

Lesson 58 A blessing in disguise


The tiny village of Frinley is said to possess a 'cursed tree'. Because the tree was mentioned in

a newspaper, the number of visitors to Frinley has now increased. The tree was planted near the church

fifty years ago, but it is only in recent years that it has gained an evil reputation. It is said that

if anyone touches the tree, he will have bad luck; if he picks a leaf, he will die. Many villagers believe

that the tree has already claimed a number of victims. The vicar has been asked to have the tree cut

down, but so far he has refused. He has pointed out that the tree cut down, but so far he has refused.

He has pointed out that the tree is a useful source of income, as tourists have been coming from all

parts of the country to see it. In spite of all that has been said, the tourists have been picking leaves

and cutting their names on the tree-trunk. So far, not one of them has been struck down by sudden death!



[New words and expressions]

bleessing n 福分,福气

disguise n 伪装

tiny adj 极小的

possess v 拥有

cursed adj 可恨的

increase v 增加

plant v 种植

church n 教堂

evil adj 坏的

reputatio n 名声

claim v 以…为其后果

victim n 受害者,牺牲品

vicar n 教区牧师

source n 来源

income n 收入

trunk n 树干

一. 单词讲解:

★ Blessing 神恩,福气,福分,神的保佑;祷告

ask for God`s blessing 求神保佑

say a blessing 做祷告

a blessing in disguise 初看似乎不幸,过后看来却是幸运的事;祸中福。塞翁失马焉知非福

count one`s blessing 知足<数自己的福分〕

bless v 求神赐福于某人或某事;赐予某人健康,幸福与成功

eg Bless those who are hungry, lonely or sick.求神赐福于那些饥饿,孤独或患病的人。

eg Mrs. White is blessedwith 12 children. 太太有12个孩子,真有福气。

eg God bless you! 上帝保佑你!〔用作感叹词,表示谢意或情义,或当人打喷嚏的时候 人打1 / 11

eg You`ve bought me a present ? Bless you! 你给我买了个礼物是吗?太感谢你了。

★ Disguise

n 伪装

wear a beard as a disguise 带个络腮子来伪装

eg He was in disguise , so I couldn`t recognize him. 他乔装打扮过了,所以我没能辨认出来。

eg She made no disguise of her contempt. 她毫不掩饰的表示轻蔑之意。

v 伪装,假扮

eg I couldn`t disguise my anger. 我无法掩饰自己的愤怒。

eg He disuised himself as a woman for fun. 他男扮女装只为了好玩。

disguise one`s voice 改变说话的强调,发假声音

★ Tiny adj 极小的 tiny—tiner—tinest

Small adj 小的

little adj 小的〔含有可爱之意〕


minibus n 小公共汽车

miniskirt n 超短裙

minicab n 小的出租车

puny adj <贬义>弱小的,瘦小的,发育不全的,未充分发挥的

eg A tiny little girl was singing very well in TV.


★ possess

v 拥有

eg They possess three cars. 他们有三辆小汽车。

possess patience 有耐性

possess courage 有勇气

be possess with sth/be possess by sth<尤指人的思想〕被…控制,支配

She suddenly possessed with fear.


eg She was suddenly possessed by fear.


possession n [u] 领有,持有,具有

eg I`ve had possession of this house for 7 years.


[c] 财产

eg He lost all his possessions in the fire.


be in possession of sth 拥有某物

eg He is in lawful possession of a shotgun.

他合法地拥有一支猎。2 / 11

possessor n 拥有者〔owner〕

possessed adj <被强烈的感情,恶魔等>缠附的,疯狂的

eg He studied like one possessed. 他拼命的用功。

eg He fought like a man possessed. 他进行了殊死的战斗。

eg Possession is nine points of the law. 现实占有,败一胜九〔占有或控制某物者打起官司来总占上风〕

★ cursed adj 可恨的,讨厌的〔常做定语〕

相当于 hateful,unpleasant

a cursed person 一个可恨的人

curse n 咒骂的话,咒语

be under a curse 被咒骂的

eg The witch laid a curse upon the princess.


The witch laid the princess under a curse.

v 诅咒

eg He cursed his bad luck .


eg I cursed her for spoiling my plans.


★ Increase V 增加

Increase one’s speed 加速

eg The population has increased greatly. 人口急剧的增长。

increased profits 增大的利润

increase ['inkri:s] n 增加的量

a wage increase 工资增加额

eg an increase of nearly 50% over last year



a 50% increase

add to







★ Plant n. 树木,植物

1 n 植物,树木

wilde plant

garden plant

plants and animals

2. n 工厂,生产

a chemical plant

a power plant


















3 v 种植,栽种

eg We are going to plant trees around the house. 我们打算在房子周围种满树。

eg Farmers should know the time to plant. 农民应该知道种植的时间。

4 v 布置,安顿,固定

eg Policemen were planted along the route of the parade.

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planter n 种植者或花盆

★ Church n 教堂, 礼拜,礼拜仪式,去教堂 〔church之前不加the〕

Churchgoer n 按时去教堂做礼拜的人

Attend church 去做礼拜

At church / in church 在做礼拜

eg Church begins at 9 o`clock. 礼拜在9:00开始。

eg They are at church. 他们在做礼拜。

as poor as a church mouse.像教堂的老鼠一样穷,一文不名


go to school 去上学

go to university /go to collage 去上大学

be out of hospital 出院

be sent to prison 入狱

be at work 在上班,在工作着

★ Evil

1. adj 道德败坏的, 邪恶的

an evil reputation 一个恶名声

2 adj 令人不快的,坏的,有害的

an evil smell 难闻的气味

an evil temper 坏脾气

evil weather 恶劣的天气

give sb the evil eye 恶毒的目光

an evil tongue 说人坏话的恶习

★ reputation

1 [c] 名声

eg He has a good reputation as a doctor.


eg He has a bad reputation as a doctor.


eg She has a reputation for generosity.


have a reputation for laziness 以懒惰出名

eg He has the reputation of being spiteful.


2 信誉

establish a reputation/build up a reputation/make a reputation 树立声誉

eg He is eager to win a reputation. 他渴望获得声誉。

eg If the fact is published , it will ruin your reputation.要是事实被公开的话,会毁了你的名声的。

live up to one`s reputation 不负盛名,行为与声望相符

★ claim

1 要求,索要〔应得的权利或财物〕索赔


claim the insurance 索取保险金

claim the reward 要求奖赏

2 事故,灾难造成的人员伤亡现象

eg The earthquake claimed thousands of victims.地震造成成千上万的人死亡

3 v 声称,声言,断言

claim to do… <某人>声称曾经...

eg He claimed to have seen the Mona Lisa. 他宣称他曾经看过蒙娜丽莎<那幅画>。

claim that<宾语从句〕…

eg The lawyer claimed that the defendant was not guilty. 那个律师声称被告是无罪的。

4 n 索赔

5 n 权利,资格

eg They have no claim to this property. 他们没有资格取得这些财产。

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1 n 牺牲者,受害者〔同义词:sufferer>

the victims of a plane crash 空难事件的受害者

the victims of a swindler 受骗者

eg Those children aer the sad victims of their parents divorce.


2 n <祭神的>祭品,牺牲品

fall victim to… 成为…的牺牲品

eg A man like you easily falls victim to the greed of others.


★ vicar教区牧师

vicar minister <英国国教的>教区牧师基督教的牧师


rector curate

black coat

source ★基督教会的神职人员,牧师,神父




1 n 河流的发源地

the source of the Nile 尼罗河的发源地

eg This stream has its source in Qinghai.这条河起源于。

2 n 来源,出处

a limited source of income 有限的收入来源

news from a reliable source 来源可靠的消息

eg Idleness is the source of all evil. <谚> 懒惰是万恶之源。

eg Idleness is the root of all evil. <谚> 懒惰是万恶之源。

the source of the trouble 纷争的原因

3 n 消息来源,出处,可靠的根据

historical source 史料

eg I got the news from a reliable source. 我的消息非常可靠。

a source book 原始资料

★ income收入〔最通用的词〕

eg what`s your income? 你的工资怎么样?

eg I have an income of 200 dollars a week. 我每周的收入是200美元。

earned income 工作所得

unearned income 非工作所得

eg My income isn`t enough to support my family.我的收入不够养家糊口。

wage n 周薪

salary n 月薪

bonus n 奖金,红包

★ trunk

1 n 树干

eg The trunk of that fir is about 2 meters thick.


2 n 躯干

eg He had a powerful trunk. 他身材伟岸。

3 n 衣箱

eg She packed her trunk.


4 n 干线,主流

the trunk of the Nile

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trunk call

<英〕长途〔long distance call〕

二. Key structures:被动语态

1 有些动词置于被动语态后,可采用两种形式。这两种形式在含以上没有差别,但由于不定式结构更为简单,


1〕 to-不定式即: be done to…

2〕 that从句即: it is said that…

eg People say that he is a genius. 人们说他是天才。

eg He is said to be a genius. 他被说是个天才。

eg It is said that he is a genius. 据说他是一个天才。

2 当一个动词带有双宾语时,两个宾语中任何一个都可做被动语态的主语,但间接做主语<指人的宾语>较为常见

eg The manager offered the vacant post to him . 经理把空缺职位给了他。


eg He was offered the vacant post. 他被给了那个空缺的职位。间接宾语做主语

eg The vacant post was offered to him. 空缺职位被给了他。直接宾语做主语。

Exercise: 把句子变为被动语态

1 She gave me a pen.

I was given a pen.

The pen was given to me .

2 People say that there is oil under the North Sea. 人们说在下面有石油。 There be 句型

There is said to be oil under the North Sea.据说下面有石油。

把there be 句型改为there is said…

It is said that there is oil under the North Sea.据说下面有石油。

3 They are sending him abroad.


He is being sent abroad.


Be being done是正在进行时的被动形式。

4 He asked me to wait for him.他让我等他。


I was asked to wait for him. 我被要求等他。was/were done是一般过去时的被动语态

5 The police has found your wallet. 警察已经到你的钱包了。现在完成时

Your wallet has been found .你的钱包被警察打了。

现在完成时被动语态has/have been done

三 课文讲解

1. The tiny village of Frinley is said to possess a'cursed tree'.

is said to possess是个被动语态,在被动语态it is said后面出现不定式 to possess.


It is said that the tiny village of Frinley possesses a 'cursed tree'.


2. Because the tree was mentioned in a newspaper, the number of visitors to Frinley has now increased.

mention v 对…说,提到,提与

mention to sb 对某人说

eg He mentioned to me that he was going to sell his car.


eg He mentioned to event,but didn`t go into details.


increase vt vi <在规模,数量和程度上>增加,增长

grow vi <动植物>成长,生长,在表示数量上增加时,可以代替increase

eg The number of visitors has now increased.


The number of visitors has now grown.

eg She has grown so much, she is nearly as tall as I am.

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the number of+n …的数量,当这个短语作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式

eg The number of people who own color TVs is increasing every year.


主语是the number of people,谓语动词是is increasing,留意是单数形式。

a number of +pl.<谓语动词用复数>,表示许许多多

eg A number of books have been stolen from the library.

The number of stolen books is large.


注意2个谓语动词,当主语是a number of books 许多书时,谓语动词要用复数have been stolen;当主语是the

number of stolen books 被盗图书的数量时,谓语动词是单数形式is.

3. The tree was planted near the church fifty years ago,but it is only in recent years that it has gained

an evil reputation.

it is only in recent years that it has gained an evil reputation.

it is/was + 被强调部分+that从句/who从句,这是一种强调句式。


eg It is yesteday that I saw you.


Yesterday 是时间状语,当我强调昨天的时候,把yesterday放在it is…that中间起强调作用。

eg It is Henry that was fined a large sum of money.


Henry是主语,对主语进行强调时,把主语放在it is…that 中间。

eg It is cathy that I like best.


在句中做宾语成分,强调宾语时,把宾语放在it is…that中间

eg It is in a small city that I spent my childhood.


In a small city 是个地点状语,对地点状语强调也放在it is…that的中间。

eg It is Lesson 59 that we will begin with. 我们将从59课开始。

Lesson 59 做with的介词宾语也放在it is…that 中间起强调作用。

当强调人的时候的句式是: it is…who

gain v 获得,得到〔不能用于钱〕〔get, obtain>

gain time 获得时间

gain knowledge 获得知识

gain favour 获得宠爱

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4. It is siad that if anyone touches the tree, he will have bad luck; if he picks a leaf,he will die.

it is said that… 据说…

it is reported that… 据报道…

it is believed that… 据相信…

it is eastimated that… 据估计…

it is found that… 据发现…

it is well-known that… 众所周知


eg It is reported that President Bush is visiting Canada these days.

据报道 Bush 总统近期正在访问加拿大。

eg It is estimated that there will be half of the students tomorrow.


eg It is said that he was put into prison.


eg it is well-known that he is innocent.


pick v 采摘

eg She has picked a lot of flowers.


cut v 砍,切,割

eg She cut the apple into two.


die v 死

die for… 为…战死

die for one`s country 为祖国而死,殉国

die for one`s post 为职位而死,殉职

die of/die from/die by… 因…而死,后面加原因

eg She died of canser.


eg She died of old age.


die from overwork


die from wound


die by drowning 淹死

die by fire 烧死

die by one`s own hand 自杀

be dying for <口> 渴望

eg He was dying for a drink.


die away <声音,光线,风等>减弱,渐息

dead adj 死的,无生命的

dead leaves 枯叶

the dead 死人〔指一类人〕

2 adj 完全的,绝对的

a dead silence 一片死寂

come to a dead stop 完全停业

3 n 最黑暗,最寒冷的时候

in the dead of night 在深夜

in the dead of winter 在隆冬

death n 死亡

put someone to death 处死,杀死

starved to death 饿死

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deadly adj 致命的,不共戴天的

a deadly wound 致命的伤口

a deadly weapon 凶器

5. Many villagers believe that the tree has already claimed a number of victims.

claim v 索取某人性命,造成某人失踪或死亡

a number of victims 许多牺牲者=many victims

6. The vicar has been asked to have the tree cut down, but so far he has refused.

have+宾语+p.p<过去分词做宾语补足语> 表示动作不是have的主语完成的,而是别人执行的

eg You`d better have the dangerous building pulled down.


eg I had my hair cut yesterday.


eg I`d like to have the package weighed.


eg I had my bike repaired.


so far 到目前为止

eg He has written three books so far.


eg I can only help him so far.


go far

1 成功

eg He is hardworking and will go far.


2 <钱,衣物等>经用,有价值的〔用于否定句〕

eg A dollar doesn`t go far these days.


go as far as/go so far as +不定式 竟然

eg He went so far as to call me an idiot.


7. He has pointed out that the tree is a usuful source of income, as tourists have been coming from

all parts of countryto see it.

point v 指

eg It`s rude to point.


eg ‘That`s the man who did it,' she said pointing at me ."

那事是他干的,"她指着我说。Pointing at 是现在分词短语作伴随状语。

point out 指出

point sth out 使注意某事物

point the finger 公开指责某人

point the way to sth/point the way towards sth


tourist n 游客

tour n 旅游

--ist 后缀,B2302以--ize结尾的动词结合,构成名词

dramatist n 剧作家,戏曲家

publicist n 国际法学家;评论家

--ist 后缀,以--ism结尾的名词结合,"…的信仰者;…主义者;…实行者"

have been coming 现在完成进行时,"一直…"

8. In spite of all that has been said, the tourists have been picking leaves and cutting their names

on the tree-trunk.

in spite of 尽管,相当于 despite

that has been said 定语从句,修饰all <现在完成时被动语态has/have been done〕

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have been picking/have been cutting 现在完成进行时,表示不停的重复做某事

9. So far, not one of them has been struck down by sudden death!

not of 相当于 none of 一个都没有

strike down 将…击倒


eg Most people in the town were struck down with the strange fever.



1 n 罢工

on stricke/ go out on stricke 罢工

2 v 打,击,撞,罢工,闹罢工,忽然想到,打动…的心

it strickes me that… 我认为...

eg The clock struck eight. 钟敲八点了。

eg A good idea struck me. 我突然想到一个好主意。

eg They are stricking for better working conditons.


stricke it rich 〔口〕忽然变成大富翁

stricke home 一语道破

stricke off 删除,常用语被动形式

eg The lawyer was struck off for his illegal conduct.


Special Difficulties

区别:increase/grow, gain/earn, pick/cut

1) This fruit is fresh. I have just picked it.


2) If you travel by air, you will gain time .


3) He earns £ 300 a week.


4) Judy has grown so much I can hardly recognize her.



1 They say that Frinley has a cursed tree.


A They say 他们说,人们说;做主语和谓语,后面引导宾语从句

B It said 它说,意思不对,应该是 It is said 才正确,据说

C Said 缺少主语

D It is saying 不合乎习惯用法,应该是 It is said 才对,据说

2 If anyone picked the leaves, he would die.

该句中的if从句是过去时,那么主语就应该是过去将来时 would do.

实际上这是个非真实条件句,是对不可能的事情假设,主句使用would do, 从句是一般过去时。

A would

B will

C shall

D would have

3 Despite all that has been said,the tourists have been picking leaves.

句中的all that has been said 为名词性短语,可以作动词或介词的宾语。尽管有种种传闻,游客们一直在采摘树叶。

A In spite 后面缺少介词of,不是正确的表达方式

B Despite 尽管,是介词,与 in spite of意思相同,最合乎语法

C Even 甚至

D Even so 虽然如此


4 This car is too costly and I don`t think I can afford it.

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A worthy adj 有价值的,可敬的,值得的

B worth adj 值得的

C valueless adj 微不足道的

D costly adj 昂贵的,贵重的


1 Money doesn`t grow on trees.


2 Money talks.


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标签:宾语   动词   主语   强调   数量   谓语
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