-optimise their systems to bring them

up-to-date with fundamental or technical changes in the trading market.


3. Unresolved issues often come back later to haunt us. Many of these

challenges can be the result of early childhood experiences. 未解决的问题往往会在以后再次困扰我们。其中许多挑战可能是童年早期经历的结果。

4. It's very unlikely that the burgeoning field of nano-biotechnology will be

reserved solely for medical uses.


5. In the absence of existing human "herd" immunity to this virus, only

immunisation provides a significant hope of suppressing the long-term impact of

this newly emergent virus. 在人类对这种病毒缺乏“体”免疫的情况下,只有免疫才有可能抑制这种新出现的病毒的长期影响。

6. Thus, virtually all her time and energy is monopolize by the children.


7. The action of municipal, county, or state school boards or boards of education is

small, infinitesimally small in comparison with the number of districts.


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