


Unit Three Life in the Future



1、take up 词性: 词义:

※ 原句再现

I still cannot believe that I am taking up this prize that I won

last year.


※ 拓展学习

Reading this novel took up most of my spare time.

My father took up football when he was only ten years old.

He took up his book and hurried out.

She took up his offer of a meal.

※ 重点操练

I'll ______ the story where I stopped yesterday.(接着)

2、remind 词性: 词义:

※ 原句再现

I have to remind myself constantly that I am really in AD 3008.


※ 拓展学习

Please remind me about the meeting this afternoon.

Can you remind me about the time of the train?

The boy’s story reminded me of my childhood.

What he said reminded me of my unfinished work.

Please remind me to get up at seven tomorrow morning.

Remind him to post the letter.

Thank you for reminding me of giving back the money to you.

※ 重点操练

Yellow flowers of rape always ______ me of my childhood in

the countryside.(使想起)

3、as though 词性: 词义:

※ 原句再现

The air seemed thin, as though its combination of gases had

little oxygen left.


※ 拓展学习

We felt as though we had witnessed the whole thing.

The old machine operates as if it were a new one.

It looks as if it is going to rain.

He raised his hand as though to say something.

He treats me as though I were a stranger.

※ 重点操练

I wish he'd stop pushing people about ______they were

children. (当做)

4、as 词性: 词义:

※ 原句再现

Just at that moment I had a “time lag” flashback and saw

the area again as it had been in the year AD 2008.


※ 拓展学习

As we all know, the earth travels around the sun.

Boy as he is, he knows so much about the world.

She stayed in bed as the doctor had ordered.

As time went by, we knew more and more about ourselves.

As I was getting on the bus, someone called me.

※ 重点操练

Have you swept out the kitchen______you promised? (如)

5、tolerate 词性: 词义:

※ 原句再现

At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate. 开始时新的环境让我很难忍受。

※ 拓展学习

This kind of behavior will not be tolerated.

The school can’t tolerate cheating on exams.

The teacher won’t tolerate any disorder.

I don’t know how you tolerate that noise.

How can you tolerate that rude fellow?

Few plants will tolerate sudden changes in temperature.

※ 重点操练

Our teacher won't ______ any cheating on exams.(容忍)

6、lack 词性: 词义:

※ 原句再现

Hit by a lack of fresh air, my head ached.


※ 拓展学习

I lack the courage to do it.

I don’t seem to lack anything.

Good food was lacking.

She was lacking in wisdom.

He seems to be lacking in common sense.

※ 重点操练

It is well-known that it is impossible for language to ______


7、sight 词性: 词义:

※ 原句再现

However, lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached what

looked like a large market because too many carriages flying all



※ 拓展学习

My sight is good.

Wearing glasses will help poor sight.

Never let the baby out of your sight for a moment.

I watched him until he disappear from sight in the distance.

The fire was a frightening sight.

That garden is the most beautiful sight I have ever seen.

※ 重点操练

She was sick at the ______ of the blood.(看到)

8、sweep 词性: 词义:

※ 原句再现

He was swept up into the center of them.


※ 拓展学习

Did you sweep up all the broken glass?

Don’t leave me to sweep up after the party.

My mother sweeps the kitchen every day.

The floor has been swept clean.

He swept the papers into his case.

Wind swept the leaves from the sidewalk.

His eyes swept the sky, searching for signs of rain.

She looked anxiously for him, her eyes sweeping the room.

The storm swept the country.

※ 重点操练

He helplessly watched the wave ______ his cap away.(卷)

9、slide into 词性: 词义:

※ 原句再现

Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep. 精疲力竭,我钻到床里很快就睡着了。

※ 拓展学习

It’s too easy to slide into bad habit.

The father is sad to see his son sliding into evil ways.

Let’s let the matter slide for the moment.

He slid over the question without answering it.

※ 重点操练

Be careful not to ______ a bad habit .(不知不觉)

10、place 词性: 词义:

※ 原句再现

You place the metal band over your head,…. 你把金属圈套在你头上,…

※ 拓展学习

He placed the book on the desk.

Isn’t that picture placed too high on the wall?

I will place you in charge.

The child was placed in an orphanage.

He was originally placed first, but after a complaint he was

placed second.

My horse wasn’t even placed.

I placed an order with them for some running shoes.

I have placed an order for a book in the bookstore.

He is a difficult man to place.

She knew his face but couldn’t place him.

※ 重点操练

Don't _______ too much reliance on his advice.(相信)


























II. 根据语境填写适当的词


swift, extraordinary, agency, bend, carriage, constantly,

previous, vehicle, press, helmet

1 Sun Yat-sen was a truly ________ man in the Chinese history.

2 Please mark the pipe where you will ________ it.

3 As you know, fashion is ________ changing.

4 In front of the hotel are rows of parked ________.

5 People are often asked to wear _________ when riding


6 The ________ conference is to be held between 9:00 am and

10: next Monday.

7 Anyone can do this job. No ________ experience is needed

for it.

8 This is an express train with 18 ________.

9 You may turn to a travel _________ for information about

traveling abroad.

10 Don’t hesitate; you need to make a _________ decision.


private, tablet, surroundings, mud, flash, skip,

require, master, temple, capsule

11 The doctor told me to take two ________ with water before


12 My car got stuck in the ________ and couldn’t get out.

13 Since you have learned this chapter, let us _________ it and

begin the next chapter.

14 I received my _________ degree for economics in Beijing


15 Those miners were brought up from the mine in a special


16 That old _______ with a history of more than 300 years is

visited by lots of people every day.

17 The height of the desk ________ adjusting a little lower.

18 A neon(霓虹灯) ________ on and off above the door.

19 My hometown lies in a small village with nice _________. I

enjoy living there.

20 The number of citizens in Xi’an who have ________ cars

has reached over a million.


length, herb, switch, impression, mask, lack, optimistic,

settlement, lemonade, jet

21 I like to drink tea mixed with _______. It smells fragrant.

22 If you don’t like this channel, just ________ to another one.

23 She succeeded because she had the determination that

her brother ________.

24 The management and the unions have reached a ________

over new working conditions.

25 –What kind of drink would you like? –A glass of ________,


26 The two sides are not too ________ about the result of the


27 The robbers were wearing stocking ________ when they

robbed the bank.

28 His words left me the ________ that he didn’t like the plan

at all.

29 In our school each class is 40 minutes in ________.

30 The accident happened as the ________ was about to take


III. A核心词汇 根据句子意思写出括号内所给中文的正确形式。

1.Judy and Jane are twin girls,but they are different from

each other in many ___________(方面).

2.If a student _____(缺少)the motivation to study,he or she

will quickly become tired of studying.

3.The secret of happiness is to think about positive things

and stay ____________(乐观的).

4. Training is provided,so no ____________(早先的)experience

is required for this job.

5. The plane is taking off. ____________(系牢)your seat belts,please.

6. Mr. Smith is tired of his wife’s ____________(连续不断的)complaints,so he always goes back home very late.

7.The employee chose to leave because she couldn’t

____________(容忍)the boss’s bad manners anymore.

8.The man is not content with the large sum of money he

has earned. He is too ________(贪心的).

9.We should ____________(回收利用)our waste rather than

throw it away.


(1)Before carrying out the plan,he made a few minor

____________to it.

(2)It takes him quite a while to ____________to the working

conditions here.


(1)As we all know,leaving a good first ____________ is very

important during an interview.

(2)Li Kang is very ____________ with the teacher and the

technology in his new school.

(3)Among the most ____________ athletes were the swimmers,but all of the athletes were worthy of praise.


(1)In the past,it was impossible to find information

____________while sitting at home.

(2)The ____________ we came up with a good suggestion,we

got up and went out of the room.

B 根据下列中文提示完成下面短文:(每空只填一词)


His whole morning was 1)_________ up with the meeting and

his head 2)_________ when it was finally over. Just at that time, the

3)_________ came in and 4)_________ him that it was time for him to

meet the customer at the airport. Looking at his watch, he

jumped to his feet and rushed out of his office into his car.

5)_________ about making a poor 6)_________ on the customer, he

7)_________ up his car on the way but got there some minutes late.

Among all the people going in all 8)_________, he 9)_________ sight

of the customer who was waiting for him, 10)_________ patience.

He hurried to the man, thinking the coming holiday.


A company named“Future Tours” transported Li Qiang and

his friend safely into the future in a time ① . They climbed in

through the round opening and a few minutes later the journey

was completed. They were still on the ② but 1,000years in the


Confused by the new ③ , he was hit by the ④ of fresh

air. He chose a hovering carriage driven by computer and began

to move ⑤ . There were so many carriages that he lost ⑥ of

Wang Ping. He was ⑦ up into the centre of them. At last, Li

Qiang ⑧ sight of them.

Arriving at home, he was surprised to see tree leaves

surrounding the house and provided the house

with ⑨ oxygen. After a good dinner, Li Qiang felt ⑩ , so

he slid into the bed and fell fast asleep.

V. 根据括号内所给的提示翻译下列句子.

1. 圣诞节在中国人中大受欢迎这事缘于改革开放的政策(due to)

2. 吸烟的人在生理和心理上都对香烟有瘾。(addict)

3. 这些旧照片使我想起了和你们一起度过的快乐童年。(remind)

4. 他对营救工作起了很大作用。(make a difference)

5. 不要在考试中冒险作弊。(risk)

6. 喝酒常引起交通事故。(result in)

7. 暴风雨对该城市造成的影响在继续增强。(build up)

8. 我决定离开因为我再也受不了你的坏脾气了。(put up with)

9. 人类能说这么多不同的语言是怎么形成的?(come about)

10. 尽管有些缺点,他总体上仍然是一位合格的研究者。(on the




1、take up 2、remind 3、as if / as though 4、as 5、tolerate 6、lack / be lacking in 7、sight 8、sweeping 9、slide

into 10、place



1、take up 2、remind sb. of sth. 3、impression 4、previous 5、surroundings 6、be back on one’s feet 7、catch sight of 8、tolerate 9、settlement 10、lose sight of 11、speed up 12、instant

13、efficiency 14、sweep up 15、carriage 16、constant 17、slide into 18、assist in 19、in on time 20、in

all directions 21、be lack of 22、be optimistic about 23、make adjustment to


第一组:1 extraordinary 2 bend 3 constantly 4 vehicles 5

helmets 6 press 7 previous 8 carriages

9 agency 10 swift

第二组:11 tablets 12 mud 13 skip 14

master’s 15 capsule 16 temple 17 requires 18 flashed

19 surroundings 20 private

第三组:21 herbs 22 switch 23 lacked 24 settlement 25

lemonade 26 optimistic 27 masks

28 impressions 29 length 30 jet


A s stic us

nt te e 10.(1)adjustments

(2)adjust 11.(1)impression (2)impressed (3)impressive

12.(1)instantly (2)instant

B 1)taken 2)ached 3)assistant 4)reminded 5)Worried 6)impression 7)speeded

8)directions 9)caught 10)lacking

IV. ① capsule ②earth ③surroundings ④lack ⑤swiftly

⑥ sight ⑦swept ⑧caught ⑨much-needed ⑩exhausted


1. The fact that Christmas is popular with the Chinese people

is due to the reform and opening policy of China.

2. Smokers are addicted to cigarettes both physically and


3. These old photos remind me of the happy childhood I

spent with you.

4. He made a great difference in the rescue.

5. Never risk cheating in exams.

6. Drinking alcohol can result in traffic accidents often.

7. The influence that the storm had on this city was building


8. I decide to leave because I can’t put up with your bad

temper any longer.

9. How did it come about that humans can speak so many

different languages?

10. In spite of those shortcomings, he is on the whole a

qualified research worker.

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