


n v.(不顾责任、义务等)抛弃,遗弃; 不得已而中途放弃;~oneself to sth.陷入(某种情感)

He claimed that his parents had

abandoned him. 他声称父母遗弃了他。

The authorities have abandoned

any attempt to distribute food. 当局中止了分发食物的尝试。

We are scared to abandon ourselves to

our feelings in case we seem weak or out of





is absorbed in the calculation of that difficult maths problem.他全神贯注地在算那道数学难题。

The banks would be forced to absorb large losses. 银行将被迫承受巨大的损失。


absorbed vast amounts of capital that could have been used for investment.


Refined sugars

are absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly. 精制糖迅速吸收进血液中。

vt. 接受

It is widely

accepted that environment exerts a profound influence on one's



lish v. 达到(目的),完成 (任务),实现(计划)

He is a man who will spoil rather than

accomplish things. 他这个人成事不足,坏事有余。

t n. 帐目;帐户;记述, 报告;理由,解释

Please charge these to my account. 请把这些记在我的帐上。

He gave a detailed


of what happened on that night.他详细描述了那个夜晚所发生的事。

I had two accounts with Bank of China, a savings account and a current account.


Give an account of your behavior. 说说你那样做的理由。

on account of 因为 take sth. into account 考虑到 on no account 绝不

vt. 认为; 把…视作 The event was

accounted a success. 人们认为这次活动是成功的。

account for说明(原因、理由等); 导致,引起; (在数量、比例上)占; 对…负责

How do you


for your long absence from classes without asking for leave? 你如何解释你不请假而长期缺课的行为。

Too much rain

accounted for

the poor crop. 太多的雨水导致庄稼歉收。

These products, in total,

account for

about 8% of all our sales.这些产品总共约占我们全部销售额的8%。

Who will have to account for

the misprints in the dictionary? 谁必须对字典中的印刷错误负责?

v. 指责;指控

Her assistant was accused of

theft and fraud(盗窃和)by the police.

om vt. 使习惯 accustom oneself/sb. to (doing) sth. accustomed adj. 习惯于;惯常的

No one wishes to deal with a person who

is accustomed to

breaking his word. 谁也不愿意与惯于食言的人打交道。

vi. 痛,疼痛;~ for渴望 n. (身体某部位持续且较强烈的)疼痛

e vt. (经努力)达到,取得 achieve success achievement n.

ledge v. 承认(事实、局面等),公认; 告知收到;(公开)感谢;(点头、微笑等)致意

With so much evidence against him he had to acknowledge his error.承认错误


acknowledged the applause with a small bow. 他微微地鞠了一躬表示对掌声的感谢。

He saw her but refused to even


her. 他看见了她,却连招呼也不打。

The firm sent me a postcard


my request. 公司寄给我一张明信片告知我的申请书已收到。

e v.获得;购得; 学到 acquisition n.

He has

acquired a reputation as the country's premier solo violinist.他已赢得了首席小提琴独奏家的名誉

We should try to

acquire good habits. 我们应该努力养成良好的习惯。

She was sitting in her newly-acquired wheelchair. 她正坐在新买的轮椅上。

n. 行为, 行动;法案;(戏剧、歌剧等的)一幕;假装

v. 行动;举止;假装;表演;扮演;充当~as/like;有作用~on

It is an


of kindness to help a blind man across the street. 帮助盲人过街是慈善的行为。

Think well before you act. 要三思而后行。

v. 适应; 改编 adaptation n.

The film has been

adapted from a play of the same title. 电影改编自一部同名戏剧。


adapted herself quickly


the new climate. 她很快就适应了这种新气候。

vt. 增加; 加;添加(特); 补充说 addition n.



interest to plain painted walls. 相片给素的墙面增添了一抹情趣。

It all

adds up to

a complete failure. <口>等于;合计

v. 调整,调节;适应,习惯 adjustment n.

These desks and seats can be

adjusted to the height of any child.

The names of certain welfare societies have had to be

adjusted to the new trend.


v. 钦佩;羡慕;欣赏 admiration n.

He admired

the way she had coped with life. 他欣赏她处世的方式。

We took time to stop and admire

the view. 我们特意驻足欣赏风景。

vt. (常指不情愿地)承认; 准许(入场,入学等) admission n.

I reluctantly admitted to being nervous about the test. 我勉强承认我对测试感到紧张。

Only two hundred boys and girls

are admitted to our school every year.

v.收养;采纳 adoption n. adopt a positive approach to doing sth对…采取积极方法

e n. 前进;进展;(价格、价值的)上涨;预付金v. 前进;预付;增长;推进

Medical technology has

advanced considerably. 医学技术突飞猛进。

ise vt. 为…做广告;宣扬

vt. 忠告,劝告,建议 advise doing sth/advise sb to do/advise that sb

should do

te v. 拥护,支持,提倡

We advocate solving

international dispute by negotiation, instead of appealing to



vt. 影响;感动;(疾病)侵袭; 装出…的样子

vt. 负担得起(……的费用);抽得出(时间);提供

None of us can afford

to buy it separately, so let's pool our resources.


It was a cold room, but it

afforded a fine view of the Old City.


v. 同意;商定,约定;(语法)一致;意见相合;(气候、食物等)适宜

agree with同意某人或某人的意见、想法、观点等; agree to同意建议、安排、计划等

agree on 双方通过协商而取得一致意见或达成协议

n. 目的, 目标;瞄准 v. 瞄准;针对, 旨在(at)

vt. 允许,准许;使能够;促使 allow doing sth/allow sb to do sth

The compromise will

allow him to

continue his free market reforms.


allow for 考虑到; 体谅;允许有; 留出

We should

allow for her youth and her inexperience. 我们应该体谅她年纪轻和缺少经验。

v.惊奇,惊叹;震惊amazement n.

He exercised with a regularity that

amazed us. 他锻炼的规律程度令我们非常惊讶。

vt.(使人)快乐,逗乐;给…提供娱乐(或消遣) amusement n.

I often amuse

myself with reading. 我常以读书自乐。

e/analyze v. 分析 analysis n.—analyses(pl.)

ce vt. 宣布,宣告;通报…的到来;播报



his return. 听到脚步声,就知道他回来了。

vt. 使烦恼,使生气;骚扰


annoyed me that I didn't have time to do more reading. 腾不出时间多看会儿书让我很烦。

n. 回答;足以媲美的人;答案;解决的方法v. 回答,答复;回信;与…相符

The new theme park will be Britain’s

answer to Disneyland. 英国新的主题乐园可与迪斯尼乐园媲美。

Two men

answering the description of the suspects tried to enter Switzerland.


ize vi. 道歉,谢罪 apologize to sb for sth made an apology(n.)


(to) n.&v. 上诉;呼吁, 恳请; 对…有吸引力 appealing adj. 吸引人的;恳求的

The two disputing countries decided not to

appeal to arms. 这两个有争端的国家决定不诉诸武力。

Romania's government issued a last-minute

appeal to

him to call off his trip.


On the other hand, the idea

appealed to him.从另一方面来说,这个想法又使他很感兴趣。

vi. 出现;看起来;显得 appearance n.

She did her best to


more self-assured than she felt. 她竭力让自己表现得比实际更自信。

d v. 喝彩;称赞 applaud sb./sth. for sth.

Every one stood to

applaud his unforgettable act of courage.所有人起立为他不可磨灭的英勇之举鼓掌。

v. 应用,运用;申请;涂, 敷;勤奋工作 apply for sth申请 apply to sth适用于

Faulks has

applied himself to this task with considerable energy.福克斯为这项任务倾注了大量精力。

The rule

applies where a person owns stock in a corporation.该规定适用于持有公司股票的人。

The plastic coating is easy to be

applied on any surface. 塑性涂料容易涂在任何表面上。

t v 任命,委派;指定

The commission


a special investigator to conduct its own inquiry.


iate v. 欣赏;感激;领会,了解;增值 appreciate sth./doing n.


I deeply appreciate your kindness in coming so far to meet me. 有劳远迎。

You cannot

appreciate the difficulty except through personal experience. 若非亲身经历,岂知其中甘苦。

They don't have any confidence that houses will appreciate in value. 他们完全不相信房子会升值。

ch n.&v. 方法,途径;接近,靠近;接洽, 要求;着手处理;

As autumn approached, the plants and colours in the garden changed.



me to create and design the restaurant. 他请我建造并设计该饭店。

The Bank has

approached the issue in a practical way. 银行已经实际解决了这个问题

The company makes an


to the supermarket chain. 该公司已与超级市场的联营店接洽。

e v. 赞成,同意(~of sb./sth.); 批准;认可

The city council

approved the building plan. 市议会批准了这项建筑计划。

Her father will never approve of her marrying such a lazy fellow.她父亲永远不会赞成她嫁给这样的懒人

v. 争辩, 争论(~with sb. about/over sth.);说服(~into);表明, 证明 n.



argued her

into joining us. 我们说服她加入我们。

He is always arguing with his wife

about money. 他总是和他的妻子为钱争吵。

(arose,arisen) vi. 产生, 出现;起身, 起立;(由…)引起, 产生于(~from/out

of sth.)

The birds also attack crops when the opportunity

arises. 一有机会鸟儿们也会破坏庄稼。

Accidents often

arise from carelessness. 事故往往起因于粗心。

When I

arose from the chair, they were in deep conversation. 当我从椅子上站起来时,他们谈兴正浓。

v. 以…装备,武装起来 n. 臂;扶手;袖子; (物体的)臂,杆 n. arms武器,武力

Why does china need to

arm itself to this extent? 为什么中国要如此武装自己呢?

e v. 安排; 布置, 整理; 改编(乐曲) arrange for sb to do sth n.


I have

arranged with

the neighbours about

taking care of the cat. 我已和邻居们商量好照顾猫咪的事情。

When she has a little spare time she enjoys arranging dried flowers. 她稍有空闲便喜欢摆弄干花。

n.&v. 逮捕;阻止,抑制;吸引(注意); vi. 心跳停止

The police

arrested five young men in connection with one of the attacks.

The sufferer may have to make major changes in his or her life to

arrest the disease.


The most arresting feature is the painted wall decoration. 最醒目的特点是绘有图画的墙面装饰。

The riot led to the

arrest of three young men. 导致3 个年轻人被捕。

vi. 到达;被送达;到来,问世 arrive at/in sp. n. arrival

The baby finally arrived just after midnight. 婴儿终於在刚过午夜时候降生了.

v. 评定;估价;对(财产、收入等)进行估价(作为征税根据) ment

Ask them to send you information on how to assess the value of your belongings.


v. 帮助;援助 ~sb. in/with sth. ~sb. in doing n. assistance


The public is urgently requested to

assist the police

in tracing this man.紧急要求公众帮助警方追踪此人。

sh vt. 使惊讶 astonishing使人吃惊的 astonished感到惊讶的

Her dedication constantly

astonishes me. 她的奉献精神总是让我震惊。

… to … v. 附上, 贴上; 附属;认为…有重要性(意义、价值等); 和…在一起,

I attach

a copy of my notes for your information. 我附上笔记一份供你参考。

This middle school

is attached to a normal college. 这所中学附属于一所师范院校。

The authorities

attached much significance to his visit. 当局非常重视他的访问。

She is attached to/attaches herself to me and I can’t get rid of her. 她总缠着我,我简直无法摆脱她。

vt.& n. 攻击;抨击,强烈指责;(疾病)侵袭

The virus seems to

have attacked his throat. 病毒看来已经侵蚀到他喉部了。

The police are launching a major attack

on drug dealers. 警方对贩子发动了大规模的攻击。

t n&vt. 试图,尝试 attempt to do sth.

The enemy failed in their attempt

to land on the island. 敌人在岛上登陆的企图失败了。

v. 出席, 参加;照料;注意 attend on 照顾,侍候 attend to 处理; 照料; 倾听

Your request will be carefully

attended to. 你的要求将会得到认真考虑。

t v. 吸引,引起 adj. attractive n. attraction a tourist


v. 避免,躲开,逃避 avoid doing sth

(awoke,awoken) v.& adj醒来;唤醒;醒着的

v. 授予; 奖给; 判给 n. 奖品; 裁定书 award sth. to sb./award sb.


For his dedication, the Mayor

awarded him a medal of merit.为表彰他的奉献精神,市长授予他荣誉奖章。

v. 烤;烘(面包)

n. 禁令a ban on sth. vt. 禁止;取缔 be banned from…被禁止做...

n n. 交易;特价商品, 廉价货 v. 讨价还价

bargain with sb. over/about


vi. 洗澡;游泳; 用水洗;使沐浴在 n. bath be

bathed in 沐浴于,沉浸于

be bathed in tears泪流满面 Now he is bathed in John's affection.约翰一番友好的情意使他感到热乎乎的。

(bore, borne/born) v. 忍受;承担;支撑;生育, 结果; 带有,具有(相似之处)


can't bear

young people casting away their youth. 我无法忍受年轻人虚掷青春。

For many software packages, the price

bears little relation to cost.对于很多软件包来说,价钱和成本没有什么联系。

As the plants start to bear fruit they will need a lot of water. 当植物开始结果的时候,它们需要大量的水。

(beat,beaten) v. 接连地击打;(心脏等)跳动;打败 n.(音乐)节拍; 敲打

The rain was beating on the windowpanes.雨点拍打着窗玻璃。

(became,become) v. 变得;成为

v. 请求,乞求,乞讨 beg sb to do sth

(began,begun)v. 开始,着手;创办

v. 守规矩,行为举止端正; 表现 n. behavior

e v. 相信,认为 It is


that…/It is


to do… n. belief

adj. believable

vi. 属,附属 belong to

(bent,bent) vt. 使弯曲


bent and picked up a plastic bucket. 她弯腰提起一个塑料桶

t n.& v. 利益;收益 sth benefit sb sb benefit from/by sth adj.


The modest receive

benefit, while the conceited reap failure. 谦受益,满招损。


benefit by/from daily exercises. 每天做操对我们有益。

(bade/bid, bidden/bid) n.&v. 出价, 投标

He certainly wasn't going to bid

$18 billion for this company. 他肯定不会出180亿美元来收购这家公司。

(bit,bitten) v. 咬;叮 bite one’s lip /tongue隐忍不言;绷紧嘴

n.(食物或酒的)浓郁味道; 寒冷,刺骨; (咬下的)一口; 咬伤,蜇伤

n.& v. 责备;责怪 blame sb for sth/blame sth on sb sb/sth be to blame

The bank manager



to blame, though he tried to

blame it


a clerk.


vt. 求上帝降福; 祝福 be blessed with在…方面有福气,幸运地享有

Those children who study abroad will

be blessed with an opportunity to experience

a totally different culture. 那些在外国学习的孩子将会有机会去体验一种完全不同的文化。

n. 大块;(木、石等)块;街区;路障 vt. 阻塞;阻挡

(blew,blown) v. 吹;刮风;吹气

n. 木板;董事会; 膳食 v. 上(船/火车/飞机); 提供膳食 boarder 寄宿生

on board在船(火车/飞机/汽车)上 board game棋盘游戏 boarding card登机牌;登船卡

v. 沸腾;烧开;煮…; 怒火中烧 on the boil十分活跃 boil down煮浓; 归结

Most of the crimes may

boil down to a question of money. 大多数犯罪归结起来可以说都是金钱问题。

v. 打扰;使不安(~sb. about/with sth.);操心;费神

Nothing I do makes any difference anyway, so

why bother?既然我做什么都于事无补,我为什么还要费劲?

It's no bother不费事;没什么 can't be bothered to do不愿麻烦;不想出力

Doctors cannot be bothered to explain what they do.医生们才懒得解释他们所做的事情。

v. 鞠躬; 弯腰; 低(头) bow to sth.(为形势所迫)屈服于 n. 弓; 蝴蝶结

(broke,broken) v. 打破(断,碎);损坏,撕开; 违反 break in break

into sp

e vi. 呼吸; 轻声说出; 透气 n. breath

“You don't understand,” he

breathed. “你不明白。”他低声说道。

Cotton clothing allows your skin to

breathe. 棉织品能使皮肤透气

(brought,brought) vt. 拿来,带来,取来

n.&v. 预算; 谨慎花钱 adj. 价格低廉的a budget flight/hotel便宜的航班/旅馆

We decorated the house on a tight

budget. 我们节省地装修了房子。

(built,built) v. 建造; 创建, 建立; 逐渐增强 n.(sing.)体形, 体格, 身材

Diplomats hope the meetings will

build mutual trust. 外交官们希望会议能增进彼此的信任。

(burst, burst)v. (使)爆裂,(使)胀破;突然出现, 猛冲

burst out doing sth burst into sth burst (sth.) open(使)猛然打开

The driver lost control when a tyre

burst. 一个车胎爆了,司机失去了控制。


burst onto the fashion scene in the early 1980s.20世纪80年代初他突然在时尚界活跃起来。

r vt. 屠宰;屠杀 n. 肉店;屠夫

v. 扣(纽扣) n. 纽扣;(电铃等的)按钮

ate v.计算;预测

The President is


that this will somehow relieve the international

pressure on him.


gn v. -for/against…参加运动, 领导运动 n. 运动;战役

Joan is

campaigning for equal rights for women.琼正从事于女权平等运动。

vt. 取消, 注销

v. 介意,在乎;关心 n. 照料;忧虑;小心 Who cares? 谁在乎?

Carrie doesn't care how far she has to walk.嘉莉不在乎她得走多远。

vt. 刻;雕刻; 艰苦创业, 奋斗取得(事业、名声等);切(熟肉)

She has

carved a place for herself as a comic actor. 她作为喜剧演员已经闯出了一片天地。

(caught, caught) v. 接住;捉住;赶上;突然遭遇;(被)钩住,夹住;染上(疾病); 听清

catch sb. doing sth. 撞见某人做某事 catch one’s eye引起…的注意

Her ankle

caught on

a root, and she almost lost her balance. 她的脚踝被树根绊了一下,差点摔倒。

I jumped up to

catch a ball and fell over. 我跳起来接球,结果摔了个跟头。

The men outside the room were trying to catch what they said.外面的人竖起耳朵想听他们说些什么。

The large number of spectators has caught

everyone unprepared.观众的人数之多让所有人措手不及.

v.收费;将(电池)充电;指控;负责; 猛冲, 猛攻 n. 费用;价钱;负责;指控

be charged with 充满(…情绪) a charging bull 猛冲过来的公牛

The hospitals

charge the patients


every aspirin. 医院每一片阿司匹林都要病人掏钱。


charged the minister

with lying about the economy. 他指责部长在经济问题上撒谎。

vt.校对,核对;核查;控制; 托运(行李) n. 检查; 支票, 账单;(指双的)方格图案

check in签到; 检票登机; 登记入住;挂号 check out了解清楚,核实;结账离开

Sex education is expected to help

check the spread of AIDS.人们希望性教育有助于控制艾滋病的蔓延。

v. 咀嚼,咬; (因为紧张等)咬(嘴唇、指甲) n. 口嚼糖 chew over 深思,仔细考虑

v.(使)窒息,(使)哽住;塞满,塞住; (尤指感情激动)而哽咽

A small child could

choke on the doll's hair. 洋娃娃的头发可能会让小孩窒息。

The village's roads are choked with

traffic. 村里的路上挤满了车辆行人。

(chose,chosen) vt. 选择; 宁愿, 决定 n. choice

You can just take out the interest each year, if you

choose. 你要是愿意,每年可以仅支取利息。

There is nothing/little to choose between A and B. 不分上下;好坏相当

v. 圈出, 圈起;(在上空)盘旋,绕圈子 n. 圆圈;一圈(物体或人)

Circle the correct answers on the coupon below.将下面参赛券上的正确答案圈出来。

The plane

circled, awaiting permission to land. 飞机在天上盘旋,等候着陆许可。

y v. 澄清,阐明;(尤指通过加热使黄油)纯净,净化 n.


A bank spokesman was unable to

clarify the situation.一位银行发言人未能把情况解释清楚。

v. 爬,攀登; (尤指吃力地向某处)爬; (飞机等)爬升, (太阳)升高;增值

The girl hurried outside, climbed into the car, and drove off.姑娘匆忙跑了出来,爬进汽车,开车走了。

Prices have

climbed by 21% since the beginning of the year. 年初以来,物价已经上涨了21%。

t vt. 收集,搜集;聚积; 接人,取物; 募捐

A crowd soon

collected at the scene of the accident. 众迅速聚集在事故现场。

She had just


her pension from the post office.她刚去邮局取了养老金。

vt. 梳理(头发); 仔细搜寻 n. 梳子; 梳棉机; 鸡冠

The police are combing the woods for the missing children. 警察搜遍树林以寻失踪的孩子。

e vt. 使联合;使结合;兼有,兼备;合并 n. combination

If improved education

is combined with

other factors dramatic results can be



It is possible to


a career


being a mother. 兼顾职业女性和母亲这两个角是可能的。

t n.&v. 安慰;慰问 adj. comfortable adv. comfortably

Being able to afford a drink would be a

comfort in these tough times.


Ned put his arm around her, trying to

comfort her. 内德搂着她,想安慰她。

d n. & v. 命令;指挥;掌握;博得 have a good command of能驾御;精通


commanded that roads (should)be built to link castles across the land.


There is no limit to what can be achieved here because of the fantastic support

we command.


icate v. 沟通;交流;传达(感情,信息等);传染,传播 n. communication

They successfully

communicate their knowledge to others.他们成功地把知识传授给他人。

e v. 比较,对照; 相比,匹敌 compare …to… 把…比作…

Compared with/to B, A… 与B相比,A… n. comparison

The flowers here do not

compare with those at home. 这儿的花比不上家乡的花。

n v. 涉及,关系到;使关心,使担忧

be concerned about 关心,担忧,挂念 be concerned with 涉及,与…有关系;参与



concerned about

you lately. 最近我对你有些担心。

The theory of relativity is concerned with two seemingly opposite ideas.相对论涉及两个似乎对应的概念。

t vt.&n. 行为,举止;引导,带领;指挥(乐队或合唱团);进行, 实施;传导(热或电)

The way he

conducts himself reflects on the party and will increase criticisms

against him.



conducted the members of the audience to their seats. 他引观众到他们的座位上。

I decided to conduct

an experiment. 我决定进行一次实验。



heat faster than air. 水的导热速度比空气快。

He is famous for his good

conduct. 他因良好的行为而远近闻名。

m v. 确认,证实; 批准,认可 n. confirmation

X-rays have


that he has not broken any bones. X光片证实他没有骨折。

The President

confirmed him as Secretary of State. 总统任命他为国务卿。

e vt. 使困窘;使混乱;使困惑;使更难于理解 n. confusion

Great care is taken to avoid


the two types of projects.大家非常谨慎,以免把这两类项目弄混。

To further

confuse the issue, there is an enormous variation in the amount of sleep

people feel happy with. 使问题进一步复杂化的是,每个人需要的睡眠时间千差万别。

German politics surprised and

confused him.德国政治既令他惊讶,又让他困惑不解。

tulate vt. 祝贺; (为成就或成功)感到高兴,感到自豪(on) n.

congratulations on sth


congratulated himself

on his narrow escape. 他庆祝自己死里逃生。

You have every reason to

congratulate yourself

on having done such an excellent



er vt. 仔细考虑;认为;体谅,顾及 consider doing 考虑…

consider…as/to be认为

considering prep./conj. 鉴于; 考虑到; 就…而言 considerate体贴的,体谅的; 深思熟虑

considerable adj. 相当大(或多)的 considerably adv.

Considering he's only just started, he knows quite a lot about it.


t v. 由…组成~of;在于~in;符合~with


consists of porridge served with butter. 早餐是麦片粥配佐餐黄油。

His work as a consultant

consisted in advising foreign companies on the sitting

of new factories.


The politician's actions do not

consist with the promises in his speeches.


t v.商量(with sb. about/on sth.);翻阅;咨询, 请教



with her daughter and manager, she decided to take on the part,

on her terms.


He had to


a pocket dictionary. 他只好去查袖珍字典。

Consult your doctor

about how much exercise you should attempt. 咨询一下医生你


e v.消耗,消费;吃,喝,饮 n. consumption

Means of modern transportation

consume too much energy. 现代交通工具耗费过多能源。

I'm sure that Chinese people

consume the largest amount of rice in the world.


n v. 包含,容纳; 克制,容忍; 遏制,防止…蔓延

Many cars run on petrol which

contains lead. 很多车使用含铅汽油。

At the sight of this cruelty, they could hardly contain their anger.


More than a hundred firemen are still trying to contain

the fire at the plant.


st v. 对比;形成对照 n. 对比;差别;对照物;[摄]反差

Paint the wall in a

contrasting colour. 把这面墙刷成对比鲜明的颜。

She contrasted the situation then


the present crisis.她将当时的情况和目前的危机进行对比。

The private sector,

by/in contrast, has plenty of money to spend.相比之下,私营部门就有很多钱可供开销。

bute v. 贡献出;捐赠(款项);投稿(给杂志等);是导致…的原因之一

I believe that each of us can

contribute to the future of the world.


They say they would like to

contribute more to charity, but money is tight this



The report says design faults in both the vehicles

contributed to the tragedy.


Stress, both human and mechanical, may also be a

contributing factor.


v. 传达,传递;运送,输送

In every one of her pictures she

conveys a sense of immediacy.


When I returned home, I tried to

convey the wonder of this machine to my husband.


The railway company extended a branch line to Brightlingsea to

convey fish direct



ce vt. 使确信,使信服~ sb./oneself (that从句)/ (of sth.); 说服,劝说(某人做某事)

You’ll need to

convince them

of your enthusiasm for the job. 你要使他们相信你殷切希望得到这份工作。

The waste disposal industry is finding it difficult to

convince the public that

its operations are safe.


I’ve been trying to

convince him

to see a doctor. 我一直劝他去看病。

be convinced of/that 坚信;深信 convincing adj. 令人信服的;有说服力的

n. 炊事员,厨师 v. 烹调,做饭

比较 cooker n. 炉具;厨灶

v.复制,抄写; 作弊,抄袭; 模仿,仿效 n. 抄本,副本;一本(份,册……)a copy

of …


copying from textbooks because we don't have enough to go round.


Children can be seen to

copy the behaviour of others whom they admire.


128. cost (cost; cost) v. 值(多少钱);使付出努力;使丧失 n. 价钱;费用;costs成本;代价

There was a six-year-old boy whose life was saved by an operation that

cost him

his sight.


A new computer system has been installed

at a cost of $80000.


You must stop the press from finding out the truth

at all costs. 你必须不惜一切代价阻止媒体查明真相。

129. count vt. 数数;计算总数;重要,有价值(近义词:matter);认为,看作~ as; 指望 ~ on

Surely it doesn't matter

where charities get their money from: what counts

is what

they do with it.


I can always

count on you to cheer me up.你总能使我振作起来。

①She covered her face with her hands. 遮盖;掩盖 ②Snow

covered the

ground.覆盖 ③The survey

covers all aspects of the business. 包括;涉及 ④$100

should cover

your expenses. 足以支付;够付 ⑤By sunset we

had covered thirty miles.

行走(一段路程) ⑥She

is covering

the party’s annual conference.报道 ⑦These

items are not


by your medical insurance. 给…保险

n.&v.碰撞;(计算机或计算机程序)崩溃,瘫痪; 暴跌

vt. 创造;造成

We set business free to

create more jobs in Britain.


She could

create a fight out of anything. 她能无故挑起事端。

133. cross adj. 恼怒的 n. 十字形的东西 vt. 越过,穿过;使交叉,使交叠;(表情)掠过,闪过


crossed her legs and rested her chin on one fist, as if lost in deep


A faint smile

crossed his lips. 他嘴唇上掠过一丝微笑。

134. crowd v.挤满,塞满;涌上(心头),涌入(脑海);靠近,挤在一旁(以至使人不舒服或紧张)

Crowds of people poured into the street. 人们成结队涌上街头。

Too many uncomfortable thoughts were


in on her/ into her mind. 她心乱如麻。

It had been a tense, restless day with people crowding her all the time.


135. cure n. & vt. ;医好;使放弃(习惯或态度);解决;消除 cure sb of sth 治愈;纠正

To put it frankly, if you don't stop smoking you cannot

be cured of

the disease.


We need to

cure our environmental problems. 我们需要解决环境问题。

Punishment can never be an effective cure for acute social problems.


136. damage n.& vt. 损坏 do damage to 对……造成伤害

This could

cause serious damage to the country’s economy. 这可能对国家的经济造成严重破坏。

137. dare v.& aux.(实意动词带to的不定式;情态动词用于疑问,否定或条件句)敢,敢于; 向…挑战, 谅(某人)没胆量(做某事) 'I dare say' or 'I daresay' (我想)可能,大概;想必


dare you to sit through forty-five minutes with someone like him!

我想你绝不敢和他这样的人一起坐上 45 分钟!

138. dash v. & n. 猛冲;猛摔,猛掷,猛撞

The boat was

dashed repeatedly

against the rocks. 小船一次又一次撞在岩石上。

n.日期;约会;海枣v. 注明日期;鉴定…的年代;约会;过时, 落伍;使…显老

date back to / date from追溯到;始于

Once the decision is reached, he can

date and sign the sheet.


A black coat always looks smart and will never date.黑外套看起来总是很潇洒,而且永远也不会落伍。

I can't

date the pot exactly, but it must be very old.我不能精确断定这个罐子的年代, 不过一定很久远了。

140. deal(dealt; dealt)n.(一笔)交易; 许多; 待遇; 发牌 v. 发(纸牌); 非法买卖()

deal with处理, 应付, 与…打交道; 论述, 涉及; 和…有生意往来

I got a good

deal. 我做了笔好买卖。

I’m in a position to save you a good deal of

time. 我能够为你节省许多时间。

We have



that firm for many years.我们与那家公司有多年的生意往来。

Be careful. She is very difficult to deal with. 可得当心, 她很难对付。

This book

deals with life in the United States. 这本书谈的是美国的生活情况。

141. debate n. & v.讨论, 辩论; 考虑, 盘算 ~ on/about/over sth.关于…的辩论

The question of the origin of the universe is still hotly

debated by scientists.


I debated going back inside, but decided against it. 我寻思着是否再进去,最后还是决定离开。

142. decide v. 决定,下决心;判决,裁决; 影响(或决定)…的结果 decide on/upon决定,选定

This is an issue that should be

decided by local and metropolitan government.


The results will

decide if he will win a place at a good university.这些成绩将决定他能否上一所好大学。


decided Franklin must be suffering from a bad cold. 他断定富兰克林一定是得了重感冒。

143. declare vt. 宣布,表明;宣布,宣告; 申报(纳税品、收入等) declare war on …向…宣战


declared his intention to become the best golfer in the world.


His lawyer are confident that the judges will

declare him innocent.他的律师确信法官将宣告他无罪。

Your income must be

declared on this form.必须在这张表格上申报你的收入。

144. decline v.下降,衰退;婉拒, 谢绝

Hourly output by workers

declined by 1.3% in the first quarter.第一季度工人每小时的产量下降了 1.3%。

The band


to comment on the story.乐队拒绝对这一报道作任何评论。

145. decrease n.& v.(使大小、数量等)减少 →(反)increase

146. defeat vt. 击败;战胜: defeat sb.近义表达有beat sb. 和win a game/match

147. defend vt. 防守, 保卫;辩护, 辩解; (律师)为(被告)辩护; 卫(冕)

They would have killed him if he had not

defended himself.


Police chiefs strongly defended

police conduct against a wave of criticism.


148. delay v.& n. 拖延,延误,延迟,耽搁; (故意)拖延,磨蹭 delay doing sth

Report it to the police

without delay (= immediately). 赶快将此事报告给警方。

If he

delayed any longer, the sun would be up. 如果他再拖延,太阳就要出来了。

149. delight n. & v. (使)高兴;使人高兴的东西(或人)

take delight in sth./doing=delight in sth./doing




delight in proving his critics wrong.黑格显然以证明他的批评者是错误的为乐。


delighted in sharing his love of birds with children.他喜欢与孩子们分享他对鸟类的热爱。

She has created a style of music that has

delighted audiences all over the world.


150. deliver vt. 递送,投递;托付,交托;接生(婴儿) ;作(讲座), 发表(讲话); 履行诺言, 兑现

He was led in in handcuffs and


over to me.他戴着手铐被带了过来,交到了我手里。

It is shocking that only one woman has

delivered the lecture in 44 years.

在 44 年间仅有一名女性作过讲座,这真令人震惊。

Her husband had to

deliver the baby himself.她丈夫不得不自己接生孩子。


was delivered of a healthy boy. 她生下了一个健康的男孩。

We don't promise what we can't

deliver. 我们承诺的就一定会兑现。

151. demand vt.&n. 强烈要求;需要 demand sth./ to do sth. 要求…

demanding要求很高的; 难伺候的, 苛刻的

Mr Byers last night demanded an immediate explanation from the Education



He said the task of reconstruction would


much patience, hard work and



It is our demand that she (should) go there.

demand引导的名词性从句使用虚拟语气(should) do结构

152. deny v. 否认,不承认;拒绝给予,拒绝要求

They all


ever having seen her.他们全都否认曾见过她。


denied the money to his son.他拒绝给儿子钱。

There is no denying(the fact) that the qualities of our living have gone from bad

to worse.


153. depend on/upon vi. 依靠,依赖,指望;取决于

I tend to have a different answer,

depending on the family.根据家庭的不同,我往往会给出不同的答案。

It all depends./ That depends.视具体情况而定。

154. desert vt. 离弃,舍弃(某地);遗弃(某人);背弃,放弃,脱离; 擅离(军队)

Farmers are

deserting their fields and coming here looking for jobs.


After the show, the audience

deserts the Blackpool streets


She led them into a deserted


He has

been deserted (=abandoned) by most of his advisers.他的大多数顾问都弃他而去。

The paper's price rise will encourage readers to


in even greater numbers.


155. deserve v. 应得;应受;值得 deserve doing = deserve to be done 应该被……

Government officials clearly

deserve some of the blame as well.政府官员显然也应当承担部分责任。

His children's books are classics that

deserve to

be much better known.


The Park Hotel has a well-deserved reputation. 帕克旅馆的名声当之无愧。

156. design vt. 设计,制图,构思;打算(做),计划(做);[常用被动语态](为明确目的)指定、预定 by design 故意地

A number of very well

designed studies have been undertaken. 已经进行了多项精心规划的研究。

Her mother

designed her


a lawyer. 她母亲打算要她当律师。

This fund is

designed to help worthy students. 这笔资金旨在帮助那些优秀的学生们。

157. desire vt. & n. 渴望;热望;欲望;有待(大幅)提高 a desire for sth./

to do sth.

The medicine didn’t achieve the desired effect.这种药未达到预期效果。

The selection of TV programmes, especially at the weekend,

leaves a lot to be



Fewer people

desire to live in the north of the country. 想住在这个国家北方的人就更少了。

y vt. 破坏,毁坏; 毁掉…的生活,使垮掉; 杀死,消灭(生病或具危险性的动物)


If I was younger or more naive, the criticism would have

destroyed me.


Lindsay was unhurt but the horse had to be

destroyed. 林赛没有受伤,但那匹马却不得不被人道杀死。

159. determine vt. (使)下决心; 确定,查明; 是…的决定因素 be determined to do


We both looked up to

determine the source of the water. 我们俩都向上看, 以便确定水从何处流下来。

Economic factors


the progress which a society can make. 经济因素是社会进步的决定因素。

The news that he was in trouble

determined me to act at once. 他陷入困境的消息


160. develop v. (使)发展a developing country; (使)发达a developed country; (使)发育, 开发,研制develop a new type of car; 冲洗(照片)develop a film; 养成(习惯)develop a hobby; 获得(名声), 形成(信仰) develop a reputation; 得(病)develop

an illness; 发生(故障等); 阐释(想法、故事等),(使)完善

The aircraft made an unscheduled landing after

developing an electrical fault.


This point is

developed further at the end of this chapter. 这一点在本章结尾处有进一步阐释。

161. devote vt. 献(身), 奉献,投入(时间、精力等); 把…专用(于) be devoted to…

Considerable resources

have been devoted to proving him a liar.


She gladly gave up her part-time job to

devote herself entirely to her art.


Page upon page

is devoted to the chain of events leading to the Prime Minister's



162. die v. 死,枯死; 以…的方式死亡; (火或光)熄灭; (感情或表情)完全消失; 非常渴望

die of 死于(内因) die from 死于(外因) be dying for sth/be dying to do sth渴望 die hard (习惯或观念)难以改掉 dying垂死, 奄奄一息

I'm no expert, but I don't think Tom

died a natural death. 不是什么专家,但我不认为汤姆是自然死亡。

She looked down at the floor and the smile

died on her lips. 她低头看向地板,笑容从她的嘴角消失了。

This species has nearly

died out because its habitat is being destroyed.


When the applause finally died down, she began her speech. 掌声平息后她便开始演讲了。

163. differ v. 相异,有区别differ from…in sth.; 有分歧,持不同看法 differ with

sb. about/over/on sth.

The story he told the police

differed from the one he told his mother. 他在警方和母亲那里说辞不一。

Since his retirement, Crowe has

differed with the President

on several issues.


164. dig (dug,dug) v. 挖(洞、沟等),掘;(把…)戳(进); 伸手(至…深处)掏; 研究, 细查


dug into his coat pocket for his keys. 他把手伸进上衣口袋里摸钥匙。

I grab George's arm and

dig my nails into his flesh. 我抓住乔治的胳膊,指甲抠进了他的肉里。

I want you to

dig deep. Find out who she is, and where she came from.


165. digest v.&n. 消化;领会;文摘;摘要

They learn well but seem to need time to

digest information.


166. dip v. 浸,蘸;落下,下降

Dip your hand

in to see how hot the water is. 把手伸进去,看看水有多热。

The sun

dipped below the horizon. 太阳落到地平线下了。

167. direct vt.指引方向;指示,命令;监督,管理;指挥,导演(电影); 使(话语或眼神)针对…

History is

directed by a small number of great figures.历史是由少数伟大人物指引着方向的。

She could hardly believe the question was

directed towards her.她很难相信这个问题是冲她来的。

168. discover vt. 发现(以前不知道的事实);(偶然)发现(一直在寻的某人或某物) ;

初次接触(某活动并乐在其中); 发掘(人才)→n. discovery

It was

discovered that the tapes were missing. 有人发现磁带不见了。

I wish I'd

discovered photography when I was younger. 我要是早点接触到摄影技术就好了。

The Beatles were

discovered in the early 1960's. 甲壳虫乐队于20世纪60年代


169. dismiss vt. 去除,不再考虑;解散;解雇, 开除; (法官)驳回,不予受理

She tried to

dismiss him

from her mind. 她试图把他忘掉。

The pupils were

dismissed from school.学生们放学了。

In consequence of your bad work I am forced to

dismiss you. 由于你的工作很糟,我不得不把你解雇。

guish v. 区分,分清;使出名;看清, 认出, 听出

~ right from wrong = ~ between right and wrong明辨是非

Could he


right from wrong?.他能分辨是非吗?

The bird has no

distinguishing features.这只鸟没有明显的特征。

He distinguished himself in physics.他在物理方面享有盛名。

There were cries, calls. He could distinguish voices.有哭声、喊声——他能听出不同的声音。

171. distribute v. 分发, 分配;分布;撒,播

Thousands of soldiers are working to

distribute food and blankets to the refugees.


Fuel resources are very unevenly distributed.燃料资源分布很不均匀。

Distribute the topping evenly over the fruit.将配料均匀地撒在水果上。

172. disturb vt. 扰乱;打扰;使不安

Find a quiet, warm, comfortable room where you won't be disturbed.


173. dive vi. 跳水;潜水;(鸟或飞机)俯冲;迅速将手伸入…; (股价、利润或数字) 冲向,扑向The plane dived sharply and rose again. 飞机猛然俯冲而后又拉了起来。


dived into her bag and brought out a folded piece of paper.她立即将手伸入包中拿出一张折好的纸。

The shares dived 22p to 338p. 股票暴跌22便士,收于338便士。


dived into a taxi. 他们迅速钻进一辆出租车。

174. divide vt. 分,划分; 除, 除以; (使)意见不一 divide … into …

Measure the floor area of the greenhouse and

divide it by six.量一下温室的建筑面积再将它除以 6。

The House again

divided, and the bill was passed by 11 votes.

议院的意见又产生了分歧, 该法案以11票获得通过。

175. drag v. (常指费力地)拖,拉;生拉, 硬拽;(用鼠标)拖动; 劝人勉强来(或去)

He got up and

dragged his chair towards the table.他站起来把他的椅子拖向桌子。

There were no signs she'd been

dragged across the grass.没有迹象表明她是被硬拖着穿过草地的

Use your mouse to

drag the pictures to their new size.用鼠标拖动图片,将其调整为新的尺寸。

I find it really hard to


myself out and exercise regularly.我发现要让我自己定期出门锻炼真的很难。

(drew; drawn) v. 绘画;(车辆平稳地)移动; 拉,拖;拉(窗帘、百叶窗等); 拔出,抽出,掏出(、刀等); 深深吸入(空气) ; 提取(金钱);抽签,抓阄; 打成平手;

吸引; 推断出

A carriage door struck him as a train drew into the station.当火车驶进车站时,一节车厢的门撞到他了。

Wilson drew me aside after an interview. 采访后威尔逊把我拉到了一边。

After drawing the curtains, she lit a candle. 拉上窗帘后,她点燃了蜡烛。

Companies could not draw money from bank accounts as cash. 公司不能从银行账户中提取现金。

Names were

drawn from a hat for the last few place. 从帽子里抽签来决定最后几个名额。


drew with Ireland in the first game.在第一场比赛中我们和爱尔兰队打平了。

drew near临近 drawn to a close结束 drawing a deep breath 深深地吸了口气

177. dream (dreamt; dreamt 或-ed; -ed) n.& vt. 梦,梦想 dream of/about

sth./doing sth.

178. dress v. 给…穿衣;打扮; 包扎(伤口); 梳理(头发); 加工处理(鸡、鱼或肉类) be dressed in

She bathed her and

dressed her


clean clothes.她给她洗澡并穿上干净的衣服。

The poor child never cried or protested when I was

dressing her wounds.


179. drive(drove; driven) v. 驾驶; 驾车送(人) ;驱动; 敲, 击; 驱赶;驱使, 迫使

drive sb. mad/crazy 把……逼疯

His daughter

drove him to the train station.他女儿开车将他送到火车站。

The current flows into electric motors that

drive the wheels.电流流入了驱动车轮的电动机。

I held it still and

drove in a nail.我稳稳地拿着它将钉子钉了进去。

The smoke also

drove mosquitoes away.烟同样能驱蚊。

The boss

drives his workers hard.那位老板总是强迫他的工人们拼命工作。

180. drop n. 滴 v. (使)降低;掉下,落下;丢下;扔下;; (疲惫地)垂下, 垂落 ;中途放(卸)下; 把…除名 ;放弃 drop out (of sth.) 退出;退学 drop in on sb. 顺便来看看

His blood pressure had




dropped my glasses and broke them.我不小心把眼镜掉下来摔碎了。


dropped into a nearby chair.南希疲惫地瘫坐到近处的椅子上。

I'm driving your way so I may

drop you at the station.我开车顺路, 所以送你到车站。

He was told to drop the idea.他被告知要打消那个主意。

The country's captain was

dropped from the tour party to England.该国的国家队队长无缘英格兰之行。

181. drown v. 溺死,淹死; 淹没(于…中), 置身(于…中); 盖过, 淹没(声音)

We were drowning

in data but starved of information. 我们淹没在大量的数据中却不到有用的信息。


drowned the speaker's words for a moment. 鼓掌声一度淹没了发言人的声音。

182. earn vt. 挣得,赚得;赢得,博得(赞扬等) earn a living谋生

183. ease v.&n. 减轻;缓解(难度或严重程度);(使)轻松,舒适;(使)安逸,(使)自在

An assistant one day a week would

ease my workload. 每周有一天配一个助手就会减轻我的工作负担。

His mind

was at ease

and he felt confident in the future. 他心情舒畅,对前途很有信心。

184. employ vt. 雇佣;利用,花费(时间);使用,采用

Your time could be usefully

employed in attending to



was employed in making a list of all the jobs to be done. 她忙着把要做的所有工作列为一个清单。

185. encourage vt. 鼓励;使有信心;鼓动,怂恿;刺激,助长

Investors were encouraged by the news. 那个消息给了投资者信心。

We want to

encourage people to go fishing, not put them off.


Slow music

encourages supermarket-shoppers to browse longer but spend more.


186. engage v. (使)从事,参加;使忙碌;吸引住(注意力、兴趣);[现只用于被动语态]同…订婚 (to) ; 适应,(与…)建立密切关系; 任命, 聘用 be engaged in忙于

We want to

engage recognized leaders in discussion. 我们想和公认的领袖们进行讨论。

They never learned skills to

engage the attention of the others. 他们从未学过吸引他人注意的技巧。

She found it hard to engage with office life. 她发现很难适应办公室生活。

He has been able to

engage some staff. 他已经能够雇用一些员工。

187. enjoy vt. 欣赏;享受…之乐趣;喜欢;享有,拥有(权利等)

The average German will

enjoy 40 days' paid holiday. 德国人将平均享受40天的带薪假期。

188. enter vt. 进入;(使)参加,报名参加(比赛或考试);(向计算机或数据库中)输入

I run so well (that) I'm planning to

enter some races.我跑步很不错,正在考虑参加一些比赛。

A lot less time is now spent

entering the data.现在输入数据花费的时间少多了。

189. entertain v. 招待;款待;心存,怀有(主意、建议等) entertain sb. to sth.


I feel how foolish I am to

entertain doubts.我竟然心存怀疑,真是太愚蠢了。

190. envy vt.& n. 忌妒;羡慕 envy sb. sth.

Alice's girlfriends

were green with envy when they saw her new dress.


“You must have seen the world by now,” said Frannie, “I

envy you that.”


191. equal vt. 等于,使等于;比得上;与…相当 be equal to… 与…数量/大小/价值相等

Few cars can equal this kind of cars for speed.很少有其他车在速度方面胜过这种车。

192. equip vt. 装备,配备;(尤指通过教育)使有能力,使有资格 be equipped with


They equipped themselves with a pair of sharp axes and set off for the forest.


His evening study has equipped him for a career as a teacher. 夜校的学习使他能担任教师的工作。

193. escape n.& vi. 逃跑;躲过,幸免于难;逃过…的注意,被…忘记;(气体, 液体等)漏出,渗出;声音(不自觉地)由…发出 a narrow escape九死一生 narrowly escape

They are reported to have escaped

to the other side of the border.有报道称他们已经逃过了国境线。

Officers mistook Stephen for an escaped


The two officers were extremely lucky to

escape serious injury.那两名警官极其幸运,没有受重伤。

It was an actor whose name escaped me for the moment.那个男演员的名字我一时想不起来了。

Leave a window open to let some moist air


194. evaluate v.评价;为…鉴定;判定…的意义(或价值、性质) →(近) assess n.


195. exchange n.&v. 交换,掉换;交流;交谈 exchange sth. with sb.

I shook hands and

exchanged some words

with the manager. 我与经理握手,相互交谈了几句。

196. exercise v. 锻炼; 运用, 行使; 使费尽心力, 占去…的精力和注意力

The king cannot

exercise much political power.国王不能行使很多政治权力。

This is a problem which is much


the minds of teachers.这是一个十分吸引教师们注意的问题。

197. exist vi. 存在 →n. existence come into existence 存在

198. expand v. 使…变大;扩展;增大

China will further

expand the scope of its opened-up areas. 中国要进一步扩大开放范围。

His success inspired him to expand his business. 他有了成就因而激发他进一步扩展业务。

199. expect vt. 预料;期望;等待;认为 →n. expectation live up to expectations不负众望 fall short of expectations 有负众望 expect sb. to do sth. 期望某人做某事

You can't

expect to

succeed if you attempt tasks above your ability.


I am

expecting several important letters but none has arrived.


I expect they'll climb down if you show them you are determined.


200. explain vt. 解释,说明 →n. explanation

201. explode v.(使)爆炸;(感情)爆发;激增; 突发巨响

Do you fear that you'll burst into tears or explode with anger

in front of her?


The population

explodes to 40,000 during the tourist season. 旅游季节,人口激增至4万。

She heard laughter explode, and then die.她听到有人爆笑了一阵,后来就没声音了

202. explore n. 勘查;考察;探险;探索, 探究



the old part of town there is a guided tour of the cathedral.


The secretary is expected to

explore ideas for post-war reconstruction of the area.


203. export n.&v. 输出;出口

204. expose vt. 使暴露;揭露; 使受…的影响(或熏陶),使接触

expose oneself to sth. /be exposed to sth. 暴露于/接触/受熏陶

He was going to

expose their ignorance once and for all. 他将彻底暴露他们的浅薄无知。

These chapters

exposed children

to many viewpoints of a given issue.


205. fail v. 失败~ in doing sth;未能够做成~ to do sth;出故障;不及格; (健康状况、体质等)衰退; 破产, 解体; 辜负,使失望


failed in

his attempt to take control of the company.他试图掌控公司,但以失败告终。

The bomb failed to explode.没有爆炸。

So far this year, 104 banks have

failed.今年到目前为止,已有 104 家银行倒闭。

He was 58, and his health was


rapidly.他 58 岁,身体正在迅速衰老。

We waited twenty-one years, don't fail

us now. 我们等了 21 年了,如今不要让我们失望。

205. fall (fell; fallen) vi. 落(下),降落;倒; (数量)减少,(价值)下降; 垮台; 被划分为; (责任或责备)由…承担; (庆典或特别事件)适逢(某日); (目光)落在…上; (夜晚或黑暗)降临; (系动词)进入,陷入(某种状态); fall behind 落后 fall


Between July and August, oil product prices fell by 0.2 per cent.

七八月间,石油产品价格下降了 0.2%。

There's a danger of the government falling because it will lose its majority.


The problems generally

fall into two categories. 问题大致分成两类。

That responsibility

falls on

the local office of the United Nations High

Commissioner for Refugees.


His eye

fell on a misspelled word. 他的目光落在一个拼错的词上。

Darkness was falling fast.天很快黑了下来。

One after another, all of them



206. fancy a. 花式的;装饰的;v. 想像;想要, 喜欢; 猜想, 以为

fancy doing sth fancy oneself自命不凡

Do you fancy

going to see a movie sometime? 你想不想有空去看场电影?

I don't fancy this place at all.我一点也不喜欢这个地方。

She fancied

he was trying to hide a smile.她猜想他正在尽力掩饰笑容。

207. fasten vt. 系牢;扣住;拴上


fastened the papers

together with

a paper clip. 他用回形针别好了文件。

208. feature n.容貌;特 v. 使有特; (书刊)特载;(电影)由…主演

Round-the-clock service features this store. 日夜服务是这家商店的特。

The magazine is featuring his articles. 这杂志正在特载他的文章。

It's a great movie and it

features a Spanish actor who is going to be a world star

within a year.


209. feed (fed; fed) vt. 喂(养);饲(养);提供(意见或信息); 加强(厌恶或渴望)

feed on …以……为食 feed back 反馈 feed up (用大量食物)养肥,养壮

At least one British officer was

feeding him with classified information.


The divorce was painfully public,

feeding her dislike of the press.


210. fetch vt. 去拿来, 去接来; 卖得,售得; 吸引

Have you fetched the doctor? 你把医生接来了吗?

How much do you suppose these old books would fetch? 你看这些旧书能卖多少钱?

The beauty of the lake fetched her completely. 湖上的美景把她完全吸引住了。

211. fight n.&v. 与…作斗争; 打架; 努力争取; 努力辟出(一条路) ; 竭力抑制(感


I told him how we had

fought to hold on to the company. 我给他讲了我们是如何极力争取保住公司的。

If I were a young man, I would rather go to prison than

fight for this country.


I fought my way into a carriage just before the doors closed. 我刚挤进车厢,车门就关上了。

I desperately

fought the urge to giggle. 我拼命地想忍住笑。

212. figure n. 数字;数目;图;图形;(人的)身型;人物;(绘画、雕刻的)人物像

vt.认为,判断;计算;推测; 出现, 被提及 figure out 弄懂;弄明白;计算


figured that if I took the night train, I could be in Scotland by morning.


His name

figured among the guests.宾客名单中有他的名字。

213. fill vt. 填空; 装满; 配药; 使充满(感情); 度过,打发(时间); 满足(需要),弥补(空白);填补(职位空缺) ;充任,担任 be filled with … / be full of … 充满…

Her main job was filling

the doctor's prescriptions. 她的主要工作就是给大夫开的药方配药。

If she wants a routine to fill her day, let her do community work.


Lucy is the best person to

fill this secretary vacancy. 露西是秘书这个空缺的最佳人选。

Dena was


the role of diplomat's wife with the skill she had learned over

the years.


214. fine n.& v. ; 转晴; (使)澄清; 使精细, 使精炼

Before the beer can be bottled it has to be fined.啤酒在装瓶之前要使其澄清。

215. fire vi. 开火,开(,炮等),射击 ;解雇;激励 catch fire着火; 激动人心,

赢得成功set fire to放火烧 come/be under fire遭到射击; 受到强烈抨击

They ran away as soon as the first shot

was fired. 第一刚响他们就跑了。

The talk had

fired her with enthusiasm for the project. 这次谈话激起了她对这个项目的热情。

216. fix vt. 修理;固定,安装;确定,选定(日期、价格、政策等); 安排, 弄妥; 凝视, 专心于; 牢记, 铭记 fix sth. on sb./sth. 集中(注意力、目光、思想等)于

Most blinds can

be fixed directly

to the top of the window-frame.大多数百叶窗都可直接安装在窗框上边。

He's going to

fix a time

when I can see him.他会确定一个我和他会面的时间。

If something is broken, we

get it fixed.如果什么东西坏了,我们就人来修理。

Amy watched the child's intent face eagerly, trying to

fix it in her mind.


217. flash v. 闪现, 闪光; 突然想到; 突然显露(强烈情感)

Her thoughts

flashed back to

their wedding day. 她回忆起他们婚礼那天的情景。

It flashed on me that he was the man I’d seen in the hotel. 我顿时认出他就是我在饭店里看到的那个人。

My eyes flashed fire.我的眼睛里冒着火。

218. function v.运转, 运行; 起作用, 行使职责 n. 功能;函数;职责

Despite the power cuts, the hospital continued to

function normally. 尽管供电中断,医院继续照常运作。

On weekdays, one third of the room

functions as workspace.在工作日,房间的1/3用作办公区域。

219. gain v. 获得, 博得; (从…中)受益; 增加(体重、速度等);(尤指经努力)获得;(钟、表)走快

Students can gain valuable experience by working on the campus radio or



There is absolutely nothing to be gained by feeling bitter. 心怀怨愤是绝对没有好处的。

Within two weeks, she gained five pounds in weight. 两周内她的体重增加了5磅。

Their efforts helped the hostages

gain their freedom.他们的努力帮助人质获得


My watch

gains two minutes every day. 我的表每天快两分钟。

220. gather v. 聚集; 收集((分散的东西);采集, 收割;给…打褶; 推断,了解; 逐渐增加(速度、力量等); 拉近, 拥抱

The wind rose and the clouds began to

gather. 风起云涌.

The teacher went round the class to


the papers. 老师在教室里走了一圈收试卷.

The raft

gathered speed as the current dragged it toward the falls.


Gather the skirt at the waist.在裙子的腰部打褶。



that he was the real leader. 我推想他是真正的领导人。

She gather the child in her arms and held him close. 她把孩子拉过来紧紧抱在怀里。

221. greet vt. 同…打招呼,欢迎,迎接;对…作出反应,回应;映入…眼帘,最先被…感觉到

She liked to be home to

greet Steve when he came in from school.


It is unlikely that this suggestion will

be greeted

enthusiastically in the Baltic



I was greeted by a shocking sight.一幅令人震惊的画面映入我的眼帘

222. guarantee n.&v.保证书;保证,担保

All students are


campus accommodation for their first year.


223. handle n. 柄,把 v. 有能力应付,处理; 使用,操纵(武器、车辆等); 摸, 抓, 搬动

To tell the truth, I don't know if I can handle the job.说实话,我不知道自己是否能做好这份工作。

Do you know how to handle the machine? 你知道怎样操作这台机器吗?

Wash your hands before you

handle my books, please. 在拿我的书之前, 请你先洗手。

224. hang v. 处(人)绞刑(hanged; hanged);上吊;下垂,飘垂; 悬浮; 悬挂,吊着(hung; hung) ~ out常去某处;~ around/ about 闲逛;慢悠悠 get the hang of


There were several expensive suits

hanging in the wardrobe. 衣柜里挂着几套昂贵的衣服。

His breath was

hanging in the air before him..他的哈气悬浮在自己面前。

225. head n. 头;头脑(像);才智;首脑;源头;标题 a. 头部的;主要的;首席的 v. 率领;加标题;用头顶;朝…行进;居…之首 head for sp. 朝着某个地方

The delegation was

headed by our Foreign Minister. 这个代表团由我们的外交部长任团长。

One chapter is

headed, 'Beating the Test'. 有一章的标题为“战胜考试”。


headed the ball across the face of the goal. 他一个头球,球从球门前横飞而过。

Running a business

heads the list of ambitions among the 1,000 people



226. hesitate v.犹豫;(因有顾虑而)不愿意(做某事)n. hesitation hesitate to do


have no hesitation in doing sth. without (a moment’s) hesitation

Some parents

hesitate to

take these steps because they suspect that their child

is exaggerating.



hesitate to

contact me if you need any more information.如果你需要更多资料,尽管和我联系

The board said it

had no hesitation in

rejecting the offer. 董事会自称毫不犹豫地否决了该项报价。

227. hit (hit,hit) n.& vt. 打;击中;(演出等)成功; 打击, 使受严重影响; 使突然想起;(风暴,疾病等)袭击,抨击;遇到困难, 经历不愉快的事情; 达到(某一高点或低点)

hit sb on the nose/in the stomach hit the nail on the head正中要害,


hit sb when they are down乘人之危;落井下石 a hit-and-run driver肇事后逃逸的司机

The company has been severely hit by the drop in prices. 这家公司因价格下跌而受到重创。

Youth unemployment has

hit the one million mark. 青年人的失业人数已达到100万。

He admits having hit the lowest point in his life. 他承认自己跌到了一生中的最低谷。

It hit me that I had no choice but to give in. 我突然意识到我除了妥协别无选择。

The band was a big

hit with local people. 这个乐队深受当地人们的喜爱。

228. hold (held,held) n.& vt. 拿;容纳;举行, 进行; (常指疼伤痛而)按住; 盛放, 装;

储备;储存; 怀有(观点、信念等); 持有(许可、股份等), 拥有(学位等); 占有(领先地位、优势等); 关押, 扣留; (好形势)保持不变 hold an opinion/view/belief hold

one’s interest/attention使某人保持兴趣/关注 take/catch/seize/grab hold of 握紧,抓住 hold on (to sth.)坚持

The movie theatre can

hold 500 people. 这家电影院能容纳500人。

Soon she was crying bitterly about the pain and was

holding her throat.


Two knife racks

hold her favourite knives. 两个刀架上存放着她最心爱的刀具。

We have reviewed the data that we

hold for the area. 我们已经审核过为该地区保存的数据了。



certain expectations about the teacher's role. 他对教师的角抱有某些期待。

The Fisher family


40% of the stock. 费希尔家族持有40%的股份。

He continued to

hold a lead in Angola's presidential race. 他继续在安哥拉总统大选中占据领先地位。

Would the weather hold? 天气会保持晴好吗?

229. hunt vt. 寻, 追捕; 狩猎,猎取 hunt for 追猎,寻

Many people

hunt after fame in their lives but never find it. 很多人一生追逐名利,但总不能成功。

Some new arrivals lose hope even before they start

hunting for a job.


230. hurry v. 赶快, 急忙; 催促, 使赶紧 in a hurry 匆忙;仓促 hurry up 快点,使加快

When she finished work she had to

hurry home and look after her son.她下班后就得赶紧回家照顾儿子。

They say they are not going to

be hurried into any decision. 他们说自己不会被迫仓促作出任何决定。

231. hurt (hurt;hurt) vt.&vi. 疼痛;伤害;伤人感情 hurt sb’s feeling What really


His collar bone only hurt when he lifted his arm. 他的锁骨只有在抬臂时才感觉到痛。

232. import v.& n. 进口,输入 反义词:export 出口

233. impress vt. 给…留下极深的印象;使铭记;使意识到(重要性或严重性等) n.

impression adj. impressive be impressed with/by impress sth. on/upon sb.使某人了解某事的重要性 make an impression on sb.

The speaker tried hard to


the audience but left them cold.


My father

impressed on me

the value of hard work. 我父亲让我铭记艰苦劳动的价值。

But this change has not yet

impressed itself on the minds of the British public.


234. include vt. 包括;把---列入…中或考虑在内

The President is expected to

include this idea in his education plan.


235. indicate v. 表明, 显示; 象征,暗示;指示,指出;打转向灯指示转弯 n.


A survey of retired people has

indicated that most are independent and enjoying



His language

indicates a poor education. 他的言语反映出他没受过多少教育。


indicated a chair. 'Sit down.' 他指着一把椅子说,“坐下。”

He told us when to

indicate and when to change gear. 他告诉我们何时打转向灯、何时换挡。

236. inform vt. 告诉,通知;使了解, 使熟悉(常与of连用) inform sb of/about sth告知

keep sb informed of随时告知


inform us of any change of address as soon as possible.地址如有变更,请尽早通知我们。


keep me fully informed of

any development. 事态如有发展,请向我提供详情。

237. insist vi. 坚决要求,坚持主张;坚决认为, 坚持说 insist on doing sth.

My family

insisted that I (should) not give in, but stay and fight.

家里人坚持主张我不应让步, 而应该留下来继续抗争。

I will have another glass if you insist. 你这样坚持我就再喝一杯。


insisted on

being present at all the interviews. 她坚持所有采访自己都要在场。

238. inspect vt. 检查, 审视; 视察

The fire prevention branch inspects factories and all sorts of public buildings.


Each hotel is regularly

inspected and, if it fulfills certain criteria, is



239. intend vt. 想要,打算 intend to do sth. 打算去做某事 intend sb. to do sth.


be intended for 专为…而设计的; 专供…使用的—a book intended for chidlren


intend to win the next election on the outline of developing trade.


This money

is intended for the development of the tourist industry.这笔钱准备用于旅游业的开发。


intend this article as teaching material. 我打算把这篇文章用作教材。

240. introduce vt. 引进, 首次引入; 为(电视或广播节目)做开场白, 主持

introduce sb to sth使初次接触 n. introduction

'Health Matters' is

introduced by Dick on BBC World Service.




us to the delights of natural food. 他让我们认识到食用天然食物的乐趣。

241. invent vt. 发明,首创; 编造, 虚构 n. invention发明物,虚构编造的事

I stood still, trying to

invent a plausible excuse. 我站着不动,试图编个说得过去的借口。

242. invite vt. 邀请; 招致, 诱发 adj. inviting (景象,气味,提议等)诱人的,吸引人的

n. invitation invite sb. to dinner邀请某人进餐 at sb’s invitation应某人的邀请

Their refusal to compromise will inevitably

invite more criticism from the UN.


243. involve v. 需要, 包含;牵涉, 涉及; 使参于, 使卷入

be/get involved in sth. 卷入;参于; 专心于

Running a kitchen

involves a great deal of discipline and speed.


We want to


the workforce at all stages of the decision-making process.


I don’t want to

get involved in

some lengthy argument about who is to blame.


244. issue v. 发行,出版; 发表, 发布; (正式)发给, 供给 n. 重要议题,争论的问题;发行物;一期,期号;流出, 发行 at issue争论中的 have issues with在…方面有困难

The government issues

money and stamps. 政府发行货币及邮票。

The government


a warning that the strikers should end their action or face



The staff will

be issued with new grey-and-yellow designer uniforms.


245. join v. 参与(活动)~ in; 加入, 成为…的一员;连接; (道路或河流)汇合 join

sb. in sth.

Who persuaded you to

join this society? 谁劝说你加入这个协会?


joined their two hands and smiled. 他们将手放在一起, 笑了。

Parallel lines are lines that never

join. 平行线是永不相交的线。

246. judge n. 裁判;审判员;法官 vt. 判断,断定; 估计,猜测(大小、数量等); 为(竞赛等)担任裁判 Judging by/from---,主句--- 根据…判断;根据…来看

It will take a few more years to

judge the impact of these ideas.


I judged him to be about forty. 我估计他40岁上下。

247. jump n.& v. 跳跃;猛增; 插(队); 突然袭击;毫不犹豫地批评;(因害怕或吃惊)猛地一跳; 迫不及待地接受 a great jump forward for human rights人权的极大改善

She jumped to her feet and ran downstairs.她突然站起来,跑下楼去了。

The number of crimes

jumped by ten percent last year.去年犯罪率猛升了10%。

The prince refused to jump the queue for treatment at the local hospital.王子在本地医院候诊时拒绝插队。

A week later, the same guys jumped on me on our own


A lot of people

jumped on

me about that, you know. 你知道,那件事让很多人逮着机会批评我。

The phone shrilled, making her

jump. 刺耳的电话铃响了起来,把她吓了一跳。

Members of the public would


at the chance to become part owners of the



248. kick v.& n. 踢;踹;戒除(恶习); (因干了蠢事、失去良机等)对(自己)生气


kicked her drug habit and learned that her life has value.她已经戒了毒,并且认识到了生命可贵。

I immediately regretted having said this— I could have

kicked myself.


249. kill v. 杀死; 减轻(疼痛);使痛苦;打发(时光); 竭尽全力 move in for the kill伺机而动

He was forced to take opium to

kill the pain.他被迫服用来止痛。

My feet are

killing me.我的脚疼死了。

To kill the hours while she waited, Ann worked in the garden.为了打发等待的几个小时,安在菜园里干活。

You shouldn't always have to

kill yourself to do well. 你不该总是为了做到尽善尽美而累坏自己。

n.& vt. 缺乏,缺少 (a) lack of sth作主语或宾语 lack sth

Despite his

lack of experience, he got the job.他虽然经验不足,但还是获得了这份工作。

The charges were dropped for


of evidence.指控因证据不足而被撤销。


lacked the judgment and political awareness for the post of chairman.


251. land n. 陆地;土地 v. 登岸(陆);降落; 意外到来,突然冒出;(尤指船只)卸货 ;获得,搞到;捕到,钓到(鱼)

Two days later the book had already landed on his desk. 两天后那本书竟然已经摆在了他的书桌上。

The vessels will have to land their catch at designated ports. 船只必须在指定的港口把捕到的鱼卸下。

A friend of mine landed me a three-roomed flat.我的一个朋友给我弄到了一套三居室的公寓。

252. lay (laid,laid) vt. 放,搁; 布置(餐桌), 摆放(餐具) lay the table; 铺放,

敷设; 布设,设置(陷阱); 归咎, 起诉; 奠定基础, 制定规划; 打赌, 下赌注; 生蛋, 产卵

lay stress/emphasis on强调 lay the foundation for为…打下基础

A man came to

lay the saloon carpet. 一名男子来铺客厅的地毯。

They have laid a trap for the kidnapper. 他们设下一个圈套引绑匪上钩。

She refused to lay the blame on any one party. 她拒绝归咎于任何一方。



five pounds that you don't succeed. 我出五英镑打赌, 你不会成功。

253. lead n. 铅 (led,led) v. 领导,指挥; 在…中领先, 胜过; 通向, 通往; 过(某种生活); 招致, 致使;促使, 使得;为…引出(另一观点或话题) lead to 导致

lead a …life 过…生活

The road will lead

you to the seaside. 顺这条路走你就能到海边。

The bank has offered a reward for any information

leading to the arrest of the


银行悬赏情报, 以便将这些人绳之以法。



us to make a summing up of the experience and lessons. 这促使我们对经验和教训进行了总结。

Well, I think that


me to the real point. 这个嘛,我看这让我说到正题了。

254. leave (left,left) v. 离开;把…留下,剩下;使处于(某个状态或位置),任凭

leave a message留口信 leave out遗漏;省略 leave alone不理,不管[惹],不干涉

I'd better leave you to get on with it.那我还是让你一个人接着干吧。


left the engine running.我动机一直开着。 The problem was

left unsolved. 问题留待解决

She left out an important detail in her account. 她在描述中遗漏了一个重要的细节。

255. lie ①n.& vi. (lied; lied)谎言; 说谎 tell a lie lie to sb. 对某人说谎

②(lay; lain; lying) v. 躺; 平放;位于 lie in 位于,存在于

She would


awake at nights worrying. 她担忧得每天都躺着无法入睡。

The papers were


neatly on his desk, waiting to be signed.文件整齐地摆放在她的桌上,等待签署。

She'd need all her strength and bravery to cope with what

lay in store.


256. lift v. 提高, 增加; 举起,抬起;抬起(头或眼睛); (雾、云等)上升,消散; (使)情绪高涨; 撤销,解除(法令等); 逮捕, 拘留n.(英)电梯; 搭顺风车; 鼓舞, 振奋

give sb a lift让搭车

The fog had


and revealed a warm, sunny day.雾已经散了,看来是温暖晴朗的一天。

A brisk walk in the fresh air can

lift your mood and dissolve a winter



The European Commission has urged France to lift its ban on

imports of British



The hijacker was

lifted immediately after he stepped down the plane. 劫机犯刚走下飞机就被捕了。

257. light v. (lit;lit) 点(火),点燃; (使)容光焕发, 照亮 adj. 明亮的;轻的;浅的

come to light 显露, 为人所知 in the light of 鉴于, 根据 see

the light 明白过来, 领悟

The room was


by only the one light.房间里仅靠这一盏灯照明。

I wanted to hold the meeting today, but in the light of

the changed circumstances

it had better be postponed. 我原想今天开会,但鉴于情况已经发生变化,会还是延期为好。

Her face

lit up when she heard the news.当她听到这个消息时,她的脸上闪出喜悦的光彩。

258. load n.&v. 负担;工作量;装载; 把(胶卷、磁带等)装入 a load of/loads of


Soldiers were loaded with blankets and supplies. 士兵们背着毯子和给养。

An efficient bulb may lighten the load

of power stations. 一个节能灯泡也许就能减轻发电站的负荷。

A photographer from the newspaper was

loading his camera with film. 摄影师正往相机里装胶卷。

259. lose (lost,lost) vt.丢失; 输掉(比赛、战斗等); 丧失,失去; 减轻(体重); 错过,浪费(机会); 使专注于 get lost/be lost be lost in thought 出神沉思

The government lost

the argument over the pace of reform. 政府在有关改革步调快慢的争论中是输家。


lost all sense of reason.他完全丧失了理智。

They claim that the police

lost valuable time in the early part of the



Michael held on to her arm,

losing himself in the music. 迈克尔抓着她的手臂,沉醉于音乐中。

260. make(made,made)vt.做make a decision/suggestion/comment/

contribution…/make do with 凑合着用;致使, 改变make sb. do/make a difference/

make sense; 生产,制造make some lunch做午饭; 达到, 到达make it成功

Mr Blair made him transport minister. 布莱尔先生任命他为交通部长。

The police don't

make the laws, they merely enforce them. 警察并不制定法律,只是负责执行。

You've a very good idea there. It will


a good book. 你构思很好,可用来写一本佳作。

v. 管理;设法对付; 好好地利用(时间、金钱等); 勉强做出(微笑、寒暄等),强作 manage to do sth设法做成某事

In a busy world,

managing your time is increasingly important.




a few sentences about his visit to the prison. 他勉强描述了一下探监情况。

262. mark n. 斑点;污迹;记号;成绩,分数 vt. (使)留下污痕; 标明,作记号于;标志着;纪念, 庆祝; 评分(或打分)

I have to be more careful with the work tops, as wood




A huge crater

marks the spot where the explosion happened. 巨大的弹坑标明了爆炸发生的地点。

That programme received critical acclaim and marked a turning point in Sonita's



The four new stamps mark

the 100th anniversary of the British Astronomical



He was

marking essays in his small study. 他正在他那间小书房里批阅文章。

263. master n. 主人(与servant相对) vt. 精通,掌握; 做…的主人, 控制

Students are expected to

master a second language. 学生应该掌握一门第二语言。

They are able to master the situation. 他们能够控制局势。

264. match vt. 使相配,使成对;与…匹敌 n. 比赛,竞赛; 火柴

Her nails were painted bright red to

match her dress.她的指甲涂成了大红,为的是与裙子相配。

They played some fine attacking football, but I think we

matched them in every



265. matter n. 要紧事; 物质; 毛病, 麻烦; (讨论、考虑等的)问题 vi. 要紧,有重大关系

It would be only a matter of

time before he went through with it. 他完成这件事只是时间问题。

As for Laura and me, the colour of our skin has never mattered. 至于我和劳拉,肤根本不是问题。

266. mean(meant,meant) vt. 意思是; (某事)对(某人)很重要; 对…当真; 计划, 打算;

有意 mean to do sth.打算做… mean doing sth. 意味着

What do you

mean by coming home so late? 你怎么竟敢这么晚才回家?

I know you


well, but I can manage by myself.我明白您的好意,不过我自己能行。

I'm sure he didn't

mean any harm.我相信他并无恶意。

The idea that she witnessed this shameful incident meant nothing to him.


It would mean a lot to them to win.获胜对他们来说非常重要。

John was constantly reassuring me that we

were meant to be together.


267. measure v.&n. 测量;距离(或长度、宽度、数量等)为…;衡量, 评估, 判定; 尺度,措施


measured the rope to see if it was long enough. 他量了那根绳子看是否够长。

The house is over twenty metres long and

measures six metres in width.这座房子


It's hard to

measure his ability when we haven't seen his work.没有见过他的作品,


268. meet (met,met) vt. & n. (约定在某处)相会,碰头; (到火车站、飞机场或公共汽车站)迎接; 获得(成功), 遭到(失败) ; 满足, 达到; 偿付, 支付; 目光)接触,相遇; 交叉, 相接,汇合

meet one’s needs/requirements满足…需要 meet with 偶然遇到;碰到;遭到;得到 meet with an old friend/an accident/difficulties/their approval

We could meet for a drink after work. 下班后我们可以见面喝上一杯。

The hotel bus meets all incoming flights. 酒店有车在机场迎接各航班的旅客.

Efforts to commercialise the Russian space programme have

met with little



How can we best meet

the needs of all the different groups?我们怎样才能最好地满足各种人的需要呢?

The cost will be

met by the company. 费用将由公司支付。

I found myself smiling back instinctively when our eyes



The track widened as it met

the road. 小路在和公路相交的地方变宽了。

That's where the river

meets the sea. 这条河就在这里流入大海。

269. miss v.未击中; 未注意到, 未觉察到; 未出席, 未赶上; 缺勤, 缺课;略去,省掉;

错过,失掉(机会) ; 想念 be missing=be lost

He fired two shots, both

missed. 他打了两, 都没有打中。

It's the first thing you see as you come round the corner. You can't

miss it.



missed the last bus home. 他没有赶上回家的末班公交车。



school two days this week. 本周她缺课两天。



two words. 你漏掉了两个词。

It was too good an opportunity to

miss. 这个机会太好了,不容错过。

270. mistake (mistook,mistaken) n. 错误 vt. 弄错 by mistake错误的(并非故意)

make a mistake be mistaken for被误认为


mistook when you thought I laughed at you. 你以为我嘲笑你, 那你误会了。

271. mix v. &n. 混合,搅拌; 相协调, 相容; (使)结交, (使)交往; 混合录音


mixes easily with cold or hot water to make a tasty, filling drink.


Politics and sport don't

mix. 政治与体育不可混为一谈。

I ventured the idea that the secret of staying young was to mix with older



272. monitor n.&v.(班级内的)班长;纠察生;监视器;监控;监测; 监听

Police officers have been closely

monitoring the organization's activities.


This instrument

monitors the patient's heartbeats. 这台仪器监听病人的心跳。

273. multiply v. 乘,(使)相乘;(使)增加;(使)繁殖

One can make 18 by

multiplying 3 and 6 (together). 以3和6相乘可得18。

His experience was

multiplied as the years passed. 随着岁月的流逝, 他的经验丰富了。

When animals have more food, they generally

multiply faster.

动物在有较多的食物时, 一般繁殖得较快。

274. note n. 便条,笔记;钞票,纸币;音符; 语气 vt. 记下,记录;注意,留意; 特别提到

A villager had

noted the number of the truck. 一个村民记下了车牌号。

Suddenly, I

noted that the rain had stopped. 突然,我意识到雨已经停了。

The report


that export and import volumes picked up in leading economies.


275. object n. 物体;目标;宗旨;v. 反对;提出…作为反对的理由


objected that his small staff would be unable to handle the added work..


Do you

object to my speaking to him about it? 我去和他谈谈这事,你有意见吗?

276. observe v.观察;看到;遵守,奉行(法律、习俗等);评论(述); 庆祝, 欢度

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