



Internal auditing's role in ERM

As organizations lay their enterprise risk groundwork, many auditors are taking

on management's oversight responsibilities, new research finds.

Internal audit departments have played a variety of roles in their organization's

enterprise risk management (ERM) activities since The Committee of Sponsoring

Organizations of the Tread way Commission (COSO) released its Enterprise Risk

Management-Integrated Framework in September 2004. An IIA position paper issued

in the wake of COSO ERM, "The Role of Internal Auditing in Enterprise-wide Risk

Management," indicates the roles that the internal audit function should and should

not play throughout the ERM process, ranging from full involvement to no

involvement. According to the paper, internal auditors should have a core role in five

ERM-related assurance activities: giving assurance on risk management processes,

giving assurance that risks are evaluated correctly, evaluating risk management

processes, evaluating the reporting of key risks, and reviewing the management of key


A recent IIA Research Foundation study examined the extent to which internal

audit functions adhere to the ERM roles recommended in the IIA paper. During

October 2005, researchers disseminated an online survey to 7,200 IIA members

through The Institute's Global Auditing Information Network. The survey generated

361 responses from a mix of large, mid-sized, and small organizations in a variety of

industries, including businesses, government agencies, and not for profit organizations.

Nearly 60 percent of respondents identified themselves as a chief audit executive or

audit director, 23 percent were audit managers, and 7.8 percent were staff or senior

auditors. Approximately 90 percent were from the United States and Canada.

Respondents' organizations are at different stages of implementing ERM, as

defined by COSO. More than 11 percent say their organization's ERM infrastructure

is mature or relatively mature, and 37 percent have recently adopted or are in the

process of implementing ERM. Among all organizations surveyed, the internal audit

function is primarily responsible for ERM-related activities in 36 percent of

respondents' organizations, while 27 percent say the primary responsibility belongs to

a chief risk officer (CRO) who is not part of the audit function. Nearly one-third of

respondents say another executive or function oversees ERM..

The hours and dollars internal audit functions spend on ERM-related activities

are minimal for many respondents. Nearly half say their audit department spent 10

percent or less of its hourly and financial budgets on ERM-related activities during

fiscal year 2004. More than one-third of audit departments spent II percent to 50

percent of their time on ERM, and 28 percent spent n percent to 50 percent of their

financial budgets, while less than 10 percent of departments Spent more than 50

percent of their time and money.

The IIA position paper categorizes 18 ERM-related activities according to the

appropriate level of responsibility for the internal audit function. Survey respondents

reported their current and ideal level of responsibility for these activities: no

responsibility, limited responsibility, moderate responsibility, substantial

responsibility, and total responsibility.


Differences between respondents' current and ideal responsibilities are greatest

for the five core ERM assurance activities identified In the IIA paper. Respondents

Indicated that their current responsibility for each of the core ERM related activities is

moderate, but they say they should have a substantial level of responsibility. These

views agree with the IIA guidance. Additionally, roughly half of internal audit

functions surveyed currently have substantial or full responsibility for at least one

core activity, and more than two-thirds say they should have till or substantial

responsibility for at least one core activity.

Within the core category, the audit function's two highest levels of current

responsibility involve reviewing management of key risks and evaluating the risk

management process. Evaluating the risk management process and giving assurance

on risk management processes are the highest-rated ideal responsibilities. Conversely,

giving assurance that risks are evaluated correctly is the lowest-rated current and ideal


The following respondent comments offer some insight into why audit

departments are not currently involved in core ERM-related activities at the level they

deem appropriate;

"We have just recently begun implementing ERM activities in our company. We

do not yet have complete understanding of the process and buy-in from management."

"The audit committee and management are not aware of what ERM is."

"The internal audit function has just initiated an awareness campaign among the

audit committee members."

These comments suggest that educating management and the audit committee on

ERM issues can be critical to ensuring that the audit function takes on an appropriate

level of responsibility for ERM.


The IIA paper prescribes seven legitimate ERM-related activities for which

internal committee audit functions may be responsible as long as safeguards are in

place: facilitating the identification and evaluation of risks, coaching management in

responding to risks, coordinating ERM-related activities, consolidating the reporting

on risks, maintaining and developing the ERM framework, championing

establishment of ERM, and developing risk management strategy for board approval.

These activities are described as "consulting" activities. Although respondents' current

responsibility for each of these legitimate activities ranges from limited to moderate,

they say their ideal level should be moderate, which is consistent with the guidance.

Within the legitimate category, the highest level of current internal audit

responsibility involves facilitating the identification and evaluation of risks —the

top-rated ERM-related activity, including core activities. This activity is also the

highest-rated ideal activity among legitimate activities, suggesting that auditors

consider it a core responsibility. This finding is not surprising. because risk detection

and evaluation are traditional considerations in developing annual audit plans. The

lowest-rated current and ideal activity is developing a risk management strategy for

board approval, which is an activity that might best be handled by management.

The IIA guidance cautions that when internal auditors undertake these legitimate

consulting activities, safeguards should be in place to ensure that they do not take on

management responsibility for actually managing risks. One possible preventive

measure would include documenting the auditors' ERM responsibilities in an audit

committee-approved audit charter. Further, if auditors take on any ERM-related

activities that fall within this consulting role, they should treat these engagements as

consulting engagements and apply the relevant IIA standards to help ensure their

independence and objectivity.


According to the IIA position paper. It is inappropriate for internal auditors to be

responsible for six ERM-related activities: setting the risk appetite, imposing risk

management processes, providing management assurance on risks, making decisions

on risk responses, implementing risk responses on management's behalf, and having

accountability for risk management. Overall, audit functions in the survey have

greater responsibility for these activities than the IIA paper recommends. However,

auditors say they should have some limited responsibility for the inappropriate


Within the inappropriate category, internal auditors' highest level of current and

ideal responsibility is providing management assurance on risks, while their lowest

level of responsibility is for setting the risk appetite. Respondents' comments suggest

that auditors currently have greater responsibilities in these areas because the audit

function is playing a leading role during the early stages of ERM development.


The perceived current and ideal FRM roles for the internal audit function may

vary across organizations, depending on the organization's industry, size, and audit

department size, as well as the firm's need to comply with the U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley

Act of 2002.

INDUSTRY Respondents work in a variety of sectors, including financial

services, manufacturing, transportation, communications, utilities, health care, retail

and wholesale, government, and education. Researchers compared responses from the

two largest industry groups: financial services and manufacturing. On average,

financial service industry audit departments have greater current responsibility for

core activities than those from manufacturing. With respect to inappropriate activities,

manufacturing audit departments tend to say their ideal involvement should be higher

than their current responsibility, while financial service industry audit departments

rate their current and ideal responsibilities at the same level.

ORGANIZATION SIZE Approximately half of respondents work in

organizations that had 2004 revenues between US $500 million and US $5 billion.

Nearly 25 percent of respondents work in organizations that had revenues under US

$500 million in 2004, while a similar number of respondents work in organizations

that had more than US $5 billion in revenue that year. Researchers compared

responses from organizations with revenues of less than US $1 billion with

organizations with revenues greater than US $1 billion. On average, auditors from

both types of organizations have relatively equal levels of responsibility for current

core activities. However, smaller organizations rated their ideal involvement for these

core activities higher than large organizations. Smaller organizations have a slightly

higher current level of responsibility for inappropriate activities than larger

organizations and say their ideal involvement in these areas should be higher.

AUDIT STAFF SIZE More than half of respondents work in audit departments

with 10 or fewer auditors, slightly more than one-quarter work in departments with

between 11 and 50 auditors, and approximately one-tenth of respondents work in

departments with more than 50 auditors. Internal audit functions with more than 10

auditors currently have somewhat more responsibility for core activities than audit

departments with 10 or fewer auditors. Both large and small audit functions have

roughly equal levels of responsibility for all other ERM-related activities. However,

unlike large audit organizations, respondents from small audit departments want to

have more responsibility for activities in the inappropriate category.

SARBANES-OXLEY Most respondents' organizations are required to comply

with Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404. Researchers found few differences between those

organizations and respondents from organizations that do not have to comply with the

act. The primary difference related to core activities, where compliers report a higher

level of current responsibility than non-compliers.

Although the IIA guidance is equally applicable to all organizations, the research

indicates that smaller internal audit departments and those from smaller organizations

tend to take on ERM responsibilities that would be more appropriate for management.

In these cases, internal auditing should work to develop an ERM implementation and

maintenance plan that includes a stratcgy and timeline for migrating responsibilities

for these activities to management


Although the survey results suggest that the current levels of responsibility audit

departments have may differ somewhat from that levels recommended by The IIA'S

position paper, the respondents' comments offer some evidence that auditors

understand the underlying concepts of the guidance:

"There needs to be a shift in the 'doing' of the ERM to being an internal audit

function that relies on and evaluates the ERM process. ERM should be in sync with

the audit universe and plan,"

"In the past i8 months, the corporation has appointed a CRO to provide oversight

and guidance to evolving ERM processes. During this period, much of internal

auditing's previous ERM roles have migrated to this officer." More importantly,

respondents identified significant barriers in their organizations to following the


"These ERM responsibilities and processes are not well defined in many

organizations and should be more clearly articulated by senior management."

'There is not enough emphasis from the top that risk management is important

and must be done effectively. Management is still trying to hide things from internal

auditing. It's not them against us, we're all in it together."

"Most auditors and enterprise managers lack clarity on the distinction between

responsibility for risk assurance implementation versus responsibility for risk

assurance compliance and monitoring."

These comments stress that a key element to establishing a successful ERM

program is education on the importance of ERM and the appropriate roles

management and internal auditing have in the process. Internal auditors can play a key

role in providing this education. The audit department, management, hoard of

directors, and audit committee need to be clear about which ERM related activities

internal auditors should perform and which activities should always be performed by

management. Relevant training should highlight that internal auditing could serve in a

monitoring or consulting role throughout much of the ERM process, but the formal

decision-making authority must reside with management if the audit department is to

maintain its independence and objectivity.

Auditors should take steps to ensure that the board and audit committee are

aware of the COSO ERM framework and are actively engaged in overseeing the ERM

process. Additionally, auditors should consider training senior management, the board,

and others throughout their organization on COSO ERM and related guidance.

Responses to the survey provide useful insights into additional steps that the

internal audit profession should take. Auditors whose organizations are in the early

stages of adopting ERM or will be implementing ERM in the future have many

opportunities to ensure that the process is effective and efficient. For example, audit

departments that currendy perform ERM-related activities that should be

management's responsibility can take proactive steps to open up the lines of

communication between internal auditing and management, the board and audit

committee, and external auditors about the risks of this situation. Such

communication should encourage management to take on appropriate ERM

responsibilities. One approach audit departments could take is to develop a business

plan describing how management can assume responsibility for ERM related

activities for which they should be accountable. However, internal auditors should

recognize that completing this plan and convincing management to accept these ERM

responsibilities might not occur quickly.

With appropriate planning, communication, and education, internal auditors,

management, the board, and external auditors should be ready to work together to

achieve the many benefits of ERM. Ideally, this coordination will result in performing

ERM-related activities at appropriate places within the organization, management

accepting its responsibility for ERM, and that audit function playing a role that is

consistent with appropriate professional guidance.

Source:al auditing's role in ERM.2004:2-4.



















这些活动被称为“咨询”活动,虽然受访者目前的责任范围有限,从这些合法活动中可以看到,他们说自己的理想水平应该是适度的,这是根据国际审计师协会文件指导意见确定的。在合法的类别的当前内部审计责任的最高级别涉及:促进识别风险和风险评估,一流的ERM 相关活动,包括核心活动。 这项活动也是最高要求,建议审计人员的核心职责是合法活动中的理想活动。 这一结果并不令人惊讶,因为风险监测和评估是在制定年度审计计划中的传统因素。最低要求和理想的活动是得到一个董事会的批准,这是一个可能由管理者处理企业风险管理活动最好的管理策略。








工业:工业被访者中包括 金融服务、 制造、 运输、 通信、 公用事业、 卫生保健、 零售和批发、 政府和教育的部门的各种行业。 研究人员比较了来自两个最大的产业体的响应: 金融服务业和制造业。当前,金融服务行业审计部门平均有比从事制造业核心活动更大的责任。 对不适当的活动,制造业审计部门往往说他们理想的参与应高于其当前的责任,而 金融服务性行业审计部门表示其当前和理想的责任,在同一级别。

组织:大约一半的受访者2004 年财政收入在5亿美元和50亿美元之间的组织工作。 近 25%的受访者都是在2004年收入在500万美元以下的组织,而在那一年的收入已超过50亿美元的组织中工作的数目类似的被访者在组织中的工作比例。 研究人员比较来自组织收入少于10亿美元对组织的响应远远比10美元更多。审计人员平均了这两种类型的组织具有较同等级别的核心活动的当前责任。 但是,在核心活动中,较小的组织对他们理想的参与比这些较大型组织更加重视。 较小的组织对待当前不恰当的行为、活动有比较大组织稍高级别的责任,他们认为在这些地区,他们应该更加理想的参与。

会计检查:超过一半的受访者在只拥有10名或更少的审计人员的审计部门工作,略高于四分之一受访者在11~50名审计师的审计部门工作,大约十分之一的被访者拥有50 多个审计人员的审计部门工作。 拥有10多个内部审计人员的审计部门,在企业核心活动中有着比仅拥有10人一下的审计部门更多的责任。在其他 的ERM 有关活动中,这两个大型和小型审计职能具有大致相同级别的责任。 不过,与大审计组织不同,小审计部门的受访者想要组织承担更多对不适当活动的责任。

大部分被访者组织都必须遵守萨班斯-奥克斯利法案第 404条。 研究人员发现这些组织和被访者没有遵守行为的一些差异。主要的不同在于遵守契约与不遵守之间的一个一个较高水平的核心活动的差异。

尽管国际投资协定的指导是同样适用于所有组织,但研究显示较小的内部审计部门和那些较小的公司往往要求有企业风险管理的责任,和会较为适当的管理。 在这些情况下内部审计应制定一个 ERM 实施和维护计划,包括一些策划和迁移的时间轴管理活动的责任。



“需要能够将ERM 的 ‘做’转移到依赖内部审计职能、ERM 过程中的计算结果,ERM 应与审计范围和计划同步”

“过去18月中该公司已委任一个 CRO 提供监督和不断变化的 ERM 过程指导。 在这段期间之前内部审计在ERM 角中有很多已经迁移到这位官员。”更重要的是被访者确定在其组织中的重大障碍,遵循指导原则:

这些 ERM 责任和进程在许多文件中并没有很好的定义,应该通过高级管理人员表现的更清楚一些。



这些意见强调建立一个成功的 ERM 程序,其中一个关键因素是在这一进程的适当角管理和内部审计在ERM 中的重要性教育。提供这种教育,内部审计人员可以发挥关键作用。 该审计部门管理,董事,和审计委员会需要明确有关的 ERM 活动,内部审计员应执行和管理哪些活动。 内部审计可对整个ERM


审计人员应采取一定步骤,以确保委员会和审计委员会都知道 COSO ERM

框架,并积极参与监督 ERM 过程。 此外,审计人员应考虑对高级管理人员、所有者和其他管理人员进行 COSO ERM培训 和相关的指导。


其组织处于早期阶段采用 ERM 的或在将来实施 ERM 的审计人员有很多机会,确保这一进程是有效和高效率的。例如审计部门执行 ERM 有关的活动,应是管理层的责任,可以采取积极步骤,开放的内部审计是管理层、董事会、审计委员会和外聘审计师是对风险之间这种情况的通信线路。 这种通信方式应鼓励采取适当的 ERM 责任管理。一个前进的审计部门可采取这样一个措施来发展内部审计,制定开发描述如何管理,可以承担的责任,应负责任的 ERM活动的业务计划。 不过,内部审计人员应认识到,完成这项计划可能不会快速的令人信服并接受这些 ERM 责任管理。

与适当的规划、沟通和教育、内部审计人员、管理、老板及外聘审计师应共同努力实现 ERM 的很多好处。理想情况下,这种协调将使该组织管理接受其负责的ERM,在适当的位置执行 ERM 有关的活动,并使入世审计职能作用与适当的专业指导一致。


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