曼达洛人 -第2季第2集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语-打印-word


I am told that you can lead me to others of my kind. 听说你可以带我到同类

Come on. It's uncouth to talk business immediately. 上来就谈生意是很无礼的

All right, stop! I'll tell you where he is. 好了 住手 我告诉你他在哪

The city of Mos Pelgo. I swear it by the Gotra. 莫斯帕哥市 我以戈特拉的名义起誓

Oh! This little thing has had me worried sick. 这小东西让我担心死了

I need your help. Where is Mos Pelgo? 我需要你的帮助 莫斯帕哥在哪

It's an old mining settlement. Not much to speak of. 这是一个古老的采矿营 没什么好说的

Where did you get the armor? 你从哪里得到的盔甲

Bought it off some Jawas. 是从贾瓦人手里买来的

Hand it over. 把它交出来

I'm sure you call the shots where you come from, 我知道你的地盘你说了算

but 'round here, I'm the one tells folks what to do. 但在这里 我是那个说了算的人

Help me kill it, I'll give you the armor. 帮我杀了它 我就给你盔甲

That's the krayt dragon. 那是克雷特龙

It's bigger'n I guessed. 比我猜想的大多了

This was well-earned. Thank you. 这是应得的 谢谢你

This was well-earned. Thank you. 星球大战

Get the Child! 去把孩子抱来

Wait! Don't hurt the Child. 等等 不要伤害孩子

If you put one mark on him, 如果你敢在他身上留一点伤痕

there's no place you will be able to hide from me. 我走遍天涯海角也会到你

We can strike a bargain. There's a lot of value in this wreckage. 我们可以谈谈条件


Take your pick. 随便挑

But leave the Child. 不过得把孩子放了

Okay. 好吧

Here. It's yours. 给 归你了

Take it. 拿着吧

It's okay. 没关系

You okay? 你没事吧

第二季第二集 曼达洛人

旅人 第十章

I don't know. 我不知道

Looks like someone's gonna be goin' home empty-handed. 看来有人得空着手回去了

You finally found a Mandalorian and ya killed him? 你好不容易到一个曼达洛人


He wasn't Mandalorian. 他不是曼达洛人

I bought this armor off of him, though. 不过我从他手上买来了这套盔甲

- What'd that set you back? - Killed the krayt dragon for him. -代价是什么呢 -我帮他杀了条克雷特龙

Is that all? 就这样吗

He was my last lead on finding other Mandalorians. 他是我寻其他曼达洛人的最后线索

Okay. Well, you might be in luck. 好吧 那你可能走运了

Dr. Mandible says he can connect you 颚骨博士说 他可以联系到

with someone who can help you, 可以帮助你的人

if you cover his call this round. It's what he said. 如果这次的赌钱你出 他是这么说的

What's the bet? 赌注是多少

- Five hundred. -That's a high-stakes game. -五百 -风险挺高的

Hey, he's on a hot streak. 他现在手气正顺

Is the pot right? 牌型没错吧

Ha! Idiot's Array! Pay up, thorax! 白痴顺子 付钱吧

I thought you said he was on a hot streak? 你不是说他手气正顺吗

Stop your cryin'. You'll rust. 别哭了 你会生锈的

All right. He says the contact will rendezvous at the hangar. 好吧 他说联系人会在机库露面

They'll tell you where to find some Mandalorians. 他们会告诉你去哪儿曼达洛人

That's what you wanted, right? 你就想知道这个 对吗

- Yes. - All right, well, stop your mopin'. -没错 -好吧 那就别擦眼泪了

More importantly, did you bring back any of that dragon meat? 更重要的是


Better not have any maggots on it. I don't like maggots. 上面最好没长蛆 我讨厌蛆

Hey, don't overcook it, Treadwell. I like it medium rare! 别烤过头了 特雷德韦尔


I'm not some Rodian, for crying out loud. 我的天 我又不是什么罗迪亚人

All right, here's the deal. 好吧 是这样的

A Mandalorian covert is close. 有个曼达洛人的藏身点在附近

It's in this sector, one system trailing. 就在这个星区内 逆旋转方向的下个星系

Are they the ones that left Nevarro? 他们是从尼瓦罗离开的那些人吗

Don't know. All I know is that the contact will lead you to them. 不清楚


- How much will it cost me? - Well, that's the great news. It's free. -我要付多少钱 -好消息来了


Aside from a finder's fee, of course. 当然介绍费还是要付的

- What's the not-great news? - Nothing. It's all great. -那不好的消息呢 -没有 都是好消息

Okay. 好吧

However, there is one small skank in the scud pie. 不过 这里面还有个小问题

- Which is? - The contact wants passage to the system. -什么 -联络人想要搭船去那个星系

- Do you vouch for them? - On my life. -你会为他们担保吗 -可以用我的性命

- Fine. - -行吧 -还有...

no hyperdrive. 不能用超空间引擎

You want me to travel sublight? Deal's off. 你让我用亚光速 那就算了吧

It's one sector over. 就一个星区而已

Moving fast is the only thing keeping me safe. 我的安全就是靠移动速度保障的

These are mitigating circumstances. 这是特殊情况啊

What do you mean "mitigating"? "特殊"是什么意思

- I'm not a taxi service. - I know, I know, I hear you. -我不是载客的出租 -我知道 都明白

But I can vouch for her. 但我可以为她担保

What's the cargo? 带的是什么

It's her spawn. 是她的卵

She needs her eggs fertilized by the equinox or her line will end.

她需要让卵在日夜平分日受精 否则就绝种了

If you jump into hyperspace, they'll die. 如果你进入超空间 那些卵就死了

She said her husband has settled on the estuary moon of Trask


in the system of the gas giant Kol Iben. 查斯克星的液态卫星上定居了

- She said all that? - I paraphrased. -这都是她说的 -我复述的

Is she sure there are Mandalorians there? 她确定那边有曼达洛人吗

She said her husband has seen them. 她说她丈夫看见过他们

Do you know the husband? 那丈夫你认识吗

No. I met her ten minutes before you walked in. 不认识 你进来前十分钟我才认识的她

I thought you said you vouched for her on your life. 你不是说你可以拿性命为她担保吗

What can I say, I'm an excellent judge of character. 那怎么着 我特别会看人啊

Now, I'm gonna ask you to stay strapped in 我要求你只要坐着

whenever you're seated. 就系好安全带

Traveling sublight is a bit dicey these days. 时下里用亚光速飞行有些不保险

Whether it's pirates or warlords, 不管是海盗还是军阀

someone either ends up with a nice chunk of change or your ship.


I don't speak whatever language that is. You speak Huttese? 你说的这个话我听不懂


So, I'm gonna hit the rack. I've set the nav for our course. 我要去睡会儿 我设好了航线

It's gonna take a while. I recommend you get some rest. 时间会比较长 我建议你休息休息

Kid? 孩子

No, no, no! 不 不 不

That is not food. Don't do that again. 那不是吃的 不许再这样了

Nap time. 该睡觉了

Razor Crest, M-One-Eleven. 刀锋之巅 M-1-11

Come in, Razor Crest. Do you copy? 回话 刀锋之巅 你听到了吗

This is Razor Crest. Is there a problem? 这里是刀锋之巅 有什么问题吗

We noticed your transponder is not emitting. 我们注意到你的应答器没有发射信号

Yes, I'm pre-Empire surplus. 对 我是帝国时代以前的人

I'm not required to run a beacon. 我不用发射信标

That was before. 那是以前

This sector is under New Republic jurisdiction. 本星区现在归新共和国管辖

All craft are required to run a beacon. 所有飞船都必须发射信标

Thank you for letting me know. I'll get right on it. 谢谢你的告知 我马上就操作

Not a problem. Safe travels. 没问题 一路平安

May the Force be with you. 原力与你同在

And also with you. 也与你同在

- Just one more thing. - Yes? -还有一件事 -请讲

I'm gonna need you to send us a ping. 我需要你给我们发个声脉冲

We're out here sweeping for Imperial holdouts. 我们正在扫荡帝国残党

I'll let you know if I see any. 我要是看见了告诉你们

I'm still gonna need you to send us that ping. 我还是需要你发个声脉冲

Well, I'm not sure I have that hardware online. 我不确定那个功能还能不能用

We can wait. 我们可以等

Yeah, I... doesn't seem to be working. 好吧 似乎是不好使

That's too bad. If we can't confirm you're not Imperial, 那对不起了


you're gonna have to follow us to the outpost at Adelphi. 你就得跟我们回阿德尔菲的哨站

They'll run your tabs. 他们会检查你的标签

Oh, wait. There it is. Transmitting now. 等等 有了 现在发送

- Be quiet! - What's that? -安静 -什么声音

Uh, nothing. 没什么

The hypervac is drawing off the exhaust manifold. 超真空抽排气管的声音

Carson, can you switch over to channel two? 卡森 你能转到二号频道上吗

Copy. 收到

Was your craft in the proximity 你的飞船曾经去过

of New Republic Correctional Transport, Bothan-Five? 新共和国监狱附近吗 博森五号

- We got a runner. - I'm on it. -他跑了 -我去追

Razor Crest, stand down. 刀锋之巅 请停下

We will fire. I repeat, we will fire. 我们会开火的 重复 我们会开火的

I don't know where he thinks he's goin' in that thing. 不知道他以为自己钻进去能去哪

That thing's gonna break apart in this atmosphere. 他那船在这种大气里会碎掉的

He's headin' down into that canyon. 他往下面的峡谷里去了

I got 'im. Target computer active. 我跟上 瞄准计算机启动

Come on, Razor Crest, don't make us do it. 别跑了 刀峰之巅 别逼我们开火

Hold on. 坐稳了

I've lost visual. He's got to be around here somewhere. 我跟丢了 他肯定就在附近

You head north. We'll cover more ground. 你往北去 我们扩大地面搜索范围

I'll find your eggs, don't worry. 我去你的卵 你别着急

Gotta get you some blankets, keep you warm. 得给你拿点毯子 给你保暖

Damn it. 糟糕

Where are you? 你在哪

Hang on, I'm looking for your eggs! 稍等 我在你的卵

No! I told you not to do that. 不 我跟你说过不许吃

Found them! 到了

How many did you eat? 你吃了多少

If you hadn't guessed, we're in a tight spot. 如果你还没猜到的话 我们情况不妙

The main power drive is not responding, 主驱动器没有响应

and the hull has lost its integrity. 船体也破损了

I suspect the temperature 我估计到了夜晚

will drop significantly when night falls. 温度会大幅降低

I'll have a better idea of our prospects at that time. 到时候我就能更清楚现在是什么处境了

I'm sorry, lady. I don't understand Frog. 对不起女士 我不懂蛙语

Whatever it is, it can wait until morning. 不管什么事 明早再说吧

I recommend you get some sleep. 我建议你休息一下

Wake up, Mandalorian. 醒醒 曼达洛人

This cannot wait until morning. 这事不能等到明早

Do not be alarmed. I bypassed the droid's security protocols 别慌 我绕过了机器人的安全协议

and accessed its vocabulator. 接入了它的语言库

What the hell are you doing? 你这是要干什么

That droid is a killer. 那个机器人是个杀手

These eggs are the last brood of my life cycle. 这些是我生命周期的最后一窝卵

My husband has risked his life to carve out an existence for us


on the only planet that is hospitable to our species.


We fought too hard and suffered too much 我们用尽了全力 受了太多的苦

to resign ourselves to the extinction of our family line. 就是为了保留家族的血脉

I must demand that you hold true to the deal that you agreed to. 你必须信守你签订的交易

Look, lady, the deal is off. 听着 女士 交易取消了

We're lucky if we get off this frozen tomb with our lives. 我们能活着离开这个冰坟墓


I thought honoring one's word was a part of the Mandalorian code.


I guess those are just stories for children. 可能只是给孩子们讲的故事吧

This was not a part of the deal. 这不是交易的一部分

How 'bout you come over here, give me a hand? Make yourself useful. 你过来帮我一把吧


Hey, kid. 嘿 孩子

I said hey! Where are you going? Come back here! 我叫你呢 你要去哪 回来

When did she go? 她什么时候走的

There you are. 你在这啊

You can't leave the ship. It's not safe out here. 你不能离开飞船 这里不安全

Let's gather these up. 把这些捡起来

I know it's warm. But night's coming fast, 我知道这里很暖和 但是天马上就黑了

and I can't protect you out here. 我无法在这里保护你

No. No! 不 不行

Go, go, go! Back to the ship! 快 快 快 回到船上去

Strap yourselves in. This better work. 系好安全带 希望能成功

I've got limited visibility. It's gonna be a bumpy ride. 视野有限 应该会很颠簸

We ran the tabs on the Razor Crest. 我们检查了刀锋之巅的档案

You have an arrest warrant 你有一张

for the abduction of prisoner X-Six-Nine-Eleven. X-6-9-11囚犯的逮捕令

However, onboard security records show that you apprehended


three priority culprits from the Wanted Register. 通缉名单上的三个重犯

Security records also show 安保记录还显示

that you put your own life in harm's way 你冒着生命危险

to try to protect that of Lieutenant Davan 对抗新共和国惩教部队

from the New Republic Correctional Corps. 保护达文中尉的安全

Is this true? 这是真的吗

Am I under arrest? 我被捕了吗

Technically, you should be. 严格来说 你应该被捕

But these are trying times. 但现在是艰难时期

What say I forego the bounties on these three criminals, 不如我放弃这三个罪犯的赏金

and you two help me fuse my hull 你们两个帮我熔合船体

so I can get off this frozen rock? 让我离开冻岩怎么样

What say you fix that transponder, 不如你修好应答器

and we don't vaporize that antique 这样下次我们巡逻星环时

the next time we patrol the Rim? 就不用摧毁你这个古董 怎么样

All right. I'm gonna repair the cockpit 我要修理驾驶舱

enough for us to limp to Trask. 好歹撑到查斯克

There's nothing I can do about the main hull's integrity, 主船体的密闭性我没法修好

so we're gonna have to get cozy in the cockpit. 所以我们只能呆在驾驶舱里

It's the only thing I can pressurize. 这是我唯一可以加压的地方

If you need to use the privy, do it now. 如果想上厕所 现在赶紧去

It's gonna be a long ride. 这将是一个漫长的旅程

Okay, repair's all done. 好了 修好了

Let's see if we can get this thing going once and for all. 看看这玩意能不能飞

Wake me up if someone shoots at us. 如果有人朝我们开 就叫醒我

Or that door gets sucked off its rails. 或者那扇门被吸出了滑轨

I'm kidding. If that happened, we'd all be dead. Sweet dreams. 开玩笑的 那样我们就死定了


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