

1Taxi Driver(Drama) ( 1976)© 2001 by Raymond WeschlerMajor CharactersTravis Bickle…………………………………………………….Robert de NiroA young, very lonely and disturbed New York City taxi driver,who desperately tries to make social connections with thevarious women he ………………………………………………………………….Cybill ShepardA young and beautiful woman who Travis becomes attracted to,who works for Senator Palantine’s Presidential …………………………………………………………………..Albert BrooksA director at Palantine headquarters who works with r Palantine………………………………………………Leonard HarrisA liberal Democratic Senator who is running for President,who is in many ways, a typical ……………………………………………………………………..Jodie FosterA 12 year old prostitute who Travis decides he wants to (Matthew)…………………………………………………Harvey KeitelIris’ business manager (A pimp).Wizard………………………………………………………………Peter BoyleA taxi driver where Travis works, who hasbeen doing the same job for almost 20 SummaryThis film is the story of Travis Bickle, a very lonely and disturbed 26 year oldman who takes a job as a taxi driver in New York City. Travis is happy towork long hours at night because he has trouble sleeping anyway, and unlikemany of the other taxi drivers, he does not mind driving in the mostdangerous neighborhoods. For Travis, work is both a source of money and anescape from the sad and isolated life he has been day Travis gets up the courage to ask out Betsy, a beautiful young womanwho is working for Senator Charles Palantine’s campaign for unately, Travis is socially awkward and inexperienced, and he soon

2ends up offending her. After Betsy rejects Travis, his anger and frustrationgrow, and thus he decides he will have to do something very important tochange his life. Travis, who had spent time in the military, decides to buy acomplete collection of Travis is preparing to act, he also decides that he wants to save the life ofIris, a 12 year old prostitute who he is convinced is being exploited anddestroyed by the pimp who manages her and the other men who use again, Travis desperately reaches out in order to make some kind ofsocial connection, but all the while, his anger and insanity start to spin out ofcontrol. As the story reaches its violent conclusion, it seems that the onlyquestion is who will be the victims of Travis’ frustration and Words and Expressions that You May not Know Travis takes a job as a taxi driver in order to pass the long and lonely ’s porno theatres for theatres that show adult or pornographic movies.I ride around nights. Subways. Busses.“To ride around” is to travel with no particular destination.I figure if I’m gonna do that, I might as well get paid for it.“To figure” is a common way of saying to think or believe.“Might as well” is another way of saying ? South Bronx? Harlem?Three areas of New York city. South Bronx andHarlem are poor African-American eur’s this case, a license to drive a taxi. A “chauffeur”is usually a driver of cars for wealthy ’s your driving record? :: It’s real clean , like my conscience .If a person’s driving record is “clean,” they haven’t had any accidents ordriving tickets. A person’s “conscience” is their ability to see what isright and wrong, and if it is clean, they have no guilty ry Record? :: Honorable discharge , May “honorable discharge” is an official statement by the military that aperson is leaving them in good standing, or with excellence or dignity.

3Were you in the army? Marines .A branch of the military that is best known for fighting on you moonlighting ?“To moonlight” is to work an extra jobat night, in addition to a regular day out these forms and check back tomorrow when the shift breaks.A “shift” refers to the specific hours that a group of people normallywork (The “night shift” might be from 12 midnight to 8am). The timewhen the shift breaks is the time one group takes over for ’s a long hustle , but it keeps me real is now a rare noun, but the verb “to hustle”means to work hard and often very quickly.I can take in 350 a week, sometimes more when I do it off the meter .If a taxi driver earns money “off the meter,” he doesn’t report it to thetaxi company but keeps it for himself. The meter is the machine in thetaxi that tells passengers how much they the animals come out at night. Whores ….. queers , fairies , dopers , junkies .This is from a longer list of generally crude names, but these words areat least worth recognizing: A “whore” is a prostitute, a “queer” and a“fairy” are negative words for a homosexual, a “doper” is a person whouses lots of illegal drugs, and a “junkie” is a drug , venal .“Venal” is an educated word for a person who will do anythingfor money, or a person without any honor or y a real rain will come wash all of this scum off the streets.“Scum” is the filth that is found in between the tiles of a dirty shower,but it is often used to refer to disgusting, immoral or horrible won’t even take spooks . Don’t make no difference to me.A dated racist word that refers to black night when I return the cab, I have to clean the cum off the back seat.A slang word for a man’s semen or ’s your name? :: Give me a break !An excellent expression which often means “Stop being ridiculous,”although here it’s used to mean “Stop harassing me and leaveme alone.” It’s widely used when one person says something that isconsidered unbelievable.

4Damn ! The days go on and on.A common way of expressing anger or frustration.I don’t believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention.“Morbid” is a powerful adjective that refers to an unhealthy interest indeath and other unpleasant subjects. This is Travis’ way of sayingpeople should not be so concerned with finds the courage to ask Betsy out.I saw her at…Palantine campaign headquarters .A political campaign is the act of running for public office, and“campaign headquarters” are the offices where it is appeared like an angel…Out of this filthy mass , she is alone.“Filthy” is a powerful adjective which means extremely this case, “mass” is probably a reference to the masses, whichis a general term for the millions of common slogan is “We are the People,” and “are” is underlined.A short phrase that is used to advertise aproduct or express a political or social canvas report is ready to go. If Andy OKs it, send copies to headquarters.A “canvas report” discusses the results of canvassing, which is the actof going door to door looking for money or support. “To OK”something is to approve have to emphasize the mandatory welfare program.“To emphasize” something is to treat it is as if it were particularlyimportant. If something is “mandatory,” it is required, or mustbe push the man, then the is Betsy’s way of saying that the Palantine campaign shouldemphasize or more frequently discuss the man himself before talkingabout his political beliefs on the various issues or r Palantine is a dynamic a person is “dynamic,” they have a lot of energy and drive,and they often have a lot of powerful or forceful ideas.

5You sound like you’re selling mouthwash .A favorite consumer product to deal with bad we authorized to do that?“To authorize” a person to do something isto give them permission or approval to do can get in trouble selling pharmaceuticals in a campaign office.A fancy word for prescription he annoy you?A good alternative to bother or really mean “yes” and you’re being sarcastic . :: You’re really quick .If a person is “sarcastic,” they speak in a tone of voice that clearlyimplies they mean the exact opposite of what they are actually is a way of joking around. Note that in the right context, “quick” canmean intelligent.I’ll play the male in this is Tom’s way of saying that he will do the male or masculinethings (such as fight and offer protection), while Betsy should stick toplaying the more feminine shadow, mascara , lipstick, rouge . Not rouge, “ blush-on ” they call are all types of cosmetics or make up. “Mascara” and “rouge” areused to color the cheeks. “Blush-on” is rarely if ever used anymore,though you should know that “to blush” means to get embarrassed sothat your cheeks turn , Travis, he’s a lady’s man .A ridiculous but still used expression for a playboyor man that is able to charm or seduce lots of er the fuck it is, she uses a lot of it.A vulgar but not uncommon way of adding emotion such as anger orfrustration to a statement. Note the definitive article makes “fuck” anoun(!), and be aware this type of filler is more common in e, the spray kind.“Spray” is tiny drops of liquid that are blown in a certain this ! In the middle of the Tribough Bridge… she changes her pantyhose .“Get this” is a common way of telling someone else that you are aboutto say something incredible or very interesting. “Pantyhose” are thenylon coverings that women wear on their legs.

6I jump in the back seat and I whip it out , and I said “You know what this is?”In this context, “to whip it out” is the Wizard’s way of sayingthat he quickly took his penis out from inside his pants.I went and fucked her brains out . She goes wild .“To fuck a person’s brains out” is a vulgar way of saying to have verypassionate (or at least animated) sex with them. In this context, if aperson “goes wild,” they yell and scream and have a grand old call him Doughboy because he’ll do anything for a buck .“Dough” is a somewhat dated slang word for money,and “buck” is still a very common way of saying , how’s it hangin?This is slangy and no longer used. “How’s it going?” is still current.I heard on the radio some fleet driverfrom Bell just got all cut up . :: Stick-up ?A “fleet” of cars is a group of cars that are all associated with the samebusiness, such as a taxi company. In this case, to be “cut up” is to beinjured after being attacked with knives. A “stick-up” is a robbery thatis almost always done with the use of a got cut up by some crazy fucker .Note the use of “some” which often functions as the indefinite article(“a”). “Fucker” is a very vulgar insult noun to describe a bad run all over town , don’t you?“To run all over town” is to go to manydifferent places, in this case as a taxi handle some pretty rough customers, don’t you?“To handle” something is to take care of it, and in this case, if thecustomers are “rough,” they are perhaps tough or potentially carry a piece ?A rarely used slang word for a gun.I know a fellow who can get you a real nice deal .A “fellow” is another word for guy (more commonly used in England).A “nice deal” (or good deal) is a common way of saying a good ’s a good thing to have just as a threat .A “threat” is a warning to hurt or punish.

7Dig the symbols“To dig” something is a very slangy and somewhatdated way of saying to look at it or appreciate it.I got this at his estate , The this case, an “estate” is the large house or mansion that is left behindby a person who has just died (Here, by Errol Flynn, a famous actorwho was popular in the 1930s).I’m going to get in my cab and boogie .Another dated but occasionally still used slang word whichcan mean to dance, but often, as here, just means to mob does that. If a thief screws up on the job, they’ll blow his finger off .“The mob” is a way of referring to the Mafia or organized crime. “Toscrew up” something is to do it very badly, or to fail at it. “To blow aperson’s fingers off” is to either shoot them directly or perhaps cutthem off a person’s hands. Either way, they are they kill a stool pigeon , they leave a canary on the body. It’s symbolic .A “stool pigeon” is slangy word for a person who tells the police ifsomebody else has done something illegal. A “canary” is a type of something is “symbolic,” it is expressing a certain statement or pointof view, without actually using specific words (Burning a flag in protestis a form of symbolic speech).I would rather volunteer to her , if you don’t that in reality, you can volunteer for a person (Senator Palantine),but not to a person (In this case, Betsy). But Travis does just that, in hisdesperate attempt to get to talk to Betsy instead of Tom.I don’t know exactly what his policies are, but I’m sure he’ll make a good a political context, “polices” are the programs and ideas that agovernment or administration carries out on the various issues,from health care to taxes to military do you feel about the Senator’s stand on welfare?A political “stand” is a person’s opinion on an issue.I see all these phones and all this stuff on your desk,and that means nothing. I think you’re a lonely that “stuff” is a over used word for things in general,in this case the various papers and supplies on Betsy’s desktop.

8I saw in the way that you carried yourself that you’re not a happy person.“To carry oneself” means to behave, often in a certainway that shows the general attitude of a do you say?An interesting way of asking “what do you think of what I just said?”I’m there to protect you. Come on , just take a little break .“Come on” is the most versatile phrasal verb in English. Here, itsimply means please, or “I’m begging you.” If a person takes “a break,”they stop working for a short time in order to meeting Senator Palantine and seeing Irisfor the first time, things go very badly with Betsy.15,00 volunteers in New York alone is not bad,but Christ , the organizational problems.A common way of expressing frustration, anger or other this is widely used, and not just by religious people!I got to get organized. Little things, like my apartment, possessions .“Possessions” are the physical objects that a personowns, from books and records to cars and does have a few problems. :: I would say he’s got quite a few that the addition of “quite” makes the statementmuch stronger (i.e.…he has a lot of problems).His energy seems to be in the wrong is Travis’ way of saying Tom is a strange person (Betsymay be thinking a classic phrase: “It takes one to know one”).I could just tell by the way you two were relating

that there was no connection whatsoever.“To relate” to another person is to communicate with them, or try tounderstand them (People often have trouble relating). This is Travis’way of saying that he thinks Betsy and Tom had a bad relationship andthey just didn’t understand each other.I felt that when I walked in, there was somethingbetween us, there was an impulse we were both “impulse” is a sudden burst of energy, in this case emotionalenergy. Here, Travis is trying to convince Betsy that they do have aconnection.

9With him, I felt there was nothing and I could sense it.“To sense” something is to feel, detect or understand are you from? :: Upstate .Any part of New York state that is North or East or New York City.“He’s a prophet and a pusher . Partly true,partly fiction. A walking contradiction .”A “prophet” is a great religious leader or a person who thinks they areconnected to God. A “pusher” is a colloquial word for a person whosells illegal drugs, especially to young people. A “contradiction” is astatement or fact that appears to be logically impossible (Such as “he’sboth talkative and shy”). These are words in a song that Betsy ’s my day off . At first she hesitated .A worker’s “day off” is the day that that they don’t have to go to work.“To hesitate” doing something is to be reluctant to do it, or to wait orpause before agreeing to do is making me nervous. I think we should have waited for the limo .Short for a “limousine,” which is a very large car in whicha professional driver takes people who sit in the back seats.I was going to put one of your stickers in my taxi, but the company said it’sagainst their policy. But they don’t know anything. They’re a bunch of jerks .A “sticker” is a small piece of paper with a message on it that is stuck ina place where it can be easily seen, such as the bumper of a car. A “jerk”is a classic insult for a person who is stupid, arrogant, abusive, is the one thing about this country that bugs you the most?If something “bugs” you, it really annoys or bothers should clean up this city, because this city is like an open sewer .It’s full of filth and scum . Sometimes I can hardly take it .An “open sewer” is a large pipe where trash and human waste (shit) isthrown. “Filth” is horrible dirtiness, and “scum” is the filth in a dirtyshower. If a person “can’t take it,” they can no longer accept or dealwith it because it’s too disagreeable or painful.I think the President should clean up this wholemess here. Just flush it right down the fucking is Travis’ way of saying the next President should eliminate allthe prostitutes, drug users and others like them on the city streets.

10We’re going to have to make some radical changes. :: Damn straight .“Radical” is a political adjective that means complete or a noun, a radical is on the extreme wing of a political philosophy.“Damn straight” is a silly way of saying “I completely agree.”Come on baby, this is a real drag . Don’t make no scene .If something is “a drag,” it is considered an unfortunate or unpleasantsituation. This is a useful colloquial expression. “To make a scene” is tobehave in such a way, such as screaming or crying, that everyonearound takes wanna get busted ?! Bitch , be cool .Note that “want to”---> “wanna” in rapid speech. If a person is“busted,” they are arrested or get into trouble for having donesomething wrong or illegal (such as selling drugs). “Bitch” is a verycrude insult word for a mean woman. “Be cool” is a slangy way oftelling someone to cooperate, or perhaps not make a got to be kidding !If a person is “kidding,” they are joking around or not being is a dirty movie . :: No, all kinds of couples go way of referring to a pornographic or porno parents were very strict .If parents are “strict” with their kids, they force them to follow manyrules that limit their freedom, such as a requirement that they be in bedby a certain time each me to a place like this is about as exciting as saying “Let’s fuck.”This is Betsy’s very blunt (direct) way of telling Travis thatshe is offended that he took her to a porno Christ ! I got a taxi.A common way of expressing anger, frustration or other you had a virus or something. 24 hour virus.A type of tiny germ or organism that causes infections and leave! :: Get your hands off of me !One very direct way of telling a person to stop touching you.I’m calling the cop ! Officer !A “cop” is a widely used slang word for a policeman.“Officer” is one more way of addressing a cop.

11I realized how she’s just like the others. Cold and distant .A person who is “cold and distant” generallytalks very little and is hard to get to ated and angry, Travis decides to arm over to the curb .To “pull over” a car is to stop it by the side of the road. The “curb” isthe side of the street by the sidewalk, where people often throw , you see that light up there? The onethat’s closest to the edge of the building?A slangy way of referring to a taxi driver (A cab is a taxi).That’s not my apartment. You know who lives there?A nigger lives there! How do you like that?“Nigger” is a horribly racist word to refer to a black person.I’m going to kill her with a 44 magnum pistol .A well known type of very powerful ever see what a 44 magnum does to a woman’s face?It will fucking destroy it. Just blow it right apart .“To blow apart” something is to destroyit by exploding it into tiny you ever see what it can do to a woman’spussy ? Now that you should see.A vulgar word to refer to women’s sexual might think I’m pretty sick .Here, “sick” does not mean physically ill, but morally shameful.I picked up this midget . Very good looking . Italian well dressed. Had a beautiful tall blonde.A “midget” is a person who is very small, perhaps half the height of anormal adult. A “good looking” person is physically I pick up these two fags . They start arguing and yelling . The otherone says “you bitch ” and then starts beating him on the head.“Fag” is a very insulting word for a gay man. “To yell” is to scream orshout. “Bitch” is a very negative insult word for a mean or abusivewoman. Here, “to beat” a person is to physically attack them.

12This is an American free country. We’ve got a pursuit of happiness thing .“The pursuit of happiness” is a famous expression from the AmericanDeclaration of Independence (written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776).“To pursue” something is to try and obtain it. Note the use of “thing”after a noun or expression. Common, but slangy and ’re consenting . You’re adult . But inmy fucking cab, don’t go busting heads .“Consenting adult” is a legal expression that refers to a person who isagreeing to a certain behavior (such as sex), and is legally old enough tomake that decision. To “bust heads” is a very slangy way of saying tophysically hurt or attack California, when two fags split up , one’s got to pay the other alimony .If two people “split up,” they end an official relationship. Note thatmarried couples split up, as do rock’n’roll groups! “Alimony” is themoney that a man is sometimes told that he must pay his wife eachmonth after they divorce, in order to give her a chance to becomefinancially stable.I saw a cop chasing this guy. He was on crutches .Two long sticks with a section that fits under one’s arm. They helppeople who have difficulty walking, perhaps because they broke a cop? No, the dude he was chasing.A slangy and overused word for guy or that five you owe me? The man is loaded .In this context, if a person is “loaded,” he has lots of ’s the action around here? :: Pretty slow.A very general word that in this case refers to business conditions, ormore specifically here, the number of passengers who want taxis.I figure you’ve been around a lot . :: Shoot , that’s why they call me the Wizard .“To figure” means to think or believe. If a person has “been around alot,” they have had a lot of useful or interesting experiences. In thiscase, “shoot” is a way of expressing emotion such as happiness or pride.A “wizard” is a very intelligent man with magical got you down ? It happens to the best of us.“Things got you down?” is a way of asking if a person is depressedor sad because of things that have happened in their lives.I envy you, your youth.“To envy” a person is to wish you had something that they do.

13Go on, get laid . Get drunk, do anything.“To get laid” is a slangy, common and crude way of saying to have sex,although it is never used when referring to sex with a steady got no choice. I mean we’re all fucked , more or less, ya a person is “fucked,” they are in a very bad or horrible but not uncommon. Note that “you” ----> “ya” in rapid ’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. :: It’s notBertrand Russell, but what do you want? I’m a cabby.“Dumb” is another word for stupid. Bertrand Russell isa famous English philosopher and mathematician.I don’t even know what the fuck you are talking that “the fuck” is added to statements (and more commonly,questions) to express emotions such as frustration or do you think of your opponent Goodwin’s chances in the primary ?An “opponent” is a person or team that you face in a sport, or in thiscase, an election. The “primary” election is one in which individualpolitical parties choose the people who will represent them in thegeneral election, which is held several weeks or months later.I think it’s academic because he’s not going to win the primary. I an argument is “academic,” it is not important in the real world, butonly in theory. In this case, Palantine is saying it’s already obvious hewill win the election against do you feel your campaign is going?A political “campaign” is a series of political, business or militaryactions all related to a single big goal (In this case, to win an election).The people are rising to the demands that I have made of that all American politicians love to refer to “the people,” eventhough people in general have widely varying ideas and people are beginning to rule. I feel it as the crowds swell .“To swell” is to increase or grow rapidly. This is another one ofPalantine’s silly campaign lines in which he implies the people ingeneral have all decided to support will rise to an unprecedented swell in something is “unprecedented,” nothing like it has ever happenedbefore (In this case, the desire of the people has never been so strong).Note that November is the month US Presidential elections are held.

14June 8th. My life has taken another turn life “takes a turn,” something dramatic day indistinguishable from the two things are “indistinguishable,” they are sosimilar that one cannot tell them Travis, this here is Easy Andy. He’s a travelling salesman .A “travelling salesman” is a person who travels from house to house,business to business, or perhaps city to city, selling various goods.44 magnum. It will stop a car at 100 yards andput a round right through the engine block.100 yards is the length of an American football field. In this case, a“round” is a bullet. Easy Andy is saying that the 44 magnum is such apowerful gun that its bullet will penetrate through a car engine even ifit is fired from 100 yards ’s a premium high resale weapon .“Premium” means of the highest quality, and if a gun is a “high resaleweapon,” it sells for a high price used because it is such good quality.I could sell this gun to some jungle bunny in Harlem for$500, but I just deal high quality goods to the right people.“To deal” means to sell. This is Easy Andy’s ridiculous and racist way ofsaying that while he could sell guns to black people (jungle bunnies),he only sells to white people that he thinks he can 38, that’s a fine gun.A good adjective meaning good or 38, you go hammer with it all day, you come back,and it will cut dead center on target every time.A slangy way of saying that the gun will fire exactly where youaim it (A target is the precise thing at which a person fires a gun).It’s got a really nice action to it and a heck of a wallop .A “heck of a wallop” is a slangy way of saying that it has a lot of ’s a Colt 25 automatic . It holds six shots

in the clip and one shot in the chamber .A “25 automatic” is another type of well known gun, and in this case, a“shot” is another way of referring to the bullets. The “clip” and thechamber” are two different parts of a gun.

15Only a jackass would carry that cannon in the streets like that.A “jackass” is a very stupid animal, and an insulting word for a jerkor stupid person. A “cannon” is a very big type of weapon that firesexplosive balls across a battle field, although here, Easy Andy is justtalking about a ’s a beautiful hand made holster I had made in Mexico.A “holster” is a leather holder that carriesa gun, that people wear like a about dope? Grass, hash, coke, mescaline, downers…“Dope” is a general term for illegal drugs. “Grass” and “hash” refer tomarijuana, “coke” is short for cocaine, and “mescaline” and “downers”are types of illegal pills. They are all slangy words for illegal about uppers, amphetamines . :: I’m not interested in that more colloquial words for illegal pills.I can get you a brand new Cadillac with the pink slip for two grand .A Cadillac is a well known and expensive American “pink slip” is the piece of paper that proves you own a car.A “grand” is a colloquial way of saying $1,000 dollars.I got to get in shape now. Too much sitting has ruined my body.“To get in shape” is to exercise so that your body becomesstrong and healthy. “To ruin” something is to destroy it.50 push-ups . 50 pull-ups .Two types of exercises. With “push-ups,” you use your hands to pushyour body up and down while on the ground. With “pull-ups,” youuse your hands and arms to pull your chin above a ’s getting harder and harder. It’s throbbing something starts to “throb,” it beats strongly and quickly(If your head throbs, it will lead to a bad headache).All the king’s men cannot put it back together again.A famous line from a novel, that says that even aman as powerful as a king cannot control all prepares to act as his world turns ever more violent.

16You’re a Secret Service agent, aren’t you?The secretive branch of the federal government that is best known forprotecting the President and other well known political leaders.I saw some suspicious looking people over a person is “suspicious looking,” they look like they may bedangerous or possibly about to do something that is illegal.I was curious because I think I ‘d be good at a person is “curious” about something, they are interestedin it. If something is curious, it is odd or strange.I’m very observant . I was in the Marine Corps .If a person is “observant,” they notice what is going on around them,or little details that others may not see. The “Marine Corps” is thebranch of the US military that is best known for landing on beaches.I noticed a pin . It’s a signal, isn’t it?A small piece of metal that is used to fasten cloth together. A“signal” is a message that is sent, usually without the use of words.154 Hippo Avenue. Like a rabbit. Hip, hop .“Hip hop” is the expression used to describe howa rabbit jumps or runs from one place to there a zip code with that?The five digit code that helps the mail service deliver the ’s six digits .A “digit” is any of the numbers from 0-9.I’m standing here; You make the move .One way of telling a person to take the first action (In thiscase, the first violent action, such as reaching for a gun).Don’t try it, you fuck .A very aggressive and vulgar insult with very strange grammar(The 2nd person pronoun “You” followed directly by “fuck” as a noun).You talking to me? …Well, I’m the only one is one of the most famous lines in the history of the movies, andthe words that made Robert Di Nero a huge Hollywood star. Note thatit is a typical elliptical sentence, with the “Are” missing from thebeginning of the question.

17You fuckers, you screwheads . Here is a man who would not take it anymore.A “screwhead” is Travis’ way of referring to a crazy person, but this isnever used (A screw is a tiny metal part for fastening things together,and if a person “has a few screws loose,” he is considered crazy). If aperson refuses “to take it,” he refuses to accept a particular situation.A man who stood up against the scum , the cunts , the dogs, the filth, the shit.“To stand up against” someone is to fight or resist them. “Scum” arethe most disgusting or dirtiest or worst people who exist. “Cunt,” is anextremely vulgar word for a woman’s sexual , shut your fucking mouth and give me the cash out of your drawer .In this case, a “drawer” is the narrow containerthat contains the money in a cash register me have it. Give me the bread .A very slangy and somewhat dated way to refer to money.I ain’t got a permit for this thing.A paper document that shows official approvalto do something (In this case to own a gun).That’s the 5th motherfucker this r extremely vulgar insult , the people , still suffer from unemployment,inflation, crime and corruption .“We, the People” are the words that start the US Constitution, andwords that Senator Palantine likes to use in his speeches. “Corruption”is illegal or immoral behavior, especially on the part of governmentofficials who accept money in exchange for doing favors.I can’t send you my address…the sensitive nature of mywork for the government demands utmost secrecy.“Utmost” means the highest level. This is Travis’way of telling his parents why he can never see them.I have been going with a girl for several months andI know you’d be proud if you could see her.“To go with a girl” is a casual way of saying to go out withher in a romantic way, perhaps by going out on lots of more will we the people bear the burden of the suffering for the few.“To bear a burden” is to accept the pain or trouble that goes with acertain responsibility or situation. This is Palantine’s way of suggestinghe is with the masses of people against the rich or powerful.

18Travis decides to save Iris, whether she wants to be saved or looking for some action?A typical way for a prostitute to ask a manon the street if he is interested in their r, I swear I’m clean . You gonna bust me for nothing?In this context, to be “clean” means to have taken no illegal drugs inthe recent past nor to be in possession of them. “To bust” a person is toto arrest them for having done something ’re a real cowboy .The well-known men who took care of cattle (cows) in the oldAmerican West, who went from place to place on can cum on her, fuck her in the mouth, fuck her inthe ass. She’ll get your cock so hard she’ll make it “cum” (same pronunciation as “come”) is to havean orgasm. A “cock” is a common slang word for a no rough stuff .A way of referring to activity that is painful or you later, copper.“Catch you later” is a very slangy way of saying “see you later.”“Copper” is a ridiculous way of saying cop, or police officer.I’m no cop. :: Well if you are, it’s entrapment already!“Entrapment” is a legal word that refers to the action of the police orgovernment officials to convince a person to commit a crime that theynormally would not have done. If a person can prove that they were infact entrapped (seduced!), they cannot be found guilty of the crime.I’m hip . :: Buddy , you don’t look hip.“Hip” is a very slangy way of saying young and modern andfashionable, or more colloquially, cool. “Buddy” is another word forfriend, though it is often used sarcastically when the speaker doesn’teven know the person they are speaking aren’t everything.“Looks” refers to general physical appearance. This is a sad littlecomment that one would say to a person who is upset because theyknow they are not good-looking.

19I’m timing you, too.“To time” a person is to see how long they take to do something(In this case, to make sure Travis has paid enough for Iris).Remember you got into this Checker Taxi, and that guyMatthew came by and said he wanted to take you that the most common way to enter a car is to “get into” better make it or Sport will get mad. So how do you want to make it?In the right context, to “make it” simply means to have ’re the one who wanted to get outof here. :: Well I must have been stoned .If a person is “stoned,” they are usually under theinfluence of a drug like do you mean? They drug you? :: Come off it , man!“To drug” a person is to give them a drug that will make them stonedor high or confused, often without them knowing that they are takingthe drug. “Come off it” is an excellent colloquial way of telling a personto stop saying something that is ridiculous or can’t be taken , man ! What the hell is the matter with you?!“Shit, man” are simply stupid filler words to express anger orfrustration, but this kind of language is very common with certainpeople. “The hell” is added to Wh questions to show similar hate me. Why do you think I split in the first place?In this case, “to split” is a very slangy way of saying to leave.A girl should live at home. :: Didn’t you ever hear of Women’s lib ?This is short for “women’s liberation,” the social movementthat began in the 1960s to give women equal rights with should be going to school. :: God, are you square .“God” is often used to show emotion. “Square” is a silly and dated wayto refer to a person who is socially conservative, or more precisely, theopposite of cool. Note the noun and pronoun are inverted (are you) asa stylistic way of showing emphasis (You are so square).I’m not square. You’re the one who’s square. You’re full of shit , man.A vulgar insult. If you tell a person that they are “full of shit,”you are telling them that they are saying nonsense or lies.

20You walk out with those fucking creeps and lowlifes and degenerates

out on the street, and you sell your little pussy for nothing, man.“Creeps, lowlifes” and “degenerates” are all very unpleasant,immoral or disgusting people who you would prefer to avoid (ForTravis, the pimps who manage prostitutes are the biggest lowlifes).I don’t go screw and fuck with a bunch of killers and junkies the way you do.“To screw” is to have sex (but much less vulgar than to fuck).A “junkie” is a drug addict, especially one addicted to call that being hip? What world are you from ?A clever question to ask a person who has saidsomething that is completely ridiculous.I’m a Libra , too. That’s why we get along so well .A “Libra” is one of the 12 astrological signs (those signs based on aperson’s birthday and the stars). If two people “get along well,” theyenjoy being with each ’s also a dope shooter . :: So what makes youso high and mighty ? Will you tell me that?A “dope shooter” is a dated way of referring to a heroin a person feels “high and mighty,” they consider themselvesimportant or perhaps morally better than are you guys going to do about Sport and that old bastard ?A common insult word for a mean or abusive didn’t beat me up “beat up” a person is to physically attack or hurt ’s the lowest kind of person in the world…He’s the scumof the earth . He’s the worst sucking scum that I’ve ever seen.“The scum of the earth” is an expression to describe themost disgusting, immoral or horrible people that exist.I’m gonna go up to one of those communes in Vermont .A “commune” is a place where a large group of people live togetherand share all of their possessions, even though they are not part of thesame biological family. Vermont is small state North of New ’re a Scorpion . I can tell every time.“Scorpion” is another astrological sign like that “to tell” can also mean to know or notice.

21I’m doing something for the government. Thecab thing is just part-time . :: Are you a narc ?!A “part-time” job is one in which the person works much less than 40hours a week. A “narc” is a police officer who tries to stop the sale ofillegal drugs (narcotics).God, I don’t know who is weirder . You or me.“Weird” is an excellent word which means very strange or , if you ever liked what you we’re doing, you wouldn’t be my woman.A ridiculous thing for a pimp to say to a 12 year old ’s only you who keeps me together .“To keep a person together” is to help them to stay emotionally whole life has been pointed in one is Travis’ way of saying it has been his destiny or fate to do oneparticular thing that will be extremely important or are here today at a crossroads ; Columbus Circle.A “crossroads” can be where three or more streets meet at one place, ormore generally, a time in history where there are several possibledirections by which a country can move ahead into the is appropriate that we meet here today,because we meet at a crossroads in history.A useful word meaning correct, acceptable or , we have reached the turning point .A “turning point” is a point in time or history when people mustmake a big decision to move in a fundamentally different back to your fucking tribe before you get hurt.A “tribe” is a group of North American Indians, such as the the fuck out of here . :: Suck on this.A vulgar but grammatically interesting way of simply saying “leave.”“Suck on this” is also a vulgar insult, but in this context has noparticular crazy son of a bitch . I’ll kill you.A “son of a bitch” is an insult noun for a mean or abusive person.

22I can’t say how happy we are to hear that you are well and recuperating .If a person is “recuperating,” they arerecovering or getting better after being tried to visit you, but you were still in a coma .A “coma” is the physical state in which a person is alive and breathing,but completely unconscious for many days, weeks or ss to say , you are something of a hero around this household .“Needless to say” is a short way of saying “It is not necessary to say thisbecause it is so obvious, but…” A “household” is a home where one ormore people have taken steps to see that she has never cause to run away kids “run away from home,” they leave at a young age in orderto live elsewhere on their own. Obviously, their parents are usuallyvery upset when they do this.I want to swap tires…“To swap” two things is to trade or exchange them. This verb is alsoused in the expression “to swap wives,” when couples decide to sleepwith each other’s spouses.I hear Palantine got the nomination .“The nomination” of a political party is the person who is namedto represent them in a general election against candidates from otherpolitical was nothing really. I got over this case, to “get over” something is to forgetabout it and move on to other papers always blow these things up .If the news media “blows up” a story, theymake it appear more important than it really a little stiffness . That’s a person has “stiffness” in their muscles, they are usually a littlesore or they hurt a little, perhaps because they exercised too much.

23Taxi DriverPossible Topics for ESL Class Discussion1. Why is Travis so angry?2. Have you ever known anybody like him?3. How would you describe Senator Palantine? Why?4. Did Travis really save Iris? Did the means justify the ends?5. What did you like and not like about this movie?

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