

Terms and Conditions of Purchase- Bosch China


1. General


Our Terms and Conditions of Purchase shall apply exclusively; Business terms and conditions of the Supplier conflicting with

or Supplier’s deviating from our Terms and Conditions of Purchase are only recognized insofar as we expressly agreed to

them in writing. Acceptance or payment of goods and services from the Supplier (hereinafter referred to as Products) does not

constitute agreement.


2. Conclusion of and Modifications to Contract


2.1 Orders, Contracts and order releases as well as modifications and supplements thereto must be placed and made in writing.


2.2 Oral agreements of any kind – including subsequent modifications and supplements to our Terms and Conditions of Purchase

must be confirmed by us in writing to become effective.


2.3 The written form requirement is also deemed complied with if communications are sent by remote data transmission or fac-simile transmission.


2.4 Cost estimates are binding and are not to be compensated unless otherwise expressly agreed by us.


2.5 We are entitled to cancel the order if the Supplier does not accept the order within two weeks of receipt thereof.


2.6 Call-off Order releases within the framework of order and call-off order release planning become binding if the Supplier does

not object within two working days of receipt thereof.


2.7 The Agreement on Quality, Occupational Health and Safety, Environmental Protection and Social Responsibility for Suppli-ers (Quality Assurance Agreement), the Logistics Manual and the Delivery and Packaging Specifications of Robert Bosch

GmbH form an integral part of the Contract.


3. Delivery


3.1 Deliveries deviating from our Contracts and orders are only admissible if our prior written approval is given.


3.2 Agreed periods and dates are binding. Punctual compliance with the delivery periods and delivery dates is determined by the

date of receipt of the Products by us. Unless delivery “free at our factory gate ” is agreed (DAP or DDP Incoterms 2010), the

Supplier shall make the Products available in good time , taking account of the time for loading and shipment to be agreed

with the forwarder.

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双方同意的交付期限和交付日期对双方具有约束力。是否严格符合交货期限和交货日期以我方收到产品的日期为准。除非一致同意适用“免费至目的地(我方指定工厂)交货”(DAP或DDP, 2010年国际贸易术语解释通则),供应商应根据与承运人商定的装船时间和运输时间及时将产品备好。

If the Supplier is responsible for set-up or installation and unless otherwise agreed, the Supplier shall bear all the necessary

incidental costs such as travel expenses, provision of tools and daily allowances.


The Supplier shall be fully liable for extra cost and all damages and losses due to the late delivery if the agreed delivery dead-lines are not met. If the Supplier anticipates difficulties with respect to production, the supply of precursor material, compli-ance with the delivery period or similar circumstances that could interfere with Supplier’s ability to deliver punctually or to

deliver the agreed quality, the Supplier must immediately notify our ordering department.


The unconditional acceptance of a delayed delivery or service does not constitute a waiver of claims to which we are entitled

due to the delayed delivery or service; this applies pending full payment of the amounts owed by us for the delivery or service

in question.


Partial deliveries are inadmissible unless we expressly agreed to them.


The values established by us during the incoming goods inspection shall determine the quantities, weights and measurements

subject to the reservation of different values being proved.







3.8 We have the right to use software belonging to the scope of delivery, including the software documentation, to a legally per-missible extent.


3.9 We also have the right to use such software, including the software documentation, with the agreed performance characteristics

and to the extent necessary for the use of the Products in accordance with the Contract. We also have the right to make a back-up copy even without an express agreement.


4. Force Majeure


4.1 Acts of God, operational disturbances without fault, unrest, governmental measures and other unavoidable events discharge us

from our obligation to take punctual delivery for the duration of such event. During such events and for a two week period

thereafter we are entitled – notwithstanding our other rights – to withdraw from the Contract in whole or in part, provided that

such events are not of inconsiderable duration and our requirements are considerably reduced as the Products have to be pro-cured elsewhere as a result thereof.


4.2 The provisions of paragraph 4.1 above also apply in the case of labor disputes.


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5. Advice of Dispatch and Invoice


The details in our orders and order releases shall apply. An invoice showing the invoice number and other allocation refer-ences is to be sent in one copy to the respective printed mailing address; the invoice must not be enclosed with the shipments.


6. Pricing and Passing of Risk


Unless otherwise agreed, the prices are “Delivered at Place” (DAP Inco-terms 2010) including packaging. Value added tax

(VAT) is not included. The Supplier bears all risks of loss or of damage to the Products until the Products are received by us

or by our representative at the location to which the Products are to be delivered in accordance with the Contract.


7. Payment Terms


Unless otherwise agreed, the invoice shall be paid either within 20 days subject to deduction of a 3 % discount or within 30

days without any deduction, with effect from the due date of payment and receipt of both the invoice and the goods or per-formance of the service. Payment is subject to invoice verification.


8. Claims Based on Defects



Acceptance is effected subject to the reservation of an examination for faultlessness, in particular also including accuracy and

completeness, insofar and as soon as this is pertinent in the ordinary course of business. We will give notice of any defects

found immediately after their discovery. To this extent the Supplier waives the objection to delayed notification of defects.


The provisions of statute relating to defects as to quality and defects of title apply except insofar as otherwise provided here-inbelow.


In principle we have the right to select the type of supplementary performance. The Supplier may refuse the type of supple-mentary performance we selected if it is only possible at disproportionate expense.


In the event that the Supplier does not commence rectifying the defect immediately after our request to remedy it, in urgent

cases, especially to ward off acute danger or to prevent damage, we are entitled to undertake such rectification by ourselves or

to have it undertaken by a third party at the expense of the Supplier.





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8.5 In case of defects of title, the Supplier shall also hold us harmless from any third party claims possibly existing, unless the

Supplier is not accountable for the defect of title.


8.6 Except as otherwise expressly agreed, the warranty period for any defect of Products provided by the Supplier shall be no less

than 3 years from the date of completion of provision and commission for Products.


8.7 If the Supplier performs its obligation to effect supplementary performance by supplying a substitute product, the warranty

period of the Products delivered in substitution shall start to run anew after delivery thereof unless, when effecting the sup-plementary performance, the Supplier explicitly and appropriately made the reservation that the substitute delivery was ef-fected purely as good will, to avoid disputes or in the interests of continuation of the delivery relationship.


8.8 Should we incur expenses as a result of the defective delivery of the Product, in particular transport, carriage, labor costs,

assembly and disassembly costs, costs of material or costs of incoming goods control exceeding the normal scope of the con-trol, such costs shall be borne by the Supplier.



Product Liability and Recall


9.1 In the event a product liability claim is asserted against us, the Supplier is obliged to hold us harmless from such claims if and

to the extent the damage or loss was caused by a defect in the Product supplied by the Supplier.


9.2 In the cases of paragraph 9.1 above, the Supplier assumes all costs and expenses, including the costs of any legal action.


9.3 In all other respects the provisions of statute shall apply.


9.4 Prior to any recall action which is partially or wholly due to a defect in a Product supplied by the Supplier, we will notify the

Supplier, give the Supplier the opportunity to collaborate and discuss with the Supplier the efficient conduct of the recall ac

tion, unless no notification of or collaboration by the Supplier is possible on account of the particular urgency. The costs of the

recall action shall be borne by the Supplier insofar as a recall action is due to a defect in a Product supplied by the Supplier.



Rights of Withdrawal and Termination


10.1 In addition to the statutory rights of rescission, we have the right to withdraw from or terminate the contract with immediate

effect if


a) the supplier has stopped supplying its customers;


b) there is or threatens to be a fundamental deterioration to the financial circumstances of the supplier and as a result of this,

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the performance of a supply obligation to us is in jeopardy;


c) the supplier meets the criteria for insolvency or over-indebtedness; or


d) the supplier stops making its payments.


10.2 We also have the right to withdraw from or terminate the contract if the supplier files an application for insolvency or

comparable debt settlement proceedings to be initiated with respect to its assets.


10.3 If the supplier rendered part performance, we only have the right to cancel the whole contract if we have no interest in the

part performance.


10.4 If the supplier’s delay delivery lasts more than 2 weeks, we have the right to withdraw from or terminate the related contracts

and orders.


10.5 If the supplier’s Products deviate from our Contracts and orders and the supplier fails to rectify the deviation within appropri-ate period as we required, we have the right to withdraw from or terminate the related contracts and orders.


10.6 If we withdraw from or terminate the contract by virtue of the foregoing contractual rescission rights or respective

termination rights, then the supplier must compensate us for the loss or damage incurred as a result, unless the supplier was

not responsible for the rights arising to withdraw from or terminate the contract.


10.7 Statutory rights and claims shall not be limited by the regulations included in this Section 10.



Conducting Work


Persons who carry out work on our factory premises in fulfillment of the Contract must observe the respective plant regula-tions. The liability for accidents suffered by these persons on our factory premises is excluded except to the extent caused by

willful or gross negligent breach of duty by our legal representatives or persons employed in the performance of our obliga-tions.



Provision of Materials


Materials, parts, containers and special packaging provided by us remain our property. These may only be used as designated.

The materials are processed and parts assembled for us. It is agreed that we are co-owner of the products manufactured with

our materials and parts in proportion to the value of the materials or parts provided in relation to the value of the whole prod-uct; such products shall be kept safe for us by the supplier to this extent.


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Documentation and Confidentiality


13.1 The Supplier shall keep confidential with respect to third parties all business and technical information made available by us

(including features which may be derived from objects, documents or software provided and any other knowledge or experi-ence)(hereinafter referred to as “Information”) as long and to the extent that it is not proven public knowledge, and it may

only be made available to those persons in the Supplier’s business facility who necessarily need to be involved in the use

thereof for the purpose of delivery to us and who are also committed to confidentiality; the Information remains our exclusive

property. Without our prior written consent, such Information must not be duplicated or exploited except for deliveries to us.

At our request, all Information originating from us (if appropriate also including any copies or records made) and loaned

items must be, without undue delay, returned to us in full or destroyed.


We reserve all rights to such Information (including copyright and the right to file for industrial property rights such as patents,

utility models, semiconductor protection, etc.). In the event this is provided to us by third parties, the reservation of rights also

applies for the benefit of such third parties.


13.2 Products manufactured on the basis of documentation drafted by us such as drawings, models and the like, or based on our

confidential information, or manufactured with our tools or with tools modeled on our tools, may neither be used by the Sup-plier itself nor offered or supplied to third parties. This also applies analogously to our print orders.


14. Export/Import Control and Customs


The Supplier shall be obliged to inform us about any applicable (re-) export or import licence requirements for the Products

under the People’s Republic of China laws and customs regulations as well as the export or import control laws and customs

regulations of the country of origin / shipment of the Products. Therefore, at least in his offers, order confirmations and in-voices the Supplier shall provide the following information with respect to the Products:


- country of origin of the Products and of the components thereof, including technology and software;

- 产品的原产地国及产品的构成,包括技术和软件;

- any transport of the Products through PRC, manufacture or stocking of the Products in the PRC and whether the Products

have been manufactured by using Chinese technology;

- 任何在中国境内的对产品的运输、生产或在中国境内对产品的储存及该产品的生产是否使用了中国的技术;

- HS-Code of the Products; and

- 产品海关编码;及

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- a contact person in his organisation to provide further information to us upon request;

- 供应商的组织机构中,经我方要求后负责向我方提供信息的联系人;

- any other supportive documentations (if necessary) upon our request.

- 经我方要求后提供的任何其他支持文件(如有必要)。

Upon our request the Supplier shall provide any other foreign trade data with respect to the Products and their components in

written form and shall inform us on all changes to such data without undue delay and prior to supply to us.





15.1 The Supplier shall comply with the respective statutory provisions of both the PRC and the country of origin of Products,

governing the treatment of employees, environmental protection and health and safety at work and to work on reducing the

adverse effects of its activities on human beings and the environment. In this respect the Supplier shall set up and further de-velop a management system in accordance with ISO 14001 within the realms of its possibilities. Further, the Supplier shall

comply with the principles of the UN Global Compact Initiative relating basically to the protection of international human

rights, the right to collective bargaining, the abolition of forced labor and child labor, the elimination of discrimination when

personnel is engaged and employed, the responsibility for the environment and the prevention of corruption. Further infor-mation on the UN Global Compact Initiative is available at: .


15.2 In the event that a supplier repeatedly violates the law and/or violates the law despite being given respective advice, and fails

to evidence that the violation of the law has been cured as far as possible and that appropriate precautions have been taken to

avoid violations of the law in future, we reserve the right to terminate or withdraw from existing contracts without notice.



16. Place of Performance


The place of performance is the place to which the goods are to be delivered in accordance with the contract or where the ser-vice is to be rendered.


17. Miscellaneous


17.1 If one of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions of Purchase and of additional agreements reached should be or become

ineffective, this shall not affect the validity of the Terms and Conditions of Purchase in other respects. The parties hereto are

obliged to agree upon a provision to replace the ineffective provision that approximates as closely as possible the economic

intent of the ineffective provision.


17.2 The contractual relationships shall be governed exclusively by the published laws and regulations of the PRC. If the PRC laws

and regulations do not address a particular matter relating to the Contract, reference shall be made to general international

commercial practice recognized in the PRC.

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17.3 Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to these Terms and Conditions of Purchase shall be submitted to

China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) for arbitration which shall be conducted in ac-cordance with the CIETAC’s arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral award shall be final

and binding upon the parties, and any party may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for enforcement of such award.


17.4 The Chinese version and the English version of these Terms and Conditions of Purchase shall have same legal force. In case

of any inconsistencies, the English version shall prevail.


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