航空英语 Aviation English

2023年12月26日发(作者: )


航空英语 Aviation English

Welcome To My Class1

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Developing Reading Skills The purpose of this course 1. To

master some aviation terminologies (technical vocabulary) 2.

To master the special meanings of some commonly used words in

aviation industry 3. To be familiar with some sentence

structures/reading skills in writings concerning aviation 4.

To improve comprehension abilities in aviation writingsTest

Forms 1. Listening Comprehension 2. Listen and answer questions

3. Listen and speak 4. listen and retell 5. Interview2


Unit One Text The airplane The basic airplane consists of a

fuselage, wings, an empennage, wheels and engines. A propeller,

driven by the engine, generates thrust to pull the airplane

through the air. This enables the airflow over the wings to

generate the aerodynamic force known as lift that is capable

of supporting the airplane in flight. The airplane can fly

without thrust if it is placed in a gliding descent. The tail

section (or empennage) of the airplane is situated some

distance to the rear of the main load-carrying sections of the

fuselage and provides a balancing or stabilizing force—much

like the tail feathers on an arrow or a dart. The tail section

consists of a vertical stabilizer (or fin) and a horizontal

stabilizer. They are shaped to produce suitable aerodynamic

forces. The pilot and other occupants of the airplane are

accommodated in the cockpit or cabin, usually seated

side-by-side, with the pilot-in-command sitting on the

left-hand side. Various controls and instruments are available

in the cockpit to enable safe and efficient operation of the

airplane and its systems. The main controls used to fly the

airplane are the flight controls and the throttle. The

throttle—usually operated by the pilot’s right3

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suppliedbytheengine/propellercombination. To open the

throttle, push it forward—this increases the fuel/air supply

to the engine, causing the engine to turn faster and develop

more power. Pulling the throttle back, or closing it, reduces

the power. The attitude (or position in flight relative to the

earth) of the airplane is controlled using the main flight

controls. These are the surfaces which, when deflected, alter

the pattern of the airflow around the wings and the tail section,

causing changes in the aerodynamic forces that they generate.

The elevator (hinged to the trailing edge of the horizontal

stabilizer) controls the pitching of the nose up or down, and

is operated from the cockpit with push-and-pull movements of

the control column (or control wheel). The ailerons (hinged to

the outer trailing edge of each wing) control rolling of the

airplane, and are operated by left-right movements of the

control column (or rotation of the control wheel). The rudder

(hinged to the trailing edge of the vertical stabilizer)

controls the yawing of the nose left or right, and is operated

with the feet by pressing the base of the rudder pedals mounted

on the floor under the instrument panel. Other flight controls



the wing flaps (situated on the inner trailing edge of each main

wing)—used to change the shape of the wings and make slower

flight possible; they are operated by a manual lever or

electrical switch; and the elevator trim tab or similar device

(situated on the trailing edge of the elevator)—used to reduce

elevator control pressure on the pilot; usually operated by a

trim wheel or handle beside the pilot or above in the cabin roof.

The panel in front of the pilot contains various instruments

which can provide important information—the main groups being

the flight instruments, which are directly in front of the pilot,

and the engine gauges, which are usually situated near the

throttle. The flight instruments include: an airspeed

indicator (ASI); an attitude indicator (AI) to depict the

airplane’s attitude relative to the horizon; an altimeter to

indicate the altitude; a vertical speed indicator (VSI) to show

climb or descent rate; a heading indicator (HI); and a turn

coordinator with an associated coordination ball. The

instruments related to airspeed and altitude are operated by

air pressure obtained from the pitot-static pressure system,


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those related to attitude, direction and turning are operated

by internal spinning gyroscope (with the exception of the

magnetic compass). The gyroscope rotors may be spun

electrically or by a stream of air induced by suction from the

vacuum system. The magnetic compass is usually located well

away from the magnetic influence of the instrument panel and

radio. The engine gauges include the tachometer (to read engine

rpm), and the oil pressure and oil temperature gauges. Some

aircraft also have a cylinder head temperature (CHT) gauge.

Other instruments may include an ammeter to monitor the

electrical system and a suction gauge for the vacuum system.

1. Words to know 飞机,机身,机翼,尾翼,机轮,发动机,水平面,垂直安 定面,操纵面,偏转,升降舵,推(驾驶)杆,拉杆,驾驶盘, 俯仰,机头向上/机头向下(上仰/下俯) ,蹬左舵/蹬右舵,偏航, 机头向左/机头向右,副翼,横滚,左转/右转,操作襟翼,人工手 柄,电动开关,增大升力,调整(配平)片,配平手轮/手柄,减 小驾驶员的操纵力,前缘/后缘,内侧/外侧,推力,阻力,升力, 重力,气流,空气动力,气压,全静压系统,陀螺,磁罗盘, (抽) 真空系统 ,无线电,滑行,滑翔,爬升,改平(飞) ,下降,进 近,着陆,位于,安装,前/后,机长,副驾驶,驾驶舱,左(手) 边/右(手) ,飞行操纵机构,油门,飞行仪表,空速表,航空地6


平仪,高度表,升降速度表,航向指示器,转弯协调仪,仪表板, 空速,姿态,高度,方向,转弯,内部/外部,发动机仪表,转速 表,转速,滑油压力表,滑油温度表,电流表,监视/监控,电力 系统,真空表 1、飞机本身由机身、机翼,尾翼,机轮和发动机组成。

2 、 This enables the airflow over the wings to generate the

aerodynamic force known as lift that is capable of supporting

the airplane in flight. 3、The tail section (or empennage) of

the airplane is situated some distance to the rear of the main

load-carrying sections of the fuselage and provides a balancing

or stabilizing force—much like the tail feathers on an arrow

or a dart. 4 、 The pilot and other occupants of the airplane

are accommodated in the cockpit or cabin, usually seated

side-by-side, with the pilot-in-command sitting on the

left-hand side. 5、驾驶舱中有各种各样的操纵机构和仪表。

6、 To open the throttle, push it forward—this increases

the fuel/air supply to the engine, causing the engine to turn

faster and develop more power. 7、These are the surfaces which,

when deflected, alter the pattern of the airflow around the

wings and the tail section, causing changes in the aerodynamic

forces that they generate.7

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8、升降舵控制机头的俯仰,是通过推拉驾驶舱中的驾驶杆(或驾 驶盘)来进行操作的。

9、 副翼控制飞机的横滚, 是通过左右移动驾驶杆 (或转动驾驶盘) 来进行操作的。

10、 方向舵控制飞机的左右偏航, 是用脚踩踏位于仪表板下面地板 上的方向舵踏板来进行操作的。



12、 The elevator trim tab or similar device (situated on

the trailing edge of the elevator)—used to reduce elevator

control pressure on the pilot; usually operated by a trim wheel

or handle beside the pilot or above in the cabin roof. 13、The panel in front of the pilot contains various instruments

which can provide important information—the main groups being

the flight instruments, which are directly in front of the pilot,

and the engine gauges, which are usually situated near the

throttle. 14、The instruments related to airspeed and altitude

are operated by air pressure obtained from the pitot-static

pressure system, while those related to attitude, direction and

turning are operated by internal spinning gyroscope (with the

exception of the magnetic compass). What does the basic

aircraft consist of?8


What does the tail section consist of? What are the main flight

control surfaces? What is the function of the elevator? What

is the function of the aileron? What is the function of the

rudder? What is the function of the flap? What do the flight

instruments include? What do the engine instruments include?1)a fuselage, wings, an empennage, wheels and engines. 2)a

vertical stabilizer (or fin) and a horizontal stabilizer. 3)the elevator, ailerons, and rudder. 4) controls the pitching

of the nose up or down.9

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5) control rolling of the airplane. 6) controls the yawing of

the nose left or right. 7) used to change the shape of the wings

and make slower flight possible. 8) an airspeed indicator, an

attitude indicator, a vertical speed indicator, a heading

indicator, and a turn coordinator. 9) the tachometer (to read

engine rpm), and the oil pressure and oil temperature gauges.

Some aircraft also have a cylinder head temperature (CHT)

ils Apart from the fuselage and engines, the most

important parts of an aircraft are the surfaces known as

aerofoils. These include the rudder, elevators and ailerons,

whose function is to control the10


aircraft in flight; and the wings which provide the lift

necessary to overcome the weight of the aircraft and lift it

through the air. A substantial horizontal thrust, provided by

the jet or the propeller, drives the aircraft through the air,

while the wing deflects downwards the mass of air flowing onto

it. This produces a reactive force acting in the opposite

direction, which lifts the wing upwards. Without some means of

horizontal propulsion, no lift can be produced by the wing.

Modern aircraft are so heavy that the wings must develop a very

large lift force in order to sustain the aircraft. The design

of the wing is therefore very important, various factors have

to be considered. Wind-tunnels reproducing flight conditions

are used to examine the behavior of air flowing over different

types of wings at different speeds. The lift produced by a wing

will depend on, among other factors, the wing area, its profile,

and the angle of incidence—that is the angle at which the wing

is inclined to the direction of motion. Air flowing over the

top of the aerofoil should flow smoothly and without turbulence.

This laminar flow is achieved by streaming the profile and by

making the skin of the aerofoil smooth. As a result, the

air-flow will follow the contour of the wing, except for a

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narrow boundary layer of stationary air on its surface. However,

above a certain angle of11


incidence, which varies with the type of wing, the air—flow

is liable to break up and become so turbulent as to destroy the

low—pressure region above the wing. This causes such a rapid

loss of lift that the aircraft may stall. To counteract this,

slots are sometimes fitted to the leading edge of the wing,

guiding the air—flow more steadily over the aerofoil. Since

low speeds are essential for landing, extendable flaps are also

fitted to the trailing edge. These extend the effective area

of the wing, and thus prevent the aircraft from stalling. The

force exerted by the deflected column of air beneath the wing

has a vertical component called lift, and a horizontal

component called drag. Drag in its various forms represents a

loss of energy available to provide lift, but it always

accompanies lift. It can never be entirely eliminated, since

the wing itself offers resistance to the air through which it

moves. A laminar flow over the wing, reducing drag to a minimum,

is the optimum condition. But around the wing—tips and on the

trailing edge, some turbulence is inevitable. The air, flowing

through a region of higher pressure under the wing, swirls up

at these edges into a region of low pressure above the wing and

produces a vortex, which may be so violent as to produce vapor

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trails at the wing tips. aerofoil , fuselage , engine ,

surface , include , rudder ,12


elevator, aileron, function, wing, lift, overcome, thrust,

horizontal, jet, propeller, drive, deflect, flow, opposite,

direction, upwards, propulsion, sustain,design, factor,

flight conditions , examine , wing area , profile , angle

of incidence, motion, turbulence, skin, contour, narrow,

boundary, layer, stationary air, liable, break up,

turbulent, destroy, low—pressure region, stall, slot,fit, leading edge, guide, steady, essential, landing, extend,

flap, trailing edge, exert, deflect, vertical, component,

horizontal, drag, represent, energy, available, eliminate,

resistance, minimum, optimum condition, wing—tip, inevitable,

vortex, vapor trail1、飞机上最重要的部分除了机身和发动机以外,就是翼面了。


2、A substantial horizontal thrust, provided by the jet or

the propeller, drives the aircraft through the air, while the

wing deflects downwards the mass of air flowing onto it. 3、方向舵、升降舵和副翼用来控制飞机的飞行。

4、Air flowing over the top of the aerofoil should flow

smoothly and without turbulence. 5、 机翼用来提供克服飞机重量所需的升力, 使飞机保持升空状态。

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6、As a result, the air-flow will follow the contour of the wing,

except for a narrow boundary layer of stationary air on its

surface. 7、机翼产生的升力量主要取决于机翼面积、机翼剖面和迎角。

8、However, above a certain angle of incidence, which varies

with the type of wing, the air—flow is liable to break up and

become so turbulent as to destroy the low—pressure region

above the wing. 9、缝翼安装在机翼的前缘上,用来引导气流更平稳地流过翼面。

10、Since low speeds are essential for landing, extendable

flaps are also fitted to the trailing edge. 11、襟翼安装在机翼的后缘上。

它们能有效地增大机翼面积,从 而在飞机低速时防止飞机失速。

12、The force exerted by the deflected column of air beneath

the wing has a vertical component called lift, and a horizontal

component called drag. 13、作用在飞机上的力有四个。

它们分别是推力、阻力、升力和 重力。

14、It can never be entirely eliminated, since the wing

itself offers resistance to the air through which it moves. 15、现代飞机很重,因此,机翼必须产生极大的升力才能使支撑 在空中。

16、The air, flowing through a region of higher pressure

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under the14


wing, swirls up at these edges into a region of low pressure

above the wing and produces a vortex, which may be so violent

as to produce vapor trails at the wing Two The cockpit

of MD-11 is arranged in the conventional manner. The Captain’s seat is on the left and the First officer’s seat i s on the

right. There is an observer’s seat behind the First officer’s seat. Storage facilities for loose equipment are provided at

each station in addition to storage areas in coatroom. When the

aircraft is ready for normal flight, most of the switches on

the overhead panel will be dark (not illuminated). This informs

the crew that the panel is in the correct configuration and no

abnormalities are present. Under normal conditions, little

used switches will illuminate blue as advisory indicators.

Three columns of alerts may be displayed on the lower third of

the engine and alert display (EAD). The EAD is normally CRT 3.

Level 3 alerts (warnings) have the highest priority and will

not be overwritten. Level 3 alerts are displayed in red within

a red box15

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and have leading triangles. The latest level 3 alert appears

at the top of the list starting at the top left of the alert

area. Cockpit, conventional, captain, first officer, observer,

storage facilities, loose equipment, storage areas, normal

flight, switch, overhead panel, illuminate, crew,

configuration, abnormality, little used switches, advisory

indicators, column, alert, display, priority, triangleThe

plane makers There are two main things that make aircraft

engineering difficult: the need to make everything as light as

possible. The fact that an aeroplane is up in the air and cannot

stop if anything goes wrong, makes it perhaps a matter of life

and death that its performance is absolutely dependable. Given

a certain power of engine, and consequently a certain fuel

consumption, there is a practical limit to the total weight of

aircraft that can be made to fly. Out of that weight as much

(weight) as possible is wanted for fuel, radio navigational

instruments, passenger seats, or freight room, and, of course,

the passengers or freight themselves. So the structure of the

aircraft has to be as small and light as safety and efficiency

is allowed. The designer must calculate the normal load that

each part will bear.16


This specialist is called the “stressman”. He takes account

of any unusual stress that may be put on the part as a precaution

against errors in manufacture, accidental damage, etc. The

stress man’s calculation goes to the designer of the part, and

he must make it as strong as the stressman says is necessary.

One or two samples are always tested to prove that they are as

strong as the designer intended. Each separate part is tested,

then a whole assembly—for example, a complete wing, and

finally the whole aeroplane. When a new type of aeroplanes is

being made,normally only one of the first three made will be

flown. Two will be destroyed on the ground in structural tests.

The third will be tested in the air. Two kinds of ground strength

tests are carried out. The first is to find the resistance to

the loading of the wings, tail, etc. until they reach their

maximum load and collapse. The other test is for fatigue

strength. Relatively small loads are applied thousands of times.

Each may be well under what the structure could stand as a single

load, but many repetitions can result in collapse. One form of

this test is done on the passenger cabin. It is filled with air

at high pressure as for high-altitude flying and completely

submerged in a large tank of water while the test is going on.

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The surrounding water prevents the cabin from bursting like a

bomb if17


there is a failure. When a plane has passed all the tests it

can get a government certificate of airworthiness, without

which it is illegal to fly, except for test flying. Making the

working parts reliable is as difficult as making the structure

strong enough. The flying controls, the electrical equipment,

the fire precautions, etc. must not only be light in weight,

but must work both at high altitudes where the temperature may

be below freezing point and in the hot air of an airfield in

the tropics. To solve all these problems the aircraft industry

has a large number of research workers, with elaborate

laboratories and test houses, and new materials to give the best

strength in relation to weight are constantly being

ft engineering, a matter of life and death,

performance, engine, fuel consumption, weight of aircraft,

radio navigational instruments, passenger, freight room,

safety, efficiency, calculate, designer, load, stress,

precaution, manufacture, assembly, wing, aeroplane, tail,

maximum, apply, collapse, cabin, high pressure, high-altitude

flying, failure, certificate of airworthiness, reliable,

flying controls, electrical equipment, precautions, freezing


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airfieldThe fact that an aeroplane is up in the air and cannot

stop if anything goes wrong, makes it perhaps a matter of life

and death that its performance is absolutely dependable. Given

a certain power of engine, and consequently a certain fuel

consumption, there is a practical limit to the total weight of

aircraft that can be made to fly. Out of that weightas much

(weight) as possible is wanted for fuel, radio navigational

instruments, passenger seats, or freight room, and, of course,

the passengers or freight themselves. The structure of the

aircraft has to be as small and light as safety and efficiency

is allowed. The stress man’s calculation goes to the designer

of the part, and he must make it as strong as the stressman says

is necessary. Each separate part is tested, then a whole

assembly—for example, a complete wing, and finally the whole

aeroplane. Relatively small loads are applied thousands of

times. Each may be well under what the structure could stand

as a single load, but many repetitions can result in collapse.

The flying controls, the electrical equipment, the fire19


precautions, etc. must not only be light in weight, but must

work both at high altitudes where the temperature may be below

freezing point and in the hot air of an airfield in the

Two Flight Deck Flight decks can vary from

aircraft to aircraft, so it is simpler to refer throughout to

one particular model. The Boeing 747 is a good choice as it is

not only an aircraft familiar to most members of the20

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public but also highly regarded by the majority of pilots. The

flight deck is positioned high on the top of the fuselage to

allow for an upwards-opening nose door on cargo versions of the

aircraft. This high position can impose certain restrictions

on the pilot’s field of vision but otherwise the deck is a good

example of well-thought-out design. There are nine electronic

audible warning “tones” which issue from one outlet, so the

pilot has to make sure he is familiar with them before he flies.

Work is in progress to simplify warning systems and generally

to make them more easily identifiable. The immediate impression

when first viewing the flight deck of the 747 is one of clear,

orderly layout and good accessibility to all the controls and

instrumentation. The pilots sit at individual “stations”

while the flight engineer sits behind the co-pilot on the right

facing a huge array of instruments, knobs and lever switches

from which he can monitor all systems aboard the aircraft

including the engine performance. Directly in front of the

pilot is the control column. This has changed little over the

years. By pulling or pushing it he can lower or raise the

elevators, situated on the horizontal stabilizer on the tail

of the aircraft, causing it to climb or dive. Mounted on the

column is a wheel which deflects the ailerons and cause the


aircraft to bank and turn. At his feet the pilot has two pedals

to control the rudder. This is the upright, moveable section

of the tail, or vertical stabilizer, which controls the21

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direction of the aircraft in rather the same way as on a boat.

Between the two pilots’ seats is a row of levers numbered1—4.

These are molded so that they can be gripped in one hand and

eased backwards or forwards to control the engine thrust. Below

the thrust levers are four smaller levers, also numbered1—4

for controlling the fuel supply. Switches on aircraft are

generally “off” when in the downward position, and “on”

when in the upward position. To the left of this central console

are sliding levers to control the stabilizer trim and the

parking brakes, while on the opposite side a lever controls the

flaps. On a flat, central console at the pilot’s elbow are

various controls for weather radar, radio, aileron and rudder

trim and the Automatic Direction Finder (ADF). In front of the

pilot in the top right-hand corner are warning lights for the

Inertial Navigation System (INS) and above that the

navigational radio selector. To the right is the switch for

engaging the autopilot. A pilot will choose whether to use this

during flight or to fly manually, according to conditions. When

approaching to land, he will switch it off on final approach

and use the Instrument Landing System (ILS) based at the airport

to guide him, or use an auto-landing system if the airport has

a high-quality ILS. Some large airports have this system,


although many have decided against it because of the costs

involved in installing and operating it.22

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Directly under the glare shield, in the pilot’s main field of

vision, is a group of instruments which tell him at a glance

what the aircraft is doing: at what altitude, in which direction,

at what speed and at what angle it is flying. There is a large

and rather colorful instrument positioned directly in front of

him called the “attitude director”. The top half of the

circular instrument-face is bright blue to represent sky and

the lower half is brown to represent the ground. The two halves

are divided by a white line to represent the horizon. A

horizontal symbol is superimposed and independently mounted on

the artificial horizon to represent the aircraft. The attitude

director works very logically. The “aircraft” remains fixed

in position while the artificial horizon swivels to show the

precise attitude, or angle, of the aircraft in relation to the

ground. A computer correlates all the information displayed on

the other instruments and indicates what attitude the pilot

should adopt by means of pointers superimposed on the

artificial horizon. When these are not line-up the pilot can

see at once which way to maneuver (manoeuvre) the aircraft to

regain the correct heading. Below the attitude director is the

horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI). This is a comprehensive

guide-at-a-glance. It shows where the aircraft should be going,


marked by a white square, or “heading marker”, in relation

to a compass and a course arrow which indicates23

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the actual direction of travel. Among other things, it also

shows the distance from a particular station in nautical miles,

and time-to-station and ground-speed or time elapsed according

to what the pilot selects on the panel below. Another important

instrument for the pilot’s reference is the Mach, and airspeed,

indicator. This tells him both his airspeed in knots (nautical

miles per hour) and the mach number, or the speed of the aircraft

in relation to the local speed of sound, at any altitude. There

is, of course, also an altimeter, which tells him how high he

is flying. 驾驶舱,机型,机身,前舱门,货机,限制,视域,设计,电 子,警告音响,可以识别的,出口/入口,警告系统,布局,大部 分驾驶员,be positioned, on top of, 向上开启的前舱门,audible, impose, issue (v.), simplify, the immediate

impression, view (v.), accessibility, instrumentation, 驾驶员, sit at individual stations, 飞行 (随机)工程师,副驾驶,旋钮,扳钮,monitor (v.), 发动机性能, in front of the pilot,

驾驶杆,推杆/拉杆,升高/降低升降舵, be situated, 位于飞机尾部的水平面, 使飞机爬升或下降 4,安 装在驾驶杆上的驾驶盘,

使副翼偏转, 使飞机倾斜转弯 3, 脚蹬 (踏 板) ,控制方向舵,控制飞机的方向,推力杆,number (v.), grip (v.), be eased

forwards or backwards, 控制发动机推力,油门杆, 控制 燃油供应量,开关,关断,接通,in the downward position/upward position,



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on the opposite side, flap lever, 控制襟翼 1,various controls,

气象 雷达, 无线电, 副翼, 方向舵配平, 自动定向仪, in the

top right-hand corner, 警告灯,惯性导航系统,无线电导航选择器,接通/断开自 动驾驶仪,人工飞行,进近着陆,switch off/on,

五边(最后进近) , 仪表着陆系统,guide (v.), 自动着陆系统,high-quality, cost, install, 遮 光 板 , in the main field of

vision, flightspeed/altitude/attitude/angle/direction, 指引地平仪,上半部份/下半 部份,represent, 地平线(天地线) ,superimpose, be mounted, 人 工地平仪,correlate, display,

indicate, pointer, manoeuvre (maneuver) the aircraft, regain

the correct heading2, 水平位置指示器, 白方 框, 航向标

(记) , 航向箭头, indicate the actual direction of travel,

距 离,海里,到台(站)时间,地速,已耗(用)时间,马赫(数)

表,马赫数,节(速度) ,local speed of sound, 高度表There are

nine electronic audible warning “tones” which issue from one

outlet, so the pilot has to make sure he is familiar with them

before he flies. The pilots sit at individual “stations”

while the flight engineer sits behind the co-pilot on the right

facing a huge array of instruments, knobs and lever switches

from which he can monitor all systems aboard the aircraft

including the engine performance.25


To the left of this central console are sliding levers to

control the stabilizer trim and the parking brakes, while on

the opposite side a lever controls the flaps. When approaching

to land, he will switch it off on final approach and use the

Instrument Landing System (ILS) based at the airport to guide

him, or use an auto-landing system if the airport has a

high-quality ILS. Directly under the glare shield, in the

pilot’s main field of vision, is a group of instruments which

tell him at a glance what the aircraft is doing; at what altitude,

in which direction, at what speed and at what angle it is flying.

A computer correlates all the information displayed on the

other instruments and indicates what attitude the pilot should

adopt by means of pointers superimposed on the artificial

horizon. It shows where the aircraft should be going, marked

by a white square, or “heading marker”, in relation to a

compass and a course arrow which indicates the actual direction

of travel. 通过推拉驾驶杆,驾驶员就能升起或放下位于飞机尾部水平安 定面上的升降舵,使飞机爬升或下降。


驾驶员的脚边有两个操纵方向舵的踏板,用于控制飞机的飞行 方向。

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在两名飞行员座位的中间有一排编号为 1—4 的操纵杆,前后移 动来控制发动机推力。

飞机上的开关处于下位时一般为关断状态,处于上位时一般为 接通状态。

位于驾驶员肘部的平整操纵台上,有用于气象雷达、无线电、 副翼、方向舵配平和自动定向仪的各种控制机构。

惯性导航系统的警告灯位于驾驶员前面的右上角,警告灯的上 面是导航无线电选择开关。

姿态指引仪的下面是水平位置指示器,用来显示飞机应向何处 飞行。

I Where is the control column? What will happen if you pull

or push control column? What will happen if you turn the control

wheel? What will happen if the pilot presses the rudder pedal?

What is the function of the thrust levers? In what position are

switches on aircraft generally OFF or ON? What are located to

the left of central console? What are located to the right of

central console?27

37 / 210

Directly in front of the pilot lower or raise the elevators,

situated on the horizontal stabilizer on the tail of the

aircraft, causing it to climb or dive deflects the ailerons and

cause the aircraft to bank and turn control the rudder. This

is the upright, moveable section of the tail, or vertical

stabilizer, which controls the direction of the aircraft eased

backwards or forwards to control the engine thrust generally

“off” when in the downward position, and “on” when in the

upward position sliding levers to control the stabilizer trim

and the parking brakes a lever controls the flapsHeading

Reference Switch A heading Reference Switch is installed on the

center instrument panel. It permits selection of a magnetic or

true reference for the PFDs, NDs,28


Autopilot Flight Director System (AFDS), FMCs, and RMI. If the

heading select mode is engaged and the Heading Reference Switch

position is changed, the AFDS changes to the heading hold mode.

If the heading hold mode is engaged and the Heading Reference

Switch position is changed, the AFDS commands a heading change.

Radio Magnetic Indicator The radio magnetic indicator is

installed on the Captain’s panel. The indicator displays

selected VOR and ADF bearings. The heading information is

supplied by the right IRS (Inertial Reference System) if the

First Officer’s IRS Source Selector is in Right. Heading

information is supplied by the center IRS if center or left is

selected. If the heading reference switch is in NORM, a heading

flag will be in view above 73 degrees north latitude or below

60 degrees south latitude. If the switch is in TRUE, true

heading is displayed, and selecting a VOR, display the VOR

failure flag. heading reference switch, install, center

instrument panel, magnetic heading, true heading, Autopilot

Flight Director System, heading select mode, engage, heading

hold mode, radio magnetic indicator, VOR, ADF, bearing,

Inertial Reference System, heading flag, north latitude,

failure flagAn electronic instrument system (EIS) is installed

39 / 210

on the MD-11. The29


EIS consists of six display units (DU) installed in the

instrument panel, two electronic control panels (ECP) on the

glare-shield, one system display control panel (SDCP) on the

aft pedestal, one remote light sensor (RLS) on each DU and one

on top of the glare-shield, and three display electronic units

(DEU) installed in the electronic bay. The EIS displays will

appear on the six DUs (numbered 1-6 starting on the far left

side). The displays are: .DU 1 and DU 6 are the primary flight

displays (PFD). The PFDs display attitude, airspeed,

barometric altitude, vertical speed, heading, vertical and

lateral deviation, limits and flight modes. Controls for the

PFDs are on the glareshield. The PFD and associated controls

are described in the Automatic Flight chapter. .DU 2 and DU 5

are navigation displays (ND). The NDs display pictorial

representations of the aircraft position and relevant

waypoints, navaids, and airports. Controls for the NDs are on

the glareshield. The NDs and associated controls are described

in the Instrumentation and Navigation chapter. DU 3 is the

engine and alert display(EAD). The primary engine display

appears on the upper 2/3 of the EAD. Alert presentation appears

on the lower 1/3 of the EAD. The primary engine display is

41 / 210

described in the Engines chapter. Alert presentation is

described in the Warning and Alerting chapter.30


DU 4 is the system display (SD). The SD displays either

secondary engine data, systems synoptics, status pages, or

consequences pages. Selection is made by pushing the associated

cue switch on the SDCP. The SD synoptics are described in the

associated chapter. SD alerts, consequences, and related pages

are described in the Warning and Alerting onic

instrument system, display unit, instrument panel, electronic

control panel, glare-shield, system display control panel, aft

pedestal, remote light sensor, electronic bay, primary flight

display, attitude, airspeed, barometric altitude, vertical

speed, heading, vertical and lateral deviation, limit, flight

mode, Automatic Flight, navigation display, aircraft position,

waypoint, navaids, airports, Instrumentation and Navigation,

engine and alert display, upper, lower, Warning and Alerting,

system display, secondary engine data, systems synoptics,

status pages, consequences pages, the associated cue

switch757/767 Flight Deck When the 767 and 757 begin airline

service in 1982 and 1983, they will share a common all-digital

flight deck that will be the most advanced available on any

commercial transport. The new flight deck has more room, is more

comfortable, and provides better visibility31

43 / 210

than any previous Boeing design. Its “quiet, dark” design

philosophy, advanced displays, and superior Flight Management

System will provide flight crews with efficiencies and

performance capabilities never before possible. The 757 and 767

may be operated by two or three crew members. Careful attention

to commonality will make possible a common type rating for both

airplanes for the same crew complement. The flight deck is two

feet wider at the pilot’s station than previous Boeing jet

transports, allowing space for storage of flight kits on either

side of the Captain and the First officer. The adjustable lumbar

support seats are covered in sheared lambskin for added comfort

and reduced fatigue. As a result of human factors

considerations, the color of the flight deck has been changed

from traditional grey to more pleasing tones of brown.

Individual climate zones surround each crew member,

eliminating smoke annoyance and offering a measure of

individual temperature control. In addition, there are

individual shoulder and foot heaters for the Captain and First

Officer. The windshield airflow system introduces air at the

top of the windshield and draws it off at the bottom to avoid

eye irritation. A closed—loop instrument cooling system draws

air away from the crew to a plenum near the forward pressure


bulkhead to prevent heat from the instruments from entering32

45 / 210

the flight deck. Flight deck noise levels are low enough to

allow a true “headsets off” environment. While the forward

windshields are flat for best optical characteristics, the side

windows are curved to prevent turbulent airflow and reduce the

associated aerodynamic noise. Boeing wind tunnel studies have

shown that the aerodynamic vortex created by the sharp angular

change between the forward and number two windows contributed

to cockpit noise levels at cruise airspeeds. This source of

noise has been eliminated in the 757/767 flight deck. The air

conditioning system is designed to further reduce flight deck

noise levels by means of ducting improvements and lower airflow

velocities. Vision characteristics are excellent inside and

out. The windshields exceed SAE recommendations, resulting in

superior collision avoidance capabilities. An extra margin of

safety on landing approaches in adverse weather conditions is

achieved by improving the downward visibility and maintaining

a low pitch angle on

eservice,share,all-digital,flightdeck,advanced,available ,commercial transport, room, comfortable,

provide, visibility, previous, design, display, superior,

Flight Management System, flight33


crew, efficiency, performance, capability, operate ,crew

member, type rating, airplane, foot , pilot’s station, jet

transport, allow, space, storage, flight kit, captain, first

officer, adjustable, cover, comfort, reduce, fatigue, human

factor,considerations, color, grey, brown, climate, zone,

surround, eliminate, offer, measure, temperature control, In

addition, shoulder, heater, windshield, airflow, introduce,

draw, bottom, closed—loop, instrument cooling system, forward,

pressure bulkhead, noise level, headset, characteristics, side

window, curve, associated, aerodynamics, wind tunnel, vortex,

contribute to, cruise airspeed, source, air conditioning

system, further, by means of, ducting, improvement, velocity,

vision, characteristics, recommendations, result in,

collision avoidance, margin, safety, landing approach, adverse

weather, achieve, maintain, pitch, pitch angleThe new flight

deck has more room, is more comfortable, and provides better

visibility. The 757 and 767 may be operated by two or three crew

members. The flight deck is two feet wider at the pilot’s

station than previous Boeing jet transports, allowing space for

storage of flight kits on either side of the Captain and the

First officer. As a result of human factors considerations, the

47 / 210

color of the flight34


deck has been changed from traditional grey to more pleasing

tones of brown. In addition, there are individual shoulder and

foot heaters for the Captain and First Officer. The windshield

airflow system introduces air at the top of the windshield and

draws it off at the bottom to avoid eye irritation. A

closed—loop instrument cooling system draws air away from the

crew to a plenum near the forward pressure bulkhead to prevent

heat from the instruments from entering the flight deck. While

the forward windshields are flat for best optical

characteristics, the side windows are curved to prevent

turbulent airflow and reduce the associated aerodynamic noise.

Boeing wind tunnel studies have shown that the aerodynamic

vortex created by the sharp angular change between the forward

and number two windows contributed to cockpit noise levels at

cruise airspeeds. The air conditioning system is designed to

further reduce flight deck noise levels by means of ducting

improvements and lower airflow velocities. The windshields

exceed SAE recommendations, resulting in superior collision

avoidance capabilities. An extra margin of safety on landing

approaches in adverse weather conditions is achieved by

improving the downward visibility and35

49 / 210

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