




v. (aims; aimed; aiming)


. & vi.(以„)瞄准; 针对 point (a gun etc.) towards; send, direct a blow or object at sb/sth

. & vi.以„为目标目的〕 have as an intention; try, direct one's efforts

. & vi.计划,打算 hope to reach one's purpose; plan



2.作“瞄准”解时, aim是不及物动词; 作“以„瞄准„”或“针对”解时, aim是及物动词,以、箭或话语、批评等词作宾语,而以at引起的短语表示目的物。

作“以„为目标”“计划”“打算”解时抱有很明确的目的,并常指正为之努力或争取。可用作不及物动词,其后接介词at或for引起的短语; 也可用作及物动词,接动词不定式作宾语或用于be aimed at结构。



~ a blow (对„)打击

~ a fire 把火力对准

~ a gun 用对准

~ a missile 把导弹瞄准

~ a pistol 把对准

~ a stone 抛掷石头

~ an arrow 用箭对准

~ criticism 使批评针对„


外教一对一 ~ satire 使讽刺针对„


~ high向上瞄准,雄心很大

~ low 志向太低

~ straight 直接对准

~ ambitiously 有野心地打算

~ apparently 明显地以„为目标

~ basically 以„为基本目的

~ carefully 仔细瞄准

~ confessedly 自己承认地打算

~ consciously 自觉地以„为目的

~ deliberately 故意针对

~ fictitiously 虚构地打算

~ fundamentally 以„为基本目标

~ futilely 徒劳地打算

~ generously 大方地打算

~ heroically 英雄般地打算

~ immediately 立即打算

~ impossibly 不可能以„为目的

~ instructively 有益地针对

~ irrelevantly 不相关地打算

~ laudably 值得赞许地以„为目的


外教一对一 ~ loftily 崇高地打算

~ logically 合理地打算

~ modestly 谦逊地打算

~ murderously 极其危险地定目标于

~ poetically 理想地以„为目标

~ primarily 首先针对

~ principally 主要地打算

~ radically 根本地打算

~ soberly 审慎地打算

~ solely 目的完全在于

~ unselfishly 无私地打算

~ uselessly 无用地以„为目的

~ vainly 无结果地以„为目标


~ above瞄得过高

~ at瞄准

~ at a deer 瞄准一只鹿

~ at a lion 对准一头狮子

~ at a tiger对准一只老虎

~ at a wolf 对准一匹狼

~ at being perfect 力求完美

~ at perfection 力求完美


外教一对一 ~ at quick scoring 为了迅速取胜

~ for计划,打算




He aimed carefully before he let the arrow fly.他仔细瞄准后才把箭射出去。

Rick told me it was hard luck he had aimed too high.里克告诉我他目标定的太高是件倒霉的事。

So you're going to be Prime Minister when you grow up? You are aiming high.你长大后要做总理? 你雄心不小。

We should go all out and aim high.我们应当鼓足干劲,力争上游。

Work hard and aim high!奋发图强!

Aim high and have lofty ambition!树雄心,立壮志!



He aimed the gun carefully.他用仔细瞄准。

He aims a violent blow upon her. 他对准她下了重击。


I aim to be an engineer.我有志成为一名工程师。

I aim to be friendly. 我是想友好相待的。

Harry aims to become a computer expert. 哈利立志成为一名计算机专家。

I aim to finish up this job.我打算结束这项工作。

We aim to perfect ourselves in English.我们的目的在于使自己精通英语。

Mary aimed to please her customers.玛丽的目的是取悦于自己的顾客。



He aims to encourage mutual understanding.他的目的在于增进相互了解。

She aims to gain the Nobel Prize.她的目标是获得诺贝尔奖金。

He aims to save up enough money for a world cruise.他打算储蓄足够的钱供环球旅行之用。

They said the push aimed to eliminate threat to the city. 他们说这一努力旨在排除对城市的威胁。

She aims to succeed. 她立志成功。


?aim at (v.+prep.)

1.(以„)瞄准; 针对,以„为目标 point a gun etc. towards; send, direct a blow or object at sb/sth; have as a plan or intention

▲aim at sb/sth/v-ing

He drew his pistol and aimed at the enemy soldier.他拔出对准敌兵。

They raised their guns and aimed at the enemies' backs.他们端起,瞄准了敌人的后背。

Mr. Abye was not a good hunter. He aimed at a rabbit, but hit a bird.艾比先生不是个好猎手,他瞄准了一只兔子,却打中了一只鸟。

He forced himself to breathe slowly, and aimed at the tiger's head.他努力使自己呼吸放松,瞄准了虎头。

When shooting an arrow, one must aim at the target.射箭要对准靶。

He aimed at the target and hit three bull's eyes in succession.他瞄准目标,三连中靶心。

I didn't mean to hit the cat,I was aiming at the tree.我没想到打中猫,我瞄准的是树。

In saying this,I'm not aiming at you.我这话不是针对你说的。

What are you aiming at by saying that?你这样说的用意何在?

We aim at success in the examination.我们目的在于在考试中成功。

We are aiming at a higher production level.我们旨在提高生产水平。

This dictionary aims at explaining the most common mistakes in word use.本词典旨在说明用词上最易犯的通病。

The factory must aim at increasing production.工厂必须以增产为目的。



This book aims at giving a general outline of the subject.此书旨在对这个问题予以概述。

This education aimed at combining brain work with manual labour.此项教育的目的在于实现脑力劳动与体力劳动的结合。

▲aim sth at sb/sth

She aimed a revolver at me.她用瞄准我。

The detective aimed his pistol at the criminal.侦探把他的手对准犯人。

He aimed his gun at the lion, fired and missed.他把对准狮子,开了火,但没打中。

Aim the gun at the barn door.用瞄准谷仓的门。

You will have to aim your gun more carefully at the chosen object.你得更细心地瞄准,把对准选定的目标。

I walked over and saw him aiming his home-made gun at a hole.我走过去看见他用自己做的对着一个洞瞄准。

The big boy aimed a blow at me.那个大个男孩朝我打来一拳。

He picked up a stone and aimed it at the dog.他捡起一块石头朝狗打去。

Tom got angry at his brother and aimed a heavy book at his head.汤姆对他弟弟大发雷霆,拿起一本厚厚的书对准弟弟的头掷去。

◇ 用于be ~ed结构

My remark was not aimed at you.我的议论不是针对你的。

His criticism was obviously aimed at us.他的批评显然是针对我们的。

His speech was aimed at the boys who had not played fair.他说的是那些没认真表演的孩子们。

The judge's remarks were aimed at the journalists who were reporting the case. 法官的评论是针对正在报道此案的记者们讲的。

This anti-smoking campaign is mainly aimed at young teenagers. 这次反吸烟运动主要是针对青少年的。

When the teacher said there was a lazy boy in the class, he was aiming at Jack. 教师说班上有个懒学生,他指的是杰克。

We all realized who that remark was aimed at.我们心里都明白那句话是冲谁说的。

I don't know at whom the Minister's remarks were aimed, but he ought not to say such thing.我不知道部长的那番话是针对谁的,但他不应该说那些话。

The visit was aimed at expanding relations between the two countries.访问的目的是扩展两国的关系。



The offensive is aimed at gaining complete control of route 7.发动这次攻势的目的是要完全控制第七号公路。

The statement was aimed at raising his personal prestige.发表这个声明只是为了提高他个人的威信。

The new decree is aimed at stopping the black market in Western merchandise.新法令旨在禁止西方货品的黑市。

2.计划,打算 try, direct one's efforts; hope to reach one's purpose

▲aim at sth/v-ing

He aimed at the apple and orange.他想要苹果和橘子。

He aims at perfection in everything he does.他每干一件事都力求干得尽善尽美。

Harry aims at becoming a doctor.哈利立志做一名医生。

You should always aim at doing your job well.你应力求始终做好本职工作。

If the people aim at obtaining some advantage in rank or fortune, nobody wishes them success.假如这些人一心想升官发财,是没有人希望他们成功的。


Finally in 1863 an insurrection broke out, aiming at independence. 终于在1863年爆发了旨在独立的起义。

Everything aimed at has now been achieved. 所有的目的都已达到。

?aim for (v.+prep.)

计划,打算 hope to reach one's purpose

▲aim for sth

He aimed for her leg.他企图抓住她的腿。

We should aim for the best results.我们力求获得最佳结果。

She aims for perfection.她力求成为一个完美的人。

We're aiming for complete enrollment.我们希望全部加入。

She was aiming for the top in her career.她立志攀登事业的顶峰。

It soon became clear that he was aiming for a directorship.他想当厂长的意图很快便看清了。



We aim for the completion of the task by the end of the year.我们的最终目的是最迟年底完成这项工作。


?aim to-v, aim at v-ing

aim在作“目的在于„”解时接动词不定式或“at+动名词”均可,只是to do的形式在美国更多用些,而at doing的形式在英国更多用些。另外,美式英语中还常用aim to do表示“想干”“打算干”,而英式英语中则常用hope和try。

aim at, aim for


1.在含义上, aim for比aim at更强调“最终目的”(而不是为它而做的努力)。例如:

It isn't just a seat in the Cabinet at which he is aiming, but the Prime Ministership itself.他不仅想当内阁大臣,而且是当首相。

I was aiming for the chimney-pot, but the stone fell short and went through a skylight in the roof.我原想打烟筒管帽的,但是石头没有击中目标,穿过了屋顶上的天窗。

at后可接名词或动名词; 而aim for之后只接名词,不接动名词。

at除表示“希望(达到某个目标)”外,还可表示“瞄准”“针对”,且这时可以用于被动结构; 而aim for不表示“瞄准”和“针对”,也不用于被动结构。

?aim at, be aimed at


1.构成不同:aim at是由不及物动词+介词(短语)构成的短语动词,用作及物动词; 而be aimed at中的aimed是过去分词,用于系表结构。

2.作用不同:aim at既可表示状态,又可表示动作; 而be aimed at只能表示状态。例如:

I wonder what he was aiming at.我不知道他当时的目的何在。

He aims at improving his pronunciation.他想要改进他的发音。

The modification is aimed at improving efficiency.改进旨在提高效率。

at还可以表示“瞄准”; 而be aimed at则无此含义。

?aim, level, point, train




1.瞄准方法不同:aim指端起瞄准; train指把放在对准其目标的位置上; level指把放在水平位置上瞄准; point则指以某物的一端或尖 The army trained its cannon on the fort.军队把大炮对准了要塞。

The second sentry leveled his halberd at the parson's breast.第二个警卫把他的戟对准了牧师的胸口。

He pointed his finger at me.他用手指着我。

2.搭配范围不同:aim和train可以表示以镜头对准; 而level和point不能这样用。例如可以说He trained the camera upon the children.它把相机对准孩子们。

3.连用的介词不同:aim与at, for连用; train与on〔upon〕连用; level与at, against 连用; 而point则与at, to连用。

4.使用场合不同:aim for多见于较正式的文体中。

n. (aims)


1. 瞄准 the act of directing weapon, etc. at object; the act of aiming

2. 目标,目的 purpose, intention, goal, target



作“瞄准”解时是不可数名词,其前不用冠词; 作“目的”解时, aim是可数名词,其前可加不定冠词或数词。


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