Lesson 54 Key Equipment to be Inspected During a PSC Inspection


Lesson 54 Key Equipment to be Inspected During a PSC Inspection

Oily Water Separator (OWS)油水分离器

An operational OWS is the evidence PSCO requires to be reasonably certain that MARPOL

and/or ship pollution regulations have been, and can continue to be, complied with.一台可运行的油水分离器(OWS)就是PSC官员要求得到合理保证的证据,即已经、并且能够继续遵守MARPOL公约和/或船舶污染规则。

The two major items PSCO are able to observe with respect to the OWS functioning correctly

are the Oil Record book (ORB) and the OWS itself.能够 被PSCO查看的有关油水分离器(OWS)功能正常的两大主要项目是油类记录簿(ORB)和油水分离器(OWS)本身。 Entries in the

ORB may be inaccurate and this may lead to an impression that the book data is intentionally

inaccurate because oil has been discharged other than in accordance with the regulations.[1]可能会不正确填写油类记录簿(ORB),但这会产生这样一种印象:记录簿上的数据是故意不准确的因为污油已被排走而非遵守有关规则(处理)。

The OWS is fitted with a monitoring device that measures the oil content of the discharged

liquid and an arrangement is provided to allow a simple test of that monitor to ensure any safety

devices fitted operate correctly.[2] 油水分离器(OWS)装有测量排出液体中油含量的监测设备,还提供了一种装置:允许对该监测器作简单的测试以确保任何所安装的安全设备正常运行。These devices may include a pump stopping device or a re-circulating valve but in any case the

actual functions will be as required by the regulations.这些设备包括一套泵浦停止器或一个再循环阀,但无论如何实际的功能要符合相关规则的要求。

PSCO will request that an alarm condition be simulated and if the required events do not occur

this can be considered grounds for detention. PSCO会要求做个模拟报警情况,如果该要求的事件没有发生,这会被认为是(船舶)滞留的证据。 PSCO also report occasional oil monitor

problems whereby the unit indicates a level of oil in the discharge, even when fresh water is being

used for the test, or whereby the monitor continuously indicates an oil level above the alarm point

and the system remains in that alarm condition at all times.[3] PSC官员偶尔也会设个油监测器故障警报,以此使装置显示排出液中有一定量的油,即使使用淡水来测试也如此;或者以此使监测器持续地显示含油量超过报警值,并使系统一直处于报警状态。These situations may

be grounds for detention but PSCO will always try to expand the inspection of the OWS

sufficiently to determine if there is another cause for the indicated problem. 这些情况会被作为滞留的依据,但PSCO总会设法扩大对OWS的充分检查以确定对所显示的故障是否还有别的原因。This may include requesting that the filtering/coalescing unit(s) are opened for inspection to

assist in determining if the unit has been adequately maintained as a whole.这可能包括要求对其中的过滤/聚集单元打开检查以帮助确定该装置是否总体上得到了充分维护。 It should be

noted that any testing of the OWS must be carried out without any actual discharge overboard

taking place.必须注意对OWS实行的测试不能有实际排向舷外(的情况)发生。

If clear grounds exist, the PSCO may also ask for a section of piping after the monitor be

removed for internal inspection.如果存在明显的理由,PSCO也会在拆除监测器后,要求对某段管路作内部检查。

It should also be noted that the OWS is designed with two main elements, the actual separator

and the discharge monitor. I也必须注意OWS设计有两大主要部件:实物分离器和排出监测器。 A defect with either element may constitute grounds for a detention. 探测器与任一部件(的缺陷)可能会成为滞留的理由。

It is suggested that ships should routinely verify the following to reduce the chance of


All Oil Record Book entries completed according to Marpol. 所有油类记录簿的记录完全依照Marpol公约。

Operation of the OWS able to be demonstrated. OWS的操作可以被演示。

Operation of the OWS monitor able to be demonstrated. OWS检测器的操作可以被演示。

Verification that the associated monitor, alarm and stopping device are operational. 确认关联的监测器、警报和停用装置是可运作的。

Fire Fighting Equipment消防设备

Fire Dampers防火风门

Defective fire dampers continue to be presented to PSCO despite continued PSC data

indicating these items are a leading cause of detention.失效的防火风门仍不停在PSCO面前出现,尽管一连串的PSC数据显示这些项目会导致(船舶)滞留 。 The purpose of a fire damper,

wherever fitted, is to provide a closure that primarily prevents the ingress of air to a space.无论什么情况下防火风门的目的是防止空气进入某一空间提供关闭功能。 Unfortunately it is

continually found that the required maintenance and testing of the damper is not carried out and

the dampers fail to close as required.不幸的是,仍经常发现没有对防火风门进行必需的维护和试验,要关闭防火风门时却不能关闭。 During a PSC inspection PSCO may request that any

damper closure is demonstrated and any failure of a damper to close the aperture is regarded as

being grounds for detention.在PSC检查期间,PSC官员会要求所有防火风门做关闭演示,任何对某个管孔的关闭失灵会被认为是滞留的依据。

In monitoring this testing, the PSCO observes the effort required by the crew in operating the

damper, the damper is free to move over its full range of travel and observes for any signs of

imbalance in the damper operation and listens for any sounds within the mechanism.[4]

[4]在检查这种测试过程中,PSC官员会观察船员在操作防火风门中所需的力气,风门在全开关范围内的自由转动(情况),还会观察风门操作时的任何不平衡信号,同时倾听内部机械的任何声响。 If the fan is running, a noticeable difference in sound of the fan can be heard when the

damper is operated.如果风扇在运行,当风门操作时可以听到明显不同于风扇的声音。 Usually,

correct operation of the damper/s can be confirmed without any need to open the casing for

inspection. 通常可以确定风门的正确操作而无需打开风管作内部检查。

It is suggested that ships should routinely verify the following to reduce the chance of

detentions: 建议船舶(自身)必须例行核查下列几项以减少滞留的机会。

Fan dampers are properly marked as open/close.风门做了适当的开关标记。

Fan damper locking pins are free to be removed without significant effort.无需很大力气可将风门的锁紧销拔出。

Fan damper operating handles are free to move without significant effort.无需很大力气可将风门手柄自由取出。

Fan damper operation is smooth and operates through the full range of open to close. 在全部开关范围内风门可顺畅操作。

Fan damper maintenance is carried out to ensure fan mechanism and attachment of

discs/louvers to shafts are effective.风门得到了维护,确保风门机构和各轴上的风板/百叶附件没有失效。

Emergency Fire Pump, fire mains and isolating valves应急消防泵,消防主管和隔离阀

The emergency fire pump continues to provide grounds for detention when it fails to

pressurize the fire main.当应急消防泵不能向消防主管建立压力时,就会又成为滞留的依据。

Often it is apparent that part of the pump arrangement essential for it’s correct operation is missing

or otherwise defective – for example many of these pumps are of a type requiring a positive

suction head but are located where a sufficiently positive head is not naturally present and it is

apparent that the provided priming arrangement has failed to operate.[5]部分对泵浦运行相当重要的布置经常出现错误或失效——比如很多这类泵浦是一种要求具有正吸压头的,但却安装于不能自然出现足够正吸压头的地方,很显然原始的布置方案本身就失去了运行效能。

When the emergency fire pump fails to pressurize the fire main it is a common

misunderstanding that this is acceptable whilst working cargo where it has been necessary to

ballast the vessel to achieve a certain draft or air draft (in relation to cargo operations).[6]应急消防泵不能向主消防管建立压力,在卸货时这通常误解为是可以接受的,而此时就一直有必要对船舶压载,以达到一定的吃水或吃空(与货运状态相比)。 From a PSC point of view this kind

of operation could only be undertaken where equivalent levels of safety are ensured in all aspects

of the operation. 从PSC的角度看,这种作业只有在确保作业的各个方面有相应层次的安全保证时才可接受。 Therefore the ballasting and vessel’s condition must at all times be according

to the approved loading plan but with respect to the emergency fire pump this unit’s correct

operation at all times must be taken into account as well.因此,压载和船舶状态必须始终按照已制定的配载计划(进行),但至于应急消防泵,也必须始终考虑该装置的正确运行。 An

emergency fire pump must perform under all normally expected conditions of list and trim and it

is reasonable to expect it to operate at all drafts between lightest ballast draft and maximum loaded

summer draft.在所有预期的船倾和吃水状态下应急消防泵必须能运行,也有理由希望在最轻吃水和最大夏季吃水之间的全部吃水范围内,该消防泵能运行。If the pump is not able to

perform at or between any draft(s) this should be noted on board so that steps can be taken to

ensure alternative arrangements are in place before carrying out any operation that places the

pump at a non-operational draft.[7]如果该泵不能在任意吃水状态下运行,在进行任何能使应急消防泵置于不可运行的吃水状态下的(船舶)作业前, 必须在公告栏上告知以便能采取措施确保现场有其他可用设备。 For example if an adequate shore-connection is made and

operational for the entire time the emergency fire pump is not available this can be considered to

be an equivalent level of safety for the purposes of SOLAS.比如,如果有足够的岸电并且随时可用,应急消防泵却不可使用,这可被认为是同一层次的SOLAS安全要求。 It must be borne

in mind, however, that if the shore-connection is removed and the emergency fire pump is not

operational this still provides grounds for detention.然而,必须牢记如果切断岸电而急消防泵不可使用,这仍做为滞留的证据。 Similarly arrival in a condition whereby the pump is already

effectively disabled due to draft is also grounds for detention and remains so until equivalent

arrangements are physically in place and proven to be effective.[8]类似的,消防泵由于吃水问题已经真正失效了,达到这样的条件也是滞留的依据,并一直持续直到现场有等同的物理设备且证明是有效为止。

Fire main isolating valves are also an important component of the fire system and their

operation will generally be checked during the inspection.主消防隔离阀也是消防系统的一个重要部件,在(PSC)检查期间也常常核查该阀的操控。 There are times where the PSCO may be

uncertain as to the source of water pressuring the fire main system.有很多次PSCO可能不确定压入主消防系统的水之源头。 In such cases testing the engine room fire main isolating valve

during the emergency fire pump test, may serve two purposes.在这种情况下,机舱主隔离阀在应急消防泵测试期间可起到两个目的。 Firstly that the source of water pressure is in fact the

emergency fire pump and secondly, that the isolating valve is effectively operable.首先,水压的源头事实上来自应急消防泵,其次隔离阀是可以有效动作的。

As part of this aspect of PSC, the PSCO will also generally verify the integrity of the fire main.作为PSC这方面的一部分,PSCO通常也会验证这个主消防系统的完整性。This is often done

either during or shortly after testing the emergency fire pump.在测试应急消防泵期间或刚测试完后经常会这样做。The level of inspection is simply a visual inspection as the PSCO walks

around the deck of the ship.检查的层次仅是PSCO沿船甲板四处走动查看。

Defects noted with the fire pump, fire hoses, isolating valves or the fire main in general are all

grounds for detention.总体上消防泵、皮龙带、隔离阀或主消防管上注意到的缺陷都是滞留的依据。

It is suggested that ships should routinely verify the following to reduce the chance of


Condition of fire hoses and fire main verified and maintained.核查了消防皮龙和主消防管的状况并做了维护。

Condition of fire hose nozzles verified routinely as operating correctly.例行核查了消防喷嘴的状况,结果运作正常。

Emergency fire pump tested routinely and effective operation confirmed without excessive

human intervention or external priming (unless class approved).应急消防泵例行测试和有效运行,确信无需过度的人为介入或外部引水(除非船级社同意)。

Emergency fire pump priming system (if fitted) verified routinely as operating correctly.应急消防泵引水系统(如有)例行核查,结果运作正常。

Fire main isolating valves maintained and confirmed routinely as operating fully and isolating


Emergency generators应急发电机

As with the communications equipment, the emergency source of power to other critical

systems is very important.如同通讯设备一样,供其他关键系统的应急电源是非常重要的。

As part of the standard PSC, a demonstration of the emergency generator will be generally

requested.作为标准PSC的一部分,会要求应急发电机做总体示范(运行)。 This will usually

be simply a no-load, manual start or if fitted, auto-start based on a simulated black-out condition.这通常仅仅是基于模拟跳闸情况下的无负荷(状态)、手动启动(如配有的话)、自动启动。

As a general rule, the test requested will not impact upon shipboard operations.作为常规,这种测试要求不应影响船舶的正常运作。 PSCO continues to find examples where either the generator

will not start or if started, will not provide power as required. PSCO会继续查实例:要么是该发电机无法启动,要么已经启动但不能按要求供电。

It is suggested that ships should routinely verify the following to reduce the chance of


Emergency generator and associated starting batteries maintained.应急发电机及其辅助启动电池得到了维护。

Testing of the emergency power system routinely tested.应急供电系统的测试得到了例行测试。

Testing requirements of the emergency power system included in safety management system.应急供电系统的测试要求已包含在安全管理系统中。

Appropriate crew trained and familiarized with emergency power supplies.向有关船员对应急发电机电力供应做了训练和熟悉。

When running, verify that generator supplies appropriate voltage and frequency.发电机运行时,核查发电机所供电的电压和频率正常。

Lifeboat Engines and Steering救生艇发动机和舵机

Where required and/or fitted, PSCO may request that any (or all) lifeboat engine(s) are

demonstrated in a running condition.如果有要求并且/或者已安装有,PSCO会要求任一(或全部)救生艇发动机做运行状况的演示。 All such engines should be able to be started without

undue delay although there may be restrictions on some engines and/or shafting arrangements

relating to the length of time the engine and/or shaft can be operated without the boat being in the

water.[9]所有这些发动机都应能启动而无不应有的迟延,尽管对某些发动机和/或与发动机启动时间相关的轴系设备而言可能是严格了些;(同时)无需将救生艇置于水中发动机和/或轴系就能操控。PSCO will require any demonstration to be as complete as the design limitations will

allow but the initial start and brief demonstration of propulsion capability is essential evidence that

the propulsion unit is likely to be in compliance with regulations. PSCO会要求做任何演示要像所设计的那样完美,允许有缺陷但初次启动和推进能力的大致演示是重要的证据,是推进器可能符合公约的证据。 A failure to demonstrate the engine running may in itself be grounds to

consider detention, particularly where there is clear evidence the engine or it’s components are not

complete or are not maintained.[10]发动机运行演示的失败它本身可能就被认为是滞留的依据,特别是有充分的证据证明发动机或其部件不完整,或没有得到维护。

The means of steering the boat can also create problems at PSC as this is also usually verified.在PSC检查中救生艇操舵的方法也能产生问题,因为这也常常被证实。

It is suggested that ships should routinely verify the following to reduce the chance of


Lifeboat engine sufficient fuel and de-watered as necessary.救生艇发动机燃料充足并已脱水(如有必要)。

Lifeboat engine able to be started.救生艇发动机可以启动。

Lifeboat propulsion able to be run ahead and astern.救生艇推进器可以做正倒车运行。

Lifeboat engine starting batteries maintained and in good condition.救生艇发动机启动电池获得了维护并状态良好。

Lifeboat engine operation understood and able to be demonstrated by crew.船员已理解对救生艇发动机的操纵并能做示范。

Lifeboat means of steering, main and emergency able to be demonstrated.能示范救生艇的主方法和应急操舵方法。

LIGUOXIANG数字签名人 LIGUOXIANGDN:cn=LIGUOXIANG,c=CN-中国,o=SHMTU,ou=AUX MACHINERY,email=405318315@日期:2020.08.21 11:47:24+08'00'

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标签:应急   风门   消防泵   要求
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