

• Because the pandas had already been weakened by disease and drought, a harsh

winter would have had --- consequences for them.

(A) preventive

(B) regressive

(C) catastrophic

(D) unforeseen

(E) moderate

Johnson’s writing is considered ------- and ------- because it is filled

with obscure references and baffling digressions.

(A) deceiving ….ingenuous

(B) arcane ….abstruse

(C) spare ….didactic

(D) lucid ….definitive

(E) concise ….esoteric

3.A painter’s ability to render a likeness is both ___ and acquired; the

artist blends natural abilities with worldly experience in the creation of

his or her art.

A anticipated

B overt

C aesthetic

D ubiquitous

E innate

4. A judicious biography must be ----- representation that depicts both the

strengths and the weaknesses of the subject, avoiding the two extremes of

---- and indictment.

A a polarized … vindication

B an imaginative … discernment

C a holistic … censure

D a complimentary … animosity

E an equitable … eulogy

Because the congresswoman has been so openhanded with many of her

constituents, it is difficult to reconcile this ------- with her private


• (A) selfishness ….inattention

(B) insolence ….virtue

(C) magnanimity ….pettiness

(D) opportunism ….ambition

(E) solicitousness ….generosity

His peers respected him because he was both ------- and -------:steadfast

in his beliefs and tactful in his negotiations.

(A) resourceful ….courteous

(B) tenacious ….manipulative

(C) determined ….demonstrative

(D) resolute ….diplomatic

(E) outspoken ….indiscriminate

Cathedrals usually take decades , even centuries, to complete; thus no one

expected the National Cathedral to be built with -------.

(A) dispatch

(B) presumption

(C) durability

(D) deliberation

(E) reverence

Although Eduora Welty and William Faulkner wrote in distinctively different

styles, ------- between the two is ------- because they both lived in and

wrote about Mississippi.

(A) comparison ….inevitable

(B) cooperation …..destructive

(C) discord ….legendary

(D) similarity ….unlikely

(E) rivalry ….redundantly

Rodolfo Gonzales was once describes as ------- in body and mind because of

the flexibility and grace apparent in both his boxing and his writing of

poetry and plays.

(A) unyielding

(B) tremulous

(C) emphatic

(D) lithe

(E) fickle

To reflect the ------- of that nation’s spoken languages, its writers often

make us of a mixture of dialects.

(A) articulation

(B) intonation

(C) spontaneity

(D) profundity

(E) heterogeneity


The quality or state of being heterogeneous.


consisting of dissimilar or diverse ingredients or constituents : MIXED

Merriam - Webster

To avoid being -----, composer Stephen Sondheim strives for an element of

surprise in his songs.

A erratic B informal

C elaborate D predictable

E idiosyncratic

By portraying a wide spectrum of characters in his one-man show, John

Leguizamo provides a ------- to the theater’s tendency to offer a limited

range of roles to Latino actors.

(A) corrective

(B) tribute

(C) corollary

(D) stimulus

(E) precursor

In order to ------- the loss of natural wetlands used by migrating snow geese,

conservationists in the 1960’s and 1970’s ------- wetland refuges in the

northern prairies.

(A) standardize ….ignored

(B) offset ….surrendered

(C) explain ….dismantled

(D) compensate for ….established

(E) account for ….administered

Conservationists [7kEnsE5veiFEnist]

Castillo’s poetry has generated only enthusiastic response: praise from

the general public and ------- from the major critics.

(A) condemnation

(B) sarcasm

(C) plaudits

(D) irony

(E) pathos

The residents of the town lived ------- lives; no one indulged in wild or

------- behavior.

(A) rambunctious ….indecent

(B) extravagant ….excessive

(C) secluded ….scrupulous

(D) circumscribed ….impulsive

(E) irreverent ….animated

The editorial claimed that the gubernatorial candidate lacked worldly wisdom

and that this ------- would likely be his undoing.

(A) naivete

(B) furtiveness

(C) venality

(D) indecisiveness

(E) sarcasm

A scientist should not automatically reject folkways that might at first

seem silly or superstitious; scientific qualifications are not a license

for -------, nor do they ------- prejudice or bias.

(A) experimentation ….eliminate

(B) arrogance ….pursue

(C) humility ….advocate

(D) smugness ….legitimate

(E) rigidity ….console

Some interactive computer games are so elaborately contrived and require

such ------- strategies that only the most ------- player can mater them.

(A) byzantine ….adroit

(B) nefarious ….conscientious

(C) devious ….lackadaisical

(D) onerous ….slipshod

(E) predictable …pulsive

The existence of environmental contamination is no longer a point of -------;

government, industry, and the public agree that it is a serious problem.

(A) concern

(B) cooperation

(C) urgency

(D) relevance

(E) dispute

Not only was the science of Hildegard of Bingen ------- her theology, but

her religious visions helped give her scientific works ------- by winning

her the support of medieval church authorities.

(A) inseparable from ….legitimacy

(B) unconcerned with ….prestige

(C) derived from ….profundity

(D) related to ….accuracy

(E) diminished by ….detachment

Just as glass window offer building both light and insulation, certain

atmospheric gases ------- incoming sunlight and ------- heat radiated from

the ground, preventing warmth from escaping.

(A) conduct ….release

(B) deflect ….transmit

(C) admit ….contain

(D) absorb ….dispense

(E) resist ….trap

Predictably, detail-oriented workers are ------- keeping track of the myriad

particulars of a situation.

(A) remiss in

(B) adept at

(C) humorous about

(D) hesitant about

(E) contemptuous of

The doctor ------- so frequently on disease-prevention techniques that his

colleagues accused of -------.

(A) vacillated ….inconsistency

(B) sermonized ….fidelity

(C) wavered ….steadfastness

(D) experimented ….inflexibility

(E) relied …negligence

The frequent name changes that the country has undergone ------- the

political turbulence that has attended its recent history.

(A) argue against

(B) contrast with

(C) testify to

(D) jeopardize

(E) sustain

Anne mentioned John’s habitual boasting about his wardrobe as an example

of his ------- ways.

(A) erratic

(B) egotistical

(C) flexible

(D) tactful

(E) inconspicuous

Considering that many women had little control over their own lives in

medieval England, Margery Kempe’s fifteenth-century autobiography

demonstrates a remarkable degree of -------.

(A) consecration

(B) rationalism

(C) autonomy

(D) effacement

(E) simplicity

Nicknamed the “contacted lens”, the device installed on the Hubble

telescope successfully ------- its flawed vision, the result of a faulty


(A) corrected

(B) displayed

(C) generated

(D) scrutinized

(E) accentuated

Opponents of the research institute label it ------- anachronism; its

scholars , they allege, have ------- rivaling those of pre-Revolutionary

French nobility.

(A) an elitist ….perquisites

(B) a monarchical ….tribulations

(C) an irreproachable ….luxuries

(D) a reprehensible ….afflictions

(E) a commendable ….privileges

O’ Leary tolerates worms and snakes but is ------- about insects: he has

an exaggerated fear of them.

(A) agnostic

(B) eclectic

(C) empiric

(D) phobic

(E) quixotic

Tame koala bears handled by tourists are -------, but wild koala are hard

to control typically required two people to hold them.

(A) mischievous

(B) gluttonous

(C) supple

(D) adroit

(E) docile

The medicine dose have salutary effect by ------- pain, even if recent

studies prove that it cannot eliminate such discomfort entirely.

(A) alleviating

(B) distracting

(C) revitalizing

(D) eradicating

(E) augmenting

The scientific organization ------- the newspaper for prominently covering

the predictions of a psychic while ------- to report on a major research


(A) celebrated ….failing

(B) promoted ….refusing

(C) denounced ….neglecting

(D) spurned ….hastening

(E) honored ….opting

Critics say that the autobiographical work Brothers and Keepers by John Edgar

Wideman is surprising in that it celebrates and yet ------- his own role

in the life of his brother.

(A) censures

(B) exacerbates

(C) explores

(D) duplicates

(E) delineates

Although it stayed in business for several months the company was actually

------- and met its financial obligations only by engaging in -------


(A) insolvent ….fraudulent

(B) prudent ….speculative

(C) autonomous ….subordinate

(D) bankrupt ….charitable

(E) sable ….manipulative

The staff complained that management was -------, focusing on short-term

profits while disregarding the long-term welfare of the corporation.

(A) irresolute

(B) officious

(C) rancorous

(D) punctilious

(E) myopic

Though outwardly -------, the speaker was actually quite disturbed by the

tumultuous crowd.

(A) apprehensive

(B) agitated

(C) furious

(D) serene

(E) considerate

“Foamy” viruses cause cells cultured in laboratories to swell but

produced no such ------- in cells of living organisms.

(A) compression

(B) disintegration

(C) distension

(D) deflation

(E) dehydration

Hayley Mills’ s films have been called -------, although most of them are

not so sentimental as to deserve the description.

(A) treacly

(B) cursory

(C) prosaic

(D) meticulous

(E) consecrated

By the end of the long, arduously hike, Chris was walking with a -------

gait, limping slowing back to the campsite.

(A) halting

(B) robust

(C) constant

(D) prompt

(E) facile

The actor was noted for his ------- behavior: he quickly become irritated

if his every whim was not immediately satisfied.

• Inbreeding can promote the expression of ------- genes, those that make en

animal subject to disease or impair reproductive efficiency.

(A) ineffable

(B) articulated

(C) consummate

(D) presumptive

(E) deleterious

The beauty of Mount McKinley is usually clocked: clouds ------- the summit

nine days out of ten.

(A) release

(B) elevate

(C) entangle

(D) shroud

(E) attain

In Jamaica Kincaid ‘s novel lucy, the West Indian heroine ------- her

employers’ world, critically examining its assumptions and values.

(A) idealizes

(B) avoids

(C) beautifies

(D) scrutinizes

(E) excludes

Commerce on the remote island was conducted exclusively by -------,

(A) fastidious

(B) sedulous

(C) vindictive

(D) petulant

(E) mercenary

exchanging goods for goods.

(A) credit

(B) loan

(C) faith

(D) patronage

(E) barter

In rock climbing, survival depends as much on -------, the ability to

perceive without conscious reasoning, as on physical strength.

(A) autonomy

(B) incoherence

(C) intuition

(D) sophistry

(E) receptivity

Colonial American playwright Mercy Otis Warren was known for her political

-------: her keen judgment and insight were widely acknowledged.

(A) partisanship

(B) intemperance

(C) acumen

(D) irreverence

(E) interest

His peers respected him because he was both ------- and -------:steadfast

in his beliefs and tactful in his negotiations.

(A) resourceful ….courteous

(B) tenacious ….manipulative

(C) determined ….demonstrative

(D) resolute ….diplomatic

(E) outspoken ….indiscriminate

The spotted bowerbird has a ------- for amassing the bright shiny objects

it needs for decorating it s bower: it will enter houses to ------- cutlery,

coins , thimbles, nails, screws, even car key.

(A) knack ….assess

(B) penchant ….pilfer

(C) purpose ….dispense

(D) predilection ….disturb.

(E) remedy ….raid.

Orangutans are ------- apes: they typically conduct most of their lives up

in the trees of tropical rain forest.

(A) indigenous

(B) transitory

(C) recessive

(D) pliant

(E) arboreal

Ms. Rivers gave a performance of noteworthy ------- : her piano repertoire

ranged form classical music to jazz.

(A) intensity

(B) precision

(C) scope

(D) polish

(E) duration

The café attracts a ------- clientele: a startlingly heterogeneous group

of people collects there.

(A) motley

(B) callous

(C) languid

(D) mysterious

(E) humane

Concrete is ------- of many materials, a composite of rocks, pebbles, sand,

and cement.

(A) a conflagration

(B) a distillation

(C) a concordance

(D) an aberration

(E) an amalgamation

Soon after the first visitors arrived, increasing numbers of the residents

of the remote island thought it possible that the outside world, instead

of being -------, could be ------- and worth exploring.

(A) insular ….unlimited

(B) friend ….wicked

(C) amiable ….cooperative

(D) threatening ….fascinating

(E) forbidding ….harmful

Cito Gaston, one of the least ------- baseball managers, surprised reporters

by weeping openly after his team won the play-offs.

(A) somber

(B) demonstrative

(C) insufferable

(D) bountiful

(E) wistful

They use language not to explain but to -------, each statement is like a

reflection in a warped mirror.

(A) preserve

(B) distort

(C) enlighten

(D) negate

(E) destroy

Anna Frued’s impact on psychoanalysis was -------, coming not from one

brilliant discovery but from a lifetime of first rate work.

(A) tangential

(B) premature

(C) exorbitant

(D) indiscernible

(E) cumulative

Royal garments found in the tombs of ancient Egyptian reveal no evidence

of having been mended; this discovery suggests that the rulers of Egypt opted

for ------- rather than -------.

(A) disposal ….repair

(B) sacrifice ….opulence

(C) wastefulness …fort

(D) spirituality ….worldliness

(E) humiliation ….charity

More ------- than her predecessor, Superintendent Reynolds would, many

predicted, have a far less ------- term of office.

(A) phlegmatic ….apathetic

(B) conciliatory ….confrontational

(C) empathetic …passionate

(D) vigilant ….reputable

(E) penurious ….frugal

For many of the villagers, marriage was a practical -------, one not

necessarily ------- of love but nevertheless grounded largely in economic


(A) arrangement ….devoid

(B) entertainment ….disparaging

(C) attitude ….consisting

(D) bargain ….worthy

(E) misfortune ….trusting

1. Critics dismissed the engineer’s seemingly creative design as being

-------, that is, underdeveloped and lacking in sophistication.

(A) defunct

(B) unorthodox

(C) simplistic

(D) erroneous

(E) ambiguous

ars possess a camouflage perhaps unparalleled in the bird world: by

day they roost hidden in shady woods, so ------- with their surroundings that

they are nearly impossible to -------.

(A) vexed ….dislodge

(B) blended ….discern

(C) harmonized ….interrupt

(D) impatient ….distinguish

(E) integrated ….classify

longer narrowly preoccupied with their own national pasts, historians

are increasingly ------- in that they often take a transnational perspective.

(A) conciliatory

(B) bombastic

(C) mendacious

(D) cosmopolitan

(E) jocular

ng economy of expression in writing, the professor urges students

toward a ------- rather than an ------- prose style.

(A) spare ….ornate

(B) terse ….opined

(C) personal ….academic

(D) baroque ….embellished

(E) repetitive ….intricate

1. Improvements in refrigeration and transportation in the nineteenth

century ---- the ---- of available food for many families in the United


A slowed … distribution

B accelerated .. perishability

C expand … variety

D lowered .. amount

E created .. dearth

2. She apologized profusely, only to discover that her self-serving excuses

failed to have a ---- effect.

A reprehensible

B palliative

C depreciatory

D litigious

E compendious

companies seeking permission to drill in Alaskan wildlife refuge areas

argued that, for animals, the effects of previous drilling in comparable

areas have been -----.

A irrepressible

B counterproductive

C negligible

D momentous

E magnanimous

data recording a bottlenose whale’s phenomenal dive of over 4,700

feet ----- earlier ----- that such whales were among the sea’s deepest


A refuted … theories

B challenged … predictions

C confirmed … speculations

D validated … disclaimers

E substantiated … doubts

2. While traveling near the Sun, the comet Hale-Bopp produced a ------- amount

of dust, much more than the comet Halley or Hyakutake.

(A) voracious

(B) disposable

(C) redundant

(D) superficial

(E) prodigious

3. Sophocles, who wrote the play Oedipus Rex, was one of the most ___

playwright of ancient Greece: in addition to seven complete plays, fragments

of more than 80 of his over 100 works are known to exist.

A famous

B grandiloquent

C captious

D prolific

E eclectic

cause of Mozart’s ------- is a long-standing medical -------: over

the years, physicians have suggested more than 100 possibilities, including

poisoning, malnutrition, kidney disease, and heart failure.

(A) mortality ….phenomenon

(B) bereavement ….controversy

(C) genius ….enigma

(D) demise ….mystery

(E) death ….trial

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